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Vinyl asbestos floor tile identification photo U.S. Library of CongressArmstrong Floor Tiles & Sheet Identification

Photos 1974-1979

  • POST a QUESTION or COMMENT about how to identify brands & types of vinyl & vinyl-asbestos floor tiles & sheet flooring & about the asbestos content of these products

Photo guide to asphalt asbestos and vinyl asbestos floor tiles, 1974-1979:

This article provides a guide to identifying asphalt-asbestos flooring & vinyl asbestos floor tile sold & installed in North American from 1974-1979.

Page top photo: Armstrong Solarian Davenport White floorining.

We provide identification photographs, product names, styles, colors, and vinyl-asbestos floor patterns, and colors for asbestos-containing floor tile products made between those years (and link to information on other years) to help identify flooring materials that are reported to or have been confirmed to contain asbestos in asbestos fiber or asbestos powder-filler form.

InspectAPedia tolerates no conflicts of interest. We have no relationship with advertisers, products, or services discussed at this website.

- Daniel Friedman, Publisher/Editor/Author - See WHO ARE WE?

Armstrong Floor Tile Identification Guide - 1974 - 1979

Vinyl asbestos flooring Poughkeepsie NY (C) Daniel Friedman

Article Contents

For a quick check and five easy questions that can help tell you if an unknown floor covering contains asbestos, try



1974 - Armstrong Excelon Vinyl Asbestos Floor Tiles, Patterns & Color Guide

Our photo guide to vinyl asbestos floor tiles for 1974 shows one photo of each style or pattern; the list below includes the names of and links to additional photos for other colors of these styles.

If we do not include a photo of a particular floor tile style that's because it appeared unchanged from a prior year - just scroll up through this photo guide to find the first occurrence of each floor tile style, pattern, name, dimensions, and colors.

Our photo above is probably a white version

of GLENMORE BRICK 12" x 12" x 1/16" (White, 57131) found in a home in Poughkeepsie, NY.

Readers have provided photographs and lab test reports for several similar variations of this Armstrong white brick floor pattern. Some of these contained asbestos and some, according to our readers, do not.

Below are two examples of white or light-coloured brick floor covering patterns that were sold in both sheet form (first photo below) and in tile form, typically 12x12" (second photo below).

The white brick pattern sheet flooring just below, found in a 1960's New York home, was reported to contain asbestos.

Armstrong white brick pattern floor tiles - with asbestos (C) Daniel Friedman VV

Unfortunately one cannot assume that the white brick pattern floor tiles in these cases contain or do not contain asbestos, and a simple visual inspection isn't enough to answer the question.

While the white brick pattern sheet flooring shown above contained asbestos, the 12x12" white brick floor tiles below were tested, and were reported to contain no asbestos.

Armstrong white brick floor tile - no asbsestos (C) InspectApedia JFC

Below our first photo is a similar thin vinyl 12x12 white brick floor tile pattern from a 1983 home that we suspect is asbestos free,

Armstrong white brick floor tile herringbone pattern (C) InspectApedia

while the second photo below is another example of th herringbone white brick floor tile pattern that I think this is the same type of flooring as in our photo at above left.

Armstrong white brick floor tile herringbone pattern (C) InspectApedia

For the floor in our first photo above, most likely as a 1983 home this is post the asbestos floor tile era, though it's at the edge of that time.

Watch out: Do not assume that all older 9x9 inch floor tiles contain abestos while 12x12-inch do not.

I've had some reports from readers testing later 12x12 tiles that did not find asbestos in them and reports from other readers testing what we think were older 12"x12" floor tiles from the 1970's that did contain asbestos.

Below are two more photographs of this popular Armstrong flooring, Romsford Brick white. Romford Red was also a popular pattern.

If you have to guess about the asbestos risk with this tile, guess that the 9x9" versions of this flooring most likely contain asbestos, that some later versions might in either 9x9 or 12x12-inch size have asbestos too, but that at least som elater production of the 12x12" flooring does not contain asbestos.

If you face significant cleanup costs that require flooring demolition we recommend that you have a sample tested by a certified asbestos testing laboratory.

Armstrong Romsford brick floor tiles, white 1978 (C) InspectApedia

Note that other flooring companies such as KENTILE KenFlex Floor Tiles also produced floor tiles in similar brick patterns, some of which contained asbestos.

Armstrong Romsford brick floor tiles, white 1978 (C) InspectApedia

In 1974 Armstrong Excelon asbestos vinyl floor tiles were produced in the styles shown in the photo guide just below.

For colors for which a link is not provided below, see the earlier occurrence of that tile color in a previous year.

Vinyl asbestos floor tile identification photo U.S. Library of Congress

IMPERIAL12" x 12" x 1/8" vinyl asbestos floor tiles in

Armstrong Excelon Imperial TERRACE WHITE #56880 (photo of a floor tile catalog sample shown above).

