Taco provides electronic controls for HVAC systems, thermostats, fan controls fuel mizer, zone controls, switching relays, and other equipment.
Illustration: an excerpt from Taco's wiring instructions for the Taco SR504-4 Switching Relay used for heating boilers - in this example where a tankless coil is not employed.
[Click to enlarge any image]
Contact: TACO, INC., 1160 Cranston Street, Cranston, RI 02920 USA Tel: (401) 942-8000 FAX: (401) 942-2360.
Taco, Inc. International Sales Department 1160 Cranston Street Cranston, RI 02920 Phone: (401) 942-8000
TACO® ALL ZONE CONTROLS, WIRING GUIDE [PDF] (2010) Taco Catalog No. 100-92 (2010) provides wiring instructions for virtually every Taco HVAC control such as switching relays, zone valves, hydro-air controls, specialty thermostats and zone valves, radiant heat mixing block controller, iSeries mixing valves, Low Water Cutoff controls, Electric Water Feeders, Aquastats.
Wiring guides for Taco controls and circulators are also found at https://www.tacocomfort.com/product/radiant-mixing-block/# [as of 2012/01/25]
TACO® ALL ZONE CONTROLS WIRING GUIDE [PDF] (2005), Taco Catalog No. 100-9.0, older version of wiring instructions superceded by the document above.
AIR ELIMINATION from HYDRONIC HEATING SYSTEMS [PDF], TACO, INC., 1160 Cranston Street, Cranston, RI 02920 USA Tel: (401) 942-8000, or TACO (Canada), Ltd., 6180 Ordan Drive, Mississauga, Ontario L5T 2B3 Canada, Tel: 905/564-9422, retrieved 2017/07/15, original source https://www.taco-hvac.com/uploads/FileLibrary/AirElimination.pdf
Excerpt: The Variable Speed - Outdoor Reset ”00” Cartridge Circulator (00-VR) is a microprocessor-based pump designed to regulate the supply
water temperature to a heating system through variable speed injection mixing.
The 00-VR modulates its speed to provide outdoor reset
to the heating system. A boiler sensor installed on the return line to the boiler is used to protect the boiler against flue gas condensation.
This manual is broken down into two sections and describes the installation, operation and control module for Taco 1900e series pumps. Section 1 describes the installation and operation features. Section 2 describes the Taco 1915E control module and its functions. The 1900E series Error Codes are shown below.
TACO ZVC403 ZONE VALVE CONTROL WIRING & MANUAL [PDF] (2013) # 102-391 retrieved 2017/12/10 original source: http://www.taco-hvac.com/uploads/FileLibrary/102-391.pdf
The light codes and zone priority for this controller are excerpted below:
Operation/External Diagnostics: When any thermostat calls for heat,
the appropriate zone valve is energized and the yellow light goes on.
When the zone valve is fully open, the red light goes on and energizes
the end switch relay. The green light should always be on, indicating
that power is connected.
Priority Operation: When zone 3 is switched to the priority setting and
is actuated, all other zones will stop operation until zone 3 is satisfied.
When zone 3 is not switched to priority, all zones will operate independently.
Note: When a circulator is used on the priority zone instead of a
zone valve, jumper 3 and 4 of the priority zone.
TACO ZVC403 ZONE VALVE CONTROL WIRING & MANUAL [PDF] (2006) # 102-089 retrieved 2017/12/10 original source: http://www.taco-hvac.com/uploads/FileLibrary/102-089.pdf|
The light codes for this controller are given herein:
Operation/External Diagnostics: When any thermostat
calls for heat, the appropriate zone valve is energized and
the yellow light goes on. When the zone valve is fully
open, the red light goes on and energizes the end switch
relay. The green light should always be on, indicating that
power is connected.
TACO 417 AIR VENT [PDF] retrieved 2017/07/15, original source: http://www.taco-hvac.com/uploads/FileLibrary/102-364.pdf
Excerpt: When any thermostat calls for heat, the appropriate circulator
is energized and the isolated end switch (X and X) will start the
TACO 560 Series Heat Motor ZONE VALVE 3-WAY-BYPASS INSTRUCTIONS [PDF] (1999) fan coil or terminal heating unit control, zone valve poer head replacement for Models 555-573 & 5101, retrieved 2017/07/15, original source: http://www.taco-hvac.com/uploads/FileLibrary/102-076.pdf
Above: wiring example for the Taco SR502 two-zone switching relay. See the SR502 instructions for important details and safety warnings. [Click to enlarge any image]
Above: wiring example for the Taco SR503 three-zone switching relay. See the SR503 instructions for important details and safety warnings. [Click to enlarge any illustration]
Watch out: take care about which zone is connected to which zone terminal in this control and to how you specify the priority setting switch for that zone. That feature is intended to permit giving heating priority to a domestic hot water source.
Priority Operation: When zone 3 is switched to the priority setting
and is actuated, all other zones will stop operation until zone 3 is satisfied.
When zone 3 is not switched to priority, all zones will operate
TACO ZVC403 ZONE VALVE CONTROL [PDF] (2010) & ZVC403-ZVC406 Zone Control Wiring connected with system pump, wiring & installation instructions.
This controller permits setting zone 3 to a priority setting that stops other zones for up to one hour (such as to assure providing domestic hot water in an indirect-fired water heater).
Excerpt explains the LED light codes for this zone controller:
When any thermostat calls for
heat, the appropriate zone valve is energized and the yellow light
goes on.
When the zone valve is fully open, the red light goes on
and energizes the end switch relay.
The green light should always
be on, indicating that power is connected.
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Carson, Dunlop & Associates Ltd., 120 Carlton Street Suite 407, Toronto ON M5A 4K2. Tel: (416) 964-9415 1-800-268-7070 Email: info@carsondunlop.com. Alan Carson is a past president of ASHI, the American Society of Home Inspectors.
Carson Dunlop Associates provides extensive home inspection education and report writing material. In gratitude we provide links to tsome Carson Dunlop Associates products and services.