Water heater age decoders, water heater manual sources, all brands:
In addition to details of how to de-code water heater age for all water heater brands we give six ways to determine the age of a water heater. We also discuss the conditions, maintenance, and factors that affect how long a water heater can be expected to last.
Here is a Heating Furnace or Boiler Data Decoding Document that Aids in Determining Water Heater Age. How long should a hot water maker or hot water heater last. What factors determine the life of a water heater - independent of the water heater's age? DECODING GUIDES for water heater age, 5 data tag decoding documents, books, methods. Geyser & cylinder warranties & water heater life.
We give contact information for water heater, geyser, cylinder, calorifier manufacturers and for water heater installation, operation, & troubleshooting manuals.
Our photo at page top shows an oil fired water heater with a backpressure problem and other safety concerns like a missing extension tube on that relief valve, and maybe a missing draft regulator and perhaps an oil line that is not protected from damage.
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- Daniel Friedman, Publisher/Editor/Author - See WHO ARE WE?
By looking closely at the serial number it is possible to read the year and month (or week) in which a Hotpoint water heater was manufactured, thus to know the Hotpoint water heater age.
[Click to enlarge any image]
... here is a photo of my hot water heater data: here is a photo of my hot water heater data.
How old is my Hotpoint® water heater?
It still works fine. I don't understand how it can produce 50 gallons for its size. We wanted to move it over 1 inch to accommodate a new washing machine but it appears bolted to the floor.
I hate to mess with something that appears to be working fine but worry about the day that it stops. - Anonymous by private email 2016/07/19
GE Hotpoint Water Heater Serial Number Codes - Most Models1945 to Present |
1st Char | 2nd Char | |
Letter |
Month | Year |
A | Jan | 2013, 2001, 1989, 1977, 1944 |
B | 1945 | |
C | 1946 | |
D | Feb | 2014, 2002, 1990, 1978, 1947 |
E | 1969, 1948 | |
F | Mar | 2015, 2003, 1991, 1979, 1949 |
G | Apr | 2016, 2004, 1992, 1980, 1950 |
H | May | 2017, 2005, 1993, 1981, 1951 |
J | 1952 | |
K | 1953 | |
L | Jun | 2018, 2006, 1994, 1982, 1970, 1954 |
M | Jul | 2019, 2007, 1995, 1983, 1971, 1955 |
N | 1972, 1956 | |
P | 1973, 1957 | |
R | Aug | 2020, 2008, 1996, 1984, 1972, 1958 |
S | Sep | 2021, 2009, 1997, 1985, 1973, 1959 |
T | Oct | 2022, 2010, 1998, 1986, 1974, 1960 |
V | Nov | 2011, 1999, 1987, 1975 |
Z | Dec | 2012, 2000, 1988, 1976 |
AY | 1965 | |
BZ | 1966 | |
CA | 1967 | |
DB | 1968 | |
VU | 1961 | |
WV | 1962 | |
XW | 1963 | |
YX | 1964 |
Add context-information to check on water heater age guesses.
Above: an older Hotpoint water heater data tag, courtesy of InspectApedia.com reader Miguel. This water heater has serial number of
SN 161 46 that does not nicely fit any of the common formats we've identified. We were left guessing:
January 1961 (but how would 2-digit months have been encoded? A B C?)
Week 50 of 1946?
To make sense out of guessed water heater age, always add some surrounding context information: where is the building located (country and city) , what is the building age, and what records or data tags can you find on or near the equipment.
Here are some other commonolder GE and Hotpoint water heater age decoding formats:
MMY12345 where MM = Month and Y - year is encoded as a letter character as explained in the table above
MMYY123456 where MM = Month, YY - Year, and 123456 is the heater's unique manufacturing sequence or serial number.
Hotpoint water heaters prior to about 1980 such as those bearing the data tag shown above use serial numbers in the format
Your Hotpoint water heater data tag serial number looks like 1TU2270 leading me to guess that the last two digits may be the year of manufacture (70 in this example).
The preceding two digits (22 in this example) may be the week of manufacture.
Looks like this Hotpoint water heater or calorifier was made in 1970? Is that possible?
Later Hotpoint water heaters, manufactured by Rheem, use serial numbers in the format shown in this photo of a Hotpoint water heater provided by reader Randy Coulter.
Some GE water heater serial number styles begin with the letters GE followed by letters and digits as per the decoders shown here.
