MSDS Material Safety Data Sheets for Buildings, Building Products,
Environmental Exposure Hazards
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MSDS Sheet Sources
Here we provide a list of Material Safety Data Sheets & Exposure Limit Information for building products, coatings, chemicals, gases, and building materials discussed at
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MSDS Material Safety Data Sheets - links to MSDS sheets
This website discusses environmental hazard inspection, detection, and includes remediation advice from an un-biased expert. Seelinks listed at the ARTICLE INDEX the bottom of this article or scroll down.
The photo above shows steel chemical drums that we discovered while hiking in the West Mountain State Forest in Dutchess County, New York in 2021.
Not only did the steel drum raise a question of possible environmental contamination of this site, this one has been used for target practice in an area where, though hunting may be permitted, target shooting is not. Hikers beware.
MSDS Material Safety Data Sheets for Gases Found in buildings
CARBON MONOXIDE - CO - Toxicity of Carbon Monoxide Gas Exposure, Carbon Monoxide CO Poisoning Symptoms, Carbon Monoxide Exposure Limits, and Links to Toxic Gas Testing Procedures
Anyone working on or around or owning a septic tank should be sure to see SEPTIC & CESSPOOL SAFETY
MSDS Material Safety Data Sheets for Heating Fuels, Heating System Controls, Fuel Oil, Crude Oil, LP Gas, Natural Gas, Methane
See MSDS Sheet for HOME HEATING OIL for our full article on this topic, including exposure limits for exposure to home heating oil in liquid or gas form.
A typical No. 2 home heating oil MSDS document provided by Hess Corporation includes the hazard identification information for home heating oil that we list below. The same document provides information about toxicity levels - the exposure necessary for serious medical effects to be at risk or to actually occur.
Controls for HVAC systems - MSDS for aquastats, relays, etc.
Several U.S. states including the Connecticut department of health provides a fact sheet on home heating oil spills that includes the advice that homeowners should avoid both breathing heating oil fumes and skin contact with heating oil. The Wisconsin Department of Health Services offers similar advice.
See our full discussion of crude oil dispersants at MSDS Sheets for OIL DISPERSANTS or go directly to the individual crude oil dispersant MSDS material safety data sheets listed just below.:
In addition to the MSDS links for Corexit products shown here, we have edited the Complete US EPA Table of Crude Oil Dispersants to add links to individual crude oil dispersant product MSDS in the original US EPA Dispersant list.
"May 19, 2010 Addendum 2 to Dispersant Monitoring and Assessment Directive ("Addendum 2")", to Rear Admiral Mary Landry, Commander, Eighth Cost Guard District, New Orleans LA, and Samuel Coleman, P.E., Director, Superfund Division, Dallas TX, from Douglas J. Suggles, B.P. - letter, PDF (U.S. EPA) discusses a comparison of available oil dispersants and the company's basis for choosing Corexit as the dispersant of choice in the circumstances of the Gulf Oil Spill. The letter makes plain that the need for a quick response combined with the availability of Corexit for that choice.
MSDS Material Safety Data Sheets for Insulation Products
1 f/cc TWA (respirable fibers, length >5 μm, aspect ratio >=3:1, as determined by the membrane filter method at 400-450x magnification [4 mm objective], using phase-contrast illumination) (related to glass wool fibers)
5 mg/m3 as total fibrous glass, or 3 f/cc TWA(fibers <=3.5 μm in diameter and >=10 μm in length)
See FIBERGLASS HAZARDS for a discussion of mold problems in fiberglass insulation;
See Mold On Foam Insulation for a discussion of when and why we find mold growth on foam insulating materials like foam board and air handler foam insulating board.
Readers may want to review UFFI, the older foam insulating product that looks a lot like Icynene but has a more problematic history and which we discuss
MSDS Material Safety Data Sheets for Wood Construction Products
2007 MSDS for Wolmanized Treated Wood, web search 11/9/2010, original source:
1998 MSDS for Wolmanized Treated Wood, web search 11/9/2010, original source:
Arch Wood Protection, Inc., Arch Treatment Technologies, Inc., 5660 New Northside Dr., Suite 1100
Atlanta, GA 30328, (678) 627-2000- produces Wolmanized® wood products.
