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Building department offices, Hudson New York (C) Daniel Friedman at InspectApedia.comBuilding Codes & Standards

Index to Free Download PDF Copies of Building Codes & Standards

Building Codes & Regulations.

This page provides free access to model building codes, specific provincial, state, city or other building codes and various building standards.

We include contact information for various model building code authorities.

Page top photo: the building department's code enforcement office in Hudson, New York.

InspectAPedia tolerates no conflicts of interest. We have no relationship with advertisers, products, or services discussed at this website.

- Daniel Friedman, Publisher/Editor/Author - See WHO ARE WE?

Building Codes, Full Text Copies of Building Codes

NFPA 4.3.1 code on air duct materials at InspectApedia.comThis section of this page provides downloadable PDF copies of various building codes & standards in versions that have been adopted, often with modifications or additions, by various state, city, provincial or other governments.

We also provide contact information for various building code & standard agencies. Some of these permit free online access to building codes in non-printable or non-downloadable versions and all of the code agencies permit purchase of copies of the codes they maintain.

[Click to enlarge any image]

Shown above, an excerpt from NFPA 90A covering the construction, installation, operation, and maintenance of air conditioning and ventilation systems, including filters, ducts, and related equipment, [in order] to protect life and property from fire, smoke, and gases resulting from fire or conditions that have manifestations similar to fire.

Tip: use your browser's on-page search feature (CTRL-F or on a Mac CMD-F) to look for one or two keywords narrowing your interest, such as "septic" that will find septic system design codes & guidelines. Or use the InspectApedia page top or bottom SEARCH BOX to find articles including codes on a specific topic.

Building Code & Agencies by Country



US Building Code & Regulation Availability

In most countries model building codes and standards are produced by government funded and managed entities and provided by the government directly to the public.

In the U.S. building codes and standards are typically developed by private organizations such the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), The American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), and the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). We include contact information for those key associations as well.

Notice on building code free PDF download availablity.

In the U.S. most building and mechanical codes are developed by private, for-profit expert agencies who then publish model codes and license them to various state or municipal governments who then, by act of legislation, adopt the code, often with a few modifications or additions.

On this page and where permitted by law, we provided free copies in PDF form of "as adopted" U.S. building codes published by those state or municipal governments, obtained from those federal, state, city, county or other local governments.

Copies are also available from the respecitve U.S. state or municipal government at no charge, usually from state or city or other municipal government websites.

U.S. courts, including the Supreme Court, have said for almost 200 years: In a democracy, private parties have no business controlling who can read, share, and speak the law — whether it is a statute, a judicial opinion or a building code - Corynne McSherry, an attorney for flinePublic.Resource quoted by LAQW360 in DC CIRC. DEEMS COPYRIGHTED REGULATIONS FAIR USE [PDF] (2023)

Where certain U.S. code or standards writing agencies such as ICC have objected to providing for free versions of building or mechanical codes that those agencies offer for sale, where possible we respect the demands of those agencies.

See details at


If you don't find a building or mechanical code that you need online as a free PDF download by search, try contacting you local building code officials.

For readers from other countries than the U.S., model and adopted building codes are provided as free PDF downloads by those governments (and copies may be included here) in order to make it easier for their citizens to comply with government mandated standards and guidelines.

Popular U.S. Building Code & Standards Topics

Australia Model Building Codes

Canada Model Building Codes

Canadian building codes

2023 update: we received this notification

Canadian Board for Harmonized Construction Codes website now live // Mise en ligne du site Web du Comité canadien de l’harmonisation des codes de construction

The Canadian Board for Harmonized Construction Codes (CBHCC) is excited to announce the launch of its NEW WEBSITE [by the Canadian Board for Harmonized Construction Codes. ]
Website excerpts:

The Canadian Board for Harmonized Construction Codes (CBHCC) is responsible for the development of Canada’s National Model Codes, which contain objectives related to health, safety, the protection of buildings from fire and structural damage, and the protection of the environment.

The CBHCC, which is made up of representatives from provincial, territorial, and federal public services, approves the content of the National Model Codes and works within a system of groups that provide oversight, advice, and develop proposed changes.

In the future, the site will host public reviews where stakeholders can provide their input on proposed code changes and seminars highlighting significant code changes.

2022 update: excerpted from email received 28 May 2022

New direct access to free electronic codes and user’s guides!

The National Research Council of Canada (NRC) provides

As of March 28, 2022, code users can access the latest, updated editions of the National Model Codes, including the National Building Code of Canada 2020, the National Fire Code of Canada 2020, the National Plumbing Code of Canada 2020, and the National Energy Code of Canada for Buildings 2020.

The Codes are developed by the Canadian Commission on Building and Fire Codes (CCBFC), and are published by the National Research Council of Canada (NRC).

