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Asbestos containing acoustic ceiling tilesAsbestos in National Gypsum Ceiling Tiles?

Do some National Gypsum Gold Bond® ceiling tiles contain asbestos?

Readers ask if National Gypsum Gold Bond® or other National Gypsum brand ceiling contain asbestos.

In this article series we discuss how to recognize & handle ceiling tiles that may contain asbestos.

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Do these Gold Bond® National Gypsum Ceiling tiles contain abestos?

Reader Comment: Asbestos not detected in Gold Bond Silentex wf1580 12-inch ceiling tiles

Gold Bond Silentex/wf1580 ceiling tiles asbestos test lab report (C) JeffMy wife & are buying a house in Albany, NY, but were made aware of concerns by our inspector about possible asbestos in Gold Bond Silentex wf1580 ceiling tiles used in two rooms.

The home inspector discovered a box with more tiles left in the attic.

[Photos above and below]

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We tried a search but found no matches or reports of this specific product, but most from the National Gypsum brand and of the age of our house seemed to contain asbestos.

Our attorney referred us to some local resources who may do testing but I wanted to see if you had found any test results since 2018 or were still interested in having it tested.

Please respond ASAP if interested as we otherwise have to proceed with this on our own. Thanks! - Anonymous by private email 2020/07/10

Moderator reply: treat unknown ceiling tiles as PACM or have a sample tested

Since I have not found a specific asbestos lab test result for Gold Bond Silentex/wf1580 ceiling tiles, if you want to have your ceiling tested, I'll pay for that cost - you can contact me by email at the page top or bottom CONTACT link.

Or you can proceed on your own - a test costs about $ $100. U.S. - see ASBESTOS TESTING LAB LIST for access to certified asbestos testing labs if you want to proceed on your own.

If so do keep me posted. What you find will help other readers.

Tip: ceiling tiles are not generally friable; even if your ceiling tiles contain asbestos, as long as you leave them un-disturbed there is not likely to be a detectable asbestos hazard. If, however, demolition or removal of the ceiling becomes necessary or if the ceiling is being damaged, then it would be prudent to either treat the material as presumed to contain asbestos, or to have a sample tested.

Reader follow-up: lab report found no asbestos in these Gold Bond Silentex wf1580 ceiling tiles

Gold Bond Silentex wf1580 CEILING TILE ASBESTOS TEST RESULTS (C)  JeffDaniel, thank you for the report and offer! We are waiting to see about some negotiations that will have a big impact on proceeding. If we move forward with the purchase & testing I will follow up with you. - Anonymous by private email 2020/07/13

It turned out to be nearly a year between the offer, closing, and getting around projects to the testing, but we did submit a sample of the Gold Bond Silentex/wf1580 ceiling tiles for asbestos testing. - 2021/04/13

[Photo: Gold Bond Silentex wf1580 ceiling tiles]

I have provided you with a copy of their report for verification if you want that. I can also supply a better photo of the box if it's any use. Hope this info helps others looking for that information. - Anonymous by private email 2021/04/18

Good news for us, it was deemed NAC (non-asbestos containing material).

Moderator reply: Gold Bond 12-inch Silentx WF-1580 ceiling tiles test free of asbestos

Thank you for the follow-up and of course I'm happy for the good news.

We've posted ceiling tile photos above along with your asbestos test result for National Gypsum Gold Bond ceiling tiles just above;

Gold Bond Silentex Brush Textured Ceiling tiles - did not contain asbestos (C) Jeff

Thank you for the better product / box photos [subsequently-provided] as those helpful to other readers who will encounter asbestos questions regarding 12-inch ceiling tiles by Gold Bond.

Gold Bond Silentex Brush Textured Ceiling tiles - did not contain asbestos (C) Jeff

As offered, I have sent a reimbursement for your $100. asbestos lab fee via Pay Pal.

Trust you're well and masked and COVID19-shot.


On 2019-12-02 1 by (mod) - test asbestos-suspect ceiling tiles if the ceiling must be disturbed or removed

National Gypsum Gold Bond Ceiling tile asbestos (C) InspectApedia.comIn that case it's cost-justified to have a sample tested for asbestos; let me know what you find, and post a photo of the ceiling too;

At the page top EXPERTS DIRECTORY you'll find a link to certified asbestos test labs

Really? However it's certainly worth noting that the labeling on the National Gypsum Gold Bond Ceiling tiles in your photo specifically states that these are "wood fiber" ceiling tiles - so one would not expect this to be an asbestos-containing product.

This ceiling tile labeling and package information includes the following:

On 2019-12-01 by Anonymous

Thank you for your reply. In this particular house the ceilings in 3 rooms would have to be removed.

They have bead board under them that my parents want to restore. One room is falling down in pieces on the floor.

We would be doing the remodeling and I don’t know that we want to risk it.

On 2019-12-01 by (mod) - A 1979 ceiling tile might contain asbestos; but this one?


No, not all ceiling tiles contain asbestos.

However if you have not a shred of information other than the year of installation, then yes, a 1979 ceiling tile might contain asbestos; to know for certain you'd use a certified asbestos test lab to test the skin, body, and back of a tile.

However your ceiling tiles are a National Gypsum Gold Bond product, style Fresco 12x12-inch, described on the box label as a "wood fiber" product. Wood fibers are not asbestos;

In any case, in my OPINION it would be very odd for a ceiling composition to be a reason to avoid buying a home; even if a material contains asbestos IF it's not shedding detectable particles into the air , is usually best left-in-place and perhaps covered over with drywall - the cost of such work would normally be an infinitesimal percentage of the value of a home in most countries and cities.

Watch out also for a capture error: don't let worry about a ceiling distract you from a more-immediate significant expense that may have been missed or a more immediate life-safety hazard such as unsafe steps or rails.

At ASBESTOS PRODUCING COMPANIES & TRUSTS you will see that SOME National Gypsum products did contain asbestos.


On 2019-12-01 by Jessica - National Gypsum Gold Bond product, style Fresco 12x12-inch

We are looking at buying a house that has this installed in. This is a left over box. It’s an older house 1950’s era.

Do y’all this this contains asbestos? If so it’s a definite deal breaker. Thanks in advance for the help!


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