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Rheem water heater (C) Daniel Friedman Find Water Heater Age or Manuals

Water Heater, Geyser, Cylinder, Calorifier Contacts & Water Heater Manuals

Water heater age decoders, water heater manual sources, all brands:

In addition to details of how to de-code water heater age for all water heater brands we give six ways to determine the age of a water heater. We also discuss the conditions, maintenance, and factors that affect how long a water heater can be expected to last.

Here is a Heating Furnace or Boiler Data Decoding Document that Aids in Determining Water Heater Age. How long should a hot water maker or hot water heater last.

What factors determine the life of a water heater - independent of the water heater's age? DECODING GUIDES for water heater age, 5 data tag decoding documents, books, methods. Geyser & cylinder warranties & water heater life.

We give contact information for water heater, geyser, cylinder, calorifier manufacturers and for water heater installation, operation, & troubleshooting Manuals .

Our photo at page top shows an oil fired water heater with a backpressure problem and other safety concerns like a missing extension tube on that relief valve, and maybe a missing draft regulator and perhaps an oil line that is not protected from damage.

InspectAPedia tolerates no conflicts of interest. We have no relationship with advertisers, products, or services discussed at this website.

- Daniel Friedman, Publisher/Editor/Author - See WHO ARE WE?

How to Determine the Age of a Water Heater

Rheem water heater (C) Daniel Friedman

Find the installation, operation & repair Manuals for your water heater: search this page by water heater brand such as "Hotpoint" by using Ctrl-F in your browser.

Article Series Contents

WATER HEATER AGE & Manuals - home - this page

WATER HEATER AGE DECODING GUIDES - on this page - six methods for figuring out the age of a water heater - listed just below:

Our photo above shows a gas-fired Rheem™ water heater. The label containing the unit's serial number is probably on that data tag found at the water heater top center where (if you Click to Enlarge the photo) you'll see a round circle surrounding the Rheem® logo.

That other label found on this water heater just above the gas control at the water heater bottom typically contains water heater lighting instructions.

[Click to enlarge any image]

Water Heater Age Decoding Charts & Tables: Six ways to find out how old your water heater actually is

1. Specific Water Heater Age Decoding Guides by Brand

Carson Dunlop Technical Reference Guide (C) Carson Dunlop AssociatesSpecific Water Heater Age Decoding Guides by Brand are given below in an alphabetical list - see this

WATER HEATER DECODING by BRAND - list of water heater brand names, Manuals , contact information, found below in this article.

The data tags (containing the water heater's age) for this heater are hidden by its insulating blanket. Readers who need to determine the age of air conditioning and heat pump equipment should see A/C DATA TAGS.

How can we determine the age of a residential water heater? By looking at and decoding data on the water heater's label.

Nearly all modern water heaters, electric, oil fired, or gas fired, include data tags and stickers that indicate the year and month of manufacture of the water heater.

That doesn't tell you exactly when a water heater was installed in a particular building but it does indicate the age of the water heater itself.

However some manufacturers encode the year and month of manufacture of their water heater in the product's serial number so that the water heater age is not immediately obvious.

2. HVAC Data Tag Decoder Carson Dunlop Associates Technical Reference Guide HVAC & Water Heater Serial Number De-Coding Book

Listed at REVIEWERS Carson Dunlop Associates Associates provide a most-comprehensive Technical Reference Guide to heating and cooling equipment manufacturers that includes water heater manufacturers.

For an encyclopedic reference including manufacturers, history, contact information, and serial number decoding we recommend this book.

3. Scott LeMarr's Water Heater Age Determination Chart

AO Smith water heater label shows age (C) Daniel FriedmanScott LeMarr has generously shared his free WATER HEATER AGE DETERMINATION CHART [PDF] that decodes both furnace age and water heater age from label data.

Scott includes data for many brands of water heater, including hot water systems produced by the manufacturers listed just below. [PDF linked to return here. You can also use the "BACK" button on your browser to return to this page.


Water heater age is encoded in data on the information label on these water heaters: Ambassador water heaters, American water heaters, ACE water heaters, A.O. Smith water heaters, Apollo, Aqua Temp, Aqua Therm,

Best water heaters, Bosch water heaters,Bradford White, Cafos, Champion, Crosley, Energy Saver, Envirotemp water heaters, GE water heaters,

Glascote water heaters, Golden Knight water heaters, GSW, Hotpoint water heaters, JC Penny, Jetglas, JW or John Wood, Kenmore water heaters (Sears Brand), Lochinvar, Lowes, Mainstream, Maytag water heaters, Montgomery Wards, Knight, P

ermGlas, Reliance water heaters, Revere, Rheem water heaters, Rheem/Rudd/Richmond water heaters, Rinnai, Security, Shamrock water heaters, Standard water heaters, State/Reliance/Sears brand water heaters, Thermo-King, Vanguard water heaters, US Craftsmaster, US Water Heaters, and Whirlpool water heaters.

