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Top flush flush valve toilet Glacie Bay (C) Daniel FriedmanDirectory of Toilet Manufacturers & Sources

Identify a Toilet or Contact Toilet Brand / Manufacturer

Where to buy a toilet or toilet parts: toilet manufacturers list helps identify a toilet by brand, logo, trademark, stamps or other feathers.

This article provides a list of toilet brands, giving names of manufacturers, and sources useful for identifying toilets or buying toilets or toilet parts.

This data may be helpful in purchasing a toilet, finding repair parts for toilets, obtaining toilet installation or repair instructions for specific toilet models, and for identifying toilets.

InspectAPedia tolerates no conflicts of interest. We have no relationship with advertisers, products, or services discussed at this website.

- Daniel Friedman, Publisher/Editor/Author - See WHO ARE WE?

Toilet Brands List, Manufacturers, Contact Information for all Toilet Brands

Toilet seat with 10-inch bolt spread (C) CAWith more than 1000 brands of toilets manufactured and distributed around the world, this list would be endless.

Here we list all common or popular toilet manufacturers or brands, current or previous. Updated March 2024.

Photo above-left: Aside from differences in shape (round, elongated), and features (slow closing), and materials (wood, plastic), an older toilet seat using a 10-inch (255mm) bolt-spread can be difficult to replace.

Most modern toilet seats use a standard 5 1/2" spacing (North America) or standard 155mm (U.K.) between the seat mounting bolts.

This isn't a new problem: Campbell (cited at References or Citations ) patented a toilet seat with adjustable bolt spacing in the U.S. in 1935.

Before buying a toilet seat, measure the space, center-to-center of the toilet seat bolt openings in the toilet base to check that your toilet uses a standard spacing.

CONTACT US to suggest changes or additions to this toilet brand list.

Alphabetic Index to Toilet & Toilet Parts Brands & Suppliers

A  -  B  -  C  -  D  -  E  -  F  -  G  -  H  -  I  -  J  -  K  -  L  -  M  -  N  -  O  -  P  -  Q  -  R  -  S  -  T  -  U  -  V  -  W  -  X  -  Y  -  Z

Toilet Abbreviations

In some of the toilet models listed below we use the following common industry abbreviations:



AIO All In One toilet by Glacier Bay at Home Depot in 2021 cited & discussed at

AIO Toilets (shown above)

American Standard toilet - Champion Model, Portysmouth Champion Pro cited & discussed at ... American Standard toilet logo (C) Daniel Friedman

Illustration: American Standard Champion model toilet, Portsmouth Champion PRO [PDF] (2014) Two-Piece 1.28 gpf/4.8 Lpf Standard Height Elongated Toilet less Seat. 2022 list price $540, found for sale at about $350. U.S. .

On 2021-12-03 by Inspectapedia Com Moderator (mod) - American Standard or "Standard" Brand Toilets

Savoy Standard toilet base - Standard brand (C) Tierney@Tierney,

Savoy would have been a model in the older Standard toilet line that later became American Standard.

In our OPINION the market for antique flush toilets isn't so strong that it's likely to be of great value.

Watch out: other toilet manufacturers, such as Eljer, also use the model name "Savoy" for some modern flush toilets.

That's not the same product.

On 2021-11-30 by Tierney - Standard Savoy Toilet Value

I have a Standard Savoy toilet, porcelain neck, and tank in great condition.

Tank is quite large compared to today's standards. Appears to be from 1910-1930s as the house was built in 1906 and this is original toilet.

Can't find anything about this model. No numbers in tank as it is so old and before that was a thing but has just "Standard" in blue ink. Bowl has the Savoy marking.

Any idea on age or worth?

[Photo above]

This Q&A were posted originally


Avenue toilet cited & discussed at


Bemis toilet logo at ... Bemis toilet logo at


Case Model A toilet from 1934-35 cited & discussed at

Castel a toilet brand sold in Mexico (C) DF ... Castel a toilet brand sold in Mexico (C) DF

Cato brand toilet in a home in Mexico (C) Daniel Friedman at ... Cato brand toilet in a home in Mexico (C) Daniel Friedman at

Celite brand one piece toilet at InspectApedia

Church toilet seat (C) Daniel Friedman at

Above, a Church Toilet Seat showing the company's brand, installed in a northern Minnesota home built in the 1960s.

Church toilet seat as sold  in August 2022, cited & discussed at

Above: a Church Model 585EC 00 Toilet Seat as listed on Amazon in August 2022.

