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Spatter pattern sheet flooring may contain asbestos (C) JenniferLinoleum Flooring FAQs

Asbestos risk, History, Components, Identification

Linoleum Flooring Materials

History, Components, Identification: this article provides information about linoleum flooring: the history of linoleum, linoleum ingredients, and the properties of linoleum resilient or sheet floor coverings.

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- Daniel Friedman, Publisher/Editor/Author - See WHO ARE WE?

Linoleum Floor Covering Materials: history, ingredients, uses FAQs

These questions and answers about linoleum and other types of sheet flooring, its identification, and whether or not such floor coverings contain asbestos were posted originally

at LINOLEUM & OTHER SHEET FLOORING - please be sure to see the guidelines given there.

Also see ASBESTOS FLOORING IDENTIFICATION where we pose 5 questions that can help make a reasonable guess at whether or not a specific flooring product contains asbestos before a lab test.

[Click to enlarge any image]

Spattered squares sheet flooring / linoleum asbestos?

Searched for a photo of what I believe is linoleum floor tiling. Should I be worried? 2020-02-15 by C M G

This Q&A were posted originally


Reply by mod:

That photo [shown above] looks like a spatter pattern resilient flooring in sheet form (as you don't say it's individual tiles).

Because popular floor patterns were made by more than one manufacturer, and because popular flooring patterns were produced across and past years when asbestos was a common ingredient, one cannot safely say, on a photo alone, whether or not a particular floor tile or sheet flooring pattern contains asbestos.

Short of having a sample of the flooring tested, you can make a reasonable *guess* at whether or not your floor contains asbestos by answering the few easy questions found at

DOES THIS FLOORING CONTAIN ASBESTOS? 5 easy steps that can help you make a reasonable guess at whether or not the floor you ask about contains asbestos.

If we're right that your floor isn't tile but sheet flooring you want to see

at RESILIENT SHEET FLOORING ID GUIDE - (sheet flooring) organized by year and manufacturer where there are similar floor coverings.


Identify this antique sheet flooring in a 1929 Utah Home - contains asbestos?

Peeking at the surface of an antique floral pattern asphalt backed sheety flooring or linoleum (C) Ashlee

I know there's not a lot off the patterns showing but could either of these sheet floorings contain asbestos?

House was built in 1929, but I'm guessing the floor covering got installed later on? Located in Utah, Cache Valley. - On 2023-11-14 by Ashlee -

Reply by InspectApedia Publisher (mod)


Yes it's possible that that flooring contains asbestos - in a black asphalt-impregnated felt backing.

If you are removing the floor, see the suggestions at


Also take a look at the article in the Recommended Articles list above titled

DOES THIS FLOORING CONTAIN ASBESTOS? - 5 easy questions help make a reasonable guess

Followup by Ashlee

Floral pattern asphalt backed linoleum sheet flooring in a 1929 home (C) Ashlee at

@InspectApedia Publisher, I pulled back more of the carpet to reveal more of the design. [Photo above]

I'm having a hard time finding the exact match. I can find similar but the similar ones don't contain the little orange flowers.

I'm planning on sending samples to a lab though, hopefully no asbestos so I can frame cuttouts of the flooring! Thank you for the flooring removal suggestions! :D

Reply by InspectApedia DF (mod)


Some asphalt-backed sheet flooring or "linoleum" did contain asbestos, and we do look forward to seeing your lab test result.

But don't panic. (Doing so is bad for your health and for your wallet.)

Even if your test results came back positive for asbestos, if you use appropriate handling methods for removal as discussed in the article we cite, framing a piece of the flooring would not be an issue.

If you're able to salvage a piece and then frame it, the framing and its cover would enclose the flooring and take care of any risk.

And yes, that floral pattern linoleum or patterns quite similar to it makes several appearances in this linoleum flooring series.

where you'll see similar products, though I'm not sure there's an exact match.

I'm working on compiling a list of and examples of floral pattern linoleum or sheet flooring and will post more here asap

I'll post your photo also at a page where we've collected the most examples of floral pattern linoleum, Congoleum, and similar flooring products dating from early in the 20th century.


Brown fibrous backing vs gray papery backer on sheet flooring?

Here’s a photo of the back of my sheet flooring

Jute backed sheet flooring (C) Kayleigh

This is suspected linoleum floor in a 1901 home. Unsure if asbestos is a possibility. None of this flooring are “tiles” but rather bigger pieces on the stairs and footboards.

Below is another flooring back photo. On 2023-08-13 by Kayleigh

Gray composite flooring - backer? (C) Kayleigh

Reply by InspectApedia Publisher (mod)


That looks like a jute backer on sheet flooring in your first photo; Your second photo looks like a completely different product, with a felt like backer.

If it was glued down, beware that some mastic adhesives, both black asphaltic and also lighter colored versions, also contained asbestos.

In your second gray fibrous photo that does not look to me like a walking surface - are you sure it's the upper surface of a sheet flooring material?

From just the image, I can't say for sure whether or not that old sheet flooring backer contains asbestos.

It's possible.

