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Mold in drywall  cavity (C) Daniel FriedmanEnvironmental Medicine & Mold Doctor FAQs

How to find a physician expert in environmental medicine

FAQs on how to find a physician who specializes in environmental medicine, or find mold doctor:

Directory of & contact information for physicians who has expertise in environmental medicine and mold-related illness. In addition to providing contact information for doctors, this document discusses the decision to consult a physician who has expertise in mold and mold related illness.

We suggest a few questions to ask your doctor about the possibility of building-related illness, we include a list of physicians with expertise in mold and environmental medicine, and we provide a article series that can help you assess the risk of mold related illness in a building.

Professional remediation was not needed for the mold cleanup of the area shown at the top of this page, and the mold-related-illness risk to building occupants from this mold contamination was insignificant.

InspectAPedia tolerates no conflicts of interest. We have no relationship with advertisers, products, or services discussed at this website.

- Daniel Friedman, Publisher/Editor/Author - See WHO ARE WE?

Q&A on Finding Doctors with Expertise in Environmental Medicine & Mold Related Illness

Photograph of severe indoor mold contamination (C) Daniel FriedmanQuestions & answers about how to find a mold doctor or specialist in environmental medicine posted originally

at MOLD DOCTORS - ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE - topic home where you will find links to directories of mold doctors & physicians who are specialists in environmental medicine.

On 2022-04-06 by Inspectapedia Com Moderator - how can I find a doctor specializing in mold related illness



Explains how to contact doctors specializing in environmental medicine and or mold related illness for various countries.

Keep in mind that chaetomium is a water indicator mold meaning that is often found in buildings that have suffered water damage.

It would be a serious mistake to think that that's the only mold of interest or the only mold contamination likely to be present.

On 2022-04-06 by Laura

I’ve been sick since October suffering migraines, brain Fog, anxiety, insomnia, severe tinnitus, shortness of breath, pressure in my head that feels like it will explode, and frequent panic attacks.

I just found out that I’m positive for Chaetomiun. I see many doctors. What doctor specializes in toxic mold?

On 2022-02-02 by Inspectapedia Com Moderator - scabies, bird droppings, and more

@Kelly Whelahan,

Sorry that you're suffering.

You need to find a doctor you trust and then follow her advice. Scabies is easily explained as in this health bulletin from the UK National Health Service -
from which we excerpt:

Scabies: What is it?

Scabies is caused by tiny parasitic mites. They're smaller than a pinhead and burrow into the skin and lay eggs.

A more severe and uncommon form of the condition occurs when there are many mites in the skin. This is called crusted scabies, and can affect older people and people with certain illnesses such as HIV infection.

Getting scabies is common. It's easily passed from one person to another through close body contact or sexual contact. It's possible for children to get scabies through close body contact.

Scabies: How do I get it?

Scabies is easily passed from one person to another by close body contact or sexual contact with someone who has scabies.

The mites which cause scabies can be found in the genital area, on the hands, between the fingers, on the wrists and elbows, underneath the arms, on the abdomen, on the breasts, around the nipples in women, on the feet and ankles, and around the buttocks.

The mites can live for up to 72 hours away from the body, so it's possible for scabies to be spread by clothing, bedding and towels.


The treatment's simple and involves using a special cream or lotion. The doctor, nurse or pharmacist will advise you on what treatment to use and how to use it.

Watch out: however respiratory illness and infections from some of the pathogens found in some bird droppings can be quite serious. Be sure to discuss these concerns with your doctor.

Watch out: Cryptococcus infection (cryptococcosis): (from bird droppings), at primary risk are people with compromised immune system but normal adults can also be infected by inhalation of Cryptococcus neoformans, leading to a form of meningial encephalitis. Cryptococcosis is a fungal disease caused by Cryptococcus neoformans or Cryptococcus gattii.



are suggestions for keeping birds out of buildings

On 2022-02-02 by Kelly Whelahan

I live in a hotel for two and a half years I've been very sick I've been diagnosed with three things two of them were highly contagious one of them I knew I didn't have

it had to do with the mold spores and bird feces inhalation there's a bird's nest inside my air conditioner vent that I've been breathing in for two and a half years the mold is crazy

I'll send you pictures I hope I can put more than one I've been diagnosed with trichomonas and scabies trichomonas I never had and scabies I never had that's what they diagnosed me as I send you pictures please help me I don't know what to do or who to talk to and my cat is very sick also

On 2021-11-28 by Inspectapedia Com Moderator - steps for dealing with mold-related illness

@Barbara Misicko,

Most-often mold-related illness abates when people are out of the moldy environment.

If there are people in an obviously very moldy home there are health risks, particularly for those who are elderly, infant, immune impaired, etc.

But nobody can evaluate your situation via a website, email, or posts.

Start with your own doctors, consult with them and listen to them.


you can find a doctor who specializes in environmental medicine including mold-related illness: find a doctor you trust and listen to the doctor (or your sister-in-law should do so if her own physician doesn't have a recommendation and she wants that advice)

Using the on-page search box to search for "what to do about mold"



MOLD / ENVIRONMENTAL EXPERT, HIRE? which helps decide when you need a mold expert onsite to evaluate the situation

If your home or hers has more than about 3 meters of contiguous indoor mold contamination then an onsite expert is needed.

The general procedure is to find the mold, remove it, and fix its cause.

Fight the tendency to panic - as that itself is a health hazard. But do get some onsite expert advice.

On 2021-11-27 by Barbara Misicko

Hi, I am extremely heart broken. My sister-in - law has had severe mood swings for years and years contributing to a very bad marriage. Now she has brain cancer and my brother has just had a massive stroke. His mental condition has changed and he has done some crazy stuff. She is on chemo and he is in assisted living. They have two twin sons age 16.

