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Copper valley flashing and roof cement failure (C) Daniel Friedman Roof Sealants, Mastics, Coatings

Installing or fixing a leaky roof with roof cements, sealants, coatings

Advice for choosing & using sealants to repair a leaky or worn roof surface, or to repair roof flashings, valleys, and intersections with other building surfaces.

Roofing sealants have been applied for centuries using just about anything at hand: tar, pine-sap, even sugar to try to seal leaks in a roof that's damaged or at the end of its life. Eking out a few more months or years of roof life an be very tempting but a more legitimate use of sealants is one that is more constrained.

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- Daniel Friedman, Publisher/Editor/Author - See WHO ARE WE?

Roofing Cements, Sealants, Mastics, Coatings

Roof Patching & Sealant Product Terms, Types, Sources

Patched skylight flashing (C) Daniel FriedmanThere are two general classes of sealant or coating products used on roofs:

  1. Roofing mastics: properly, a thick paste applied by trowel, putty knife, or using a caulking gun and used to seal exposed nail or screw heads or small areas of damage, cracks, holes in roofs, as well as along edges of abutting roof materials such as along the top edge of counter-flashing let into a chimney or into a masonry wall.

    Some roofing mastics such as the traditional black asphalt roof flashing cement include reinforcing fibers. Mastics are also used as adhesive to glue-down loose shingles and mastics are also widely used as adhesives in other building applications such as flooring.
  2. Roofing sealants: properly, liquid coatings applied by roller or brush onto large areas of a roof surface to seal or extend the the life of a leaky or worn roof surface. Some sealants can be used on many different roof materials such as asphalt shingles, roll roofing, modified bitumen, even tile or slate (though I don't recommend that), while others are compatible only with specific roof coverings, so be sure to read the manufacturer's label as well as the roof sealant instructions from the manufacturer of your roof covering.

    Cut-back adhesives or sealants
     are products that have been thinned using a compatible solvent to produce a thinner coating that may be painted onto a surface and that may penetrate into it.

The skylight repaired with asphalt flashing cement (above) is discussed


[Click to enlarge any image]

There are several types of sealant or coating products used on building roofs by composition. Both mastics and more liquid roof sealants may have similar ingredients.

  1. Acrylic mastics and sealants, acrylic polymer based products.
  2. Asphalt-based mastics and sealants use asphalt, a petroleum product, as the primary ingredient, typically fiber reinforced. Asphalt based sealants can be cleaned-up or thinned with paint thinner or mineral spirits. Asphalt based products are also referred to as bituminous or bitumens.
  3. Emulsified asphalt-based mastics and sealants also use asphalt with the addition of bentonite clay as an emulsifier that reduces flowing and cracking.
  4. Silicone Roof Sealants, sold in caulking tubes or in gallon cans, are silicone based coatings and sealants that can be applied over many types of building surfaces, providing good adhesion, good UV resistance, and unlike the asphalt and bituminous products silicone sealants do not harden nor shrink with age. Silicone roof products are sold for application by caulk gun, brush, or trowel and in a range of colors: clear, black, white, brown and others.
  5. Surfactant-treated Roof Coatings add a wetting agent to improve penetration or coating bonding to damp or wet roof surfaces.
  6. Polyurethane Roof Coatings & sealants including some spray-on products may be used as patching or repair coatings on asphalt roofs.
  7. Urethane based coatings are used in spray-on roof systems built over urethane foam

Watch out: as you'll see when shopping for roof patching, sealing or coating materials, manufacturers may mix these terms. For example Vinimex®, a widely used liquid roll-on roof sealant is labeled by Comex®, its manufacturer, as a roof mastic.

Watch out: some older roof mastics or sealants contained asbestos as a reinforcing fiber and some may have also included asbestos powder as a filler.


Because builders, contractors, roofers, and vendors use and mix and match so many similar terms for roofing coatings, mastics and sealants we list all of them below along with some illustrations and descriptions of how these products are applied and of their intended use.

Prices for roof sealant/mastic/cement range from less than $10. for a tube of caulk-like sealant to over a thousand for a thick silicone-based roof sealant coating in a 5-gallon container. Don't buy any sealant or roof cement before reading on the product label the roof material types with which it's compatible.

