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Wiring diagram for Sears window air conditioner - exampleHVAC Manuals, Parts Lists, Wiring Diagrams

Brands P - S

Manuals, parts lists, wiring diagrams for HVAC equipment:

Free downloadable manuals for Air Conditioners, Boilers, Furnaces, Heat Pumps. Here we provide free downloadable copies of installation and service manuals for heating, heat pump, and air conditioning equipment, or contact information for the manufacturers who can provide that information for nearly all major brands of HVAC equipment.

We include links to contact information for each manufacturer or producer of these air conditioners, heat pumps, furnaces, boilers and related equipment, parts, and installation, repair, wiring diagrams, manuals.

We include immediate downloads of example installation & repair manuals and wiring diagrams for air conditioners, heat pumps, and heating equipment from a variety of manufacturers as well as contact information to obtain the exact manual or wiring diagram for your unit.

InspectAPedia tolerates no conflicts of interest. We have no relationship with advertisers, products, or services discussed at this website.

- Daniel Friedman, Publisher/Editor/Author - See WHO ARE WE?

Heaters, Furnaces, Air Conditioners, Furnaces, Boilers: parts, manuals, help, Group 3, Brands P-S

Example parts list for window A/C unit from Sears Free Furnace, Heat Pump, Air Conditioner Installation & Service Manuals, Wiring Diagrams, Parts Lists

Direct Links to Free Downloads of Heat Pump parts lists, wiring diagrams. Direct Links to Free Downloads of Boiler Manuals. Links to free copies of Lennox Equipment Installation, Service, & Owners Manuals for Lennox furnaces, Lennox heat pumps, Lennox Air Conditioners. Furnace & Boiler recalls, heating system safety notices.

Below we provide HVAC manufacturer contact information and direct links to free downloadable installation, service, and users manuals, focusing on hard-to-find manuals for older models or discontinued equipment. We also provide links to the manufacturer's current model lists and literature.

Note: for page loading speed this index to HVAC manuals is spread across several pages, but all of the individual companies are listed in this HVAC MANUALS MASTER INDEX

Note: for page loading speed this index to HVAC manuals is spread across several pages, but all of the individual companies are listed in


Before paying for a furnace or boiler or air conditioner manual, see if it is already listed here or at the manufacturer's website.

If you have trouble finding a mechanical system installation or service manual, CONTACT US and we will research it for you at no charge.

Also see MANUALS for HEATING & A/C SYSTEM CONTROLS for a list of free downloadable PDF files of common heating system controls used on boilers, furnaces, heat pumps.

HVAC data tag decoding: For help in decoding air conditioner, boiler, furnace, heat pump, water heater data tags and determining the age, model, or specifications of that equipment, see

In those articles we provide documents with extensive equipment data tag decoding information, both free, and for purchase from other sources.

AtReferences or Citations we provide more contact information, links to current model list information, product specifications, and installation/operation manuals for each manufacturer.

Watch out:  you might successfully find parts, manuals, wiring diagrams for Sears (at left), Singer or other HVAC equipment brands by searching for "Companyname Parts" online.

But keep in mind that the "Companyname Parts" provider that appears might have nothing to do with the original company, name, or brand. It's worth a call to be sure that the part number or manual are ordering is really for the equipment that you are repairing or servicing. And as we just noted above, usually you can get the information you need from the manufacturer, for free.

If your HVAC equipment is older and is one of the brands whose name has a complex history, and if you can determine the year of manufacture of your equipment it will assist you in tracking down which company is most likely to currently stock parts or manuals for that product.

To determine the age of your equipment,



Panasonic Air Conditioning Contact & Manuals

Payne Air Conditioners & Heaters

Peerless Boilers - contact information

Peerless has operated as a U.S. boiler manufacturer since 1908. In 1964 Peerless Boilers became Peerless Division, Space Conditioning Systems. The company was acquired by Dunham-Bush in the 1970's.