We now know they have been living in a home covered in black mold I am reading scary stuff that maybe this is what might have happened to them.

How do we begin to look into this. I am just ripped apart! Now I am scared for the twins. Is there anything that can be done to reverse some of the damage done to their health. We live in central Pa.

On 2021-08-06 by - find the mold, remove it, and fix its cause


With the exception of cosmetic mold (search this site for that phrase) it doesn't usually make a bit of difference what "type" or mold genera or species is in your home.

- there won't be just one mold genera/species
- knowing which mold it is doesn't change the steps needed:

find the mold
remove it
fix its cause

On 2021-08-06 by BRANDON, I've tried just about everyone. Most are way out of my price range and want a long-term commitment. That won't be possible until I'm diagnosed with mold illness which I will be.

I'm having mold inspected soon to show the type just can't get help for a proper diagnosis. My landlord has been negligent for year's which made us sick we are in process of leaving but I'm disabled on low income.

My immune system is comprised and I'm not doing good.just hard to find the help I need with a payment plan or something. Attached is just 1 collage photo of some of the mold and conditions.

On 2021-08-06 by - directory of mold doctors

@Brandon, @ Tara Combs, @ N. Allen, @ Mary E. Havens, @ Candy, @ Adrienne, @ Katrina,


you'll see a directory of mold-doctors & doctors specializing in environmental medicine

On 2021-12-22 by Mary E. Havens

My daughter needs a Michigan right away. She is immunocompromised and has been very sick for months..please advise

On 2021-08-06 by Brandon

Looking for a Dr to determine if I have a mold-related illness near Cincinnati Ohio.

On 2021-06-15 by Tara Combs

Looking for a mold doctor near Shelby and it Charlotte NC

On 2021-05-12 by N . Allen

Mold specialist in new England

On 2020-11-10 by Katrina Williams

I'm live in Manchester, PA. I need a MD who specializes in advanced Mold Illness. I have been suffering for 3 years after being misdiagnosed with anxiety ,depression, fibromyalgia, asthmatic. Injections and medications are not resulting in improvement, actually I have gotten worse. My memory has decreased, confusion increased.

Stiffness increased. Total body pain to my ankles and finger tips different than my fibro "poking!" Sudden lightening pain. My vision has deteriorated . The shortness of breath has not improved. Physical therapy makes life worse. I was a forensic nurse who now feels incompetent! Attention to detail is a thing of the past! I need help! I am 62 and retired from public service to enjoy life. Am I too late.

On 2020-08-04 by Adrienne swinson

I need the name and number for a specialist near BU

I have been suffering for 8 months From Doctors to pest control and a landlord that won’t help my skin burns itches and my back and hands go numb I’m having to buy new clothes furniture shoes towels blankets and I’m very concerned for my dog and cat it’s in my car too my hair is falling out and i have COPD and asthma already it’s making it worse please I need help in a bad way.

I’m out of money and need treatment and help for myself and my home and cat thank you so much

On 2019-04-09 by Candy

Please im looking for mold doctor in meridian idaho or boise idaho..i have tested for five strains of mold i need a doctor to help me kill it in my body phone number is 509 552 7067. I live close fo bofh those cities please help me find mold doctor i feel like im going to die

On 2018-05-02 by Anonymous

I moved, though - and the apartment complex was under absolutely no compulsion to get rid of the mold. There are *no laws in the township ("No mold ordinances") saying they have to*. They likely just painted over it and it will grow back right after the new tenants move in (like it did for us) and they will ignore them and give them a run-around.

Even section 8 housing will only inspect it long enough to see that new carpeting is put in, the paint covered all the old mold, and the ceiling is spackled just enough to present a good image. They were trying to get rid of the section 8 tenants anyway, by raising rent past what they'd pay as they were just purchased by a new group. We were far too poor to pay the 2,000 dollars and upward fees for someone from Benton Harbor to come down and inspect it. There are also no mold lawyers in Benton Harbor who would take a case for free so you could recover that cost.

At this point I'm focusing mainly on getting doctors to see that medication side effects go all wonky when mold is involved. Not on how you shouldn't have been given the medication to begin with or any of the rest.

Where online can I find someone who can answer that, as your website doesn't, and when I google, it only shows what medications to avoid, not how toxic mold (or even non-toxic molds) can severely effect how medication works in your body, legitimate or not as not all medications are for things caused by mold.

Surely there is at least one article out there on how molds create odd side effects in medications? Or some expert to ask and quote? This has effected my family's entire medical history and created a problem when dealing with new doctors as in their view no one can possibly have bad side effects to nearly every medication.

On 2018-04-22 - by (mod) -


"Mold testing", with some technical exceptions, is not necessary and is a mis-directed effort if a building is mold-contaminated. Too often such "mold tests" simply confirm that a harmful mold is present - an unnecessary step in almost every case. What IS needed is a competent inspection by an unbiased independent (from the mold cleanup company and other interested parties) professional who can tell the building owner

1. what is the extent of cleaning or possibly demolition and cleaning required to REMOVE the mold

2. what is or are the cause(s) of the mold growth that need to be corrected so that it does not occur.

You can find doctors specializing in mold related illness by clicking on the live link just above on this page at

Continue reading at MOLD DOCTORS - ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE or select a topic from closely-related articles below, or see our complete INDEX to RELATED ARTICLES below.

This website, provides in-depth, researched, authoritative information on mold contamination in buildings, inspection, cause, cure, prevention. Above see the topic index link


On 2018-04-22 by Would Rather Stay Anon

My family lived in an apartment in Berrien County, Michigan with several different molds for several years. Our township had too many mold problems so they decided to do away with Mold Ordinances as it was too expensive to provide home testing. The black, spongy mold was especially common. No doctors were willing to do anything medical to test for mold exposure or help, and when medical requests continued it was met with hostility.

