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Photograph of huge water tanks at an old property with a well having a slow recovery rate. Water Quantity Improvement Methods

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Steps to take if you run out of water

Don't confuse water quanity with water qualithy
Weak water pressure might, or might not have to do with water quantity

Well water quantity improvement: how to get more well water.

This article describes the steps and methods to improve or increase the quantity (amount) of water available at a property.

If your well runs dry or you keep running out of water here are some suggestions to increase water supply quantity.

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- Daniel Friedman, Publisher/Editor/Author - See WHO ARE WE?

Water Quantity (amount) Improvement

Article Contents


What's the Difference Between Inadequate Water Quantity & Bad Water Quality?

Photograph of  a modern steel well casing and cap extending properly above grade level and properly capped. You can see from
the gray plastic conduit that electrical wires enter the well, informing you that this well is served by an in-well submersible well pump.We distinguish among water quantity (how much water can we draw from a well before we run out?), water quality (what contaminants are present in water?), and water pressure or flow adequacy, and we list options for improving the first of these in the articles below.

Our photo (left) shows a modern drilled well with a six-inch steel casing and electrical conduit entering the well cap - telling us that this is a deep well whose pump is installed inside the well itself.

But from just a visual inspection of the well we have no idea how much water can be drawn from this system.

This article explains how to determine the water quantity available at a property, how to diagnose inadequate water quantity (or alternatively poor water pressure and flow), and how to correct those conditions.

If your concern is for the quality of drinking water (contaminants, odors, etc)

see WATER QUALITY TESTS, CONTAMINANTS, TREATMENT and the diagnostic suggestions listed there.

Our page top photo shows a very large water storage tank - a system that is installed when the well flow rate at a property is very limited.

By using a large water storage tank the building occupants can have plenty of water for regular use.

The tank is filled, slowly, during periods when water is not being drawn from the system.



Water Quantity Problem Diagnosis & Correction

Before we set out to fix a water quantity problem ( not enough water) we must find and correct the reason why we're run out of water.

The right fix depends on where the problem lies. Is the problem with

  • Water pump - capacity affects water flow rate (pressure) but can also exhaust a low-flow well
  • Water tank - a bigger tank can store water to compensate for a well with a poor flow rate or poor recovery rate
  • Water supply piping - small diameter or clogged pipes?
  • Well flow rate and well capacity - what can the well actually deliver
  • Water flow limiting devices such as a pressure control or pump protection control device can deliberately slow the delivery of water

When water quantity is insufficient at a property, the basic steps and options for improving the water quantity include the following (all of which are discussed in detail at this website):

  • Determine the actual water quantity you are using or need -

  • Determine if the problem is water pressure or the rate at which water is delivered to the point of use fixtures - sinks, tubs, showers, etc.

    or water quantity - how much water is actually available in and at the well (or that can be delivered by a municipal water supply system)

    If you're not sure which is your concer see this


    If you need to understand just how much water your well can deliver, sss


    and continue with a review of the suggestions on this page.
  • On this page (below) at

    DIAGNOSE WEAK WATER PRESSURE (flow) we list detailed articles explaining how to examine well pump, water tank & controls as well as water piping and fixtures; and if it's a water pressure problem,

    But you might want to start by determining whether the water pressure problem occurs for both cold and hot water (that's a water supply system problem) or just hot water (that's a water heating or hot water piping problem)

  • WATER PUMPS, TANKS, TESTS, WELLS, REPAIRS - Repair or adjust water supply equipment, pump, control, piping, leaks, water pressure tank, water storage capacity -
  • PIPING in BUILDINGS, CLOGS, LEAKS, TYPES - Repair any water leaks in well supply piping, building water supply piping, running toilets, etc.
  • WATER TANK TYPES: WATER, OIL, EXPANSION, ALL Add additional water storage tanks without addressing the well flow limitation
  • WATER QUANTITY IMPROVEMENT - What steps to take in order to increase well yield - such as hydrofracking - using liquid CO2 or other means to improve water flow into the well itself
  • Take steps to conserve water or reduce water usage at a property - save water: low flush toilets, low flow shower and sink faucets, etc.

    Also see water conservation tips


    and GREYWATER SYSTEMS - ways to conserve water by reusing wastewter

    and WATER SOURCE ALTERNATIVES - where else to get water
  • Drill a new well  - an option but may be costly and risky (the new well may be no better than the old one if it's at the same location)
  • Connect to a municipal water supply - if one is available


If the Water Pressure is Too Weak in a Building

water pressure test (C) Daniel Friedman\Water pressure or water flow rate in a building plumbing system describes the water quantity and water pressure delivered at individual plumbing fixtures.

The in-building water flow rate or water pressure is determined by the pressure capability of the well pump, the settings of the water pressure tank control, and by the length, diameter, and clogs in building piping - not by the quantity of water available.

  • WATER PRESSURE LOSS DIAGNOSIS & REPAIR - a description of the procedures used to diagnose the cause of poor water pressure or the cause of running out of water entirely at a property served by a private well


If the Well Water Quantity is Insufficient at a Property

Water well draw down test (C) CCarson Dunlop AssociatesWater quantity describes the total amount of water available at a property served by a private well.