On 2016-10-22 by Paul O

What is the age of the Peerless MMW-145 furnace?

On 2016-10-22 by (mod) re: age of a Peerless MW 145

Paul you'll need to look in the serial number for digits to decode as we illustrate in the article AGE of HEATERS, BOILERS, FURNACES. It's not in the model number.

Pioneer Air Conditioners, Split Systems, Inverters


Powermatic Oil Heaters

On 2021-08-19 by Curtis Harner - Identify the Powermatic Oil Heater with a Texaco Oil Burner

My brother sent me this photo until I get home from work to get more.

If it's hard to read here's what I can make of it.

PowRmatic Oil-Fired Heating Unit
Model UH 140. 115/1/60 HZ
Input 1/? GPH. BTU. 140,000
Overall Raying 12 amps or less
Manufactured by PowRmatic Inc.
Finksburg, MD
Underwriters Labratories iInc.
Oil-Fired Unit Heater No. P 1004?

On 2021-08-19 by Moderator

Nice - actually impressive that this burner has performed well for so long. It would be helpful to see a sharp photo of the burner and equipment and closer photos of any data tags.

I'm researching this antique heater;

Meanwhile, it's interesting to note that there is a current company using the same name, in the U.K., also in the heating business;

Powrmatic Limited
Hort Bridge, Ilminster

TA19 9PS
tel: +44 (0) 1460 53535
fax: +44 (0) 1460 52341

Here is a copy of a recent manual


On 2021-08-19 by Moderator - PowrMatic boiler manual

I have not been able to find an at-hand PowrMatic boiler manual for PowrMatic boilers dating from the 1970s - a plausible age for your heater.

There are, of course, plenty of manuals for more-recent PowrMatic boilers, like the one I show below.

But you could contact the company to see if they've anything in their archives.

PowerMatic is a long-standing UK and U.S. brand and trademark;

In the U.S. the brand belongs to

PO Box 1929
Fort Lee, NJ 07024 USA
Tel: 201-947-1700
Fax: 201-947-9662

In the U.S., where your antique PowrMatic heater is located, Bill Stamm, after migrating from Europe to the U.S., purchased an existing boiler manufacturer in Finksburg Maryland and incorporated as "PowrMatic Oil Heat Utilities" operating in New York in 1952, soon adding operations in Canada where the company grew in size.

Stamm commuted between the U.S./Canada and the U.K. and registered the PowrMatic trademark in the U.S. in 1953. The company didn't actually begin manufacturing their own oil-fired heaters in the U.S. until 1960 when it began that operation at its Finksburg factory. According to the Stamm International Co.'s own history, it was at that time that Stamm "transitioned" from Kresno Stamm to Powrmatic. So that would be the earliest plausible date for your PowerMatic oil heater's product line.

1960: "Stamm's son, Arthur, incorporates Stamm International Corporation (SIC) and consolidates the three operating companies in the United Kingdom, United States and Canada under its umbrella.

Powrmatic Ltd (UK), Powrmatic Canada Ltd, and Powrmatic Inc. (US) become wholly owned subsidiaries of SIC."

By 1971 the company was marketing a range of both gas-fired and oil-fired heating boilers.

Jumping ahead to 2020, Stamm International sold its Canadian distribution company, Powrmatic of Canada, to the Deschenes Group. - source: Stamm International, company history,


I'm still looking into the Texaco brand oil burner manuals. But "Texaco" an oil company, didn't actually manufacture oil burners.

Your Texaco TFR oil burner is a re-branded Beckett AF model oil burner for which we already provide IO and service manuals at this website.

Other Texaco oil burners like the Texaco TWJ oil burner was a re-branded Ducane oil burner for which we also provide service manuals as PDF downloads.


There are, on occasion, spare parts and burner kits sold by online vendors for the TEXACO TFR-3 oil burner like the one in your photo.

