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Armstrong vinyl asbestos floor tiles 1955 (catalog photo)1956-57 Asphalt Asbestos Floor Tile Identification Key

Armstrong Asphalt Floor Tile Catalogs

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Photo guide to asphalt asbestos and vinyl asbestos floor tiles, 1956-1957.

This article series provides a guide to identifying asphalt-asbestos flooring (1917 - ca 1960) & vinyl asbestos floor tile (ca 1952 - 1986): identification photographs, product names, styles, colors, and vinyl-asbestos floor patterns, and colors. These flooring products typically contain chrysotile asbestos, and possibly other asbestos forms.

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1956 & 1957 Asphalt-Asbestos Floor Tile Identification Keys

1956 - Armstrong Excelon Vinyl Plastic Asbestos 9 x 9 Floor Floor Tiles, Patterns & Color Guide

Vinyl asbestos floor tile identification photo U.S. Library of Congress

CORKSTYLE Excelon vinyl asbestos floor tile pattern images from 1956

1956 Floor Tile Colors: CORK-LIGHT 798 -1956 was the first year for this asphalt asbestos floor tile pattern from Armstrong.

Cork pattern asphalt asbestos flooring was also sold as CORK MEDIUM 797 shown at above left, and CORK DARK 799.

These colors remained unchanged into future product years. (See 1957 below and 1958 found in ASBESTOS FLOOR TILE IDENTIFICATION PHOTOS 1949-1959)

Vinyl asbestos floor tile identification photo U.S. Library of Congress

DESIGNER SERIES FLOOR TILES (sold only in 9" x 9", either service gauge (1/16") or 1/8" gauge sold as MINT GREEN 760 above, SILVER GRAY 761, SAND BEIGE 762, ROSE TAUPE 763, MAUVE TAUPE 764, SIENNA COPPER 765

Vinyl asbestos floor tile identification photo U.S. Library of Congress

REGULAR EXCELON floor tile pattern was sold only in 9" x 9", either service gauge (1/16") or 1/8" gauge,

Colors: (New floor tile colors for 1965 are included here. For colors continued from 1955 see links at 1955 above. ) Seneca White 770, Mohawk Gray 771, Commanche black 772, Seminole Yellow 774, Aztec Gray 775, Cherokee White 776, Apache Red 777, Mohican Cedar 779, Osage Green 780, Navajao Gray 781,

Sioux Pink 782, Iroquois Tan 783, CHOCTAW GREEN 784 ( shown above), ZUNI BROWN 785, MOJAVE CHARCOAL 786, POWHATAN TURQUOISE 787, LIGHT WOODTONE 788, DARK WOODTONE 789,

Vinyl asbestos floor tile identification photo U.S. Library of Congress Vinyl asbestos floor tile identification photo U.S. Library of Congress

SPATTER pattern vinyl asbestos or asphalt asbestos floor tiles in very dark colors, Excelon 9

(sold only in 9" x 9", either service gauge (1/16") or 1/8" gauge



Vinyl asbestos floor tile identification photo U.S. Library of Congress

EXCELON FEATURE STRIPS (above) 1" wide x 24" long x 1/8" thick solid color vinyl asbestos flooring strips). See a better image of these solid color feature strips at 1957 below.

Colors: Plain Red 792, Plain White 791, Plain Brown 795, Plain Yellow 793, Plain Black 790, Plain Green 794

Also see this installed SOLID TILE AND FEATURE STRIP FLOOR EXAMPLEfrom 1971 .

1957 - Armstrong Excelon Vinyl Asbestos Floor Floor Tiles, Patterns & Color Guide

For colors for which a link is not provided below, see the earlier occurrence of that tile color in a previous year.

