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& Lennox AHVAC Equipment Age Decoder
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Lennox Manuals, parts lists, wiring diagrams for HVAC equipment:
Free downloadable manuals for Air Conditioners, Boilers, Furnaces, Heat Pumps. Here we provide free downloadable copies of installation and service manuals for heating, heat pump, and air conditioning equipment, or contact information for the manufacturers who can provide that information for nearly all major brands of HVAC equipment.
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- Daniel Friedman, Publisher/Editor/Author - See WHO ARE WE?
Lennox Furnaces, Heat Pumps, Air Conditioners - Contact Information, Manuals, Data Tag Decoding - contact information
Free Lennox Furnace, Heat Pump, Air Conditioner Installation & Service Manuals, Wiring Diagrams, Parts Lists
Below we provide HVAC manufacturer contact information and direct links to free downloadable installation, service, and users manuals, focusing on hard-to-find manuals for older models or discontinued equipment. We also provide links to the manufacturer's current model lists and literature.
To find a Lennox Dealer near you go to and enter your zip code in the box at the web page upper right corner,
use the links to Lennox at the left side of this web page (supplied by Google).
Contact information for Lennox industries, in Dallas Texas:
Lennox Corporation - 1-800-9-LENNOX (1-800-953-6669)
2100 Lake Park Blvd.
Richardson, TX 75080
P.O. Box 799900
Dallas, TX 75379-9900
NAIC: 333415 Air Conditioning & Warm Air Heating Equipment & Commercial & Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Manufacturing; 333414 Heating Equipment Manufacturing, Except Warm Air Furnaces; 333994 Industrial Process Furnace & Oven Manufacturing; 336322 Other Motor Vehicle Electrical & Electronic Equipment Manufacturing; 42173 Warm Air Heating & Air Conditioning Equipment & Supplies Wholesalers
Watch out: The Lennox Pulse furnace safety inspection is (or was) free, but if the furnace has to be cleaned in order to be inspected, the customer could be charged for the cleaning.
Lennox HVAC equipment like the indoor air handler or outdoor compressor-condenser unit is identified by a product data tag or sticker that contains information about the unit. The data tag will include two key identification fields: the product designation or identification code and the product's individual serial number.
Lennox Product Serial Number & equipment age
The product serial number is a unique character string including numbers that can be decoded to give the product's age and manufacturing details.
[Details & citations needed]
Lennox Product Designation Codes
The product designation or model identification code is a character string that provides information about the product type, features and capacity.
Lennox: free, downloadable Lennox Pulse Furnace User's Manuals and Service Manuals are listed just below:
Safety: owners of older model Lennox Pulse Furnace heating equipment should also see Lennox PULSE FURNACE SAFETY WARNING - Lennox Pulse Furnace Safety Inspection/Warranty Program: Carbon Monoxide Warning
That document describes carbon monoxide gas (CO) leak safety hazards on certain models of Lennox hot air heating furnaces and announces an inspection and recall/repair program for these systems.
Also see ARMSTRONG Air: Armstrong oil furnaces, Armstrong gas furnaces, Armsrtong heat pumps, packaged units & air handlers or coils
Lennox AIR COOLED CHILLERS IO MANUAL [PDF] retrieved 2019/01/07 original source
LENNOX CBX AIR HANDLER INSTALLATION MANUAL [PDF], Model: Dave Lennox Signature Collection CBX32MV Unit multi-Position Air Handlers (2011) retrieved 2018/07/31, original source:
This indoor unit is designed for installation with optional field−installed electric heat and a matched remote outdoor unit that is charged with HFC−410A refrigerant. These units, designed for indoor installation in multiple positions,
are completely assembled for upflow and horizontal right−hand discharge before being shipped from the factory.
All CBX32MV air handlers are equipped with a factory−installed, internally mounted check / expansion valve (CTXV), which is suitable for use in HFC−410A applications.
This air handler is compatible with the ComfortSense® 7000 non−communicating thermostat and non−communicating outdoor units. In addition, this unit has the enhance capability of communicating with the icomfort Touch® thermostat and compatible outdoor units using the Lennox RSBus protocols.
Other Lennox owners manuals for air conditioners, air handlers, furnaces, heat pumps, indoor air quality systems, packaged units, water heaters, zone controls and other controls such as thermostats, are provided by Lennox at
LENNOX PULSE FURNACES 2 IDI's and 2 Complaints [PDF] (US CPSC), 5 June 1998, includes CPSC records obtained by a law firm under the FOIA Freedom of Information Act. This information includes description of gas odors, detection of gas leaks, and potential safety hazards that could be helpful to other consumers and service technicians.
