Where to buy a toilet or toilet parts: toilet manufacturers list helps identify a toilet by brand, logo, trademark, stamps or other feathers.
This article provides a list of toilet brands, giving names of manufacturers, and sources useful for identifying toilets or buying toilets or toilet parts.
This data may be helpful in purchasing a toilet, finding repair parts for toilets, obtaining toilet installation or repair instructions for specific toilet models, and for identifying toilets.
InspectAPedia tolerates no conflicts of interest. We have no relationship with advertisers, products, or services discussed at this website.
- Daniel Friedman, Publisher/Editor/Author - See WHO ARE WE?
Toilet Brands List, Manufacturers, Contact Information for all Toilet Brands
With more than 1000 brands of toilets manufactured and distributed around the world, this list would be endless.
Here we list all common or popular toilet manufacturers or brands, current or previous. Updated March 2024.
Photo above-left: Aside from differences in shape (round, elongated), and features (slow closing), and materials (wood, plastic), an older toilet seat using a 10-inch (255mm) bolt-spread can be difficult to replace.
Most modern toilet seats use a standard 5 1/2" spacing (North America) or standard 155mm (U.K.) between the seat mounting bolts.
This isn't a new problem: Campbell (cited at References or Citations ) patented a toilet seat with adjustable bolt spacing in the U.S. in 1935.
Before buying a toilet seat, measure the space, center-to-center of the toilet seat bolt openings in the toilet base to check that your toilet uses a standard spacing.
CONTACT US to suggest changes or additions to this toilet brand list.
Alphabetic Index to Toilet & Toilet Parts Brands & Suppliers
In some of the toilet models listed below we use the following common industry abbreviations:
ADA - meets Americans with Disabilities Act requirements
EL - elongated toilet bowl
gpf - gallons per flush, water used
RF - rounded front toilet bowl (shorter than EL's)
S - special toilet bowl shape
Ableware toilets (data pending) - some of these (data pending) brands make toilet accessories, not toilets
ACARA toilets, models None EL, ELADA, RF, Toilet models: AC249HL bowl, T491.0GS tank
AC249L bowl, T491.0GS tank
AC249R bowl, T491.0GS tank
Ace toilets, from Ace Hardware, Web: www.acehardware.com Ace Hardware sells both toilets under the company's own brand "Ace toilets" toilets or toilet repair parts from other brands
including Aero-Stream, American Standard, Bemis, Blue Monster, Brasscraft, Cato, Danco, Design House, Fernco, Flair-It, Fluidmaster, Ginsey, Gobidet, Harvey's, Hercules, Homewerks, Keeney, Kohler, Korky, Mansfield, Moen, Oatey, Plumb Pak, Sani Seal, Secure A Tank, Set-Rite, Sioux Chief, Sloan, Star Water Systems, Zurn
AqMatic Valve & Controls Co., AQMatic, 16605 West Victor Rd,
New Berlin, WI 53151 USA Web: www.aq-matic.com Email: techsupport@aq-matic.com
Aquamatic toilets, a Brazilian firm, manufactures High Efficiency Toilets that use 2 liters of water per flush.
ACHIM toilets, ACHIM is a home furnishing company. Achim Home Decor
1600 Livingston Ave.
North Brunswick, NJ 08902 USA, Tel: 1-800-54-ACHIM Web: www.achimonline.com email: customerservice@achimonline.com
AIO Toilets (shown above)
AIO / All In One toilets - see Glacier Bay or Home Depot toilets - shown above is the Glacier Bay All-In-One 2-Piece toilet as listed by Home Depot for $99. U.S. in July 2021
Question: replacement for an AIO toilet
I have an AIO toilet. The lid is damaged and I want to replace it. What company makes them? - 2021/07/20 Ross Franks
Moderator reply:
@Ross Franks,
AIO Toilets is an acronym for All In One, a toilet sold by Glacier Bay and at home depot stores and at some other building suppliers.
One online vendor says he has a lid for this toilet (at $130. U.S. + shipping)
Telephone: 650-483-1139 (Dumb phone - no text)
P O Box 3501, Los Altos, CA 94024
Email preferred, texting not available.
While replacing the lid saves a plumbing job, it's notable that the price of the replacement lid is more than the cost of some new toilets, as you'll see above on this page where we illustrate an AIO toilet selling new for $99.
Alfi toilets, Alfi Brand, an Italian company with offices in various countries. U.S. contact: AlfiBrand, 4011 W. Jefferson Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90016 USA, Tel: 323-732-4045 Email: info@alfitrade.com Web: www.alfibrand.com
Allied Brass toilets, Allied Brass Inc
195 Duke St
Louisa, VA 23093
USA, Phone: (540) 967-5970
Fax: (540) 967-2580
For General Questions:
American Standard brand toilets (illustrated in this article) and other plumbing fixtures,
Contact: American Standard,
Piscataway, NJ, USA, Website: www.americanstdandard-us.com, offices in Canada, Mexico, the U.S., website does not give contact information!
American Standard, 30 Knightsbridge Road
Piscataway, NJ 08854 USA, Web: www.americanstandard.com or in the U.S., https://www.americanstandard-us.com/
American Standard
includes these additional plumbing fixture & component brands:
Jade, Porcher (see below), Crane Plumbing, Eljer, Fiat, American StandardsProSite, Safety Tubs, http://www.americanstandard-us.com/
The "Standard" toilet brand and company was founded in 1929 when the American Radiator Company (founded in 1892) and the Standard Sanitary Manufacturing Company (founded in 1875) merged to form the American Radiator and Standard Sanitary Comrporation.
American Standard can actually trace its roots back further still as the Standard Sanitary Manufacturing Co. was itself formed by the merger of still older: Ahrens and Ott, Standard Manufacturing, Myler Manufacturing, and other facilities.
In 1967, changed its name to "American Standard Corporation". That company produced a wide range of plumbing and heating products, remaining in the HVAC industry and in 2007 changing its name to Trane".
American Steandard toilets are still sold in North America. The brand is currently (2022) owned by the LIXL Corporation who operate in over 100 countries, and who own, in addition to American Standard, Grohe, Jaxson, INAX and LIXL.
The company currently sells over 140 models of toilets.
Current/popular American Standard Toilet Models:
Cadet FloWise Pressure-Assist EL ADA, Models: 2467.100: 3483.100 OR 3483.001 bowl, 4142.100 tank - WDI EcoFlush
Cadet Pressure-Assist EL toilet, model numbers: 2462.100: 3481.100 OR 3481.001 bowl, 4142.100 tank - WDI EcoFlush
Cadet Ultra Low Dual Flush EL ADA, models: 740AA.200: 3218A.001B bowl, 4133A.200R tank
Cosette EL Dual Flush, model: 752CA200 (one-piece toilet)
H2Option UHET DF EL ADA, Model numbbers: 2886.218: 3705.216 bowl, 4133A.218 tank or lined tank
Vormax UHET EL Model numbers: 238AA.114: 3385A.101 bowl, 4385A.114 tankk, 238AA.114CP with cleaning feature,
Homestead VorMax 1G EL, Models:
745AA.111: 3385A.001R bowl, 4385A.111R tank
Studio S Low-Profile 1-pc RH EL ADA, model number 2548A.100 (one-piece toilet)
Yorkville FloWise Pressure-Assist EL with a rear-outlet toilet bowl, model numbers: 2876.100: 3701.100 OR 3701.001 bowl, 4142.100 tank - WDI EcoFlush
American Standard brand toilets (illustrated in this article), includes these additional plumbing fixture & component brands: Jade, Porcher (see below), Crane Plumbing, Eljer, Fiat, American StandardsProSite, Safety Tubs, http://www.americanstandard-us.com/
On 2021-12-03 by Inspectapedia Com Moderator (mod) - American Standard or "Standard" Brand Toilets
Savoy would have been a model in the older Standard toilet line that later became American Standard.
In our OPINION the market for antique flush toilets isn't so strong that it's likely to be of great value.
Watch out: other toilet manufacturers, such as Eljer, also use the model name "Savoy" for some modern flush toilets.
That's not the same product.
On 2021-11-30
by Tierney - Standard Savoy Toilet Value
I have a Standard Savoy toilet, porcelain neck, and tank in great condition.