List of Types of Roof Mastics, Sealants, Coatings

Acrylux roof sealant mastic - at

Black-Knight(R) roofing mastic installation - a Tarland Products asphaltic roof mastic at

Roofers Choice brand Plastic Roof Cement at

Comex Vinimex roof sealant - at

Product description: Impermeabilizante acrílico de alto poder cubriente que forma una capa homogénea capaz de impermeabilizar todo tipo de superficie, aún en superficies verticales. Cuenta con garantía de 3 ó 5 años. Ideal como reflejante en techos y azoteas, lo cual colabora en el ahorro de energía y evita el calentamiento de las viviendas.

Leaky built up roof (C) Daniel Friedman

Tar is occasionally mis-applied as an adhesive as we illustrate below.

Asphalt roof single tab sealant bleed-out staining on a Maryland roof © InspectApedia Bob Sissons

See ASPHALT SHINGLE TARRY BLEED for details about the messy roof shown above.

Pro-Gard Liquid Rubber EPDM Roof Coating at

Black Jack Ultra Roof elastomeric reflective roof coating from Black Jack, at

Henry Tropi-Cool silicone roof sealant, at

Watch out: Be sure to read the application instructions and roof material compatability remarks provided by the manufacturer of any roof patching compound or sealant you are considering buying. Applying the wrong sealant can actually damage a roof covering if its solvents are not compatible with the roofing material. In particular, some roof coatings or flashing cements are not compatible with asphalt shingles, asphalt roll roofing, EPDM, rubber, or modified bitumen roof coverings.

Life Expectancy of Roof Mastics & Sealants

Despite standards and claims, in our opinion there is no single "right answer" to "how long will this coating, patch or repair last?" I've inspected 20-year old roof coatings in remarkable condition and I've seen coatings and repairs fail from the day after installation. But certainly some materials are more resistant to the wear-forces at work (heat, UV, thermal movement) than others, as we elaborated in the list of coatings and mastics above.

Below we illustrate use of a black asphalt-based flashing cement on a roof surface. Observe how it has aged, dried, shrunk, cracked.

Roof cement failure (C) Daniel Friedman

Watch out: as we illustrate in seveal photos throughout this article, applying most sealants across large or long gaps, cracks, or openings without adequate reinforcement by a mesh or fabric is likely to be a short-lived repair.

Heat causes the loss of volatiles from roofing mastics and sealants, causing most products to become more brittle with age. UV radiation also weakens the material and probably oxidizes some of its constituents. Thermal movement caused by changing temperature then pulls-apart and cracks the sealant, as we illustrate above.

How to Use a Reinforcing Fabric When Patching with Roof Cement

Roof cement gaps and leaks (C) Daniel FriedmanIf I were using a roofing mastic to repair a valley I'd pick up a reinforcing mesh sold alongside the mastic in any building supply house; those mesh reinforcers may be fiberglass or synthetic fabric. The mesh gives tensile strength to the repair by being placed down onto the surface and smeared over with mastic sealant. That adds some life to the job.

Here we illustrate a typical application of roofing cement along the intersection of a roof flashing and wall where leaks had occurred. Over time the combination of drying out of the sealant, thermal changes, and movement cause the sealant to crack and leak again.

Use a patching fabric over projections, larger cracks, gaps, and holes to obtain a longer-lived more durable repair. Using a patching fabric is simple:

  1. apply a layer of the mastic or patching compound over the problem area
  2. cut and place a section or strip of patching fabric over the area
  3. spread an additional layer of roof cement or patching compound over the area
  4. let the patch cure

I've also re-lined valleys and built-in eaves-trough gutters or yankee gutters with self-adhering ice and water shield products.

Roof Flashing Cement & Sealant Research & Standards

Using Roof Sealant to Repair a Leay Roof Valley

Reader Question: repairing a roof valley with roofing sealant vs. other approaches

2016/06/10 Rebecca said:

My recently purchased 1960's house with a two-layer asphalt roof has a leaking valley. The rest of the roof seems sound (excepting need for gutters, etc.). I want to repair this myself (and a roof tear-off is simply not a financial option right now). What challenges might I face beyond replacing the roof roll and the puzzle-like replacement of two layers of shingles?

