Which plants should be kept away from septic drainfields and which ones, generally shallow-rooted, are OK to plant in that area?
This article provides a table and other detalis describing the types of plants that should or should not be planted over or near septic fields or other septic system components.
Watch out: plants with invasive or deep roots can clog and ruin a septic drainfield, causing expensive damage that won't be fixed by simply running a root cleaner through the piping.
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- Daniel Friedman, Publisher/Editor/Author - See WHO ARE WE?
Based on both our own research and many years of septic failure investigations we've prepared this guide for homeowners who are planting trees, shrubs, gardens, ground cover, or other plants near a septic system and who need to know that can be planted near or over septic system components like the septic tank, distribution box, and drain field or soil absorption system.
We will identifh just which trees, shrubs or grasses are ok to plant on or near septic tanks or soakbeds / leachfields and which are going to cause trouble.
We provide tables of acceptable plants and grasses around septic systems.
As we warned above, planting trees, shrubs, and even some ground covers over septic system components are causes of septic system failure in the drain field, leach field, seepage bed, or similar components.
Also, planting fruit trees, or vegetables (or anything else edible) over the septic drainfield might produce food that is unsafe to eat:
Many people have written to ask what can be planted over a septic field. Grasses, weeds, flower are OK: The best answer is grass or native grasses and weeds.
Flowers are ok so long as they are not varieties which send down deep roots. In the photograph above these relatively shallow-rooted flowers were set around a septic tank cleanout cover.
They won't cause any damage to the system. But when planning your planting arrangement for flowers over a septic tank, remember that if you plant valuable flowers too close to the access cover to a septic tank or distribution box, those plants may be damaged or destroyed when you have to excavate to open the tank or D-box cover.
Basically, any shallow-rooting planting will be fine to plant over the surface of or near septic tanks, distribution boxes, or septic drainfields.
The photograph abve shows typical grass and a few native wildflowers and dandelions growing in a lawn over a septic system drainfield at a Poughkeepsie New York home.
These plants are not likely to be harmful to the system, they stabilize the soils in the area, and they do not interfere with soil transpiration or evaporation.
Their roots are relatively shallow so these plants are not likely to invade the septic drainfield piping. Grass and native wildflowers are fine over the septic tank or drainfield, and also they are fine over septic mound systems.
The following table of native (to New Zealand) or introduced species of grasses lists species that are considered suitable for planting over an evapo-transpiration system and should be acceptable over a mound system or conventional drainfield as well. Note that other native species local to your area might also be suitable. [3]
We have added Bermuda Grass and Kentucky Bluegrass widely used in the U.S. and some other countries.
Table of Grasses Suitable for Planting Over / Near Evaporation-Transpiration Septic Systems [3] |
Common Name | Botanical Name | Comments |
Common North American Short-Root Grasses |
Bermuda grass | Typical root depth: 4-6 inches | |
Kentucky Bluegrass species | Typical root depth 6-8" | |
Red fescue | [2] 27.9 cm / 10.9 in root depth | |
Common New Zealand Grasses |
Hooksedge | Uncinia Unciniata | |
Jointed twig sedge | Baumea Articulata | Carex Comans |
Longwood tussock | Carex Comans | |
Oioi | Leptocarpus Similis | |
Pukio | Carex Secta | |
Toetoe | Cortaderia Fulvida | use native species to your area, not invasive pampas grass or other invasive species |
Other Plantings that are Acceptable for Planting Over or Near a Septic Tank or Drainfield / Soakbed |
Flowers, decorative | Shallow-rooted, [3] | |
Ivy | Shallow-rooted, [3] | |
Myrtle | [3] | |
Pachysandra | [3] |
at TREES OR SHRUBS NEAR SEPTIC SYSTEMS [web article] we provide a similar table of suitable trees or shrubs that can be planted near or in some cases on soakaway beds, drainfields, evapo-transpiration systems.
