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Building department offices, Hudson New York (C) Daniel Friedman at InspectApedia.comUnited States Building Codes & Standards

U.S. State Building Codes
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Building Codes & Regulations - where to find or access U.S. building codes, both national model codes and individual state building codes and standards. .

This page provides free access to model building codes, specific provincial, state, city or other building codes and various building standards.

We include contact information for various model building code authorities.

Page top photo: the building department's code enforcement office in Hudson, New York.

InspectAPedia tolerates no conflicts of interest. We have no relationship with advertisers, products, or services discussed at this website.

- Daniel Friedman, Publisher/Editor/Author - See WHO ARE WE?

Where to Get United States Building Codes

Article Contents


Special Building Code Topics


United States Model Building Code Agencies

Contact Information for United States Model Building Code Agencies


Individual U.S. State or City Building Codes & Standards


Appliance Codes & Regulations


Asbestos Codes & Regulations

Chimney Codes

U.S. chimney laws, codes, standards are now found



Electrical Codes

  • U.S. NEC National Electrical Code - where to find a copy

    • NFPA 70: National Electrical Code 2017 Edition, is available from the NFPA - but keep in mind that in the U.S. your local jurisdiction may be operating under an earlier edition of the NEC.

      NFPA Home Page - National Electrical Code and other resources [Website]
    • Full Text of the US NEC is available from the NFPA at ($199.00 / year) and older versions of the NEC also can be examined online free at
    • 2008 NEC FULL TEXT as adopted by the U.S. state of Wyoming [PDF] - large file
  • AFCIs ARC FAULT CIRCUIT INTERRUPTERS 2008 National Electrical Code Update on AFCIs and GFCIs in homes
  • ELECTRICAL CODE BASICS - web article, additional code citations
  • Earley, Mark W., & Jeffrey S. Sargent, NFPA 70, NEC 2011 HANDBOOK, [PDF] retrieved 2018/04/12, original source:
  • GFCI PROTECTION, GFCI CODES - web article, additional code citations
  • Earley, Mark W., & Jeffrey S. Sargent, NFPA 70, NEC 2011 HANDBOOK, [PDF] retrieved 2018/04/12, original source:


Energy Codes, Guides, Standards

  • 2010 IGCC INTERNATIONAL GREEN CONSTRUCTION CODE™ ASHRAE/USGBC/IES Standard 189.1-2009 (2010) [PDF] public version 2.0 - not available online, copy stored
  • ASHRAE Standard 90.1, (2016) Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings, available from ASHRAE at this website: ($140) - Commercial building energy code
  • The residential building energy code development process is administered by the International Code Council (ICC). See this website:
  • RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS ENERGY CODE SUMMARY - US State of Iowa [PDF] retrieved 2017/07/14, original source:
  • ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1 (2013), Determination of Energy Savings: Quantitative Analysis[PDF] U.S. Department of Energy, PNNL-23479
  • International Energy Conservation Code (IECC)
  • ENERGY CODE, U.S. Department of Energy, Website:
    Website Excerpt:

    The Building Energy Codes Program (BECP) mission is to support building energy code development, adoption, implementation and enforcement processes to achieve the maximum practicable, cost-effective improvements in energy efficiency while providing safe, healthy buildings for occupants.

    The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is directed to participate in industry processes to develop model building energy codes, issue determinations as to whether updated codes result in energy savings, and provide technical assistance to states to implement and comply with the codes.
  • ENERGY DESIGN GUIDE for Medium Box Retail, Technical Report NREL/TP-550-42828 (2008) [PDF]
  • ENERGY DESIGN GUIDE for Grocery Stores, Technical Report NREL/TP-550-42829 (2008) [PDF]
  • HEATING, VENTILATION, & AIR CONDITIONING (HVAC) ENERGY CODE REQUIREMENTS, New York, retrieved 2018/03/23, original source:
  • New York City ENERGY CODE (2015) [PDF] retrieved 2022/03/19 original source:
  • SMALL WIND ELECTRICL SYSTEMS Consumer's Guide US Pennsylvania [PDF] U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
  • WASHINGTON STATE COMMERCIAL ENERGY CODE [PDF] (2015) Washington state has adopted (and amended its version of) the 2012 edition of the International Energy Conservation Code Commercial Provisions, the 2012 IECC model code. Retrieved 2017/11/05, original source:
  • WASHINGTON STATE RESIDENTIAL ENERGY CODE [PDF] (2015) Washington state has adopted (and amended its version of) the 2012 edition of the International Energy Conservation Code Residential Provisions, the 2012 IECC model code. Retrieved 2017/11/05, original source:


Environment, Building Codes, Standards


Exteriors of Buildings

Articles & Building Codes & Standards for Clearance Distance Between Siding & Ground


Fire Codes & Fire Sprinkler or Fire Suppression Codes

  • See CHIMNEYS - codes list
  • CPSC Home Fire Safety CHECKLIST [PDF]
  • See ELECTRICAL - codes list
  • FIRE CLEARANCES, WOOD COAL & PELLET STOVES - web article giving codes & code citations
  • FIRE CODES, NFPA - see NFPA Home Page - National Electrical Code and other resources [Website]
  • FIRE SPRINKLER GUIDE to FIRE SPRINKLERS in the IBC 2015 Ed. [PDF] National Fire Sprinkler Association retrieved 2018/08/29, original source:
  • FURNACE CLEARANCE DISTANCES - web article giving codes & code citations
  • National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI Z223.1 / NFPA 54
  • National Fuel Gas Code, NFPA 54, ANSI Z223.1 (2018) available from
  • NATIONAL FUEL GAS CODE (2006) [PDF] Full Text as adopted by the U.S. State of Maine
  • NFPA 90A Section 4.3.1 AIR DISTRIBUTION [PDF]
  • SOUTH CAROLINA Title 5 Municipal Corporations CHAPTER 25 Building Codes and Fire Prevention [PDF]
  • UTAH FIRE PREVENTION CODE [PDF] Title 15A. State Construction and Fire Codes Act, retrieved 2018/06/01,original source:
  • Washington State Amendments to the 2015 INTERNATIONAL FIRE CODE [PDF]
  • CONCEALED ROOF STRUCTURES [PDF], GAPS Guidelines, Global Asset Protection Services LLC, GAP .2.1.6, retrieved 2017/10/28, original source: media/gaps/216____0.pdf
  • Dunn, Vincent. Safety and survival on the fireground. Fire Engineering Books, 2015.
  • Dunn, Vincent. Command and control of fires and emergencies. PennWell Books, 1999.
  • Dunn, Vincent, STRUCTURAL FIRE SPREAD [PDF], Website:, Email: retrieved 2017/10/28, original source:
  • Fire Protection of Concealed Spaces - Cavities [PDF], PAROC Corporation, retrieved 2017/10/28, Paroc Group Oyj Energiakuja 3 P.O. Box 240, FI-00181 Helsinki, Finland Phone +358 46 876 8000 original source:
  • Kentucky Building Code, SECTION 718 CONCEALED SPACES contained in the 2013 KENTUCKY BUILDING CODE [PDF], retrieved 2017/10/28, original source: KBC 2nd Edition (February 2014) - 4.8.2014.pdf
  • Klaus, Matt, "Sprinkler [omissions] - Not every space in a structure is required to be protected by sprinklers-and NFPA 13 is very clear on what those spaces need to remain unprotected" NFPA Journal®, November/December 2011 Retrieved 2017/10/28,original source: NFPA-Journal/2011/ November-December-2011/ Features/NFPA-13-and-Permissible-Sprinkler-Omissions
  • New York City Fire Code, Title 27 / Subchapter 5, Fire Protection Construction Requirement [PDF], discusses the requirements for handling the fire hazard of concealed spaces. Retrieved 2017/10/28, original source:

    [C26-504.7] 27-345 Firestopping.- Concealed spaces within partitions, walls, floors, roofs, stairs, furring, pipe spaces, column enclosures, etc. that would permit passage of flame , smoke, fumes, or hot gases from one floor to another floor or roof space, or from one concealed area to another, shall be firestopped to form an effective draft barrier, or shall be filled with noncombustible material in accordance with the requirements of this section.