Vinyl asbestos floor tile identification photo U.S. Library of Congress

IMPERIAL MODERN 12" x 12" x 3/32" - shown above, Armstrong Excelon Imperial Pattern floor tiles were sold in these colors: (Fleece white 51850, Mellow sand 51851, Smoke beige 51852, Char brown 51854, Medium cork 51855, Bayberry white 51856, Olive 51857, Sandrift white 51858,

POWDER GREAY 51861 shown just above ) floor tile images from 1974

Vinyl asbestos floor tile identification photo U.S. Library of Congress

IMPERIAL TEXTURE 12" x 12" - shown above, Armstrong Excelon Imperial Texture floor tiles

in MANOR GREEN 51845 is shown above. Fifteen colors of Armstrong Excelon Imperial Texture floor tiles were produced

Vinyl asbestos floor tile identification photo U.S. Library of Congress

TRAVERTEX12" x 12" x 1/8" thick - shown above, Armstrong Excelon Travertex pattern

in NOUGAT BEIGE 51138 floor tile is shown above.

Vinyl asbestos floor tile identification photo U.S. Library of Congress

PRESIDENTIAL 12" x 12" x 1/8" - shown above, Armstrong Excelon Presidential floor tile pattern

in MONTEPELIER BEIGE 51950 shown above

Vinyl asbestos floor tile identification photo U.S. Library of Congress

CLASSIC TRAVERTINE 12" x 12" x 1/8" - shown above, Armstrong Excelon Classic Travertine floor tile pattern

in WHITE 51880, shown above, and also sold in Beige 51881)

Vinyl asbestos floor tile identification photo U.S. Library of Congress

STANDARD Armstrong Excelon floor tile pattern in 12" x 12"

SENECA WHITE 56770 is shown above

Vinyl asbestos floor tile identification photo U.S. Library of Congress

FEATURE TILES as shown above in the Armstrong Excelon floor tile line were sold in ten solid colors, 12" x 12" x 1/8" thick and in strips, 1" wide x 24" long) - produced beginning in 1956, above is a 1971 photo (unchanged)

Vinyl asbestos floor tile identification photo U.S. Library of Congress

Craftlon Collection 12" x 12" floor tiles (above) included Armstrong Excelon Craftlon Collection

in ADELPHI II Gold 54434, or Aalst , or Baal 54433

Vinyl asbestos floor tile identification photo U.S. Library of Congress

Craftlon Collection 12" x 12" - Armstrong Excelon Craftlon Collection floor tiles

ADELPHI II AALST 54431 above, showing a second Armstrong Excelon Craftlon floor tile color, Aalst

Vinyl asbestos floor tile identification photo U.S. Library of Congress

Craftlon Collection 12" x 12" shown above, these floor tiles included Armstrong Excelon Craftlon


including GOLD, 54452, Brown 54451, White 54453, or Red 54454)

Vinyl asbestos floor tile identification photo U.S. Library of Congress

Craftlon Collection 9" x 9" x 3/32" - above, this group of vinyl asbestos floor tiles included Armstrong Excelon Craftlon

ROMFORD BRICK 9"x9" sold in these colors:

WHITE 57020

or RED ROMFORD BRICK 57021 - 1973 photo

Also see this key to other brick flooring patterns found in SHEET FLOORING BRICK PATTERN ID

Vinyl asbestos floor tile identification photo U.S. Library of Congress

Craftlon Collection - above. Armstrong Excelon sold

in LEATHERCRAFT 12"x12" x 3/32" thick Yellow, above

Vinyl asbestos floor tile identification photo U.S. Library of Congress

Craftlon Collection - above. Armstrong Excelon DEVONPORT also in 12"x12" x 3/32" thick White 54463 (shown above)

Vinyl asbestos floor tile identification photo U.S. Library of Congress

Craftlon Collection STONEFIELD 12"x12" x 3/32" Slate 54470 - Armstrong Excelon Stonefield shown above

Vinyl asbestos floor tile identification photo U.S. Library of Congress

Embossed CHANCERY 12" x 12" x 1/16" shown above Gold white 54542 by Armstrong is shown above

Vinyl asbestos floor tile identification photo U.S. Library of Congress

Embossed SHATTERED STONE 12" x 12" x 1/16" as shown above, also an - Armstrong Excelon product was sold in Gold

Vinyl asbestos floor tile identification photo U.S. Library of Congress

Embossed CHANDELLE12" x 12" x 1/16" in

OLIVE54521 - as we show above was darker than the 1973 version - see the 1973 color series above;, also see


Vinyl asbestos floor tile identification photo U.S. Library of Congress

Embossed DIANNA WHITE CALIGULA white Armstrong Excelon series floor tile with veining, shown above

Vinyl asbestos floor tile identification photo U.S. Library of Congress

EMBOSSED DIANNA WHITE 12" x 12" vinyl asbestos floor tiles sold in color:

CALIGULA 51202, above - if readers are not sacked by these names by now they're better off than is this editor.

Smooth-surfaced, DIANNA WHITE, 12" x 12" x 1/16" smooth that otherwise looks similar to the above was sold in these colors:

OLYMPUS 51200,





Caligula-like floor pattern, vinyl-asbestos floor tile (C) reader MW

The floor tile above, provided by reader M.W., resembles Armstrong's Caligula pattern (listed above) and was installed as original flooring in a Milton, Massachusetts (USA) home built in 1974.

