Sources of arsenic exposure hazards in and around buildings and in building materials & in drinking water.
Page to photo: arsenic detection equipment for arsenic in water, discussed in this article series.
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- Daniel Friedman, Publisher/Editor/Author - See WHO ARE WE?
Arsine Gas Exposure Hazards - Arsenic Hydride in & Around Buildings
In Richard Austin Freeman's "As a Thief in the Night" first published in 1928, Thorndyke, a medical and legal forensic investigation expert determines that a combination of arsenic sources were used to poison two people: arsenic-saturated stearic candles combined with antique wallpaper containing arsenic green.
Freeman's fictional forensic expert Thorndyke and his solution to the murders were based on sound science about sources of arsenic and arsenic poisoning.
Freeman/Thorndyke describe poisoning by arsine off-gassing from arsenic-green coloured wallpaper. Other sources pose that actual physical bits of flaking wallpaper containing arsenic may also have been a source of poison for building occupants.
Arsenic would have been taken in by breathing of either arsine gas or small particles of arsenic-contaminated paper and dust from the wallpaper.
[Click to enlarge any image]
Watch out: indeed some antique green wallpaper pigments used arsenic green and may interact with some molds to release poisonous arsenic.
In wallpaper Scheele's Green (inventor Carl Wilhelm Schele 1775) or Schloss Green, a cupric hydrogen arsenite or copper arsenite (CuHAsO3) was used to impart a yellowish green pigment color.
Copper arsenite was used in more than wallpaper, also making its appearance in paints, wax candles, and even in insecticides and green food dyes.
Photo above: arsenic green used to produce green colors in antique wallpaper can be a source of arsenic poisoning, particularly during wallpaper removal but also where this wallpaper is present in humid conditions or where moisture and mold on the wallpaper combine to release arsine gas.
[Click to enlarge any image]
Common Sources of Arsenic in / around buildings
Arsenic and arsenic compounds have been produced and used commercially for centuries. Current and historical uses of arsenic include pharmaceuticals, wood preservatives, agricultural chemicals, and applications in the mining, metallurgical, glass-making, and semiconductor industries. - NCBI-NIH (2019)
This list is ordered alphabetically, not by order of probability nor of probable arsenic exposure risk.
Arsenic from natural sources
around buildings in air, water, soil
Arsenic is released into the air by volcanoes, through weathering of arsenic-containing minerals and ores, and by commercial or industrial processes.
Arsenic occurs naturally in the earth’s crust, and much of its dispersion in the environment stems from mining and commercial uses. In industry, arsenic is a byproduct of the smelting process (separation of metal from rock) for many metal ores ... - US CDC ATSDR (2019)
Arsenic in book covers or book cloth bindings
Arsenic was occasionally used in copper arsenate form to produce a green pigment used on some book covers or bindings, particularly in books creeated between 1830 and 1880. Some sources put the common use of arsenic in book covers and bindings earlier, at 1820.
And indeed a few readers have encountered and reported to us just this hazard.
Watch out: don't assume that only emerald green colored bookcloth or bindings contained arsenic. This arsenic hazard may be in books of other colors, such as red or brown or mixed / marbled book cover / binding colors.
Univrersity of Chicago Library, Handling Books That May Contain Arsenic [web article] University of Chicago Library News, i May 2023
And this website author describes an example of a book whose binding contains arsenic in its book cloth:
The toxicity of Scheele's green led to a renewed use combined with Paris Green as an insecticide in the 1930s.
Arsenic in Medicine:
Arsenic in medical uses: chemotherapy and in some traditional remedies used in some Asian countries (Garvey et al. 2001; Chan 1994), and in some homeopathic remedies (Kerr and Saryan 1986)
Arsenic in the form of Fowler's solution (1% arsenic trioxide) was used to treat psoriasis & eczema, leukemia, stomatitis, but resulted in skin cancers and was discontinued.
Arsenic (Salvarsan) was used as an effective cure for syphilis until it was replaced by antibiotics such as penicillin.
Arsenic in Preservative-treated wood:
Arsenic in older preservative-treated lumber that used CCA - copper chromated arsenate
Arsenic released from antique wallpaper that used arsenic-green, combined with moisture & mold growth:
Arsenic green, also called Scheele's green was first described in 1775 [1771 per some sources] by Swedish Scientist Wilhelm Scheele who observed that poisonous copper arsenate produced a darkened "pea green" color that had commercial potential.
Scheele's green was improved by Wilhelm Sattler (1814) by combining arsenic and verdigris to produce a more-stable colour that is probably what is found in wallpaper products, still referred-to as Scheele green.