    Firestopping shall not be required where a concealed space is sprinklered in accordance with the construction provisions of subchapter seventeen of this chapter, or is constructed as a shaft.

    (a) Firestopping materials.- In buildings of construction group I, firestopping or fill shall be of noncombustible material that can be shaped, fitted, and permanently secured in position.

    In buildings of construction group II, firestopping may be of combustible material consisting of wood not less than two inches nominal thickness with tight joints, two layers of one inch nominal thickness assembled so that there are no through joints or of onehalf inch exterior type plywood with joints backed, except that noncombustible firestopping shall be used in concealed spaces of fire divisions and where in contact with fireplaces, flues, and chimneys.

    Noncombustible firestopping may be masonry set in mortar, concrete, three- quarter inch thick mortar or plaster on noncombustible lath, plasterboard at least three-eighths of an inch thick, fire-rated wallboard at least five eighths of an inch thick, sheet metal at least No. 14 U.S. std. gage thick, solid web metal structural members, asbestos-cement board at least one-quarter of an inch thick, or equivalent rigid noncombustible material.

    Mineral, slag, or rockwool may be used for firestopping when compacted to a density of at least three and onehalf pounds per cubic foot into a confined space of least dimension not more than one-third its second dimension
  • Shipp, Martin, Ciara Holland, David Crowder, Tom Lennon, FIRE COMPARTMENTATION in ROOF VOIDS [PDF], BRE, Bucknalls Lane, Watford, Hertfordshire, WD25 9XX, UK Website: retrieved 2017/10/28, original source: and Security/FI---Fire-compartmentation-in-roof-voids-Feb-15.pdf
  • Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems, NFPA-13, National Fire Protection Association, NFPA, Website:

    1.1* Scope. A.1.1 This standard provides a range of sprinkler system approaches, design development alternatives, and component options that are all acceptable. Building owners and their designated representatives are advised to carefully evaluate proposed selections for appropriateness and preference.

    1.1.1 This standard shall provide the minimum requirements for the design and installation of automatic fire sprinkler systems and exposure protection sprinkler systems covered within this standard.

    1.1.2 This standard shall not provide requirements for the design or installation of water mist fire protection systems, which are not considered fire sprinkler systems and are addressed by NFPA 750.

    1.1.3* This standard is written with the assumption that the sprinkler system shall be designed to protect against a single fire originating within the building. A.1.1.3 This standard also provides guidance for the installation of systems for exterior protection and specific hazards.

    Where these systems are installed, they are also designed for protection of a fire from a single ignition source.


Flood Damage & Flood Zone Construction Codes


HVAC Air Conditioning, Heating, Heat Pump Codes, Mechanical Systems, Ductwork


Insulation Codes


Interiors of Buildings, Codes & Standards

  • CRAWL SPACE ACCESS - web page citing & giving access to codes on crawl space accessibility
  • Drywall Installation Standards & Codes
  • Drywall Grid System Standards:
    • ASTM C635 Standard Specification for the Manufacture, Performance, and Testing of Metal Suspension Systems for Acoustical Tile and Lay-in Panel Ceilings
    • ASTM C636 Standard Practice for Installation of Metal Ceiling Suspension Systems for Acoustical Tile and Lay-in Panels
    • ASTM C645 Standard Specification for Nonstructural Steel Framing Members
    • ASTM C754 Standard Specification for Installation of Steel Framing Members to Receive Screw-Attached Gypsum Panel Products
    • CISCA Ceiling & Interior Systems Construction Association
    • DSA PA105 Division of the State Architect (California)
    • IBC International Building Code
    • ICC ESR-1289 International Code Council Evaluation Service
    • NOA 04-0716.03 Dade/Broward County, Florida Product Approval
    • RR25348 City of Los Angeles Research Report
    • UBC 25-2 Uniform Building Code Standard (section 25.210, exception 2)
    • UL Underwriters Laboratories Inc. Fire Resistance Directory
    • Also see the Armstrong Corporation's article on drywall grid system installation details at or contact the company at 877-ARM-STRONG
  • FIRE RESISTANCE DESIGN MANUAL GA-600, The 18th edition includes fire-resistance ratings for over 370 gypsum-protected wall, ceiling, roof, column, beam, girder, and truss systems. available for purchase in hard copy form at


Manufactured Home Codes & Standards


U.S. Manufactured Home Codes & Standards

  • Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards Act, U.S. HUD, Code of Federal Regulations No. 24, PARTS 0-199, 5/1/2001, can be read at
  • MANUFACTURED HOME CONSTRUCTION AND SAFETY STANDARDS, PART 3280 contains 10 subparts pertaining to General (data plate and certification contents and locations), Plans (dimensions, exits, etc), Fire Safety, Body and Frame, Testing, Thermal Protection, Heating/Cooling and venting systems, Electrical, and Transportation (axles, springs, drawbar). It's about 90 pages of regulations.

    PART 3280—MANUFACTURED HOME CONSTRUCTION AND SAFETY STANDARDS [PDF] retrieved 2017/06/09, original source:

    PART 3280—MANUFACTURED HOME CONSTRUCTION AND SAFETY STANDARDS [PDF] newer copy retrieved 2017/07/13 - faster-loading

    Part 3282 (subset of the document links just above) discusses pre-emption of state laws, among other things, and requires a new unit to be delivered with a "consumer manual" containing required information about the unit. - Thanks to NHFireBear for this update, April 2015. Retrieved 9 April 2015, original source: [note this is a very large PDF that contains other sections. Our live link above has excerpted the Manufactured Home standards section from the HUD document - Ed.]
  • MOBILE HOME CODES, STANDARDS & MANUALS - web article, code citations & links
  • MODEL MANUFACTURED HOME INSTALLATION STANDARDS-PART 3285 [PDF] discusses roof framing and loads and wind zone maps for various roofing installation standards.
  • HUD INSPECTION CHECKLIST, Housing Choice Voucher Program [PDF], US Department of Housing & Urban Development, Office of Public and Indian Housing, (2012), retrieved 2017/06/09, original source:
  • MOBILE HOME CODES, STANDARDS & MANUALS - web article listing codes for mobile & manufactured homes.
  • MANUFACTURED HOUSING RULES (TEXAS), [PDF] Effective: November 23, 2014, Administrative Rules of the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs 10 Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 80, retrieved 2017/06/09, original source:
  • PERMANENT FOUNDATIONS GUIDE FOR MANUFACTURED HOUSING Chapter 1-5 [PDF], U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (1996), source:

    This is the complete HUD foundation handbook in PDF format, compressed for faster downloading, no loss of data, no loss of image quality.

    Abstract quoted from HUD

    This handbook is a guide for those approving HUD-code manufactured homes on permanent foundations, including engineers, manufacturers, and site owners seeking approval. It provides current technical information, recommendations, and tables of analytical data, expanding and clarifying the definition of a permanent foundation.

    It updates 1989 loading requirements for snow, wind, and seismic forces.

    Because of the increased use of multi-section manufactured homes, the guide now includes consideration of large openings along the length of marriage walls in multi-section units.

    The construction recommendations assure that the home, foundation, and site are all compatible. In addition to the new technical recommendations, the guide has been expanded and reorganized for easy reference with more illustrations and clarifications.

    The handbook can greatly assist preparation of the worksheets needed to apply for an FHA mortgage
  • GUIDE TO FOUNDATION AND SUPPORT SYSTEMS FOR MANUFACTURED HOMES [PDF], (2002, initially marked "Draft not for distribution") Office of Policy Development and Research (PD&R) U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, HUD USER P.O. Box 23268, Washington, DC 20026-3268 USA, Tel: 1-800-245-2691 TDD: 1-800-927-7589
    PATH (Partnership for Advancing Technology in Housing), 451 Seventh Street, SW Washington, D.C. 20410 UDA Tel: 202-708-4250 Email:, PATH is managed and supported by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Retrieved 2017/06/07, original source:

    This document discusses factors to consider in manufactured home (& mobile home) foundation design, non-proprietary foundation and support systems, and proprietary foundation and support systems for mobile homes / manufactured homes.

