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Asbestos floor tiles at InspectApedia.comAsbestos Flooring ID Q&A #9

Asbestos-containing floor tile identification FAQs

Q&A on identification of asbestos-containing floor tiles or sheet flooring - set #9

Photos that can help identify floor tiles that are likely to contain asbestos.

This article series assists building buyers, owners or inspectors who need to identify asbestos materials (or probable-asbestos) in buildings by visual inspection.

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How to Identify Asbestos- Floor Tiles - FAQs set #9

Checquered floor tile asbestos   (C) AlexThese questions and replies on how to recognize asbestos-containing flooring were posted originally


The best and quickest way to make an educated guess (without a lab test) about whether or not your floor tiles or sheet flooring contains asbestos is to


5 questions we pose there and whose answers can help you make a reasonable guess at whether or not a particular floor tile or sheet flooring contains asbestos.

[Click to enlarge any image]

On 2020-02-14 - by (mod) -

Quite so Alex,

Asphalt asbestos and vinyl-asbestos floor tiles were sold in many sizes including odd strips and cutouts.

On 2020-02-14 by Alex

Removed this flooring [shown above] thinking it wouldn’t be asbestos as it’s a chequer pattern, only to discover asbestos wasn’t used solely for its practical properties - sometimes it was decorative! 9x9 size tile.

On 2020-02-09 - by (mod) - this could be old vinyl asbestos flooring

Red and white asbestos suspect floor tiles  (C) InspectApedia.comYes it could be a floor that contains asbestos

On 2020-02-09 by Asbestos?

Anyone know if this could be old vinyl asbestos flooring?


On 2020-02-03 - by (mod) - Can I scrape the carpet glue off the sheet flooring ?

You can remove carpet glue; though using a suitable solvent (water sometimes works) is safer than scraping;

We have successfully painted such floors, after cleaning, with epoxy floor paint - see ASBESTOS FLOORING LEFT IN PLACE for various approaches to leaving flooring left in place;

On 2020-02-03 by Kay Smith

I have an old building with what I'm pretty sure is 4x8 asbestos sheet flooring. It has been covered over with carpet.

The carpet was lightly glued to the sheet flooring. I would like to just paint over it, encapsulate it.

Can I scrape the carpet glue off the sheet flooring or should I just leave it undisturbed paint over that too?

On 2020-01-21 1 - by (mod) - Where can I get asbestos tile tested in Ohio?

Michael at the ARTICLE INDEX links you'll find how to contact a certified asbestos test lab at


On 2020-01-21 by Michael J Celentano

Where can I get asbestos tile tested in ohio??

On 2020-01-21 - by (mod) -

Black floor tiles in the UK 1960s asphalt asbestos  (C) Clifford SMost likely those are asphalt asbestos floor tiles. The mastic could also contain asbestos.

If you are removing them without breaking them up to create dust, without grinding or sewing Etc, the probability of meaningful asbestos release into the building would be extremely low. Possibly not detectable. In the ARTICLE INDEX you'll find additional articles on asbestos flooring removal guidelines.

On 2020-01-21 by Sam Clifford

I have removed these tiles from my house, to which my neighbour has suggested they may have asbestos in... they are about 7x7 and black. The mastic underneath is black as well. Any thoughts? The house is a UK build from the late 1960’s... no idea on when the floor was laid

On 2020-01-01 by (mod) - asbestos risk in greenish floor tiles from 1973

Tracey you are welcome to upload additional photos;

regrettably Clark Van Oyen's Comments Box software lets us upload just one photo per comment but you can always post another comment with another photo.

Treat the floor as presumed to contain asbestos. One little piece broken off isn't itself likely to be much of a concern.

On 2020-01-01 by Tracey

1973 green floor tiles may contain asbestos (C) TraceyWe discovered this green-ish floor tile under the carpet yesterday. It looks like classic linoleum to me (commercial type).

The color is solid throughout, no backing on the pieces that came up with a carpet tack thing (I honestly thought it was painted concrete when I pulled the tack strip up).

Since the carpet is gross, I’d love to leave this down and paint over it in section. Has to be easier than concrete painting prep!