Osmose, Inc. 1016 Everee Inn Road, Griffin, Georgia 30224,
Phone: (770) 233-4200 Fax: (770) 229-5225,web search 11/9/2010, original sources below.
ACQ- and borate-treated wood products with water
repellent EndCoat™ BROWN Pressure Treated Wood Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
CCA MSDS CCA Treated Wood (MSDS)
MSDS Material Safety Data Sheets for Mold Related Products, Mold Sprays, Mold Encapsulants, Mold Paints
At MOLD CLEANERS - WHAT TO USE we describe the basics of how to clean off moldy building surfaces and what simple products to use.
At MOLD SANITIZER, SPRAY, BIOCIDE USE GUIDE we provide a guide to buying and using fungicidal sprays and sealants, we describe mistakes in use of mold sprays, and we define biocide, disinfectant, sanitizer and related terms.
Anabec NG2000™, Anabec X70™ waterborne sealant are also products used in mold remediation projects.
Bioshield BST Protectant RTU75™ products are used in mold remediation projects
Cal-Brite™ is a sanitizer sold by Caltex and other distributors, used in a variety of cleaning applications including HVAC evaporator coil cleaning and deck cleaning.
Parmetol, a wood preservative, recommended by the manufacturer and used as a fungicidal additive to paint on the Blue Poplar wood sculpture in Amsterdam, by artist Mari Shields [Website ] (art conservation consult 2010)
Protex™ 63, a sealant and coating formulated for exterior use and Rocima™40 a broad spectrum fungicide.
[Protex roof slates or shingles are discussed at WARRANTIES for ROOF SHINGLES - Ed.]<
Pro-Oxine™ is a biocide used in the food industry and other applications. Its product description includes "Bacterial, mold, and odor control throughout the facility" [note that this is not describing a residential application]
Microban Antimicrobial Products - The company indicates that
"Microban® antimicrobial protection is built-in to products during manufacturing to provide continuous antimicrobial product protection. Microban protection can be found in hundreds of consumer, industrial and medical products around the world."
New York State Department of Health, "Toy Cleaning Protocol", describes use of bleach as a sanitizer for cleaning toys.
The state's toy cleaning glossary includes definitions of "disinfect" and describes using bleach solutions for that purpose.
Protex 63, Trask Research, W.M. Barr, P.O. Box 1879, Memphis, TN 38101, -[dot]html - Tel: 1-866-370-2499 The company indicates that
"Protex 63 is an EPA registered fungicidal sealant that seals against mold, mildew, and green algae" and
"Protex™ 63 is a durable, sealant and coating that resists mold, mildew and algal growth. Protex™ dries clear and does not affect the appearance of most surfaces. Protex™ is especially formulated for exterior use."
MSDS data sheets are available from the manufacturer.
Pro-Oxine's is offered by Bio-Cide International, Corporate Offices, 2845 Broce Drive
Norman, OK 73072. See The Pro-Oxine's technical data indicates:
"ProOxine is a highly refined blend of oxychloro species containing purified sodium chlorite. When activated, chlorine dioxide is produced, greatly enhancing ProOxine’s antimicrobial activity. With applications in the food processing and water treatment industries, ProOxine displays broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity, proven effective against E. coli O157:H7, Salmonella, Aspergillus, Listeria, Staphylococcus and Pseudomonas, among others. This product is especially suited for the removal and subsequent control of biofilm. ProOxine has a myriad of EPA and FDA approvals."
Rocima™40, produced by Dow Chemical Company's subsidiary Rohm and Haas, is a
"Broad spectrum, non-metallic liquid fungicide for a wide variety of fungal organisms"
The MSDS can be found at
Other Mold Cleaning Products, Paint Additives, Fungicidal Sealants, Paints, Coatings
Waterglass (Sodium Silicate) used as a binder in paints may also be a possible coating. It is water soluble and produces a "heat resistant and intumescent" film. However to date we have no data regarding its use in this application.