    Note: The contents of this report are the view of the contractor and do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development or the US government.
  • Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards ACT, U.S. HUD, Code of Federal Regulations No. 24, Parts 0-199, [PDF] 5/1/2001, original source:
  • HUD-Manufactured Housing and Standards, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Website:, Retrieved 5/1/2014, original source:, Quoting:

    A manufactured home (formerly known as a mobile home) is built to the Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards (HUD Code) and displays a red certification label on the exterior of each transportable section. Manufactured homes are built in the controlled environment of a manufacturing plant and are transported in one or more sections on a permanent chassis.

    Homes built prior to June 15, 1976, even with modifications, do not meet the HUD standards and cannot be accepted as compliant with the HUD Code. As the homeowner, you may find a licensed engineer willing to inspect your home for compliance with your state's housing code.

    FHA does not insure mortgages on manufactured homes built prior to June 15, 1976. Most other mortgage insurance firms follow FHA's policy.
  • Safety Standards for Manufactured or Mobile Homes:
    The actual Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards begin in

    [PDF] at Part 3280, in Vol.5, [That is on page 107 of the PDF - Ed.] - original source There (on start on p. 107 or use your PDF reader to search for "3280") you will find

    • Subtitle B Part 3280 Manufactured home construction and safety standards (p. 107) that includes the following sections
      • 3280 Subpart A - General
      • 3280.101 Subpart B - Planning Considerations
      • 3280.201 Subpart C - Fire Safety
      • 3280.301 Subpart D - Body and Frame Construction Requirements
      • 3280.401 Subpart E - Testing [Structural load, roof trusses, windows, sliding glass doors, egress windows, exterior passage doors, air chamber testing for formaldehyde]
      • 3280.501 Subpart F - Thermal Protection [Insulation, air leakage, heat loss, heat gain, comfort, certification
      • 3280.601 Subpart G - Plumbing Systems
      • 3280.701 Subpart H - Heating, Cooling and Fuel Burning Systems
      • 3280.801 Subpart I - Electrical Systems
      • 3280.901 Subpart J - Transportation
    • Part 3282 Manufactured home procedure and enforcement regulations (p. 197)
    • Note: see ARTICLE INDEX to MANUFACTURED & MOBILE HOMES for articles about each component or topic for manufactured & mobile homes


Mechanical Codes IMC UMC & Others

  • 2012 INTERNATIONAL MECHANICAL CODE (IMC) 2012 complete, retrieved 2017/11/28, original source: - not available online, copy stored
  • International Mechanical Code (IMC), International Code Council [888] 422-7233, Op. Cit.

    IMC chapters appear under the sub-topics listed on this page, such as VENTILATION CODES
  • 2007 INTERNATIONAL MECHANICAL CODE (IMC) CHAPTER 3, USE and OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION [PDF] (2007) as adopted by Oregon Structural Specialty Code

    This document explains different occupancy classifications such as

    Section 303, Assembly Group A
    Section 304, Business Group B
    Section 305, Educational Group E
    Section 306, Factory Group F
    Section 307, High-Hazard Group H
    Section 308, Institutional Group I (this includes hospitals)
    Section 309, Mercantile Group M
    Section 310, Residential Group, or R, R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4
    Section 311, Storage Group S
    Section 312, Utility and Miscellaneous Group U
  • International Plumbing Code (IPC) (see NPC below), Op. Cit.
  • National Standard Plumbing Code, (NPC), 2009
    obtained From: National Assoc. of Plumbing-Heating-Cooling Contractors in New Jersey at [800] 652-7422 or NAPHCC [800] 533-7694, [Cited by New Jersey State Department of Community Affairs]
    original link, now dead (2024-05-07)
  • 2022 New York City MECHANICAL CODE, CHAPER 8 [PDF] retrieved 2022/03/19, original source:

    Note: this is NYC's adoption of the International Mechanical Code, Chapter 13, of the same name
  • 2006 NFPA 54 NATIONAL FUEL GAS CODE [PDF] as incorporated & madated by California, Florida, Maryland, Oklahoma, Texas, Utah, et alia.

Also see these focused mechanical code topics


Oil Tank Codes & Regulations



Plumbing Codes, Drain, Waste, Vent Codes, Oil Storage Tanks

  • 2021 New Jersey Plumbing Code: New Jersey Edition of the National Standard Plumbing Code Illustrated, [Online Electronic Edition] 373 pages, based on IAPMO, retrieved 2024/05/07 - link
  • 2018 IPC INTERNATIONAL PLUMBING CODE - as adopted by MISSOURI et als (2018) [OFFLINE at demand of the ICC - previously here as 2018-IPC-International-Plumbing-Code-MO.pdf] as adopted by Independence Missouri, retrieved 2019/11/08, original source:
  • 2015 UPC CHAPTER 6 WATER SUPPLY & DISTRIBUTION (2015) [PDF] Full-text, as adopted by Utah
  • WASHINGTON STATE PLUMBING CODE (2012) [PDF] Washington State Plumbing Code Full text, as adopted, based on the UPC Uniform Plumbing Code model code

    Copies of the State Building Codes may be obtained from: Washington Association of Building Officials Post Office Box 7310 Olympia, Washington 98507-7310 (888) 664-9515

    Complete copies of the 2012 Uniform Plumbing Code as published by the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials may be obtained from: International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (800) 85-IAPMO (854-2766) Fax 877 85-CODES
  • 2012 IPC International Plumbing Code, complete text as adopted by MARYLAND [OFFLINE - at demand of ICC, previously MARYLAND-Plumbing_Code_2012_ICC_IPC_Full_Text.php ] retrieved 2016/08/11, original source:, as adopted by the U.S. State of Code Maryland Administrative Regulations section

    This public document is the entire 2012 Plumbing Code [OFFLINE 2023/10/10 - saved]

    Also see current public copy of the Maryland Plumbing Code of Maryland 2018 at

    Warning: 2021/06/25: Readers should see excerpted below:

    Status Code 451: Your Request Has Been Denied This Document Is Not Currently Available To You! [PDF]

    Dear Fellow Citizen:

    You have been temporarily denied permission to access this document at this time. Public Resource is litigating for your right to read and speak the law. To find out more information please see the docket for this pending court case: American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), and American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) v. Public.Resource.Org (Public Resource), DCD 1:13-cv-01215, United District Court for the District of Columbia [1] Your access to this document, which is a law of the United States of America, has been temporarily disabled while we fight for your right to read and speak the laws by which we choose to govern ourselves as a democratic society.

    To apply for a license to read this law, please consult the Code of Federal Regulations or applicable state laws and regulations for the name and address of a vendor. For more information on edicts of government and your rights as a citizen under the rule of law, please read my testimony before the United States Congress. You may find more information on our activities at Public Resource on our registry of 2015 activities. [2][3] Thank you for your interest in reading the law.

    An informed citizenry is a fundamental requirement for our democracy to work. I appreciate your efforts and apologize for any inconvenience. Sincerely yours, Carl Malamud Public.Resource.Org November 7, 2015
  • 2009 IPC ICC International Plumbing Code - as adopted by ALABAMA et als [PDF] full text, retrieved 2016/08/11, original source: as adopted and incorporated by various U.S. states including Alabama, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Michigan, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, and others.
  • 2006 IPC ICC International Plumbing Code - as adopted by ARIZONA et als [PDF] full text, retrieved 2016/08/11, original source: as adopted by various U.S. states and municipalities including Arizona, Arkansas, District of Columbia, Georgia, New York, South Carolina, and others.
  • 2006 IPC Chapter 9, Vents, 2006 Uniform Plumbing Code as adopted by VIRGINIA [PDF] complete text as adopted by the Virgina 2006 Plumbing Code
  • 2000 IPC Chapter 9, Vents, 2000 Uniform Plumbing Code as adopted by LOUISIANA [PDF] fulltext on plumbing vents, as adopted by the state of Louisiana
  • BLUEBOOK SPECIFICATIONS and REQUIREMENTS for GAS INSTALLATIONS New York City and Long Island, [PDF] retrieved 2018/08/29, original source:
  • California building codes can be purchased from various code writing agencies or an be viewed at no cost where the California codes, such as the state's plumbing code, as adopted versions of the model building or plumbing codes, are hosted by California State Document Depositories - typically libraries in various California cities.

