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Asphalt asbestos-like floor tiles, probably Armstrong 1940-1955 (C) Inspectapedia.comAsbestos Floor Tile FAQs Set 2

Flooring Q&A 1949-1959 Armstrong & Other Asphalt Asbestos & Vinyl

  • POST a QUESTION or COMMENT about how to identify brands & types of vinyl & vinyl-asbestos floor tiles & sheet flooring & about the asbestos content of these products

More questions and answers about asphalt asbestos and vinyl asbestos floor tiles - 1900-1986

These questions & answers help you to identify early patterns, colors, brands of asphalt asbestos or vinyl asbestos flooring

Produced from the 1950's into the very early 1980's, most of these VAT (vinyl asbestos tile) and asphalt-asbestos flooring products contain chrysotile asbestos, and possibly other asbestos forms.

This article series provides guides to identifying asphalt-asbestos flooring (1917 - ca 1960) & vinyl asbestos floor tile (ca 1952 - 1986): identification photographs, product names, styles, colors, and vinyl-asbestos floor patterns, and colors for asbestos-containing floor tile products made between about 1930 and 1986 - confirmed to contain asbestos in asbestos fiber or asbestos powder-filler form.

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Asphalt & Vinyl Asbestos Floor Floor Tiles 1949-59 FAQs

Vinyl asbestos floor tile identification photo U.S. Library of CongressThese questions & answers about identifying asbestos-containing floor tiles from the 1950's to 1960's were posted originally

at ASBESTOS FLOOR TILE IDENTIFICATION PHOTOS 1949-1959 - topic home. Please see the asbestos floor identification keys, examples, and assistance given there.

I threw out my clothes and took a shower after cutting an asbestos floor

Remodeling a house it was built in 1957 and it has the green tile I was cutting a piece of drywall and

I didn't have a piece of wood under the drywall therefore it was a 4-inch 4ft piece that I trimmed lightly and I hit the asbestos tile the supposedly asbestos tile

I'm not sure if they are or not anyway I vacated the premises wet down the area took a shower and got rid of my clothes

I'm not sure if this is too extreme but I wasn't sure exactly what to do in the situation what is your recommendation for appearing or showing up to this residence in the future here - On 2017-08-15 by George -

Reply by (mod) - what to do if you cut or scratch an asbestos-suspect floor covering


Thank you for asking an important question - when is damage to an asbestos-suspect floor dangerous and what do I need to do if I cut, scratch, or nick such a floor.

To have space I repeat your question and give a detailed reply


Please take a look there and let me know if questions remain

On 2017-07-13 by Jane C - how do I tell if my floor tiles have asbestos?

We just removed carpet & found tiles two 12 x 12 & one 9 x 9 How do I tell if they have asbestos

Reply by (mod) removed carpet & found tiles two 12 x 12 & one 9 x 9 How do I tell if they have asbestos

You would test a sample or identify the pattern in this photo guide, or you'd assume the flooring contains asbestos if it was installed before the early 1980's in North America.

That does not mean panic, nor that demolition is needed. best safest is leaving such intact floors in place and covering-over.

On 2017-07-11 0 by dyoung - chances of asbestos in 1949 Krogers Store with green floor tiles

We have a building that was a Krogers store with green tiles in it. It was there when I was born in 1949. Not sure when it was installed . What is the chances it would have asbestos in them?

On 2017-07-12 by (mod)

Chances are very good

On 2017-06-30 by Asbestos floor?

We are remodeling This house built in 1957. All the floors are wood -covered in carpet - except the kitchen and den. What do you think? Is this asbestos?

On 2017-06-30 by (mod) - does a 1957 house have asbestos flooring?


I can't really say from your e-text what the floor is, when it was installed, what is its material, and thus what might be its asbestos content.

If the floor is as old as the home and is a vinyl or asphalt floor tile or sheet flooring, it would be prudent to treat the floor as presumed to contain asbestos and thus to follow the floor hazard reduction suggestions you'll find in article links at the end of the article above.


On 2017-05-18 by Pat - does Armstrong Congoleum 1986 tile contain asbestos?

