This heating oil tank information article series answers nearly all questions about above ground or buried oil storage tanks including oil tank inspection & testing, oil tank abandonment or removal, removal, oil storage tank & tank piping leak testing, leak prevention, and oil storage tank regulations.
We also provide details for heating oil storage tank installation, oil piping, oil piping gauges, controls, check valves, fire safety valves, and oil storage and piping system repairs.
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- Daniel Friedman, Publisher/Editor/Author - See WHO ARE WE?
Home heating oil tank leak and environmental contamination risks are important concerns for building owners and home buyers as major cleanup and
tank replacement costs can be involved.
Here we provide authoritative, extensive free un-biased oil storage tank inspection and testing advice for property buyers and owners.
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This document lets you know what to ask about oil storage tanks, what oil tank leak tests to order, how to interpret oil tank testing results, what to do if there is a buried fuel or petroleum storage tank at a property, what to do if there is or was a leaky oil storage tank or petroleum storage tank, and how to reduce the chances of an oil leak or oil spill in the future.
We include detailed information about underground (buried) oil storage tanks (USTs), aboveground oil storage tanks (ASTs), above ground fuel storage tanks, reporting and cleaning up oil tank leaks, and choosing among oil tank leak testing methods.
We discuss how to find buried oil tanks, how to remove or abandon oil tanks and how to recognize evidence that there was a previous oil tank at a property even if the oil tank may have been removed (or perhaps left buried in place). We discuss what to do if an oil tank has already been removed or abandoned.
We provide links to every U.S. state regulatory agency concerned with oil and other storage tanks and to regulatory agencies in Canada and other countries. Environmental damage from oil leaks, oil spill cleanup, are also discussed. We discuss oil spill cleanup, oil spill and odor remediation, and bio remediation, for fuel oil or heating oil.
LP Gas tanks are also addressed.
Buried oil tanks raise increasing environmental, safety, legal and economic concerns for home owners and home buyers because oil leaks underground or even within buildings can lead to both environmental damage and very costly cleanup operations.
Having to install a new above ground indoor oil storage tank involves significant expense, perhaps $2000. to $4000. to remove the old tank and install the new one. [22] Costs can be substantially higher in the event of extensive leakage and soil contamination.
Removing or abandoning a buried oil tank is more costly. If an oil tank has leaked the cost to clean up contaminated soils can be very significant, so much so that
a property buyer should not complete the purchase before questions about the condition of oil tanks, past or present at the property, and the chances of leaks from buried oil storage tanks have been answered satisfactorily.
Home heating oil tanks are excluded from Federal Regulations about oil storage tank reporting and monitoring, but in almost every U.S. state or Canadian province, storage tanks are addressed by state or local DEP/DNR/DEC agencies and regulations.
For example, in the U.S. in New York, even residential storage sites must be reported to the state DEC if more than 1100 gallons are stored at a single site. (A few U.S. states specifically exclude the regulation of storage tanks when used for home heating oil.)
In any case, should a home heating oil tank causes a release of oil into the environment, at that point the owner of the tank is not exempt from the other provisions of the State or Federal Regulations: the leak needs to be reported (often within two hours of observation), the source of leak/spill would have to be stopped, a site characterization would have to be completed, and appropriate corrective action (cleanup) would have to initiated, and the incident would have to be reported.
Above ground oil tanks and clues for the presence of buried oil tanks are not usually examined during a pre-purchase home or building inspection unless specific prior test arrangements have been made.
Oil tank inspection, other than casual visual inspection for obvious leaks is not performed by such inspectors.
Oil tank tests for leaks, soil tests for oil contamination, soil tests for corrosivity, screening for evidence of prior or abandoned oil storage tanks, as well as oil storage tank removal or abandonment require that you use an appropriate expert.
However articles at this website outline easy on-site visual observations that any thoughtful observer can make to spot evidence of a present or previous buried tank and to spot evidence of leaks or other problems with above ground storage tanks.
From a previous use, a buried oil tank may be present or may have been present at a property now served by an indoor, above ground oil tank or even by LP or natural gas.
So don't assume that because you don't see a tank that none was ever used or present at a property.
If you just "scroll down" you'll miss some important articles.
Tank Removal Funding Assistance is available in some municipalities. See TANK REGULATIONS at page-left to find individual state or provincial agencies concerned with oil storage tanks.
Before completing purchase of a property that has or had a buried oil tank you need to have either had the tank removed, abandoned in place, or tested.
At end of the day, you need reliable documentation that shows that either there has been no leakage and a proper tank abandonment has been performed, or if there was leakage, that a proper cleanup has been performed.