Table of Deep Root Grasses Not Recommended Over or Near Septic Fields or Soakbeds |
Native & Ornamental Grasses | Typical Root Depth | Comments |
Alkali grass | 33.0 cm / 13 in | [2] |
Big Bluestem | 96" to nine feet [1] | Avoid over or near septic system fields & soakbeds or soakpits |
Eastern bottlebrush | 40.5 cm / 15 in. | [2] May be OK over deep septic fields |
Indiangrass | 73.7 cm / 29.0 in | [2] Avoid over or near septic system fields & soakbeds or soakpits |
Little bluestem | 64.6 cm / 25.4 in | [2] Avoid over or near septic system fields & soakbeds or soakpits |
Switchgrass | 70.9 cm / 20.9 in | [2] Avoid over or near septic system fields & soakbeds or soakpits |
Smooth Brome | 10-15" [1] 62.5 cm [2] |
[1] May be OK over deep septic fields
Sideoats Grama | 48" [1] | Avoid over or near septic system fields & soakbeds or soakpits |
Anonymous said:
Live in north east florida. What type of grass can I have planted over septic tank drain field?
Grasses are generally OK as long as you're not planting something that sends down deep roots.
See the table earlier on this page where we list a variety of grasses whose root systems are generally not very deep. Bermuda grass roots go down 4-6 inches with some variation according to the type of soil.
Stay away from these.
Watch out: whatever you are planting on or near a septic system, keep heavy equipment away from the septic tank and soakaway bed or leacfield.
Power augers or Roto Rooters™ for plumbing drains can be an effective way to remove a blockage or clog in a drain line.
But if your plumber shows you a tangle of roots when s/he pulls the augur back up the drain line, you should expect that additional repairs will be needed soon.
Even if you pull roots out of the blocked pipe section, the fact that they were in there means a tree, shrub, or other plant has invaded the area and its roots remain outside the just-un-clogged pipe.
You can count on the roots re-invading the pipe (and getting at those nutrients) soon. So de-rooting a clogged drain line is a temporary fix.
Several sources (citedvbelow) cite deliberate and advantageous use of geotextiles over a drainfield in order to help prevent penetration of and damage to the drainfield by the roots of landscaping plants installed above that level.
Some sources say such drainfield covers of geotextiles are an un-necessary expense - and I agree since we should be sticking to shallow-rooted plants over drainfields in the first place.
Other research of use of geotextiles within the drainfield itself as a filter or clog preventer gave mixed results as there can be issues with clogging of the fabric itself.
Photo: geotextiles covered with good soil installed below sod at this northern Minnesota home, described in more detail in
GEOTEXTILES & DRAINAGE MATS [live link just below] where we describe placement of geotextiles over a septic drainfield trench during drainfield construction.
Watch out: while the term "geotextiles" is used broadly, there are two very different categories of these synthetic fabrics, and the two should not be confused. Bothof the categories below may use synthetic frabrics, or geotextiles, but the individual fabrics have different properties and are intended for different uses.
In general, "geotextiles" or "geosynthetic fabrics" are man-made fabrics ( tyically the fabric is a polymer such as polyester, polyetlene, polypropylene, polyamide (i.e. nylon) or PVC polyvinyl chloride) and that are porous enough to allow water and air to pass through.
Detiled definitions and properties of geotextiles are given in more detail in our GEOTEXTILES & DRAINAGE MATS article cited below.
Strategies to Reduce the Threat of Root System Damage
There are also several root barriers to consider using. These can range from rudimentary materials to more expensive geotextiles that are impregnated with herbicides to restrict root growth. In order for the barrier to be effective, it needs to be buried up to a depth of at least 2 feet.
Ideally the barrier should run the length of the drain field to prevent tree roots from flanking the barrier and disturbing the drain lines. Keep the root barrier at least 5 feet or more from the drain line, and then at least another 5 feet from the planting hole.
Just remember to never create a circle around the root ball of the tree with the barrier, which would create problems for the tree as it grows.
Below you will find questions and answers previously posted on this page at its page bottom reader comment box.
On 2021-06-04 by Anonymous - I want to plant roses in a bed along the edge of the drainfield
I am second owner of a home with a septic system and am new to having a drainfield. I want to plant roses in a bed along the edge of the drainfield as described in the plat drawings. I dug a hole for the rose bush that is 15 inches deep and about 18" wide.