Mr. LeMarr has also shared his FURNACE AGE DECODING CHART with InspectApedia readers.

You can also use the "BACK" button on your browser to return to this page.

4. Energy Label on Water Heaters or other Equipment Year May Help Decode the Equipment Age

Our photo (at above left) is from the A.O. Smith EnergySaver water heater in our laboratory. Enlarging this image you will see a date 12/26/02.

[Click to enlarge any image]

Scott points out that

On occasion there is a yellow "Energy" label on the unit and at the bottom (sometimes middle) will tell you what ANSI Spec it was built to or it may give you an estimated cost on a particular year. If it reads ANSI Spec 1994 that it would have to be 94 or newer typically these specs come out every 2-3 years.

5. Direct help from water heater manufacturers

For page speed & reader convenience we moved this topic to a separate article -

at WATER HEATER COMPANIES by country: Australia, New Zealand, USA, UK etc

6. Missing, Damaged or Non-Standard Data Tags: Make a Reasonable Guess of Water Heater Age

Rheem water heater label (C) Daniel FriedmanApproaches to finding the age of any water heater / cylinder / geyser are now given


[Click to enlarge any image]

If your water heater brand or trader name doesn't appear in the list found below beginning at

at WATER HEATER DECODING by BRAND you can use this general data tag decoding guide.

Water Heater Age Decoding, Manufacturers, Manuals , Contact Information by Brand - alphabetical list

Bradford White water heater identification (C) Daniel FriedmanNotice: Starting just elow is an alphabetical list of water heaters by brand name with links to details for each brand.

If you are looking for information on air conditioning, heat pump, heating boilers or furnaces or steam heat systems see our separate

Brand Index found at


While the most complete water heater age de-coding charts and tables are in the book and PDF files we list above, here we also list water heater age or serial number decoding charts for particular water heater brands or products requested by readers.

Because some water heater manufacturers (such as American) produce heaters (or calorifiers or cylinders) sold under multiple brands, you may also find your water heater's age decoder by using your browser's On-Page Search feature (Ctrl-F or CMD-F).

For example, Ace, Apex, Aqua Temp, Aqua-Therm ... Tru-Value, Whirpool and more brand names are all produced and decoded by the American Water Heater Age Decoder.

If your water heater does not appear in this list you are welcome to contact us using the page top or bottom CONTACT link and we'll help reseach your question at no charge.

If the serial number in your water heater data tag format does not match what's given in each of these guides, see DATA TAG DECODING ADVICE for NON-STANDARD DATE CODES.



Antique water heater in Dunedin, New Zealand (C) Daniel FriedmanThe beautiful antique water heater shown in our photo is mounted on the wall of a kitchen in Dunedin, New Zealand.

Aerco Gas Fired Water Heater Manuals

Amtrol Indirect Water Heaters

Amtrol Indirect Water Heater data tag (C) (J)

Above: Amtrol indirect water heater data tag from an reader, Serial No. BM 179654. This serial number an not be directly decoded to give water heater age, though on newer water heaters the age is indeed encoded as we illustrate just below.

Here are several Amtrol water heater age decoding formats:

Newer Amtrol water heating units age decoder

Amtrol encodes the heater's age in the serial number;

Example #1: Amtrol Serial Number: ADDDYYB12345678912 where DDDYY = is a Julian Date (written in reverse of the more-common YYDDD)

Example#1: A02501B12345678912 decodes to day 025 (January 25th) and year 2001


Example #2: Amtrol Date Code: 10WWYY02 decodes to Week WW Year 19YY. Incidentally the 10 is plant Number and 02 may be production shift number.

Example #2: 10309502 decodes to Week 30 Year 1995. Incidentally the 10 is plant Number and 02 may be production shift number.


Older Amtrol heating units age deocoder

BM179654BZ where the date can NOT BE DECODED from the serial number.

In this serial number BM refers to Boiler Mate - an indirect fired water heater. Boiler Mate water heaters inculde a "top mount" heat exchanger. Amtrol BM water heaters were announced in 1986 so a BM- heater will be no older than 1986 (and usually newer).

The company's records will include the manufacturing date of the unit.

Amtrol boiler mate top down series piping details - excerpted from Amtrol's TD-series manual cited below  - at InspectApedia.comYou can also make a reasonable guess at the age of Amtrol equipment by knowing a bit of the company's history:

However the company's warranty service page will provide information to the original owners of SOME Amtrol equipment.

