POST a QUESTION or COMMENT about where to find furnace or boiler installation and service or maintenance manuals and guides
Manuals, parts lists, wiring diagrams for HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning) equipment: air conditioners, boilers, furnaces, heaters, etc.
Free downloadable manuals for Air Conditioners, Boilers, Furnaces, Heat Pumps.
Here we provide free downloadable copies of installation and service manuals for heating, heat pump, and air conditioning equipment, or contact information for the manufacturers who can provide that information for nearly all major brands of HVAC equipment.
We include links to contact information for each manufacturer or producer of these air conditioners, heat pumps, furnaces, boilers and related equipment, parts, and installation, repair, wiring diagrams, manuals.
We include immediate downloads of example installation & repair manuals and wiring diagrams for air conditioners, heat pumps, and heating equipment from a variety of manufacturers as well as contact information to obtain the exact manual or wiring diagram for your unit.
InspectAPedia tolerates no conflicts of interest. We have no relationship with advertisers, products, or services discussed at this website.
- Daniel Friedman, Publisher/Editor/Author - See WHO ARE WE?
HVAC Manufacturer Contact Information - Heaters, Furnaces, Air Conditioners, Furnaces, Boilers: where to get parts, manuals, help
Master Index to Direct Links to Free Downloads of Air Conditioner Manuals, parts lists, wiring diagrams. Direct Links to Free Downloads of Furnace Manuals, parts lists, wiring diagrams, age decoders.
Free Furnace, Heat Pump, Air Conditioner Installation & Service Manuals, Wiring Diagrams, Parts Lists
Below we provide HVAC manufacturer contact information and direct links to free downloadable installation, service, wiring diagrams, and users manuals, focusing on hard-to-find manuals for older models or discontinued equipment. We also provide links to the manufacturer's current model lists and literature.
We include free downloads of air conditioner, boiler & heat pump manuals. We link to related lists of other installation & operation manuals for other building mechanical systems such as water heaters, water softenes, well & water pumps & controls.
Note: for page loading speed, this index to HVAC manuals is spread across several pages, but all of the individual companies are listed on this page.
[Click to enlarge any image]
Master Index to U.S. & UK HVAC Manuals & Guides
Photo above: an Armstrong gas furnace GUK075D14 made in 1994 and used in a gas furnace energy efficiency study. - Yee & Baker (2013)
A manual for this heater is at SEARS GUK-FURNACE MANUAL (ICP) [PDF] (1996) manufactured by Inter-City Products Corp. (ICP), Lavergne, TN USA 37806 - illustrating the confusion among HVAC equipment product names, retailer's name, and the name of the actual manufacturer.
Our Master Index to US & UK HVAC MANUALS, wiring diagrams, installation and repair guides arranged alphabetically, begins below.
Or see one of the links to a specific brand in these alphabetic sub-groups:
Admiral Corp. air conditioners (illustrated above) founded in the U.S. as Continental Radio and Television (CRTC) produce radios, air conditioners, home appliances, from the mid to late 1930s into the 1950s. The company's Chicago-produced Admiral TVs were among the early boxes found in U.S. homes.
The company's products were sold in department stores and later in Home Depot and Montgomery Wards stores until 2001 when the company ceased operation.
Arkla HVAC, sold to Preway, sold as Servel gas-powerd air conditioning to Dometic Corp., subsequently marketed by Robur; Arkla- high efficiency furnace division purchased by Trane.
For help in decoding air conditioner, boiler, furnace, heat pump, water heater data tags and determining the age, model, or specifications of that equipment, also ssee
DELCO Brand Appliances, Geneal Motors appliance division to 1964. Illustrated above, a data tag from a GM Delcoheat boiler DSW 580 WP courtesy of InspectApedia reader Sean.
INTERTHERM HVAC purchased by Nordyne 1987. Since 1998 Intertherm Boilers or HVAC sold under White-Westinghouse brands Frigidaire, Gibson, Kelvinator, Philco, Tappan and as OEM for ThermalZone.
Jones & Atwood Domestikatum Boiler - small home heating boilers, U.K. advertisement shown above.
