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Old asbestos floor tiles in poor condition (C) EsanAsbestos Flooring ID FAQS

Asbestos-containing floor tile identification Q&A

Q&A on identification of asbestos-containing floor tiles or sheet flooring.

Photos that can help identify floor tiles that are likely to contain asbestos.

This article series assists building buyers, owners or inspectors who need to identify asbestos materials (or probable-asbestos) in buildings by visual inspection.

InspectAPedia tolerates no conflicts of interest. We have no relationship with advertisers, products, or services discussed at this website.

- Daniel Friedman, Publisher/Editor/Author - See WHO ARE WE?

How to Identify Asbestos- Floor Tiles - FAQs

Asbestos suspect floor tiles from the 1970's in Sydney Austraila (C) ChrisThese questions and replies on how to recognize asbestos-containing flooring were posted originally


Be sure to review that article and in particular, the 5 questions we pose there and whose answers can help you make a reasonable guess at whether or not a particular floor tile or sheet flooring contains asbestos.

Also see ASBESTOS FLOOR TILE PHOTO ID REQUESTS for more photographs submitted for identification as asbestos-containing flooring - or not.

If your flooring is a continuous sheet product, see ASBESTOS SHEET FLOORING ID FAQs

[Click to enlarge any image]

Photo: two layers of floor tiles, at least the earlier layer of which may contain asbestos, from the 1970's in Sydney Australia.


On 2023-11-20 by InspectApedia DF (mod) - spatter pattern flooring may contain asbestos


It's possible that it contains asbestos as that spatter pattern was a popular pattern. But with no additional information about it or your home, your best best is to review this article

DOES THIS FLOOR CONTAIN ASBESTOS? - 5 easy questions to tell if your FLOOR probably contains asbestos

(live link in the Recommended Articles list on this page)

In that same article list, see also


If we are reading your photo correctly it looks as if those tiles may be loose. If they are breaking up then you probably need to have the flooring removed.

On 2023-11-20 by Sarah

Was hoping you could tell me if this was asbestos. Thanks for your time!

gray spatter pattern floor tiles (C) Sarah

On 2023-11-02 by InspectApedia Publisher


Thank you so much for the update, that will help other readers.

Your report illustrates the value of knowing the age of flooring when addressing an asbestos question.

On 2023-11-02 by Sarah

@InspectApedia Publisher, I contacted Domco/Tarkett and they said the flooring was from the early 2000's and wouldn't have asbestos. We also had a test done by SLGi and it came back negative for asbestos.

On 2023-10-19 by InspectApedia Publisher - DOMCO CANADA imprint on the back of that flooring


Thank you for the additional photo of the DOMCO CANADA imprint on the back of that flooring.

We'll appreciate your updates.

On 2023-10-19 by Sarah

@InspectApedia Publisher, Thank you for your speedy reply. We found a scrap he pulled out with more info but as I read more the flooring is less of an issue than the mastic.

We have adjusted our approach to account for the possibility of asbestos. Your site has been very helpful and we really appreciate the valuable resources. I will update you when the results come back in a few days hopefully.

1978 Utah Domco Canada vinyl sheet flooring (C) Sarah

On 2023-10-19 by InspectApedia Publisher - plenty of 1970s vinyl sheet flooring and 1970s mastic adhesives contained asbestos


Not all, but certainly plenty of 1970s vinyl sheet flooring including patterns like that in your photo (asbestos principally in the flooring backer) and 1970s mastic adhesives contained asbestos.

If your renovation job requires removing those materials it can be difficult to do so without creating dust. So you'd either treat the material as presumed to contain asbestos (dust control, damp wiping, HEPA vacuuming etc) or rely on the test that you've ordered.

Do let me know what your test results show.

On 2023-10-19 by Sarah

Hello, 1978 home in Utah. Kitchen vinyl sheet flooring that was tiled over in approximately 2003. We are unsure if the vinyl is original. Part has already been ripped up as my husband didn't see it as another layer between the mortar with wire mesh and backer board. We have ordered a test and paused demo for now.