Our family is unwell. We reacted with an extreme number of side effects to many, many medications, leading doctors to believe that none of the side effects and lack of medications working were real. We eventually had to move as section 8 declared it unfit due to the mold.

Even though we've moved to an entirely different state, doctors aren't really interested in the mold exposure in our new state, either - so telling a doctor about limited means and asking for help really doesn't work. Recently I saw on a Dr. Phil youtube advertisement, a mold specialist said that different molds can create not only health problems, but also multiple strange reactions to medications.

Where can I learn more about this? Are there websites? This is the closest we've been able to find a mold specialist who can answer this.

On 2019-05-27 by (mod) -

@ Kristina, @ Anon, @ Sumi, @ Maggie, and other readers,

If your own personal doctor - the right place to start - can't help with a referral, then please see

MOLD DOCTORS - ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE - topic home - you'll see a directory of mold-doctors & doctors specializing in environmental medicine

From the article above on this page try American Academy of Environmental Medicine, 6505 E. Central Ave., #296, Wichita KS 67206 316-684-5500 -

On 2019-03-19 23:40:42.251429 by Anonymous

Need a mold dr in california

On 2019-01-21 by Sumi

I'm sorry, I do not see the doctor directory..need someone in LA urgently..kindly advise...thank you!

On 2018-12-21 by Maggie

I am needing a mold doctor in the Sacramento, California area ASAP. Thank you. My email is I have suffered for seven years and have recd no help from my primary. Court case coming up.

On 2018-09-23 by (mod) -

The article above on this page gives suggestions for finding a mold-doctor and numbers you can call. If your own personal doctor - the right place to start - can't help with a referral, then please give that a try.

On 2018-09-23 by Anonymous

Need mold doctor in Pittsburgh. Tenant about to getting evicted for filing with magistrate over failure to disclose. I am sick and need to get the right tests to get the right treatment. Vision and hair loss and fatigue.

On 2018-09-14 by Georgi Matusewicz

I need a physician that does t complete mold toxicity testing that can be authorized through my insurance and is in NJ. HI B/C B/S of New Jersey. Came down with autoimmune Hasimotos and have a positive AnD Titer. Need someone to work with me in Morris County, please!

On 2018-09-12 by joey

i need a mold doctor in suffolk county ny as i have been exposed to it for years and when brought to the landlords attention to be fixed i was evicted

On 2018-09-04 by Ruthie meeker

Our house is completely covered with black mold we're going to have to renovate down to the studs and my entire family is extremely sick. I am looking for a doctor in our area who specializes in this

On 2018-08-16 by (mod) -


We give contact sources for physicians specializing in environmental medicine in the article above. You'll need to select and talk with doctors based on the country and city where you live. Discuss your concerns vis-a-vis the individual doctor's area of specialty.

You may also find help from Aerotoxic Association, 27 Old Gloucester Street , London, London WC1N 3AX United Kingdom - Europe Website:

See also our article AIR QUALITY on COMMERCIAL AIRCRAFT - where we include citations to expert sources including the WHO on Aerotoxic syndrome.

See also AEROTOXIC SYNDROME: A NEW OCCUPATIONAL DISEASE? [PDF] - from WHO, Susan Michaelis, Jonathan Burdon, C. Vyvyan Howard, Public Health Panorama, VOl. 3 No. 2, June 2017, pp. 141-356, retrieved 2018/08/16, original source:

For other readers: research on Aerotoxic syndrome yields conflicting opinions and sources.

From the World Health Organization article cited above:
A clear cause and effect relationship has been identified linking the symptoms, diagnoses and findings to the occupational environment. Recognition of this new occupational disorder and a clear medical investigation protocol are urgently needed.

From Wikipedia 2013 entry - a few years older:
Aerotoxic syndrome is a phrase coined by Chris Winder and Jean-Christophe Balouet in 2000, to describe their claims of short- and long-term ill-health effects caused by breathing airliner cabin air which was alleged to have been contaminated to toxic levels (exceeding known, parts per million, safe levels) with atomized engine oils or other chemicals.[1] An assessment by the UK's House of Lords Science and Technology Committee found that claims of health effects were unsubstantiated.[2] An update in 2008 found no significant new evidence.[3] As of 2013 this syndrome is not recognized in medicine.[4][5]

On 2018-08-16 by Mindy

Looking for Doctor who specializing Aerotoxic Syndrome.

On 2018-08-16 by (mod) - Aerotoxic Syndrome resources & debate


We give contact sources for physicians specializing in environmental medicine in the article above. You'll need to select and talk with doctors based on the country and city where you live. Discuss your concerns vis-a-vis the individual doctor's area of specialty.

You may also find help from Aerotoxic Association, 27 Old Gloucester Street , London, London WC1N 3AX United Kingdom - Europe Website:

See also our article AIR QUALITY on COMMERCIAL AIRCRAFT where we include citations to expert sources including the WHO on Aerotoxic syndrome.

WHO, Susan Michaelis, Jonathan Burdon, C. Vyvyan Howard, Public Health Panorama, VOl. 3 No. 2, June 2017, pp. 141-356, retrieved 2018/08/16, original source:

For other readers: research on Aerotoxic syndrome yields conflicting opinions and sources.

From the World Health Organization article cited above:

A clear cause and effect relationship has been identified linking the symptoms, diagnoses and findings to the occupational environment. Recognition of this new occupational disorder and a clear medical investigation protocol are urgently needed.