The house was built in 1973 by a former Honeywell engineer. I know he put a lot of thought into the building - we even have metal studs in various places.

He used advanced for the time stuff apparently. Aside from the bright color, the floor is in decent shape, my daughter says it looks like a hospital! Lol I just need to determine the asbestos aspect.

Oh it is very durable, there was 2003 vinyl flooring at the entry that tore last week moving a treadmill and the linoleum didn’t even get scratched.

I was trying to take the vinyl up and using a scraper on the glue - again, nothing was happening to the linoleum.

I wish I could upload another picture showing the side view of the tiny piece that broke off.

On 2019-04-19 by (mod) -


I'd like to be of more specific help but unfortunately when someone shows us simply a photo with not a shred of other information about flooring or the building age, country, city, expressing an opinion about its asbestos content -which I have the temerity to presume was your question - would have little or no useful basis.

To take a stab at giving a reasonable answer to "does my floor contain asbestos?"

we have this page with 5 easy questions - well 4 of them are easy to answer


On 2019-04-18 by Brandon Burgess

Any ideas

On 2019-04-12 by (mod) -


Wow! that's amazing. I've been looking at floor tiles, asbestos and not-asbestos since 1976 and I still can't say, just by looking, that a floor does or does not have asbestos.

To take a stab at giving a reasonable answer to "does my floor contain asbestos?"

we have this page with 5 easy questions - well 4 of them are easy to answer


Please take a look there and let me know what you think

On 2019-04-12 by Austin

Had one contractor tell me these don't look like asbestos tiles. House was built in 1961 and it's assumed tiles are original. Tiles are 12x12. The pattern on top is indented into the tile. The tile is extremely thin (1 mm?) and brittle and glued directly to the concrete.


IMAGE LOST by Older Comments Box Code error - sorry. If you can re-post the image we'll be glad to comment further.

On 2019-03-09 by (mod) -

Unfortunately it's a floor in the US and you can't be sure that it was manufactured before 1985 you need to either treated as presumed to contain asbestos or have a sample tested.

On 2019-03-09 by Stephanie

This flooring has all the characteristics of things to look for in asbestos contaminated flooring. We were told it was placed in md 80s but I would like to know if it contains asbestos. The house was built in late 1800s but supposedly the flooring was replaced in mid 80s. Thank you

On 2019-04-17 by (mod)


About your peel and stick floor tile (shown above),

We don't know enough about your building or its age or even the country and city location. However at this link you'll find some easy questions you can answer to address the basic concern of does this floor contain asbestos


I've not seen peel and stick that looks as thick as your flooring but it's possible - just check the back for adhesive. Beware that some peel and stick Armstrong and other brand floor tiles from the 1970s does contain asbestos.

On 2019-04-17 by Rob

Hi putting floor down in basement and contractor ripped up old carpet and found tiles which he ripped up. Said he thinks they are peel and stick Armstrong. Not to worry but not sure. There is yellow glue under it and I posted a pic. Does anyone know if these are asbestos? Appreciate any help.

On 2019-03-03 by (mod) -


I don't think that vinyl flooring can leach into wood subfloor below, though adhesives used to install flooring might indeed penetrate the wood.

If the adhesive contained asbestos it's possible that small amounts may be in the stained areas of wood, if, as you say, the original mastic adhesive had asbestos in the first place.

On 2019-03-02 1 by Ruel

I have some vinyl flooring by Sandran in my house. The material in the flooring has leached into the wood.

Clearing the flooring was easy enough with little dust or breakage. But those stains will have to be sanded. Are those stains asbestos or would the asbestos be contained in the flooring? If there was any to begin with?

On 2019-02-05 by (mod) -

Entirely possible - treat the floor as presumed to contain asbestos or have a sample tested.

On 2019-02-05 by Tyler

Home was built in 1977-78 . Doing remodeling and floor being removed down to subfloor. Picture is of original flooring . Just wondering if you may know if this is one that could have contained asbestos . Thanks

On 2019-01-20 by (mod) -


That's an interesting sheet flooring pattern - it looks more like a linoleum product than vinyl.

If it is not glued down it can probably be rolled up and removed with minimal damage - so minimal hazard as well.

