Sheet flooring or resilient flooring identification requests & FAQs set #4:
This article series describes sheet flooring products known to contain significant levels of asbestos. We also include photographs for identification of known asbestos-containing resilient sheet flooring as well as unknown flooring submitted for identification.
Asbestos is safe and legal to remain in homes or public buildings as long as the asbestos materials are in good condition and the asbestos can not be released into the air.
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- Daniel Friedman, Publisher/Editor/Author - See WHO ARE WE?
These questions and answers about identification of and asbestos content in older types of sheet flooring, linoleum, linoleum rugs, Armstrong sheet flooring, Congoleum and other products, were posted originally
at RESILIENT SHEET FLOORING ID GUIDE - be sure to see that article.
The photos and questions are arranged in order from oldest floor coverings (used in the 1800's to early 1900's) to the present.
Shown at above/left, antique jute-backed sheet flooring.
[Click to enlarge any image]
On 2019-02-18 by (mod) - what should I do if I am worried about an asbestos hazard in my sheet flooring?
The information given in these articles will be more complete and better organized than if I try to type it again anew informally as a comment
A complete list of all of the articles on this topic is in the ARTICLE INDEX found above on this page.
On 2019-02-18 by Brock by (mod) -
Should i be worried about what i have tried scraping up already? What can i do to make sure house is clean of asbestos in the air. I dont want my 3 year old son to be around anything harmful.
On 2019-02-18 by (mod) -
So with no other information and no decision and no lab test what you're left with is treating the floor is presumed to contain asbestos. That means that you would clean up following the procedures listed in this article series.
A brief and incomplete excerpt would be damp wiping and HEPA vacuuming.
And of course generally best advice is to leave the flooring place and cover it over.
On 2019-02-18 by Brock -
I have looked at the 5 steps. Still unsure. If you could give me some further advice that be great.
On 2019-02-18 by (mod) -
Brock, to make a reasonable stab at guessing whether or not your floor contains asbestos, take a look
at ASBESTOS FLOOR IDENTIFICATION - 5 steps to determine if a floor contains asbestos
No, in my experience an air purifier can not remove an asbestos or other dust hazard source in a building.
On 2019-02-17 by Brock
[Shown above] is a picture at the edge of the floor.
If you think it is asbestos what should i do to clean up since i have been handling it and have touched the broken pieces bare handed.
Will an air purifier help?
On 2019-02-17 by Brock -
The brown and tan flower looking floor i showed I did find a sheet cut out and was put under the kitchen sink. I took iy out and it is blank underneath it.
I could not see any stamps or branding on it.
I had some pieces chip off when i pulled up the trim that separated the kitchen floor from the living room carpet.
Anything else i can look for to figure out if it is asbestos or not?
I would have it tested but i dont have much time to remodel and start moving in.
It peels or rips up like hard paper or plaster, glue seems yellowish tan in color.
On 2019-02-17 by (mod) -
Brock please take a look at ASBESTOS FLOOR IDENTIFICATION - 5 steps to determine if a floor contains asbestos
and let me know what questions remain
On 2019-02-17 by Brock by (mod) -
Another room - shown above. This one i already ripped up.
Another room.
On 2019-02-17 by Brock by (mod) -
Does this look like anything that may contain asbestos? House was built in 1981. It is a sheet flooring, maybe vinyl.
Will post few other pictures from other rooms. Could not find anything in your guides that matched.
On 2019-01-27 by (mod) - what to do if I'm not sure my linoleum contains asbestos
If the sheet flooring is in a home in the U.S. and if it was installed before 1985 it may contain asbestos.
Please check out the asbestos floor content Q&A
at ASBESTOS FLOOR IDENTIFICATION - 5 steps to determine if a floor contains asbestos
On 2019-01-27 by Veronica Luckow by (mod) -
Not sure if my linoleum contains asbestos. Built in 1980, but different flooring throughout house.
On 2019-01-09 by (mod) -
I don't think that Norms floor is one that was poured. However there certainly were such systems as yours.
I would like to see some photos of whatever you can provide to give us details about the floor surface as well as the underlayment and the thickness of the poor.
Unfortunately I can't rule out the possibility that asbestos may have been used in some early mixes as a filler or as a fiber strengthener.
On 2019-01-08 by Mike P by (mod) -
Norm, I've got the same thing in a home built around 1969. It appears to be poured onto 3/4" particle board. The particle board appears to be nailed down first and then the finish layer poured or spread on top.
On 2018-11-19 by (mod) - spatter or color fleck pattern flooring popular from about 1960-1970
Your floor looks like a spatter or color fleck pattern popular from about 1960-1970, similar to floor tile patterns popularized by Kentile that would be presumed to contain asbestos.
However take closer look at the back of your flooring. I suspect this is a linoleum type product. If you see black asphalt-impregnated paper backing I'd treat that too as presumed to contain asbestos.
On 2018-11-19 by Norm by (mod) -
Any ideas? Sheet flooring, house was built in 1919. Looks like the spatter design...
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