Amtrol Water Heater Manuals

Also see


Ariston Hot Water Heaters

Automatic Storage Water Heaters

Age decoder for most Automatic Storage brand water heaters.


Atwood Water Heater Manuals

Atwood RV & Marine water heaters now a Dometic brand cited & discussed at

Question: age of an Atwood 6 gallon water heater on my boat

2020/07/03 Ron von Trapp said:

I have an Atwood 6 gallon water heater on my boat. Model EHM6-SM Serial number 61628.

Can you tell me how old it is? Thank you

This Q&A were posted originally


Moderator reply:


Thanks so much for asking about Atwood RV water heaters.

What I have on Atwood heaters, including a manual that covers your heater, is at


Atwood water heaters have been a Dometic product and brand since 2017 or 2014 for some products - so we may have trouble finding data on older Adtwood heater units. Dometic tells us that Atwood Mobile Products was founded in 1909 as the Atwood Vacuum Machine Company by brothers James and Seth Atwood. In 2014 Dometic purchased Atwood Mobile Products.

I'm looking for a serial number decoder for Atwood. Or you could try asking Dometic, though I'm not optimistic.

Dometic contact information:

SALES - Address: 1120 N. Main Street Elkhart, IN 46514 Phone Number: 800-Dometic E-Mail:

TECHNICAL SERVICE - Phone: 800-Dometic E-Mail:

Marine Products: SALES - Address: 2000 N. Andrews Ave Pompano Beach, FL 33069 Phone Number: 800-542-2477 E-Mail:

Customer Support - Phone Number: 604-270-6899 E-Mail:

Technical Support - Phone Number: 604-248-3858 E-Mail:


Bowen Gas Water Heaters, Atwood Bowen, Dometic

Burnham indirect water heaters

Cal-O-Rex Gas Fired Water Heaters

Cal-O-Rex gas water heater (C) Daniel Friedman at

Cal-O-Rex water heaters, gas fired, are widely sold in Mexico

[More data & citation in process, photos invited- Ed.] Below: a Cal-O-Rex gas water heater data tag.

Cal-O-Rex Dura-Glas is another brand used by this company.

Cal-O-Rex gas water heater (C) Daniel Friedman at

Chrysler AirTemp Water Heater Age Decoding Guide

Chrysler Air Temp Water Heater Age Query:  (Mar 16, 2012) Dan said: Need to find age of Chrysler Airtemp Gas Furnace: Model #4208-10, Ser #'s hard to read.

Could be: Ser# 00584865, 06584865, or 0G584865 

Reply: best guess 1970.

From Carson Dunlop Associates Associates comprehensive Technical Reference Guide

Chrysler Air Temp Products: see AirTemp and Fedders. In HVAC serial numbers the first digit is a key to the year of manufacture beginning with 1970.

So SN# 42599229 would de-code to be manufactured in 1974

Contact information for Chrysler Air Temp

Cinsa Water Heaters

The Cinsa water heater shown in our photo was installed outdoors in Uruapan, Mexico. [Details and data tag photos needed]

Cinsa LP gas water heater in Uruapan, Mexico (C) Daniel Friedman at

Dayton Electric Water Heaters

On 2014-08-06 by DWF

I am looking to find the age of a Dayton Electric commercial water heater Model #3E434K. Serial #A 910700321


Dometic Water Heaters

ECR Water Heaters

Eccotemp Tankless Water Heater Manuals & Contacts

Electric Point of Use Water Heaters & Electric Shower Heaters

Drakken iHEAT electric shower head cited & discussed at


Everhot Water Heaters, Boilers, Tankless Heaters

Everhot tankless water heaters are still sold, as Everhot, now in Waterville MA, is a division of Therma-Flow

PHONE/FAX: 617-924-3877 • FAX: 617-924-7271 • TOLL FREE PHONE: 1-800-654-8045


FACTORY: Therma-Flow, Inc. • 191 Arlington Street • Watertown, MA 02472 • MAIL: P.O. Box 416 • Watertown, MA 02471-0416

Here is a link to current Everhot tankless water heater information: this will help you understand your hot water system.
here is the company's pertinent web page

Haier Water Heaters, Appliances Manuals , Service, Parts - GE

In 2016 General Electric sold its appliance business to Haier, a Chinese home appliance manufacturer for $5.4 billion. After 2016 GE no longer provides lighting, home appliances, cooktops, ranges, refrigerators, nor water heaters.