From Wikipedia 2013 entry - a few years older:

Aerotoxic syndrome is a phrase coined by Chris Winder and Jean-Christophe Balouet in 2000, to describe their claims of short- and long-term ill-health effects caused by breathing airliner cabin air which was alleged to have been contaminated to toxic levels (exceeding known, parts per million, safe levels) with atomized engine oils or other chemicals.[1]

An assessment by the UK's House of Lords Science and Technology Committee found that claims of health effects were unsubstantiated.[2] An update in 2008 found no significant new evidence.[3] As of 2013 this syndrome is not recognized in medicine.[4][5]

On 2018-08-16 by Mindy Looking for Doctor who specializing Aerotoxic Syndrome.

Looking for Doctor who specializing Aerotoxic Syndrome.

On 2018-07-12 by (mod) - Raw spore counts in the range of 10 spores per cubic meter

Raw spore counts in the range of 10 spores per cubic meter of anything are rather low, but when indoor air shows a mold level 10 times greater than outdoors, that's rather suspicious even when the absolute counts are still low.

Furthermore, Penicillium/Aspergillus spores indoors at 10 times outdoors does suggest there is a problem.

Air tests for mold are very inaccurate, but the worst problem is false negatives - failing to detect a problem when in fact one is present.

Your situation is different: the test indicates that further investigation to find a hidden mold reservoir would be appropriate.

On 2018-07-12 by Christ's

I have lupus and habe mold i house , one inspector who did air rest didnt vusual check said I had a big problem. Another guy inspecter said no big problem the numbers he saw. It was rwa numbers and numbers ib cubic meyers the outside number rwa count outside aspillious,penicillin was 10 and inside wad 101. Is this danderous

On 2018-06-30 by (mod) -

Chris: we have added ISEAI in the article above - let us know if you have contact information such as an email for the association.

On 2018-06-12 by (mod) -

Try the American Environmental Medical doctor listings in association's listed in the article above. Those would be most comprehensive.

On 2018-06-11 by Ginny

I need a list of mold and asbestos doctors in Ca. My partner and I have been and still are being exposed to black mold and asbestos. I currently have a Workman's Comp. case going for this serious problem. However, we have gone through two dishonest Lawyers, who I have fired.

We have been slowly dying in our apt./office now for going on 8 yrs. and cannot get anyone to help us in our situation. The Doctors that our fired Lawyer sent us to were idiots. they got 1/2 of our information wrong on their medical reports and never addressed our growing symptoms. I need to know which test you need to prove that these toxins are the cause of our fading health before we die here. If anyone can help us.... I would be eternally grateful. Sincerely, Desperate

On 2018-06-04 by (mod) -


United States: Center for Environmental Medicine (Portland OR), 10748 NE Halsey Street Portland, OR 97220-3961 USA, Tel.: (503) 261-0966 Fax: (503 252-2691 Tel.: (360) 690-0017 E-mail: - Dr. Chris Hatlestad,MD, ABFM


American Academy of Environmental Medicine, 6505 E. Central Ave., #296, Wichita KS 67206 316-684-5500 -

On 2018-06-04 by Syreeta SmithShe Shelton

This is urgent, my 22 year old son was admitted to the hospital last weekend. Healthy child, no illnesses ever. 9pds 4oz.

He moved into basement 6months ago. I just remembered. He is still ill, and waiting for doctors appt. I'm considering taking him back to E.R. He is still weak, headaches.

It's black mold I beleive. He just vomitted, we are on our way back to the emergency room. He hadn't done that since discharge last weekend

They diagnosed him with Rhabdomyolysis. Which is incorrect. But those number levels associated with that was 1200.

He isn't an athlete, never had been. I called University Hospital, They have no doctor who specializes in eviromental medicine. Right trying to alkalize his body and he won't comply with me.

I need a doctor in Cleveland Ohio, please! Syreeta Smith Shelton.

On 2018-06-01 by (mod) -


Can you give specific sources for your observation of the deaths you cite?

Have you discussed those fatalities with Montreal Heath Services?

On 2018-06-01 by Lyn

I am living in an apartment run by Montreal Housing. I moved here because the last building I lived in was full of mold and tenants were getting sick. This was an 8 story building and this whole place had to be evacuated.

I was feeling sick all the time, no energy, no socializing and I was sleeping all the time. Everything was an effort. I finally contacted Montreal Health services and told them what was happening.

I won't go into a long story but all the tenants were relocated to other buildings. Arrangements were made to get everyone out of there as soon as possible.

I was given a choice of where I wanted to live and chose LaSalle because it is out of the downtown core and is a nice borough. What a mistake that was. Unknown to me there had been a fire in that apartment and it had all been rebuilt, I was told that there had been a lot of water damage and the contractor didn't wait for the water to dry, they just put up the walls and let it sit for a period of time and as a result I went from the pot into the fire.

I moved in here in 2010 and from then until now there have been approx. 35 to approx. 40 people that have died. I don't believe in coincidence, there is something very wrong in this building and something has to be done. Now I wait. wondering who is going to die next.

On 2018-02-06 by (mod) -

Start with a request to your personal physician for referral to a suitable specialist. You can also contact mold and environmental medical specialist using the information above on this page.

On 2018-02-04 by Cathy Casado

I had to leave my home December 12th 2017 because of black and aspergillus and many other toxic molds that were found in my home and contaminated everything in my home including it being airborne. It was due to three major floods from a pipe that was broken underneath my Island in my kitchen.

The rental company never did anything about it even though I complained and complained and complained. They never cleaned it up and of course I got very very sick, I had all of the same symptoms that @Kathy F had and more. We had to move to another rental after staying in a hotel for several weeks. I was exposed for over a year 24/7 because I was at home after a knee replacement. I live in Florida.

And we called in our own company to have the house tested and they told us not only is all of your stuff contaminated but it is Airborne and we have multiple pictures and such. I'm still sick but in Florida , it's like trying to find a needle in a haystack for a doctor to treat you for black mold , aspergillus and other molds that were toxic in the house . 2 pages to be exact! Florida doesn't have doctors that are equipped to treat you and I am still after almost 2 months sick.