At about 5 inches down, I encountered heavy clay with lots of small and large round stones 2" to 8" in diameter. In an effort to make digging easier, I filled the hole with water. After several hours, the water level has not dropped more than 1/2".
Is the poor percolation a requirement for the soil overlying a drainfield? Should I be concerned? Can I put 12" of good soil on top of the poor soil in raised beds or would this jeopardize the drainfield?
On 2021-06-04 by Inspectapedia Com Moderator - heavy clay in septic drainfield: can I add good soil and then plant stuff?
Soil that has poor percolation means that the size of the drain field will need to be increased in order to provide sufficient absorption into the ground. Let's hope that was done in the original design.
In the Article Index, see our article about
On 2021-01-19 by Janice - constant seepage from old septic (1960's) in the leach field.
Seem to have constant seepage from old septic (1960's) in the leach field. Got my lawn mower stuck in the muck. There is a huge maple tree within 20 feet of the tank and the land slopes towards the wet spot both from the house and side yard.
I was thinking of either adding a lot of soil to build a berm or planting vegetation that would help with the moisture evaporating. There is some sort of low green plant growing constantly even in winter but it is not enough for evaporation. Should I take down the maple and/or create the berm?
On 2021-01-21 - by (mod) -
It's best to divert surface runoff away from the drainfield, but adding soil over it can add to its failure to treat effluent by cutting oxygen.
I suspect your field has failed.
On 2021-01-21 by Anonymous
What should I do? Replace the whole field? What does that entail?
On 2021-01-21 by (mod) - constant seepage from old septic (1960's) in the leach field.
First, before we pour your money all over the ground, we need a reliable onsite diagnosis of the system.
That may involve a septic loading and dye test and either scoping the drainfield lines with a sewer camera (to rule out a less-costly failure like a clog or broken pipe) or a small bit of excavation of the wet end of a drainfield trench.
Take a look at the details found at SEPTIC DRAINFIELD FAILURE DIAGNOSIS
where you will also find more articles in our series on drainfield diagnosis, testing, and repair.
But for a fifty-year old drainfield that's wet, I'd not be very optimistic: most likely the field has failed and will need replacement.
On 2020-04-24 by AJ - recommendation on ornamental grass native to northeast?
Do you have any recommendation on ornamental grass native to northeast? i am planning to plant some 2 feet away from D box, not directly over the leach field.
Maiden grass keeps being recommended.
On 2020-05-03 - by (mod) -
In the article above on this page this table
Table of Grasses Suitable for Planting Over / Near Evaporation-Transpiration Septic Systems
should be of help
On 2020-04-19 by Greg - planting shade trees near (within 5 feet) of a passing sewer line?
What are your thoughts on planting shade trees near (within 5 feet) of a passing sewer line?
On 2020-04-20 by (mod) - planting shade trees near (within 5 feet) of a sewer line?
You might be okay planting a tree within 5 feet of a passing sewer line if the soil is stable and the tree roots are not aggressive.
Consider that an aggressive root under a line may heave it. And of course if there is ever over the remaining long life of the property a leak in the sewer line it will attract tree roots and become clogged and expensive. So yeah we may be okay but caveat cultor.
On 2019-11-04 by Mike - is Milkweed OK to plant over the septic leachfield?
Asclepias spp or milkweeds-has anyone planted these over leaching fields?
On 2019-11-04 by (mod) - is Milkweed Asclepias syriaca over the drainfield ok? NO!
I don't know if milkweed has been deliberately planted over septic fields but it certainly would volunteer to grow in such areas if given a chance. Let's both do some research to see what we can find on milkweed root depth as that will be a great answer to your question.What I've found is a general statement that
the milkweed family (Asclepiadaceae) also called cottonweed, silkweed, Virginina silk, or wild cotton, sport a root system that includes a perennial crown and horizontal creeping roots - https://www.oardc.ohio-state.edu/weedguide/single_weed.php?id=70
Watch out: the same source on another page points out that
Roots can grow 13 feet deep and the length of horizontal roots can increase up to 10 feet in a single season.