The CCBFC has included nearly 400 updates in the latest editions of the National Model Codes. These replace the 2015 and 2017 editions of the codes.

How to access the Canadian Building Codes - Free

The 2020 National Model Codes are available for free, in electronic format, through


and for purchase, in printed format, from

the NRC's VIRTUAL STORE [Website] .

Previous editions of the codes also remain available through these websites.

Making the codes freely available in electronic format has given more Canadians access to the

as well as the provincial codes published by the NRC. These codes play a critical role in protecting the health and safety of Canadians when their homes, their places of work and other buildings are built or renovated.

The NRC is pleased to share two recent updates that aim to further improve access to the National Model Codes and related publications for Canadians:
Free user’s guides

To help ensure that the National Model Codes are properly understood and effectively implemented, the NRC is now offering free electronic access to the related user’s guides, including:

The user’s guides are designed to complement the National Model Codes by providing additional background information, as well as detailed examples and calculations.

Direct access to codes and user’s guides in electronic format

To improve online access to the National Model Codes and the related user’s guides, the NRC has now made the current and previous electronic editions of these publications available for download in PDF format from

The NRC is also working towards providing the next electronic editions of the codes and user’s guides in a new accessible HTML format.

The print editions of the code publications will continue to be available for purchase through

IEC EU Model Building Codes, ISO & IEC St5andards

India Model Building Codes

UK Model Building Codes

United States Model Building Codes

Watch out: Notice on building code free PDF download availablity: in the U.S. most building and mechanical codes are developed by private, for-profit expert agencies who then publish model codes and license them to various state or municipal governments who then, by act of legislation, adopt the code, often with a few modifications or additions.

On this page and where permitted by law, we provided free copies in PDF form of "as adopted" U.S. building codes published by those state or municipal governments, obtained from those federal, state, city, county or other local governments.

Where certain U.S. code writing agencies such as ICC have objected to providing for free versions of building or mechanical codes that those agencies offer for sale, we do not provide those codes.

If you don't find a building or mechanical code that you need online as a free PDF download by search, try contacting you local building code officials.

UpCodes continues to provide building codes online at

Existing Building Codes IEBC

Residential & International Building Codes IBC ICC IRC IMC

ICC International Code Council, provides access to the building codes including the International Building Code IBC, International Residential Code IRC, International Fire Code IFC, International Plumbing Code IPC, International Mechanical Code IMC, International Fuel Gas Code IFGC, International Private Sewage Disposal Code IPSDC, International Energy Conservation Code IECC, International Existing Building Code IEBC, International Property Maintenance Code IPMC, ICC Performance Code for Buildings and Facilities ICCPC, International Swimming Pool and Spa Code ISPSC, International Wildland-Urban Interface COde IWUIC, International Zoning Code IZC, International Green Construction Code IgCC. Or the complete collection can be purchased as a set. See

United States Model Building Code Agencies

Individual U.S. State or City Building Codes & Standards

New Zealand Model Building Codes

Appliance Codes & Regulations

Asbestos Codes & Regulations

Chimney Codes

These chimney laws, codes, standards are now found at

Electrical Codes

U.S. NEC National Electrical Code - where to find a copy

Energy Codes, Guides, Standards

Environment, Building Codes, Standards

Exteriors of Buildings

Articles & Building Codes & Standards for Clearance Distance Between Siding & Ground

Fire Codes & Fire Sprinkler or Fire Suppression Codes

Flood Damage & Flood Zone Construction Codes

HVAC Air Conditioning, Heating, Heat Pump Codes, Mechanical Systems, Ductwork

Insulation Codes

Interiors of Buildings, Codes & Standards

Manufactured Home Codes & Standards

Australian Manufactured Home Codes & Standards

U.S. Manufactured Home Codes & Standards

Mechanical Codes IMC UMC & Others

Also see these focused mechanical code topics


Oil Tank Codes & Regulations

Oil Tank Regulations, Codes, Standards articles



Plumbing Codes, Drain, Waste, Vent Codes, Oil Storage Tanks

Gas Piping Codes, Standards, Research

Gas Meter & Gas Regulator Codes

Gas Regulator Codes & Test Procedures

Gas pressure manometer reading in inches of water column  from Dwyer Instruments (C) InspectApedia.comIllustration: a gas pressure manometer reading in inches of water column or In. W.C.

This device is provided by Dwyer Instruments, cited below. Gauge type instruments (shown earlier on this page) reading in inches of W.C. or psi can also be used provided that the gauge is within the proper low-pressure range.