1978 Utah Domco Canada vinyl sheet flooring (C) Sarah

On 2023-10-16 by InspectApedia DF (mod)


Given its age, it would be best to treat that flooring as presumed to contain asbestos.

In our Recommended Articles list at the end of this article, see the live links to our articles on


and also

DOES THIS FLOORING CONTAIN ASBESTOS? - 5 easy questions help make a reasonable guess

On 2023-10-16 by Rachel

Home was built in 1968 but I do not know when this flooring was installed. It needs to be removed due to water damage. Is this asbestos?

asbestos suspect flooring (C) Rachel

On 2023-09-13 by InspectApedia DF (mod) - Flooring from 1994-2000 would not contain asbestos


Flooring from 1994-2000 would not contain asbestos.

1986 was the last year asbestos was allowed in a flooring product in the US.

On 2023-09-13 by Alyssa

Hello, 1963 home. Bathroom is original but with this cheap vinyl layered over original pink bathroom tile. The vinyl was added sometime between 1994-2000.

It is cracking and peeling in some parts as you can see in bottom center of this photo. I’m unsure if I should remove and restore pink tiles or just cover this up, in case there’s asbestos from the vinyl. Thoughts?

1990s floor tiles (C) Alyssa

On 2023-08-02 by InspectApedia DF (mod) - 1979 brown square pattern floor tiles may contain asbestos


We don’t know that pattern specifically.

Given its age, it would be best to treat that flooring as presumed to contain asbestos. But if they are in good condition, the safest and simplest option (you wouldn't need to test them) is to just cover them with new flooring.

In our Recommended Articles list at the end of this article, see the live links to our articles on


and also

DOES THIS FLOORING CONTAIN ASBESTOS? - 5 easy questions help make a reasonable guess

On 2023-08-01 by Rebecca

1979 home, haven’t been able to find pictures of this type of tile online. It’s thicker and appears to be the original flooring as one tile is peeling up. Memphis TN

1979 brown floor tile pattern (C) Rebecca

On 2023-05-28 by InspectApedia DF (mod) - does this Armstrong flooring contain asbestos?


Without more information, we can't be sure from one photo.

Given we don’t know that exact pattern or age, it would be best to treat that flooring as presumed to contain asbestos.

First take a look at

DOES THIS FLOOR CONTAIN ASBESTOS? - 5 easy questions to tell if your FLOOR probably contains asbestos

And then also our articles on


Live links for all of these are found in the Recommended Articles list found near the end of this page.

Keep in mind that the safest and simplest thing to do if it is asbestos containing material is to leave it in place and cover with new flooring. Read more in the articles mentioned above.

On 2023-05-27 by Josh

This is some Armstrong sheet flooring, any idea if it has asbestos?

Armstrong brown medallion floor tiles (C) Josh

On 2023-05-21 by InspectApedia DF (mod) - 1967 Arkansas flooring may contain asbestos


It would be best to treat that flooring as presumed to contain asbestos. But if they are remaining in place (the safest and simplest option), you wouldn't need to test them and could just cover them with new flooring.

In our Recommended Articles list at the end of this article, see the live link to our article on


On 2023-05-20 by Susan

My house was built in 1967 NLR, Ar. We recently had water damage and I pulled up the carpet to find these tiles. They are 1ft by 1ft old stick on wood looking. Any ideas if I need to get it tested for asbestos?

1967 12x12 Arkansas wood grain peel and stick floor tiles (C) Susan

On 2023-05-07 by InspectApedia Editor


Six years after asbestos use was last allowed (1986 in the U.S.), you would be unlikely to find stock that old being used.

On 2023-05-07 by Glenn

Hi. We just bought a house built in 1992 in South Carolina. We started to pull up the newer floating vinyl tiles and ripped a piece of this flooring underneath up in the process. It appears to be a single sheet with a paper backing, tears easily.