Honeywell Water Heater Controls

Hubbell Water Heater Manuals & Contact Information

Hydraulics Institute Heaters

Hydraulics encodes the date of manufacture as two digits of week and two of year in positions 1-4 of the serial number


Marathon water heater age decoding from serial number

On Marathon water heaters the age is encoded as the first four digits of the serial number.


Contact Information for Marathon water heaters

Marathon water heaters are currently (2015) a Rheem product.

Norge Water Heater Manuals & Age

On 2015-10-23 by (mod) re: age of Norge water heaters

I can see why you ask, Mike, I'm having a heck of a time finding out who manufactures the Norge water heater, finding a Norge water heater manual, or other information. I did find this telephone number for finding a Norge water heater rep in your area: (800)447-8371.

In Norway one finds - Høiax is a long-established manufacturer of water heaters (since 1927) and an international marketer of stainless steel water heaters.

Høiax AS, Trippeveien 5, 1618 Fredrikstad, Norway | Tel +47 69 35 55 00 | - See more at:

On 2015-10-23 by Mike

I have a Norge electric water heater, model 60-52 D, S/N: 0347-3500 P. Any idea how old it might be?

Nordyne Water Heater Age

On 2017-01-11 by (mod) re: age of a Nordyne water heater

Perhaps as old as 1952.

A leak at the water heater top can be repaired * IF * the threaded tapping into the tank is not badly corroded. Else it's probably new heater time

YOu can use the page top or bottom CONTACT link to send me some sharp photos for comment - that may help. Also send a photo of the whole heater and of its data tags

On 2017-01-11 by Bonnie

I have a leak from the hot water exit pipe around the connection on top of the tank. Can this be replaced or will I have to get a new tank? It is very rusty in the area. How old is this gas water heater..
mfg. Nordyne
SERIAL # TM 0193004952
Thank you

Raywall Morflo Water Heaters

On 2014-09-16 by (mod) -

June 1979 - maybe

On 2014-09-16 by Nathaniel L Wofford II

Have a Raywall Mor-flow waterheater, serial number 133679.

Can you tell me the age of the waterheater?

Richmond Water Heater Age Decoder

Richmond water heaters include the water heater's month and year of manufacture in the first four digits of the serial number as in this example.


On 2015-02-11 by Anonymous

Richmond 50 gallon serial # RMNG0900D13813 looking for age of tank, thanks

RUUD water heater manuals

Sands Water Heaters

On 2019-02-25 by (mod) - Sands water heater?

Please use the add image button to show us a photo of the entire heater and then a sharp photo of each data tag and we can help look up that information

On 2019-02-25 by Anonymous

I have a Sands no 40"a"double copper coil gas water heater aluminum jacket aluminum burner tank less , I took out of a old house how old is it

Superheat Water Heaters, New Zealand

Superheat electric water heaters like the one shown here are typically installed in a utility closet where space is so tight that we found it almost impossible to photograph the water heater's data tag.

Superheat electric water heater Christchurch New Zealand (C) Daniel Friedman ... Superheat electric water heater Christchurch New Zealand (C) Daniel Friedman

[Click to enlarge any image]

The data tag shows that this Superheat is a 300L water heater manufactured in 2009.

Takagi Water Heater Manuals


Techtanium Water Heater Manuals

US Craftsmaster Water Heater Manuals


Watts Controls for Water Heaters

Watts S210-5 automatic thermostatic gas water heater shutoff valve - at InspectApedia.comDetails about automatic gas-shutoffs on gas water heaters are


[Click to enlarge any image]

Weil McLain Heater Age De-Coding Guide

Weil McLain Heater Age Query:  (Oct 25, 2012) carl said: how do you find an age of a Weil Mclain GV 3 Gold serial no cp 3406659

Reply: this looks like you have sent us a heating boiler brand and model number not a domestic water heater. Quoting product literature:

The Weil McLain GV boiler is a high efficiency, gas-fired direct vent water boiler with cast iron sections.

Using sealed combustion technology, the boiler reduces energy usage by eliminating air infiltration. The GV boiler is easy to install and service, and is useful for a wide variety of applications including residential, light commercial, multiple boilers, indirect-fired water heating, and radiant heating.

From Carson Dunlop Associates Associates Technical Reference Guide, the most complete HVAC and water heater age decoding guide I've got (provided courtesy of CDA), Weil McLain heating boiler serial numbers beginning with 34nnnn were manufactured between 1998 and 2000.

This article and comment page are for water heaters. For details on age determination for heating boilers & furances


Watch out: for other Weil McLain boiler numbers one needs to consult the Guide cited above, as the encoding of serial numbers does not afford a formulaic de-code procedure. For example Weil McLain boiler serial numbers beginning with 32nnnnn were made beginning in 1997.