This question appeared originally at DRIP EDGE FLASHING for ROOFS

Shown below: hanging plastic bags in the attic (or putting buckets under leaks) makes sense as an emergency stop-gap way to face some roof leaks but it's hardly a reasonable nor effective repair.

[Click to enlarge any image]


Sorry I don't fully understand the situation;

Tar or asphalt patched roof valley on a clay tile roof (C) Daniel FriedmanWatch out: From what I think is the case, you face these risks, in order of importance:

1. falling off the roof and being injured or killed
2. causing more damage to the roof when you walk on it, increasing the size of the repair job
3. finding it difficult to cut nails and lift shingles on the older roof sufficiently to place down a new layer of valley liner.

If the roof is in the last 1/4 of its life I'd prefer to stay off of it as much as possible: brittle shingles easily damaged by foot traffic; I might try working with care on padded surfaces to patch or seal the valley - a "band-aid" temporary repair that you can make more durable if you combine a fabric with your roof mastic to seal the valley.

Our photo shows black asphalt roof cement patching coating in a leaky roof valley on a clay tile roof in New York. That roof is discussed at CLAY TILE ROOF FLASHING LEAKS

Reader follow-up: what tools do I need?

Rebecca said:

Point number 3 is more along the lines I meant--sorry to leave you a vague question. We had a cricket added to the chimney, due to leaking there caused mostly by tar repairs causing dams, and general neglect.

It appears tar dams are the primary culprit for leaking along this valley, as well. I plan to inspect the roof deck from inside the attic to determine the extent of the roof deck damage.
I do plan to use rope/safety gear when on the roof for this extended period of time.

What tools should I have ready to remove the shingles and nails?

Moderator reply:

I generally do not recommend roof repairs by someone with no experience, no training, and no one with experience to help them, because of the risks involved.

A problem is that you don't know what you don't know - you don't even know that you're missing something; the result is possibly an unnecessarily costly and ineffective or short lived repair. While small repairs such as sealing a little hole or leak in a roof are within the grasp of many homeowners who are otherwise able to tackle the dangers of fooling around on a roof, even then I'd at least read some roofing instruction guides or get help from someone with experience and training.


Asphalt shingle roofs use normal carpentry & roofing tools including a few flat bars; when pulling up a lot of shingles roofers use a stripping tool but typically one can get by with a short-handled flat-bladed shovel; the added width of the blade can reduce un-wanted shingle damage. Occasionally I'll use a slater's nail cutting tool - that's a long flat bar with notches - the tool can be driven up under shingles and then hammered down to cut nails. You shouldn't need that for repairing a valley.

For applying roof mastic I use a small mason's trowel and of course disposable clean-up solvent & towels. Often having a pair of trowels or a trowel and a putty knife allow me to scrape mastic off of one blade onto another for more careful and detailed work. Be careful how you dispose of that trash: leaving it in a hot trash can can start a fire.

Keep in mind however that if you only seal the open surface of the valley water may back up under the shingles that abut the valley and might still leak, particularly if the valley doesn't drain rapidly off of the roof.

All of this to me sounds as if patching valleys by coating is the cheapest, quickest job that's also short-lived and a bit ugly.

But doing a proper valley-liner replacement requires lifting shingles along the valley; on an old roof you'll find the shingles fragile.

Reader follow-up: what's roofing mastic?

Roof sealant failure (C) Daniel FriedmanRebecca said:
And would you please expand your roof mastic comment--my research so far on repairing the valley has not included roof mastic. Thank you so much!

Photo: roof sealant used around a dryer vent installed through a roof surface.

[Click to enlarge any image] Take a closer loo9k to see how this sealant has dried and cracked.

Moderator reply:


Roofing mastic aka roof flashing cement is a thick tarry sealant, typically sold in gallon or larger sized containers or more expensively in caulk/sealant tubes for very small jobs. I'd consider coating with a high quality rubber roof sealant unless the damage in the valley is severe.

The roof cement is traditionally an asphalt-based product with reinforcing fibers.

There are other substitute roof leak sealing coatings including thick paints.

All roofing mastics will in my experience ultimately fail by drying out and cracking, though there are some rubber roof coating products that claim they're immune from that problem.