Previously green pigments were based on copper carbonate - a mixture of sodium carbonate and sulfates of copper. Scheele found that combining sodium carbonate, arsenious oxide and copper sulfate produced more-permanent green dye - copper arsenite. The intensity of "arsenic green" could be adjusted by changing both the mixing temperature and the ratio of copper to arsenic.
The result was a stable green pigment that was widely used in a range of products from artificial flowers to wallpaper, even as a food coloring dye in sweets ... until it was realised that moisture and mold activity on arsenic-green dyed paper released toxic arsine gas that could poison or even kill building occupants.
Nineteenth-century journals contained reports of children wasting away in bright green rooms, of ladies in green dresses swooning and newspaper printers being overcome by arsenic vapors. There is one example of an acute poisoning of children attending a Christmas party where dyed candles were burned. - Wikipedia - ret. 2021/01/28
In our article on mold growth on various surfaces,
at ARSENIC GREEN in WALLPAPER we note that the death of 19-year-old Matilda Scheurer in 1861 was ascribed to her work as an artificial flower maker who used arsenic green for her flower colours.
Arsenic in Water:
Arsenic in drinking water, also in surface waters, runoffs, and some bodies of water, also in floodwaters
Photo: antique green wall coverings may contain asbestos and of course old paint is likely to contain lead.
Arsine is arsenic hydride, the combination of arsenic metal and hydrogen gas. Arsine is a water-soluble gas. It is
given off whenever freshly-generated hydrogen contacts metallic arsenic especially in an acid environment.
Arsine is a gas consisting of arsenic and hydrogen. It is extremely toxic to humans, with headaches,
vomiting, and abdominal pains occurring within a few hours of exposure.
EPA has not classified arsine for
carcinogenicity. (US EPA 2000)
Example of a source:
As a
lead-acid storage battery approaches full charge (in formation or boosting or simply charging), some hydrogen evolves.
When arsenic is present in the grids of that battery, some arsine is formed and escapes through the vent caps. If the
battery is seriously overcharged, much hydrogen (and arsine if a lead-arsenic alloy is used in the plates) may be given
off; an ignition source can then cause the gases to explode.
The main acute effects of arsine on people are lung irritation and hemolysis (destruction of red blood cells). Both
effects are usually delayed and do not appear until several hours after the exposure that typically occurs during the
acid washing of a tank that has contained an arsenical slag.
Of the two, hemolysis is usually the more serious and is
first indicated by pink or red urine that becomes darker with successive voidings.
Debris from damaged red cells
"clogs up" the kidneys, leading to extremely severe pain and, eventually, to a stoppage of urine flow.
red cells have been destroyed, severe anemia results so that oxygenation of tissue is impaired. In addition, there may
be severe lung irritation (impeding proper oxygenation of blood); death may result from asphyxiation a few days after the
These effects of arsine are completely avoided if 8-hr exposures are kept at or below 200 ug/cu. m, (0.05 ppm), the
TLV and PEL. Whether or not arsine has any chronic effects (such as the causation of cancer) is not known because there
has been no study of people or animals chronically exposed to this material.
There are, therefore, no data available
indicating that arsine is a carcinogen. Of the three "standards setting" groups, NIOSH is the only one that
recommends extremely strict control (2.0 ug/cu. m as determined by 15-min samples) of arsine exposures.
All of the
information upon which NIOSH based its Recommended Standard was (and is) available to anyone, including ACGIH and OSHA,
of course. If half of the arsine inhaled is excreted in the urine (as seems to be the case for particulate arsenic
compounds), then, inhalation of 200 ug/cu. m should result in a urinary concentration on the order of 666 ug/L.
these circumstances, then, urinary arsenic concentrations might well be useful as indices of arsine exposure/absorption.
However, there is very little data in the literature concerning urine concentrations resulting from measured arsine
Also see WALLPAPER ARSENIC + MOLD POISONING from green-pigmented wallpaper using arsenic green in our index to mold growths on building surfaces
Mold release of arsenic in buildings is also discussed
Also see ARSENIC IN WATER for more information about arsenic poisoning symptoms and effects.
References on Arsenic Poisoning & Arsenic Sources in or Around Buildings & in Drinking Water
Alabama DEM, GROUND WATER CONTAMINATION [PDF] Alabama Department of Environmental Management, compiled with US EPA
Ground water contamination
occurs when ground water comes in
contact with naturally occurring
contaminants or with contaminants
introduced into the environment by
anthropogenic activities.
occurring substances found locally in
soil and rocks that can affect ground
water include lead, iron, manganese,
Applied correctly, pesticides and fertilizer have minimal
impact on ground water quality.
aluminum, selenium, and arsenic, as
well as petroleum, microorganisms,
and brine (salty water).