    See the CALIFORNIA STATE LIBRARY state document depositories provided at

    Really? The California building or plumbing document may be on the shelf at your library but you'll probably need to go in person to the library to see it.
  • 2019 California Plumbing Code: the state based the California 2019 Plumbing Code on the 2019 UPC (Uniform Plumbing Code)

    View the 2019 California Plumbing Code at this IAPMO URL: - [2022/03/11 note: small, blurry print, barely-legible, can not be printed nor copied - Ed. ]
  • 2016 California, Title 24, Part 5, Chapter 16A, Part I - Non potable Water Reuse System, [PDF] California Graywater Re-Use Code, retrieved 2017/08/02, original source:
  • CALIFORNIA GRAYWATER SYSTEM CODE 2007 [PDF] CPC, Title 24, Part 5, Chapter 16A, Part I - Non potable Water Reuse System, retrieved 2017/08/02, original source:
  • CALIFORNIA GRAYWATER GUIDE [PDF] California state government, retrieved 2018/09/02, original source:
    Graywater is untreated household waste water which has not come into contact with toilet waste. Includes: used water from bathtubs, showers, bathroom wash basins, and water from clothes washing machines and laundry tubs. Does not include: waste water from kitchen sinks, dishwashers, or laundry water from soiled diapers.

    California's Graywater Standards are now part of the State Plumbing Code, making it legal to use graywater everywhere in California. These standards were developed and adopted in response to Assembly Bill 3518, the Graywater Systems for Single Family Residences Act of 1992.

    This Guide was prepared to help homeowners and landscape and plumbing contractors understand the Graywater Standards and to help them design, install and maintain graywater systems. Carlos Madrid Chief, Division of Local Assistance
  • CALIFORNIA GRAYWATER USES ALLOWED [PDF], San Diego California Water Authority, CA, retrieved 2018/09/02, original source:
  • CALIFORNIA GRAYWATER FACT SHEET [PDF] San Diego County Water Authority, California, retrieved 2018/09/02, original source:
    How can I use Graywater? ow can I use Graywater? Graywater can be used to irrigate landscaping and plants but not on root crops or edible parts of food crops. Irrigati on lines can be either drip or leach systems and the discharge point must be covered by at least two (2) inches of mulch, rock, soil, or a solid shield to minimize the possibility of contact with humans and domestic pets.

    Be aware that some soaps and detergents can contain a variety of chemicals to aid in cleaning that may be harmful to your plants. Avoid soaps with chlorine or bleach, peroxygen, sodium perborate, sodium trypochorite, boron, borax, petroleum disti llate, alkylbenze, “whiteners”, “soft eners”, and enzymati c components. Please contact a reputable landscape specialist for more information.

    What regulations should I know about?

    What regulations should I know about? On January 27, 2010, the State of California fi nalized the graywater regulati ons for Chapter 16A “Nonpotable Water Reuse Systems” into the 2007 California Plumbing Code (CPC). The emergency graywater regulati ons were enacted to help residents of California conserve water by facilitati ng greater reuse of laundry, shower water, and similar sources for irrigati on.

    In addition, by making legal compliance easy, the State hopes to reduce the number of non-compliant graywater systems. Your graywater system must comply with the 2007 CPC and other codes enacted by your local municipality or water purveyor.
  • CALIFORNIA REVISED GRAYWATER STANDARDS [PDF] (1997) California State Government, retrieved 2018/09/02, original source:
    This is an historical document that contains useful graywater system design information and drawings
  • CONDENSATE DISPOSAL REQUIREMENTS, California Building Code (2013) [PDF] retrieved 2017/07/17, original source: as adopted by Ventura County in 2010
  • CONDENSATE DISPOSAL CODE TN HVACR condensate disposal codes, Tennessee, IC-12 Air Conditioners & Refrigeration, [PDF] City of Knoxville TN Engineering Department (2003) retrieved 2018/05/11 original source:
  • CONDENSATE DRAIN CODES - web article, code citations, quotes
  • CSST GAS PIPING CODES & STANDARDS - web article, code citations, quotes
  • DIELECTRIC FITTING CODES - web article, code citations, quotes
  • DRAIN CLEANOUTS - web article, code, citations, Q&A

  • Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code (NFPA 58) available from NFPA at
    1.1* Scope. This code shall apply to the storage, handling, transportation, and use of liquefied petroleum gas (LP-Gas).

    A.1.1 General Properties of LP-Gas. Liquefied petroleum gases (LP-Gases), as defined in this code (see 3.3.43), are gases at normal room temperature and atmospheric pressure. They liquefy under moderate pressure and readily vaporize upon release of the pressure.

    It is this property that allows the transportation and storage of LP-Gases in concentrated liquid form, although they normally are used in vapor form.
  • ICC International Code Council, 500 New Jersey Avenue, NW, 6th Floor, Washington, DC 20001 Tel: 1-888-ICC-SAFE (422-7233); Fax: (202) 783-2348 International: (202) 370-1800, Email:, Website:
    Excerpt describing the IPC - International Plumbing Code

    The International Plumbing Code (IPC) is a proven, comprehensive model plumbing code that works seamlessly with ICC's family of building codes. It sets minimum regulations for plumbing systems and components to protect life, health and safety of building occupants and the public.

    The IPC is available for adoption by jurisdictions ranging from states to towns, and is currently adopted on the state or local level in 35 states in the U.S. The IPC is built on the proven legacy of the BOCA National Plumbing Code, SBCCI Standard Plumbing Code, and ICBO Plumbing Code. The IPC sets minimum regulations for plumbing systems using both prescriptive and performance-related provisions ...

    Purchase the 2015 International Plumbing Code at this ICC page:
  • IOWA PLUMBING CODE AMENDMENTS (2019) [PDF] Plumbing and Mechanical Systems Board Iowa Department of Public Health 321 E. 12th Street Des Moines, Iowa 50319, retrieved 2022/04/-6 original source:

    Excerpt: Effective September 18, 2019, the Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC), 2018 edition, as published by the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO) is the State Plumbing Code for Iowa.

    The provisions of Section 101 and Chapters 2 to 17 of the UPC are adopted by reference with the amendments specified herein as the state plumbing code. This document is the administrative rules (641 Iowa Administrative Code chapter 25) adopting the 2018 UPC and amending it. Additional provisions of Iowa law affecting plumbing are reprinted at the end of this book. Copies of the UPC may be obtained from: IAPMO 4755 E. Philadelphia St. Ontario, CA 91761-2816 1-800-854-2766
  • Iowa, CHAPTER 49 NONPUBLIC WATER SUPPLY WELLS [PDF] [Prior to 7/1/83, Health Dept. Ch 45] [Prior to 12/3/86, Water, Air and Waste Management[900]] - source:
  • NATIONAL PLUMBING CODE (2009) - PUBLIC HEARING-PHCC [PDF] published by PHCC, This edition of the National Standard Plumbing Code includes changes from the 2007 and 2008 Supplements and the changes that were approved at the August 21, 2008 Public Hearing.
  • NATIONAL PLUMBING CODE ICC Chapter 3 GENERAL REGULATIONS [PDF] (2006) as adopted by the U.S. State of Virginia
  • NATIONAL GRID CONSTRUCTION STANDARD MTRS6525 - MASSACHUSETTS [PDF] National Grid, Massachusetts, New York, Rhode Island, National Grid Customer Correspondence P.O. Box 1040 Northborough, MA 01532-4040 USA, Tel: 1-800-233-5325, Website: - retrieved 2018/08/29, original source:

    This book presents specifications and requirements relating to the connection and use of natural gas supplied from facilities.