Roofing Codes & Standards

Safety Codes

Septic System Codes - Onsite Wastewater Disposal Codes

Stair, Handrail, Railing & Guardrailing Codes


Structural Codes Standards

Ventilation & Exhaust Ventilation Codes & Regulations

Building Codes & Standards for Kitchen Exhaust Venting

Water Regulations, Standards, Codes for drinking water



Reader Comments, Questions & Answers About The Article Above

Below you will find questions and answers previously posted on this page at its page bottom reader comment box.


On 2021-07-25 by (mod)

As you posted on a building code page we are guessing you're asking where to find codes for building flashing. The answer is, it depends. Roof flashing is discussed in roofing codes; Window or door flashing in building exterior or siding codes, etc.

Use the Search Box at the top and bottom of any of our pages to look for your specific type of flashing. If you do not find what you need, please let us know.

On 2021-07-25 by Anonymous


On 2021-07-19 by (mod) - bathroom window as ventilation source


A bathroom window can be accepted by your local code inspector (the final legal authority) provided the window is operable and gives enough of opening.

On 2021-07-19 by Karne

Is a window in an upper unit of bathroom considered proper ventilation?

On 2021-06-22 by (mod) - theatre seating fire & safety codes

@Dean Read,

I think we need to add detail here about theatre seating but from just the four words in your brief question we may be missing what's needed for your case.

I note that the theater seating manufacturers are themselves good sources of basic standards and terms for theater seating measurements such as the

Brown, Jenna, "10 Seating Terms To Know When Planning An Auditorium", Irwin Seating Company, 3251 Fruit Ridge NW, Grand Rapids, MI 49544 USA, Tel: 616-574-7400 or Toll Free: 1-866-GO IRWIN (464-7946)
retrieved 2021/06/22 original source:

Among these terms (regrettably she did not include dimensions, just definitions of terms, probably because they vary by building code jurisdiction) a few critical ones for moving in and out of the theatre or auditorium safely (we've edited the original text for clarity) might include

- Clear passage space: free walking area between the front of the chair to the portion of the back of the chair in front of it that most projects into the walking space.

- Row length: total outside dimension of an entire row of seats - maximum possible walking distance from aisle to aisle

- Row spacing - between rows - including to meet ADA requirements

and I would add:

- Aisle widths and lengths

- Location and number of exits

- Slope of flooring, aisles, passageways

- Stair riser heights (you can find those at InspectApedia)

- Handrailing and guardrail heights (you can find those at InspectApedia)

- Distances to emergency exits

- Lighting and marking for emergency exits (you can find those at InspectApedia)

- Fire codes on flammability of chairs, seating, carpets, etc. for public auditoriums and halls
(See NFPA 260 & California 117 on the Smoldering Cigarette test and
See California 133 on Chair Flame Testing)

And of course there is still longer list of chair pitch, chair dimensions such as width etc. even
details of the requirements for the security of floor mounting of seating.

From all of this my suggestion is to identify your building code jurisdiction so that one might focus on the specific codes that you'd have to meet.

On 2021-06-18 by (mod)

@Dean Read,

Other than some fire exits & safety requirements we haven't added much on theater or auditorium seating. But I'll be glad to take a look to see what I can find and I will post it here.

On 2021-06-18 1 by Dean Read

theater seating requirements, dimensions;

On 2021-04-02 by (mod) - Volusia County, Holly Hill FL building code


Most likely yes, James but of course it is your LOCAL building code compliance official who has the final, legal, say over permits and construction.

Depending on conditions at your home, some inspectors will not require a permit for minor repairs but might want a permit for a total replacement.

Give them a call Holly Hill Building and Zoning Department
Urban planning department
1065 Ridgewood Ave · (386) 248-9442

Rickie Lee
Chief Building Official

On 2021-04-02 by James

Is a building permits need in Volusia County, Holly Hill FL. To cover a existing bad egress into a 1973 Model Home in a 55 Older park. Dangerous concrete Platform, stairs, and handrail falling apart from water erosion from bad water shed. Cover it with a a treated wood platform, stairs and handrail. 2 And to finish the roof over installed by FEMA

On 2021-03-19 by d (mod)

@Edward maytum, I'll see what I can find and add. It will be helpful if you can State your country and city is codes very by Authority.

Female I think you'll find that a deck built to existing deck codes will also be hose for swimming pool decks.

On 2021-03-19 by Edward maytum

Swimming deck code

On 2020-11-27 by (mod) - El Cajon CA building reinforcement for seismic?

Probably though not to current standards Beth. In California the Field Act, barring un-reinforced masonry construction in California, was passed very quickly following the 10 March 1933 Longbeach California earthquake that caused extensive damage including to many school buildings.

Nevertheless, even when I was inspecting earthquake damage in L.A. following the much more-recent Northridge earthquake I came across some residential homes that were built without any reinforcement - possibly constructed before that date of course.