I don't know who to turn to I don't know who to call.

My ENT did not even look at the Q-tips that I had brought in that had black stuff on them from my nose he just said give it to your allergist! And my allergist did nothing with it! So now I'm going to have an endoscopy and a colonoscopy and get samples of my stomach and my intestines because my GI doc says all of these things that are going on with me are because of the mold. So they're going to test the samples.

I also have to have a bronchoscopy which I should have had with the first pulmonologist that I saw but he told me that oh don't worry about it over time it will dissipate from your lungs ! I I nearly fell over! I feel like he really dropped the ball when I went to him so sick I can hardly keep my head up.

Of course now there are things that are better, I don't have bloody noses anymore and my asthma is much better but I still have hair loss and I've lost over 40 lb. I have tremendous pain in my knee and my lower back. The pain in my knee has gotten so much worse and keeps getting worse everyday. Who do I call to help me ???

On 2017-11-11 by Verna Pettaway

How to find a doctor that can test me for yeast and mold in my home. Have been sick for years doctors can't seem to find out what is wrong.

On 2017-11-09 by Shirley

I am just so amazed, that after so many years, of all of the facts, research, and people that truly are so ill...some gone. That for 3 years now, myself, I am still reading articles, comments, especially advice from any professional, that totally minimize how serious the health affects can be from exposure to Toxic Mold.

You would think by now that more Doctors would be educated or care enough about what is happening to human lives to do whatever was needed to help. People are dying. Even to speak of what type of mold is the most toxic....they are far behind times and do not really know what they are talking about.

My family and I were exposed to a Toxic Mold called Chaetomium...this mold inhibits cell division therefore has affected and infected every single organ-part of our bodies.....I'm talking you no longer LOOK, ACT, OR FEEL the same....right down to your personality.....I even still hear over and over...."oh, I don't believe that"...

Sure...until it happens to then or someone they love. Why? Why is it still like this.....Treatnent truly is not that difficult Doctors......just can't find you, or afford you, or get to you.....thst is so sad to me

On 2017-08-29 by (mod) -

Or medical concerns of course you need to consult with your doctor. For health concerns that you are think are in your home you might ask if your local Health Department can take a look.

On 2017-08-29 by Kimberly

I have had rain for over two years now I've been to a specialist or over here she now tells me there's nothing more she can do for me she has referred me to an infectious disease doctor I can't eat can't sleep itching is driving me insane can anyone help me

Ringworm my house has had black white yellow mold in my laundry room and in a bedroom we had to remove the walls and the floor in both rooms please I just don't know what else to do my current doctor will not refer me to the infectious disease doctor what do I do please help

On 2017-07-28 by (mod) -


if you've had exposure to very high levels of airborne species of Aspegillus, and perhaps Stachybotrys chartarum (though the first is usually the more-serious) mold or chronic or prolonged exposure, I'd expect a doctor familiar with mold related illness to take those exposures seriously.

There are also some tests that can confirm exposure to some mycotoxins and other hazards. Ultimately you need to find a doc who listens and whom you trust, but you also then, need to listen to the doc.

On 2017-07-28 by Kathy F.

Thanks for the info on the physician locator website. Just called a doctor in North Jersey who referred me to a doctor from the Department Of Environmental and Occupational Medicine at Rutgers University.

My house was riddled in aspergillus and stachybotrys and all these doctors that I've been to thus far do not want to believe my chronic sinusitis, blocked nose, hair loss, skin rashes (looked like "ring worm"), dizziness, jaw/teeth pain, nauseous, lack of appetite, ear itching sensitivity to odors (can't smell things), memory loss, pain in back (lung issues), etc... has ANYTHING to do with my bedroom being on top of a crawl space riddled with aspergillus....Really?

I've been to 3 ENTs (one of which was at the U OF PENN) and 2 allergists and yet they still try to blow me off.

On 2017-06-22 by (mod) -


The article above gives contact numbers that can help you find a physician specialising in environmental medicine

On 2017-06-21 by Keri

I am desperately searching for a dr who specializes in black mold exposure here in Washington state I live in Yakima Washington. Please I am desperate for help!!! 509-823-7175

On 2017-06-05 by (mod) -


Certainly; these are questions to discuss first with your primary care physician and then if she agrees, with a doc who specializes in the appropriate area - that might be environmental medicine which certainly covers a much more broad range of illnesses, symptoms, causes, treatments that only mold-related-illness.

On 2017-06-05 by Angie

Is there a physician who will test for other symptoms than allergy to mold? I have memory loss, fatigue, headaches, and balance issues, in addition to allergy symptoms (for which I am being treated, but the MD is not a mold specialist). I live in Colorado.

On 2017-05-19 by (mod) -

I suggest trying the U.S. source for environmental medicine experts given in the article above, Joy.

United States: Center for Environmental Medicine (Portland OR), 10748 NE Halsey Street Portland, OR 97220-3961 USA, Tel.: (503) 261-0966 Fax: (503 252-2691 Tel.: (360) 690-0017 E-mail: - Dr. Chris Hatlestad,MD, ABFM

On 2017-05-18 by Joy

I have been sick for several years now chasing all kinds of symptoms with no answers. Most of my troubles are serious Endocrine and Immune problems, along with all the other multi system, multi symptoms mold causes. Now I finally have a doctor that knows it's mold related, but admits on not being an expert. I need an environmental doctor in my area, that would know the right way to treat my many problems.
I live in Rockport MA 01966

On 2017-05-04 by (mod) : reply to need for a Mold Doctor in the U.S.