Contact information for Weil McLain heating equipment

Westinghouse Water Heater Manuals & Contact Information

Williamson Water Heater Manuals

What Determines Water Heater Life?

Flooded Water Heater (C) Daniel Friedman

Home inspectors typically expect a generic water heater to last about ten years. However all of us have found 20 year old models still going strong, while on occasion a newer model fails early.

Details about water heater life expectancy: We have expanded and moved this topic


What are the Typical Terms of Water Heater Warranties

Type of water heater tank and water heater warranty - modern "glass lined" water tanks are coated to resist corrosion. The manufacturer's warranty is a clue to how long the company expects their water heater tank to last.

Typical water heater warranty periods for a water heater installed for use by a single family are 6-years, 9-years, or 12-years.

But beware: if the water heater tank leaks and fails before the end of the warranty period, if the system has not been properly installed or maintained the warranty may be void.

Water heater warranties typically indicate that the tank is warranted against leaks due to rust, corrosion, or chemical action of the water but the warranty will exclude warranty coverage for the geyser or water heater for

Water Heater Performance Data



Reader Comments, Questions & Answers About The Article Above

Below you will find questions and answers previously posted on this page at its page bottom reader comment box.


On 2023-09-05 by InspectApedia DF (mod)

@Christopher Terry,

Please tell us the brand of your water heater? We need to know that before we can try to answer your question as the serial numbers of different brands are decoded differently for age.

Also, please help us out by telling us what led you to post this question on our Contact page rather than on an article topic page, perhaps one specific to water heaters? Was the website confusing or hard to navigate? We appreciate your feedback.

On 2023-09-05 by Christopher Terry

What is the age of my water heater? 6EBF-1-175; Cat No. A4006; Serial S0305 522265

This reader's Q&A were originally posted at HOW TO CONTACT 

On 2021-01-27 - by (mod)


Please make note of your water heater brand, first, then you can find our page giving manuals and age decoder for that brand

On 2021-01-27 by Cyndi Markis


On 2020-07-03 - by (mod) -


Please see


On 2020-07-03 by Travis

I have a RHEEMGlas standard hot water heater
Model RR410T Serial 1100J12045
Item # 9015101027979 150 psi 175 litres

How do I find out the age of this tank My trailer was built in 1978 but I don;t know if this is the original tank or was replaced

Thank you

On 2020-06-14 - by (mod) -


Two places to check


and alternatively


On 2020-06-14 by Andrea

Looking at a RHEEMGLAS Standard HW Tank Model RR410T, serial no. 0403J13294 -Checked on the Rheem website but this serial number doesn't come up. Would like to know year of manufacture? Thank you.

On 2020-05-26 - by (mod) -

Sure Barbara

Probably 1992 -

but for several age decoding formats see the age decoding details, manuals, and contact information at JOHN WOOD WATER HEATERS & JW

It would be very helpful if you could post a photo of the data tag on your John Wood water heater
helpful too to know the country and city where the heater is installed and the age of the building. That lets us do some sanity checks on the age decoding.

On 2020-03-17 by Barbara

I have a JW50SDEB1 CAT 4022 Serial Number U1044 F707392 can you tell me how old it is?

On 2020-01-27 - by (mod) -


It would be helpful to know what is the fuel that heats your water, electric, gas, or oil because the diagnostics for water not hot enough in fact will differ among those.

In the article index you will also find in our list of articles on water heaters a water heater descale procedure which can make a significant difference in the heaters performance

On 2020-01-27 by Katie

Our water heater isn't leaking or damaged, it's simply not putting out the amount of hot water that it used to. It's to be expected because of its age, we were just hoping to extend its life a little bit longer if there were a way to do that. Hence the search for a manual. Thanks for your thoughts!

On 2020-01-09 - by (mod) -


Well the good news is that electric water heaters are actually mechanically very simple and that their controls including thermostats & heating elements, are pretty standard across the industry, showing up in just a few variations such as heating element Mount of which there are two common designs, and heating element length.

So there's not much to replace if the tank itself is not damaged. Of course if the tank is leaking you'll replace the whole water heater.

Watch out however. If you're not familiar with safe and proper electrical wiring you should understand that making a mistake could kill someone or start a fire and burn the house down.


Continue reading  at WATER HEATER LIFE or select a topic from the closely-related articles below, or see the complete ARTICLE INDEX.

Or see WATER HEATER AGE & Manuals FAQs - questions & answers posted originally on this page.

Or see these

Recommended Articles

Suggested citation for this web page

WATER HEATER AGE & MANUALS at - online encyclopedia of building & environmental inspection, testing, diagnosis, repair, & problem prevention advice.

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