On 2021-08-20 by Curtis Harner

Wow thank you for all of this. Very interesting indeed. I could not find even half of the info you've provided. I will be home in about 2 hours and will get those pictures for you. Thank you again.

Very cool history behind all of this. Also I believe it is still operating but imagine would need a tune up.


Preston's Guide

Prestons Guide is a multi-volume list of specifications for air conditioners and heat pumps produced by over 240 manufacurers or brands. (Founded 1996).

Ramsond Ductless A/C Systems

Ramsond produces PTAC systems and ductless systems

Regency Gas Fired Heaters

Regency gas heater ignitier wiring at

Raytherm Residential Boilers

Renzor / Thomas & Betts Corporation Heaters


Rinnai Heating Equipment

Rinnai America Corporation produces commercial rack systems, condensing boilers, heating boilers, direct-vent heating furnaces, water heaters, tankless water heaters, & vent-free fan convectors.

Round Oak HVAC Equipment

Round Oak HVAC company was last listed in 1963. See PEERLESS BOILER AGE & MANUALS manuals & contact information.

Runtal Steam & Hydronic Radiators

see also

Rybolt HVAC

RYBOLT: disappeared ca 1973. [citation needed]

HVAC Safety Recalls

Sanyo Air Conditioners, Split Systems, Inverters


SelectAire / Firstline

Select Aire / FirstLine Split System A/C or Heat Pump Units, Telephone 64 717 1531 / 96 671 or 9362

Sharkaire Air Conditioner, Heat Pump Split System Manuals & Contact Information

Fan control instructions for Sharkaire split system - at cited in detail in this article

Above is a snapshot of the relevant page from the Sharkaire AIR CONDITIONER MANUAL [PDF] retrieved 2018/05/16, original source:


Silent Automatic HVAC

Silent Automatic disappeared in 1961. Also see Iron Fireman. [Citation Needed]

Singer Air Conditioning and Heat Pump Equipment

Summary: Singer brand HVAC equipment brand history: Singer was bought by & became the climate control unit of Dallas-based Snyder General Corp. (founded by a former Singer HVAC manager) in 1982. The name Singer was dropped in 1984.


Smith Boilers, Manuals, Contact Information

Also see H.B. SMITH BOILERS Manuals, also A.O. Smith & Smith Boilers & Heaters

Soleusair Air Conditioner Manuals

Southwest Manufacturing HVAC

Became Heatwave International in 1984, now out of business, bankrupt. [Citation needed]

Space Conditioner

SPACE CONDITIONER: Became Dunham-Bush division in 1968. [Citation needed]

Spencer Boilers

Spencer boiler data tag including the Burnham brand name (C)

G. F. Spencer founded the Spencer Steam Heater Company [date citation needed] before 1900 - as we note in the Spencer boiler data tag above that even though the name Burnham appears on the tag, the "Date Manufactured" has an embossed "18__" stamped as well.

Most of the patent disclosures we found cite the Spencer Heater Company between 1903 and 1944.

[Citations needed]

Spencer produced coal-fired boilers and later oil or gas fired units from the early 1900s. Some sources have Spencer purchsed by AVCO in the 1940s.

Later Burnham acquired the Spencer boiler brand.

The seraial number may be hand- written on the heater unit on some older models.

Format AB123YYMM ?

Spencer boiler data tag including the Burnham brand name (C)

A history of the Spencer Heater Co. can be inferred by a review of these patents, particularly those by Waddell.

Question: Spencer boiler Number 6070 4 Series R550

I have a Spencer boiler Number 6070 4 Series R550. How can I find out its date of manufacture? -Jay Levy 12/30/11


Jay, Joe, and Charlie, in addition to using the articles and books referenced above for free or cheap ways to determine the age of a heating or cooling device, you will want to note both the product name+product number or model number AND, critically, the product serial number.