    It contains the minimum acceptable standards for gas piping and gas appliance installation necessary to ensure the safe and satisfactory utilization of natural gas by our customers.

    The information contained herein is intended primarily to assist the installer in the new gas installation process, but it is also intended for use by our customers, by architects and engineers, and finally, by people in various departments at National Grid .

    It shall be used when a customer's gas installation is new, when a customer is increasing gas usage from a smaller capacity, or when any changes are made from the original installation. It represents a collection of information which will provide for a safe, properly conceived, accurately sized and cost effective installation that will give long lasting, satisfactory service to our customers.
  • NEW MEXICO GRAYWATER BILL [PDF] House Bill 711, (2005) retrieved 2017/08/02, original source:
  • Uniform Mechanical Code (UMC - IAPMO) - Website

    Excerpt: The UMC established minimum requirements and standards for the protection of the public health, safety and welfare. 101.2 Scope. The provisions of this code shall apply to the erection, installation, alteration, repair, relocation, replacement, addition to, use, or maintenance of mechanical systems within this jurisdiction.
  • WATER HEATER SAFETY - web article, code citations, quotes


Gas Piping Codes, Standards, Research

  • American Gas Association, Tel: 202-824-7000 Website:
  • ANSI ASC GPTC Z380 - Gas Piping Technology, available from
  • ANSI B109 "Rotary Type Gas Displacement Meters", available from [Natural Gas]
  • California, UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE CHAPTER 12 FUEL PIPING - as adopted by CALIFORNIA et als [PDF] California IAPMO Plumbing Code 2007, retrieved 2017/11/12, original source:
  • EC Magazine, "Code Questions & Answers", (February 2000 Q&A discussing August 1999 magazine issue) Electrical Contractor Magazine, 3 Bethesda Metro Center, Suite 1100 Bethesda, MD 20814 USA Tel: 301.657.3110 Website:
  • International Fuel Gas Code (2003), Chapter 4 GAS PIPING INSTALLATION CODE - as adopted by SEATTLE [PDF], retrieved 2017/11/12, original source:
  • NATIONAL FUEL GAS CODE (2012) - as adopted [PDF] Table of Contents only
  • NATIONAL FUEL GAS CODE (2006) - as adopted [PDF] Full Text as adopted by the U.S. State of Maine
  • NATIONAL GRID CONSTRUCTION STANDARD MTRS6525 - as adopted by NEW YORK et als [PDF] National Grid, Massachusetts, New York, Rhode Island, National Grid Customer Correspondence P.O. Box 1040 Northborough, MA 01532-4040 USA, Tel: 1-800-233-5325, Website: - retrieved 2018/08/29, original source: BlueBook%202010%20ri%20version.pdf
  • National Grid UK, Tel: 0800 688 588, Website: Email:
  • NEW YORK CITY GAS PIPING CODE APPENDIX E [PDF] retrieved 2021/03/31 original source:
  • Questar Gas, "GOOD PRACTICES FOR GAS PIPING AND APPLIANCE INSTALLATIONS" [PDF] (2015) Questar Gas, now Dominion Energy, Website:, - retrieved 2017/11/12, original source:
  • Puget Sound Energy Inc's 2014 gas meter clearance specifications, retrieved 8/19/2014, - original source:
  • Questar Gas, "GOOD PRACTICES FOR GAS PIPING AND APPLIANCE INSTALLATIONS" [PDF] (2015) Questar Gas, now Dominion Energy, Website:, - retrieved 2017/11/12, original source:
  • International Fuel Gas Code (2003), Chapter 4 GAS PIPING INSTALLATION CODE - as adopted by SEATTLE [PDF], retrieved 2017/11/12, original source:
  • Kenny, Gary, PROTECTING GAS FACILITIES from VEHICLES & OTHER DAMAGE - as adopted by MAINE (2011) ME PUC, protection of gas equipment in Maine and New Hampshire Email:
    Presentation summarizing federal and state regulations, rules, regional differences; Kenny includes photos of proper and improper installations of gas equipment protection.
  • Minnesota, REQUIRED DISTANCE FROM GAS PIPES, LIQUID PROPANE TANKS, AND ELECTRIC LINES - as adopted by MINNESOTA [PDF], (2008) retrieved 2017/11/12, original source:
  • National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI Z223.1 / NFPA 54 available from NFPA at
  • National Fuel Gas Code, NFPA 54, ANSI Z223.1 (2018)

    The 2018 NFPA 54 National Fuel Gas Code (NFPA 54): (2021 is newer) Contents

    •NFPA 54, Chapter 1 — Administration - scope, purpose, retroactivity, equivalency and enforcement.

    •NFPA 54, Chapter 2 — Referenced Publications.

    •NFPA 54, Chapter 3 — Definitions.

    •NFPA 54, Chapter 4 — General - qualified agencies, interruption of service, prevention of accidental ignition and noncombustible material.

    •NFPA 54, Chapter 5 — Gas Piping System Design, Materials and Components.

    •NFPA 54, Chapter 6 — Pipe Sizing.

    •NFPA 54, Chapter 7 — Gas Piping Installations.

    •NFPA 54, Chapter 8 — Inspecting, Testing and Purging.

    •NFPA 54, Chapter 9 — Appliance, Equipment and Accessory Installation.

    •NFPA 54, Chapter 10 — Installation of Specific Appliances.

    •NFPA 54, Chapter 11 — Procedures to Be Followed to Place Appliance in Operation.

    •NFPA 54, Chapter 12 — Venting of Appliances.

    •NFPA 54, Chapter 13 — Sizing of Category 1 Venting Systems.

    •NFPA 54, Annex A — Explanatory Material. For each chapter.

    •NFPA 54, Annex B — Sizing Capacities of Gas Piping. Sizing tables.

    •NFPA 54, Annex C — Suggested Method of Checking for Leakage.

    •NFPA 54, Annex D — Suggested Emergency Procedure for Gas Leaks.

    •NFPA 54, Annex E — Flow of Gas through Fixed Orifices.

    •NFPA 54, Annex F — Sizing of Venting Systems Serving Appliances Equipped with Draft Hoods, Category 1 Appliances and Appliances. Listed for use with Type B vents.

    •NFPA 54, Annex G — Recommended Procedure for Safety Inspection of an Existing Appliance Installation.

    •NFPA 54, Annex H — Indoor Combustion Air Calculation Examples.

    •NFPA 54, Annex J — Enforcement.

    •NFPA 54, Annex K — Informational References.
  • NFPA 54: National Fuel Gas Code, 2015 Edition is the best source for gas piping requirements. Readers have raised clearance questions that were not necessarily detailed in the model standards or codes - many of these have been clarified by local authorities so we like to add those as well. Quoting from the AGA:

    The American Gas Association servers as the secretariat to the ANSI Accredited Standards Committee (ASC) Z223 on National Fuel Gas Code. The ASC Z223 develops and publishes ANSI Z223.1, National Fuel Gas Code.

    The Code is jointly developed with the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 54 Committee and is also known as NFPA 54. 2012 Edition National Fuel Gas Code
  • PG&E, ELECTRIC & GAS SERVICE REQUIREMENTS [PDF] (2017-2018, TD-7001M, GREENBOOK, Gas meter & electric meter installation manual, Website:
  • TracPipe® FLEXIBLE GAS PIPING DESIGN GUIDE & INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS [PDF] (2016), retrieved 2017/11/12 original source:


Gas Meter & Gas Regulator Codes


Gas Regulator Codes & Test Procedures

Gas pressure manometer reading in inches of water column  from Dwyer Instruments (C) InspectApedia.comIllustration: a gas pressure manometer reading in inches of water column or In. W.C.

This device is provided by Dwyer Instruments, cited below. Gauge type instruments (shown earlier on this page) reading in inches of W.C. or psi can also be used provided that the gauge is within the proper low-pressure range.