Contaminants associated with human
activity most commonly include
bacteria, petroleum products, natural
and synthetic organic compounds,
fertilizer, pesticides, herbicides, and
Ball, Philip. "William Morris made poisonous wallpaper." Nature (12 June 2003) - retrieved 2021/01/28 original source:
Excerpts: William Morris (1834-1896) was a poet, artist, designer, Romantic, socialist, advocate of a return to traditional craft styles and materials - and a peddler of poisonous wallpaper, according to a new study.
Morris was not ignorant of the health hazard. He was a shareholder and sometime director of his father's mining company, Devon Great Consols (DGC), the largest arsenic producer of the age. DGC workers were plagued by arsenic-related illnesses, and many died from lung disease. The company's activities caused immense environmental damage.
Nonetheless he dismissed public concerns about arsenic-based pigments in wallpapers, writing in a letter in 1885: "a greater folly is hardly possible to imagine: the doctors were bitten by witch fever." If there was really a problem, Morris asserted, "we should be sure to hear of it."
Dr. A Z M Iftikhar Hussain, Project Director,
Arsenic Contamination Mitigation Projects, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh,NIPSOM Building, (Room NO 324), Mohakhali, Dhaka-1212
Bangladesh, E-mail:; Original source: physics department at Harvard University:
Bentley, Ronald, & Thomas G. Chasteen (2002). "Microbial Methylation of Metalloids: Arsenic, Antimony, and Bismuth". Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews. 66 (2): 250–271. doi:10.1128/MMBR.66.2.250-271.2002. PMC 120786. PMID 12040126.
Berg, Michael, Hong Con Tran, Thi Chuyen Nguyen, Hung Viet Pham, Roland Schertenleib, and Walter Giger. "Arsenic contamination of groundwater and drinking water in Vietnam: a human health threat." Environmental science & technology 35, no. 13 (2001): 2621-2626.
Carlson, Laurie Winn. A fever in Salem: a new interpretation of the New England witch trials. Ivan R. Dee, 1999.
Was arsenic poisoning an explanation of behaviour that led to the New England witch trials?
Chen, Weifang, Robert Parette, Jiying Zou, Fred S. Cannon, and Brian A. Dempsey. "Arsenic removal by iron-modified activated carbon." Water research 41, no. 9 (2007): 1851-1858.
Iron-impregnated activated carbons have been found to be very effective in arsenic removal. Oxyanionic arsenic species such as arsenate and arsenite adsorb at the iron oxyhydroxide surface by forming complexes with the surface sites.
Our goal has been to load as much iron within the carbon pores as possible while also rendering as much of the iron to be available for sorbing arsenic. Surface oxidation of carbon by HNO3/H2SO4 or by HNO3/KMnO4 increased the amount of iron that could be loaded to 7.6–8.0%; arsenic stayed below 10 ppb until 12,000 bed volumes during rapid small-scale tests (RSSCTs) using Rutland, MA groundwater (40–60 ppb arsenic, and pH of 7.6–8.0).
Boehm titrations showed that surface oxidation greatly increased the concentration of carboxylic and phenolic surface groups. Iron impregnation by precipitation or iron salt evaporation was also evaluated. Iron content was increased to 9–17% with internal iron-loading, and to 33.6% with both internal and external iron loading.
These iron-tailored carbons reached 25,000–34,000 bed volumes to 10 ppb arsenic breakthrough during RSSCTs. With the 33.6% iron loading, some iron peeled off.
Enderlin, Ute S., Ranier E Enderliein, W. Peter Williams, WATER QUALITY REQUIREMENTS [PDF] WHO, World Health Organization, retrieved 2016/09/15, original source:
Notes water quality criteria for irrigation for arsenic set for sensitive and tolerant drops, by
Canada, FAO, & NIgeria of 0.1 mg/L arsenic
And defines five lasses of surface freshwater for maintenance of aquatic life, Class I - Class V, with levels of arsenic specified from <10 ug/L to > 360 ug/L. Noting that forms of arsenic may be convertd from Arsenic V converted from Arsenic III.
The arsenic green antique wallpaper illustrated below is discussed by Eschner (2017) cited here.
Eschner Kat, "Arsenic and Old Tastes Made Victorian Wallpaper Deadly -
Victorians were obsessed with vividly-colored wallpaper, which is on-trend for this year–though arsenic poisoning is never in style" Smithsonian Magazine, April 3, 2017, retrieved 2019/02/23 original source:
At the beginning of the 19th century, wallpapers containing Scheele’s green pigments were a commonplace finding in the houses of Britain.
Despite apprehensions and documented cases concerning their safety dating back as far as this, it was not until later in the century when leading physicians began to support poisoning theories and a potential mechanism was found, that the general public took notice.