It’s glued down with some sort of adhesive that was applied with a notched trowel to 1/4” or so OSB, which is nailed to the subfloor. Though it’s an early 90s build, I wonder about the possibility of old stock having been used. Thanks!

1992 South Carolina Flooring (C) Glenn


On 2022-09-25 by InspectApedia (Editor)


I don't know Brandy so don't want to give made-up advice.

Identify the floor brand and product, then find its installation instructions and follow those.

On 2022-09-25 by Brandyblue007

@InspectApedia (Editor), The LVP flooring already has a foam like material underneath. Do you suggest that still I put an underlayment down? Also do you think it's ok that there is the nail strips around the edges that the carpet connected to? I'm going to pull all of that up, just wondering since the nails would be attached to the tile.

On 2022-09-25 by InspectApedia (Editor)


Yes - likely to contain abestos.

As long as the rest of the floor is in as great shape as the area in your photo - that is, well-adhered - I'd put down underlayment and then your new plank flooring

On 2022-09-25 by Brandy

I'm tearing up carpet in a home that was built in 1957. The house is a slab home (no basement). I thought there would be concrete under the carpet but there is this black and brown tile. Do you think it contains asbestos? Is it ok to lay luxury vinyl plank flooring on top of the tiles?

1957 dark brown and black tiles (C) Brandy

On 2022-09-25 by InspectApedia (Editor) - 1970s bungalow kitchen floor likely has asbestos



On 2022-09-25 by Nicki

Late 1970s bungalow kitchen floor do you think their asbestos?

1970s black and white flooring (C) Nicki

On 2022-09-15 by InspectApedia-911 (mod)


Try the add image button
and see

DOES THIS FLOOR CONTAIN ASBESTOS? - 5 easy questions to tell if your FLOOR probably contains asbestos

Live link above

On 2022-09-15 by mark

hi I found this flooring after tearing out carpet in my home that was built in 1958, can anyone tell me if this is Asbestos!??

On 2022-09-05 by InspectApedia-911 (mod) - 12x12 speckled tile

@Julie B,

With just a smidgen of information about your home and its flooring you could make a reasonable guess about the asbestos question


DOES THIS FLOOR CONTAIN ASBESTOS? - 5 easy questions to tell if your FLOOR probably contains asbestos -

and don't hesitate to ask follow-up questions if you wish.

On 2022-09-04 by Julie B

Hi- tile of unknown age under carpet. 12x12 speckled tile. I’m assuming asbestos but husband harder to convince. Any thoughts? We want to replace the carpet and don’t know if Home Depot will install once they see this underneath. Should have mentioned house is 100 years old!

12x12 speckled tile (C) JulieB

On 2022-08-22 by InspectApedia-911 (mod) - 1970s peel and stick 12x12 tiles


Looks like 1970s. Might contain asbestos.

On 2022-08-22 by Asbestos?

Home built 1940, bathroom floor remodeled at later but unknown date. These are peel and stick 12x12 tiles.

On 2022-08-20 by InspectApedia-911 (mod) - New Zealand flooring


I've looked at a lot of NZ flooring but don't know that exact pattern.

Best guess is made by answering whatever you can at

DOES THIS FLOOR CONTAIN ASBESTOS? - 5 easy questions to tell if your FLOOR probably contains asbestos -

On 2022-08-20 by DG

New Zealand vinyl lino. No idea of age

New Zealand vinyl flooring (C) DG

On 2022-08-19 by InspectApedia-911 (mod) - 1940s kitchen linoleum type pattern


That older floor is a linoleum type product in a pattern found in our Linoleum flooring article series starting at


or go directly to


On 2022-08-19 by Heidi

Renovating our 1940's kitchen and we found this floor. We thought the "original" green floor was the original... thoughts on asbestos?!

