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Bock oil fired water heater cited & discussed at InspectApedia.comBock Water Heater Age / Manuals

Bock Water Heaters & Manuals

Bock water heater age decoders, water heater manual sources.

In this article series we give details of how to de-code water heater age for all water heater brand. We also discuss the conditions, maintenance, and factors that affect how long a water heater can be expected to last.

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Bock Water Heater Age & Manuals

Bock oil fired water heater, abandoned due to leakage (C) Daniel FriedmanThe Bock Water Heater Co., a U.S. company located in Wisconsin, was founded by Oscar Bock, an engineer and inventor, in 1929. The company currently produces oil and gas fired water heaters as well as electric water heaters, including modulating condensing water heaters, digital ElectriTherm™ water heaters, OptiTherm® outdoor mounted watetr heaters, and a Turboflue® line of water heaters.

The employee-owned company also produces indirect water heaters and has since 1993.

Photo: an abandoned, leaky Bock oil fired water heater in a New York home.

[Click to enlarge any image]

The company's product line is extensive, and as of January 2020 listed

Bock Water Heater Age Decoder

Bock water heater company's logo makes it immediately easy to recoginze this water heater brand. Find the data tag on the heater to find the serial number to decode the heater's age - cited & discussed at InspectApedia.comDepending on the age of your Bock water heater, the dates of production or manufacture are found at different points in the serial number that you will find on the water heater's data tag. Here is the most-common formats for Bock water heater serial numbers showing where the production date is found:

YYMMnnnnX example, 95121234A would be a heater manufactured in 1995, month 12 or December. The rest of that serial number forms the unique heater identification.

Bock Water Heater Contact & Manuals


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BOCK WATER HEATERS at - online encyclopedia of building & environmental inspection, testing, diagnosis, repair, & problem prevention advice.

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