Tank is quite large compared to today's standards. Appears to be from 1910-1930s as the house was built in 1906 and this is original toilet.
Can't find anything about this model. No numbers in tank as it is so old and before that was a thing but has just "Standard" in blue ink. Bowl has the Savoy marking.
AmGreen Toilets, Models EL, EL ADA, RF, Model numbers: AG25H bowl, AG20T tank
A249HL bowl, T491.0GS tank
A249L bowl, T491.0GS tank
A249R bowl, T491.0GS tank
Aqua Brass toilets, AquaBrass, 9805 Rue Clark
Montreal, Quebec
H3L 2R5
Tel: 1 888 ADW 9336 Web: www.aquabrass.com - other offices in Concord, Ontario and Phoenix Arizona.
Aqua toilet model EL / EL ADA, Models: A249HL bowl, T491.0GS tank
A249L bowl, T491.0GS tank
A249R bowl, T491.0GS tank
Atlas International brand toilets, Atlas USA, Web: atlasusa.net/
Avenue Toilets - [Manufacturer unknown, citation needed] distributed by FaucetMart, 14 Connie Crescent, Concord, ON L4K 2Q8, Canada, (Langstaff - Toronto area) Tel: 416-855-2381 Web: https://faucetmart.ca/
Elizabeth · May 28, 2021
Who makes Avenue toilets? The brand came up on a search for toilets with a flush score over 800. I only found it on a Canadian website and it did not have all the information I wanted and I can’t find anything else.
Moderator reply:
I could only find the Avenue toilets at what's probably the same Canadian website as did you - listed in the directory above on this page. That website does not identify the manufacturer; You might try contacting the website directly to ask - and if you do please keep me posted as that will assist other readers.
For other readers: below is one of the Avenue toilet brand models, the Avenue TL-1261A-WL
Axent Toilets, Model Annie EL ADA, Model Number: W376-123X-U1 (one-piece toilet)
Barnett Brass toilets, sold in Home Depot stores, Customer Service Phone: 1-800-288-2000
Email: customercare@ebarnett.com
Barron toilets - see Niagara Toilets in this list
Bath-tech Industrial Toilets, Ottawa, Canada, Model Ottawa RF (Rear Flush), Model numbers: Z15R15 bowl, S23348 tank
Belle Foret toilets, sold at Home Depot, Walmart, online vendors &c. Belle Foret, Wilderness, Garden Route, South Africa, Customer service number of Belle Foret:
082 299 3122, Fax: 086 624 9802. Web: www.belleforet.co.za
Bemis toilets, Bemis Manufacturing Co., Sheboygan Falls, WI 53085 ToiletSeats.com Tel: 800.558.7651 - the Bemis toilet shown above was installed in La Grotta restaurant in San Miguel de Allende, GTO, MX.
Albert Bemis, who operated a woodworking company, began focusing his company on producing toilet seats in 1932. The company is still in business as we indicate above.
BINLI Toilets, One Piece, Model numbers: BL-118-OPT
Blomus toilets, blomus USA 2412 East Main Street
Olney, IL 62450, USA
Phone: (+1) 618-395-2400
Email: contact@blomus.us
Bobrick toilets, Bobrick Washroom Equipment, Inc.
6901 Tujunga Avenue
North Hollywood, California 91605-6213
Corporate Offices: (818) 764-1000
Fax: (818) 765-2700
Customer Service: (818) 982-
Brass Craft toilets, BrassCraft Manufacturing Co.
39600 Orchard Hill Pl. Novi, MI 48375-5331
Phone: (877) 272-7755 or (248) 305-6000 Phone: (248) 305-6000. Web: https://www.brasscraft.com
BrassTech toilets, Newport Brass by Brasstech, A Masco Company,
2001 Carnegie Ave
Santa Ana, CA 92705
USA, Tel : 949.417.5207
Fax: 949.417.5208
Contact: David Emmons
marketing@brasstech.com [Brasstech® is the parent company Newport Brass® and GINGER®. ]
Brizo toilets, 55 E. 111th Street
PO BOX 40980
Indianapolis, IN 46280 USA, Tel:L 1-877-345-BRIZO (2749)
Briggs Toilets, Briggs Plumbing 597 Old Mt Holly Rd Goose Creek, SC 29445 Customer Service department at 1-800-888-4458
Watch out: as per our last access in July 2018. the Briggs Plumbing website https://briggsplumbing.com/ may have malware and viruses that can infect your computer
See Signature Hardware and wwwferguson.com for current Burdett toilets e.g. Burdett 1.6 gpf dlonganted two piece toilet.
C&H toilets (data pending)
California Faucets
CAROMA toilets (New Zealand), Caroma brand toilets, Caroma is Australian company; in Canada & the USA Tel: 800-605-4218, website: http://www.caromausa.com/ In New Zealand: https://www.caroma.co.nz/ Tel: 0800 804 222
Caroma toilet models:
Caravelle Smart One-Piece EL ADA, Model/Part No: 989900 (one piece toilet)
Profile Smart 305 RF, Model numbers: 609151A bowl, 840420 tank 609151A bowl, 840420 tank with a tank lid providing a lava sink that drains to the tank - uses sink graywater to flush the toilet
Somerton EL ADA, Model / Part numbers: 829109 bowl, 810788 tank
Somerton Smart EL ADA
829109 bowl, 829110 tank (also available as 829110-R tank)
Sydney Smart II 305 EL ADA (one- piece) Model number: 987305
Sydney Smart RF (Rear flush outlet), Model Numbers: 609450 bowl, 622322 tank
CASE BRAND TOILETS [PDF] W.A. Case & Son Manufacturing, produced in Buffalo, New York from 1853 up to 1960s when the company was purchased by Briggs Manufacturing. Case toilet image and PDF courtesy of https://www.plumbingsupply.com/casetoilets.html who offer repair parts for case toilets.
Castel Brand toilets (Mexico & other countries) - illustrated above, Castel, Prolongacion Fulton 2, Bodega B, col. La Loma, Tlalnepantla de Baz, Ed. de Mexico, CP 54060, Mexico, Tel: 52-55-2451-3500 Web: https://castel.com.mx/ incluyo las marcas: Jupiter, Hermes Pro, Venus PRo, Melia, Etna, Nemesis, Dione, Clio, y mas. Oficinas en Monterrey, Cancun, Tijuana, Mexico D.F., Tlalnepantla de Baz, Guadalajara, Jal.
Cato Brand Toilets (Mexico & other countries) - illustrated above, installed in a home in San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico in the 1970s.
Cato is a Mexican ceramics company in Monterrey, Mexico, Website: https://cato.com.mx/
- In the U.S. Cato brand ceramics including toilets and sinks are distributed by various building suppliers and hardware stores including Ace hardware.
Cato es productord de refacciones originales y herrajes para sanitarios vendido en los mercados residenciales como institucionales en México, Estados Unidos, Latinoamérica y Caribe
Celite Brand toilet parts - parts supplier for St. Thomas, Barclay, Burgess, Laufen, Cheviot and other toilet brands.
Shown below, a Celite elongated one piece toilet from Celite, model UTOIL1PC217ADA Miami 1.6 GPF Elongated One-Piece Toilet
Cheviot toilets, 819 Seaborne Ave
#1120, Port Coquitlam
BC V3B 0N9 Canada, Tel: 604 464-8966
Email: info@cheviotproducts.com Web: https://cheviotproducts.com/contact/
Above, a Church Toilet Seat showing the company's brand, installed in a northern Minnesota home built in the 1960s.
Church toilet seats: Church Seat Company, Holyoke MA, USA, founded by Charles F. Church in 1904.
The "Church" toilet seat was the first white toilet seat and lid sold in the U.S. produced by coating a wood seat core with white pyroxylin, an early fibrous plastic (nitrocellulose) that could be produced in white, yellow or transparent "color", with adjustable properties of flexibility and water resistance.
Nitrocellulose or pyroxylin was produced by mixing approximately 6% nitrocellulose, 24% ethanol, and 70% ether.
Bemis Manufacturing (Sheboygan Falls WI, then the largest U.S. toilet seat manufacturer, purchased the Church toilet seat company facilities, and Church toilet seats stopped production.