American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, ACOEM, 25 Northwest Point Blvd., Suite 700, Elk Grove Village, Illinois, 60007-1030 Telephone: 847/818-1800, Fax: 847/818-9266 -

ACOEM provides a "doctor finder" service via their website.

On 2017-05-04 by Cheryl Poland

I need a mold doctor who take Medicaire I am in northern Virginia and I am dying 7038554491

On 2017-03-30 by (mod)


You should start with your local doctor, ask for a referral to a specialist if she/he agrees.

Or you might find an specialist by the directories at MOLD DOCTORS - ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE.

United Kingdom: British Society for Ecological Medicine (BESM), allergy, environment, nutrition, BSEM c/o New Medicine Group 144 Harley St London W1G 7LE, Website: , Email:, Quoting:

The BSEM promotes the study and good practice of allergy, environmental and nutritional medicine for the benefit of the public and supports doctors who use the insights of ecological medicine to help patients.
United Kingdom:

British Society for Allergy, Environmental and Nutritional Medicine (BSAENM), BSAENM, P.O. box 7, Knighton, Powys LD & 2WF, U.K. Telephone: 01547 550380 (+44 1547 550380), Website: Quoting:

The principal aim of the Society is to promote, for the benefit of the public, the study of allergy, environmental and nutritional medicine
United Kingdom: Practitioners of Ecological (Allergy, Environmental, Nutritional) Medicine [privately maintained website]

If you know there is a large mold reservoir in your home and if you are sick and convinced it's building-caused or building-aggravated, you are not living in an acceptably safe space.


On 2017-03-30 by Stacey foley

Please help very unwell. 11 years living in a condemned toxic mouldy and damp environment. West yorkshire wakefield

On 2016-12-23 by (mod)


If your own doctor doesn't know a specialist in environmental medicine, then you can certainly find one using the U.S. national source directory in the article MOLD DOCTORS - ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE. I would be stunned if there were no physicians in New Jersey who specialize in environmental medicine and mold-related illness.

On 2016-12-22 by Sarita

Where can I go to get a legitimate toxic mold syndrome test? I live in the state of New Jersey and there is no one here I can go to and I am very sick from being exposed

On 2016-12-13 by Shirley

There certainly are ways to prove that you have been exposed and /or have the pathogens in your body. Go on You tube and there are many Doctors that will explain the "markers", also explain symptoms and diagnosis.

Testing can be done. Dr. Amen does a "Spect" test of the brain that shows the Mycotoxins. Dr. Shoemaker knows just about anything you would need to know. Dr Thrasher ( the GURU in my oppinion ) will accept and return emails concerning any questions. Some people can have allergies, some may not.

Usually an allergy doctor also deals with the immune system. Find out if yours has been compromised. Lastly, get an "indoor Air Quality" test done at place where you feel you were exposed. Make sure it is done by someone legally qualified. Good Luck and God Bless

See this US FDA WARNING LETTER to DR RICHIE C. SHOEMAKER M.D., [PDF] 13 May 2004, posted by Casewatch

On 2016-10-10 by (mod)

Alyssia and other readers,

Near the top of this article we refer to who can refer to environmental doctors including mold specialists in many countries including the U.S. and its states.

MEMBER TYPE: Physician

Listed by city, sorted alphabetically.


Cinelli, Francis J., , M.D. (Bangor)
Gallagher, Martin , M.D., D.C. (Jeannette)
Miller, George C., M.D. (Lewisburg)
Smith, Regina , D.O. (Mechanicsburg)
Kerry, Roy E., M.D. (Portersville)
Kracht, William G., D.O. (Quakertown)

On 2016-10-09 by Alyssia

I have been exposed to mold as well as many other people after reading their comments. Does anyone know of a doctor who specializes in mold treatment in Pennsylvania? I have been sent to an allergist, ENT, and Pulmonary, but no one is listening to me. I have asked about tests that can prove its mold and all they say is an allergist can test to see if your allergic. I know I' allergic. I need these tests done to prove I was exposed. Please someone help me.

On 2016-09-14 by (mod)


You need an on-site expert. Unfortunately no one can reliably analyze understand diagnose or suggest remedy for mold contamination simply 3 - text. Check the experts directories that you find link to from the top of any inspectapedia web page, or check your local directory for and environmental expert or industrial hygienist who has experience with this particular kind of problem

On 2016-09-11 by Tommie Watt

I was hospitalized related to living in an apartment that had mold I have pictures I almost died they had to call in a pulmonary physician to do a bronchoscopy and culture of my Lungs I need to talk with someone related to this problem

On 2016-08-24 by (mod)


Start with your own personal physician; discuss your concerns; she or he may then refer you to a doctor who's a specialist in environmental medicine, respiratory illness, etc. Such expert doctors can also be located using information in MOLD DOCTORS - ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE.

On 2016-08-24 by sheila

I started renting current apartment Dec 2015 though spent Daily/many hour remodel and clean of the apt. Since September 2015, was hospitalized Nov 2015 due severe heartburn, thought be heart attack, diagnose GERD,the building I live in has 4 apt. And severe damaged roof that sagging and wood rotting, severe structure damage as well, the back wall of my unit where meets ceiling has 1-2 gap where is separating, walls are getting large gaping cracks, the owner allowed raw sewage leak/sprayed literally all over basement every time flushed toilet , went on Dec-may

I bleached area two times daily, just try keep sanitary, kept saying had plans replace all water pipe in basement but no action, I have been very tired, no interest do ordinary things, irrationally feel as though my best friend 10+ years out get me more enemy , we no longer speak, weird skin sensation where Celt thick sticky coating , severe joint pain and swelling thought RA possibly, my throat dry n sometimes feels like its closing off airway wheezing, coughing, run nose and oddest of all I started to feel as though my apartment was infested with bugs but I couldn't see any bugs?