1940s kitchen reno project (C) Heidi

On 2022-08-08 by InspectApedia (mod) - basic contextual info needed to identify flooring


take a look at


Thank you for the question and photos. We could be more helpful and research more thoroughly and more quickly to give a more useful answer if you would help us out first with a bit of very basic information. Otherwise, flying blind, we can be stuck in a game of stump the chump. Which is not difficult to do.

Basic information includes things such as


Country and city of location, where the object of your question was found. Our readers are in 52 countries around the world.

Surrounding context:

By context I mean information such as history of a site or building or name and (if known) age of site or building where an object that is the subject of a question has been found.

On 2022-08-08 by Ann


On 2022-08-01 by InspectApedia-911 (mod) - older 1970s or 1980s flooring patterns


That looks similar to some other older 1970s or 1980s flooring patterns but we can't identify it to a specific brand or product.

DOES THIS FLOOR CONTAIN ASBESTOS? - 5 easy questions to tell if your FLOOR probably contains asbestos -

can help you make a better guess by asking you to provide some basic information: country, city, building age, flooring age, etc.

On 2022-08-01 by Myranda

Curious if you have any thoughts on this sheet vinyl. Sending off for testing.


On 2022-07-14 by InspectApedia-911 (mod) - black tar substance and 1958 floor tiles


DOES THIS FLOOR CONTAIN ASBESTOS? - 5 easy questions to tell if your FLOOR probably contains asbestos - see the live link above -

can help you make a reasonable guess.

On 2022-07-14 by Kailyn

We started tearing up our floor and got pretty all the way through when we realized we could be dealing with asbestos. Our house was built in 1958 & when we tore up the vinyl panels we discovered vinyl sheet flooring. Under the sheet flooring is what we found pictured in my hand. Do we run the risk of it being asbestos? We are left with a black tar substance currently.

On 2022-07-11 by InspectApedia (mod) - Congoleum floral designs


That pattern looks very similar to some of the Congoleum floral designs shown at


I would treat the floor as presumed to contain asbestos and, if there is no damage other than minor at the floor perimeter, the safest and most economical for you would be to leave the flooring alone, in place, and to cover it over.

If the floor is in poor condition or must be removed, then see the asbestos floor removal and asbestos hazard reduction articles found in the ARTICLE INDEX at the end of any of these pages.

On 2022-07-11 by Tara

Two different rooms - in unit of house built in 1900. Searched this site a bit for lookalikes, and can't seem to find anything that matches perfectly. Trying to figure out if the flooring contains asbestos, because it is currently exposed and is the main flooring in both bedrooms, turns our feet black, cannot get clean.

Congoleum floral pattern (C) Tara ...

On 2022-07-08 by InspectApedia-911 (mod) - vinyl sheet flooring in a wood parquet pattern


That looks like vinyl sheet flooring in a wood parquet pattern.

Asbestos could be present particularly in the backer on sheet flooring including that pattern in older homes.

Please do let us know your test results that will be most helpful to others.

On 2022-07-08 by Gregory

Some flooring I've found while tearing out carpet. I believe it is an older (pre-80s) sheet of sort that was put on top of hardwood. I suspect it may contain asbestos, so have ordered a test, but one thing that makes me think it might not be asbestos is the fact that I've yet to see a pattern close to this on this site. Let me know if you've seen something like this. FYI, it is glued down onto the hardwood.

Wood parquet flooring (C) Gregory

On 2022-06-27 by InspectApedia-911 (mod)


If it's actual cork it's softer, easy to stick a pin into it, not vinyl, not asbestos.


DOES THIS FLOOR CONTAIN ASBESTOS? - 5 easy questions to tell if your FLOOR probably contains asbestos

On 2022-06-27 by Tiffany

This was one other tile we are unsure of. I saw there were cork tiles and cork-asbestos, but not sure how to tell the difference. Thanks again!