Despite the increasing body of support for campaigns to ban the production of such papers, parliament ignored the public health scandal choosing instead to favour the huge profit arsenic mining brought by it.
Regardless of the lack of legislation, wallpapers containing arsenic pigments eventually fell out of popularity as the public voted with their feet and chose to purchase “arsenic-free” papers instead.
Hawksley, Lucinda. de la source Bitten by witch fever: wallpaper & arsenic in the Victorian home. distributeur Thames & Hudson; In association with the National Archives, 2017.
Katz, Sidney A., and Harry Salem. "Chemistry and toxicology of building timbers pressure‐treated with chromated copper arsenate: a review." Journal of Applied Toxicology: An International Journal 25, no. 1 (2005): 1-7.
Kumar, P. Ratna, Sanjeev Chaudhari, Kartic C. Khilar, and S. P. Mahajan. "Removal of arsenic from water by electrocoagulation." Chemosphere 55, no. 9 (2004): 1245-1252.
Mohan, Dinesh, and Charles U. Pittman. "Arsenic removal from water/wastewater using adsorbents—a critical review." Journal of Hazardous materials 142, no. 1 (2007): 1-53.
Arsenic's history in science, medicine and technology has been overshadowed by its notoriety as a poison in homicides.
Arsenic is viewed as being synonymous with toxicity. Dangerous arsenic concentrations in natural waters is now a worldwide problem and often referred to as a 20th–21st century calamity.
High arsenic concentrations have been reported recently from the USA, China, Chile, Bangladesh, Taiwan, Mexico, Argentina, Poland, Canada, Hungary, Japan and India.
Among 21 countries in different parts of the world affected by groundwater arsenic contamination, the largest population at risk is in Bangladesh followed by West Bengal in India. Existing overviews of arsenic removal include technologies that have traditionally been used (oxidation, precipitation/coagulation/membrane separation) with far less attention paid to adsorption.
No previous review is available where readers can get an overview of the sorption capacities of both available and developed sorbents used for arsenic remediation together with the traditional remediation methods.
We have incorporated most of the valuable available literature on arsenic remediation by adsorption (∼600 references). Existing purification methods for drinking water; wastewater; industrial effluents, and technological solutions for arsenic have been listed.
Arsenic sorption by commercially available carbons and other low-cost adsorbents are surveyed and critically reviewed and their sorption efficiencies are compared. Arsenic adsorption behavior in presence of other impurities has been discussed. Some commercially available adsorbents are also surveyed.
An extensive table summarizes the sorption capacities of various adsorbents.
Some low-cost adsorbents are superior including treated slags, carbons developed from agricultural waste (char carbons and coconut husk carbons), biosorbents (immobilized biomass, orange juice residue), goethite and some commercial adsorbents, which include resins, gels, silica, treated silica tested for arsenic removal come out to be superior. Immobilized biomass adsorbents offered outstanding performances.
Desorption of arsenic followed by regeneration of sorbents has been discussed. Strong acids and bases seem to be the best desorbing agents to produce arsenic concentrates. Arsenic concentrate treatment and disposal obtained is briefly addressed. This issue is very important but much less discussed.
Katsoyiannis, Ioannis A., and Anastasios I. Zouboulis. "Removal of arsenic from contaminated water sources by sorption onto iron-oxide-coated polymeric materials." Water research 36, no. 20 (2002): 5141-5155.
Meharg, A. The arsenic green. Nature, 423, 688, (12 June 2003). retrieved 2012/01/28 original source:
From 1867 onwards, DGC was the major supplier of arsenic for the production of green pigments following the synthesis in the late eighteenth century of copper arsenite, named Scheele's green after its discoverer.
These pigments were widely used in wallpapers. In damp rooms, fungi living on the wallpaper paste turned the arsenic salts into highly toxic trimethylarsine.
Arsenic pigments, which were also used extensively in paints and to dye clothes, paper, cardboard, food, soap, and artificial and dried flowers, were responsible for untold numbers of cases of chronic illness and many deaths.
Was Morris using the arsenic from DGC in his own products? Evidence to suggest that he was comes from correspondence with Thomas Wardle, his dye manufacturer.
Meyers, Maureen S., David Breetzke, and Henry Holt. "Arsenic and Old Graves: A Method for Testing Arsenic Contamination in Historic Cemeteries." Advances in Archaeological Practice: 1-7. (22 December 2020)
During the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, arsenic was used as an embalming agent in the United States. In 1996, Konefes and McGee brought the potential danger of arsenic poisoning during excavation to the attention of archaeologists.