  • ACCESSORY KIT INSTALLATION MANUAL GAS VALVE & PRESSURE TEST KIT (S1-1PK0601 & S1-1PK0602) FOR USE WITH MODELS: ALL SINGLE STAGE 40” & 45” FURNACES [PDF], Johnson Controls, retrieved 2018/01/18, original source:
  • Alabama Propane Gas, CONDUCTING GAS REGULATOR PERFORMANCE TESTS - as adopted by ALABAMA [PDF] (2012), Retrieved 2018/01/18, original source:

    This procedure describes LP gas regulator flow test procedures and adjustments
  • BCGA, DATE MARKING of GAS ACCESSORIES [PDF] (2018), BRITISH COMPRESSED GASES ASSOCIATION 4a Mallard Way, Pride Park, Derby, UK. DE24 8GX Company Number: 71798, England retrieved 2022/03/19, original source:

    Gas equipment will age and deteriorate over time. Components, such as elastomers and seals, will deteriorate from their date of manufacture whether in gas service or not. This particularly affects accessories, such as pressure regulators, flashback arrestors, flexible hoses and blowpipes attached to mobile systems or gas control systems. For this type of accessory, manufacturers and / or suppliers will allocate a life for their accessory. Typically in the industrial gases industry this is 5 years
  • Bosch, GAS PRESSURE REGULATOR PRESSURE TEST PROCEDURE [PDF], Models 520HN, 520PN, 330PN, Bosch Climate U.S., Tel: 800-283-3787 Website: Retrieved 2018/01/18, original source:
  • Bosch, MEASURING GAS PRESSURE [at a tankless water heater] [PDF] Service Bulletin G3-)3 Models: 715ES, C800ES, C920ESC, 2400ES, 2700ES, Retrieved 2018/01/18, original source:
  • Dwyer Instruments, 1213 Series gas pressure gauge, retrieved 2018/01/18, original source:
    Website Excerpt:

    Obtain a visual indication of the pressure with the 1213 series gas pressure gauge. Designed for use with natural gas, the pressure gauge can also be used to monitor any compatible gas up to 15 inches of water column. Tap water is used as the sensor medium, and a magnetic clamp allows temporary or permanent assembly.
  • Farthing, David, CHECKING FUEL TRAIN SAFETY SHUTOFF VALVES [PDF] , retrieved 2018/01/18, original source:

    This document includes a model ASME ANSI 21.21 Safety Valve Leak Test Record useful for documenting gas system leak testing.
  • Maxon, FUNCTIONAL TESTING of MAXON SHUT-OFF VALVES & Recommended Leak Testing [PDF] retrieved 2018/01/18, original source:
  • Maxitrol® LINE PRESSURE REGULATOR GUIDEBOOK [PDF] 7th Ed., retrieved 2022/03/19, original source: for 2 and 5 psi systems.


    This Handbook contains information from national heating and plumbing ordinances or codes that may have been adopted or incorporated by local authorities.

    The Handbook should only be used as a guideline and should not be considered as a supplement or replacement of the existing ordinance or code for a particular area or industry. The color yellow on tags depicted herein is a trademark of the Maxitrol Company and all rights are reserved.

    Maxitrol Company recommends that all installation contractors refer to their local requirements and applicable ordinances or codes, such as those found in the International Mechanical Code, International Plumbing Code, National Electrical Code, American Gas Association Standards, and National Board of Fire Underwriters.

    The Maxitrol Line Pressure Regulator Guidebook [PDF] 6th edition (2018) is also available at
  • New York City, NEW YORK CITY FUEL GAS CODE (Chapter 9) [PDF] retrieved 2022/03/19, original source:
  • NFPA 54, ANSI Z223.1 NATIONAL FUEL GAS CODE [PDF] contents & sections (2012), American Gas Association and NFPA, 1 Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02169-7471

    See Chapter 8, Gas Pressure Testing and Inspection, and Gas Piping System Leak Check procedures.
  • NFPA 54, ANSI Z223.1 NATIONAL FUEL GAS CODE [PDF] (2006) Complete Text, retrieved 2018/01/18, original source:

    Excerpt: from NFPA 54 8.1.5 Detection of Gas Leaks and Defects: The leakage shall be located by means of an approved gas detector, a noncorrosive leak detection fluid, or other approved leak detection methods. Matches, candles, open flames, or other methods that provide a source of ignition shall not be used.
  • PGS, GAS REGULATOR DATE CODES U.K. [PDF] PGS, The CQA Company Mere View Barn, Park Ln, Pickmere, Knutsford WA16 0LG, United Kingdom UK, Email:, Tel: 01606 872864, retrieved 2022/03/18 original source:


Roofing Codes & Standards


Safety Codes


Septic System Codes - Onsite Wastewater Disposal Codes


Stair, Handrail, Railing & Guardrailing Codes



Structural Codes Standards


Ventilation & Exhaust Ventilation Codes & Regulations

  • ICC International Code Council, provides access to the building codes including the International Building Code IBC, International Residential Code IRC, International Fire Code IFC, International Plumbing Code IPC, International Mechanical Code IMC, International Fuel Gas Code IFGC - see
  • ASHRAE Ventilation Guidelines - ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1-2010 sets energy efficiency requirements for kitchen exhaust hoods
  • BATHROOM VENT CODES - as adopted - ICC, IRC citations & Excerpts
  • Building Ventilation home page - VENTILATION in BUILDINGS - home
  • CRAWL SPACE VENTILATION CODES - web article giving crawl space venting codes & standards
  • Clothes Dryer Venting
    • CLOTHES DRYER VENTING - web article series on clothes dryer exhaust ventilation
    • ANSI Z21.5.1-2017/CSA 7.1-2017 Gas Clothes Dryers, Volume I, Type 1 Clothes Dryers:

      1.1 This Standard applies to newly produced Type 1 clothes dryers (see Clause 3, Definitions), hereinafter referred to as dryers, constructed entirely of new, unused parts and materials:

      a) for use with natural gas;
      b) for use with manufactured gas;
      c) for use with mixed gas;
      d) for use with propane gas;
      e) for use with LP gas-air mixtures; and
      f) for mobile home installation (see Clause 4.1.12).

      The construction of clothes dryers for use with the above mentioned gases is covered under Clause 4.

      The performance of clothes dryers for use with the above mentioned gases is covered under Clause 5.

      1.2 Clauses 7 and 8 include coverage for electrical equipment, wiring, and accessories built in or supplied for use with the dryer.

      1.3 Clause 7 contains provisions that are unique to the United States.

      1.4 Clause 8 contains provisions that are unique to Canada.
    • ANSI Z21.5.2-2016/CSA 7.2-2016 - Gas Clothes Dryers, Volume II, Type 2 Clothes Dryers

      1.1 This Standard applies to newly produced type 2 clothes dryers (see Clause 3) hereinafter referred to as dryers, constructed entirely of new, unused parts and materials for use with:

      a) natural gas;
      b) manufactured gas;
      c) mixed gas;
      d) propane gas; and
      e) LP gas-air mixtures.

      The construction of dryers for use with the above-mentioned gases is covered in Clause 4.
      The performance of dryers for use with the above-mentioned gases is covered in Clause 5.

