Asbestos production quantities: how much asbestos was produced? This article describes the total quantity of asbestos that was mined and shipped world-wide, listing asbestos production by quantity and giving additional detail by asbestos type.
This articles series about the manufacture & use of asbestos-containing products includes detailed information on the production methods, asbestos content, and the identity and use of asbestos-containing materials.
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- Daniel Friedman, Publisher/Editor/Author - See WHO ARE WE?
The method of mining, milling, and processing asbestos
depends on the type of asbestos being handled as well as
such specific physical characteristics as soft versus harsh
fiber. Since chrysotile fiber accounts for approximately 95
per cent of all the asbestos used, this discussion will pertain
to Canadian chrysotile.
Photo at left illustrates Crocidolite asbestos under the microscope, photo by Daniel Friedman while at McCrone Research Institute. [Click to enlarge any image]
For a satisfactory mining operation, the content of fiber in the rock should range from 3 to 12 per cent. Such variables as availability of labor, transportation facilities, and size of the deposit determine whether or not a low asbestos content mine will be a profitable operation.
Separately at ASBESTOS MINING & PROCESSING we describe how asbestos ores were mined & prepared for use in fabrication procedures that used asbestos fibers or other asbestos material.
Table 1.3 below gives the total world production of all types of asbestos by countries for the year 1956.
Table 1.3 Approximate Percentage of Asbestos Production Figures by Country for All Types of Raw Asbestos (in short tons) for 1956 | |
Canada |
1,050,000 |
Russia |
700,000* |
Union of South Africa |
135,000 |
Rhodesia |
119,000 |
United States |
47,000 |
Italy |
33,000 |
Switzerland |
30,000 |
Finland |
18,000 |
Yugoslavia |
15,000 |
Cyprus |
13,000 |
France (Corsica) |
11,000 |
Japan |
10,000 |
Australia |
9,000 |
Venezuela |
5,800 |
Brazil |
3,300 |
Korea |
1,000 |
Morocco |
400 |
India |
400 |
Formosa |
400 |
Turkey |
300 |
Kenya |
200 |
* This figure of asbestos production for Russia represents an unofficial and unverified estimate. It includes 275,000 tons of grades 7 and 8 of asbestos material. |
Table 1.4 below gives similar statistics to Table 1.3 for the amphibole fibers only.
TABLE 1.4. Production of Types of Amphibole Asbestos By Country (in Short Tons) for 1956 |
Amosite Asbestos | Asbestos Production | Total Asbestos Produced |
Union of South Africa |
50,000 |
50,000 short tons |
Crocidolite Asbestos |
Union of South Africa |
Cape Province |
50,000 |
Transvaal |
15,000 |
Australia |
8,000 |
Total |
73,000 short tons |
Tremolite, Actinolite, Anthophyllite Asbestos |
Finland |
18,000 |
Yugoslavia |
8,000 |
Japan |
2,000 |
United States |
2,000 |
Brazil |
1,300 |
Italy |
1000 |
Kenya |
200 |
Total |
32,500 |
Grand Total |
155,500 |
Notes: Adapted from Rosato (1959) p. 15 |
In Table 1.5 (below) we show how the Canadian growth of asbestos exports from 1946 to 1955 was reported.
TABLE 1.5. Annual Canadian Shipments of Chrysotile Asbestos |
1946 | 742 | 228,234 | 329,205 | 558,181 |
1950 | 093 | 295,280 | 568.642 | 864,825 |
1955 | 572 | 353,510 | 667,983 | 1,022,065 |
* Province of Quebec, Canada, "General Review of Mining Industry of the Province of Quebec in 1955." (1957) Adapted from Rosato (1959) p. 15 |
Table 1.6 below gives percentages of chrysotile world production and Canadian shipments for the year 1954.
Table 1.6. Percentages of Chrysotile Asbestos Production |
Canada | |
United States | |
South America | |
Western Europe | |
Asia | |
Africa | |
Australia |
Russia | |
Other Countries | |
Totals | |
Notes: * The Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Feb. 1956 ! This is not 100 percent of asbestos production because it does not include Russi8a, Communist Satellites, and some other countries |
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