See also Church Seats, [toilet seats only], http://www.churchseats.com/
Above: a Church Model 585EC 00 Toilet Seat as listed on Amazon in August 2022.
Cifial toilets, Cifial UK Ltd
7 Faraday Court
Park Farm Ind Est
Northants NN8 6XY
UK, Email: sales@cifial.co.uk
Circle City Copperworks 9325 Uptown Dr., Suite 500
Indianapolis, IN 46256-1079, sinks, other copper products, not toilets, website: http://www.circlecitycopperworks.com/
Cobban toilets, one-piece toilets (all models)
Model EL ADA, Model/Part No.s: BT0915TDF & BT09165TDF
Contrac toilets,
Cadell RF & Cato EL, Model/Part Nos: 5730BEXU: 5732BEX bowl, 5731BFXU tank
Kiera EL ADA one piece toilet , Model/Part no: 4710BNWU (skirted bowl)
Kiera EL ADA one piece toilet with lined tank, Model/part nos: 4710BNW (skirted bowl)
Corona Corporation, founded as Organizacion Corona in 1881, Cl. 99 #10 - 08, Bogotá, Colombia, is a ceramics producer with operations in Colombia, Panama, Mexico, the U.S. and China. Corona has been owned by the Echavarria family since 1935.
Crane Plumbing toilets - illustrated above and below, the Crane toilet logo or brand image on an older Crane toilet compared with a modern Crane toilet logo found on a toilet installed in Austin, Texas.
See details at American Standard Products on this page.
Below: a Crane toilet date stamp found inside the toilet tank of toilets installed in Austin. The first stamp reads H7 8 AIG 4 2006
and the second Crane toilet tank stamp reads H47 AUG 07 '06
Below: Crane Crane Santon Toilet VBT071217-04 - sold by the Period Bath Supply Co., 528 South Avenue, Rochester, NY, US, 14620 Tel: 585-325-2264
Dometic produces marine toilets and other equipment.
Dornbracht toilets, Dornbracht Americas Inc.
1700 Executive Drive South
Suite 600
Duluth, GA 30096 USA Web: https://www.dornbracht.com/
Current Dornbracht company focus is on faucets, showers, kitchen fixtures, and spas. (August 2022)
DuBois Toilets, Av. de Los Labradores 1, Local 8
28760, Tres Cantos, Madrid.
Phone: 919 20 72 71 Spain, Web: https://duboisconcept.com/ Tel: 919 20 72 71
Dubois has alliances with Häcker Küchen, Garbianti, Neff, Franke, Elica, Cosentino & others.
DUKO toilets - see Mingyoung below in this list
Duravit Toilets (Data pending), Homberg, Germany, or Duravit U.S., Duravit USA, Inc.
2635 North Berkeley Lake Road, Suite 100
Duluth, GA 30096
USA, Tel: 770-931-3575 I Fax 770-931-8454
Tel: 888-DURAVIT
8 am - 6 pm - illustrated above, a DuraVit wall-mount toilet installed in Padova, Italy.
Duravit products include sinks, showers, SensoWash shower-toilets, toilets, wall-mounted and floor-standing as well as rimless toilets, bidets, urinals, bathroom accessories, bathutbs, faucets.
Duravit toilet models:
ME by Starck RF (wall-mount - ADA possible)
Model/Part Nos: 252909 bowl, in-wall tank (by Geberit)
Senso Wash I EL, Model/Part Nos: 620000 00 1001 300 (Electro-hydraulic toilet)
Viu RF (wall-mount - ADA ?) Model/Part Nos: 251109 OR 251159 bowl, 111.018.00 in-wall tank (from Geberit)
Eago toilets, Eago USA, 4011 W. Jefferson Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90016 USA
Toilets, tubs, sinks, whirlpool tubs, flush toilet valves, Website: https://eagousa.com/contact-us Older site: eagotoilet.com [This website is defunct as of August 2022] Tel: 800-990-ALFI (2534) Email: info@alfitrade.com
See Alfi Toilets.
Eljer brand toilets, (e.g. Titan one-piece elongated bowl 16 1/8" ADA-compliant) (40 cm), many other toilet names including Canterbury toiletl (shown above).
ERP Composites, Plot No. 2646, Kranti Gate Main Road, Lodhika Industrial Estate, Kalawad Road, Metoda GIDC, Rajkot (India) - 360021 US offices in Bloomingdale, Illinois, USA, founded in 1986 Email: businessdevelopment@epp.co.in
+(91)-(2827)-287059, +919909048093
+91-2827-287063, +(91)-(2827)-287059
Falcon waterless urinals, New Zealand (Dunedin 2014) Web: https://falconwatertech.com/, offices in Latin America, North America, Oceana, Philippines.
U.S. 6404 Wilshire Blvd #106
Los Angeles, CA 90048
info/ 1(757) 874-7795 Email: @falconwatertech.com
Feijeer Toilets - Manufacturer un-known. [Citation needed] Photos of this Feijeer toilet were provided courtesy of inspectApedia reader Rob D who commented:
This Feijeer toilet was found in New Jersey (USA). However, it wouldn't surprise me if it was international and shipped in. The house is very modern architecturally and was recently renovated. There's a good chance the toilet was installed in the past 6 months. -10/29/2022
Ferguson Enterprises, (ProFlo toilets), Corporate Headquarters: shown above and below.
Ferguson plc
1020 Eskdale Road
Winnersh Triangle
RG41 5TS
Tel: +44 (0)118 927 3800, in the U.S. Ferguson is a wholesaler located in Newport News VA, USA, Tel: 1-800-222-1785 / 1-757-874-7795 Web: ferguson.com / Web: profloinc.com/contact - see also ProFlo below.
Ferguson Enterprises or similar brand found on toilets
Above, the same toilet logo or trademark matches, found on ProFlo Toilets, is used by Ferguson Enterprises, as I illustrate here. Where the toilet logo or brand includes an SA, reading Ferguson SA , that may also provide identification (South America?) or identify a standards organization, but I could not find a match.
Fluidmaster replacement valves & controls for toilets,
offices in Australia, Canada Mexico, Latin America, U.S., U.K. Europe
Fowler Toilets (shown above, at the Brew Moon Cafe, New Zealand)
Gauley Associates, Lte., & Koeller & Co., MAP Testing, toilet testing company providing research and test reports and toilet recommendations, Website: www.map-testing.com MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE of PREMIUM TOILETS [PDF] (2023) Map Testing, cited above,
Below: A Gerber toilet may also be identified by a stamp found inside of some Gerber toilet tanks.
Gerber Toilet Models:
Ultra Flush RF Model/Part Nos: EF-21-302: 21-342 bowl, EF-28-380 tank - WDI EcoFlush inside tank
Ultra Flush EL, Model/Part Nos: UL-20-300: UF-21-342 bowl, UF-28-385 tank-WDI EcoFlush - or -
UL-20-302: UF-21-342 bowl, UF-28-380 tank-WDI EcoFlush
- or -
UL-20-311: UF-21-372 bowl, UF-28-385 tank-WDI EcoFlush - or -
UL-20-312: UF-21-372 bowl, UF-28-380 tank-WDI EcoFlush
Ultra Flush EL ADA, Model/Part Nos: UL-20-317: UF-21-377 bowl, UF-28-385 tank-WDI EcoFlush
UL-20-318: UF-21-377 bowl, UF-28-380 tank
Ultra Flush EL (rear discharge bowl), Model/Part Nos: UL-20-310: UF-21-374 bowl, UF-28-380 tank-WDI EcoFlush - or -
UL-20-325: UF-21-375 bowl, UF-28-380 tank - WDI EcoFlush
Ultra Flush 1.1 gpf, EL, Model/Part Nos: EF-21-312: 21-372 bowl, EF-28-380 tank - WDI EcoFlush inside the tank
Ultra Flush 1.1 gpf EL ADA, Model/Part Nos: EF-21-318: 21-377 bowl, EF-28-380 tank - WDI EcoFlush
- or -
GLF-20-517: GWS-21-528 bowl, GLF-28-595 tank - or -
LF-20-528: WS-21-528 bowl, WS-28-528 tank
Ultra Flush 1.1 EL ADA rear flush/discharge bowl outlet, Model/Part Nos: EF-21-325: 21-375 bowl, EF-28-380 tank - WDI EcoFlush
Viper EL, Model/Part Nos: DF-20-551: WS-21-551 bowl, DF-28-528 tank - or -
GLF-20-500: GWS-21-551 bowl, GLF-28-595 tank - or -
LF-20-551: WS-21-551 bowl, LF-28-528 tank - or -
WS-20-551 (insulated tank): WS-21-551 bowl, WS28-522 tank - or -
WS-20-551: WS-21-551 bowl, WS28-528 tank
Floor-mount, rear (wall) outlet: Model/Part Nos: GWS20022 (or WS-20-022): GWS21575 (or WS-21-575) bowl, GWS28575 (or WS-28-575) tank
Viper EL ADA, Model/Part Nos: DF-20-521: WS-21-521 bowl, DF-28-591 tank
/ DF-20-528: WS-21-528 bowl, DF-28-528 tank - or -
WS-21-519: WS-21-872 bowl, WS-28-570 tank
- or -
WS-20-521: WS-21-521 bowl, WS-28-591 tank
- or -
WS-20-528 (insulated tank): WS-21-528 bowl, WS-28-522 tank -
Geberit toilets - shown above, Gerberit toilet, installed at Campo San Maurizio, Venice, includes a wall-mounted flush control panel and a reservoir flush-water tank that is hidden in the wall cavity.