Another example of this flooring pattern appears



Vinyl asbestos floor tile identification photo U.S. Library of Congress

Custom Bisque 12" x 12" x 1/16" (above) Armstrong floor tiles in the Custom Bisque pattern were sold in

WHITE 57090 (shown above), Rust,

BEIGE 57092, Brown, Bronze, Olive, all vinyl asbestos floor tiles.

Custom Bisque was also widely sold as a sheet flooring.

Vinyl asbestos floor tile identification photo U.S. Library of Congress

Custom BURNHAM 12" x 12" x 1/16" - shown above, in Tan (also see 1972)

Vinyl asbestos floor tile identification photo U.S. Library of Congress

CUSTOM OLD FORGE 12" x 12" x 1/16" Armstrong brick pattern floor tiles shown just above


Don't confuse this with Armstrong

CUSTOM GLENMORE BRICK 12" x 12" x 1/16"

or Armstrong ROMFORD BRICK floor tiles from 1973.

Also see our photos from 1978 in this document, where we show a continuous sheet resilient flooring product that also used the Romford Brick floor pattern.

More brick pattern sheet flooring ID photos and asbestos test results are


Vinyl asbestos floor tile identification photo U.S. Library of Congress

Embossed WOODSTOCK 12" x 12" x 1/16" - above, Armstrong Excelon Woodstock pattern in Dark Cherry 54251 above, was sold only in this shade

Vinyl asbestos floor tile identification photo U.S. Library of Congress

Smooth Surface PALATIAL12" x 12"x 1/16" Blue - Armstrong Excelon Palatial 12x12 floor tile pattern (above)

Vinyl asbestos floor tile identification photo U.S. Library of Congress

Smooth Surface TIDESTONE12" x 12"x 1/16" - shown above, Armstrong Excelon Smooth-surfaced Tidestone floor tile pattern in Green, above

Vinyl asbestos floor tile identification photo U.S. Library of Congress

Smooth Surface DRIFTSTONE 12" x 12"x 1/16" - shown above, Armstrong Excelon Driftstone floor tiles in Aztec white - above.

1975-1976-1977 Floor Tiles Containing Asbestos

Vinyl Asbestos flooring from 1975, 20% chrysotile (C) InspectAPedia MW

The vinyl-asbestos flooring shown at left was found beneath a newer layer of ceramic tile flooring in a home built in 1975 and appears to be original.

The homeowner's asbestos test lab report indicated that this flooring contained 20% chrysotile asbestos.

Photo courtesy of Kai Schaller 3/13/2013.[33]

1975-1976-1977 - Armstrong Solarian Vinyl Asbestos Floor Tiles, 12" x 12", Patterns & Color Guide

Armstrong Excelon Vinyl Asbestos Floor Tiles (as above), for colors for which a link is not provided below, see the earlier occurrence of that tile color in a previous year.

Solarian vinyl asbestos floor tiles, and the following:

Vinyl asbestos floor tile identification photo U.S. Library of Congress

Above Armstrong Craftlon Devonshire Gold floor tile in a square pattern.

Below, a similar Armstrong flooring pattern in a sheet flooring product.

Vinyl asbestos floor tile identification photo U.S. Library of Congress

Craftlon Collection 12" x 12" x 0.80 gauge asbestos vinyl flooring

DEVONPORT pattern/style sold as

DEVONPORT BROWN 54461, above left , also sold in Devonport Gold,

DEVONPORT WHITE at left, and Devonport Red).

Our photo (above) of 1970's era

ARMSTRONG SOLARIAN DEVONPORT BLUE-WHITE vinyl-asbestos floor tile was provided courtesy of reader N.H.

Vinyl asbestos floor tile identification photo U.S. Library of Congress

Craftlon (9" x 9" 0.80" gauge) ROMFORD BRICK pattern vinyl asbestos floor tiles-

ROMFORD BRICK RED 57021 , shown above, sold also sold in

ROMFORD BRICK WHITE - photos from identical product, 1978)

Vinyl asbestos floor tile identification photo U.S. Library of Congress

Excelon SHATTERED STONE - Armstrong Excelon Shattered Stone was sold in Beige 51170, Multi-White 51171, Gold 51172,

SHATTERED STONE WHITE 51173 -shown above

Regular 12" x 12" (see photos above)

Vinyl asbestos floor tile identification photo U.S. Library of Congress

Above Excelon Woods floor tile in dark cherry 54251

Promotional embossed vinyl asbestos flooring 12" x 12" included


WOODSTOCK Dark Cherry 54251 shown just above.

Armstrong Excelon Driftstone White floor tile 1975 (C)

Promotional smooth surfaced vinyl asbestos floor tiles 12" x 12" Armstrong's Excelon

DRIFTSTONE White 51173 was also sold in Driftstone Beige, multi-white, and Driftstone Gold, patterns)

Vinyl asbestos floor tile identification photo U.S. Library of Congress

Promotional smooth floor asbestos flooring - Armstrong

TIDESTONE Daytona taupe 51760 (above) also sold in green, Tidestone Acapulco white, and Tidestone Malibu Beige.

