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Armstrong linoleum in a 1953 advertisement - at InspectApedia.comLinoleum Flooring Materials

History, Components, Identification, Asbestos content

Linoleum Flooring Materials

History, Components, Identification: this article provides information about linoleum flooring: the history of linoleum, linoleum ingredients, and the properties of linoleum resilient or sheet floor coverings.

Page top: an Armstrong linoleum floor from a 1953 magazine advertisement. Click the image to see the full advertisement page.

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Linoleum Floor Covering Materials: history, ingredients, uses

Congoleum Gold Seal linoleum flooring, Life Magazine 14 Feb 1955Linoleum was invented in 1860 by Frederick Walton and was intended for use first as a ship deck covering (battleship linoleum up to 1/2" thick).

Earlier, in the 1700s, non-woven floor coverings were made of oil cloth - heavy canvas coated with wax or oils (for water resistance and durability) that were then painted.

Previously, painted oilcloth floor covering was probably the most common non-woven floor covering for nearly two hundred years, or until Walton's linoleum entered production.

Photo: Congoleum "Linoleum" from the company's 1958 flooring catalog.

Article Series Contents

Inventor & History of Linoleum Flooring & Its Descendants Lincrusta & Anaglypta

Linoleum type sheet flooring (C) InspectApediaOur photo illustrates sheet flooring uncovered by reader JH in a 1920's apartment. JH was worried that this flooring might contain asbestos. Subsequent tests did not find asbestos in this floor sample.

Linoleum was the first modern, democratic floor covering.

This invention – patented in 1863 by a Scot, Sir Frederick Walton – had a revolutionary impact.

From the late 19th century right up until the 1950s, it was one of the few products which was simultaneously practical, hardwearing, non-flammable, low-maintenance and cheap.

Before the advent of linoleum, the only available floor coverings for homes or communal buildings were wood or tiles.

In the early 20th century, about one hundred factories were combining natural materials (linseed oil, jute, cork and pigments) to make linoleum by the square meter. (Tarkett ret. 2018)

Because of its durability and ease of production, Sir Walton's linoleum quickly found use as a floor coverings in buildings - a much larger application than battleships.

Linoleum's appeal rose from its properties as a durable, water-resistant sheet-type floor covering. Glued to a backer of jute or canvas to resist cracks and tears, this flooring has a long history of durability and service.

"Linoleum" was named by Walton from his observation that his original linoleum products were made using linseed oil as an ingredient (linseed oil forms a thick flexible skin when it dries), combined with ground cork dust, pigments, and resins, often with a jute, burlap or canvas fabric backing (see our antique linoleum photos just below).

Descendents of Linoleum include Anaglypta and Lincrusta (many writers spell it "Linocrusta or linacrusta"), an embossed patterned covering used on walls and ceilings.

Walton was also the inventor of a textured sheet


Our photo at below shows antique sheet flooring found in a home built in the 1800's.

Asbestos suspect sheet flooring from Justin Morrill Homestead

Thomas Palmer, who had worked for Walton, soon produced a similar but lighter


Besides linseed-oil based linoleum flooring, other sheet floorings backed with jute or asphalt-impregnated black paper typically were composed of mostly cellulose (wood fiber or paper products) (60%) with a bit of horsehair (5%) for strength, and tar.

While people often refer to those pre-vinyl sheet flooring products as "linoleum" in a true sense of ingredients they're not.

Watch out: some asphalt-felt or black tar paper-like backed sheet flooring products might contain asbestos, as we'll explain next.

From a 1940s home in Germany, our reader, Stephanie, sent us these photos showing a 'hairy' backing bonded to black and white linoleum-like sheet flooring.

This backer, probably added to provide a softer or more-quiet resilient form of linoleum sheet flooring looks like a brown jute fiber, a plant-based material, not containing asbestos.

'hairy' backing to black and white flooring (C) Stephanie

The black and white linoleum flooring itself (shown below) or more-likely its asphalt-impregnated backer and the adhesive used to adhere the linoleum to its jute-like backing could contain asbestos though not in a friable form.


'hairy' backing to black and white flooring (C) Stephanie

At BURLAP / JUTE - BACKED SHEET FLOORING you can see our more detailed discussion of the flooring shown above.

Linoleum's ingredients, both historical and modern, rug patterns & other designs

Armstrong Linoleum advertisement from the December 1920 edition of the Ladies Home Journal Magazine. at

Above: an Armstrong Linoleum advertisement from the December 1920 edition of the Ladies Home Journal Magazine.

The reader-contributed photographs just below demonstrate Congoleum's Gold Seal™ linoleum in a braided rug design or pattern. Below we list the ingredients found in linoleum floor coverings.

Congoleum Gold Seal Linoleum (C)

Because of its solid red color we wondered if this Gold Seal Congoleum product was a rubber-backed flooring product.