Kalamazoo Furnaces [1948 Kalamazoo heater advertisement shown above] The company also produced electric, gas, coal, and wood-fueled ranges (cook-stoves) and also refrigerators.
Spanish & Mexico HVACR & Mechanical Equipment Guides: see GUIAS & MANUALES SISTEMAS MECANICOS Guias para Equipmiento en Mexico: bombas, plomeria, calentadores de agua, y mas
ZONE VALVE MANUALS & WIRING - hot water heat zoning, installation/operation manuals for various manufacturers
Lennox Corporation has done a better job than some other companies in providing copies of manuals for not only the company's current product line, but also for its older equipment. But HVAC manuals can be hard to find, or expensive, even though the manufacturer's will usually gladly give a copy to a consumer or service technician who needs one.
Before paying for a furnace or boiler or air conditioner manual, see if it is already listed here or at the manufacturer's website.
If you have trouble finding a mechanical system installation or service manual, CONTACT US and we will research it for you at no charge.
Also see MANUALS for HEATING & A/C SYSTEM CONTROLS for a list of free downloadable PDF files of common heating system controls used on boilers, furnaces, heat pumps.
AtReferences or Citations we provide more contact information, links to current model list information, product specifications, and installation/operation manuals for each manufacturer.
Watch out: you might successfully find parts, manuals, wiring diagrams for Sears (at left), Singer or other HVAC equipment brands by searching for "Companyname Parts" online.
But keep in mind that the "Companyname Parts" provider that appears might have nothing to do with the original company, name, or brand.
It's worth a call to be sure that the part number or manual are ordering is really for the equipment that you are repairing or servicing.
And as we just noted above, usually you can get the information you need from the manufacturer, for free.
If your HVAC equipment is older and is one of the brands whose name has a complex history, and if you can determine the year of manufacture of your equipment it will assist you in tracking down which company is most likely to currently stock parts or manuals for that product.
Question: Monitor Ductless split system manual needed
michael austin 2022/06/20
I need service info for a Monitor brand ductless split system. The company was in Robbinsville New Jersey but appears to no longer exist. Anybody have any ideas? Thanks.
Moderator reply:
I'm researching and will post what we can find here.
Please help me by posting a photo of your Monitor ductless split system data tag.
Seeing the company name and model number can help us find the right manual. "Ductless" alone is too generic a term to choose a manual.
Troubleshooting a Model MDG18FA-A
Model MDG18FA-A blows out hot air and then cool air? - On 2021-03-10 y Melissa Clark -
Reply by (mod) -
@Melissa Clark, that sounds as if there is either a loose, shorting control wire or thermostat wire, or more-likely a failing control board or reversing valve (if your unit is a heat pump)
What is the product brand?
Do I need to drain the boiler to swap out the Aquastat controller
do i need to drain boiler to remove aquastat - On 2021-01-26
by hampton
Reply by (mod) - partial drainage required, not complete drainage
The boiler has to be
- power off
- cool (avoid getting burned)
- drained sufficiently that water level is below the aquastat mounting point
then you'll also have to purge air from the system after the repair
HAS105BD2F - How do I find the fuse for my boiler?
need help finding the fuse - On 2020-07-25 by Furnace
Reply by (mod) - need brand, not just model number to provide help finding furnace fuse but start at the electric panel
We'll be glad to help you but we need to know the BRAND not just the model number of your HVAC equipment in order to find the manual or instructions needed.
While some heaters have a separate fuse or circuit breaker right at the unit, more-often there will be a fuse or circuit breaker marked "HEAT" found in your electrical panel.
Start there, and keep me posted. Daniel.
What causes a pressure switch failure signalled by 3 flashes on the control board?
Manifold: 3 flashes on the board signal pressure switch failure, could that be caused by a air-in leak threw a burnt manifold gasket? - On 2020-01-17 by Anonymous (Doug)
Reply by (mod) -
Doug that sounds reasonable to me but it's be more accurate, when interpreting the meaning of 3 LED flashes on a circuit board if you gave the product brand and model.
That lets you check the specific service manual for your unit.
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