AA MMYY123456 begin with two letters (in position AA) - this GE Hotpoint water heater serial number also occurs
as GE MMYY1234567
And a similar format that identifies both manufacturer and fuel was used
as GENG MMYYA12345 or as GELP MMYYA123456
then follow with two digits of production month (in position MM and numbered 01-12)
followed by two digits of production year in position YY.
The Hotpoint water heating calorifier or cylinder Catalog No. (or model number) is 100WBSC521035, leading me to guess that the catalog number, giving water heater features, decodes as follows:
Last four digits give the wattage of the top and bottom heating element as 35 = 3500 Watts, and 10 = 1000 Watts.
The data tag also indicates
Bolted to floor - sounds as if you're in an earthquake zone. A bit of unbolting, re-plumbing, and then re-securing the heater to the structure would be required. A bit of work but perhaps justified if that's where you need to place your new washing machine.
Below you will find questions and answers previously posted on this page at its page bottom reader comment box.
On 2022-10-11 by InspectApedia (mod) - 1950 Hotpoint water heater
Thanks for sharing that historical data and photo for your water heater. And yes, 7 decades of use is indeed remarkable.
On 2022-10-10 by Shary
My house in Seattle Washington was built in 1940. It looks like the water heater was manufactured in July 1950. It has worked great until today in October 2022 - an astonishing 70 decades! As far as I know in all that time it has never been drained or serviced. Definitely not for the last 30 years. It had an accompanying large extra heating (?) tank that rusted out in the 1990s. Plumbers have told me it is cast iron and to never let anyone talk me into replacing it.
I forgot to post the serial number, 750600 and catalogue number, 303WM442. 40 gallon capacity. 240 volts, 2000 watts - top 1250 bottom 750. Max rating per circuit of wiring and controls 25 amp, 250 volt - 30 amp, 125 volt.
On 2022-08-25 by InspectApedia-911 (mod) - GE Hotpoint Water Heater Serial Number Codes
@Caroline Marois,
Please check out the table above on this page to get your water heater age:
GE Hotpoint Water Heater Serial Number Codes - Most Models
given above on this page to decode the serial number including manufacture date
On 2022-08-23 by Caroline Marois
How old is my hotpoint water heater tank ?
Thank you
On 2022-03-24 by Inspectapedia Com Moderator
Thanks, that's the earliest-format for GE-Hotpoint water heater serial numbers we've seen.
10C2422 I'm guessing that GE encoded the month as 10 and the year as "C" where the company used alphabetic characters for sequences of years.
The letter C = 1946 so your water heater was made in October, 1946.
It's been a long time. For CURRENT GE water heaters (made by Rheem for GE) the co. says
"Our serial numbers begin with two letters, followed by six numbers, with a letter at the end. The two letters at the beginning of the serial number tell you the month and year it was made."
On 2022-03-24 by Anonymous
@Inspectapedia Com Moderator, 1940 in Cincinnati Ohio.
On 2022-03-24 by Inspectapedia Com Moderator
Your GE Hotpoint water heater Serial No is 10C2422 - I don't find that among the typical formats.
Tell me the country and city of location and the building age.
On 2022-03-23 by Matt
Can you identify the year of manufacture for this GE Hotpoint?
On 2022-01-20 by Inspectapedia Com Moderator - 1950s Hotpoint water heater data tag
No of course not I don't think that heater is as old as the house either but if the house were younger than the years that I was guessing that would argue that my guess was wrong. 1950s installation is certainly possible for the circumstance you describe.
BTW we are frequently fielding these questions from Two Harbors Minnesota.
On 2022-01-20 by Tom
@Inspectapedia Com Moderator, The house was constructed in 1929. It's hard for me to believe that the water heater might be that old. It's actually still working fine and I've owned the house for 7 years and never had a bit of service done to it. I know it's old but I had an imagined it might be that old.
I'm in the twin cities in Minnesota.
On 2022-01-20 by Inspectapedia Com Moderator
What are the country and city of location - presumably somewhere in the U.S.
From the Serial No. I'd guess that's a heater made in 1953 or 1959.
When was your building constructed?
On 2022-01-20 by Tom
I have a very old Hotpoint Water heater that doesn't seem to follow the Serial Conventions Described Above (Though another person had one similar to mine about midway down the page). Serial # 1SY5953 Catalog # 200WRWF821525
On 2022-01-12 by Inspectapedia Com Moderator
@Ronnie Brown,
That doesn't map nicely to the Hotpoint water heater serial number formats we document above.
Please post a sharp hi-resolution copy of your water heater's data tag and I'll research the question further.