They developed methodology that was later refined by the present authors. This article discusses the history of arsenic as an embalming agent, explores socioeconomic and demographic factors that might suggest the presence of arsenic in certain burials, and presents methods for testing arsenic in archaeological contexts.
We also discuss environmental impact mitigation considerations and review examples of arsenic testing in archaeological contexts.
CONTAINING ARSENIC. II. National Health Society: Committee on Arsenic in Domestic Fabrics, Br Med J. 1883 Jun 23; 1(1173): 1218–1220. Copies available at
The vidence on this subject consists partly of articles published in
various journals, and partly of answers to a circular. on the subject
sent out by the Medical Society of London (see BRITISH MEDICAL
JOURNAL, February 21st, 1880).
The nature of the evidence is, first,
that certain symptoms have occurred in persons exposed to the infi uence of certain conditions;
secondly, that, on attempting to analyse these conditions with the object of finding out the cause of
injury, none could be discovered at all likely to produce the symptoms, except arsenic;
thirdly, that the symptoms coincided in many
respects with those produced by arsenic when administered internally;
fourthly, that the symptoms disappeared when the arsenic
was removed, although, as far as could be ascertained, the other
conditions remained unaltered.
The number of cases on which the
report of the Committee of the Medical Society of London was
based was a little over one hundred; and, besides these, numerous
cases have been reported in medical journals. Considering the
extensive use of arsenic in wall-papers and articles of clothing and furniture, the number of cases may appear very small, and quite insufficient to prove the necessity for any form of legislative interference.
This objection, we believe, however, to be invalid. It is
exactly the same in kind as that which may be brought against interference with systems of drainage which contaminate drinkingwater with typhoid excreta, or against the free distribution of milk supplied from dairies where typhoid or scarlet fever exists.
The comparative smallness of the number of cases of poisoning by arsenical wall-papers is, we believe, simply due to ignorance of
-the injurious action of arsenic in papers, dress, or furniture, and
consequent failure to perceive the connection between the illness
and its cause.
ARSENIC IN DOMESTIC FABRICS. Chemical Report on the Test to be employed for the Detection of
Arsenic.-It was found that, on the Continent, Acts or decrees exist,
forbidding the sale of wall-papers, curtains, carpets, and textile
fabrics generally, if they contain arsenic.
This article describes in complete detail the methods used to test materials for arsenic including the Reinsch process and the modified Marsh test for arsenic.
We were at first of opinion that Reinsch's process, carefully conducted so as to ensure uniformity of results, might be employed; but several wall-papers and many textile fabrics having been found
which gaveno arsenicalreactionwith Reinsch's test, however carefully conducted, but which, nevertheless, were subsequently proved to
contain notable quantities of arsenic, this method was proved not
to be an absolutely reliable, test.
A modification of Marsh's test
is recommended as the most reliable, and as most suitable for a
standard test to be inserted in an Act of Parliament.
instructions are subjoined for both tests, in order that those 'who
still desire to use Reinsch's method may get results comparable with the prescribed test by the modification of Marsh's process where
arsenic is found.
No paper should be passed as " non-arsenical," unless, when treated
as hereafter described, it fails to yield a mirror in a tube i inch internal diameter, sufficient to cut off at any point a black line on a
white ground, technically known as thick rule (eight to pica).
NOTICE: as of 2019/02/23 OSHA had made the following arsenic exposure standards pages "temporarily unavailable"
OSHA Arsenic Regulations,
Construction Industry (29 CFR 1926) Subpart Z – Toxic and Hazardous Substances 1926.1118, Inorganic arsenic. The requirements applicable to construction work under this section are identical to those set forth by 29 CFR 1910.1018. -
OSHA, Arsenic Regulations, General Industry (29 CFR 1910) Subpart Z – Toxic and Hazardous Substances 1910.1018, Inorganic arsenic -
OSHA, Arsenic Regulations, Maritime (29 CFR 1915, 1917, 1918) Subpart Z – Toxic and Hazardous Substances 1915.1018, Inorganic arsenic. The requirements applicable to shipyard employment under this section are identical to those set forth by 29 CFR 1910.1018. -
for more OSHA references on Arsenic Hazards see
ARSENIC HAZARD RECOGNITION - links to various articles & standards,
Song, S., A. Lopez-Valdivieso, D. J. Hernandez-Campos, C. Peng, M. G. Monroy-Fernandez, and I. Razo-Soto. "Arsenic removal from high-arsenic water by enhanced coagulation with ferric ions and coarse calcite." Water Research 40, no. 2 (2006): 364-372.
Arsenic removal from high-arsenic water in a mine drainage system has been studied through an enhanced coagulation process with ferric ions and coarse calcite (38–74 μm) in this work.