I have armstrong cogoleum luxery vinyl tile I got in 1986

Is it abestos?

On 2017-05-19 by (mod) 1986 Congoleum flooring not likely to contain asbestos

Seems unlikely given the date you cite.

Incidentally Congoleum and Armstrong are two different brands.

On 2017-05-10 by stefanofff - does this Armstrong flooring contains asbestos?

Hi, does this Armstrong flooring contains asbestos?
It was one big sheet (one on top of the other) covering a 15x11 room. The red one was on the bottom so i guess it's the older..under it there were some newspapers dated 1952.

On 2017-05-10 by (mod) does this Armstrong flooring contains asbestos?


Where we discuss that flooring material

Let me know what questions remain

Armstrong accoflex flooring, old On 2016-07-26 by Amy

Our house was built in 1910. We have pulled up the carpet and discovered flower printed paper that adheres to a black (not sure if it was that color initially)substance that feels like cardboard and appears to be glued to the floor.

We're able to scrape it up, but after reading about removing old flooring, we are now concerned that it may be asbestos. I have no idea how old the paper-like flooring is. There is hardwood underneath that we would like to refinish.

We did a small room near this one that had similar cardboard type material, but it came up in sheets and only seemed to be glued in spots, rather than the whole floor.

Do either of these descriptions sound like asbestos? If so, we've already removed it from one room and have started on another...what should we do?

On 2016-07-26 by (mod) - old sheet flooring may contain asbestos

Amy see our discussion of asphalt-backed sheet flooring found at




On 2016-06-25 by Anonymous - How do you identify linoleum that might have us Bestos in it if you don't know the age?

How do you identify linoleum that might have us Bestos in it and you're not for sure of the age of it

On 2016-06-25 8 by (mod) re: linoleum

Search for LINOLEUM & OTHER SHEET FLOORING - OR look in the ARTICLE INDEX found at the end of this page and you'll find a link to LINOLEUM FLOORING

To know for certain you need to test a sample (about $50 U.S.) - to find a certified asbestos test lab search for ASBESTOS TESTING LAB LIST

On 2016-06-21 by Jake Barrett

I've discovered some old Armstrong brand flooring in my basement. It wasn't adhered to the ground at all but upon removal it crumbled significantly, leaving a lot of dust on me and all over everything in the basement. The pattern on the flooring is tough to see, but it looks like a gray and White Sea shell or floral pattern over a blue/teal background. Does that ring a bell as containing asbestos?

On 2016-06-21 by (mod) re: wet basements & loose asbestos floor tiles


Yep often in a wet basement the water takes up the tile for us. If the flooring is from before the late 1970's you should presume it's asbestos-containing.

On 2016-05-24 by Manny - if I don't see any fibers is my flooring asbestos free?

I an investigating 5 by 5 tiles that are about 3/16 inch thick. I see no fibers protruding from a broken sections. the material seems very cementatious with fine sand and glass like material bonding it. can such appearance, in the absence of visible fiber, still contain asbestos? thank you.

On 2016-05-24 by (mod) re: asbestos powder used as filler in asphalt and vinyl floor tiles

Yes, Manny; for example, very fine asbestos powder was used as filler in asphalt and some vinyl based floor tiles. You won't alway see fibers, especially without a high powered PLM.


On 2016-04-18 by Lois Creeden

When cleaning out my parents cellar I found contained boxes of kitchen tiles that clearly are marked asbestos. What should I do? The boxes are quite old? Please email me at I really appreciate any information you can provide. Thank you

On 2016-04-18 by (mod) re: tile boxes marked as asbestos: what to do


Use our page bottom CONTACT link to send me some photos of all sides of the boxes, labels, and both sides of the tiles and I can comment further.

Typically if you're not grinding or chopping up the flooring it can be disposed-of with minimal hazard.


On 2016-03-30 by Mike

Is there any know asbestos containing flooring with a star print pattern on it?

On 2016-03-31 by (mod) re: Is there any know asbestos containing flooring with a star print pattern on it?

Yes, Mike.

Use the page CONTACT link to send me some sharp photos, and I will come in for their.

link to send me some sharp photos, and I will come in further.