Genova Plumbing toilets
Gilpin toilets - see Proflo
Ginger Bathroom Fixtures toilets
Ginsey toilets
Above: a Glacier Bay low profile toilet.
Glacier Bay brand toilets, [Home Depot brand] porcelain, made in china, top flush control low-water ADA-height unit shown in this article. Cf. Globe Union Industrial Company of Canada, China, elsewhere.
Also see Pegasus toilets, Danze toilets, Gerber toilets. Glacier Bay Faucets and sanitaryware,
2455 Paces Ferry Road NW,
.Atlanta, Ga. 30339-4024,
800-220-3036. http://www.glacierbayfaucetsreview.com
Grainger Industrial Supply, Tel: 1 (800) 472-4643 Web: https://www.grainger.com/ - Grainger is a large U.S. based reseller whose products include toilets from all of the major manufacturers such as American Standard, Kohler, Toto, Sloan, Zurn
Greenlee toilets - see ProFlo
Grohe Toilets - logo shown above, and toilet shown below are a Grohe toilet installed in Torcello, Venice, Italy
Hajoca Mainline Toilets,
Model RF, Model/Part Nos: MLS10425 bowl, MLS10427 tank
Model EL ADA, Model/Part Nos: MLS10426 bowl, MLS10427 tank
Hansgrohe toilets
Hastings Tile & Bath toilets, includes "hatbox" and wall mount sinks, bidets, & toilets, 30 Commercial Street Freeport, N. Y. 11520, Tel: (516) 379-3500. http://www.hastingstilebath.com,
Herbeau Creations brand toilets, Herbeau Creations of America
3600 Westview Drive
Naples, FL 34104, Tel: (800) 547-1608, (since 1857), http://www.herbeau.com/Products.aspx?Item=5501
HD Supply Toilets - see Seasons toilets
Home Depot Toilets
See Glacier Bay toilets
See Niagara Toilets - principal manufacturer of most of these store-brands sold at Home Depot
See Schon
See Stealth toilets
See Schön-Simply Modern - by YOW (Your Other Warehouse)
Home Elegance toilets
Howe Manufacturing Co., Derby CT [ antique, not in production; historic - 1898]
Hastings Tile & Bath toilets, includes "hatbox" and wall mount sinks, bidets, & toilets, 30 Commercial Street Freeport, N. Y. 11520, Tel: (516) 379-3500. http://www.hastingstilebath.com,
Herbeau Creations brand toilets, Herbeau Creations of America
3600 Westview Drive, Naples, FL 34104, Tel: (800) 547-1608, (since 1857), http://www.herbeau.com/Products.aspx?Item=5501
Humble Bee Toilets
EL, Model/Part Nos: EG25SWH bowl, EG20TSWH tank
EL ADA, Model/Part Nos: EG25HSWH bowl, EG20TSWH tank
RF, Model/Part Nos: EG20BSWH bowl, EG20TSWH tank
Hydro Right dual flush toilet valves
Icera Toilets, Palermo II EL ADA, Model/Part Nos: C-2250 bowl, T-2251 tank
Ideal Standard Ltd. producing the Ideal Standard Linda Close-Coupled Toilet, and other WCs and bidets, urinals, toilet & bidet accessories, mixers, taps, and other bathroom fixtures & accessories. (UK & other countries)
Above: an Ideal Standard toilet logo from a toilet installed in Christchurch, New Zealand.
England Registered office: Ideal Standard (UK) Ltd., The Bathroom Works, National Avenue, Kingston Upon Hull HU5 4HS England Tel: 01482 346461 Registered in England No. 91891
Ireland Registered office, Ideal Standard 2nd Floor, Unit 3013 Lake Drive, Citywest Business Campus, Tallaght Dublin 24
Email: customercare@idealstandard.com Telephone: Customer Care 01482 346 461 Website: http://www.ideal-standard.co.uk/
Below: An Ideal Standard toilet and logo for fixtures installed in Genoa, Italy, using a flush tank hidden in the wall cavity and a wall-mounted flush control panel. Included in the photo is an Ideal Standard bidet.
The second Ideal Standard toilet, shown below, is installed in Dorsoduro, Venice, Italy
Inax brand toilets, 15 West 20th Street, New York, NY 10011, Tel: 855-823-4434, http://www.inax-usa.com/gallery-ny/
Karat Sanitaryware (Cisterns & Toilets) - [Shown above] Karat is a Kohler brand company located in Thailand. Bangkok Telephone: 02-503-4216-18 / 0 2700 9299, Website: http://www.karatsanitaryware.com/ Email: callcenterthailand@kohler.com
Kaustine, indoor waterless toilets, Buffalo, NY, historic document, antique, Kaustine Sales & Service Co., 324 Old South Bldg., Boston, Massachusetts USA
Kellog-Mackay Company, Chicago, Illinois
We have a wood tank w/copper interior and a porcelain toilet with the name "Kellogg-Mackay Company Chicago Illinois" the bottom shows a date of Sept 14 1906 and a Pat. mark (I have pictures). Wondering if anyone knows anything about it? - On 2017-07-23 by Connie Spealman
Kilgore brand toilets [citation needed]
Kimberly-Clark toilets (Data Pending)
Kingston Brass toilets
Kohler® brand toilets, Kohler Co.
444 Highland Drive
Kohler, WI 53044, Tel 800-456-4537, Website http://www.kohler.com/corporate/index.html Kohler also produces rear-flush toilets.
Below: a Kohler toilet identifying stamp found inside the toilet tank or cistern of a toilet installed in Memphis, Tennessee.
Below: another Kohler date stamp inside the tank of the same toilet.
Kohler Toilet Models & Part Numbers
Brazn EL (one piece toilet), Model/Part No: K-22378
Electric Flush: EIR Ingtelligent / EL ADA, Model/Part No. K-77795
Electric Flush: Karing 2.0 Intelligent Toilet, Model/Part No. K77780
Electric Flush, Veil Intelligent Toilet, EL ADA (one piece toilet), Model/Part No. K-5401
Kohler's "Electric / Intelligent toilets use an electric flush valve and an electric seat)
Highline Classic EL Model/Part Nos: K-5299: 5297 bowl, 5307 tank
Highline Flair EL Model/Part Nos: K-5298: 5297 bowl, 5308 tank
Reach EL (one piece toilet), Model/Part No. K-3983
Reach Up (one piece toilet) Model/Part No. K-23188
San Raphael Pressure Lite EL ADA, (one piece toilet), Model/Part Nos: K-3597 (uses Sloan Flushmate controls)
Veil EL
(one piece toilet), Model/Part No: K-1381
Wellworth Pressure Lite EL, Model/Part Nos: K-3531: 4303 bowl, 4484 tank (uses Sloan Flushmate controls)
Lacava toilets (Data Pending)
Larsen Supply toilets - see below
Lasco Supply Company, Larsen Supply Company, Inc., Wholesale packated plumbing parts, Web: www.lasco.net Note: Lasco does not sell directly to the public.