The name and product number help make sure you're using the right decoding procedure. The year and month or year and week of manufacture are usually coded in the heater's or air conditioner's serial number. Often in the first four digits, as our example below illustrates.

SPT Sunpentown Air Conditioners, Manuals

Square D HVAC

SQUARE D: Production resumed as Sun Dial Manufacturing then stopped in the 1980s. [Citation needed]


Sterling Woodstoves

Question: information on an outdoor-installed Sterling woodstove

(Feb 10, 2014) Kari hinkle said:

Hello, I am looking for information on a outside Sterling woodstove. We purchased it with our house about 10 years ago. It runs the hot water to our home. unfortunately I am unable to find any identification numbers etc on it.

it has Sterling and a phone number written on the front. I tried the number and it is nothing to do with sterling co anymore. I am running into dead ends and was wondering if anyone cld help . thanks in advance


Kari, I too had trouble finding useful information about Sterling brand woodstoves. What would make sense would be to ask for a prompt safety inspection by your local fire department and/or wood stove installer.

When the original company who made a woodstove or in your case a wood-fired water heater has disappeared, a first step in getting help is to try to find who installed the stove locally. Of course that person may be gone too

Watch out: an immediate safety concern that prompts my suggestion for a fire department inspection is the risk of improper safety controls (such as pressure relief valves) or improper or unsafe chimney & venting on a decade-old wood fired hot water heating appliance. You don't want to risk an equipment explosion nor a chimney fire.

(Apr 2, 2014) Don Norman said:

To add emphasis to Dan's comments, owners will occasionally burn EVERYTHING in their wood stove or, especially, their wood furnace. Creosote accumulates quickly on the flue interior and has been the cause of many flue fires.

Some years ago I inspected a home for a buyer that had installed a wood furnace in his home the year before. He had a flue fire at his wood furance that caught his house on fire. He, his wife and dogs got out and watched as their home burned to the ground. They lost everything including their vehicles. Just a word of warning.

Note: Don Norman is a professional home inspector in St. Louis MO, an ASHI member, and has served as chair of ASHI's Education Committee and as ASHI President. Mr. Norman can be contacted at Don Norman Buyers Protection Group Bridgeton, MO 63044 800-285-7006 314-291-5558 Cell: 314-504-0153, Website: - Editor.


Thanks Don you're right on about that and I appreciate the addition as will other readers.

Woodstoves are not garbage incinerators. In another case I inspected a woodstove with unsafe fire clearance distances from wood walls; the owner knew it was unsafe and had avoided burning the house down by making only tiny low-heat fires in the wood-stove - at least that was his explanation.

We could hardly expect the new owner or future occupants to do something special. And none of them had considered the effects of pyrolysis, lowering the ignition point of nearby combustibles. That can explain a fire that occurs when people think they were doing "... nothing different than before".

What's different may include creosote, chimney clogs, lowered combustion point of nearby substances and a host of other hazards that are perhaps less obvious to normal people.


Stewart Warner

STEWART-WARNER: Last listed in 1976. [Citation needed]


Strashoff Air Conditioners, Manuals

We've found multiple posts by buyers or owners of Strashoff air conditioners who are looking for a manual - with no success. If you have a manual please use the page top or bottom CONTACT to share it.

Strashof air conditioner illustrated at ... Strashof-portable-AC-data-Tag at InspectApediacom

Strashoff window air conditioner (C) Mustang ... Data tag and model identifcation number for a Strashoff window air conditioner (C) Mustang

Similar portable or window air conditioner manuals that may suffice for Strashoff units whose manuals are providing to be elusive:

Stratus Air Conditioner Manuals

Summeraire Furnace Manuals

Summeraire produces residential & light commercial heat recovery ventilators (HRVs), air changers, air handlers, and as per the above manual, forced warm air heating furnaces.

Superior Boiler Works Manuals

Superior Rex

Sussman Automatic Co., Sussman Electric Boiler Co. Manuals & Contac




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