Cork floor tile (C) Tiffany

On 2022-06-27 by Tiffany

My husband and I recently bought an 1920s craftsman that hasn't been updated in a long time. We are sure about two tiles. I was hoping you could give me a starting point about whether they are asbestos or not? Thank you so much for your time!

On 2022-06-23 by InspectApedia-911 (mod)


They look like that to me, too. Perhaps asphalt-asbestos or early vinyl-asbestos floor tiles from the 1950s or 60s

On 2022-06-23 by Josh

House built in 1914, but has had many renovations over the last century. These appear to be individual tiles.

Green and white tiles (C) Josh

On 2022-06-19 by InspectApedia-911 (mod) - asbestos containing flooring and removal guide


Yes that's an ACM floor - other photos of that pattern are in this article series.

If you must remove it there are safe procedures; but safest and preferred is to leave it alone, in place, and cover it over.

If you want to find that flooring in our library, a good place to start is at

ASBESTOS FLOORING IDENTIFICATION GUIDE INDEX - all brands, all years - index to all the flooring ID guides

There we group our collections of photos by year and color and we give links to a few very popular designs like "brick" .

has a photo of a very similar match for the flooring in the photo above - here's that image.

Treat the floor as Presumed Asbestos Containing Material, cover it over, avoid making a dusty mess, etc.

I prefer to avoid spending a lot of time and money on pinning down the flooring ID and pattern exactly when it's unlikely that knowing that will change the procedure one should follow in any case.

If demolition is absolutely unavoidable then treat the floor as PACM or have a sample tested.

The safest and least costly approach is to leave the flooring alone, in place, and to cover it with new material. Or you can make a reasonable *guess* at whether or not the floor contains asbestos by answering the few easy questions found at:

DOES THIS FLOORING CONTAIN ASBESTOS? - 5 easy steps that can help you make a reasonable guess at whether or not the floor you ask about contains asbestos.

If you have to remove it, please see the link to our Asbestos Floor Removal Guide above on this page in the Recommended Articles list.

On 2022-06-18 by Holland

We just bought a 1955 ranch and pulled up the carpet to replace and found original hardwood (awesome!) And a couple different tiles. The main one I'm concerned about is in the dining room. Does this look like asbestos? I am going to assume it is, but I was wondering if this is a familiar pattern. They are 12×12 ". Thank you so much

ACM floor tile (C) Holland

On 2022-05-20 by InspectApedia-911 (mod)


In my OPINION I doubt that dragging a chair across an old asphalt-asbestos or vinyl asbestos floor creates a measurable level of airborne asbestos particles; most-likely any such would be beneath the limits of detection - unless the chair bottom feet are damaged such that they end in pointed nails that actually cut into and gouge the surface.

Usually these floors are waxed and coated, offering more protection.

The more-reasonable concern of asbestos dust release from such floors was raised by the use of floor buffers and strippers that included powerful machines using a rotating steel-wool pad.

On 2022-05-20 by Damian

This must have been asked, but I can't find the answer! Following the advice that "intact" asbestos floor tiles are not a significant risk, does typical classroom use such as dragging chairs and tables back and forth over these tiles create risk? The tiles are periodically waxed and none are broken, though some are scuffed. Does this count as damage?

On 2022-05-19 by InspectApedia-911 (mod)

@Eric Burns,

The standard advice is that the safest and least-costly procedure is to leave asbestos-suspect flooring or mastic in place and cover it over with new materials.

On 2022-05-19 by InspectApedia-911 (mod)


Treat that flooring as presumed to contain asbestos.

In the Recommended Articles



On 2022-05-19 by Joel

Hello Dan,
Currently demoing kitchen and I am wondering if the floor tiles asbestos. The house was built in 1963 and for some reason has a couple layers of flooring. Any insight would be appreciated.