An example of floor tiles containing a star pattern are the specialty tiles produced by Ken tile.


On 2016-03-22 by SVGJR

When my house was built in 1993, I had Armstrong Designer Solarian II (Rosita Almond design) installed in my kitchen and utility room. Does Armstrong Designer Solarian II contain any asbestos? (I ask because no flooring installer will remove the Armstrong Solarian II due to fear of asbestos.

In fact, I have been told by several installers that they will only work in my house after the flooring has been removed by a hazmat company that specializes in asbestos removal and a certificate issued in that regard. This is ridiculous!)

On 2016-03-23 by (mod) re: risk of asbestos in a U.S. home built in 1993

No flooring products installed in the 1990s in North America would be expected to contain asbestos. Someone is spending your money to reduce their anxiety. That sort of uninformed advice is not economically responsible.


On 2016-03-21 by Springy

I just tore up some old tile and below it was some vinyl sheet flooring, house was built in 1976. Trying to figure out if it contains asbestos or not. Was hoping to see if I could identify it rather than having to send it out to a lab. Can you help in identifying them?

On 2016-03-21 by (mod) re: can you help identify our flooring from 1976?


You may find a close match in the ID-library of asbestos flooring beginning at ASBESTOS FLOOR TILE IDENTIFICATION​ organized by year and manufacturer where there are similar ones.

There are so many manufacturers and floor tile patterns, types, sizes, and colors over many decades that just looking through catalogs organized by even color or pattern can daunting task.

One can narrow the question by a reasonable guess about the age of the flooring. At the very least, narrow this by the age of the building. We can narrow the guess further if we know when a building was renovated, or by observing the type of tile adhesive or mastic used.

WIth that data we can choose among our floor tile or sheet flooring photo ID guides that are organized by year beginning at the link I gave above.

PHOTOS: You are welcome to send us photos of flooring, and where loose tiles, markings, or packaging are available I'd want to see the back side of flooring and all sides of packaging and labels. Tile dimensions and thickness are also useful. Our email link is at the CONTACT link at the top or bottom of any page.

ADVICE: For buildings with floor tiles or sheet flooring that can be assumed to have been installed in North America before 1986 it would be prudent to treat the flooring as "PACM" or "Presumed Asbestos Containing Material".

That does not mean we should panic nor undertake an expensive and dangerous asbestos removal project.

Asbestos is safe and legal to remain in homes or public buildings as long as the asbestos materials are in good condition and the asbestos can not be released into the air.

Generally the safest approach is to leave such flooring alone and to cover it over with a coating or with another layer of flooring.

On any of our asbestos-related InspectApedia pages, at CONTINUE READING you will find a complete ARTICLE INDEX to ASBESTOS HAZARDS and see therein


IF you are faced with a requirement for demolition and if you are uncertain about the flooring's asbestos content and cannot identify it through our guides, then you have a sample tested.

We would much appreciate hearing any comments, critique, suggestions, or further questions that you may have after you've taken a look at the articles I've cited.

InspectAPedia is an independent publisher of building, environmental, and forensic inspection, diagnosis, and repair information provided free to the public - we have no business nor financial connection with any manufacturer or service provider discussed at our website.

We are dedicated to making our information as accurate, complete, useful, and unbiased as possible: we very much welcome critique, questions, or content suggestions for our web articles. Working together and exchanging information makes us better informed than any individual can be working alone.

Website content contributors whether it is just a small correction or an in-depth article series (which of course invites more search engine attention), are, if they choose, cited, quoted, and linked-to from the appropriate additional web pages and articles - which benefits us both. Those who wish to remain anonymous can also do so.

A brief summary about can be read at

Best wishes, and thank you again for contacting us.


On 2016-03-15 by Steve R.

I helped a friend tear up carpet in an add on room of her house. The tile underneath is an ugly dark brown, but it is brittle and self adhering tile.

Did they use asbestos on this type of tile? It looks to be either 70's or 80's styled, but I am not sure when the room was added on. is there a good rule of thumb to determine this without paying for an asbestos test? Any help/guidance is appreciated. Thank you in advance.