Any plant that can send roots down 13 feet and creep horizontally 10 feet needs to be kept way more than 10 feet from the septic drainfield.
A related concern is that the milkweet seeds (each plant produces about 450 seeds in each pod) can drift for considerable distances and can survive for several years before germinating.
Bottom line: keep milkweed 50 or 100 feet away from your septic draifield.
- COMMON MILKWEED (Asclepias syriaca), [PDF] Ohio Perennial and Biennial Weed Guide, Ohio State University, College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, retrieved 2019/11/10, original source: https://www.oardc.ohio-state.edu/weedguide/single_weed.php?id=70
Roots can grow 13 feet deep and the length of horizontal roots can increase up to 10 feet in a single season. A piece of root about 1 inch in length can produce a new plant. A common milkweed density of just over one shoot per square foot reduced wheat yields 47%.
On 2019-09-24 by Jeff Kennington - is a chestnut tree 30 ft from the septic tank a worry?
Just bought a house with a 22 year old concrete tank septic located about 20-30 feet from a chestnut tree that is probably about the same age. How concerned should I be? We like the tree, but should I have it removed?
Also, in terms of driving over the leach field pipes that are extending away from the tank
. I have had some vehicles drive over the field recently to do some contracting work. The biggest thing so far was a box truck. But I am also asking a 120c excavator to come in and do some work. Would a 30,000lb excavator or a dump truck driving over the field be a bad idea?
I don't think he will drive the dump truck/trailer/excavator of it together, but seperately and he will move quick as to not hang out on top. Am I asking for trouble?
Thank you,
On 2019-09-27 by (mod) - I have had some vehicles drive over the field recently to do some contracting work.
My best advice about driving over septics is at
Please take a look at that information as it's more complete than what I could write again off the cuff here.
Bottom line is that you might get away with driving over the septic system. A lot depends on the weather conditions and soil conditions such as humidity or moisture and of course details about how the drain field was installed.If every trip over septic field destroyed it everyone will have figured out to never do that. However I certainly would not drive heavy equipment over a drain field. If there is no alternative than I would ask the contractor to put the insufficient plywood so it's just spread out the load and hope to not compact the soil and break pipes.
So please take a look at the article I recommend above and then don't hesitate to post follow-up questions and we'll be glad to take it from thereContinuing about the chestnut tree. That may be far enough away that it isn't an immediate concern.
On 2019-10-03 by Jeff - removed a fence to permit moving equipment without crossing drainfield
Thank you for the link. Just to play it safe, I removed a fence so that the equipment could drive over an area of the grass just past the drain field. Yes, life has taught me that absolutes are evasive
Best just to make informed decisions and be ready to live with the consequences if/when your schematics fail.
On 2019-10-03 by (mod)
Sounds smart and well worth the trouble. Removing and replacing a fence is a lot cheaper than having to replace the drainfield. I've often found a drainfield that had crushed pipes or impacted soil from people driving heavy equipment over it. The field may not fail right away but it often fails soon after such traffic.
On 2019-03-02 by Mark D Ward - mow or better, pull out and remove small trees & shrubs near or over the drainfield
Our leach feild is within a small pine forest. All the big trees above the field have been cleared. The ones on the perimeter are still there. There are hundreds if not thousands of small pine saplings coming up.
Do we need to cut them all down, use round up, or do we just need to keep them from getting to be mature trees? They are only about 6-8 inches tall and I believe most will die anyway.
On 2019-03-02 by (mod)
Mark I would mow small trees and other shrubs growing over the drainfield.
On 2018-09-08 by Janet - can I plant hydrangeas near my septic drain field
I am wondering if I can plant hydrangeas near my septic drain field ...what would be a safe distance from the drip lines?
On 2018-09-08 by (mod) - hydrangeas ok over septic drainfield
Thanks for asking, Janet.
Hydrangeas use a rhizome type root that stays principally in the top 6-inches of soil - so it would not be expected to invade the drainfield absorption trenches or drip lines.
It would be smart to keep the plants away from the drainfield by a distance no less than the full width of the plant's visible foliage when it will be mature. As a mature plant is about 6 feet (2 meters) in diameter, a ten foot distance ought to be safe.
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