Index to Procedures for Septic System Maintenance, Septic Tank Care, Septic Drainfield Care
POST a QUESTION or COMMENT about septic system basics for homeowners: what is a septic system or septic tank and drainfield, how do septic systems work, and what maintenance and cleaning or care do septic tanks and septic systems require.
Septic system care procedures. Here is an exhaustive index to every septic system care & maintenance topic you could imagine:
How to install, test, maintain & repair private septic tanks and drainfield systems. This article series answers just about any question you might have about buying or owning a property with a septic tank & drainfield or soakaway bed system. Here we provide complete detail on how to maintain and repair septic tanks and all other components of septic systems.
We discuss how to provide septic system care to avoid replacing the septic system unnecessarily. Septic cleaning and septic maintenance procedures, septic inspection methods, septic repair guides are provided here in articles for home owners, home buyers, and septic system designers, installers, and septic system maintenance contractors.
We include tables for septic tank pumping frequency and other septic maintenance procedures.
Here we discuss just about every septic system topic, question, problem, design, or repair such as septic tank design, septic tank size, septic tank pumping frequency, septic tank cleaning, and septic tank inspection.
InspectAPedia tolerates no conflicts of interest. We have no relationship with advertisers, products, or services discussed at this website.
- Daniel Friedman, Publisher/Editor/Author - See WHO ARE WE?
Guide to Septic System Maintenance & Repair
This page organizes and links to our detailed septic system inspection, test, repair, and design articles,
including our online septic systems book. Septic testing class presentations, photos, sketches, tables, links to products and consultants are provided.
Procedures for Septic Tank & Drainfield Care, Inspection, Maintenance & Repair
If you own or are buying a home or any other property that uses a private, onsite wastewater disposal system - that is, a septic system, the articles below point you to key references that you'll want to read.
If you do not quickly find the information you need you are welcome to POST a QUESTION at the end of any article found at InspectAPedia.
"Septic tanks" are what
home owners or home buyers think of when buying or maintaining a home with a private septic system. But we should be thinking about the whole septic system
- since the drain field or leach field makes up half of a typical septic
system cost.
Septic tank care and septic tank cleaning need to be done on a regular frequency (we provide a septic tank pumping schedule table)
in order to avoid ruining the drainfield. Septic tank maintenance is not enough. Proper septic system design for
the level of usage and soil conditions is critical if the system is going to have a long useful life.
We are also quite
concerned with septic system health and safety since there are potential collapse hazards which can be fatal, and
there are bacterial and pathogen hazards for both site occupants and for the environment if a septic system is
not working properly. The articles listed at this website form an extensive guide to septic systems care, inspection,
testing, and installation.
If you are buying a home and are in a rush
See HOME BUYERS GUIDE to SEPTIC SYSTEMS inspection & testing - what to do, step by step to inspect and test a septic system when buying a home and then
see SEPTIC TANK PUMPING SCHEDULE. Regular septic tank cleaning is the single most important step you can take in maximizing the life of the septic system.
Index to Septic System How-To Articles
"How-To" Articles at our Septic System Information Website are in four groups:
SEPTIC SYSTEM CARE GUIDE - you are on this page - an index to septic maintenance and septic care instructions for home owners and home buyers; steps to take when buying a home with a septic tank and septic fields
BASIC SEPTIC DESIGNS for septic systems, tank size, field size, design notes, septic maintenance and septic care instructions for home owners and home buyers; steps to take when buying a home with a septic tank and septic fields, and basics septic system information about:
Septic soil & percolation tests, septic tank size, septic tank depth, septic tank tees, filters, graywater, clearances septic system to other site features, drainfield size, drainfield shape, tank pumping frequency, tank pumping procedure, tank repair, septic treatments & chemicals, steep slope systems
BIOMAT FORMATION in the Septic System Drainfield Absorption System - what leads to drain field clogging and expensive drainfield repairs
BLOCKED DRAIN REPAIR METHODS - do-it-yourself steps you can try to clear a clogged drain before calling a professional plumber
BUY SEPTIC BOOKS at - our list of recommended books on septic system maintenance, design, and alternative designs available at - septic system education materials
BUYERS GUIDE to SEPTIC SYSTEMS Home Buyer's Guide to Septic Systems inspection & testing - what to do, step by step to inspect and test a septic system when buying a home
CESSPOOLS home buyer's or Owner's cesspool maintenance advice
CESSPOOL SAFETY warnings about cesspool, drywell, seepage pit collapse dangers
DISTANCES & CLEARANCES from septic system components to other site features, property boundaries, waterways, etc. - Avoid property being declared insalubrious or uninhabitable due to septic system space or function problems.