      1.2 This Standard also covers all electrical equipment, wiring, and accessories built in or supplied for use with the dryer. It covers only dryers whose electrical equipment, wiring, and accessories are intended to be installed in accordance with the National Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPA 70, or the Canadian Electrical Code, CSA C22.1. This Standard covers dryers having supply voltage ratings of 120, 208, 240, 277, or 480 volts.
    • CLOTHES DRYER CODE Section 613 (IFGC) - as adopted by FLORIDA [PDF] given below:

      Section 613 (IFGC) Clothes Dryers

      613.1 General

      Clothes dryers shall be tested in accordance with ANSI Z21.5.1 or ANSI Z21.5.2 and shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions.
    • CLOTHES DRYER EXHAUST CODE Section 614 (IFGC) - as adopted by FLORIDA [PDF]
    • International Codes Council, ICC Distribution Center 11711 W 85th Street Lenexa, KS 66214 [F] (913) 888-4526 Website: 1-800-786-4452 International: (708) 799-2300, ext. 33801
  • ICC & MECHANICAL CODE, Section 401, VENTILATION - as adopted by VIRGINIA 2006 [PDF] retrieved 2016/09/12, IMC as adopted by Virginia, original source:
  • IMC International Mechanical Code CHAPTER 3, USE and OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION - as adopted by OREGON [PDF] (2007) as adopted by Oregon Structural Specialty Code

    This document explains different occupancy classifications such as

    Section 303, Assembly Group A,
    Section 304, Business Group B
    Section 305, Educational Group E
    Section 306, Factory Group F
    Section 307, High-Hazard Group H
    Section 308, Institutional Group I (this includes hospitals)
    Section 309, Mercantile Group M
    Section 310, Residential Group, or R, R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4
    Section 311, Storage Group S
    Section 312, Utility and Miscellaneous Group U
  • IMC International Mechanical Code CHAPTER 4 VENTILATION - as adopted by OREGON [PDF] (2006) as adopted by Oregon
  • IMC International Mechanical Code CHAPTER 5 EXHAUST STSTEMS - as adopted by NEW JERSEY [PDF] (2006), as adopted by the U.S. state of New Jersey, retrieved 2018/03/23, original source NJ_Mechanical/PDFs/2006_Chapter%205-Exhaust%20Systems.pdf
  • IMC International Mechanical Code CHAPTER 5 SECTION 507, INSTALLATION of RECIRCULATING DRAFT HOOD SYSTEMS - as adopted by OREGON [PDF] (2000) building code interpretation and clarification by the Oregon Office of Planning & Development Review IMC/5/#2
  • IRC SECTION M1601 DUCT CONSTRUCTION (2015) - as adopted by UTAH [PDF] Utah state code, retrieved 2019/10/03 original source: codes as adopted by the state of Utah
  • IRC RESIDENTIAL SPECIALTY CODE - CHAPTER 15 EXHAUST SYSTEMS 2017 [PDF] - as adopted by Florida FL, modeled from the International Residential Code or IRC
  • IRC RESIDENTIAL SPECIALTY CODE - CHAPTER 15 EXHAUST SYSTEMS 2011 [PDF] - as adopted by Oregon OR, modeled from the International Residential Code or IRC
  • MECHANICAL CODE CHAPTER 4 VENTILATION (2008) - as adopted by New York City [PDF] adapted from the ICC Mechanical code retrieved 2017/08/01,original source:
  • MECHANICAL CODE CHAPTER 5 EXHAUST SYSTEMS - as adopted by New York City [PDF] (2014) International Mechanical Code as adopted by New York City's Mechanical Code, retrieved 2018/03/23, original source

    Also see the ICC version at - cannot print nor save from this website
  • Mechanical Code Chapter 5 EXHAUST STSTEMS - as adopted by NEW JERSEY [PDF] (2006), International Mechanical Code as adopted by the U.S. state of New Jersey, retrieved 2018/03/23, original source NJ_Mechanical/PDFs/2006_Chapter%205-Exhaust%20Systems.pdf
  • RESIDENTIAL BUILDING ENERGY CODE HANDBOOK,4th Ed - as adopted by VERMONT [PDF] retrieved 2019/10/03 original source:

    A Guide to Complying with Vermont’s Residential Building Energy Standards (30 V.S.A. § 51), Base Code Effective March 1, 2015, Stretch Code Effective December 1, 2015, Energy Code Assistance Center128 Lakeside Ave., Suite 401 Burlington, VT 05401855-887-0673 ~ toll free Vermont Public Service Department Planning & Energy Resources Division 112 State Street Montpelier, VT 05620-2601 802-828-2811 This publication was prepared with the support of the U.S. Department of Energy


Building Codes & Standards for Kitchen Exhaust Venting

  • ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1-2010 sets energy efficiency requirements for kitchen exhaust hoods
  • MECHANICAL CODE CHAPTER 4 VENTILATION - as adopted by NYC [PDF] (2008) adapted from the ICC Mechanical code, Chapter 4, VENTILATION, retrieved 2017/08/01,original source:
  • MECHANICAL CODE Chapter 5 EXHAUST SYSTEMS - as adopted by NYC [PDF] (2014) as adopted by New York City's Mechanical Code, retrieved 2018/03/23, original source
    Also see the ICC version at - cannot print nor save from this website
  • IMC International Mechanical Code Chapter 5 EXHAUST SYSTEMS - as adopted by NEW JERSEY [PDF] (2006), as adopted by the U.S. state of New Jersey, retrieved 2018/03/23, original source NJ_Mechanical/PDFs/2006_Chapter%205-Exhaust%20Systems.pdf
  • ICC & Mechanical Code,Section 401, VENTILATION - as adopted by VIRGINIA 2006 [PDF] retrieved 2016/09/12, IMC as adopted by Virginia, original source:
  • KITCHENAID RANGE HOOD INSTALLATION MANUAL [PDF] (2012) KitchenAid Countertop Appliances, 553 Benson Road, MailDrop: 8060, Benton Harbor, MI 49022 USA, Tel: 1-800-541-6390, retrieved 2018/03/23, original source digitalassets/KXW9736YSS/ Dimension%20Guide_EN.pdf
  • KITCHENAID ISLAND CANOPY RANGE HOOD INSTALLATION [PDF] , retrieved 2018/03/23, original source digitalassets/KXI4336YSS Dimension%20Guide_EN.pdf
  • ICC MECHANICAL CODE (2008) - as adopted by NEW YORK CITY [PDF] adapted from the ICC Mechanical code, Chapter 4, VENTILATION, retrieved 2017/08/01,original source:
  • Ontario Canada Building Code OBC 9.10.22. Fire Protection for Gas, Propane and Electric Cooktops
    Excerpts: Installation of Ranges

    (1) Reserved
    (2) Clearances for and protection around gas, propane and electric ranges shall be not less than those provided in Articles and Vertical Clearances above Cooktops

    (1) Except as provided in Sentence (2), framing, finishes and cabinetry installed directly above the location of the cooktop shall be not less than 750 mm above the level of cooktop burners or elements.

    (2) The vertical clearance described in Sentence (1) for framing, finishes and cabinets located directly above the location of the cooktop is permitted to be reduced to 600 mm above the level of the elements or burners provided the framing, finishes and cabinets,

    (a) are noncombustible, or

    (b) are protected by,

    (i) asbestos millboard not less than 6 mm thick, covered with sheet metal not less than 0.33 mm thick, or

    (ii) a metal hood with a 125 mm projection beyond the framing, finishes and cabinets. Protection Around Cooktops

    (1) Except as provided in Sentences (2) and (3), combustible wall framing, finishes or cabinets within 450 mm of the area where the cooktop is to be located shall be protected above the level of the heating elements or burners by material providing fire resistance not less than that of a 9.5 mm thickness of gypsum board.

    (2) Countertop splash boards or back plates that extend above the level of the heating elements or burners need not be protected as described in Sentence (1).

    (3) Except for cabinetry described in Article, cabinetry located not less than 450 mm above the level of the heating elements or burners need not be protected as described in Sentence (1). Outdoor Intake and Exhaust Openings

    (1) Separate air intake and exhaust outlet openings, when located on the same wall or roof, shall be installed so as to avoid contamination of the ventilation air by the exhaust air.

    (2) Intake openings shall be located so as to avoid contamination of the ventilation air from other local sources such as automobile exhausts and exhaust from adjacent buildings.

    (3) The distance from the bottom of an air intake opening to finished ground level or to any nearer and lower permanent horizontal surface shall be not less than 450 mm or the depth of expected snow accumulation, whichever is greater.

    (4) The distance separating air intakes from building envelope penetrations that are potential sources of contaminants, such as gas vents or oil fill pipes, shall be not less than 900 mm.

    (5) Air intakes shall be clearly labelled as such for identification from locations outside the dwelling unit.

    (6) The distance from the bottom of an exhaust outlet to finished ground level or to any nearer and lower permanent horizontal surface shall be not less than 100 mm.