Note: Lasco also offers white polethylene, brass, or chrome-plated adjustable bolt-spread toilet seat hinge that can solve toilet seat replacement fit problems for many models.
EL, Model/Part Nos: HM25SWH bowl, HM20TSWH tank
EL ADA, Model/Part Nos: HM25HSWH bowl, HM20TSWH tank
RF, Model/Part Nos: HM20BSWH bowl, HM20TSWH tank
LDR toilets
Laufen Ceramicware toilets, world wide, LAUFEN Bathrooms AG Wahlenstrasse 46 CH-4242 Laufen, USA: Laufen Bathrooms North America 11190 NW 25th Street Miami, FL 33172, Tel: Tel: +1 866.696.2493 / +1 305.357.6130, Website: http://www.laufen.com
LeBijou brand toilets, - good luck finding this company or a home page for them - Ed.
Lowes Building Supply Stores: Aqua Source toilets are a Lowes Building Supply Store "store brand" manufactured for Lowes under contract.
MABIS DMI toilets (Data Pending)
Above: a Mansfield toilet, Mainline brand or logo stamping on a toilet installed in Roanoke, Virginia.
Below: a Mansfield toilet identirfying stamp found inside the toilet tank of a toilet installed in Roanoke, Virginia.
Mansfield toilets /Mansfield Plumbing, 150 East 1st Street
Perrysville, OH 44864
877-850-3060 USA Website: https://www.mansfieldplumbing.com/
Mansfield Toilet Models - most of these use the Sloan Flushmate toilet control in the tank
Maverick EL ADA, Model/Part Nos: 1014 bowl, 1012 tank
QuantumOne EL, Model/Part Nos: 147 bowl, 153 tank - or - 149 bowl, 153 tank -
QuantumOne EL ADA, Model/Part Nos: 44 bowl, 153 tank
QuantumOne EL ADA (floor mounted, rear flush outlet bowl), Model/Part Nos: 151-153: 151 bowl, 153 tank
QuantumOne RF, Model/Part Nos: 146 bowl, 153 tank -
Marathon toilets: sold in Home Depot stores and at Walmart.
Megabrand Toilets
Megabrand EL toilet, Model/Part Nos: C202 bowl, T201 tank
Megabrand RF toilet, Model/Part Nos: C201 bowl, T201 tank
Mayfair Toilet Seats
Mico Designs
Mirabelle brand toilets, showrooms in the U.S. & Canada, Email: info@mirabelleproducts.com, Questionable Website: mirabelleproducts.com/ - NOT HELPFUL website that auto-forwards to https://www.signaturehardware.com/ where Mirabelle toilets could not be found (2025/03/02 - Ed)
Models include Boca Raton, Caraway, and Key West (e.g. Key West MIRKW241ABS) Mirabelle toilets.
McSkimming Toilets, New Zealand, no longer in production. The McSkimming toilet from which we photographed the brand trademark shown above was installed in a home in Cristchurch, New Zealand.
See LOW COST TOILETS for illustrations, history, and operating parts of McSkimming toilets
MFI Toilets, MFI toilets sold in the U.K.,
MFI Direct Limited,
Amsterdam Road,
Sutton Fields Industrial Estate,
HU7 0XF U.K.
Tel: 03 451 224 500
Mingyoung Toilets
DUKO EL toilet, Model/Part Nos: A249L bowl, T491.0GS tank
DUKO EL ADA Model/Part Nos: A249HL bowl, T491.0GS tank
DUKO RF, Model/Part Nos: A249R bowl, T491.0GS tank
Mirabelle toilets (e.g. Key West MIRKW241ABS), showrooms in the U.S. & Canada, Email: info@mirabelleproducts.com, Website: http://www.mirabelleproducts.com/
Mode FosterToilets, [shown below] produced by Mode Bathrooms, Mode Bathrooms
Bridgehead Business Park
HU13 0DG
UK, Email: info@modebathrooms.com Website: https://modebathrooms.com/
Mode Toilets are distributed by VictoriaPlum.com, Bridgehead Business Park, Hessle, HU13 0DG U.K., -
Victoria Plum Limited (Company Number 04177694) is a company registered in England and Wales.
Morvan ceramics, Morvan dual flush toilets [contact details needed] sold in the UK & in Malaysia (Mahligaiidaman.com)
Below: The Morvan ceramics logo appears on the top of some Morvan toilet cisterns, near the flush control buttons.
Neo-Metro Collection brand toilets, Neo-Metro
15125 Proctor Ave
City of Industry CA 91746
U.S.A, Tel: 800.591.9050, Website: http://www.neo-metro.com
Newport Brass toilets
Niagara Corporation Toilets, Niagara Conservation Corp., Flower Mound, TX - note that some Niagara brand toilets are found under other brands including Glacier Bay, Stealth, and sold as a Home Depot store brand.
Niagara Toilet Models
Barron EL, Model/Part Nos:
Barron EL ADA, Model/Part Nos: C44.100.01: 44.0201.01 bowl, 44.0302.01LCH (Left Handle) tank / 44.0302.01RCH (Right Handle) tank
- or -
C44.110.01: 44.0201.01 bowl, 44.0300.01LCH (Left Handle) tank / 44.0300.01RCH (Right Handle) tank
Barron EL ADA rear flush/rear bowl outlet
,Model/Part Nos: C44.300.01: 44.0203.01 bowl, 44.0302.01LCH (Left Handle) tank / 44.0302.01RCH (Right Handle) tank - or -
C44.310.01: 44.0203.01 bowl, 44.0300.01LCH (Left Handle) tank / 44.0300.01RCH (Right Handle) tank
Barron RF, Model/Part Nos: C44.000.01: 44.0200.01 bowl, 44.0302.01LCH (Left Handle) tank - or - 44.0302.01RCH (Right Handle) tank - or - -
C44.010.01: 44.0200.01 bowl, 44.0300.01LCH (Left Handle) tank / 44.0300.01RCH (Right Handle) tank
Glacier Bay - see Glacier Bay above on this page & see Home Depot Model/Part Nos: N2410E: N2410EB bowl, N2410T tank
Phantom EL ADA, Model/Part Nos: N7747E: 7747EB bowl, 7747T tank
Nano EL ADA, Model/Part Nos: N7737E-DF: N7737EB bowl, N7747T-DF tank - or -
N7737E: N7737EB bowl, N7747T tank
Shadow EL ADA, Model/Part Nos: C33.300.01: 33.0201.01 bowl, 33.0300.01LWH (Left Handle) tank -/ 33.0300.01RWH (Right Handle) tank
Stealth EL, Model/Part Nos: N7711 (one piece toilet)
Stealth EL ADA, Model/Part Nos: N7717: N7717 bowl, N7715T tank = Home Depot Glacier Bay - or -
N7717/N7714: N7717 bowl, N7714 tank / All-in-One model 77000 = Home Depot SKU 263-564 - or -
N772714E: N7727EB bowl, N7714 tank - or -
N772715E: N7727EB bowl, N7715T tank
Stealth EL ADA (Rear flush rear bowl outlet) Model/Part Nos: N7799-NCC: N7799 bowl, N7714T tank - or -
N7799: N7799 bowl, N7799T tank
Stealth EL ADA Dual Flush, Model/Part Nos: N771714E-DF: N7717EB-DF bowl, N7714T-DF tank
Stealth RF, Model/Part Nos: N772614R: N7726RB bowl, N7714 tank - or -
N772615R: N7726RB bowl, N7715T tank
Stealth RF ADA, Model/Part Nos: 77001RWHAI1 or Home Depot SKU 734-553 - or -
N7716: N7716 bowl, N7715T tank - or -
N7716R: N7716 bowl, N7714 tank OR 7714TFH tank / All-In-One Model 77002
Panasonic toilets, (e.g. Panasonic toilet bowl with warm water flush system for washing user beauty cabinet de toilette W moment-type pearl ivory DL-WD60-CP; also the Zaraku portable toilet - http://ex-blog.panasonic.co.jp/exhibition/en/2008/09/hcr08_400.html)
Pasco toilets
Pegasus toilets
Phantom toilets - see Niagara Toilets
Phylrich toilets
Plumb toilets
Pozzi-Ginori Toilets, Italy (illustrated above, installed in Dosroduro, Venice)
Price toilets
Pfister toilets
Porcher toilets, originally a French brand, acquired by American Standard Companies in 1992, Website: http://www.porcher-us.com/
ProFlo toilets (e.g. Proflo PFCT 103WH), Newport news VA, a division of Ferguson Enterprised, Newport News, VA 24602
ProFlo Inc., 7663 Cottonwood Mountain ,
Littleton, CO 80127 USA, Tel: 303.973.4447 Web: http://www.profloinc.com
PROFLO is a Ferguson brand.