Armstrong Excelon Supreme Floor Tile produced in 1977 did not contain asbestos [photos wanted]

Also see ARMSTRONG CORLON FLOORING from this same era, that has tested positive for asbestos.



Reader Comments, Questions & Answers About The Article Above

Below you will find questions and answers previously posted on this page at its page bottom reader comment box.


2023/07/14 - 15% Chrysotile Asbestos confirmed in this 1970s Armstrong Flooring

I had two samples of vinyl sheet flooring tested for asbestos. I found these under tile I ripped up. The house was built in 1976. The yellow/gold is Armstrong. I am not sure of the red vinyl sheet. Pics attached.

15% chrysotile asbestos confirmed in this 1976 Armstrong flooring (C) Martin

Both came back as 15% chrysotile asbestos. Please share on your site.

Unfortunately, I tore about 75% of it out before realizing it could contain asbestos.

I am leaving the remainder undisturbed. - Anonymous by private email

15% chrysotile asbestos confirmed in this 1976 Armstrong flooring (C) Martin

Moderator reply:

Thank you, these photos and your lab test result will help other readers.

Best is to not just leave the old flooring alone but to cover it over with new flooring.



1978 - Armstrong Solarian Vinyl Asbestos Floor Tiles, 12" x 12" & 9"x9", Patterns & Color Guide

Armstrong Solarian & Excelon Vinyl Asbestos Floor Tiles included the "Custom" patterns in 1978

Vinyl asbestos floor tile confirmed 2% Chrysotile Asbestos (C) InspectApedia MW

Above, a floor tile, probably original, from a home built in 1978. Our reader (Anonymous by private email) reports that

an ASBESTOS TEST REPORT for THIS FLOORING [PDF] found 2% chrysotile asbestos in a sample of this flooring.

This floor was probably manufactured in the Armstrong flooring line for 1978 or possibly one or two years before or after that year.

Bottom line: if you're not making a dusty mess the potential hazards from asbestos containing floors are very lower if the floor is left in place and covered over than if you remove it. However, if the floor is damaged, loose, or must be demolished for other reasons then appropriate precautions should be taken.


Vinyl asbestos floor tile identification photo U.S. Library of Congress

ABBEY WOOD 12" x 12" vinyl asbestos floor tiles from Armstrong were sold in

LIGHT ABBEY WOOD 57320, shown above, also in



Vinyl asbestos floor tile identification photo U.S. Library of Congress

BURNHAM 12" x 12" x 1/16" (service gauge) Custom embossed vinyl asbestos floor tiles were produced by Armstrong for 1978

in BURNHAM BLUE 57080,

BURNHAM OLIVE57081 above,

and BURNHAM TAN57083 floor tile patterns.

Vinyl asbestos floor tile identification photo U.S. Library of Congress

CLASSIC TRAVETINE 12" x 12" Armstrong floor tiles were produced

in CLASSIC TRAVERTINE WHITE 51880 shown above, and also

in Armstrong CLASSIC TRAVERTINE BEIGE51881 floor tiles.

Vinyl asbestos floor tile identification photo U.S. Library of Congress

COUNTRY BRICK 12" x 12" regular brick pattern vinyl asbestos floor tiles sold



COUNTRY BRICK BURNT TOAST, 57402 shown above and especially recommended for kitchens,

COUNTRY BRICK ALMOND 57403 patterns and colors.

Vinyl asbestos floor tile identification photo U.S. Library of Congress

CRAFTLON ROMFORD BRICK (9" x 9" 0.80" gauge) pattern vinyl asbestos floor tiles sold



Vinyl asbestos floor tile identification photo U.S. Library of Congress

EDEN WOOD 12" x 12" Custom vinyl asbestos floor tiles sold

in WALNUT 57140,

EDEN WOOD SADDLE 57141 shown above, and finally also


For colors for which a link is not provided below, see the earlier occurrence of that tile color in a previous year.

Our photo (below-left) shows a late 1970's vintage Craftlon Romford Brick 9"x9" 0.80 gauge white vinyl asbestos floor, photos provided courtesy of reader Matt Abel, Design Services Department, Strongwood Log Home Company [REFERENCES]

Our second flooring picture (below-right), provided courtesy of reader Diana Elliott, illustrates that resilient sheet flooring was produced in a pattern similar

to Romford Brick floor tiles from 1973 and 1974, and closely resembling two other 12" x 12" tile patterns from the same era:


and CUSTOM OLD FORGE 12" x 12" x 1/16" thick floor tiles, are shown here, but in our second photograph (below right) the flooring is reported to be in continuous sheet form not floor tiles.