FORCED HOT AIR FURNACES: Troubleshooting and Repair, Roger Civi, ISBN-13: 978-0071341714, available at the InspectAPedia bookstore ( new and used. (We recommend a number of heating system inspection, diagnosis, and repair books at this Amazon page).
Lennox Signature® Collection CBX40UHV AIR HANDLER UNIT MANUAL [PDF] (2016) Lennox Industries, Dallas TX USA retrieved 2019/11/13, original source:
Description: The XC15 is a high efficiency residential split−system condensing unit, which features a scroll compressor and R−410A refrigerant. Units are available in 2, 2−1/2, 3, 3−1/2, 4 and 5 ton sizes. The series is designed for use with an expansion valve only (approved for use with R−410A) in the
indoor unit.
This manual is divided into sections which discuss the major components, refrigerant system, charging procedure, maintenance and operation sequence. Information contained in this manual is intended for use by qualified service technicians only. All specifications are subject to change.
Lennox Corporation - Current Use and Care Manuals - Installation & Service manuals for current Lennox equipment: air conditioners, air handlers, furnaces, heat pumps, indoor air quality, packaged units, water heating units, zoning products, and equipment controls. Current Lennox documents are at this link: and include this equipment:
Air Conditioners - - * HS21 Series * HS25 Series * HS26 Series * HS27 Series * HS29 Series * HSXA12 Series * HSXA15 Series - - Air Handlers - - * CB29M/CB30M
Series * CB31MV Series * CBX32V/CBX32 Series * CBX32MV/CBX32M Series - - Furnaces - - * 90UGF Series * G24-200 Series * G24M Series * G24M 50Hz Series *
G26 Series * G32 Series * G32V Series * G40DF Series * G40UH Series * G43 Series * G50DF Series * G50UH Series * G50i Series * G51 Series * G60DF(X) Series *
G60DFV(X) Series * G60UH Series * G60UHV Series * G61 Series * G61V Series * GHR26 Series * GHR32Q & GHR32V Series * HS29 Series - - Heat Pumps - - * HP25
Series * HP29 Series * HPXA12 Series * HPXA15 Series - - Indoor Air Quality - - * PureAir Air Purification System * WB2 & WP2 Humidifier * Healthy Climate
Products * PMAC * Germicidal Lights - - Packaged Units - - * 10GCS & 12GCS Series * GCS16, 20 & 20R Series * GCS29 Series * 13GCSX Series * 15GCSX Series -
- Water Heating Units - - * CompleteHeat (HM30) * CompleteHeat (HM30) LP * Aqua Plus (RWH21/CB30MWH) - - Zoning Products - - * Harmony Series * Harmony II®
Series * Harmony III® Series - - Controls - - * ComfortSense 7000 Series Touchscreen Thermostat * ComfortSense 5000 Series Touchscreen Thermostat *
ComfortSense 3000 Series Programmable Thermostat * ComfortSense 3000 Series Non-Programmable Thermostat * SignatureStat * Elite Touchscreen * Merit
Programmable Thermostats * Merit Non-Programmable Thermostats * LZP-2 * LZP-4 -
Lennox Corporation - Archived Lennox Documents at this link: contains links to service and installation manuals for older equipment no longer sold by the company, and includes: (Most of these are downloadable free here)
Lennox Installation and Operation Instructions - - Air Conditioners
* 10 ACB Installation and Operation Instructions Manual * 10 ACC Installation
and Operation Instructions Manual * 12 ACB Installation and Operation
Instructions Manual * 13 ACC Installation and Operation Instructions Manual *
HS14 Installation and Operation Instructions Manual * HS18 Installation and
Operation Instructions Manual * HS19 Installation and Operation Instructions
Manual * HS20 Installation and Operation Instructions Manual
- - Heat Pumps
* 10 HPB Installation and Operation Instructions Manual * 12 HPB Installation
and Operation Instructions Manual * HP14 Installation and Operation Instructions
Manual * HP16 Installation and Operation Instructions Manual * HP18 Installation
and Operation Instructions Manual * HP19 Installation and Operation Instructions
Manual * HP20 Installation and Operation Instructions Manual * HP22 Installation
and Operation Instructions Manual * HP23 Installation and Operation Instructions
Manual * HP24 Installation and Operation Instructions Manual * HPXA19
Installation and Operation Instructions Manual
- - Homeowner's Manuals - - Furnaces
* 78RGF Series Homeowner's Manual * 78UGF Series Homeowner's Manual * 80UHG
Series Homeowner's Manual * Efficiency Plus Series Homeowner's Manual * F8AUH
Series Homeowner's Manual * G12 Series Homeowner's Manual * G14 Series
Homeowner's Manual * G16(R) Series Homeowner's Manual * G17 Series Homeowner's
Manual * G17RSeries Homeowner's Manual * G20 Series Homeowner's Manual * G20R
Series Homeowner's Manual * G21Q & G21V Series Homeowner's Manual * G23 Series
Homeowner's Manual * G25MV Series Homeowner's Manual * G27M Series Homeowner's
Manual * G41UF Series Homeowner's Manual * GH19 Series Homeowner's Manual *
GSR14 Series Homeowner's Manual * GSR21Q & GSR21V Series Homeowner's Manual
- - Air Conditioners
* HS32 Series Owner's Manual * HSXA19 Series Owner's Manual
- - Heat Pumps
* HP21 Series Owner's Manual * HP26 Series Owner's Manual * HP27 Series Owner's
Manual * HP32 Series Owner's Manual
Also see MAGIC PAK HVAC Packaged heating & cooling systems
Reader Comments, Questions & Answers About The Article Above
Below you will find questions and answers previously posted on this page at its page bottom reader comment box.