MSDS for Test Equipment, Chemicals, Smoke Generators
Brandax VS smoke for airflow studies, leakage testing, original source:, producer BJÖRNAX AB
Datax "pure smoke" generator for airflow studies & leakage testing, original source:, producer BJÖRNAX AB
Watch out: the Dräger air current tube or "smoke tube" # CH16631 produces a sulfuric acid gas sulfuric acid H2SO4 /SO3 that is dangerous to life and is highly corrosive. Take a look at our copy of the Dräger MSDS for their CH25301 Air Current Tubes. We stored this MSDS in the box with the rubber bulb and tube cutter provided by Dräger. These air current monitoring tubes are provided with rubber caps so that the tube can be "stopped" or shut down when not in use. But the sulfuric acid was so corrosive that it not only caused the rubbger caps to disintegrate, it actually "burned" or oxidized our copy of the MSDS paper form!
FP-Smoke, powder smoke for airflow studies, leakage tests, BJÖRNAX AB,.
S-711 77 STRÅSSA SWEDEN, web search 08/31/2010, original source:
Nitrate/Nitrite Toxicity ATSDR: [Big, Slow-Loading File] U.S. Government ATSDR Science Corner - 2.5MB PDF, original source:
Phostreat & Phostreat-241 MSDS, JMN Specialties, Inc., 1100 Victory Drive, Westwego LA 70094 504-341-3749, compound cleaning liquid. Web search 12/29/2010, original source:
Powder-Puff smoke powder (manufacturer ID TBD) silica powder puffer
Pure-AX:3 & Pure-AX:9 "pure smoke" generators for airflow studies, leakage tests, original source:, producer BJÖRNAX AB
Regin HVAC Products, 203-323-0115, and Regin Products for Heating, Air Conditioning, & Special Effects, Regin HVAC Products, Inc.
315 Riggs Street, Unit 1
Oxford, CT 06478
USA, Tel: (203) 881-2600 or (800) 394-2739 [11]
MSDS for Regin's Smoke Bottle(Titanium tetrachloride, liberates HCL gas) for smoke testing, Smoke Bottle RFA, S101, Air-Check, 4811C. 11/01/2007
MSDS for Bjornax AB's FP Smoke distributed also by Regin, 2010/01/15, "not classifed as dangerous according to Directive 1999/45/EC (EU), (Dimethyl silicone reaction product with silica & Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) [See first aid measures in the MSDS]
Splintax Smoke Match, original source:, producer BJÖRNAX AB
Smoke Check: canned smoke for smoke detector testing, HSI Fire & Safety Group, web search 08/31/2010, original source: - see the warnings!
Smoke Powder - AX-Powder Smoke, original source:, producer BJÖRNAX AB
S-711 77 STRÅSSA SWEDEN, original source: ISO 14001 Certified with 30 minute burn time per wick.
Titanium tetrachloride smoke emitter bottles (manufacturer ID TBD), web search 08/31/2010, original source: Note: this supplier appears to have cut off the page top of the MSDS that may contain manufacturer ID. Hydrogen chloride gas (HCL)
Titanium tetrachloride MSDS,, 14025 Smith Rd., Houston TX 77396, 800-901-7247, webseach 08/31/2010, original source:
National Draeger, PO Box 120, Pittsburgh PA 15230 - 412-787-8383, - 866-905-9793
Fire System Services, Unit 1, 16 Glasgow Street, Wingfield, South Australia 5013, Mail to: P.O. Box 16, Prospect SA 5082, Tel: +61 8 8445 6300, Website:, Fire System Services distributes a wide range of smoke emitters used for monitoring air movement patterns or testing smoke detectors (and other fire protection or fire extinguisher related equipment) including the Miniax, Ventilax, Brandax, Datax, white smoke emitter candles discussed above, and coloured smoke emitters such as their AAX18, AX60, and Brandax KSO.