Asbestos suspect flooring (C)

On 2022-05-19 by Eric Burns

House built 1973-74. This was under the laminate we are taking out. Installing vinyl plank. This looks like linoleum sheet (would that be would it?) or is it potentially the mastic they used. Someone in the past took a chunk out and obviously the previous floating floor went over it. Anyway about 90 SF. And could new vinyl plank with backing be put over this? The HD installers looked at this and ran. Not a great image.

Asbestos suspect flooring (C) Burns

On 2022-05-14 by Danjoefriedman (mod)


Sorry but without a shred of information about your floor I don't know even what its material is: is this ceramic or vinyl.

In any event do take a look at

DOES THIS FLOOR CONTAIN ASBESTOS? - 5 easy questions to tell if your FLOOR probably contains asbestos -

there you'll see some basic information that you can provide - to yourself or to us - that lets us make a reasonable-guess to the asbestos in flooring question.

On 2022-05-14 by Jennie

Asbestos or no?

Asbestos suspect flooring (C) Jennie

On 2022-04-2 by Inspectapedia Com Moderator (mod)

@Darin payne,

That looks like flooring from the 1970s or later and it might contain asbestos.

Take a look at the identification clues and help given by

- 5 easy questions to tell if your FLOOR probably contains asbestos -

On 2022-04-23 by Darin payne

Do this tiles contain asbestos? House built in 1973. Appears tile were installed at later date.

Asbestos suspect flooring (C) Payne

On 2022-04-08 by Inspectapedia Com Moderator (mod)

@Susan Teelon,

Homart was a Sears brand of floor tiles.

Details about Sears vinyl asbestos tile flooring are at SEARS ROEBUCK VINYL ASBESTOS FLOOR TILE RECOGNITION.

Older Homart asphalt-based floor tiles are likely to contain asbestos.

That's a great photo of the Sears Homart brand floor tile box.

Please tell us the location of the home where these Homart asphalt floor tiles were found and the age of the building.

Please also post photos (one per comment) of the floor tile itself, showing its pattern, and an image of the underside or "back" of the tile would be helpful too, especially if there is a stamping or printed information thereon.

We'll add this conversation to our Sears flooring page.

On 2022-04-08 by Susan Teelon

This tile is in the upstairs of my home...would it contain asbestos?

Sears Homart brand floor tile asbestos (C)

On 2022-04-06 by Inspectapedia Com Moderator (mod)


PS the mastic too may contain asbestos.

On 2022-04-06 InspectApedia Com Moderator (mod)


Your home inspector was spot-on to warn you of possible asbestos floor tiles.

But "asbestos because the floor tile "snaps" - " ? What an interesting diagnostic idea.

While there were some 12" vinyl tiles in the U.S. before 1986 that didn't contain asbestos, others absolutely did. And that corkstyle looks to me like an Armstrong or Wards product that may well be in that club.

Have a sample tested and let us know the result.

Meanwhile avoid making a dusty mess. Damp wipe, HEPA vac to clean-up.

On 2022-04-06 by Jane

This is in the basement of a home we are looking at buying. Built in the 60’s in Connecticut. Our home inspector said it looked like asbestos containing tiles because it snaps. Broken pieces are everywhere. A general contractor came and looked and told us it wasn’t because it is a 12x12 tile, which he said doesn’t contain asbestos, but now as I read on your site, some asbestos containing tiles were 12 x 12 size. What is your opinion?

 Asbestos suspect flooring (C)

On 2022-03-24 by Inspectapedia Com Moderator (mod) - Asbestos test confirms Chrysotile in Armstrong Corion Mintyle sheet flooring ca 1967

@Sue Woznuk,

Thank you for the great photo of that flooring pattern and test result. Can you tell us the country and city where it's located? All of that information will help other readers.

You can if you're willing, use the page top or bottom CONTACT link to let me see a copy of the lab report - (we keep your identity and personal information private).

On 2022-03-24 by Sue Woznuk

Asbestos vinyl Armstrong flooring 19% chrysotile in house built 1967.

