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Plumbing chase after foam insulation (C) Daniel Friedman Eric Galow Galow HomesPlumbing Noise Diagnosis & Cure

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Plumbing system noises at supply pipes, drain pipes, vents, faucets, fixtures:

This plumbing noise article series explains all of the types, causes, and cures for noises traced to a building plumbing system, supply piping, drain piping, traps, fixtures, equipment.

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Plumbing System Noises in buildings, Causes, Cures: list of sources of plumbing noise

Noisy plastic drain waste vent piping (C) Daniel FriedmanThis article explains how we find & identify the sources of all types of plumbing noises in buildings. We can then trace these noises to their source in order to fix or stop them.

Because the action we might take is different - repair a problem versus control or isolate sound, we divide plumbing noises into two groups:

  1. Plumbing defect noises associated with plumbing system problems or defects whose identification and diagnosis is discussed first in the checklist given just below in this article and further at references at the article end.

    Plumbing defect noises may stem from problems in building fixtures (leaks, drips, running toilets), building piping (clogged gurgling drains or whistling hammering water supply pipes), or from building mechanical systems (clicking control relays or screaming well pumps).

    We will give links to more-detailed diagnosis and repair articles for each of these noise sources and types.
  2. Normal (but annoying) plumbing system noises that will be corrected by noise transmission control or sound insulation are discussed


Sources of Plumbing System Noises in buildings

This list of sources of annoying or diagnostic sounds traced to plumbing systems & equipment is in alphabetical order by keyword. Also use your browser's FIND function (Ctrl-F or CMD-F) to search for your own noise keywords in this article.


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TR · Mar 24, 2023

Evevrytime my neighbors turn on water I hear it in my bedroom ceiling. Did not happen prior to there renovation.

InspectApedia Editor (mod) · Mar 24, 2023


Since we don't know what renovations your neighbor did we can only make a broad guess that a plumbing drain or supply line was added or re-routed from previous conditions.

You may be able to significantly-reduce the noise by adding insulation in the ceiling. If, with help from your neighbor you can determine just where the pipes run, you can have insulation blown in to that ceiling-joist bay to reduce noise transmission to your space.

I like blown-in foam as the most-effective noise reduction material in that situation, but the cost of professional foam jobs and the very small size of the job compared to that of insulating a building may mean you'd have trouble getting a foam insulation contractor on the job. But I'd try that first, and if that doesn't bear fruit, blown-in cellulose insulation may be sufficient.

That "blowing-in" of insulation can be done without tearing the ceiling down. It just requires a few small openings that can be patched afterwards.

Keep us posted on how you proceed and how well that works.

AB · Dec 9, 2021

I have a repetitive high pitched whining sound, that slides down in pitch. It lasts about 2 seconds and then happens again 20 seconds later. It’s worse when it’s cold/ when neighbours heating is on not sure which. It’s constant. And it sounds like trapped wind. Any thoughts?!

Anonymous · Dec 9, 2021

@AB, oh and it’s in the walls- and can hear it across a couple of rooms. Neighbours can hear it downstairs as well but not as much.

Inspectapedia Com Moderator (mod) · Dec 9, 2021


There are a lot of diagnostic and cure suggstions for plumbing noise in this article series - worth a look; perhaps your pipe noise is a water velocity noise; try slightly closing the water main valve.

Ray Foster · June 17, 2021

Recently moved into a ground floor unit of 15 levels hi rise, have loud water and vibration noises emanating from sealed plumbing duct early morning and evening. Builder has cut duct open and put insulation around 2 large pipes and resealed Duct but the noise is still there!. The 2 vertical pipes coming down join into 1 before passing through the concrete floor and across to the outside wall. Suggestions as to correcting this would be appreciated. (mod) · June 17, 2021

@Ray Foster,

The first thing to establish is whether or not the noises are normal or whether they indicate that there's a problem with a plumbing system that could lead to damage or other problems. For example what is the sound does it gurgling water in the drain or is it banging pipes or is it a whistling noise?

danjoefriedman (mod) · Apr 9, 2020


I agree that it's quite odd to hear water running in a water supply line when you think water is turned off.

If you're sure it's in a supply line, no doubt water is running somewhere (such as a filling toilet tank or a running toilet or even well water entering a water pressure tank).

The short growl at water shutoff says it's worth looking also at WATER HAMMER NOISES at

Try slightly closing the main water supply valve to see if changing the water velocity changes the "growl"

let me know what you find

danjoefriedman (mod) · Apr 9, 2020


I agree that it's quite odd to hear water running in a water supply line when you think water is turned off.

If you're sure it's in a supply line, no doubt water is running somewhere (such as a filling toilet tank or a running toilet or even well water entering a water pressure tank).

The short growl at water shutoff says it's worth looking also at WATER HAMMER NOISES at

let me know what you find

Jack · Apr 9, 2020

Growling noises in water supply lines. After toilet flushes, after water is turned off at sinks, either hot or cold

danjoefriedman (mod) · Nov 13, 2018


With not a shred of information about your building and its materials, construction, history, I can offer but one wild guess: there may have been leaks under a ceramic tile floor or older brittle resilient tile floor that have damaged the subfloor or even loosened the tiles.
I'm betting you hear the crackling bathroom floor only when someone walks on it, right?

Anonymous · Nov 13, 2018

What would make a crackling noise coming from my master bathroom tiled floor?

Jack · Apr 9, 2020

No it is not under the floor. standing still turn water on and off and get a short growl every time the water is turned off
Older home, concrete floors


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