Culpepper EL ADA, Skirted Comfort Bowl, Model/Part Nos.: PF9002S bowl, PF2310 tank / PF2312 tank / PF2314 tank
Gilpin EL, Model/Part Nos: PF1601PA bowl, PF1612PA tank (left-hand lever)
Gilpin EL (rear outlet), Model/Part Nos: PF1605PA bowl, PF1612PA tank (left-hand lever)
Gilpin EL Pressure Assist, Model/Part Nos: PF1601PA bowl, PF1610PA tank
PFGPC210PAWHA: PF1601PAWH Bowl; PF1610PAWHA Tank (WDI B8204 pressure vessel)
Gilpin EL ADA, Model/Part Nos: PF1603PA bowl, PF1612PA tank (left-hand lever)
Gilpin EL ADA (rear outlet) Model/Part Nos: PF1606PA bowl, PF1612PA tank (left-hand lever)
Gilpin EL ADA Pressure Assist, Model/Part Nos: PF1603PA bowl, PF1610PA tank
PFGPC410PAWHA: PF1603PAWH Bowl; PF1610PAWHA Tank (WDI B8204 pressure vessel)
Gilpin RF
Model/Part Nos: PF1600PA bowl, PF1612PA tank (left-hand lever) - or -
PFGPC012PAUHETWHA: PF1600PAWH Bowl; PF1612PAWHA Tank (WDI B8204 pressure vessel )
PFGPC012PAUHETRWHA Right hand Lever & PFGPC012PALWHA w/ Lid Lock
PFGPC212PAUHETWHA: PF1601PAWH Bowl; PF1612PAWHA Tank (WDI B8204 pressure vessel)
PFGPC212PAUHETRWHA Right hand Lever & PFGPC212PALWHA with Lid Lock
Gilpin RF ADA, Model/Part Nos: PFGPC412PAUHETWHA: PF1603PAWH Bowl; PF1612PAWHA Tank (WDI B8204 pressure vessel) -
PFGPC412PAUHETRWHA Right hand Lever & PFGPC412PALWHA with Lid Lock
Gilpin RF Pressure Assist, Model/Part Nos: PF1600PA bowl, PF1610PA tank
Note: Proflo Gilpin toilets use the Flushmate 504 pressure vessel in the toilet tank
Greenlee RF ADA, Model/Part Nos: PF9800 bowl, PF9810 / PF9810R tank
/ F9812 / tank / PF9812R tank - or -
PF9803 bowl, PF9810 tank
/ PF9812 tank / PF9812R tank
Jerritt Comf EL ADA, Model/Part Nos: PF1402T bowl, PF2310 tank, / PF1402T bowl, PF2312 tank / PF1402T bowl, PF2314 tank
Jerritt EL, Model/Part Nos: PF1401T bowl, PF2310 tank / PF1401T bowl, PF2312 tank / PF1401T bowl, PF2314 tank / PF1403T bowl, PF2310 tank / PF1403T bowl, PF2312 tank / PF1403T bowl, PF2314 tank /
Jerritt RF, Model/Part Nos: PF1400T bowl, PF2310 tank / PF1400T bowl, PF2312 tank / PF1400T bowl, PF2314 tank
Rapsel toilets, RAPSEL Spa
Via Volta 13 - 20019 Settimo Milanese (MI), Italy
Tel. 0039 02 3355981 Fax. 0039 02 33501306, Email:
rapsel@rapsel.it Italian company, offices in Milan & New York, Website: http://www.rapsel.it/ or in the U.S. http://rapsel.wordpress.com/
Renovator's Supply toilets
Richmond Toilets, manufactured by the Peck Brothers in New Haven, Connecticut with offices in New York - shown below, a Richmond toilet as sold on ebay, described as "turn of the century" i.e. ca 1910, bearing a notice that the toilet was patented August 3, 1909 (for sale on eBay in 2023)
Rohl toilets
Royal Conservation Toilets
Royal ConservationTwo-Piece EL ADA, Model/Part Nos: CLB-QUN-EL / CLB-KNG-EL / CLB-KNG-RD / CLB-QUN-RD
Rubbermaid toilets & toilet parts
Rundle / Universal Rundle / UR toilets - shown above
"S" Brand Toilets [citation needed] - brand illustrated above in a 1980s U.K. toilet. Dash, an InspectApedia reader who found this toilet commented:
Location of this S-logo toilet with a numeric 650embossed to right fo the S: UK, North London. The image in inside the tank lid. It has that "S" shape then the number "650".
It's a 1980's build house. I do not believe the toilet in from that era as the rest of the bathroom is modern and it is an enclosed toilet.
Samuel Heath toilets, US & UK, USA Customer Service
111 E. 39th St. 2R
New York
NY 10016,
Tel: 212 599 5177,
Email: usa@samuel-heath.com,
UK Head Office
Samuel Heath & Sons plc
Leopold Street
B12 0UJ,
Tel: +44 121 766 4200,
Email: info@samuel-heath.comWebsite: http://www.samuel-heath.com/
San Jamar toilets
Sandbar International toilets
Sanicare toilets
Saniflo toilets - Edison NJ, USA, Website: https://www.saniflodepot.com/ Email: Support@SanifloDepot.Com The company provides macerating (sewage grinder pump) toilet systems.
Sanitary Pipe Company
I found a cast iron toilet that was MFG by Sanitary Pipe Co. in Alexander City Ala but can't seem to find it anywhere. I am looking to see how old it is - On 2017-06-23 by Bonnie Mckenzie
Santec toilets
Scarabeo toilets
Schon Toilets - a Home Depot brand
Schon EL ADA one piece toilet, concealed trap, Model/Part Nos:
SKU 1001-300-191 (Foremost TL6115-HC) black
SKU 1001-300-192 (Foremost TL6115-HC) biscuit
SKU 1001-300-210 (Foremost TL6115-HC) white
Seasons toilets - for HD Supply
EL ADA, Model/Part Nos: 117914 (= Foremost TL-4590HC-CEW)
Hawthorne EL ADA, Model/Part Nos: 108466 bowl, 564854 tank
/ 564814 bowl, 564854 tank / 564856 bowl, 564854 tank
SHIRES New Reverso Toilet (U.K.) - two piece, plastic cistern, in this instance installed at Brinstone Farm, Herefordshire, UK, Shires idenitfying logo illustrated above. Details are in our
Sinclair Toilets - source unknown, under research.
Sinclairs: UK retailer since 1949 , 266 Glossop Road,
South Yorkshire,
S10 2HS UK -Tel: 0114 275 0333 Website: https://sinclairsonline.co.uk/
(NOTE: we think that this retailer never produced toilets - still researching - Ed. )
Above; Sloan waterfree urinal logo.