Help in distinguishing sheet flooring types is



Congoleum Gold Seal Linoleum (C)

Here are the ingredients in true linoleum:

Congoleum "rug" linoleum-type floor covering still in use. Source: Wilson & Snodgrass, US FPL (2007)

Photo above: Congoleum "Linoluem" rug in a green and white floral pattern.

The "linoleum" photo at left in rug pattern (notice that the sheet flooring does not extend fully to the room perimeter) illustrates a linoleum "rug". Source: Wilson & Snodgrass, U.S. FPL (2007).

This rug pattern sheet flooring is discussed in detail


and more examples of the floral linoleum pattern above are given


CORK FLOORING also uses ground cork, but in a more coarse form described in that article.

Below: Armstrong Linoleum advertisement from a 1927 edition of the Saturday Evening Post.

Armstrong Linoleum advertisement from a 1927 edition of the Saturday Evening Post at

Linoleum "lookalikes" Adhered to Asphalt Felt Underlayment or green, red, or black backings

Identify Older Linoleum Rug or Black-Asphalt-Backed (dark felt underlayment-backed) Sheet Flooring

Linoleum-like floor covering - linoleum rug (C) InspectApedia CW

Photos of saturated felt-backed "linoleum" flooring (installed on a bench top) were provided by reader C.W.

Linoleum-like floor covering - linoleum rug (C) InspectApedia CW

In addition to use on floors, linoleum was a popular covering for workbenches and kitchen counters and sink draining areas.

Reader Question: linoleum sheet flooring in rug pattern used on work bench

I wanted to seek your advice on the attached images which is some sort of tiling that a previous homeowner put on a work bench as a covering.

I looked through your website, but couldn't find a match. Does this look like asbestos tiles to you? If so, any idea on the brand? Thanks in advance! - C.W. 1/17/2014

Reply: forms of "linoleum" may include products glued to felt underlayment vs. glued to a jute backing

Felt backed "linoleum", Wilson-Snodgrass US FPL (2007)

Our guide to identifying older types of sheet flooring, including products that may contain asbestos, is found

at RESILIENT SHEET FLOORING ID GUIDE. There we describe some simple tests that can often confirm the flooring type and basic materials.

From your photographs (the pair above and second pair given below) showing that the flooring product, now covering a workbench top, has a woven rug -patterned top layer over a black substrate or backer, I would guess that this is an asphalt felt paper-backed sheet flooring product resembling linoleum.

The "linoleum" photo at left in a "marbleized pattern" illustrates a similar example of black felt-backed sheet flooring referred to by some experts as "linoleum". Source: Wilson & Snodgrass, U.S. FPL (2007).

We explain in this article that the ingredients of true linoleum include natural resins, linseed oil, color pigments, cork powder and limestone, with a jute backing. Those products do not contain and never contained asbestos.

But other sheet flooring products loosely called "linoleum" may indeed contain asbestos. The US Forest Products Lab asserts that some forms of "linoleum" were glued to felt underlayment. (US FPL 2007).

The black backing and body of the flooring in your photos looks to me like an asphalt product, though I'd have to see and test a sample to know for certain.

Linoleum-like floor covering - linoleum rug (C) InspectApedia CW

Photos above and below, show felt-backed "linoleum" provided by reader C.W.

Linoleum-like floor covering - linoleum rug (C) InspectApedia CW

Watch out: some older felt underlayments and similar asphalt paper products used in flooring, roofing, and wall coverings or building papers contained asbestos. While I'm doubtful that the small quantity of flooring in your photo presents a measurable asbestos hazard (unless some fool grinds or rips it into shreds), it may thus contain asbestos.

If this asphalt-felt backed antique flooring sample were mine I'd preserve it, or a square of it, as it may be historically important.

Your second photo of the four (above right) seems to show a plastic or glass cover over this sheet flooring "rug" (as they were called). In that installation the material is protected and most likely completely harmless.

If you decide to dispose of the material as construction debris, I'd be glad to have you cut a pattern square and send it to me for lab examination pro-bono.

While we have expertise in asbestos and other material identification in our forensic lab, if you needed an asbestos certification (which in my opinion would be inappropriate for this case) you'd want to use a certified asbestos test lab.

Reader Question: Not sure if this rub-pattern sheet flooring contains asbestos or not. Rug pattern sheet flooring with green backing

They are old - the kind that last a long time! The fleck type one was under several layers of flooring in my grandparents home. I think they built it around 1935.

Rug pattern sheet flooring with green backing, probably a Congoleum product, or possibly Armstrong. (C) InspectApedia BL

[Click to enlarge any image]

The second one, [shown immediately above] the rug pattern is the one I am most interested in finding out about. The backing is green but I cannot find a makers mark on it. Any idea if that means anything? - Anon [by private email] 23 Aug 2015


The photo shown just above looks like a rug pattern linoleum and if the green rolled material in the right of your photo is the same flooring, it is more likely a Congoleum (or less likely Armstrong) sheet flooring product.

Some Congoleum sheet flooring and also some Armstrong sheet flooring included a red or possibly green rubber backing that is not an asbestos material.