If the floor is glued and has to be removed by aggressive means that may make dust and debris, either treat it as presumed to contain asbestos, or have a sample tested.

At the ARTICLE INDEX on this page and at the article end more-reading list


On 2019-01-20 by William Ibison

cant find this green vinyl sheet flooring, except in my house. house was built in 1972-73 and was under Another layer of flooring from the early 80's. due to water damage some had to be removed

On 2019-01-01 by (mod) -

Your flooring pattern certainly looks similar to if not a match for some of the asbestos containing sheet flooring in this articl seies ASBESTOS FLOORING IDENTIFICATION. You should treat it as presumed to contain asbestos.

On 2019-01-01 by Kate

Here is another photo of the edges. The arrow points to that bottom layer.

Hi, in preparing to install new hardwood flooring in our 1963 Maryland house, we have found three layers of sheet vinyl under the carpets. The previous owner even installed tile over all three, so I’m a little suspicious!

The top two layers look newer, so we’re not AS worried, but the bottom-most layer, a brick pattern, looks different in cross-section where you can see the edges at floor registers.

I can’t find it anywhere in the sheet images, and wondering if you can identify it?


On 2018-11-17 by (mod) - Armstrong Apache white that contained asbestos.


Your floor tile looks like Armstrong Apache white that contained asbestos.

On 2018-11-17 by (mod) -

I would treat the material as presumed to contain asbestos, or have a lab test performed. That test is about $40. U.S.

On 2018-11-17 by crystal

Here are some more photos from our 1940s home. Worried more about the backing than the linoleum flooring.

On 2019-03-09 by (mod) - risk of asbestos in U.S. vinyl tile or sheet flooring made in the mid 1980s

Unfortunately it's a floor in the US and you can't be sure that it was manufactured before 1985 you need to either treated as presumed to contain asbestos or have a sample tested.

On 2019-03-09 by Stephanie

This flooring has all the characteristics of things to look for in asbestos contaminated flooring. We were told it was placed in md 80s but I would like to know if it contains asbestos. The house was built in late 1800s but supposedly the flooring was replaced in mid 80s. Thank you

On 2019-03-06 by (mod) -

Hi Zully - you posted and we replied to your this question at

On 2019-03-05 by zully - asbestos risk in 1968 flooring

I wonder if the floor tile with such pattern and size (12*12) contains asbestos. The house was built on 1968. Thanks a lot!

On 2019-02-25 by (mod) - when to treat 1950s 9x9 floor tiles as PACM

Treat that floor as presumed to contain asbestos.

On 2019-02-25 by Lauren

Removed old carpet to find these thick 9x9s underneath. Many of the tiles are breaking, so some concern here. Went through all the greens listed and was hoping for some help IDing this tile, if someone recognizes it. Home was built mid 50s USA.

On 2019-02-11 by (mod) - 1956 Armstrong Corkstyle floor tiles contain asbestos

Looks like Armstrong corkstyle.

On 2019-02-11 by Trudy

We had a basement flood and found these tiles below the carpet in basement. House built in 1956 but had two remodels. Here are the two types of 9 inch tiles.

On 2019-02-03 by (mod) - how to respond to claims of asbestos in flooring manufactured in 2000 (asbesto-free)


Responding to an Enviro-Scare warning of asbestos in vinyl floor tiles installed in the U.S. after 1985:

I don't think an inspection alone would be useful. If you installed the floor tile in a U.S. home after 2000 the floor tiles do not contain asbestos. No US flooring manufacturer was producing asbestos-containing floor tiles after 1985.

Regarding your buyer's home inspector's assertion that the floor "is asbestos" (the phrasing alone telegraphs lack of expertise) is not a correct nor credible statement since without knowing the age of the floor and more about it no one can assert that a vinyl floor tile does or does not contain asbestos.