I could feel biting or a sting itching it almost felt like something was crawling on me I began picking up what I thought were bugs floor sink bathtub and I would back them up and I brought them into a entomologist who then referred me to my County Health Department who told me I had nothing more than a fiber if this went on for weeks it became an obsession trying to figure out what type of bug and then I started to think maybe it was a parasite possibly from the raw sewage it was not above was not a parasite I no longer have that sensation but the reason why I had it is still driving me absolutely crazy I can smell mildew and mold smell in my back hallway leading to the basement and in the bathroom the two main places that it's very distinct but my question is are my symptoms similar to those of toxic mold disease and how can it be diagnose /treated ?

there are so many more symptoms on my list I could go on for days and I've only lived in this apartment for 7 months tomorrow I move home with my mom at age 43 just to get out of this environment and I do have to add to this post we had terrible rain storm last tonight as my street to flood my driveway and I noticed that my bedroom wall above my window was trickling water the ceiling where it meets the wall noticed a yellowing I touched and it feels all mushy and there is a line of black mold as well also the window is covered with black mold spores in the wood from in the window is rotting can anybody suggest anything what type of doctor what is the first move a person should make in a situation such as this please I'm desperate here

On 2016-08-11 by Tina

Does anyone know of any mold doctors within the state of Tennessee? I have been exposed nearly a year and I have seen doctors that won't listen and keep making misdiagnosis' Please anyone in Tennessee that may know where I need to go

On 2016-06-04 by (mod)

American Academy of Environmental Medicine, 6505 E. Central Ave., #296, Wichita KS 67206 316-684-5500 -

On 2016-06-04 by donna

Looking for MD in Memhis, TN that diagnosis mold toxicity. All of us nurses at my job has symptons. I had blood pulled but my do said he really wasn't familiar enough with it to do anything.

On 2016-04-14 by (mod)


I agree that the percentage of doctors who have designed their practice to afford time to listen carefully and completely to patients, and then to give considered advice, is less than 100. If you cannot, by organizing and condensing your medical story and complaint to a brief, clear, but complete statement, get help from your doctor or don't feel confidence in her, you might want to ask for a referral to another expert.

On 2016-04-14 by Sue

How do you find a doctor who will take it more seriously than just telling you to move? If 50% of housing has mold due to water damage it seems the only choice is to build a new house, or learn to live with it where you are. You can lessen it with dehumidifiers, but my apartment is already giving me symptoms and the humidity has been between 20% and 27%(there is no visible mold, except black or pink which appears in the new molded shower, which I keep cleaning.) So how do you live with this?

On 2016-03-27 by (mod)

"Black mold exposure" is regrettably very misleading in re public health risks. There are harmless black molds and molds of most every other color that can be harmful.

However if your doctor has confirmed that you have a mold-related illness I'd expect her to refer you to a specialist in environmental medicine.

On 2016-03-27 by

I have been exposed to black mold it's in my sinuses so bad my vision i s blurred I can hardly breathe it's eating me alive I live in Las Vegas NV is there any help here the hospital's here just ignore me

On 2016-01-18 by Anonymous

Charlotte, I have heard of the Johnson Clinic in Richardson, TX. I don't know much about it, but a friend of mine took his girlfriend there for treatment. Hope this helps. Good luck!

On 2016-01-14 by Charlotte Brown

How can I find a Mold Dr. in Texas , I have been exposed and I need more treatment

On 2016-01-12 by Dawn Crosby

I went through hundreds of moldy oranges for a supermarket I worked for and now I have fibromyalgia but I don't think it is because doctor said he didn't know but in order to get paid by insurance he has to put something. Had several blood tests but I don't think mold was one they tested for. These oranges had several molds. The kicker is I don't have a job or medical because of this illness. Can you help? I live in Boise Idaho

Question: Can You Refer me to a Specific Mold Doctor or Specialist

I am emailing you to ask for a referral to a mold doctor. I live in an apartment infested with black mold. I have allergies, and suppressed immune system and as I have health insurance I cannot afford the co-pay to go see a doctor or be able to pay for the balance that my insurance does not meet.

Can you refer me to a doctor in my area that can assist me. I believe with all of my symptoms I have extensive exposure to black mold to a high level. I have researched the symptoms and realize I have mild skin breakouts in this past two weeks and respiratory problems that are indicative of black mold toxins. Please refer and advise if possible. I can travel to Portland if necessary. Can you also refer me to an agency that can help relocate me from this apartment? S.S.

(Dec 10, 2012) lisa said:

I really need some help,I HAVE read and researched so much of your articals,since my mom passed in 2008,cause alot of wierd things were happening here,please i am in need of some help with this home, I have contacted several certian referances that are responsible for public safty,but i get the door shut in every direction she purchased it in 1995,and my parents retired here

,I got home sick and moved here in 1997, every thing was new,steets,homes,trees,I helped her replace every thing from,drains,toilet,spikets she spent about another fifty thousand on windows,carpet garage door maintance,she told me some nice people came by,will tell later,and she had entered a program for senior citizens who live alone,or lost their other that did all the upkeep,so she told me they sprayed all new insulation,up stairs exept over the garage,

it was not heated they stopped right at area where they are in this little closet,water tank and furnace,the building inspector ok,d her brand new water tank,and trane forced heat/air, the first one she had installed 1998, then another one 2007and became very ill the water smelled like sewer,we had several major insect out breaks,gnats, they were so thick in the air outside,you couldnt help to swallow a dozon or two trying to get inside or a car,she called all over for anwsers,i thought she was just getting senile at 78,i lived 15 miles away,she was having major dizzy spells,and complained of nasty rashes,and odors,I


You can find a physician specializing in environmental medicine and mold related illness by taking the following steps:

Watch out:  If you already know that your home has large areas of toxic or allergenic mold (more than 30 sq.ft.) then you should probably be taking steps asap to remove yourself from that environment asap - if you move, and if your home is proven to be badly mold contaminated, your possessions including soft goods, clothing, curtains, etc. will probably need to be cleaned. Do not let an amateur try performing a "mold cleanup job" in a very moldy home: the risk is that they make the problem worse by spreading moldy dust all over everything, making the workers or building occupants sick in the process.

