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Armstrong-like Excelon (C) Daniel FriedmanAsbestos in Speckled / Spatter / Spotted Pattern Floor Tiles
Photo examples, history, manufacturers

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Examples of Speckled or Spatter Pattern Floor Tiles
that may contain asbestos

Cloes-up of 1960s asphalt asbestos floor tile pattern face (C) Daniel Friedman at

Floor tiles described, depending on your word preferences, as speckled, spotted, or spatter pattern were popular among the earliest designs of flooring that included asbestos-containing 9x9 and 12x12 as well as irregular and other floor tile patterns. Here we give various examples of those patterns and discuss the chances that the flooring contains asbestos.

Above: a speckled or better, perhaps called "spotted" floor tile that we examined in our lab and tested for asbestos, discussed in detail at


[Click to enlarge any image]

Shown below is speckled Kentile Carnival ACM tile flooring in a 1941 home.

Kentile Carnival pattern 1949 - (C) 2016

and in a black speckled floor tile pattern, here is Kentile Spatter on a Black Base Floor Tile - an asphalt-asbestos floor tile.

Kentile asphalt asbstos black base spatter pattern (C) InspectApedia

Kentile spatter pattern is similar to Kentile Carnival pattern floor tiles.

Kentile Desert Black asbestos containing floor tile 1982 (C) MB

Above: 1980's era Kentile asbestos-containing flooring in patterns Desert Black & Desert Sands, Pattern No. 2001 - 1G087. Thanks to reader Anon. for these photos, 2016/08/17.

An asbestos test lab report confirming asbestos in these floor tiles installed in a 1982 home is discussed


Below our collection of reader photos and questions illustrate various forms of "speckled" or small-spotted floor tile designs.



Reader Comments, Questions & Answers About The Article Above

Below you will find questions and answers previously posted on this page at its page bottom reader comment box.


On 2023-05-21 y InspectApedia DF (mod) - asbestos unlikely in newer black flecked or speckled floor tile (After 1986 if in the U.S.)

@Suzanne Nethery,

Hard to know from just one photo if it contains asbestos or not. Some patterns that did contain asbestos were continued without asbestos after 1986, the last year asbestos was allowed in the US.

Short of having it tested, it would be best to treat it as presumed to contain asbestos and avoid making a mess by grinding, sawing, etc. Keep in mind that asbestos could also be in the backing and adhesive as well.

In our Recommended Articles list at the end of this article, see the live links for

DOES THIS FLOOR CONTAIN ASBESTOS? - 5 easy questions to tell if your FLOOR probably contains asbestos





On 2023-05-21 by Suzanne Nethery

I don’t as pulling up carpet and found this flooring. House was built in 1926. Does it contain asbestos? Thanks

On 2023-05-11 by InspectApedia Editor - 1989 is after asbestos cut off date

@Help if possible,

1986 was the cutoff date for asbestos use (flooring, backing, adhesive) in North America (we don't know your location). It would be unlikely for new 'old' stock to be found a full three years after that date.

Some popular patterns were continued withOUT asbestos after that date.

In the Recommended Articles list at the end of this article, we have live links to several of our articles discussing asbestos flooring and how to manage it.

On 2023-05-11 by Help if possible

I was taking up these tiles yesterday and the electrician called out they may contain Asbestos. I have checked your website and others but cannot find the manufacture.

All I know is that they where installed in 1989 but I don't have the manufacturing date. Is there any links for guidance you could assist with please?

1989 floor tiles (C)


On 2023-04-25 by InspectApedia Publisher - treat Speckled Patten Kentiles as PACM


Thank you for the photo and description.

I agree that it would make sense to treat that flooring is presumed to contain asbestos.

On 2023-04-25 by Mickie

Curious if you know anything about this...

This speckled tile. Chicago 1912 building. We got here 1977. It was here and old THEN. It's a hard tile.

I will measure when I think of it. I don't think they're 9x9. "9 x 9=99% of the time asbestos," Lol.

The other stuff i sent was grey/light beige pebble pattern sheet flooring. Same building.

That was 1964 Corlon Armstrong Martina pattern. If I understood your essay right, it's 70% asbestos and DEFINITELY the Black Jack sticky adhesive is.

Most of it is intact, so we're good. The tiles, not so much. But we lived here since then. Still alive. Haven't covered it as floor is uneven and a rug might trip my old father.

I think the beige sheet above is 1990s or late 80s. Same building found nothing on it online.

1964 Corlon Armstrong Martina pattern (C) Mickie

On 2023-04-19 by Anonymous

Kentile pattern

[Note: This reader question and photos and our reply have been moved to


Kentile White Galaxy test results (C) Anon

On 2023-04-10 by InspectApedia Publisher

@ Nina,

We are glad to help - and always welcome your content suggestions, or criticism as well as questions; - DF

On 2023-04-10 by Nina

@InspectApedia Editor , thank you so much, we are planning to put Vinyl flooring to cover it, thanks for your reply!