If the oil storage tank is a newer buried model (perhaps a fiberglass or multi-walled oil storage tank) and if the oil tank is in good condition it may not need to be abandoned.
But if older oil storage tanks were used, were removed, or remain abandoned at the property you still need to satisfy the requirements of this paragraph. The discussion which follows explains the risks and gives detailed advice about what to do about buried or above ground oil tanks and tank leaks.
See OIL TANK LIFE, ABOVEGROUND for details about the life expectancy of oil tanks.
and see OIL TANK LEAK / FAILURE CAUSES. Excerpts are below.
While we've found them lasting longer, a common life expectancy of buried oil tanks is 10-15 years. At about 20 years, the risk of leaks from buried steel oil tanks becomes significant. Leaks can occur earlier if a tank was damaged at installation or was not properly piped.
Even if you think the tank is ok, young, and not leaking, buried oil tanks, should be tested for water in the tank bottom. Water should be pumped out since it corrodes the tank and leads to leaks. Oil tank leaks can also be due to damage at time of installation, improper installation, corrosive soils, or piping defects. If the tank is to remain in use, ask your fuel supplier about using an additive or other methods to help remove water.
In New England for a two year period [1984-5] among customers who have buried heating oil tanks (16% of total customers) surveyors found an average of 1.7 tank leaks per thousand customers. They also found 2.5 fuel line leaks per 1000 customers. (Fuel Oil and Oil Heat magazine, August 1985 p.18.) We do not have similar data for buried gas tanks in residential application.
See OIL TANK LIFE, ABOVEGROUND for details about the life expectancy of oil tanks.
The rate or frequency of oil tank leaks or oil storage tank failures, focused on underground storage tanks or USTs,
is discussed in detail
at TANK FAILURE RATES Oil Tank Failure Data - Oil Tank Failure Rates - Oil Tank Leak Probability as a Function of Tank Age, Location, Condition, Soil Conditions and Other Factors.
TANK REGULATIONS outlines who, when, and how oil leaks and spills must be reported to environmental authorities.
Details about the causes of oil tank leaks can be read at OIL TANK LEAK CAUSES.
Below we present a summary of this topic. Sketch at left is provided courtesy of Carson Dunlop Associates, a Toronto home inspection, education & report writing tool company [ ].
Oil Tank Piping Leaks: Oil tank leaks may occur at buried piping connections as well. At least one study found that 82% of petroleum product storage tank leaks were not due to the tank itself but due to leaks in the piping system.
In-Tank corrosion of oil storage tanks: Underground fuel or heating oil storage tanks usually fail from rust perforation due to several effects of water inside the tank including, in the case of heating oil, combination of water with sulphur in the fuel, bacterial action, and other factors.
External rust on oil tanks, unless very heavy, isn't highly correlated with internal rust. Leaks can occur due to tank damage or at piping connections.
Oil Tanks in Corrosive Soils: Oil storage tank leaks are more likely if a steel tank has been buried in corrosive soil or if the tank was damaged during installation, such as gouging it or bouncing it off of a rock as it was placed into a hole for burying.
Delivery Oil Spills: occur around the tank fill pipe and range from trivial to more extensive requiring soil removal and cleaning. These leaks are usually obvious at the ground surface around the oil tank or tank filler.
Inadequate fill or vent pipe diameter is blamed by some for leaks at buried or above ground oil tanks, asserting that because oil tanks are filled under pressure from the oil delivery pumper-truck, a corroded, damaged, or poorly-plumbed oil storage tank, or one with a too-small vent opening, may not withstand the pressure of the filling process.
Indoor oil spills during tank fill or later from a leaky oil tank range from trivial local cleanup and deodorizing efforts to very serious contamination problems if an oil tank bursts during oil delivery (which I suspect is rare) and on occasions when an indoor oil tank has been removed but someone (some fool) has left the oil filler pipe installed on the building, and when subsequently an oil delivery is mistakenly made through the filler pipe onto the empty basement or crawl space floor. This may sound crazy but it actually happens.
Also see OIL TANK LIFE, ABOVEGROUND their life expectancy and life factors
and TANK FAILURE CAUSES discusses the causes of oil storage tank leaks in more detail.
The rate or frequency of oil tank leaks or oil storage tank failures, focused on underground storage tanks or USTs, is discussed
in detail at TANK FAILURE RATES provides Oil Tank Failure Data - Oil Tank Failure Rates - Oil Tank Leak Probability as a Function of Tank Age, Location, Condition, Soil Conditions and Other Factors.
Details about oil tank testing procedures and choices can be read
at TANK TESTING. Below we present a summary of this topic.