The Chimney Balloon LLC, 2123 N Pontiac Drive, Janesville, WI 53545, Tel: (608) 467-0229 M-F 9am - 5:00pm (CST), distributes smoke pencils at
Regin HVAC Products, 203-323-0115, and Regin Products for Heating, Air Conditioning, & Special Effects, Regin HVAC Products, Inc.
315 Riggs Street, Unit 1
Oxford, CT 06478
USA, Tel: (203) 881-2600 or (800) 394-2739
Pertinent Standards:
Maintenance of Fire Protection Systems and Equipment, the New Australian Standard, What does it Mean for Owners, Occupiers, and Servivce Providers, White Paper, Australian Standard AS1851:2005, original source:, Fire Protection Association, Australia, Steven Kip, Warrington Fire Research. Quoting: Revised Australian Standard 1851:2005 Maintenance of Fire Protection Systems and Equipment and supercedes all old versions of AS1851 by revising & consolidating the previous 16 parts into one document, outlining consistent procedures, terminology and reporting for all aspects of fire equipment maintenance. The White Paper gives an overview of the legislative, regulatory and other non-technical aspects of the significantly revised standard.
MSDS for Specialty Paints, Coatings, Sealers used on buildings
MSDS for Akroflex AkroGuard field-applied non-cementious (acrylic) flexible coating water-resistive barrier used on certain types of building sheathing, cement board, and CMU or poured-in place or tilt-up concrete/masonry and (see BASEMENT WATERPROOFING)
MSDS Material Safety Data Sheets for Septic Dye - Fluroscein Dye
Bright Dyes Inc. - A Division of Kingscote Chemicals, 3334 South Tech Blvd. Miamisburg, OH 45342, Tel: 937-886-9100, Toll Free - 800-394-0678, Fax - 937-886-9300
Email: Bright Dyes sells Fluorescent Dyes in Yellow/Green, Red, Blue, and Orange colors and in various forms including liquids, powders, tablets, and wax cakes. The company also sells ultraviolet lights that can detect Fluorescent Dye at low concentration. The company describes their products as dye tracers, toilet leak detection, and UV lights.
Some example MSDS sheets below characterize dye tablets, wax cakes, powders and liquids. Each dye color is available in the various forms.
Bright Dyes MSDS for FLT Yellow/Green Liquid Concentrate, Web Search 03/02/2011, original source:
Bright Dyes MSDS for FWT Red Cakes, Cones, Donuts [Wax Cake Septic Dye], Web Search 2/15/2011 original source:
Elsan Limited, Bellbrook Park, Uckfield, East Sussex TN22 1QF, England. Telephone: +44 (0) 1825 748200. The company produces chemical toilet sanitation and hygiene products for caravanning, camping and boating. Quoting from the company's website: web search 08/27/2010, original source While Elsan Blue toilet
fluid exceeds British and European Standards
BS:EN 2893:2005, no other brand even claims
to comply with them. ... because it is biodegradable and free from
harsh chemicals, [Elsan organic toilet fluid] can be safely emptied into a
septic tank.
Technical data requested by email to Elsan: 8/27/2010 - DF
Marykate Heads Up holding tank deodorant [MSDS], web search 08/27/2010, original source for the Marykate Heads Up deodorant MSDS
Marykate products appear to be produced by CRC Industries,
Thetford Corporation, 7101 Jackson Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48103, Tel: 1-800-543-1219, Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 1285, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 web search 08/27/2010, original source:
/AquaKemLiquidTossInsandDri/tabid/122/Default.aspx Quoting from the company's website: [Aqua-Kem Products are] 100% biodegradable liquid and environmentally safe when disposed of properly
MSDS Material Safety Data Sheets for Water Purification Products & Disinfectants & Other Chemicals
1-Bromo-3-chloro-5,5-dimethylhydantoin (C5H6BrClN2O2) is produced world-wide, sold under the name Bromine Tablets or BCDMH, or Brominating disinfecting tablets, active halogen, and is also used in cleaners and bathroom disinfectants and deodorizers. Here is an example MSDS for this product, Supplied by Leisure Time Brom Tabs, Leisure Time, 1400 Bluegrass Lakes Pkwy, Alpharetta GA 30004 USA, 770-521-5959, and manufactured by Advantis Technologies, Inc., same address and telephone number. Product name: Leisure Time Brom Tabs.