Armstrong vinyl asbestos floor tile photo (C) Daniel Friedman


GLENMORE BRICK, 12" x 12" regular brick pattern vinyl asbestos Armstrong floor tiles sold in these colors:

Vinyl asbestos floor tile identification photo U.S. Library of Congress

GLENMORE BRICK RED 57130 shown above,

Armstrong vinyl asbestos Sheet Flooring photo (C) Daniel Friedman



Vinyl asbestos floor tile identification photo U.S. Library of Congress

IMPERIAL TEXTURE 12" x 12" vinyl asbestos Armstrong floor tiles sold in these Colors: Palace beige 51837)

Vinyl asbestos floor tile identification photo U.S. Library of Congress

IMPERIAL MODERN 12" x 12" vinyl asbestos floor tiles sold in one color: (Medium cork 51855)

Vinyl asbestos floor tile identification photo U.S. Library of Congress

IMPERIAL pattern flooring 12" x 12" vinyl asbestos floor tiles sold in one color Cottage tan 51830

Vinyl asbestos floor tile identification photo U.S. Library of Congress

IMPERIAL TERAZZO-like flooring in vinyl asbestos 12" x12" sold in one color, Terrace white 56880

Armstrong solid color floor tiles containing asbestos (C)

FEATURE FLOOR TILES, 12" x 12" solid color Armstrong asbestos floor tiles included

SOLID COLOR FLOOR TILES Black 56790, White 56791, Chocolate 56797, Red 56806, Neutral 56807, Celery 56808,

and MORE SOLID COLORS Yellow 56809, Gold 56810, Orange 56811, and Blue 56812

Armstrong solid color floor tiles containing asbestos (C)


Vinyl asbestos floor tile identification photo U.S. Library of Congress

LOS ALAMOS 12" x 12" Custom vinyl asbestos Armstrong floor tiles sold in Green 57281 and shown above

Vinyl asbestos floor tile identification photo U.S. Library of Congress

TRAVERTEX 12" x 12" floor tiles by Armstrong sold in color Harvest ivory 51137

Vinyl asbestos floor tile identification photo U.S. Library of Congress

STRAIGHT GRAIN 12" x 12" standard vinyl asbestos floor tiles from Armstrong were sold in

FAWN WHITE 56759 as shown above, also in


Regular 12" x 12" vinyl asbestos floor tiles from Armstrong

Vinyl asbestos floor tile identification photo U.S. Library of Congress

SALVADOR 12" x 12" vinyl asbestos floor tiles sold as Colors :






Vinyl asbestos floor tile identification photo U.S. Library of Congress

SAN PEDRO 12" x 12" Armstrong vinyl asbestos floor tiles sold in San Pedro Gold 57072

Vinyl asbestos floor tile identification photo U.S. Library of Congress

SMOOTH SURFACE 12" x 12" vinyl asbestos floor tiles in Cannes beige 51603

Promotional embossed 12" x 12" vinyl asbestos floor tiles

Vinyl asbestos floor tile identification photo U.S. Library of Congress

WOODSTOCK 12" x 12" vinyl asbestos floor tiles

in DARL CHERRY 54251, above Also see 1973

Vinyl asbestos floor tile identification photo U.S. Library of Congress

SHATTERED STONE Armstrong floor tiles were sold in these colors:




SHATTERED STONE WHITE 51173 (catalog error printed as 57173) (Also see 1973)

Promotional smooth 12" x 12" vinyl asbestos floor tiles

Vinyl asbestos floor tile identification photo U.S. Library of Congress

DRIFTSTONE pattern floor tile sold


Vinyl asbestos floor tile identification photo U.S. Library of Congress

TIDESTONE vinyl asbestos floor tile sold in Colors:



1978 - Armstrong Corlon Vinyl Asbestos Floor Tiles, Patterns & Color Guide

This discussion has moved to its very own page now found


1979 - Armstrong Excelon Vinyl Asbestos Floor Tiles, Patterns & Color Guide

Armstrong Sheet Flooring Product Names: 1979

The company's catalog included this warning:

WARNING: Do not sand existing resilient flooring, backing, or lining felt. These products may contain asbestos fibers that are not readily identifiable. Inhalation of asbestos dust may cause asbestosis or other serious bodily harm.

To remove an old resilient floor, the following procedure is suggested: the wear layer should be cut into narrow strips, being careful not to score the subfloor if it is a wood type subfloor. The narrow strips should then be peeled from the backer ... [incomplete - Ed.] See detailed advice at ASBESTOS FLOORING REMOVAL GUIDE

Armstrong Tile Flooring Product Names: 1979

The company also sold vinyl wall base: Colorite & Regular

For any floor pattern or color for which a live link is not provided below, see the earlier occurrence of that tile color in a previous year from this same article series given at the bottom of this page.