The experimental results have shown that arsenic-borne coagulates produced by coagulation with ferric ions alone were very fine, so micro-filtration (membrane as filter medium) was needed to remove the coagulates from water.
In the presence of coarse calcite, small arsenic-borne coagulates coated on coarse calcite surfaces, leading the settling rate of the coagulates to considerably increase.
The enhanced coagulation followed by conventional filtration (filter paper as filter medium) achieved a very high arsenic removal (over 99%) from high-arsenic water (5 mg/l arsenic concentration), producing a cleaned water with the residual arsenic concentration of 13 μg/l.
It has been found that the mechanism by which coarse calcite enhanced the coagulation of high-arsenic water might be due to attractive electrical double layer interaction between small arsenic-borne coagulates and calcite particles, which leads to non-existence of a potential energy barrier between the heterogeneous particles.
Jang Min, Weifang Chen, Jiying Zou, Fred S. Cannon, Brian Dempsey, ARSENIC REMOVAL BY IRON-MODIFIED ACTIVATED CARBON [PDF], Water Research Foundation, retrieved 2017/03/26, original source:
Min Jang, Weifang Chen, Jiying Zou, Fred S. Cannon, and Brian A. Dempsey
The Pennsylvania State University
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
212 Sackett Engineering Building
University Park, PA 16802
Jointly Sponsored by:
Water Research Foundation
6666 West Quincy Avenue, Denver CO 80235-3098
U.S. Department of Energy
Washington, D.C. 20585-1290
Published by:
WERC, a Consortium for Water Research Foundation
Environmental Education and
Technology Development at
New Mexico State University
Health Concerns for Chromated-Copper Arsenate (CCA) Pressure Treated Lumber
Despite CCA’s track record as an effective, economical wood preservative, its safety has long been questioned by health and environmental advocates.
Their primary focus has been CCA’s heavy concentration of arsenic, a known carcinogen.
Although most experts agree that leaching of arsenic from CCA lumber is minimal and poses negligible health risks to end users, the industry acknowledges that CCA does pose risks to workers who handle the wet wood or burn scraps, and significant pollution around treating plants has been well documented.
Presently used arsenic removal technology has been reviewed, pointing especially to the promise of membrane technologies as a practical means of purification. The membrane technologies include reverse osmosis (RO), nanofiltration (NF), ultrafiltration (UF) and microfiltration (MF).
Among them, the applications of the first two have proved to be reliable in removing arsenic from water.
The influence of membrane materials, membrane type, operating conditions such as temperature, pressure, pH of the feed solution and feed concentration on arsenic removal efficiency by membrane technologies are discussed.
This paper also provides a comparison between conventional technologies and membrane technologies for arsenic removal and concludes that membrane technology is preferred for water treatments to meet the maximum contaminant limit (MCL) standard.
Uhlman, Kristine, Diane E. Boellstorff, Mark L. McFarland, Brent Clayton, John W. Smith, , TEXAS WELL OWNERS GUIDE to WATER SUPPLY [PDF] (2012) Texas A&M AgriLife Extension
Excerpt: Household well owners in Texas are
responsible for ensuring that their well
water is safe to drink.
People who drink
polluted water can become sick and, in some
cases, die. Health problems caused by contaminated well water include illnesses from bacteria
such as E. coli, “blue baby syndrome,” and arsenic
Unsafe drinking water from wells is often caused by high concentrations of minerals—such as
arsenic and uranium—that occur naturally across
US ATSDR, ToxFAQs™ for Arsenic. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR), (August 2007). Answers the most frequently asked health questions about arsenic.
US CDC ARSENIC AND DRINKING WATER FROM PRIVATE WELLS, [PDF] U.S. CDC, retrieved 2017/03/26, original source:
US CDC ATSDR, ARSENIC TOXICITY, WHERE is ARSENIC FOUND? [PDF] (2009) ATSDR, US CDC, Course offered by ATSDR, retrieved 2019/02/23 original source:
Excerpt: Acute (short-term) high-level inhalation exposure to arsenic dust or fumes has
resulted in gastrointestinal effects (nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain); central and peripheral nervous
system disorders have occurred in workers acutely exposed to inorganic arsenic.
Chronic (long-term)
inhalation exposure to inorganic arsenic of humans is associated with irritation of the skin and mucous
membranes and effects in the brain and nervous system.
Chronic oral exposure to elevated levels of
inorganic arsenic has resulted in gastrointestinal effects, anemia, peripheral neuropathy, skin lesions,
hyperpigmentation, and liver or kidney damage in humans. Inorganic arsenic exposure of humans, by the
inhalation route, has been shown to be strongly associated with lung cancer, while ingestion of inorganic
arsenic by humans has been linked to a form of skin cancer and also to bladder, liver, and lung cancer.