Where can I find OEM performance data for my Lennox air conditdioner?
How can I get hold of OEM expanded performance data? The manufacturers websites seem to be password protected.
Do all 5-ton AC units have much the same latent cooling capacity? - On 2022-02-12 by Trevor Williams
Reply by Inspectapedia Com Moderator
@ Trevor Williams
I'm in over my head trying to answer this question but thanks, it's important and interesting.
Older Lennox units that used copper coils may have seen more leakage from corrosion than newer ones (since 2014) that have, like other manufacturers, changed to aluminum. That may be a factor in the leakage your system experienced.
The Trane XR16 is one of the "lower end" (less costly) lines offered by that company and has a SEER around 16 or 17. The Trane XR16-4TTR6061B or 4TTR6060B are its 5-ton rated units rated at actually 60,000 btuh. The Trane XR16-4TTR6061C, also a nominal 5-ton unit actually has a little smaller cooling capacity-actual, of 57,500 btuh.
So if your Trane is a different model, nominally a 4-ton unit, it's not one of those above. See this Trane example 5-ton unit energy guide for the Trane-XR16-4TTR6060B that is actually rated around 14 SEER.
The Lennox HSXB15 series claim SEER between 12 and 15, varying among model sizes, with the -060 signifying a 5-ton unit. The fact that the energy ratings differ might be a clue that the actual field performance may vary, too, for two A/C units of equal ton-rating.
I will attach a chart, just an excerpt from a larger document with more data and not necessarily exactly your Lennox unit, but illustrating some of the variables in the actual cooling capacity of a given air conditioner. You'll see that the cooling capacity is affected by or varies, for the exact same unit in otherwise identical installations, based on changes in the entering air temperature, the air volume or flow rate through the system, and the outdoor air temperature entering the condensing coil.
Given that example it would be no surprise that two 5-ton units from two different manufacturers, sporting different engineering details, designs, specifications, may actually vary in their effective cooling capacity or, as your question puts it "cooling output". Details for your Lennox unit are
Many thanks for the response. (Apologies: I meant ‘sensible’ cooling rather than latent cooling.) Here’s the larger issue that prompted my question.
We plan on replacing a 5-ton Lennox (HSXB15-060) with a 5-ton Trane XR16. The Lennox unit cooled 3200 sq ft without problems for 15 years but leaked 6 lbs of refrigerant last year.
Wrightsoft sizing calculations indicate that we need a unit delivering about 60,000 BTUh sensible cooling and 6,500 BTUh latent cooling (setpoint 77F). The Trane replacement delivers a little more than 40,000 sensible BTUh’s and so appears undersized. I assumed all 5-ton units delivered much the same cooling output.
If so, how come the Lennox worked so well? OR, does the 5-ton Lennox deliver more sensible cooling than a 5-ton Trane? Is there a lot of variation between nominally equivalent units in the same environment?
Reply by Inspectapedia Com Moderator (edited) - Not all air conditioner "tons of cooling capacity" ratings are equal
@ Trevor Williams
Latent cooling is in essence the energy required to remove moisture from indoor air - dehumidification. Asking if all 5-ton AC units will have the same latent cooling capacity is perhaps a little tricky.
On the face of it, 5 tons of cooling capacity, if we keep all building conditions the same (occupants, indoor humidity level, other sources of indoor moisture, air leakage etc.), ought to have the same latent cooling capacity.
OPINION: But I'm not so sure.
A simple change such as blower fan speed or even cooling coil design or how moisture is collected and removed in the air handler may cause variations in just how efficiently a given 5-ton cooling system dehumidifies indoor air.
And if the cooling capacity is over-sized for the building, the indoor air will be cooled, but it will not be successfully dehumidified.
There we provide a more scholarly exposition and expert references you might want to review.