Imperial Texture vinyl asbestos floor tile colors in 1979 included this Teahouse Blue (C)

IMPERIAL TEXTURE 12" x 12" sold in colors














TEAHOUSE BLUE 51846) (Also see 1978 photos)

Vinyl asbetos floor installation

Imperial Modern Armstrong vinyl asbestos 12" x 12" floor ties

a FLOORING SAMPLE of Imperial Modern is shown above) was sold in colors:






OLIVE 51857 shown below,


Imperial Modern vinyl asbestos floor tiles from Armstrong in 1979, Olive (C)

How to Find Your Floor Tile or Sheet Flooring in this Flooring Reference Photo Guide

Vinyl asbestos floor tile identification photo U.S. Library of Congress Vinyl asbestos floor tile identification photo U.S. Library of Congress Vinyl asbestos floor tile identification photo U.S. Library of Congress

Above are three example vinyl-asbestos Armstrong floor tiles from 1980.

Asphalt asbestos and vinyl-asbestos floor tiles were produced in 9" x 9", 12" x 12", and even 18" x 18" as well as in decorative strips, and in thicknesses of 1/16", 3/32", and 1/8", also in 0.08 gauge.

Some sheet flooring or resilient flooring also contained asbestos, as did floor tile mastics.

This photo guide to asphalt asbestos & vinyl asbestos floor tiles for each year shows at least one color photo of each floor tile style or pattern in an example color.

A list below each group of photos includes the names of and links to additional photos for other colors of these styles.

Asbestos is safe and legal to remain in homes or public buildings as long as the asbestos materials are in good condition and the asbestos can not be released into the air.

To identify a particular asphalt-asbestos or vinyl-asbestos floor tile pattern & color, start in the image group most likely to be the same age as your building.

If you don't find your floor tile or sheet flooring by looking forward from that that year, you should also look backwards in the earlier years as your specific flooring pattern & color may have first appeared in an earlier year. For other tile brands than Armstrong, see the brand name floor tile links included in this list.

If you can identify your floor tile collection name or model number, or if you recognize it in the extensive library of flooring color and pattern photographs provided in these pages, laboratory testing of the sample to screen the flooring for asbestos may be unnecessary.

Many of the colors and patterns of asphalt-asbestos or vinyl-asbestos floor tiles were manufactured over many years and may appear in more than one of the floor tile photo collections listed by date range here.

For each year we list the names of the tile patterns sold during that year, we include representative color images of the floor tiles, and throughout the entire floor tile pattern & color history series we include each floor tile color & pattern of the floor tile in the first year that it appeared , and we include representative colors and patterns in other years.

If you do not know the brand name of your flooring you can take a quick look at example photos of the product line of each manufacturer given




Reader Comments, Questions & Answers About The Article Above

Below you will find questions and answers previously posted on this page at its page bottom reader comment box.


2024/03/04 Test Results for Asbestos in Armstrong-Z flooring from 1970s or 1980s - Asbestos Not Detected.

Armstrong Z flooring 1970s 1980s Asbestos test result: not detected (C) CS

New house, new possible ACM. The attached picture is of Amstrong vinyl tile, labeled "Armstrong - Z" on the back.

It was probably installed in the late 1970s or 1980s This flooring was probably installed late 1970s or 1980s, The home was built ca 1920.

Tile is 12"x12". We are in the middle of a basement renovation and will need to tear up the floor for new plumbing and flooring.

I actually had this tile tested twice (by two different companies) for peace of mind.

Attached are the results showing non-detect asbestos. I can send a photo of the back of the tile once I start tearing out (the two loose tiles I had taken up are with the labs).

Suspect Excelon Polished Peruvian Marble floor tile contains asbestos

Excelon Polished Marble Peruvian Beige  (c) George

I've pulled up the carpet in my basement and found the picture of the tile below. I've cracked it in a few places removing nails from the carpet tacks.

A couple of pieces came up and were black underneath. I looked on the back of the tile and saw no markings other than arrows.

My home was built in 1973/1974.

Based on the flooring guide you have provided at InspectApedia, I feel this is EXCELON POLISHED MARBLE PERUVIAN BEIGE 54192.

I will get it tested, but I wanted a second opinion. Thank you for collecting this database of info. - On 2022-09-26 by George

Reply by InspectApedia (mod) - Excelon Polished Marble Peruvian Beige


I agree with your pattern identification and would treat it as presumed to contain asbestos.

If this floor is in good condition, the best thing would be to cover it over with new flooring or encapsulate it vs. removing it with the added precautions that would be necessary to do that.







Does Armstrong Castalian vinyl floor tile installed in our Liverpool New York home contain asbestos?

We are renovating our kitchen and found Armstrong Castilian vinyl tile that was the original flooring when the house was built in 1979-1980 in Liverpool, NY. Does this contain asbestos? - On 2022-07-04 by Margaret :

Reply by InspectApedia-911 (mod) - Armstrong Castilian vinyl tile


While a lab test would be required to know for certain, most likely, yes. Other tests of that flooring pattern were found to contain asbestos.

But are you sure it's a floor tile? It looks more like sheet flooring. (That won't change our advice).

Is this torn, damaged 1974 flooring dangerous?

Can you tell me if either of these are dangerous? Our home was built in 1974 and we have no idea what brand they are. - On 2022-04-22 by Cindy Krismer

Reply by Inspectapedia Com Moderator

@Cindy Krismer,

Both of those layers of flooring look old enough that they may contain asbestos.