If you can remove the flooring without grinding, chopping, sawing, sanding or otherwise creating a dusty mess from the flooring itself then there's not likely to be much potential hazard.

If not, then I'd have a sample tested for asbestos.

Black stuff gluing down Armstrong 9"x9" floor tiles: asbestos?

1950s striped asphalt or vinyl asbestos floor tiles (C) Anon

Hi, I recently found this flooring that was under some other linoleum flooring. It is an Armstrong 9x9 house was built in the 50’s I am not sure if it is linoleum or vinyl, from my research it almost looks like linoleum from the looks of the backing.

As the black stuff does not appear to be black mastic cause I can see the clear glue used. What is your opinion on this? I did a home kit and sent it out for testing won’t receive the results until next week.

Top [at left in the photo above] picture is the back of the tile and bottom picture is the front. -On 2023-08-01 by Anonymous -

Reply by InspectApedia DF (mod)


That sure looks like black mastic remnants although it’s hard to tell from just one photo. Keep in mind that some of the asbestos containing mastics were not black. Also, the backer could contain asbestos as well.

You can read more about that at


You may also want to take a look at (live link just above in the Recommended Articles list)

DOES THIS FLOORING CONTAIN ASBESTOS? - 5 easy questions help make a reasonable guess

It would be helpful to other readers as well if you’re willing to share the results you get from sending a sample out for testing.

Identify floral pattern linoleum rug: contains asbestos?

I am trying to find out the year of manufacture of this vinyl rug and if it contains asbestos. The house was built in 1920's but the rugs could be from any era since.

Red backed gray & white floral pattern linoleum, probably Congoleum (C) Anon

See photos. - 02/20/2023 by private email

Reply by InspectApedia Publisher (mod)

@Anonymous by private email,

Thank you for those nice linoleum "rug" photos - you'' find both of those patterns aor very similar ones ppearing above on this page and in more detail


Do take a look and don't hesitate to ask any follow-up questions you need.

Most traditional linoleum did not contain asbestos but the question can be tricky. For example, some jute-backed flooring, sheet and floor tiles did contain asbestos and conversely, some other non-jute-backed sheet flooring does not. See DOES THIS FLOOR CONTAIN ASBESTOS at the end of this article.

Identify this multi-coloured 1955 floor - is this linoleum?

Hello, we have just moved into a property built in 1955. Under the carpet we have found tiles in multi colours.

1950s multi colored square floor tiles (C) Alice

Do you think this could be asbestos or linoleum? Nothing was picked up on the survey of the house around this. Many Thanks On 2022-07-28 by Alice

Reply by InspectApedia-911 (mod)


Certainly that floor could be from the 1950s or 1960s and so could contain asbestos.

Black stuff on our 1876 pine floor boards

We found this stuck to our 1876 pine floorboards. Do you think it was linoleum? - On 2021-03-10 by Lisa Salb -

Reply by (mod) -

that looks like a scrap of linoleum stuck to the flooring.

Does this floral pattern linoleum contain asbestos?

Linoleum rug (C) kerry

I am trying to figure out if this flooring maybe asbestos. Any help appreciated. - On 2021-03-12 by kerry -

Reply by (mod) -


Your photo shows a linoleum rug that you will find in our articles found in the page bottom ARTICLE INDEX under "Linoleum"


Some of those products contain asbestos in the asphalt-impregnated paper backer.

What's the age of this black asphalt felt -backed sheet flooring: linoleum rug

Here is another floor covering in my house: what's the age of this linoleum rug?

And possible asbestos, would like to keep. - On 2020-10-28 by Denise -

Photo above: asphalt-backed floral pattern linoleum rug.

Reply by (mod) -

Very nice linoleum rug, typically from the 1940s; some asphalt backers like shown on your torn sample contain asbestos.

What's the age, pattern, and asbestos content of this old sheet flooring?

House built 1900. This is kitchen in basement ( mother in law ) ? With full bath and berm.

The two rugs linoleum ? Wondering age pattern ? Asbestos in either or both? - On 2020-10-28 by Denise

Reply by (mod) -

Denise, that felt backed sheet flooring may contain asbestos; you should see


to make a best guess short of actually testing the material

Then see the sheet flooring examples, patterns, and age guide starting at


Does this green sheet flooring contain asbestos?

Found this under a tile floor and some underlayment. We already removed it as safely as possible. Someone else mentioned it may have asbestos after we finished. Look like a possibility? - On 2020-08-01 by Jeff

Reply by (mod) -

Yes, Jeff depending on your answers to the questions posed at DOES THIS FLOORING CONTAIN ASBESTOS?


Example of classic linoleum in an 1890 New York State farmhouse - I love this website.

I love this website. I live in an old farmhouse (the original part of the house) build approx. 1890, in upstate NY.

It has so many quirks, so trying to figure out the what and why of the history of this house constantly has me curious.

I noticed tonight there is old linoleum on the wall inside the storage area off above what is now our living room.

I've seen where it was removed other places in the home as well by the person we bought it from in trying to "repair" things.

Anyway, it peaked my curiosity why people would cover the inside wall of the storage area with linoleum, and how old the linoleum is?