EPA has classified inorganic arsenic as a human carcinogen.
US EPA Arsenic, inorganic (CASRN 7440-38-2). Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS). Discusses the health effects of arsenic, inorganic.
US EPA resources on arsenic in drinking water: see and the US EPA's private drinking water well safety website at -
US NIH, Arsenic, (inorganic compounds, as AS) [PDF] National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), (May 1994).
IMMEDIATELY DANGEROUS TO LIFE OR HEALTH CONCENTRATIONS OF ARSENIC: PELS (Permissible Exposure Limits) (IDLHs) document that includes acute toxicity data for arsenic.National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), (May 1994). Provides an Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health Concentrations (IDLHs) document that includes acute toxicity data for arsenic.
Retrievd 2019/02/23 original source:
US NLM, TOXNET for Arsenic Compounds. The National Library of Medicine (NLM). This record contains general information for arsenic ions (+3 and +5) and inorganic and organic arsenic compounds, including statements in the literature referenced to arsenic compounds and arsenic salts. National Library of Medicine
WHO, IARC, also US NIH NCBI ARSENIC, METALS, FIBRES, AND DUSTS, [PDF] (2012) Volume 100C A Review of Human Carcinogens, IARC monographs on the evaluationn
of carcinogenic risks
to humans, International Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyon, France, US NIH NCBI retrieved 2019/02/23, original source:
Excerpts: Arsenic and arsenic compounds have been
produced and used commercially for centuries.
Current and historical uses of arsenic include
pharmaceuticals, wood preservatives, agricultural chemicals, and applications in the mining,
metallurgical, glass-making, and semiconductor
Arsenic was used in some medicinal applications until the 1970s. Inorganic arsenic was used in the treatment of leukaemia, psoriasis, and
chronic bronchial asthma, and organic arsenic
was used in antibiotics for the treatment of spirochetal and protozoal disease (ATSDR, 2007).
Inorganic arsenic is an active component of
chromated copper arsenate, an antifungal wood
preservative used to make “pressure-treated”
wood for outdoor applications.
copper arsenate is no longer used in residential
applications, following a voluntary ban on its use
in Canada and the United States of America at
the end of 2003.
In the agricultural industry, arsenic has
historically been used in a range of applications,
including pesticides, herbicides, insecticides,
cotton desiccants, defoliants, and soil sterilants.
Inorganic arsenic pesticides have not been used
for agricultural purposes in the USA since 1993.
Organic forms of arsenic were constituents of some
agricultural pesticides in the USA. However, in
2009, the US Environmental Protection Agency
issued a cancellation order to eliminate and phase
out the use of organic arsenical pesticides by
2013 (EPA, 2009).
The one exception to the order
is monosodium methanearsonate (MSMA), a
broadleaf weed herbicide, which will continue to
be approved for use on cotton ...
Winters, Nancy L., Kyle Graunke, , ROOFING MATERIALS ASSESSMENT, INVESTIGATION of TOXIC CHEMICALS in ROOF RUNOFF [PDF], (2014), Washington State Department of Ecology, Pub. No. 14-03-003, Environmental Assessment Program
P.O. Box 47600, Olympia, WA 98504-7600
Phone: (360) 407-6764
Washington State Department of Ecology -
Excerpt: From February through April 2013, the Washington State Department of Ecology collected
runoff from 18 constructed roofing panels following 10 rain events for contaminant analysis.
Analysis of the runoff included total and dissolved metals (arsenic, cadmium, copper, lead, and
zinc) and organic compounds [polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), phthalates, and
polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs)].
Ecology identified significantly higher concentrations of three metals in runoff from several
roofing panels when compared to the glass control panels.
Most notably, concentrations of total
arsenic, copper, and zinc were significantly higher in the following roofing panels than in the
glass control panels: treated cedar shakes (arsenic and copper), copper (copper), Zincalume®
(zinc), and EPDM (zinc).
Arsenic levels in runoff from the treated wood shake panel ranged from 692 to 4,690 ug/L,
and copper levels ranged from 601 to 3,190 ug/L.
Zhang, W., P. Singh, E. Paling, and S. Delides. "Arsenic removal from contaminated water by natural iron ores." Minerals engineering 17, no. 4 (2004): 517-524.
Natural iron ores were tested as adsorbents for the removal of arsenic from contaminated water. Investigated parameters included pH, adsorbent dose, contact time, arsenic concentration and presence of interfering species. Iron ore containing mostly hematite was found to be very effective for arsenic adsorption.