    (7) Where air intake and exhaust openings are in exposed locations, provision shall be made to protect them from the entry of precipitation by the use of louvres, weather cowls or other suitable protection.

    (8) Air intake openings shall incorporate screens or grilles to protect against the entry of animals and insects.

    (9) Except for exhaust outlets serving heat recovery ventilators, exhaust outlets shall incorporate backdraft dampers.

    (10) Except for clothes dryers, exhaust outlets shall be fitted with screens of mesh not larger than 15 mm, except where climatic conditions may require larger openings.

    (11) Where a screen or grille required by Sentences (8) and (10) has a screen mesh less than 6 mm, the screen or grille shall be removable for cleaning.

    (12) The gross area of the screens or grilles installed in intake and exhaust openings shall be three times that of the duct served.

    (13) Screens and grilles shall be of corrosion-resistant material.

    (14) The net free area of an air intake or exhaust outlet shall be equal to or greater than the cross-sectional area of the duct served. Installation

    (1) Installation of fans and heat recovery ventilators shall be in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions for minimizing noise and vibration transmission and achieving the required sound rating.

    (2) Where flow-regulating dampers are required, they shall be adjustable and accessible without requiring the removal of fans, motors, or insulating materials and without the need for specialized tools.

    (3) Ventilation equipment shall be accessible for inspection, maintenance, repair and cleaning.

    (4) Ventilation equipment installed in unheated spaces shall be installed so as to avoid condensation of moisture on fans and motors in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.


Water Regulations, Standards, Codes for drinking water



Reader Comments, Questions & Answers About The Article Above

Below you will find questions and answers previously posted on this page at its page bottom reader comment box.


On 2021-07-19 by Karne

Is a window in an upper unit of bathroom considered proper ventilation?

On 2021-07-19 by (mod) - bathroom window as ventilation source


A bathroom window can be accepted by your local code inspector (the final legal authority) provided the window is operable and gives enough of opening.

On 2021-06-18 1 by Dean Read theater seating requirements, dimensions;

theater seating requirements, dimensions;

On 2021-06-22 by (mod) - theatre seating fire & safety codes

@Dean Read,

I think we need to add detail here about theatre seating but from just the four words in your brief question we may be missing what's needed for your case.

I note that the theater seating manufacturers are themselves good sources of basic standards and terms for theater seating measurements such as the

Brown, Jenna, "10 Seating Terms To Know When Planning An Auditorium", Irwin Seating Company, 3251 Fruit Ridge NW, Grand Rapids, MI 49544 USA, Tel: 616-574-7400 or Toll Free: 1-866-GO IRWIN (464-7946)
retrieved 2021/06/22 original source:

Among these terms (regrettably she did not include dimensions, just definitions of terms, probably because they vary by building code jurisdiction) a few critical ones for moving in and out of the theatre or auditorium safely (we've edited the original text for clarity) might include

- Clear passage space: free walking area between the front of the chair to the portion of the back of the chair in front of it that most projects into the walking space.

- Row length: total outside dimension of an entire row of seats - maximum possible walking distance from aisle to aisle

- Row spacing - between rows - including to meet ADA requirements

and I would add:

- Aisle widths and lengths

- Location and number of exits

- Slope of flooring, aisles, passageways

- Stair riser heights (you can find those at InspectApedia)

- Handrailing and guardrail heights (you can find those at InspectApedia)

- Distances to emergency exits

- Lighting and marking for emergency exits (you can find those at InspectApedia)

- Fire codes on flammability of chairs, seating, carpets, etc. for public auditoriums and halls
(See NFPA 260 & California 117 on the Smoldering Cigarette test and
See California 133 on Chair Flame Testing)

And of course there is still longer list of chair pitch, chair dimensions such as width etc. even
details of the requirements for the security of floor mounting of seating.

From all of this my suggestion is to identify your building code jurisdiction so that one might focus on the specific codes that you'd have to meet.

On 2021-04-02 by James

Is a building permits need in Volusia County, Holly Hill FL. To cover a existing bad egress into a 1973 Model Home in a 55 Older park. Dangerous concrete Platform, stairs, and handrail falling apart from water erosion from bad water shed. Cover it with a a treated wood platform, stairs and handrail. 2 And to finish the roof over installed by FEMA

On 2021-04-02 by (mod) - Volusia County, Holly Hill FL building code


Most likely yes, James but of course it is your LOCAL building code compliance official who has the final, legal, say over permits and construction.

Depending on conditions at your home, some inspectors will not require a permit for minor repairs but might want a permit for a total replacement.

Give them a call Holly Hill Building and Zoning Department
Urban planning department
1065 Ridgewood Ave · (386) 248-9442

Rickie Lee
Chief Building Official

On 2021-03-19 by Edward maytum

Swimming deck code

On 2021-03-19 by d (mod)

@Edward maytum, I'll see what I can find and add. It will be helpful if you can State your country and city is codes very by Authority.

Female I think you'll find that a deck built to existing deck codes will also be hose for swimming pool decks.

On 2020-11-27 by Beth

Looking at an El Cajon CA building, 8 units, masonry construction.
Would it be reinforced if built in the 1960's?

On 2020-11-27 by (mod) - El Cajon CA building reinforcement for seismic?

Probably though not to current standards Beth. In California the Field Act, barring un-reinforced masonry construction in California, was passed very quickly following the 10 March 1933 Longbeach California earthquake that caused extensive damage including to many school buildings.

Nevertheless, even when I was inspecting earthquake damage in L.A. following the much more-recent Northridge earthquake I came across some residential homes that were built without any reinforcement - possibly constructed before that date of course.




On 2020-09-05 by Steve Smith Masonry

If a masonry fire box is 66" tall x 24" to the back wall of the box & 36" wide what size flue liner is required

On 2020-09-07 - by (mod) -



On 2020-04-30 by Ron

In New Jersey, do deck columns need to be secured to their concrete bases by code? Thanks.

On 2020-04-30 - by (mod) - Yes

Apologies for this arm-waving but accurate reply Ron, the answer is "YES", but ultimately the final legal authority on code questions is your local building inspector. Her word is law.

New Jersey has adopted the 2009 IRC so we can either look in your local township's copy or at the 2009 IRC for deck construction.

In the IRC as well as other model codes and adopted building codes deck posts must be mechanically fastened both to the supporting pier below and to the girders or beams above.



On 2020-04-20 by David J Wiggins

What is the maximum height from be grade for porch railing

On 2020-04-20 by (mod) - maximum height, porch railing to grade

Apologies David but probably I don't understand the question - as there is no maximum height for a deck or balcony walking surface to grade - after all there are balconies on rooms on high floors of tall hotels and other buildings.

See details about guardrail height at


On 2020-04-07 by Derrick Warner

Do commercial storage units require footings and foundations ?

On 2020-04-07 7 - by (mod) -

It's a perfectly reasonable question that you asked but I don't think there's a single answer.

The requirement for footings and Foundations depends on the type of construction which in turn depends on the type of building and its intended use and local codes.

For example if someone could build a pole barn and use it for storage and it would not have a conventional footing nor necessarily even a floor slab.

If you are seeing signs of building movement such as heating or Frost cracking in a floor then it may be that it wasn't properly constructed.

On 2020-03-17 by mike - minimum opening widow size for a window from a bedroom.

I would like to know the minimum opening widow size for a window from a bedroom.

Does the opening have to be measured to the glass or frame size that is openable?

On 2020-03-18 - by (mod) -


The window "opening" is measured as the actual open area - that is between sill and under-side of the sash and between the OPEN sides of the window opening.

EMERGENCY EGRESS WINDOWS however will require a larger opening than just that required for ventilation -

On 2020-03-13 by Robert

I have a home built in 1999. Trying to find out what the code was for the stair dimensions for that year.

On 2020-03-13 by Anonymous


How to find which building codes applied to your home in a specific year.

Start by identifying your country and city.

Then find your city's building department - often their website will give the current building codes that your city has adopted or adopted with modifications.

Then give the department a call to ask what model code versions (with modifications) were adopted pertaining to 1999.


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