How to prevent bulding mold contamination:
This document which explains how to prevent mold contamination or mold growth in buildings, is a section of our Mold Action Plan which provides an easy to understand step-by-step guide for dealing with toxic or allergenic indoor mold and other indoor contaminants: what to do about mold.
The steps in this document and its accompanying articles will be sufficient for many building owners who want to do their own mold investigation, mold testing, mold cleanup, and mold prevention in their home or office. Extensive, technically detailed in-depth articles are also organized at our Mold Information Center.
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- Daniel Friedman, Publisher/Editor/Author - See WHO ARE WE?
There is no point in "cleaning up" or "removing" mold if the underlying causes of a mold problem are not also addressed.
Unless the causes, such as leaks or high moisture are corrected, mold will simply recur. Band-Aid approaches like trying to
"kill" or "prevent" mold by using chemical sprays, coatings, or air cleaners are insufficient and ineffective at preventing
future mold and in some cases (such as ozone) these approaches create their own
The following articles discuss measures which will substantially reduce the risk of mold growth in buildings. Don't miss Mold-Resistant Building Practices.
In the photo the contractor is pointing out to the owner that wind-blown rain running down the building's wall will enter the wall cavity at the air conditioner penetration because of improper installation and sealing there. Inside we found that the wall cavity was wet and moldy. Proper installation and sealing at building wall and roof penetrations such as roof vents, windows, doors, and trim can prevent many building leaks which in turn reduces the chances of a future mold problem.
Attic Condensation and Ice Dam Leaks:
If roof leaks or attic moisture condensation due to a combination of inadequate attic
ventilation and a building moisture source (wet basement, plumbing leaks, roof leaks) causes excessive moisture or actual wet
conditions in an attic, conditions are ripe for extensive mold growth.
Visible mold may appear on wood surfaces in an attic
such as on rafters or roof sheathing.
Hidden mold may be present and may be even more of a problem if it forms in insulation
or in the ducts and air handler of an air conditioning or heating/air conditioning system.
Typical building air convection
currents tend to move air up and out from lower to upper building levels, so one would not think that much mold would
move down from an attic into the living area.
But important exceptions to this can quickly move problem mold from an
attic into a living area. For more details on this topic see Attic Condensation & Ice Dams, Detection and Correcting
Venting and Condensation Problems in buildings.
Building Exterior Leaks and Mold No mold cleanup project will be successful unless you correct the conditions that caused mold growth in the first place.
An expert inspection and report should find and suggest remedies for site and building exterior conditions that produce mold or for building areas that serve as a mold reservoir or as amplifiers for allergens, mold, mildew, excessive pollen or pet dander.
The basic steps: find all unwanted moisture sources, correct appropriate
building, site, landscaping, & construction details.
90% of the wet basements and crawl spaces I see
are caused by bad or missing roof gutters and downspouts.
An IAQ investigator
who has training and experience in building science, mycology (mold science),
and IAQ, or in some cases an experienced ASHI-Certified home inspector or sick building investigator who is who has a similar in-depth
understanding of construction failures can be helpful at this step.
The photograph shows a double problem with this wood shingle exterior wall: shingles are improperly installed and falling off
of the home, inviting water to enter the wall structure.
Because there is no roof overhang or eaves, and not even a
gutter on the home, roof runoff runs right down this wall.
Plumbing leaks that are unattended, water running under kitchen or bathroom cabinets when fixtures are in use, and air conditioning system condensate leaks into the building or into the HVAC duct work are examples of indoor leaks that can lead to a mold problem if not promptly attended.
The photograph shows extensive staining from protracted plumbing leaks in a house that was left unattended. The result was extensive basement mold requiring demolition and cleaning of large area of the home.
Continue reading at FLOOD DAMAGE REPAIR PRIORITIES or select a topic from the closely-related articles below, or see the complete ARTICLE INDEX.
Or see these
MOLD PREVENTION GUIDE at - online encyclopedia of building & environmental inspection, testing, diagnosis, repair, & problem prevention advice.
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