In addition to oil tank inspection, oil piping inspection, and oil tank testing to "pass" or "fail" an oil storage tank, more sophisticated tests are available to assess the chances that an existing heating oil storage tank has leaked or is likely to have a serious leak soon.
These include a oil tank corrosion analysis which adds to the basic tank inspection and tests
an assessment of the level of corrosion of the tank walls and thus the chances of its leaking or failure,
and soil corrosion or soil corrosivity evaluation which includes an evaluation of soil samples
collected from around the tank in order to assess the degree to which the soil in which the oil
tank has been buried will contribute to the process of corrosion of the (presumably steel)
buried oil tank.
Details about handling water in oil tanks can be read at OIL TANK WATER CONTAMINATION. Below we present a summary of this topic.
Testing for water in an oil tank (above ground oil tanks whether inside or outdoors, or buried oil tanks) is simple and can be done by any service person or even a homeowner.
Tank testing methods vary in risk to the tank, cost, invasiveness, length of time to complete, and more.
Since water in a heating oil tank can lead to loss of heat and related building damage we want to know if in-tank water is a problem at a given property.
There are several steps and test methods for finding water in an oil tank and for determining how much of a problem it is.
Details about oil spill or oil tank leak, cleanup, remediation, prevention, training, and regulations are found
and at OIL TANK LEAK CLEANUP GUIDE. Excerpts are below.
For details on cleaning up residential oil spills
and OIL TANK REMOVAL FINANCIAL AID links to see our most current list of companies providing oil tank testing or oil tank removal/abandonment services.
Details about oil storage tank removal or abandonment methods are
at OIL TANK ABANDONING PROCEDURE. A brief summary is below.
There are proper methods of "abandoning" old unused buried tanks without actually excavating and removing them (provided there is not evidence of leakage). If a tank is not to be used, can involve significant expense.
A proper abandonment procedure involves pumping out remaining fuel, confirming that there has been no leakage, cleaning the tank, and filling the tank with an approved filler, or removing it entirely. These measures, if required, involve significant expense.
Buried tank removal is handled by environmental services companies. Usually the specialist arranges testing, excavation, and disposal. Or tanks can be abandoned in place.
Photo: an unusual spherical buried oil tank being removed from a homesite, courtesy of professional home inspector David Grudzinski.
David Grudzinski, Advantage Home Inspections,
ASHI cert # 249089, HUD cert# H-145, is a professional home inspector who contributes on various topics including structural matters.
David Grudzinski, Cranston RI serving both Rhode Island and Eastern Connecticut can be reached at 401-935-6547 fax- 401-490-0607 or by email to
Below you will find questions and answers previously posted on this page at its page bottom reader comment box.
Shown above: photo of the ovate end of a single-wall 12-gauge steel Granby™ Model No. 204201G 275 gallon above ground oil storage tank during installation in a New York home.
2019/12/20 James E. McGrail said:
How can I tell how many gallons an unmarked oil tank holds ?
James, Please see your question and our detailed reply now found
(Jan 28, 2015) Anonymous said:
I have recently abandoned my oiltank in my crawl area it is in horizontal position I drained most of the oil and caped all the plug.
Every now and then we hear a lowd bang from the crawl area .can this be from the old 280 gal oil tank and if so what can I do to stop this loud bang that can wake you up im positive its not the water pipes expanding and contracting I put a pressure reducing valve on the water main with a expansion tank thank Tom M
Thermal changes as crawl area temperatures vary could be making the empty tank steel warp and sound bangy as might weather changes in barometric pressure. Have someone take a look. If the tank is not sealed then any banging from it would be due to temperature change alone.
05/11/2015 NHFireBear adds:
Anonymous (regarding abandoned oil tank): State and local codes vary, but the national NFPA 31 Standard for Installation of Oil Burning Equipment requires that the old oil tank be emptied, purged and removed from the premises.
However, if you converted fuels and want to keep the existing tank in case you switch back, you have to LEAVE THE VENT PIPE intact and open, plug the fill pipe with concrete and all other pipes must be capped or sealed. NFPA 31 (2011):7.12.
Atmospheric pressure changes can, in fact, cause a sealed tank to "bang" as its walls expand and contract.
Editor adds:
Watch out: homes have been literally ruined by heating oil smell and contamination when indoor oil storage tanks were removed but the fill and vent pipes were left in place.
Delivery drivers have on occasion (S. Vermilye, New Paltz NY report 2004) gone to heroic measures to use upside-down and capped oil tank fill pipes that were no longer connected to an inoor tank, thinking that they they were helping a homeowner avoid a loss of heat.