If you can examine the backing of this sheet flooring there is a good chance you'll see an Armstrong or Congoleum imprinted logo - do send me a photo of what you see.

Red backed sheet flooring by Congoleum is a rubber backing (not asbestos); green-backed sheet flooring is probably a similar product; asphalt felt paper (some of which can contain asbestos) would normally be black (as it's an asphalt product).

IF you are faced with a requirement for demolition and if you are uncertain about the flooring's asbestos content and cannot identify it through our guides, then you have a sample tested.

See ASBESTOS TESTING LAB LIST and as it will help other readers, if you have this flooring tested please confirm the lab result with us and send me a copy of the lab report.

Reader Question: what is this sheet flooring from my home that was built in 1865?

Linoleum sheet flooring (C) InspectApedia L.P. Can you give me an idea of date or asbestos?
House was built 1865.

Several layers.

This one is the last on top of tongue and groove.
Black felt backing. With asphalt type adhesive.

Thank you. - L.P. 6/3/2014


LP this looks like a linoleum floor to me.

The spatter pattern was later picked-up and popularized in a similar (not identical) design that appeared in some of the Kentile flooring as

its CARNIVAL PATTERN but those were individual floor tiles, not sheet flooring like yours.

See my warning above about some older felt backing and some flooring adhesives that contain asbestos.


Canadian Linoleum Floor Coverings: Dominion Sheet Linoleum & Floor Tiles

This topic has moved to a separate page now found


Dominion Oilcloth & Linoleum company logo, Montreal Canada - at

Is there Asbestos in "Linoleum"?

Moved to

Modern Linoleum Flooring

Moved to MODERN LINOLEUM FLOORS - separate article

Where to Buy Modern Linoleum Flooring & Linoleum Flooring


How to Identify Armstrong, Congoleum, & other Asbestos-Containing Resilient Sheet Flooring

Details about identifying older installations of sheet flooring or sheet-forms of resilient flooring that may contain asbestos are now found at RESILIENT SHEET FLOORING ID GUIDE - live link is given just below.

Armstrong's sheet flooring is described at ARMSTRONG SHEET FLOORING

Linoleum Floor Restoration & Care Advice





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Citations & References

In addition to any citations in the article above, a full list is available on request.

  • Armstrong Cork & Tile Co., HOW TO LAY & CARE FOR LINOLEUM 1914 [PDF] 2nd Ed., Armstrong Cork & Tile Co, Linoleum Department, Lancaster PA
  • Armstrong Cork Co., Armstrong's QUAKER and SETANDARD RUGS and FLOOR COVERING 1939 [PDF] availble at Building Technology Archive - Internet Archive - [Copy on file as Armstrongs-Quaker-And-Standard-Rugs-And-Floor-Covering-1939.pdf ]
  • Armstrong Cork Co., Armstrong LINOLEUM PATTERN BOOK 1921 [PDF] - retrieved 2024/10/26, original source: [Copy on file as Armstrong-Linoleum-Pattern-Book-1921.pdf ]
  • Armstrong Cork Co., Armstrong's LINTOILE [PDF] - op. cit. [Copy on file as Armstrong's-Linotile.pdf]

    Excerpt: Armstrong’s Linotile® is a beautiful resilient floor that offers ease of maintenance and durability unmatched by any other resilient ffooring material.

    Manufactured exclusively by Armstrong since 1914, Linotile is a flooring of proved quality.

    It is produced essentially from the same raw materials as linoleum, but a series of manufacturing processes make it a completely different flooring with distinctive qualities all its own.
  • Richa Wilson, Kathleen Snodgrass, " EARLY 20TH-CENTURY BUILDING MATERIALS: RESILIENT FLOORING " [Very large PDF], Richa Wilson, Intermountain Regional Architectural Historian Kathleen Snodgrass, Project Leader, United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Technology & Development Program, August 2007, 7300-0773-2322-MTDC. Contact Kathie Snodgrass at MTDC: Phone: 406–329–3922 Fax: 406–329–3719 E-mail:
  • [1] Armstrong, Portugal: Ingredients of Linoleum, web search 03/31/2011, original source:
  • America's Favorite Homes, mail-order catalogues as a guide to popular early 20th-century houses, Robert Schweitzer, Michael W.R. Davis, 1990, Wayne State University Press ISBN 0814320066 (may be available from Wayne State University Press)
  • Armstrong ® Residential Flooring - Website 05/15/2010 lists current flooring products provided by the Armstrong Corporation, including Armstrong's current vinyl floor tile products at
  • Armstrong Corporation, Corporate History - - Web Search 05/19/2010
  • Armstrong vinyl asbestos floor tiles: photos of asbestos floor tiles as catalog pages (PDF form) are at
  • Thanks to reader Robin DiNunzio for contributing samples of cork flooring from a 1949 home M1y 2010
  • In addition to citations & references found in this article, see the research citations given at the end of the related articles found at our suggested