On 2016-03-15 by (mod) re: asbestos in self-stick flooring


There was some self-stick flooring that contained asbestos into the 1970's and possibly early 80's.


On 2016-03-13 by Helaine

I have determined in have 9x9 asbestos tiles which has been covered by carpet for the past 19 years. Now we would like to remove the carpeting and cover it with laminate. How can we safely remove the wood floor strips used to tack the carpet down?

On 2016-03-14 by (mod) re: how to remove carpet tack strips on an asbestos-tile floor


Typically the wood strips will pull up with minimal additional damage to the existing tiles; work with care using a flat bar and don't saw, drill, grind, etc. the old flooring. HEPA vac and damp wipe up the dust.

On 2016-03-02 by Jack

I bought a house buildt in 1961 and i found these beige with brown speckles tiles they has black glue on it; i want to know if it contains asbestos because i broke a piece of it

On 2016-03-03 by (mod) re: safe to assume asbestos in 1961 floor tile

Prudent to assume yes, the old floor mauy well contain asbestos, though of course no one can say for sure from a simple one line e-text. But in my OPINION, the amount of asbestos released by breaking a single floor tile is likely to be beneath the limits of detection.


On 2016-02-04 by Patrice 1962 Riviera double wide flooring asbestos

I live in a 1962 Riviera double wide. Almost all of it is original. It has a think shag wall to wall carpet. My 10 and 13 yr olds have asthma so I want to pull it out and put down some inexpensive flooring.

(owner won't) I pull up a piece of felt rug in the entry and painted the tiles underneath to see if I could just paint the floors, but the tile broke in a couple places after we walked on it a while. It is white with lots of bits of gold glitter encased in clear.

Thin, flexible. The gold goes all the way through. 12"x12" No markings re maker.

Loose ones were placed in the built in shelving in lieu of contact paper I guess.
If these have asbestos and are breaking down, could the dust be coming up through the rug?

I am worried now, as I just found out that these old vinyl/linoleum (?) tiles may have asbestos. Not sure what to do!

I can send photos - I think I will copy this in email to editor with photos.. . I didn't see anything like it among your photos.
Please advise! Thank you

On 2016-02-09 by (mod) re: Rivera doublewide asbestos flooring

Good practice, as we discussed by email, is to cover the old floor with a new layer of flooring. As you have an asthma concern, in my opinion best would be using a thin laminate flooring, or if you can't afford that, even simple sheet vinyl would work.


On 2015-11-29 by Jackie

We are very poor ppl but got a deal on a home with a handshake and a promise. House is almost if not 100 years old. Hand some tile in the hallway and it was two different colors but I swear they look like the pictures above.

We have the black glue now on the floor cause Hubby removed what little tiles was left from previous owners removing. We have been walking on black glue for over a year now and ( just don't have funds to renovate ) I am so freaking out and now wonder if we are exposed to crap :/ Not feeling to good in Texas.

On 2015-11-29 by (mod) re: low cost ways to deal with asbestos containing floor tiles


Where the floor tiles are secure and in good condition there is little justification for removing them; I prefer to seal the surface with a clear epoxy type sealant or if I'm not continuing to use the floor I install new floor over it.

Asbestos containing material such as flooring is safest left alone as long as it's in good condition - don't grind, saw or make a dusty mess.

The mastic, too, may contain asbestos. IF there are rooms where all of the flooring has been removed but the mastic remains, you'd be better off with even an inexpensive vinyl sheet flooring placed over the old surface, as I doubt you'd have success painting or sealing mastic on the old floor.


On 2015-11-06 by Angie

i have a1970's house with concrete floors covered with Marley tiles.some of which are broken. I want to replace with a laminate wood floor. Do I have to remove the Marley tiles or can I lay straight on top?

On 2015-11-06 by (mod) re: do not use a shop vac to clean up asbestos-suspect dust

Most likely you can pick up loose fragments (don't vacuum unless it's a HEPA vac), put down the laminate floor underlayment, and then the laminate floor.

Make a test by placing some laminate boards across the largest voids to be double -sure that there is no flexing or sagging when you step on them over the void.


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