Copper valley flashing and roof cement failure (C) Daniel Friedman

The copper roof valley shown above cracked and leaked from thermal movement; you can see that repairs were attempted using a black asphalt-based flashing cement. Unfortunately not only did the flashing cement give only short term relief, its chemistry attached the copper below, thinning and corroding the copper. Below is another example of roof flashing cement failure on the same roof.

Roof valley flashing cement patch failure (C) Daniel Friedman



Reader Comments, Questions & Answers About The Article Above

Below you will find questions and answers previously posted on this page at its page bottom reader comment box.


On 2020-10-01 - by (mod) -

Rob when I'm faced with having to make what can be at best a temporary repair on a fragile asphalt shingle roof

1. I consider that going on to the roof at all may cause more damage; If I must work on it I work from a latter padded off of the roof surface and perhaps hung from the ridge.

2. If I can very gently free shingles above the damage area but I can not insert new shingles then I slip up flashing under the upper shingle course and seal below with mastic or nail it down and seal the nail top with silicone;

3. There are spray on and paint-on roof repair coatings including rubber sprays that may also give temporary life extension.

On 2020-10-01 by Rob

My shed has a few damaged shingles, I was going to replace only those shingles but they're so old and fragile they will just break. I can't afford to re-roof the whole shed. They are asphalt 3 tab shingles. What would be my best option to extend the life a few years (hopefully 3-5 years), maybe a product like Henry Roof Saver or Comex Vinimex?

On 2020-09-18 - by (mod) -

Thanks Jim; we work hard on this information so are very grateful when readers find it useful. We also welcome your questions, content suggestions, or criticism.


On 2020-09-18 by Jim

Very informative website, thank you!

On 2020-03-25 by Marc

Thanks a lot for the input Dan !!!

On 2020-03-24 - by (mod) -

3M Fire block foam insulation spray cited & discussed at InspectApedia.comI agree, Marc and I apologize for not being clear.

If I had a foam-insulated roof with a small area of damage I'd simply buy an open or closed-cell foam (hoping to match the original foam type), fill the damage area, the shave off the excess, then repair the roof.

A simple small spray can of suitable foam ought to be fine. I've used closed-cell fire-foam in some cases.

I've done that at PLUMBING VENT REPAIR (though the foam isn't much visible)

at PLASTIC ELECTRICAL BOX REPAIR where we were replacing a plastic electrical box in a foam-insulated cathedral ceiling roof.

The 3M FireBlock spray foam shown here costs about $15. U.S. and requires no special equipment nor fancy roof foam spraying apparatus.

On 2020-03-23 by Marc

there has to be a way to patch a foam crack of a few inches without using actual SPF sprayed with a complex kit :(

Henry's "885 Tropi-Cool 100% Silicone Seam and Repair Roof Sealant" is said to be compatible with SPF according to the instruction ... but i don't know how accurate that is :-/

On 2020-03-23 by Anonymous


I think the foam kit needs depend on the amoubt if repair needed

On 2020-03-22 by Marc

i hoped i did not have to buy such kits but i guess it makes sense to stay with polyurethane foam to replace polyurethane foam

On 2020-03-22 by Marc

Thank you Dan. So i should get an actual roof foam spray kit and not just patch the foam it with a simple wet patch ... ok.

On 2020-03-20 - by (mod) -

I would fill voids with a compatible spray foam, let it cure, slice it flush, and repair the roof.

On 2020-03-20 by Marc

My foam roof has blisters - once i cleaned the elastomeric and maybe got rid of some damaged foam - how can i patch the hole in the foam, which product can i use ? (before adding elastomeric coating on top) ?

On 2019-02-27 by (mod) -


I'm sorry but I don't know what's going on in the photo that you attached. It almost looks as if someone sprayed open or closed so insulating foam along a metal roof ridge vent. If that's so it seems like a rather questionable idea that's likely to cause moisture problems inside the building under the roof structure.

On 2019-02-27 by Pretty Mhlongo

Could u please help me out with the name of the product used to seal this roof as my own roof is like this one & I would like to seal it for dust particles & wind....thank you

On 2018-12-12 by (mod) -

Most likely you need a structural connection of the posts to the structure below + flashing and sealant; just sitting a post on a pad invites a catastrophe at the next windstorm.

On 2018-12-10 by Mark

Pergola posts on a flagstone roof top patio, over a living space

On 2018-06-30 by (mod) -


If you are discussing human allergies (to something) I'm unclear how or why any roof sealant on asphalt shingles would be helpful at all.