Chrysotile asbestos confirmed in Armstrong Corion Mintyle sheet flooring (C) Katie

On 2022-03-22 by Inspectapedia Com Moderator (mod)

@Katie Powalski,

That flooring might contain asbestos if was installed in a building in North America before 1987.

Have a sample of the flooring tested, or you can make a reasonable *guess* at whether or not the floor contains asbestos by answering the few easy questions found at :

DOES THIS FLOORING CONTAIN ASBESTOS? - 5 easy steps that can help you make a reasonable guess at whether or not the floor you ask about contains asbestos.

Asbestos is safe and legal to remain in homes or public buildings as long as the asbestos materials are in good condition and the asbestos can not be released into the air. - US EPA

The safest and least costly approach is to leave the flooring alone, in place, and to cover it with new material.

On 2022-03-22 by Katie Powalski

12x12 tile. Do you think it contains asbestos?? House built in 1968 but not sure how old this tile is.

asbestos suspect flooring (C)

On 2022-03-11 by Inspectapedia Com Moderator - What does my asbestos test mean?


IN my OPINION, given the ducking and weaving by everyone who is afraid of liability and lawsuit, and given the limitations of lab testing, procedures used, samples received, how samples were processed, if your lab report found asbestos in your floor tile it may well be the case that there is more asbestos there than you or the lab think or report.

You should treat the flooring as presumed to contain hazardous asbestos and then at the very least, look through the RECOMMENDED ARTICLES at the end of the article above on this page where you'll see suggestions and authoritative advice (eg. from US EPA) on minimizing the asbestos hazard risk in your home.

On 2022-03-10 by Anonymous

@David, picture of report

On 2022-03-10 by David

Had tile testd, it looks exactly like glenn's "On 2021-06-26 by Glenn"

It said it contained 3% asbestos, its starting to crumble is 3% a significant enough amount to be concerned about?


Continue reading at ASBESTOS FLOORING IDENTIFICATION - topic home, or select a topic from the closely-related articles below, or see the complete ARTICLE INDEX.

Or see ASBESTOS FLOOR TILE IDENTIFICATION FAQs-2 - more Q&A on identifying asbestos-suspect floor tiles

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ASBESTOS FLOOR TILE IDENTIFICATION FAQs at - online encyclopedia of building & environmental inspection, testing, diagnosis, repair, & problem prevention advice.

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danjoefriedman (mod) · Nov 30, 2019

Yes Noah that looks like a 9x9 Armstrong or Wards cork-style vinyl asbestos flor tile and perhaps a green vinyl asbestos or asphalt asbestos floor tile abutting it.

More help at making a reasonable guess at the asbestos tile question is at


Noah · Nov 30, 2019

Hello, I am in the middle of a basement remodel and found some 9x9 tiled flooring below the laminate that was installed. Some of it is in rough shape/cracked in places. Does this look like asbestos tiles to you? Should I go ahead with covering it up?

danjoefriedman (mod) · Nov 23, 2019

Not from just the pattern, sorry, no. The same popular patterns were often continue after companies stopped using asbestos. That's why we don't know anything more about flooring we need to answer the simple questions at the article titled

Does this floor contain asbestos

Which is giving us a live link above. The alternative is a course to have a sample tested.

Liz Lee · Nov 23, 2019

Here is the back. Thank u :)

Liz Lee · Nov 23, 2019

Hi, do u know if this vinyl sheet is asbestos. Thank u :)

danjoefriedman (mod) · Oct 12, 2019

Try adding an image to your comment, Ray.

And in the Article Series listed just above, these two articles are a good place to start


Ray · Oct 12, 2019

I found this kinda floor material under the newer vinyl floor. It is dark brown, very hard and brittle. Can shatter when cut. The color is solid, which mean same color inside out. It is harder than any vinyl. Can not been bent at all. I can nit see the size though. Please help


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