TOILETS, DON'T FLUSH LIST these things into a septic system: a list of what's ok and what's not ok to put into septic tanks and building drains offers important septic maintenance advicens
DRAIN CLOGS, SLOW DRAINS: how to diagnose & repair slow or clogged drains; find out if the problem is in a drain or in the septic system, a key step in septic repair
DRAIN LINE REPLACEMENT diagnosing a clogged drain leads to drain line replacement - step by step photo-illustrated guide to drain replacement
LEACH FIELD INSPECTION PROCEDURE septic leach fields - how to inspect and diagnose septic drainfield failures - soakaway beds, leachfields, seepage trenches, seepage pits, etc.
SEPTIC LIFE EXPECTANCY and septic system components and the relationship of field life to septic maintenance
MAINTENANCE for SEPTIC SYSTEMS: Ten Steps to Keeping a Septic System Working, septic maintenance suggestions from the U.S. EPA, edits and additions by DJF
SEPTIC SYSTEM DESIGN BASICS, septic maintenance and septic care instructions for home owners and home buyers;
steps to take when buying a home with a septic tank and septic fields, and basics septic system information about:
Septic soil & percolation tests, septic tank size, septic tank depth, septic tank tees, filters, graywater, clearances septic system to other site features, drainfield size, drainfield shape, tank pumping frequency, tank pumping procedure, tank repair, septic treatments & chemicals, steep slope systems
SEPTIC TANK INSPECTION Procedure - how to inspect septic tanks and evaluate the septic tank condition, baffles, sludge levels, damage, evidence of septic failure, etc.
SEPTIC TANK LEAKS can prevent a valid septic loading and dye test and can damage the drainfield
SEPTIC TANK, HOW TO FIND - How to Find the Septic Tank, how deep will the cover be, how to document its location
SEPTIC TANK PUMPING REASONS why relying on the septic tank pumping schedule table or advice from pumping contractors isn't enough
SEPTIC TANK PUMPING FREQUENCY GUIDE for septic tanks: when, how, what to watch for when pumping or cleaning septic tanks - the key septic maintenance schedule
SEPTIC TANK PUMPING PROCEDURE step by step photo guideline of how to pump and clean a septic tank - septic tank care
SEPTIC TANK SIZE: how to determine the size of a septic tank, septic tank size and capacity vs. usage determine the required septic tank size, calculate size of an existing septic tank
PLANTS & TREES OVER SEPTIC SYSTEMS trees, shrubs, gardens, groundcover over or near the septic system: what can you plant over or near septic system components without causing a problem?
SEPTIC TANK INSPECTION PROCEDURE - how to inspect septic tanks and evaluate the septic tank condition, baffles, sludge levels, damage, evidence of septic failure, etc.
SEPTIC TANK, HOW TO FIND - How to Find the Septic Tank, how deep will the cover be, how to document its location
SEPTIC TANK MAINTENANCE - Ten Steps to Keeping a Septic System Working, suggestions from the U.S. EPA, edits and additions by DJF
SEPTIC TANK PUMPING SCHEDULE Frequency Guide for Septic Tanks: When, How, What to Watch For when pumping or cleaning septic tanks
SEPTIC TANK LEVELS of SEWAGE - what are normal and abnormal sewage levels in septic tanks and what do they mean about tank condition, leaks, etc.