Bisphenol-A MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet, Sigma-Aldrich Corp., web search 09/07/2010, original source:, Sigma-Aldrich Corporation, 3050 Spruce St., St. Louis MO 63103, Technical: 314-771-5765, Emergency: 414-273-3850 Ext. 5886. Also see Bisphenol-A, BPA
Bisphenol-A, a Safety and Handling Guide, The Society of Plastics Industry, Inc. SPII, & Association of Plastics Manufacturers of Europe APME, web-search 09/07/2010, original source: Also see Bisphenol-A, BPA
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Citations & References
In addition to any citations in the article above, a full list is available on request.
AkroGuard, Omega Products, International, 1681 California Ave, Corona, CA 92881, Tel: 800-600-6634, 951-737-7447,
Fax: 951-520-2594, Email: Web search 02/22/2011, Quoting from the company's product description: AkroGuard is a field applied, non-cementitious, flexible coating that when used with AkroFill creates a water-resistive barrier over approved substrates.
Basic Uses
AkroGuard is designed for use as a water-resistive barrier and air barrier over approved substrates and with the AkroFlex EIF Systems. Complies with ICC-ES Acceptance Criteria for Water-resistive Coatings (AC212).
- original source:
-MSDS original source:
Kryton Corporation, 1645 Kent Ave., Vancouver BC Canada VSP 2S8 - 604-324-8280 email:
PQ Corporation, P.O. Box 840. Valley Forge, PA 19482-0840, is a producer of sodium silicate. Quoting: PQ Corporation is a leading producer of silicate, zeolite, and other performance materials serving the detergent, pulp and paper, chemical, petroleum, catalyst, water treatment, construction, and beverage markets. It is a global enterprise, operating in 19 countries on five continents, and along with its chemical businesses, includes Potters Industries, a wholly owned subsidiary, which is a leading producer of engineered glass materials serving the highway safety, polymer additive, metal finishing, and conductive particle markets.
Air Pollution Toxicology: APTI Course SI:300, Introduction to Air Pollution Toxicology, US EPA Air Pollution Training Institute, Environmental Research Center, Research Triangle Park, NC 27711, Sept. 1993, web search 08/28/2010, original source:
Fluorine, Its Compounds, and Air Pollution,: a Bibliography with Abstracts, US Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27711, December 1976. Web search 08/28/2010, original source:
NOTE: because the EPA's original source of this document in PDF format is damaged we have created a text image file, converted to a new PDF for readability.
Formaldehyde: US EPA. UFFI (Urea Formaldehyde Foam Insulation) was previously considered a hazard (formaldehyde outgassing). Subsequent research virtually closed concern regarding this material; however formaldehyde appears to remain a health concern for sensitive individuals.
TABLE Z-1 LIMITS FOR AIR CONTAMINANTS, 1910.1000 TABLE Z-1 [PDF] OSHA standard for air contaminant limits ( - includes for CO2, Carbon dioxide.........| CAS No. 124-38-9 | 5000 ppm | 9000 mg/m3 limits for carbon dioxide as an air contaminant.
In addition to citations & references found in this article, see the research citations given at the end of the related articles found at our suggested
Carson, Dunlop & Associates Ltd., 120 Carlton Street Suite 407, Toronto ON M5A 4K2. Tel: (416) 964-9415 1-800-268-7070 Email: Alan Carson is a past president of ASHI, the American Society of Home Inspectors.
Carson Dunlop Associates provides extensive home inspection education and report writing material. In gratitude we provide links to tsome Carson Dunlop Associates products and services.
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