Guide to red asphalt asbestos and vinyl asbestos floor coverings, 1900 -1986 using dominant floor tile color (red) as well as sheet flooring with a red pattern and other flooring age clues to identify the probable asbestos-containing floor tile brand, pattern, and age.
Here is an asbestos floor covering material identification key sorted by primary flooring color: red, also related hues such as pink.
This article series provides a guide to identifying asphalt-asbestos flooring (1917 - ca 1960) & vinyl asbestos floor tile (ca 1952 - 1986): identification photographs, product names, styles, colors, and vinyl-asbestos floor patterns, and colors for asbestos-containing floor tile products made between about 1930 and 1986 - flooring materials that are reported to or have been confirmed to contain asbestos in asbestos fiber or asbestos powder-filler form.
These flooring products typically contain chrysotile asbestos, and possibly other asbestos forms.
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- Daniel Friedman, Publisher/Editor/Author - See WHO ARE WE?
Here are examples of popular red or mostly red floor tiles that contained asbestos. Click the pattern names to see images not already shown, or
[Click to enlarge any image]
At above left is a red Armstrong floor tile photo from a magazine advertisement.
Below is a dark red Armstrong asphalt asbestos floor tile photographed by the author in a home in Mabbettsville, New York.
Below: a panel of red colored Armstrong asphalt asbestos floor tiles from 1954.
Below are examples of red brick pattern floor tiles. These popular patterns were also sold as sheet flooring products.
or Armstrong ROMFORD BRICK floor tiles like this example from 1973 shown above
COUNTRY BRICK 12" x 12" regular brick pattern Armstrong vinyl asbestos floor tiles sold in these colors: TERRA COTTA 57400,
If your flooring is in a red brick pattern like those shown just above, either as tile or sheet flooring, see details about brick-patterned flooring
Red and pink floor tile patterns produced by Armstrong included the following:
Watch out: variations in lighting, use of flash, cleanliness, layers of wax or other coatings and even the colour of the lighting source can all affect the perceived colour of floor coverings.
When looking through colour examples or pattern photographs for a match for your floor tile or sheet flooring keep this in mind.
The photographs below of red and gray Armstrong vinyl-asbestos floor tiles show the same floor under two different lighting levels.
Similarly, among some floor tile products, especially the earlier asphalt asbestos and some early vinyl asbestos flooring, flooring sold with the same pattern and hue name may vary by manufacturing batch.
Later improvements in the manufacturing process made the production of flooring more consistent in appearance.
Below I give another example using dark brown Armstrong floor tiles in a popular pattern sold over many years.
Camera focus also varies due to lighting or other trouble., affecting the appearance of floor tile pattern details. I think the floor below is probably Cayuga Brown #715 by Armstrong.
All three of these photographs are of the very same flooring under different lighting conditions. In my third photo below you can also see the effects of dust and dirt on the floor.
Armstrong and other floor tile or sheet flooring manufacturers often offered several patterns with a particular dominant color that can help quickly identify the flooring brand and style. We include some examples here.
More examples of this pattern are at
Below you will find questions and answers previously posted on this page at its page bottom reader comment box.
I had two samples of vinyl sheet flooring tested for asbestos. I found these under tile I ripped up. The house was built in 1976. I am not sure of the red vinyl sheet.
Pics attached.
Both came back as 15% chrysotile asbestos. Please share on your site.
Unfortunately, I tore about 75% of it out before realizing it could contain asbestos.
I am leaving the remainder undisturbed. - Anonymous by private email
On 2021-04-01 - by (mod) - red & white asphalt-asbestos floor tiles
On 2021-04-01 by carla.gore
Walked in to find mum pulling old tiles up from kitchen floor.
I'm very concerned about her health as no PPE worn. Also I've walked in house so may have had exposure.
I have posted picture and would like any advise please
On 2021-03-25 - by (mod) - I am wanting to tear up this red brick pattern subfloor
@2 Layers of 12x12,
See the live link above for
DOES THIS FLOOR CONTAIN ASBESTOS? - 5 easy questions to tell if your FLOOR probably contains asbestos
If you don't know, and canmot find out anything to make a reasonable guess about the asbestosis content of a floor and you have to demolish it then it makes sense to have a sample tested.
