Article Index for information about asbestos hazards in buildings: how to recognize materials that might or that certainly contain asbestos in or on buildings and what to do about it. When should asbestos be left alone, encapsulated or removed? How should we test for asbestos hazards in buildings?
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- Daniel Friedman, Publisher/Editor/Author - See WHO ARE WE?
Index to Asbestos Materials, Hazards, Identification, Removal, Testing
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On 2023-11-18 by InspectApedia Publisher (mod) - advice on how to judge the reliability of an article?
I would first see who wrote the article, what are their credentials, what are possible conflicts of interest, who paid the authors, and then I would see where the article was published, what is the publisher's review process, where there outside impartial expert reviewers, and similar criteria.
But the simplest and first place to look is for a conflict of interest: an article describing a hazard, or a not-hazard, that is written by someone who profits from that article's conclusion is in my OPINION a red flag.
Regarding the credibilit of our InspectApedia articles, even with careful and un-biased research and writing, we can make a mistake or the best current information available may change, so we always welcome content criticism, suggestions, or corrections.® is an independent publisher of building, environmental, and forensic inspection, diagnosis, and repair information provided to the public at no cost.
In order to absolutely assure our readers that we write and report without bias, we do not sell any products or services, nor do we have any business or financial relationships with any manufacturer or service provider discussed at our website.
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ACCURACY & NON-BIAS POLICY - live human experts & editors review every article for accuracy, trustworthiness, absence of bias. Criticism is welcomed.
Many of the articles you have been quoting - not all of which were we comfortable un-blocking here - are written by people who work in companies who earn a living from enviro-scare topics.
At InspectAPedia we have no business nor financial connection with any manufacturer or service provider discussed at our website. Independently-placed advertisements & bookstore sales help support the website.
On 2023-11-18
by j -
@InspectApedia Publisher, Can I get some advice on how to judge the reliability of an article?
On 2023-11-17 by InspectApedia Publisher (mod) - do some car brake or clutch parts present an asbestos hazard?
No, not of the asbestos is undisturbed and intact. It's not like a radioactive substance. It does not emit harmful particles as long as it's left alone.
When asbestos containing brake pads, shoes, or clutch pads were common in cars and workers on those vehicles used compressed air to "blow clean" the parts that were being worked-on there was certainly a possible asbestos hazard.
But watch out: Vague questions like "do some x have y" are simply too speculative to be useful or reliable.
Sorry. There are at least 60 car manufacturers around the world and dozens of new models each year. Sweeping questions and speculation are misleading and can make us unnecessarily worried or worse, can lead us to throw money in an ineffective direction.
However I agree that aftermarket automotive and other products, particularly when there are origin may not even be known, is an open question. However again unless you have specific product identification and study and test results all of this sort of asbestos content question discussion is too speculative to be useful.
What kind of protection is needed for removal of solid floor tiles? The basement leaks and rain has started lifting the tiles.
On 2018-02-18 by danjoefriedman (mod) - is it dangerous to be close to asbestos?
It might be helpful to think of asbestos in this way. It's not a radioactive material. It doesn't emit harmful Rays or particles.
Asbestos can be harmful if it is soft, friable, AND when it is being damaged, disturbed, made into dust, AND made airborne.
So if the asbestos in your location is intact, undamaged, prorected, and covered, there's no measurable hazard.
On 2018-02-18 by Lee
Recently moved into a rental house and the boiler and pipe are asbestos. Is there any harm being close to it?
On 2017-05-11 by danjoefriedman (mod)
- it okay just to leave old tiles down even if they are breaking and peeling
- Thanks for asking, Steve: it's such an important and frequent question that we have prepared a detailed article on this question. Please see
ASBESTOS FLOORING HAZARD LEVEL - at and let me know what you think and what questions remain.
About leaving down old breaking up floor tiles: the problem depends on what you're using to cover the floor. For example covering an old vinyl asbestos floor tile (VAT) floor with sheet flooring will not work very nicely if there is loose uneven debris below.
And I would not leave a fragile, broken-up VAT floor in use without protection.
On 2017-05-11 by Steve
Is it okay just to leave old tiles down even if they are breaking and peeling
How dangerous is this floor tiles that have asbestos in them my whole house is done with it
On 2015-11-27
by danjoefriedman (mod)
John, if you removed intact tiles and didn't make a dusty mess by breaking, grinding, sawing the tiles, AND if you similarly didn't make a dusty mess of tile mastic, the risk is considerably lower. The tiles themselves are not friable.
On 2015-08-28
by John
Hi I'm a floorlayer and have lifted these tiles many times over the years. How big a risk is there, as I have been told risk isn't high.
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