I explain the wasteful and in my opinion unethical and unprofessional choice by some consultants and inspectors to spend other people's money to reduce the inspector's own risk (of a complaint of failure to warn of an issue) - it doesn't cost the inspector a dime to over-reach or make an inappropriate and un-founded assertion, but it costs everyone else a great deal:

- your expense to have further tests performed on a sample of the floor

- your expense to pay your attorney to deal with an inappropriate claim

- your attorney's time and trouble

- my time and trouble to write to you about an inappropriate assertion

- your realtor's time and trouble wasted on an inappropriate assertion

- your buyer's time and trouble wasted similarly

- your own potential damages, in my opinion actionable, should you lose the sale of a home or delay its sale based on an unprofessional and incorrect assertion

To be clear, in my opinion it would have been appropriate for a home inspector of a 1955-built home to ask the question of whether or not the floor contains asbestos, a question that ought to be sufficiently answered if you can reply that the floor is from after 185.

Furthermore, an informed professional should also have stated

Asbestos is safe and legal to remain in homes or public buildings as long as the asbestos materials are in good condition and the asbestos can not be released into the air. - US EPA

If you can find a purchase receipt, box or packaging, or offer a written assertion of the flooring age that ought to be sufficient for your attorney to close the issue.

On 2019-02-03 by tdo9179 - home inspector says tiles which I put down after 2000 are asbestos

Hi, i am selling my house and the inspector for the buyer says these tiles in my laundry room (which I put down after 2000) are asbestos and they are requiring me to pay for removal. I read on your site that asbestos tiles ceased to be manufactured in the 1980's.

Should I get another inspection perhaps by someone who can confirm to the buyer that these are not asbestos tiles? They apparently don't believe me when I say I put those down post-2000 and are assuming they were installed with the original construction (1955)?

On 2019-02-02 by (mod) - probably Armstrong asphalt asbestos floor tiles

At the same question on another page I said this is most-likely an asphalt-asbestos floor tile by Armstrong, presuming your home is in the U.S.

Let me know what your test reveals.

On 2019-02-02 by David

I bought my house 2 years ago and they suggested on the report that there maybe asbestos under the floors. Would you be able to identify if these types of tiles are asbestos. I have ordered a testing kit. just to make sure. As I need to pull up the tiles in the kitchen and they are under this and throughout the house.

On 2019-01-24 by (mod) - asbestos risk in old floor tiles ina 1915 home

Quite possibly. See the 5 questions about asbestos flooring at DOES THIS FLOORING CONTAIN ASBESTOS? as that will help you make an informed guess.

Note that asphalt-impregnated paper or felt backed flooring often conatins asbstos in the felt backer.

On 2019-01-24 by Paul Eddowes

Just started demo on this floor, removed linoleum on top to discover this. Does this look like asbestos to anyone?

1915 Home based in MA, USA.

On 2019-01-15 by Joann

Can nails be safely removed from asbestos tiles? Removed carpet now want to take out tack down strips.

On 2019-03-07 by (mod) -

Most likely your floor contains asbestos.


Identify Asbestos-Containing Flooring
5 Easy Steps to Decide if a Floor Probably Contains Asbestos


On 2019-03-07 by Steve


Can somebody let me know if this tile is asbestos or not? They measure 9“ x 9“ and are in a house that was built in 1958.

Thank you in advance!

On 2018-06-14 by (mod) - ceramic floor tile asbestos risk?

Tracy I'm not sure what we're looking-at - I think I see ceramic tile in your first photo and in the second I cant' guess,

Using the InspectApedia search box to look for "asbestos in ceramic tile" finds


please review that article that answers your question better than an off-the-cuff reply. Let me know what questions remain.

Under the ceramic tile in your first image I see what looks like the remains of old sheet flooring or linoleum.

On 2018-06-14 by Tracy R.

I'm looking to find out if the attached image can tell us at all whether asbestos is in these ceramic tiles or products. Any help would be much appreciated.

On 2018-11-24 by (mod) - 1970's asphalt asbestos floor tiles in a 1986 home?

I'm surprised to see what looks like a late 1970's or earlier asphalt- or vinyl- floor tile resembling asbestos-containing tiles in a 1986 home.

Of course a builder could have used new old stock flooring.

Before making more of a dusty mess in my opinion it would be worth having a sample tested for asbestos.

The cost is about $40. U.S. and, if we assume that demolition is really necessary, knowing the answer, if the floor does not contain abestos (it shouldn't in a 1986 home but it could) could save you quite a bit of money.