Vinyl asbestos floor tile identification photo U.S. Library of Congress

Excelon CORKSTYLE floor tile pattern 9 x 9 x 1/16" thickness only

Colors: Medium Corkstyle 797, LIGHT CORKSTYLE 798 shown above, also sold as Dark Corkstyle 799 (see 1956, 1958)

Vinyl asbestos floor tile identification photo U.S. Library of Congress

EXCELON DESIGNER SERIES floor tile pattern sold in 9 x 9 x 1/16" & 1/8" thicknesses

Colors: Mint Green 760, Silver Gray 761, Sand Beige 762, ROSE TAUPE 763 2nd from left, Mauve Taupe 764, Sienna Copper 765 (See color samples from 1956).

Vinyl asbestos floor tile identification photo U.S. Library of Congress Vinyl asbestos floor tile identification photo U.S. Library of Congress

EXCELON STRAIGHT GRAINED 9 x 9 x 1/16" & 1/8" thick floor tile pattern in these Colors:

Seneca white 770, MOWHAWK GRAY 771 shown above, Commanche Black 772, Seminole Yellow 774, Aztec Gray 775,

Cherokee White 776, APACHE RED 777, PAWNEE BEIGE No. 778 also shown above, Mohican Cedar 779, Osage Green 780,

Navajo Gray 781, Sioux Pink 782, Iroquois Tan 783, Choctaw green 784, Zuni Brown 785, Mojave Charcoal 786, Powhatan Turquoise 787

Vinyl asbestos floor tile identification photo U.S. Library of Congress

EXCELON SPATTER floor tile pattern from Armstrong (note that Kentiles - not an Armstrong product - also were produced in a popular spattern floor tile pattern)

Colors: ANDOVER WHITE No. 735 shown above, , Bedford Gray 736, Cape Cod Beige 737, Lexington Green 738, Providence Charcoal 739, Arlington Cedar 740, Exeter Red 741, Concord Yellow 742, Norwich Turquoise 743, Bangor Copper 744, Plymouth Pink 745

Armstrong vinyl asbestos floor tile Pattern C-993 Sandrift

Shown above, Armstrong spatter pattern vinyl asbestos floor tile 9" x 9" x 1/8" thick in Pattern C-993 Sandrift, contributed by reader T.O. who comments

The side of the box is where the Armstrong logo is. I did find it in a 1957 Armstrong catalog online by looking for C-993.

This spatter pattern floor tile was produced most likely through the 1950s and probably into the 1960's.

Box labeling indicates that this product was distributed by the Black & White Tile Mart, 7440 W. Capitol, Milwaukee WI.

Other manufacturers also produced spatter-pattern flooring including those shown at KENTILE KENFLEX ASBESTOS FLOOR TILE GUIDE

Vinyl asbestos floor tile identification photo U.S. Library of Congress

EXCELON WOODTONE 9 x 9 x 1/16" & 1/8" Floor Tile pattern

Colors: (Light Woodtone 788 (See 1956), DARK WOODTONE No. 789, above right)

Excelon Beveled Edging (not shown, photo needed) 1/16" plain black only;

Asphalt-based Beveled Edging (not shown, photo needed) 1/8"

Vinyl asbestos floor tile identification photo U.S. Library of Congress


Also see this installed SOLID TILE AND FEATURE STRIP FLOOR EXAMPLE from 1971.


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danjoefriedman (mod) · June 11, 2018



Is a good pl ace to start.

Use the Add Image button next to the Comment button to attach a sharp photo of both sides of yoyr flooring if you can.

Black asphalt-impregnated felt backing on sheet flooring from the 1950s through 70s should be treated as pres used to conta in asbestos.

Jon Levin · June 11, 2018

Your website is informative. Thank you. I looked for our floor tiles pattern in the Armstrong tile 1957 -1958 but couldn't match exactly. We have a grey spatter pattern linoleum-like sheet floor covering (not tiles) in the kitchen. It appears to have black asphalt or black felt backing (can you refer me to your website page to help me tell the difference?) It is a medium grey charcoal background with pink and tan spatters. It may have a pink border. I can't seem to find the spatter flooring in a sheet tile to confirm asbestos.. We are renovating a 1957 ranch. (The original metal cabinets were pink!) Anything you can do to give me information on whether this particular floor covering may have asbestos in it or in the underlayment would be greatly appreciated.


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