On 2020-11-27 by Beth

Looking at an El Cajon CA building, 8 units, masonry construction.
Would it be reinforced if built in the 1960's?

On 2020-09-24 by antonio

need to review 2015 international building code for landscaping .

On 2020-09-17 - by (mod) -

Sorry I don't understand the question; don't know what's meant by a "raised tile deck" - perhaps more description of the design can clarify the question.

In all events, you probably won't find building code citations in the model codes for your country, state or province that include venting details for decks. That doesn't mean that proper construction and design are not needed; start by identifying the manufacturer of your raised deck system so that we can see what they specify.

On 2020-09-17 by Kathy Kristof

Should a 500-square foot raised tile deck, surrounded by structural concrete, have been vented in 2012?

On 2020-09-07 - by (mod) -



On 2020-09-05 by Steve Smith Masonry

If a masonry fire box is 66" tall x 24" to the back wall of the box & 36" wide what size flue liner is required

On 2020-08-21 by Mike. Wheeler

What distance is required between a building and the owners property line ? Is there different requirements for resident building and a detached garage or accessory building ?

On 2020-05-20 - by (mod) - distance between drills ?

Sorry Andi, I don't know what you mean by Drills.

Clarify and I'll be glad to research the question.

On 2020-05-20 by ANDI MAREWANGENG

How much distance between drills according to basic building code (BOCA, 1990)

On 2020-05-18 - by (mod) -

see the pdf downloads at

On 2020-05-18 by Anonymous

I am looking for the PDF version of 2015 International Existing Building Code.
Is a PDF version available?

On 2020-04-30 - by (mod) -

Apologies for this arm-waving but accurate reply Ron but ultimately the final legal authority on code questions is your local building inspector. Her word is law.

New Jersey has adopted the 2009 IRC so we can either look in your local township's copy or at the 2009 IRC for deck construction.

In the IRC as well as other model codes and adopted building codes deck posts must be mechanically fastened both to the supporting pier below and to the girders or beams above.


On 2020-04-30 by Ron

In New Jersey, do deck columns need to be secured to their concrete bases by code? Thanks.

On 2020-04-30 - by (mod) - requirement that deck posts be mechanically anchored to piers

Apologies for this arm-waving but accurate reply Ron but ultimately the final legal authority on code questions is your local building inspector. Her word is law.

New Jersey has adopted the 2009 IRC so we can either look in your local township's copy or at the 2009 IRC for deck construction.

In the IRC as well as other model codes and adopted building codes deck posts must be mechanically fastened both to the supporting pier below and to the girders or beams above.


On 2020-04-30 by Ron

In New Jersey, do deck columns need to be secured to their concrete bases by code? Thanks.

On 2020-04-20 by (mod) - maximum height, porch railing to grade

Apologies David but probably I don't understand the question - as there is no maximum height for a deck or balcony walking surface to grade - after all there are balconies on rooms on high floors of tall hotels and other buildings.

See details about guardrail height at


On 2020-04-20 by David J Wiggins

What is the maximum height from be grade for porch railing

On 2020-04-07 7 - by (mod) -

It's a perfectly reasonable question that you asked but I don't think there's a single answer.

The requirement for footings and Foundations depends on the type of construction which in turn depends on the type of building and its intended use and local codes.

For example if someone could build a pole barn and use it for storage and it would not have a conventional footing nor necessarily even a floor slab.

If you are seeing signs of building movement such as heating or Frost cracking in a floor then it may be that it wasn't properly constructed.

On 2020-04-07 by Derrick Warner

Do commercial storage units require footings and foundations ?

On 2020-03-18 - by (mod) -


The window "opening" is measured as the actual open area - that is between sill and under-side of the sash and between the OPEN sides of the window opening

EMERGENCY EGRESS WINDOWS however will require a larger opening than just that required for ventilation -

On 2020-03-17 by mike

I would like to know the minimum opening widow size for a window from a bedroom. Does the opening have to be measured to the glass or frame size that is openable?

On 2020-03-13 by Anonymous


How to find which building codes applied to your home in a specific year.

Start by identifying your country and city.

Then find your city's building department - often their website will give the current building codes that your city has adopted or adopted with modifications.

Then give the department a call to ask what model code versions (with modifications) were adopted pertaining to 1999.

On 2020-03-13 by Robert

I have a home built in 1999. Trying to find out what the code was for the stair dimensions for that year.

On 2019-10-22 by Rodney

Neighbor chimney to close to my garage coal sot all over my house.

On 2019-03-21 by Ed

Did the 1993 BOCA or the 1999 ASHrae code require air tight fixtures for building envelope areas?

On 2017-10-31 by Diane Granata

Mobile homes 295 Maple Hill,Mills River, .com 28759. When built and is it up to code.


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