Let me know what you find.

On 2018-11-24 by James

Hi, can anyone identify the below I have already ripped up 20 but now a little worried.... They are 30cm X 30cm.

They are on the kitchen floor of a late 86 Bryants home.

Any thoughts welcome...

On 2018-10-29 by (mod) - Asbestos in Congoleum Nairn 1967-1970 solid vinyl floors




On 2018-10-29 by Joe

I have congolium-narin (1967-70) solid vinyl floor tiles, different sizes, called Wonderflor Embossed Flagstone Solid Vinyl tiles. Asbestos?
Have an original box if helpful.

On 2018-08-14 by (mod) - Does this vinyl flooring have asbestos ?


I can't say from your photo and knowing nothing about the building coutry, city, age, renovation history, as there were several floor patterns that look much like that you show.


are 5 easy steps to make a reasonable estimate of whether an unknown floor tile or sheet flooring contains asbestos - or to help you decide if a lab test is appropriate.

On 2018-08-14 by Shaun

Does this vinyl flooring have asbestos ?

Thank you

There was padding and a carpet on top of it

On 2019-03-24 by (mod) -

Asbestos suspect floor tile from 1953  (C) DanMost-likely yes, Dan - photo just above

On 2019-03-24 by Dan

Do these tiles from 1953 home contain asbestos?

As you can see there are breaks in floor which is why I’m concerned

On 2019-01-26 by (mod) -

Most-likely yes, Mike.

On 2019-01-26 by Mike

Wondering if these tiles contain asbestos? House was built in 1962.

The edges around the whole room are broken up that is why I am concerned. Thank you!

On 2018-11-19 by (mod) -

Sure Crystal,


On 2018-11-19 by crystal

Here is a better photo. I've ordered a test kit. Won't be here for a few days.

Worried that in tearing it up, I've breathed it in and potentially contaminated the house. Suggestion on what to do to from an air control perspective? Thank you!

On 2018-11-17 by (mod) -


Both floor tile backer AND tile mastic might indeed contain asbestos. I can't determine that from the photo you posted, though the cork -pattern floor tile at the photo edge looks like a pattern that, if installed before the mid 1980's should be treated as presumed to contain asbestos.

On 2018-11-17 by crystal

We bought a house that was built in 1941. The house has nice hardwood floors throughout, but a previous owner put carpet on over it. I just pulled up the carpet and found this old flooring. My neighbor, who restores old homes said, "You have an old form of linoleum.

Made on a woven jute burlap backing, made of ground cork bound with cured linseed oil. It probably dates to the house's construction." My concern is the felt-like flooring underneath it that was glued to the wood floor and the linoleum was stapled to it.

It's pretty flakey. It made me sneeze. I pulled it up in the closet and then it occurred to me that it might have asbestos, and now I'm at the computer doing research. Any advice is appreciated!

On 2018-11-02 by (mod) - 1965-1970 floor tiles from Iceland


I don't think there are nor were vinyl floor tile manufacturers whose factories were in Iceland but of course there have been imports as there continue to be (Pergo and Polyflor popular in Iceland per my information).

From the age and appearance you should treat the floor in your photo as presumed to contain asbestos.

That does NOT mean it must be removed. Best advice is to cover-over with new flooring.

On 2018-11-02 by Erna

1965-1970 floor tiles from Iceland, I've seen quite similar photos on this page but not exact match

On 2018-09-23 by (mod) - Armstong Marbelle 236 floor tile ID


Quite possibly one of the four materials I see in the photo is asbestos-containing sheet flooring.


where we give 5 steps that help decide the probability that tile or sheet flooring contains asbestos.

Let me know if that helps you or if questions remain.

On 2018-09-23 by Sheboygan

Is this asbestos sheet? I think it’s Armstong Marbelle 236

On 2018-09-22 by (mod) - 1979 floor tile asbestos

vinyl with a backer, considering age, if in the U.S. or Canada, good chance of containing asbestos.

On 2018-09-22 by jamusky11

Can anyone tell me what this flooring is made of? It was installed circa 1979.

On 2018-09-22 by jamusky11

Can anyone tell me what these floors are made of? They were installed circa 1979.


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