Safest and recommended by the US EPA is to leave such materials in place and cover them with new flooring.

If you have to demolish the floors and can't simply roll them up, then creating dust could be hazardous. In that case, first test the floors for asbestos as that will determine the level of care needed in their removal.

Identify if I have asbestos tile

- On 2022-02-07 by anon

Reply by Inspectapedia Com Moderator

@Anon - "Identify if I have asbestos tile",

It is hard to tell from a photo alone as many patterns continued even past 1986, when asbestos was discontinued in North America.

But that looks like an older vinyl asbestos floor tile to me, possibly from the 1970s or even 1960s. It would have been helpful if you could give me the age and location of the building where that floor tile is installed.

Have a sample of the flooring tested, or you can make a reasonable *guess* at whether or not the floor contains asbestos by answering the few easy questions found at:

DOES THIS FLOORING CONTAIN ASBESTOS? - 5 easy steps that can help you make a reasonable guess at whether or not the floor you ask about contains asbestos.

Asbestos is safe and legal to remain in homes or public buildings as long as the asbestos materials are in good condition and the asbestos can not be released into the air. - US EPA

The safest and least costly approach is to leave the flooring alone, in place, and to cover it with new material.


Asbestos in Armstrong no wax Sun Dial Flooring?

I'm trying to find out if my Armstrong no wax sun dial had asbestos. I don't know what year it was put in - On 2022-01-27 by Spencer Rogers

Reply by Inspectapedia Com Moderator -

@Spencer Rogers,

Have a sample of the flooring tested, or you can make a reasonable *guess* at whether or not the floor contains asbestos by answering the few easy questions found at:

DOES THIS FLOORING CONTAIN ASBESTOS? - 5 easy steps that can help you make a reasonable guess at whether or not the floor you ask about contains asbestos.

Asbestos is safe and legal to remain in homes or public buildings as long as the asbestos materials are in good condition and the asbestos can not be released into the air. - US EPA

The safest and least costly approach is to leave the flooring alone, in place, and to cover it with new material.

If the floor is in poor condition or must be removed then see the asbestos floor removal and asbestos hazard reduction articles found in the ARTICLE INDEX at the end of any of these pages.

Unfortunately some flooring products, patterns, even product names were so popular that they were manufactured across decades during and after asbestos was used in their manufacture.

A few times our readers have had success calling Armstrong directly to ask their customer service about asbestos in a specific floor product.


Is this white brick pattern late 1960's flooring likely to contain asbestos?

Romford brick white floor tile asbestos (C) Holly

House built in late 60’s, found this tile under the carpet.

Extremely brittle, as you can see where the tack strips were removed.

Asbestos? [photo above] On 2021-02-05 by Holly

Reply by (mod) - White Romford Brick pattern floor tile from the 1970s


That White Romford Brick pattern floor tile from the 1970s (most-likely) usually contains asbestos, but we don't actually know much about your house.

Because popular floor patterns were made by more than one manufacturer, and because popular flooring patterns were produced across and past years when asbestos was a common ingredient, one cannot safely say, on a photo alone, whether or not a particular floor tile or sheet flooring pattern contains asbestos.

Short of having a sample of the flooring tested, you can make a reasonable *guess* at whether or not your floor contains asbestos by answering the few easy questions found at

DOES THIS FLOORING CONTAIN ASBESTOS? - 5 easy steps that can help you make a reasonable guess at whether or not the floor you ask about contains asbestos.

If that leaves you with suggestions or questions do let me know.

ADVICE: For buildings with floor tiles that could be assumed to have been installed in North America before 1986 it would be prudent to treat the flooring as "PACM" or "Presumed Asbestos Containing Material".

The presence of known asbestos-containing flooring does not mean we should panic nor that we should undertake an expensive and dangerous asbestos removal project.

Asbestos is safe and legal to remain in homes or public buildings as long as the asbestos materials are in good condition and the asbestos can not be released into the air.

Generally the safest approach is to leave such flooring alone and to cover it with a coating or with another layer of flooring.

IF you are faced with a requirement for demolition and if you are uncertain about the flooring's asbestos content and can not identify it through our guides, then you have a sample tested.


Asbestos suspected in this 1977 Australian floor tile

House, kitchen area, Australia, built 1977, came across this under current flooring - do you think it contains asbestos? - On 2020-12-06 by Sam

Reply by (mod)

I don’t know that exact flooring pattern, Sam, but it would be reasonable to treat that floor as presumed to contain asbestos given its age and location.

Did you make this flooring and does it contain asbestos?

Is this one of your products? If so, does it contain asbestos? Thank you. If it is not one of your products do you have any idea whose it might be? - On 2020-11-15 by Neva Atkinson

Reply by (mod) -


No that is not one of our products, because We have no products.

At We do not sell anything. No products, no services. provides building and environmental diagnostic and repair information. In order to absolutely assure our readers that we write and report without bias we do not sell any products nor do we have any business or financial relationships that could create such conflicts of interest.