Details about oil storage tank rules, standards, guidelines, and regulations are
at OIL TANK LEAK & ABANDONMENT REGULATIONS A brief summary is below.
In the U.S. and many other countries state DEP/DEC/DNR (Departments of Environmental Conservation or similar agencies) have programs for registering buried tanks at any site storing (typically) more than 1100 gallons of heating oil. Requirements for gas (auto fuel), or other fuels may be different.
Eventually this concern may spread to smaller residential tanks. The concern is for leaks which contaminate the environment. Tanks located where they may leak into a local waterway or into the water supply are a special environmental concerns. (C)trap DJ Friedman.
Thanks to Eagle Eye Arlene Puentes for proofreading this article. 4/3/2013.
Below you will find questions and answers previously posted on this page at its page bottom reader comment box.
On 2020-08-03 by Dan Luoma
I live in Greenville nh. And live in a Mobil home. What is the measurements of my oil tank next to the house
On 2019-12-23 - by (mod) -
Please find your question and a detailed reply now on its own new page
On 2019-12-19 by James E. McGrail
How can I tell how many gallons an unmarked oil tank holds ? There are two numbers on the one in question on the "Underwriters Lab. plate --- as follows . P 963220 and
MH-15475-1 . it also says "inside tank for oil burner fuel . I can be answered via "E" mail at I appreciate your help .
Mac McGrail
On 2013-03-27 - by (mod) -
This is a question for your attorney and for which you should obtain negotiating advice as well from our realtor. You own the property. What you choose to do or not do is your responsibility.
On 2013-03-27 by Catherine Ragan
We are in the process of selling our house and the survey have said the tank is not in regulation place. It's in the garden shed and the new owner is wanting to move it anyway to create an office outside - he would also be tearing down sheds anyway. They are now trying to get lower for price of house. I know regs now say it shouldn't be in shed but is this our responsibility or would oil tank have been fitted there before regs applied.
On 2013-03-27 by (mod)
Abram - just ask a question and I'll do my best to help you.
On 2013-03-27 by abram from Indonesia
i'm verry confuse
On 2013-02-17 - by (mod) -
Reba, if there is evidence of an oil spill, bu law that must be reported. A result will surely be a more expert check
On 2013-02-17 - by (mod) -
While there are some bacteria that attack oil deposits, if there was a measurable heating oil leak most likely it remains such that a soil test of the contaminated area will detect home heating oil. There is a second effect: depending on soil properties and the size of leak that occurred the extent of contamination can spread - though for a small spill or leak i thnin that is quite doubtful.
On 2013-01-20 by Lynn
Had a leaky underground tank removed thirteen years ago but did not do clean up. Is there a chance the earth has cleaned itself over time? Planning on having a soil test done and perhaps putting the house on the market.
On 2013-01-10 by Reba
I recently purchased a completely rehabbed house. During the renovations, an oil tank was removed from the basement. I moved in w my young son and was immediately bewildered by an overpowering smell of oil. I called the company that oversaw the construction and the contractor. First, they said not to worry i was not responsible.
Now they are not as helpful, dont always return my calls or emails.. They had an enviromental guy come out who said it was not safe for my toddler or me to live in the house. I have been out of a house for three going on four weeks. I found out through the DEP that they have no record of anything at my address. Where do I go from here?
Are they responsible for the remediation? Who do I contact to find out the proper steps that should be followed? I cant afford to continue paying to live somewhere else while also having a mortgage which will soon be due. I purchased the house through a state program that is supposed to help out low income families. I dont understand how this could happen.
On 2012-05-01 - by (mod) -
Anon, please read the article above, then you may want to follow the link on buried oil tanks that is titled OIL TANK, BURIED, ADVICE and found as the 2nd item in the list of references at the start and repeated at the end of the article.
I would not complete the closing of sale without resolving the question.
On 2012-05-01 by Anonymous
I am in the process of signing a P&S when I decided to have the home inspected. During the home inspection their was some questionable pipes which led the inspector to believe that at some point there was an oil tank on the premises. I did some research and found out that the local fire dept had no record of any oil tanks in the area yet was curious about the pipes so he went to view the house and pipes.
The fire dept cannot give me a definite answer if there is a buried oil tank or not. What do I do? Please advise.
Continue reading at OIL TANK INSPECTION & TROUBLESHOOTING or select a topic from the closely-related articles below, or see the complete ARTICLE INDEX.
Or see OIL TANK FAQs - questions & answers about oil tanks posted originally at this page.
Or see these
Below we list key oil storage tank topic areas found at Each topic expands into additional detail.
OIL TANKS - home, at - online encyclopedia of building & environmental inspection, testing, diagnosis, repair, & problem prevention advice.
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