As(V) was lowered from 1 mg/L to below 0.01 mg/L (US standard limit for drinking water) in the optimum pH range 4.5–6.5 by using a 5 g/L adsorbent dose. The experimental data fitted the first-order rate expression and Langmuir isotherm model. The adsorption capacity was estimated to be 0.4 mg As(V)/g adsorbent. The presence of silicate and phosphate had significant negative effects on arsenic adsorption, while sulphate and chloride slightly enhanced.
The negative effect of silicate could be minimised by operating at a pH around 5. The interference of phosphate would necessitate the use of a relatively high dose of the adsorbent to achieve arsenic levels conforming to drinking water standards. The mechanisms of interference of silicate and phosphate on As(V) adsorption are also discussed.
Zhu, Huijie, Yongfeng Jia, Xing Wu, and He Wang. "Removal of arsenic from water by supported nano zero-valent iron on activated carbon." Journal of Hazardous Materials 172, no. 2 (2009): 1591-1596.
Additional scholarly research articles on arsenic contaminants in and around building s are found at
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Citations & References
In addition to any citations in the article above, a full list is available on request.
Parris, George E., and F. E. Brinckman. "Reactions which relate to environmental mobility of arsenic and antimony. II. Oxidation of trimethylarsine and trimethylstibine." Environmental science & technology 10, no. 12 (1976): 1128-1134.
Peryea, Frank J. GARDENING ON LEAD-AND ARSENIC-CONTAMINATED SOILS [PDF] (2001). Washington State University Libraries Research Exchange, WSU Extension, Retrieved 2019/02/23 original source:
Although lead and arsenic occur naturally in soil and water, human activities and use have concentrated these elements near smelters, highways, pre-1947 orchards, fossil-fuel-fired power plants, treated lumber, and buildings once coated with lead-based paint.
As land use changes, housing units are spreading onto former industrial or agricultural acreage.
Homeowners and renters are raising questions about the safety of soil in their garden plots. This bulletin explains
1) why some soils contain elevated amounts of lead and arsenic,
2) how to test your soil for these chemical elements, and
3) how to minimize risk of exposure when gardening.
Potts, Philip J., Michael H. Ramsey, and James Carlisle. "Portable X-ray fluorescence in the characterisation of arsenic contamination associated with industrial buildings at a heritage arsenic works site near Redruth, Cornwall, UK." Journal of Environmental Monitoring 4, no. 6 (2002): 1017-1024.
An investigation using in situ analysis by portable X-ray fluorescence (PXRF) has shown that contamination present on industrial buildings at a heritage arsenic works site near Redruth, Cornwall, UK results from the absorption of arsenic by porous and semi-porous building materials that were in contact with arsenic-rich flue gases.
Results from a preliminary survey indicate that arsenic remains locked in these materials and is being gradually leached out by weathering processes.
This weathering causes general contamination of the adjacent building surfaces averaging 1845 µg g−1 arsenic, presumably caused by evaporation of leach solutions in contact with air at the surface of the building materials. More extensive crystalline deposits were found under arches protected from dissolution and further dispersion by rain water.
These deposits appeared to comprise calcium sulfate (gypsum), associated with on average between 1.2 and 6.8% m/m As.
In situ PXRF proved to be highly effective in locating sources of contamination at the site and in providing data that allowed a hypotheses for the origin of this contamination to be formulated and tested in the field.
Prieto-Taboada, N., I. Ibarrondo, O. Gómez-Laserna, I. Martinez-Arkarazo, M. A. Olazabal, and J. M. Madariaga. "Buildings as repositories of hazardous pollutants of anthropogenic origin." Journal of hazardous materials 248 (2013): 451-460.
Abstract excerpt:
In the present work the pollutant content of diverse building materials was evaluated by the combination of spectrometric and chromatographic techniques. A first non-destructive analysis carried out by μ-XRF and Raman spectroscopy revealed a high impact of pollutants, which reached depths higher than 6 mm.
The quantitative analyses pointed out that black crust as accumulation nucleus where concentration values up to 3408 mg/kg of lead, 752 mg/kg of chromium or 220 mg/kg of arsenic, high amounts of diverse sulphates and nitrates as well as substantial amounts of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) of a clear pyrolytic source were determined.
Roussat, Nicolas, Jacques Méhu, Mohamed Abdelghafour, and Pascal Brula. "Leaching behaviour of hazardous demolition waste." Waste Management 28, no. 11 (2008): 2032-2040.
Sheridan, Scott K., Timothy G. Townsend, John L. Price, and Jeff T. Connell. "Policy options for hazardous-building-component removal before demolition." Practice periodical of hazardous, toxic, and radioactive waste management 4, no. 3 (2000): 111-117.
Wikipedia, Scheele's Green, retrieved 2019/02/23 original source
World Health Organization. Water safety in buildings. World Health Organization, 2011.
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