Sloan Valve Co., control valves for toilets, flushometers, Sloan Headquarters 10500 Seymour Avenue Franklin Park, IL 60131 USA, Tech Support: Tel: 888-756-2614 Website: www.sloan.com
Sloan Valve Co., Sloan toilets & plumbing fixtures Sloan FLUSHMATE® [web article] power-flush toilet: Sloan Flushmate, 30075 Research Drive, New Hudson MI 48165, USA, / Franklin Park, IL 60131 USA Tel: 1-800-533-3450, Website: www.flushmate.com
EL, Model/Part Nos: WETS-8009.8016 AND 8009.8116: ST-8009 bowl, ST-8016 OR ST8116 tank - ( tank 8016 left side actuator; 8116 right-side actuator)
EL ADA Model/Part Nos:
WETS-8029.8016 AND 8029.8116: ST-8029 bowl, ST-8016 tank OR ST-8116 tank - ( tank 8016 left side actuator; 8116 right-side actuator)
Smedbo toilets
Spenca toilets
Spenca EL, Model/Part Nos: HM25SWH bowl, HM20TSWH tank
Spenca EL ADA,
Model/Part Nos: M25HSWH bowl, HM20TSWH tank
Spenca RF, Model/Part Nos: HM20BSWH bowl, HM20TSWH tank
Springhouse Specialty toilets
SSI - Sustainable Solutions International Toilets
Toilet model One No Clog , EL ADA, Model/Part Nos: 301302W bowl, 301300W tank
Above: Standard toilet & urinal logo.
Standard toilets: older version of the current American Standard described above on this page.
Below: An identifying stamp inside the tank of a Standard brand toilet.
Sterling is a Kohler company producing kitchen & bathroom fixtures, parts, tools.
Stalnaker toilets include ADA compliant models. See Signature Hardware.
St. Thomas toilets - see below
St. Thomas Creations toilets, St. Thomas Creations
3A South Middlesex Avenue
Monroe Township, New Jersey 08831 USA,
Tel. (800) 536-BATH (800-536-2284)
Fax (609) 655- 2421, Email: E-Mail: info@stthomascreations.com, Website: http://www.stthomascreations.com/
Stealth toilets - a Home Depot brand
Stealth EL ADA, Model/Part Nos: SKU 263-564 (by Niagara): N7717 bowl, N7714 tank (sold all-in-one toilet)
Stilo Toilets, Mexico, illustrated above in Guanajuato include a toilet water-saving feature: a hand-washing sink mounts atop the toilet's reservoir tank. Water used for washing one's hands is then used for the subsequent toilet flush.
Stylus toilets, New Zealand (Dunedin)
Summer Toilet Seats, Summer Infant- Baby Products,
1275 Park East Drive
Woonsocket, Rhode Island 02895 USA
Tel: 401-671-6551
Website: https://www.summerinfant.com/
Tangshan Hengmao, Welling Toilets, manufactured by Trenton Potteries, Ltd.,
Above: Toto Aquia® wall-hung dual-flush toilet. Below, a typical Toto toilet identifying logo.
Toto brand toilets (e.g. Toto Drake CST744S, Neorest Hybrid, ) Brazil & USA, TOTO USA, INC.
1155 Southern Road
Morrow, Georgia 30260,
Tel: 888-295-8134, Tel: 1-888-295-8134, Email:
techsupport@totousa.com, Website: totousa.com See examples of the Toto B100 Washlet and other products
Above: A Toilet Washlet washing jet toilet by Toto ( - Wikipedia)
Toto Toilet Models (2023)
ADA, wall-mount, special bowl, ADA poss., Model/Part Nos: CT449CFG bowl, WT174M in-wall carrier
AP, wall-hung, in-wall tank, Model/Part Nos:CST446CEMGN: CT446CE(G)N(T40) bowl; ST446EMN(A) tank
/ CWT4263046CMF**: CT426CF** bowl with WT172M or WT173M* in wall tank / CWT4263056CMF**:CT426CF** bowl with WT172M or WT173M* in wall tank / CWT426CMF**: tank
Aquia IV Arc 1G EL ADA, Model/Part Nos: MS448124CUMF(G)(A): CT446CUF(G)T40 bowl, ST448UM(A) tank
Aquia IV Cube, 1G EL ADA, Model/Part Nos: MS436124CUMF(G): CT446CUF(G)T40 bowl, ST436UM(A) tank
Aquia IV Cube, EL ADA, Model/Part Nos: MS436124CEMF(G): CT446CUF(G)T40 bowl, ST436EM(A)(R) tank
Aquia IV EL (one-piece), Model/Part Nos: CST646CEMF / CST646CUMF
Aquia IV EL ADA, Model/Part Nos: CST446CEMFGN CT446CEFGN(T40) bowl; ST446EMN(A) tank
Aquia IV UH EL ADA, Model/Part Nos: CST446CEMF(G)(T40): CT446CUF(G)T40 bowl, ST446EM tank
Aquia IV RH EL, Model/Part Nos: CST446CEM(G): CT446CU(G)T40 bowl, ST446EM tank
Arc EL ADA Model/Part Nos: MW448****CEMF**: CT446CUF** bowl; ST448EMA tank = MS448124CEMF*
Carlyle II 1G EL ADA, Model/Part Nos: CST614CUFG / MS614114CUFG
Connelly EL ADA, Model/Part Nos: Model/Part Nos: MS494124CEMF**: CT494CEF** bowl, ST494M* tank (ALSO MS494234CEMF**, MW4943044CEMF**, and MW4943054CEMF**)
Drake EL, Model/Part Nos: CST746CEMF: CT746CUF bowl, ST746EM(A) tank / MS746124CUM / MW7463046CUM, MW7463056CUM, MW7463084CUM / MS746124CEM** / MS746124CUM**
Drake EL ADA, Model/Part Nos: CST746CEMF.10: CT746CUF.10 bowl, ST746EM tank / CST746CEMF: CT746CUF bowl, ST746EM tank / MS746124CUMF / MW7463046CUMF, MW7463056CUMF, MW7463084CUMF(G) / CT746CU**T40 bowl, ST746EMD tank / CT746CU**T40.10 bowl, ST746EMD tank / MS746124CEMF** / MS746124CUMF** / MW7463046CUMF** / MW7463056CUMF**
Drake II IG EL, Model/Part Nos: CST454CUFG: C454CUFG bowl, ST453U tank
Drake II IG - RF ADA, Model/Part Nos: CST453CUF(G): C453CUF(G) bowl, ST453U tank
Dual-Max EL ADA, wall-mount, Model/Part Nos: CWT437MF(G)-3 (also CWT437117MF(G)-3): CT437F(G) bowl, WT153M in-wall tank / CWT437MF(G)-4 (also CWT437117MF(G)-4): CT437F(G) bowl, WT154M in-wall tank
EL (wall-mount, ADA poss.) Model/Part Nos: CCT447CFG bowl, WT174M in-wall carrier
EP, wall-hung, in-wall tank, Model/Part Nos: CWT428CMF*: CT428CF** bowl, WT172M or WT173M tank
G400 EL, Model/Part Nos: MS920CEMF(G): CT920CEMF(G) bowl, SN920M top
Maris EL ADA, Model/Part Nos: CST484CEMF(G): CT484CEF(G) bowl, ST484M tank
MH Wall-Hung, water tank concealed in wall, Model/Part Nos: CWT437117MF**: CT437F* bowl with WT172M in-wall tank
Neorest 500H EL, Model/Part Nos: MS952CUM(G):
CT952CUM(G) bowl,
SN952M top
Neorest 550H EL, Model/Part Nos: MS982CUM(G):
CT982CUM(G) bowl, SN982M tank
Neorest 700H, Model/Part Nos: MS992CUMF: CT992CUMFG bowl, SN992M tank
Neorest 750H, Model/Part Nos: MS993CUMFX:
CT993CUMFX bowl, SN993MX tank
Neorest AC RF Wall-Mount, ADA poss.