The total amount of water available is the sum of the static head in the well (the water inside the well casing or well itself when the well is at rest), the water stored in piping and in water pressure or water storage tanks, and the well flow rate (the rate at which water flows into the well).

If you run out of water at a property this means that you have drawn off all of the static water storage and that the rate at which water flows into the well is less than the rate that the pump is trying to send water out of the well and into the building.

Well flow rate or well yield is the rate at which water flows into the well from surrounding rock and ground water sources. The flow rate of a well is a complex number - water enters the well from various rock cracks or fissures at different depths. The sketch at left, courtesy of Carson Dunlop, outlines what happens during a well drawdown or well flow test procedure.

At each point where water enters the well the rate of water flow may vary over time, and may slow or even stop as water is drawn from the well. When a new well is drilled the well driller measures the actual flow rate of the well (the sum of all of these individual flows) by using a calibrated pump installed right at the well itself.

Well depth does not tell you much directly about the ability of the well to deliver water (the well yield or well flow rate). Rather, the depth of an individual well was determined by the well driller who drilled ever deeper until the well flow rate appeared to be adequate (typically 5 gpm or better for new wells). However a very deep well probably indicates that the driller had to do a lot of drilling to hit an adequate water supply.

  • WELL FLOW RATE - we describe the well flow rate and water quantity of a well, including well flow rate, static head, and the effects on well yield when we install a new more powerful well pump.
  • WELL FLOW TEST PROCEDURE - we describe how to test the ability of a well to deliver water
  • WELL YIELD IMPROVEMENT - we describe how to increase the water flow rate or quantity from a well - improving the well yield


Hot Water Problems & Solutions

tankless coil and tempering valve (C) Carson Dunlop AssociatesHot water problem diagnostic basics: If cold water pressure is adequate in the building but the hot water quantity or pressure and flow are inadequate, see these articles listed below. The sketch at left, courtesy of Carson Dunlop, shows the installation of a tempering valve at a tankless coil used for making hot water.

A useful water pressure and flow diagnostic in a building is to compare the hot water pressure and cold water pressure at individual fixtures.

If hot water pressure and flow are the same as cold water pressure and flow at some fixtures but at others the hot water flow rate is less, we suspect a local problem with the piping, faucets and valves at the fixture.

If hot water pressure and flow are poor throughout the building, the problem could be at the hot water source or in the building piping.


Water Quality: is there Sediment or Debris in the Water Supply?

Water quality describes what is in the building water supply: contaminants,odors, etc.

Why are we even talking about water quality on a water quantity diagnostic page?

Debris or even high mineral content in the water supply can clog buildng water filters, pipes, water heaters, and other equipment, thus reducing the water flow rate in the building.

In extreme cases debris can even totally block water flow. So we may think we've run out of water but in fact the well has plenty of water it just can't get past a debris blockage at a valve or water heater, or tempering valve.

Also, if the well supply is limited or the water pick-up point in the well is too close to the well bottom, the water supply system may pick up debris or crud that then blocks the water supply system including the pump impeller, valves, pipes, etc.

A clue might be the appearance of an increase in silt, sludge, mud or debris when you've run out, or nearly run out of water.

If your concern is for water quality (contamination, sediment, debris, mineral content or even odors, water tests, water treatment) see these articles:

Question: black stuff in water after we ran our well pump for a few hours

We ran our water pump for a few hours today to get a few inches in our pool.

Now our water is black and not sure why? We do have well water. (July 12, 2014) Stacey said:


Stacey. I suspect you ran the well nearly dry.

It is comon for an exhausted well to begin to pick up debris from near the well bottom as debris may be stirred by the extreme draw-down of the water in the well bore.

If the problem persists you may need to install a water filter system and a pump protection control to avoid damaging a well pump by running dry.


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WATER QUANTITY IMPROVEMENT at - online encyclopedia of building & environmental inspection, testing, diagnosis, repair, & problem prevention advice.

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Citations & References

In addition to any citations in the article above, a full list is available on request.

  • Thanks to readers Linda and Tim Quinn for suggesting clarification of water flow and water quantity problems (July 2009).
  • Access Water Energy, PO Box 2061, Moorabbin, VIC 3189, Australia, Tel: 1300 797 758, email: Website:

    Moorabbin Office: Kingston Trade Centre, 100 Cochranes Rd, Moorabbin, VIC 3189

    Australian supplier of: Greywater systems, Solar power to grid packages, Edwards solar systems, Vulcan compact solar systems, water & solar system pumps & controls, and a wide rage of above ground & under ground water storage tanks: concrete, steel, plastic, modular, and bladder storage tanks.
  • Grove Electric, Typical Shallow Well One Line Jet Pump Installation [PDF], Grove Electric, G&G Electric & Plumbing, 1900 NE 78th St., Suite 101, Vancouver WA 98665 - web search -7/15/2010 original source:
  • Grove Electric, Typical Deep Well Two Line Jet Pump Installation [PDF], Grove Electric, G&G Electric & Plumbing, 1900 NE 78th St., Suite 101, Vancouver WA 98665 - web search -7/15/2010 original source:
  • In addition to citations & references found in this article, see the research citations given at the end of the related articles found at our suggested