On 2023-04-10 by InspectApedia Editor


That looks like vinyl sheet flooring - making from the 1970s or later.

If the flooring was manufactured before 1986 in the U.S. then its backer might indeed contain asbestos.

Don't get too scared about breaking a single piece of the flooring - that's not likely to produce a detectable hazard.

Safest is to leave such flooring in place and cover it with a new layer of vinyl sheet flooring. Meanwhile avoid any dusty demolition such as chopping, sawing, or grinding the floor and you'll be ok.

On 2023-04-10 by Nina

I am so glad to find this helpful website. Any guesses how far back this kitchen flooring dates? It's very thin and has a thin layer grey paper at the back. I am concerned about the asbestos as my bf accidentally broke a piece of it when removing the laminate that's on top of it.

Also, the house is built in 1940 but no idea when the flooring was done. It's in Canada, Niagara region


On 2022-10-19 by InspectApedia (Editor) - red pattern textured speckled floor tile


That floor could contain asbestos.

To make a better guess see

DOES THIS FLOOR CONTAIN ASBESTOS? - 5 easy questions to tell if your FLOOR probably contains asbestos

On 2022-10-19 by Evelyn

Hello - any thoughts on whether this could contain asbestos? It's in the closet of my home. Very textured speckled design.

red pattern textured speckled floor tile (C) Evelyn ... red pattern textured speckled floor tile (C) Evelyn

On 2022-09-07 by InspectApedia (mod) - Speckled Spotted 1950 rural Texas asbestos flooring

@Rad B,

Given the date and the pattern, it is very possible. It would be smart to treat the flooring as presumed asbestos containing material.

See the live link above in the Recommended Articles list for

DOES THIS FLOOR CONTAIN ASBESTOS? - 5 easy questions to tell if your FLOOR probably contains asbestos

Keep in mind that it is safest and simplest to leave the flooring in place if possible and cover with new flooring. Otherwise, if it is being removed, also see above


On 2022-09-07 by Rad B

Trying to find a date for this tile and if it has the potential of containing asbestos. House was build in 1950 in rural Texas.

1950 Texas asbestos flooring (C) RadB


On 2022-02-03 by Inspectapedia Com Moderator - 1970s 9x9 gold-flecked tile asbestos?


You will see tiles with that pattern in this article series. You should also be sure to check the advice given at the live link above titled

DOES THIS FLOOR CONTAIN ASBESTOS? - 5 easy questions to tell if your FLOOR probably contains asbestos

On 2022-02-03 by Scott

Curious if anyone may know this 9x9 gold-flecked tile? There is no information printed on the underside of the tiles. Came from a kitchen that seems to have been remodeled in the late 1970s.

9x9 gold flecked floor tile (C) Scott

On 2021-08-29 by (mod) - asbestos likely in these green asphalt-based floor tiles if made before 1986

Abestos likely in these old green floor tiles (C) Heather@Heather,

If that floor is in a U.S. or Canadian building built before 1986, most-likely yes.

On 2021-08-29 by (mod)


That flooring might contain asbestos if was installed in a building in North America before 1987. From a photo one can’t answer your question with certainty. Popular flooring patterns were continued, without asbestos, after 1986. You can make a reasonable *guess* at whether or not the floor contains asbestos by answering the few easy questions found at

DOES THIS FLOORING CONTAIN ASBESTOS? - 5 easy steps that can help you make a reasonable guess at whether or not the floor you ask about contains asbestos.

On 2021-08-29 by Heather

Does these floor contain asbestos

On 2021-08-14 by Inspectapedia Com Moderator - asbestos in brown speckled terrazo type asphalt floor tile from 1954, California

@Camilla Jessen,

Yes that looks like an asphalt asbestos floor tile. That's not a reason to be terrified.

Asbestos material, including those non-friable floor tiles, is safe and legal and is best left in place unless it is damaged. Best approach is to leave it in place and cover it over.

Asbestos in brown speckled terrazo floor tile from 1954 in California (C) Jessen

On 2021-08-14 by Camilla Jessen

Hi. We’re digging up a floor on a house in Woodland Hills, CA build in 1954. Does this terrazzo tiling look like an asbestos tile? Many thanks , Camilla

On 2021-06-03 - by (mod) -


That floor may contain asbestos, at least in its backer and possibly in the mastic adhesive.

In the article index check out some of the images for KENTILES


On 2021-06-03 by Patty

Hi. Our house was built in 1952, we have no idea if this floor is original or Pre-1980. It's a lt pink/mauve with color speckles. Some tiles are breaking at corners, but I think we got rid of the pieces, so unsure if it's black bottom. Most likely asbestos? I could not find in the pics.