Model/Part Nos: CWT996CEMFX: CT996CEMFX bowl, WT174M tank (in-wall)
Neorest EW RF Wall-Mount, ADA poss. Model/Part Nos: CWT994CEMFG: CT994CEMFG bowl, WT174M tank (in-wall)
Neorest AH EL Model/Part Nos: MS989CUMFG: CT989CUMFG bowl, SN989 washlet
Neorest RH EL Model/Part Nos: MS988CUMFG: CT989CUMFG bowl, SN988M washlet
Vespin II 1G EL ADA, Model/Part Nos: CST474CUF: CT474CUFG bowl, ST453U tank
Wall-mount, ADA poss., tank concealed in wall, Model/Part Nos: CWT449049CMFG: CT449CFGT60 bowl, WT173MA tank / CWT449249CMFG: and in-wall carrier)
CT449CFG bowl, WT172M tank
Cascade Ultra EL
Cascade Ultra EL ADA
Cascade Ultra EL ADA Comfort
Cascade Ultra EL ADA Comfort, Skirted bowl
Cascade Ultra RF
EL, Pressure Assist
EL ADA, Pressure Assist
Louth EL
Louth EL ADA
Louth RF
Louth RF ADA
McLair Ultra 0.8 EL ADA
McLair Ultra 0.8 RF ADA
RF, Pressure Assist
Unison Ridge Toilets
Unison Ridge Bellucijni El (one piece)
Unison Ridge Sorrentino El (one piece)
Universal Rundle Toilets - brand logo shown above, installed in Huson, New York
USE toilets (Data Pending)
Villeroy & Boch Bath & Kitchen brand toilets, International, offices in Canada, Mexico, United States, Villeroy & Boch AG
Corporate Headquarters
P.O. Box 1120
D 66688 Mettlach, Phone +49 (0) 68 64 - 81 - 0, Website: http://www.villeroy-boch.com/, Company founded 1748.
Architectura EL ADA (12-inch rough-in) , Model/Part Nos: 5645-7757:
5645U101 bowl, 7757V101 tank
VitrA USA brand toilets, International, Brazil?, USA contact: Shawnee North Business Center
305 Shawnee North Drive Suite 600
Shawnee USA,
Phone : +1 770 904 68 30
Fax : +1 770 904 68 91
www.vitra-usa.com, Website: http://usa.vitra.com.tr/
Vortens Toilets,
Vortens Oken 1G EL
Vortens Oken 1G RF
"W" Brand toilets
I have a old 1935 toilet that I need to find the brand to look for a replacement tank lid. The only makers mark is W? Anyone know what brand the W stands for? - 2016-09-26 by Charlie
Waso toilets - see Aflush toilets above in this list.
Watts toilets & plumbing supplies includes control valves such as WATTS MODEL WAS ANTI-SWEAT VALVE for water closets shown above; Web: https://www.watts.com/
F.W. Webb, Bedford MA, USA, distributes plumbing and mechanical system products in the Northeastern U.S. - reselling other major brands.
Welling Toilets, manufactured by Trenton Potteries, Ltd., see Trenton Pottery above on this page - described at ANTIQUE FLUSH TOILETS
Westbrass toilets & plumbing supplies, 2429 E. Olympic Blvd. | Los Angeles, CA 90021 | (213) 627-8441 | (213) 627-2844 | orders@westbrass.com | www.westbrass.com
Website excerpt:
Westbrass was founded in 1935 by two brothers, to serve the needs of all plumbing wholesalers on the West Coast. The product lines at the time included items such as faucets, valves, malleable fittings, etc. After becoming the premier distributor of plumbing products, the company was bought in 1985 by Max Homami.
Western Pottery Toilets, 14405 Best Avenue, Norwalk, CA 90650 Email:
Tel: 1-877-WP-WORKS (1-877-979-6757) Website: http://www.westernpottery.com/products/toilets/ Vitreous chinawater products, Western Pottery Group, Inc.
Western Pottery Wrangler One EL toilet, Model/Part Nos: B432PF-1: 432 PF bowl, ULF-T4 tank (uses Sloan Flushmate controls)
Western Pottery EL ADA toilet, Model/Part Nos: B772 bowl, T7ULF tank
Western Pottern RF toilet, Model/Part Nos: W8270: B722 bowl, T7ULF tank - note: manufactured by Zhangzhou
Whieldon Sanitary Potterie (previously Winkle & Wood Colonial Pottery) in the 1930's, Mount Pleasant, Staffordshire, England near Stoke-on-Trent, produced the
Shires Reverso toilet shown above, installed at Brinstone Farm in the UK, is described in detail
Whitehall Manufacturing toilets, BARIATRIC TOILET INSTALLATION MANUAL [PDF], P.O. Box 3527 City of Industry, CA 91744-0527 USA Tel: 800-782-7706 Web: www.whitehallmfg.com E-mail: info@whitehallmfg.com
Whitehall produces sinks, bariatric toilets, other toilets & urinals, a bariatric toilet system, showers & controls, drains, bath accessories, dialysis boxes, and patient care units used in hospitals.
Bariatric patients require plumbing fixtures with higher maximum weight capacities than average fixtures found in healthcare facilities. Traditional china toilets support only about 500 lbs., and are more likely to break and cause injury to patients.
Traditional porcelain toilets can buckle under immense pressure, shattering and creating sharp and dangerous debris.
Whitehaus Collection toilets, Whitehaus Collection - 589 Boston Post Rd. West Haven, CT 06516 USA, Tel: 800.527.6690, (626) 968-6681 Email: info@whitehauscollection.com, Website: http://whitehauscollection.com
Whittington Collection Toilets
Winmax / Winfield Toilets
EL, Model/Part No: T32425
EL ADA, Model/Part No: T3245H
RF, Model/Part No: T32420
YOW - Your Other Warehouse Toilets
for Home Depot: Schön-Simply Modern, HET EL ADA (one-piece), Model/Part Nos: TL-6115HC (by Foremost)
Stealth EL ADA
Zoeller Pump Company, 3649 Cane Run Rd.
Louisville, KY USA 40211
Phone: +1-800-928-7867
Phone: +1-502-778-2731
Fax: +1-502-774-3624
Product Support: zcotechnical@zoeller.com - the Zoeller Quick John is shown above & discussed
TOILETS, INSPECT, INSTALL, REPAIR - home - this toilet buy, install or repair guide article series discusses the cause, diagnosis, and repair of toilet problems (water closet problems) such as a toilet that does not flush well, clogged toilets, slow-filling toilets, running toilets, loose wobbly toilets, and odors at leaky toilets.
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Citations & References
In addition to any citations in the article above, a full list is available on request.
"Story: Rock, limestone and clay Part of page 8 – Ceramics and pottery ", TEARA, The Enyclopedia of New Zealand, Video retrieved 9/18/14, original source: http://www.teara.govt.nz/en/video/5254/clay-toilets, Te Ara, Manatū Taonga Ministry for Culture and Heritage, PO Box 5364, Wellington, New Zealand, Tel: +64 4 499 4229, Email: TeAra@mch.govt.nz
[2] 1991 ADA Standards for Accessible Design, U.S. Department of Justice, 28 CFR Part 36, Revised as of July 1, 1994, excerpts; web search 5/10/12, original source: http://www.ada.gov/stdspdf.htm [copy on file as ADA_Standards_1994.pdf]
[3] Alliance for Water Efficiency, 300 W Adams Street, Suite 601
Chicago, Illinois 60606, Tel: 866-730-A4WE, Website: http://www.allianceforwaterefficiency.org/ Quoting:
The Alliance for Water Efficiency is a stakeholder-based 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to the efficient and sustainable use of water. Located in Chicago, the Alliance serves as a North American advocate for water efficient products and programs, and provides information and assistance on water conservation efforts.
OSHA toilet standards: OSHA's sanitation standard for general industry, 29 CFR 1910.141(c)(l)(i), specifies that employers shall provide toilet facilities for their employees. Web-search 5/10/12, original source: http://www.osha.gov/pls/oshaweb/owadisp.show_document?p_id
[5] Wikipedia Web: https://www.wikipedia.org/ provided background information about some topics discussed at this website provided this citation is also found in the same article along with a " retrieved on" date. NOTE: because Wikipedia entries are fluid and can be amended in real time, we cite the retrieval date of Wikipedia citations and we do not assert that the information found there is necessarily authoritative.
"Flush Toilet", web search 5/10/12, original source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flush_toilet#Tank_style_with_flapper-flush-valve
"Japanese bidet toilet", web search 5/13/12, original source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_toilets
In addition to citations & references found in this article, see the research citations given at the end of the related articles found at our suggested
Carson, Dunlop & Associates Ltd., 120 Carlton Street Suite 407, Toronto ON M5A 4K2. Tel: (416) 964-9415 1-800-268-7070 Email: info@carsondunlop.com. Alan Carson is a past president of ASHI, the American Society of Home Inspectors.
Carson Dunlop Associates provides extensive home inspection education and report writing material. In gratitude we provide links to tsome Carson Dunlop Associates products and services.