Kentile Flooring identification keys:
Here are common Kentile floor pattern keys gathered from Kentile catalogs & advertisements that help identify Kentile flooring. At page top: Kentile Carnival, a spatter type pattern flooring from 1959, shown in blue, green, ahd white.
This article series describes how to identify asbestos-containing Kentile or KenFlex floor tiles: here we provide a photo guide to Kentile asphalt-asbestos flooring & Kentile vinyl asbestos floor tile identification photographs, a list of product names, styles, colors, and vinyl-asbestos floor patterns, and colors for asbestos-containing floor tile products - flooring materials that are reported to or have been confirmed to contain asbestos in asbestos fiber or asbestos powder-filler form
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As illustrated by the 1954 Kentile Floor Advertisement (Popular Science Magazine) Kentile floors were considered easy for a homeowner to install.
Unlike some earlier sheet flooring products, the coloring in the components of Kentile and Kenflex floor tiles "goes right through each tile" leading the manufacturer to guarantee its durability.
More examples of Kentile vinyl asbestos floor tiles are shown in the photos below.
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Below the links will show a photograph of the Kentile flooring being described.
Above: contributed by InsapectApedia reader MW is in a 1978 Conway Arkansas home.
We speculate that
2FL95 - is probably a product code = the red brick pattern
18-1B085RV - may be a production date/stamp code, perhaps indicating that the flooring was produced in 1985. We'll welcome Kentile floor product code decoding suggestions from other readers, perhaps those with a Kentile catalog in hand.
The brick-red solid border Kentile shown below was observed in a Virginia home built in 1963.
More about his flooring and other brick pattern Kentile flooring is
The reverse side of the Quincy Slate tiles from Kentile can be seen
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Below are Kentile Deluxe colors from the 1950's. You will notice that some of these 25 Kentile colors and tile patterns are difficult to distinguish from ARMSTRONG floor tiles of the same period.
Here we illustrate Kentile's Roma-aire floor tiles in eight hues.
Kentile Romaaire floor tiles in common color hues are shown above and below.
and finally
Additional installed or intact Kentile vinyl asbestos tile floor covering photos wanted - CONTACT US
The flooring above was reported by a reader to have been marked as a Kentile product.
Below: Kentile Carnival flooring in a 1941 home.
Below: Kentile Spatter on a Black Base Floor Tile Pattern Example in an asphalt-asbestos floor tile. The Kentile spatter pattern is similar to Kentile Carnival pattern floor tiles.
Above: 1980's era Kentile asbestos-containing flooring in patterns Desert Black & Desert Sands, Pattern No. 2001 - 1G087. Thanks to reader Anon. for these photos, 2016/08/17.
An asbestos test lab report confirming asbestos in these floor tiles installed in a 1982 home is discussed
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These colors and patterns are from 1949 - 1952 and appeared in Kentile advertisements in Life magazine, Popular Science, in various newspapers and other publications.
The Kentile die cut theme tiles advertised above and just below are discussed and illustrated further
Above: Kentile floor colors advertised in 1952.
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Above & Below, Kentile flooring advertisements
Shown below: Kentile Desert Sands & Kentile Antique Coral floor tiles, pictured in an advertisement in Life Magazine, 5/11/1952 p. 130.
Shown below: Kentile Desert Sand & Kentile Bikini Blue in a Life Magazine Advertisement from 14 September 1953 p. 104.
2016/06/01 from Anonymous by private email to editor
Can you tell me if the following was made with asbestos?
KENTILE VINYL COMPOSITION TILE Code: 2N302K White 514M Size 12" x 12"
They are new tiles. Several boxes of Black with the name BEAUX ARTS SERIES. Thanks for any help you can provide. The tiles (9 boxes, 45 tiles per box) have never been used as the project for the basement was changed.
This was some time in the 80's. The info that I gave you was all that was written on the box. The tiles both black and white are solid white with no designed. I live in Northford, CT. House built in 1967, moved in 1968.
It would be uncommon for a Kentile to not contain asbestos. Can you tell me age of home, location, a guess at floor age, and can you send me some sharp photos of the tile, and any markings on it and on the box if you have it? Keep in mind they're not friable - the hazard is minimal unless you grind chop saw or make an idiotic mess.
On 2018-06-21 by Steve do these 12x12 Kentiles contain asbestos?
I came across 8 boxes of new Kentile solid vinyl tile WH – 377 Cherry Wood Haven 39.1B049 AA 45 pieces per Box 12×12×1/8
I want to know is it safe to use the paperwork is dated 1980 I want to make sure it does not have a asbestos
This Q&A were posted originally
at RESILIENT SHEET FLOORING ID GUIDE - be sure to see that article.
On 2018-06-21 by (mod) - treat 1980 Kentile WH – 377 Cherry Wood Haven as PACM
That's an interesting combination for tile pattern and not one that I've seen before.
As you'll read in this Kentile article series, with a few exceptions, lab tests reported by readers found asbestos in Kentile flooring.
I would treat the floor in your photo as PACM - Presumed Asbestos Containing Material. Leave it in place, cover it over.
To know for sure if the tiles contain asbestos you need to have a sample tested. In the ARTICLE INDEX at the end of this page you can find a link to ASBESTOS TESTING LAB LIST
I have a kitchen floor of 12 x 12 Kentile vinyl tiles (some of which are
damaged and some of which we plan to take up). See attached.
The floor was laid in 1986. The tile is Kentile Vinyl composition tile, Criterion Solids.
Can you let me know whether this tile contains asbestos and if so, what I am supposed to do about it. - 2016/05/24 Anonymous by private email
It would be prudent to treat the tile as presumed to contain asbestos. I've had only one report of a lab test that did not find asbestos in the late Kentile floor products, and that from a non-certified lab.
If you mean you're simply lifting up a loose tile for disposal or replacement, without creating a dusty mess, I doubt a lab test is needed.
But if the assumption of asbestos-content means you face a big expense, then it's worth having an actual lab test from a certified asbestos test lab. That should cost less than $50.
Here is how you find a certified asbestos testing lab: ASBESTOS TESTING LAB LIST
If you decide to do that, please do keep me posted.
Also see ASBESTOS FLOORING HAZARD REDUCTION for some options on leaving a floor in place (if you can),
see ASBESTOS FLOORING REMOVAL GUIDE if you really have to remove the flooring.
Keep in mind that the mastic adhesive may also contain asbestos. See MASTIC, CUTBACK ADHESIVE, FLASHING CEMENT ASBESTOS
I have done nothing yet. I will assume the tiles contain asbestos based on your information. Eventually, I will have some taken up during a renovation, carefully, by lifting them up whole and using masks and water.
As I understand it, they are not a problem now (as a floor, with wax on them). The problem will arise when I need to remove some or all of them.
Correct me if I am wrong, please. 2016/06/19 - Anon.
You're correct.
Continue reading at KENTILE FLOOR PHOTOGRAPHS & MARKINGS or select a topic from the closely-related articles below, or see the complete ARTICLE INDEX.
Or see these
KENTILE FLOOR COLORS & PATTERNS KEY at - online encyclopedia of building & environmental inspection, testing, diagnosis, repair, & problem prevention advice.
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