Watch out: in the above message the writer refers to "black mold" - but not all black mold is harmful, and there are a great many molds of other colors that are at least as harmful or more harmful. Don't guess at the level of severity of a mold contamination by the color of the mold. See MOLD APPEARANCE - WHAT MOLD LOOKS LIKE and also Recognize Harmless Black Mold.

More Questions About Mold Causes and Finding a "Mold Doctor"

Why do I Have Mold and Mildew in My Closets and Bathrooms - due to my Air Conditioner? I Need a Mold Doctor

I have had a problem for almost 4 years in trying to get the installers of my new air conditioning unit to find out why I have mold and mildew in my closets and bathroom--never had any problems before installing the new unit. It was installed in April--mold was covering the metal vents in August after a hot summer--followed by their excuses as to why this would happen--then in November I started felling dizzy--having muscle aches and pains--went to the doctor and spent the next year and a half getting a diagnosis.

I was then diagnosed with fibromyalgia--I did not put the two together for awhile. I have contacted an attorney and have had the vent filters checked at a lab-tested positive for Aspergillus--Cladosporium--Hyphae--Penicillium/Aspergillus. The attorney says that I will need a Doctor that will be able to connect the symptoms to the diagnosis. I live 2 hours from Atlanta GA--Knoxville TN--Birmingham Al. Any information will be helpful. L.G., GA TN


A competent onsite inspection by an expert usually finds additional clues that help accurately diagnose a problem. That said, here are some things to consider:

Question: My mom has been living in a house with toxic black mold ...

My mom has been living in a house with toxic black mold in it for about 4 or 5 months. I want to get her seen by a doctor because she has seemed to be getting very sick. Are there any good doctors that specialize in mold that you can recommend for me? - A.R.


Question: suffering from mold poisoning, we need to find a specialist doctor

I was curious if you would be able to provide me with some help. My wife and I have been suffering from mold poisoning, and we have people remediating the issue, but we need to find a specialist doctor. I have tried many numbers in my area but they are either no longer working or too far from my location. Could you provide me with some doctor’s numbers who could help? I live in Deerfield Beach, FL 33442. Thanks for your time and help, -- C.P. 6/13/13


Sure C.P. in MOLD DOCTORS - ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE you will find some places to go for a doctor with the expertise in mold-related illness. Coincidentally we just recently added contact information for a physician in Florida. If you find that article unclear or wanting please let me know and I'll do my best to assist further.

Question: how to find an environmental medicine doctor in Canada

I'm from Calgary Alberta, Canada and I believe I need to find a doctor that has experience with mold illness. The place that I work, I believe has mold underneath their sinks. I've been sent home from work four or five times, two of which I ended up in hospital and one of those times, taken in an ambulance.

This is what happens: -Left side of my face swells up -My eyes hurt -I have a burning fever -Hands swell -Feet swell -Vomiting (sometimes) -Shortness of breath (sometimes) -Feelings of Constant Fatigue -Nausea -Weight Loss -Hair loss -Memory Loss "Short Term" -Chronic Sinus Infections -Pain in the Joints and Muscles -Swelling is painful -Skin is itchy -Losing coincidence (sometimes) -On going headaches for sometimes days

Any information or a point in the right directions to finding someone that can help me out in Calgary Alberta, Canada would be a huge weight off me. No doctor I've seen has been able to help me. None of them seem to take me seriously or want to do any testing on me that isn't an allergy test. I've had allergy test and they come back negative. More of my co-workers are starting to get ill with the same symptoms that I have. One of my co-workers was taken to hospital as well in the same week I was. - D. Alberta, Canada 11/27/2013


Thank you for the referral question, D. - it helps us realize where we need to work on making our text more clear or more complete and I have in fact added more links to environmental health resources for Canadians as I will provide at a link below. Regarding suspected environmental illness, often a competent onsite inspection of the home or other places where you spend time and made by an expert finds additional clues that would permit a more accurate, complete, and authoritative answer than we can give by email alone. You will find additional depth and detail in articles at our website.

That said, try contacting EHA Alberta - Environmental Health Association of Alberta P.O. Box 25 Main Edmonton, AB, Canada T5J 2G9, Tel: 780-289-5719 , Email (use the website contact form), Website:

​​ Let me know if the EHA for your province is helpful in locating a physician specializing in environmental medicine.

I've also posted additional and updated resources and contact information for Canadians at our home page for medical referral and doctor contacts in environmental medicine found in MOLD DOCTORS - ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE

Question: environmental medicine physicians in France

(Sept 3, 2012) Chris said:
I rent and i have brown mold on my ceiling in my bathroom and the owners and apt mgr dont fix it.. How can i go about not getting eviction notice if i push this

(Apr 20, 2015) frank barany said:
Hi. I'm not sure how current your list of medical doctors around the world who are specialists in the treatment of mold-related illness is, but do you know of any such specialists in France?




Vous souhaitez faire une recherche via Google ou d'autres moteurs de recherche pour un médecin français spécialisé dans la médecine environnementale.

par example, ici on peut trouvez un médecin français spécialisé dans la médecine environnementale

I have added more contact information for France in the article at MOLD DOCTORS - ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE.

Notice: InspectAPedia is an independent publisher of building, environmental, and forensic inspection, diagnosis, and repair information provided free to the public - we have no business nor financial connection with any manufacturer or service provider discussed at our website.


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