To answer your question, please see ASBESTOS FLOOR TILE PRODUCT NAMES - index to brands


On 2020-07-19 by (mod) - asbestos in broken or shattered stone type flooring from the 1960s or 1970s

Re-posting from private email:

I am currently renovating my home. I was removing some old flooring when I came across this 3 layers down.

See attached picture. It is from a full vinyl or laminate sheet cut to about 4' x 5' section.

I saw a lot of squares but not full sheets on your website. The house was built in late 60's early 70's. I have no idea the year this was put in. Hopefully you are able to help out.

Moderator reply:

Similar flooring is found at our example of


Armstrong Excelon Shattered Stone was sold in Beige 51170, Multi-White 51171, Gold 51172, SHATTERED STONE WHITE 51173 -shown above though yours may not be an exact match.

I would treat the floor as presumed to contain asbestos.

And yes this article series covers both sheet flooring and floor tiles - often in similar or even identical patterns and colors for both sheet and tile floors.

Who made this 1977 flooring?

1977 asbestos suspect floor tile (C) William

Looking to identify this floor tile before removal. Home

Was built in 1977 original tile is still in place.

Does anyone know the name or can anyone point me in the direction to the manufacture. - On 2020-04-23 by William jones

Reply by (mod) -

DOES THIS FLOOR CONTAIN ASBESTOS? - 5 easy questions to tell if your FLOOR probably contains asbestos

Will be of some help, then also see



Identify flooring from mid 70s to 80s hard brittle vinyl patthern looks like circles with stone beige with fleck

I have floor tiles I believe are from the mid 70s to 80s. They are hard and brittle. The floor tile vinyl patthern looks like circles with stone beige with flecks.

Can I still get these floor tiles anywhere? - On 2020-03-02 by laurel

Reply by (mod)


Because some floor tile patterns were popular across many years and even were produced similarly by more than one manufacturer, on a floor tile made before 1986 it'd make sense to either treat the tile as containing asbestos or have a sample tested.

Relying on image matching alone isn't 100% reliable.

Or see DOES THIS FLOORING CONTAIN ASBESTOS? to make a reasonable guess.

It's not likely that in 2020, 42 years after their original installation, you'll find an exact match for 1978 floor tiles or sheet flooring, though indeed some popular flooring patterns were reproduced over many years.


Who makes this tile? Need replacements.

Who makes this tile, I wish I had extras but I’m trying to find the replacement for it.

Ceramic floor tile (C) Joe

-On 2019-12-16 by Joe

Reply by (mod) - Ceramic floor tile - not friable so not a measurable asbestos hazard if left alone.


That looks like a ceramic tile - you might find something close from a tile supplier right in your city - or from one of the building suppliers; it's too generic to claim we can ID the manufacturer from the photo.

We don't think this 12" x 12" floor tile in our 1977 Canadian home contains asbestos

1970 Asbestos-likely floor tile (C) Anon /  Al

We found out recently that under the laminate flooring in the basement was these 12x12 vinyl tiles.

They put them on top of the vinyl flooring. We are in doubt if it has asbestos Ontario, Canada house built in 1977.

Please if anyone knows about these, kindly let me know. Your help is very much appreciated. - On 2019-09-01 by Al

Does this 1983 home's floor tile contain asbestos?

This vinyl sheet floor is in the kitchen. Does it appear to contain asbestos? The house is located in Houston, Texas built in 1983.

- On 2019-10-15 by Jack

Reply by (mod)

Those floor tiles posted by both Al and Jack (above) are good candidates to contain asbestos. You will see Al's floor tile pattern in this article series.

1983 was when most U.S. flooring manufacturers stopped using asbestos in flooring. But the flooring in Jack's 1983 home could certainly have been made before that year.


for a 1983 house, see the clarifying questions you can answer at

DOES THIS FLOOR CONTAIN ASBESTOS? - 5 easy questions to tell if your FLOOR probably contains asbestos

How to estimate the risk of asbestos in "sheet linoleum" in a 1977 home

We just purchase a new home built in 1977. It has sheet linoleum under 3 other layers of flooring in the kitchen.

My neighbor had the same and thinks it has asbestos but I can find a match on the database. Any idea? -On 2019-05-09 by Rachel
IMAGE LOST by older version of Clark Van Oyen’s useful Comments code - now fixed. Please re-post the image if you can. Sorry. Mod.

Reply by (mod) -

Rachel, you might want to check the easy Q&A given at DOES THIS FLOOR CONTAIN ASBESTOS?

Or else treat the floor as presumed to contain asbestos - meaning simply cover it over with a new layer of resilient sheet flooring.


Thank you to our readers for their generous comments:

Thank you for collecting this database of info. - On 2022-09-26 by George


Continue reading  at 1980-1988 ARMSTRONG VINYL-ASBESTOS FLOOR TILE IDENTIFICATION or select a topic from the closely-related articles below, or see the complete ARTICLE INDEX.

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ASBESTOS FLOOR TILE IDENTIFICATION PHOTOS 1974-1979 at - online encyclopedia of building & environmental inspection, testing, diagnosis, repair, & problem prevention advice.

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