On 2018-06-30 by Mark Sanders

I’m only looking to buy House Roof Sealent over Ashfall shingles they say keeps allergy from coming back ! So I’m doing my homework to see if it works ?


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Tom · Nov 22, 2022

My roofing contractor is telling me that black mastic is compatible with red tile roofing. He's using it to seal transitions on several peaks and joints. I'm getting two completely different opinions from two professional roofers.

InspectApedia (Editor) (mod) · Nov 23, 2022


In my opinion relying on sealant alone at Roofing joints is an iffy proposition that is likely to have a short life before there are roof leaks.

The better design is to rely on flashing properly shaped and located and installed.

Alan · Oct 29, 2021

Roofer out some stuff out of a tube under some tiles and said may stop leak. We now have a black line all down our new render where it is running off the roof. Surely this should not happen? (mod) · Oct 29, 2021


Sounds as if the roofer tried to fix a leak and more work, and some cleaning now needed.

First you need an accurate diagnosis of the leak;

And choice of a proper sealant - which might be suitable for SOME (not all) leaks - depends also on what kind of roofing materials are installed and where the leak is located.

Kim · July 9, 2021

I put roof felt and rolled onto my mother's shed. I used tar with the sand throughout. Doing each spot where each nail was to go before putiing in the nail and then covering each nail with tar. All edges were sealed very well. It was still in business, no break-down whatsoever, even at the 10 and 20 year marks. But, wouldn't you know it, vandals, jealous ones I think, lol, decided to trade hers for some with rotted, rusty nails, failing material and boards underneath that were anything but. I like your article because, I know that if you do a good job, it will serve you well. Maybe a little longer than expected. (mod) · July 9, 2021


Thank you, we're in agreement that workmanship means a lot.

ch · June 15, 2021

For single-ply, metal, and torch down commercial roofs (1500 SF to 4500 SF): Liquid rubber membranes or fluid-applied asphaltic rubber membrane system: How do these kinds of rubber coatings compare to a silicone coating to extend the life of a roof? In the Pacific Northwest. Where can I get more information about these rubber systems especially the asphaltic rubber? Thank you for any help! (mod) · June 15, 2021

We summarize the different coatings and sealants briefly on the page above. But to address your question further:

While we appreciate the question and an opportunity to see where we need to add or clarify our information, the question as written compares so many different items and materials, or compares, in our view, apples and oranges - that is, things that don't belong in the same comparison class, that there is no one correct nor useful answer.

Specifically in this case one would not compare the life or effectiveness of
- "single-ply, metal, and torch down commercial roofs " which are entirely different materials, and for which there are even entirely different materials within classes (such as single-ply that contains BUR, EPDM, modified bitumen, and some others)
- a spray or paint or roll-on coating.

In general coatings are used to extend the life of some existing roof coverings when the roof isn't badly damaged.

Watch out: some roofing manufacturers specifically warn against add-on or "life-extending" coatings as unnecessary, and as in some cases chemical incompatibility may damage the roof.

There is no single "best" or "right" sealant because how well a sealant coating works on a roof depends on a lot of factors not given in your question:

- what roof material is already installed
- what is the roof pitch
- what sealants are already on the roof
- what is the condition of the roof (On a very worn, fragile surface any sealant is probably a waste of time and money)

Some of the excerpts on different pages address various elements of your question:

Be sure to read the application instructions and roof material compatability remarks provided by the manufacturer of any roof patching compound or sealant you are considering buying. Applying the wrong sealant can actually damage a roof covering if its solvents are not compatible with the roofing material. In particular, some roof coatings or flashing cements are not compatible with asphalt shingles, asphalt roll roofing, EPDM, rubber, or modified bitumen roof coverings.

And re: metal roofing which you mentioned:

Sealants & Caulks Impact on Metal Roofs
Use only sealants recommended by the manufacturer. Never use acid-cure silicones (the most common type, with a vinegar smell) or asphalt roofing cement with coated-steel roofing, as these will mar the finish. Commonly recommended products include butyl tape and gunnable terpolymer butyl or urethane sealant.

But again, as stated above, there is no one right answer given all the potential variables in your question.


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