Here are the pictures. [above] The linoleum is very cracked, and hard. The blue & grey square printed piece has a thin red back, looks kind of like sandpaper?

Interestingly, the other piece, with the bigger title squares & flowers has a grey back that is also very thin. - On 2020-06-29 by Leigh

Reply by (mod) - Old farmhouse Linoleum / Congoleum flooring

My guess is 1940s 1950s

Lots of reasons, ranging from draft blocking to ease of cleaning

Thanks for the compliment too; we also welcome your content suggestions, criticism, corrections, questions.

How do I safely remove the nails and staples in old Linoleum flooring if there's asbestos?

Linoleum in a NY Lake Erie home built in 1954 (C) JanetWe just purchased a cottage and after removing the carpet we got this little surprise!

It is looks like it is a if sheet and glued to the floor. I broke a piece off to see what it looked like.

Does it look like asbestos and if so, how do I safely remove the nails and staples from the carpet to lay a floor over it? 2020-01-23 by Janet

Mod reply:

Janet, that looks like a linoleum sheet flooring product; depending on the home's country and city and age and of course flooring age, it may contain asbestos, typically in the asphalt-impregnated flooring backer.

Just pulling out carpet tacks sent through the floor ought to merely leave tiny holes and most-likely no detectable airborne asbestos, but you can use damp wiping and HEPA vacuuming as clean-up to minimize the risks.

Leave the old flooring in place and install your new floor covering over it - safest and least expensive.

More options are found in the ARTICLE INDEX for example a live link to ASBESTOS FLOORING HAZARD REDUCTION

Follow up: Linoleum fragments from a 1954 Lake Erie NY home

Linoleum in a NY Lake Erie home built in 1954 (C) JanetSorry, I forgot to mention. It’s in Western NY on Lake Erie and the cottage was built in 1953.

The bedrooms have hardwood painted the same color, so I assume there is wood under it and this may have been added later?

Of course, I prefer the wood, but if there is chance of asbestos, we will lay a floor over it.


Typically the original floors in a 1953 Lake Erie cottage would have been at least wood subfloor common pine and sometimes pine finish floor, on occasion more elevated materials as a finish floor such as heart pine.

If the linoleum is not glued down then it's usually pretty easy to remove.

Chances of asbestos in this old sheet flooring from Kent England?

I was taking up some old carpet in a Victorian house in Kent, England and spotted this under the flooring - brown paper sandwiching black oily material with fibres.

Below this was a speckled pattern covering with a black backing. I'd love your advice. Thanks. 2019-01-20 by Michael

asbestos risk in antique sheet flooring, Kent England (C) (C) Michael

Mod reply:

Antique sheet flooring from a UK Home (C) MichaelMichael

True "linoleum" was not an asbestos-containing product. But the word "linoleum" continues to be used more broadly to encompass a range of sheet flooring products, some of which do contain asbestos.

A closer look at your photo (as I will post below) shows some very long large fibres that are not likely to be asbestos. But we can't rule-out asbestos used as a reinforcing fibre or even as a filler in asphalt-based flooring core or backer material.

You read and are perhaps disappointed in my reply to this point as clearly I'm saying "I don't know" and "We can't know" for sure without either more information about the material or a lab test. (I'd like to see a photo of the flooring showing its pattern if that's possible).


I pose 5 questions that can help make a reasonable guess at whether or not a specific flooring product contains asbestos before a lab test.

Please take a look there and let me know what else you can say or what further questions you have.

Thanks for the interesting question and photo. Cheers. DF

Old sheet flooring in 1957 Ken Craft trailer

Curious if anyone has ever seen a modern version of this pattern anywhere. Or something close? Or maybe even just the name and manufacturer if it originally?

This is what was in my 1957 Ken Craft trailer. The floor is mostly gone, just a couple small pieces of this left. I love it and would like to restore the trailer with this or something close. I have been looking and have hit most of the pages you have listed. I will make my way through the rest. 2018-10-17 by Jennifer

Spatter pattern sheet flooring may contain asbestos (C) Jennifer


That's a spatter pattern floor tile, possibly a Kentile - if those are in fact tiles, not sheet flooring; from your photo I can't be sure.

Kentiles are illustrated in this article series.

Seal and leave old flooring in place

I bought a small old drop leaf table with what looks like old linoleum in a blue marble pattern on the entire table top. It is completely intact though it was quite dirty.

I cleaned it with a gentle soap and water cloth and some of the color came up on the cloth. Is there anything I can safely seal the table top with that won't disturb the beautiful pattern? 2018-03-30 by Kim


Yes, Kim there are clear floor sealant products, some of which are quite compatible with old linoleum.


found by using the on-page search box to look for "seal asbestos floor"

You'll see that you will probably want to clean the surface using a wax stripper first.

Is there asbestos in linoleum?

Could you please tell me if Asbestos has ever been used in the manufacture of Linoleum. 2017-02-28 by Graham Biddulph


Graham, as you'll read at LINOLEUM & SHEET FLOORING, true Linoleum is not an asbestos-product.

However many people use the term "linoleum" to refer to other forms of sheet flooring, including vinyl and vinyl asbestos sheet flooring.



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