On 2020-03-22 - by (mod) - 1960s 9x9 spatter pattern floor tile asbestos likely

9x9 spatter pattern vinyl asbestos floor tile ca 1960 - probably

On 2020-03-22 by Ron Fletcher

Just took up 9x9 tiles. They are 1-16 or less in thickness

On 2020-02-25 - by (mod) - spatter pattern Kentiles

Take a look at the spatter pattern Kentiles and Armstrong flooring before 1975

Below, Kentile Carnival spatter pattern flooring from 1959, shown in blue, green, ahd white.

Kentile asphalt asbestos floor tile patterns


See also

Kentile asphalt asbestos floor tile patterns

Kentile CARNIVAL KenFlex Ovation [larger image] - 9" x 9" vinyl asbestos a smaller round/ovate spatter pattern (similar to Armstrong Centennial 1961 & later, but with smaller spots) e.g. Ovation 942, from August 1956 - floor tile samples were also manufactured and distributed in 3" x 3" size.

On 2020-02-25 by Rachael S

Hello! Found these layers during a kitchen demo. Looking for information (manufacturing window, brand, etc.) regarding both samples in picture. TIA!

On 2020-01-12 by (mod) - black speckled Sears Asphalt- or Vinyl-Asbestos floor tiles

Steve M.

Please find your photos and our discussion of your Sears floor tiles and asbestos now at


On 2020-01-11 by Steve M.

Does anyone know if they contains asbestos?

Black speckled asbestos floor tiles from Sears Roebuck (C)

Moderator reply:


You can simply use a damp paper towel to pick up debris and dust; Don't run a conventional vacuum cleaner over broken or damaged asbestos-suspect flooring;

You can seal the surface temporarily with a clear lacquer primer/sealer, or apply a thin coat of floor leveling compound first;

For asbestos suspect floors that are to be left in place, the best option is to cover over the floor with new flooring; we've also used an epoxy floor paint.

See the advice given



may be helpful

Mod 2019/07 - 1967 speckled white floor tile in Buffalo NY

Viny floor tile probably asbestos, Buffalo NY 1967 (C) DomgalaMatthew:

Depending on its age both the tile in your photo and the mastic could contain asbestos. In your first note you didn't say anything about the building country, city, age &c.

A tile that looks like yours, installed in the U.S. in the late 1960s, is likely to contain asbestos.


can help make a reasonable guess at an answer.

This flooring is also discussed


Matthew Domagala 2019/07 - white floor tile with small spots

Looking for advice on if this is asbestos.

Country: US

City: Buffalo

Age: 1967

Asbesots suspect floor tile in a 1967 home Buffalo NY (C) Domagala

is there anything else that will help?

On 2019-06-03 by (mod) - is $500 a good price for removing speckled floor tiles from our basement?

With apologies I cannot make a useful comment on the estimate for work that you described. I just have no information about the specific building, or just what effort will be required to remove the floor, contain the dust and clean up.

Everything depends on the quality of the work including dust control and clean up.

If you find someone who's inexpensive but they coat your house with asbestos dust generating a 30 or $40,000 subsequent clean-up you would agree that that was not a great job.

It would be wise to get three estimates, And to test your floor for asbestos.

On 2019-06-03 by Barbara-Ann

Hello, we have green with speckles 9x9 tiles in our basement. We had some water damage and some tiles around perimeter are cracked and all are damp from humidity. We want them gone. Can you advise is $5000 a good price for an area 17x20?

This price is for tile removal only not removal of possible mastic asbestos black adhesive. Thank you so very much. Also, could you advise someone in Northern NJ for the work?

On 2018-10-19 by (mod) - 5 steps to make an educated guess about whether or not this green & white speckled floor tile contains asbestos

Green & white speckeled asbestos floor tile (C) Anon

Nice floor tile Anon. Unless you know that it was made after 1985 or 86 you should treat it as presumed to contain asbestos.


you'll find 5 simple steps that help decide the asbestos-in-flooring question.

Please take a look there and let me know what you think.

On 2018-10-19 by Anonymous

Is this green and white speckled floor tile [photo above] asbestos?


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Danielle J. · Oct 21, 2024

We have these tiles in our basement laundry room (9x9, house built in 1961, located in Philadelphia area). Had a contractor come out who did not think they were asbestos. However, they look a lot like the ones on this page. Do you think we're likely dealing with asbestos?

InspectApedia DF (mod) · Oct 21, 2024

@Danielle J.,

Short of having it tested, it would be best to treat it as presumed to contain asbestos and avoid making a mess by grinding, sawing, etc. Keep in mind that asbestos could also be in the backing and adhesive as well.

The simplest and safest thing to do is to leave it in place and cover with new flooring or seal it.

In our Recommended Articles list at the end of this article, see the live links for

DOES THIS FLOOR CONTAIN ASBESTOS? - 5 easy questions to tell if your FLOOR probably contains asbestos






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