On 2022-01-12 by Ronnie Brown
My Hotpoint hot water ser # what is the year 100wssc323030
On 2022-01-01 by Inspectapedia Com Moderator - water heater age decoding suggestions based on the serial number
@Jeff Roland ,
At the top of this very page you will find water heater age decoding suggestions based on the serial number. Please take a look and let me know if that leaves you with questions or comments.
On 2022-01-01 by Jeff Roland
I'm looking for the age of a water heater I just changed out. It's a Hotpoint cataloge #130wb62 & serial #1856210
On 2021-06-15 by mak.church (mod) - need to know the year of this water tank
On the data tag on your "hot water tank" we see that it is manufactured by Rheem;
It would help us if you'd add a photo of the water heater's identification logo or brand, too.
Please see the following page (for Rheem water heaters) on how to decode the age of your tank:
RHEEM WATER HEATER Age, Manuals, Customer Service Contacts
Please let us know if you have additional questions.
On 2021-06-15 by Melanie
I would need to know the year of this water tank, attached is the imagine.
[shown above]
Thank you!
On 2021-04-28 - by (mod) -
@JAN CAMPBELL, if yours is a Hotpoint water heater we give some age decoding formats/keys at the start of the article above. Please take a look.On 2021-04-28 by JAN CAMPBELL
I'm trying tp find the age of my hot water heater serial #0745112282
On 2020-04-21 by (mod) - Age of GE - Hotpoint water heaters made prior to about 1980
Thanks for the helpful question and photo, MIke.
GE - Hotpoint water heaters made prior to about 1980 such as those bearing the data tag shown in your photo use serial numbers in the format
AAAWWYY where the week and year are encoded in the last four digits
which makes your heater an antique: February 1964
For other readers we provide your photo, edited slightly for clearer view.
Can you confirm the age of the building where this heater is installed and the country and city of installation?
On 2020-04-21 by Mike - GE - Water Heater Data Tag Information - age decoder?
Hello! Trying to insure a home with this old water heater (that works great by the way and never runs out of hot water). 1XC0264 is serial number!
The insurance company says I have to have the age of this unit! I have this attached the
picture of the plate as it is in such a position I can't get my eyes close enough to see
This is in a house we got from the family a few years ago. Any ideas on what would be a quality replacement today?
On 2019-11-14 - by (mod) -
KellyOn 2019-11-14 by Kelly
Was wondering the age of my hot point water heater serial# iyt3653
On 2019-09-11 by (mod) - age of a Hotpoint water heater serial number PC 0806203893
Your serial nr is PC 0806203893
From the article above
Later Hotpoint water heaters, manufactured by Rheem, use serial numbers in the format AAMMYY123456 begin with two letters (in position AA)
then follow with two digits of production month (in position MM and numbered 01-12)
followed by two digits of production year in position YY.
So probably 08 = month. And 06 = year
DATA TAG DECODING ADVICE for NON-STANDARD DATE CODES - general procedure to guess water heater age by noting surrounding age clues, records, service tags
On 2019-09-11 by Randy Coulter
I’m trying to find out how old my water heater is
Mod #: HE40M06JAJ00
Ser#: 0806203893
On 2018-05-18 by Anonymous - when was my Hotpoint Model : HE40M06JAJ00 manufactured?
to get the age of your HE40 Hotpoint 50 gallon water heater you will need to look at the serial number, not the "model number".
However I am GUESSING from the model number that this is one of the later, post 1980 Hotpoint water heaters manufactured by Rheem.
On 2018-05-17 by Michel Paradis
Model : HE40M06JAJ00
When was is fabricated?
On 2016-07-16 by (mod) age of Hotpoint electric water heaters
Judy for Hotpoint electric water heaters, the age is encoded in the heater's serial number, not the model nor catalogue number.
Take a look at the data tag on your heater.
If it is in the form RN0603123456 then the age is encoded in positions 3-4-5-6 starting from the left - so my example would be M M Y Y or 06 03 or the 6th month of 2003.
Some GE and Rheem heaters also use this encoding pattern.
As your heater is an old one it may use a different scheme. Use the page bottom or top CONTACT link to send me sharp photos of the data tag and of the whole heater and I can look at it further.
On 2016-07-16 by Judy
We have a Hotpoint Electric Water Heater Cataloque number 100WBSC521035. It was here when we bought the house 25 years ago. It says 50 gallons on it but it is the size and shape of the washer and dryer which sit on either side of it. I am worried that it will cease to work sometime and I don't have a clue where to look for a similar new one.
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