See also
On 2021-03-25 by 2 Layers of 12x12
I am wanting to tear up this subfloor and fix as it is very uneven.
The house was built in 55 in NC. I believe this was the original bathroom, and I do not know when this first layer of floor was installed, or the second layer actually.
Can you please advise if you think I should have them tested to contain asbestos? Much appreciated!
On 2021-03-16 by Becca
thank you so much for your help.
On 2021-03-15 6 - by (mod) - UK based and the house is 1950s. Floor tile is a red colour and probably about 9 inch square
OK so 1950s, UK, probably asphalt-asbestos floor tiles.
You can remove the carpet but you'll want to cover the floor with new carpet OR paint it with an expoxy floor paint as a sealer - as we describe at
On 2021-03-15 by Becca
I’m UK based and the house is 1950s. It is a red colour and probably about 9 inch square. There are green ones currently exposed in a porch too.
On 2021-03-15 - by (mod) -
@Becca I,
with not a bit of information about your new home, the best guess one can make about asbestos in that flooring is at
DOES THIS FLOOR CONTAIN ASBESTOS? - 5 easy questions to tell if your FLOOR probably contains asbestos
but I can add that that 9-inch (?) red asphalt- based tile is likely to be an asbestos-containing flooring if it was installed in the United States before 1986. In other countries the key years are different.
On 2021-03-12 by (mod) -
Your photo shows a linoleum rug that you will find in the article index under that topic name.
Some of those products contain asbestos in the asphalt paper backer.
On 2021-02-23 - by (mod) -
Has some advice on how to make the most reasonable guess on asbestos that you can short of having flooring tested
On 2021-03-16 by Becca
thank you so much for your help.
On 2021-03-15 by (mod) - dark red asphalt-asbestos floor tiles in the U.K.
OK so 1950s, UK, probably asphalt-asbestos floor tiles.
More U.K. flooring identification photos and asbestos discussion are found
You can remove the carpet but you'll want to cover the floor with new carpet OR paint it with an expoxy floor paint as a sealer - as we describe at
On 2021-03-15 by Becca
I’m UK based and the house is 1950s. It is a red colour and probably about 9 inch square. There are green ones currently exposed in a porch too.
On 2021-03-15 - by (mod) - dark red U.K. asphalt- based floor tiles is asbestos tiles or not.
@Becca I,
with not a bit of information about your new home, the best guess one can make about asbestos in that flooring is at
DOES THIS FLOOR CONTAIN ASBESTOS? - 5 easy questions to tell if your FLOOR probably contains asbestos
but I can add that that 9-inch (?) red asphalt- based tile is likely to be an asbestos-containing flooring if it was installed in the United States before 1986. In other countries the key years are different.
On 2021-03-15 by Becca I
Hi, I’m trying to figure out if this flooring [photo above of dark red U.K. asphalt- based floor tiles - Ed.] is asbestos tiles or not. Any help appreciated.
We’ve recently moved into the property and one of the carpets has carpet moths so we’d quite like to remove the carpet but won’t if this is likely asbestos tiles. Thanks, Becca
On 2020-12-15 by Mod -pink ceramic tile asbestos?
Maggie, in the U.S. it would be unusual for ceramic wall or floor tile (if made in the U.S.) to contain asbestos. In any event it's not friable - there is no dust hazard unless you're demolishing the bathroom.
On 2020-12-15 by Maggie Black
My home built in 1952. I have black and pink ceramic on walls and small black and pink tile on floors.
Continue reading at SHEET & TILE FLOORING ASBESTOS ID-BRICK PATTERN ID red brick flooring patterns, or select a topic from the closely-related articles below, or see the complete ARTICLE INDEX.
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ASBESTOS FLOOR TILE IDENTIFICATION RED at - online encyclopedia of building & environmental inspection, testing, diagnosis, repair, & problem prevention advice.
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