For example, we cite Shirey (2006) who points out that just how moisture is collected and removed from a cooling coil may affect re-entrainment of moisture back into indoor air between operating cycles of the equipment.
And I don't assume that all air handlers, cooling coils, and condensate collection and removal designs are identical across various 5-ton cooling system air handlers. We certainly see differences that result, in some cases, in moisture blowing off of the coil and into the ductwork (a candidate for re-humidification). Thank you for a helpful question.
3 Year Old Lennox not providing sufficient cooling
I have a 3 year old lennox hvac system (Complete new system ductings etc.). Currently experiencing low overall cooling capacity. Condenser is clean, fan blowing, compressor pumping. However, both high pressure and low pressure are cold either at condenser or coil. Air filter is clean. Any ideas? The contractor that installled unit is no longer in business. Thanks
re: additional info to my last post. The airflow is very good. The air filter is good (pleated type), no obstructions. Just noticed a drop of refrigerant oil hanging off of the high pressure side between a small canister I assume is a filter and the expansion valve. Thanks - On 2011-07-06 by Brad
Reply by (mod) - drop of refrigerant oil hanging off of the high pressure side
Brad: "drop of refrigerant oil hanging off of the high pressure side" could mean you have a refrigerant leak at that fitting.
And yes the small canister is usually a water filter installed on a line when a system has had to be opened for service.
Re: "low overall cooling capacity" you didn't indicate if the air flow volume is low or the air flow volume is ok but the temperature of the air supply is not cool enough.
That distinction is not a bad place to start diagnosing air conditioning: low air flow points to dirty filter, blocked or disconnected ducts, a closed register or damper, blower problem, air leaks etc.
Air supply that is not cool enough points first to a refrigerant loss or a comperssor condenser problem.
Need Help with my Lennos Unit - I messed up the wiring
Need heat messed up wiring - On 2021-01-21
by Anonymous -
Reply by (mod) -
Usually the wiring is pretty simple.
See the drawing on a sticker inside the heater cabinet.
Or ask a specific question.
Watch out: if you're not trained in safe electrical wiring you could be shocked or killed or start a fire. Get help from an expert.
Specs ie: weight for any of the following lennox rooftop Units: LGC0362SBH1Y, LGC0725SBH1Y, LGC1025SBH2Y
Do you have any specs ie: weight for any of the following lennox rooftop units LGC0362SBH1Y, LGC0725SBH1Y, LGC1025SBH2Y - On 2021-01-15 by ICE Mechanical Services Ltd
Reply by (mod) -
Isn't it incredible that Lennox makes it impossible to find a telephone number or email to contact the company to ask even the most simple question?
We are left with following what Lennox wants us to do: contact your local Lennox supplier, as for technical support, and hope.
Do you sell a Parts Manual for Nat. Gas Lennox furnace G60UHV(X) ?
Do you sell a Parts Manual for Nat. Gas Lennox furnace G60UHV(X) Model 5908 CO 7448 Series #6A-070-07 - On 2021-01-10
by John B. Lockett
Reply by (mod) - our Lennox Manual Downloads are Free at
All of the manuals we can find and list for our readers such as those on the page above are provided as free PDF downloads.
We do not sell anything. No products, no services. provides building and environmental diagnostic and repair information. In order to absolutely assure our readers that we write and report without bias we do not sell any products nor do we have any business or financial relationships that could create such conflicts of interest.
In the list of manuals above we show
Lennox G60 DF(X) Series Gas Furnace INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS [PDF] (05/2009)
Lennox G60DFV(X) Gas Furnace Manual, 2002, #504.577M
as live links. Please take a look at those and let me know if either of those works for you.
Need a manual for a Lennox gas furnace model # G81-65-82M
I am unable to locate a manual for a Lennox gas furnace model # G81-65-82M. Could you help please? I'd like both an installation and service manual please. Thanks! - 2019-01-08 by Anonymous
Reply by (mod) -
I've added what I could find for the Lennox G81 gas furnace to our collection - above on this page.
including wiring diagrams & a few pages
You may need to clear your browser cache to see the new page
What's the age of my Lennox
whats the age of my lennox
g8-110t-1a - On 2016-06-08 by trevor -
Reply by (mod)
Try the Lennox age decoding guide above on this page and ask for more help if you need it.
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Carson, Dunlop & Associates Ltd., 120 Carlton Street Suite 407, Toronto ON M5A 4K2. Tel: (416) 964-9415 1-800-268-7070 Email: Alan Carson is a past president of ASHI, the American Society of Home Inspectors.
Carson Dunlop Associates provides extensive home inspection education and report writing material. In gratitude we provide links to tsome Carson Dunlop Associates products and services.