SEWER GAS ODORS in COLD / WET WEATHER - Septic Odors or Sewage Odor Diagnosis & Repair Guide for diagnosing and eliminating cold weather sewer gas odors
SEWAGE PUMP DAMAGE & REPAIR - list of items that clog and damage or destroy different types of sewage pumps, grinder pumps, and ejector pumps
SEWER GAS ODORS diagnosing, finding, and curing septic tank and sewer line smells
METHANE & SEWER GAS HAZARDS and other septic system gas explosion or asphyxiation hazards such as hydrogen sulfide
SEWER LINE REPLACEMENT diagnosing a clogged drain leads to drain line replacement - step by step photo-illustrated guide to drain replacement
STEEP SLOPE SEPTIC DESIGNS - how to install sewer lines from building to septic tank; how to install septic drainfields, leach field systems at steep or sloped sites.
TOILET TISSUE CHOICES and TOILET TISSUE TEST: Toilet paper: what kind of bathroom tissue to use in septic systems, testing toilet paper for septic tank breakdown
TOILETS, Composting Toilets, Biological Toilets, No-water/Low water toilets, Waterless toilets, Chemical Toilets, Incinerating Toilets and related products list
WATER SOFTENERS & CONDITIONERS maintenance, adjustment, and water softener effect on drinking water; potential effects of salts on septic systems
Continue reading at SEPTIC TANK PUMPING SCHEDULE for specific advice about the septic tank, or select a topic from the closely-related articles below, or see the complete ARTICLE INDEX.
SEPTIC SYSTEM CARE GUIDE at - online encyclopedia of building & environmental inspection, testing, diagnosis, repair, & problem prevention advice.
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TOILETS, WATERLESS ALTERNATIVES Composting Toilets, Biological Toilets, No-water/Low water toilets, Waterless toilets, Chemical Toilets, Incinerating Toilets and related products list
SEPTIC TANK CAPACITY VS USAGE in Daily Gallons of Wastewater Flow, calculating required septic tank size, calculating septic tank volume from size measurements
SEPTIC TANK/SOIL-ABSORPTION SYSTEMS: HOW TO OPERATE & MAINTAIN [PDF] - , Equipment Tips, U.S. Department of Agriculture, 8271 1302, 7100 Engineering, 2300 Recreation, September 1982, web search 08/28/2010, original source:
Pennsylvania State Wastewater Treatment Fact Sheet SW-161, Septic System Failure: Diagnosis and Treatment
Pennsylvania State Wastewater Treatment Fact Sheet SW-162, The Soil Media and the Percolation Test
Pennsylvania State Wastewater Treatment Fact Sheet SW-l64, Mound Systems for Wastewater Treatment
Pennsylvania State Wastewater Treatment Fact Sheet SW-165, Septic Tank-Soil Absorption Systems
Document Sources used for this web page include but are not limited to: Agricultural Fact Sheet #SW-161 "Septic Tank Pumping," by Paul D. Robillard and
Kelli S. Martin. Penn State College of Agriculture - Cooperative Extension, edited and annotated by Dan Friedman (Thanks: to Bob Mackey for proofreading the original source material.)
Our recommended books about building & mechanical systems design, inspection, problem diagnosis, and repair, and about indoor environment and IAQ testing, diagnosis, and cleanup are at the InspectAPedia Bookstore. Also see our Book Reviews - InspectAPedia.
In addition to citations & references found in this article, see the research citations given at the end of the related articles found at our suggested
Carson, Dunlop & Associates Ltd., 120 Carlton Street Suite 407, Toronto ON M5A 4K2. Tel: (416) 964-9415 1-800-268-7070 Email: Alan Carson is a past president of ASHI, the American Society of Home Inspectors.
Carson Dunlop Associates provides extensive home inspection education and report writing material. In gratitude we provide links to tsome Carson Dunlop Associates products and services.