Modern Crane toilet identifying logo (C) Daniel Friedman at

Crane toilet brand identifying logo (C) Daniel Friedman at

Below: a Crane toilet date stamp found inside the toilet tank of toilets installed in Austin. The first stamp reads H7 8 AIG 4 2006

Crane toilet tank date stamp (C) Daniel Friedman,

and the second Crane toilet tank stamp reads H47 AUG 07 '06

Crane toilet tank date stamp (C) Daniel Friedman,

Below: Crane Crane Santon Toilet VBT071217-04 - sold by the Period Bath Supply Co., 528 South Avenue, Rochester, NY, US, 14620 Tel: 585-325-2264

Antique toilet: vintage Crane Santon toilet sold by Period Bath Supply co - cited at InspectApedia

Email: Web:

Antique toilet: vintage Crane Santon toilet sold by Period Bath Supply co - cited at InspectApedia

Below: Crane Petite toilet logo found on the toilet base at the hinge point.

Crane Petite toilet logo/brand symbol at InspectApedia

Below, an antique Crane Ordway pillbox toilet for sale on eBay in 2023, described by the seller as:

The tank is marked on the back G-H-B, the bowl is marked Crane Ordway Illini on the rim and, Trenton Potteries on the back side.

Crane-Ordway pillbox toilet for sale on eBay in 2023 cited & discussed at

The toilet seat bolt spacing on this Crane Ordway pillbox toilet are 5 1/2" o.c.

Crane-Ordway pillbox toilet for sale on eBay in 2023 cited & discussed at




Dica toilet brand at

Duravit toilet (C) Daniel Friedman at

Duravit toilet (C) Daniel Friedman at


Canterbury toilet from Elger (C)


Fowler toilet in the Brew Moon Cafe, New Zealand (C) Daniel Friedman

Feijeer toilet installed in 2022 in a New Jersey home (C) RobD

Feijeer toilet installed in 2022 in a New Jersey home (C) RobD


Logo for Ferguson Enterprises LLC - cited & discussed at

Ferguson Enterprise like brand on toilet

Ferguson Enterprises or similar brand found on toilets

Above, the same toilet logo or trademark matches, found on ProFlo Toilets, is used by Ferguson Enterprises, as I illustrate here. Where the toilet logo or brand includes an SA, reading Ferguson SA , that may also provide identification (South America?) or identify a standards organization, but I could not find a match.


Gerber toilet brand / identifying logo (C) Daniel Friedman at

Below: A Gerber toilet may also be identified by a stamp found inside of some Gerber toilet tanks.

Gerber identifying logo found inside the toilet tank or cister (C) Daniel Friedman at

Gerber Toilet Models:

Ultra Flush RF Model/Part Nos: EF-21-302: 21-342 bowl, EF-28-380 tank - WDI EcoFlush inside tank
Ultra Flush EL, Model/Part Nos: UL-20-300: UF-21-342 bowl, UF-28-385 tank-WDI EcoFlush - or -
  UL-20-302: UF-21-342 bowl, UF-28-380 tank-WDI EcoFlush - or -
  UL-20-311: UF-21-372 bowl, UF-28-385 tank-WDI EcoFlush - or -
  UL-20-312: UF-21-372 bowl, UF-28-380 tank-WDI EcoFlush
Ultra Flush EL ADA, Model/Part Nos: UL-20-317: UF-21-377 bowl, UF-28-385 tank-WDI EcoFlush
  UL-20-318: UF-21-377 bowl, UF-28-380 tank
Ultra Flush EL (rear discharge bowl), Model/Part Nos: UL-20-310: UF-21-374 bowl, UF-28-380 tank-WDI EcoFlush - or -
  UL-20-325: UF-21-375 bowl, UF-28-380 tank - WDI EcoFlush
Ultra Flush 1.1 gpf, EL, Model/Part Nos: EF-21-312: 21-372 bowl, EF-28-380 tank - WDI EcoFlush inside the tank
Ultra Flush 1.1 gpf EL ADA, Model/Part Nos: EF-21-318: 21-377 bowl, EF-28-380 tank - WDI EcoFlush - or -
  GLF-20-517: GWS-21-528 bowl, GLF-28-595 tank - or -
  LF-20-528: WS-21-528 bowl, WS-28-528 tank
Ultra Flush 1.1 EL ADA rear flush/discharge bowl outlet, Model/Part Nos: EF-21-325: 21-375 bowl, EF-28-380 tank - WDI EcoFlush
Viper EL, Model/Part Nos: DF-20-551: WS-21-551 bowl, DF-28-528 tank - or -
  GLF-20-500: GWS-21-551 bowl, GLF-28-595 tank - or -
  LF-20-551: WS-21-551 bowl, LF-28-528 tank - or -
  WS-20-551 (insulated tank): WS-21-551 bowl, WS28-522 tank - or -
  WS-20-551: WS-21-551 bowl, WS28-528 tank
  Floor-mount, rear (wall) outlet: Model/Part Nos: GWS20022 (or WS-20-022): GWS21575 (or WS-21-575) bowl, GWS28575 (or WS-28-575) tank
Viper EL ADA, Model/Part Nos: DF-20-521: WS-21-521 bowl, DF-28-591 tank / DF-20-528: WS-21-528 bowl, DF-28-528 tank - or -
  WS-21-519: WS-21-872 bowl, WS-28-570 tank - or -
  WS-20-521: WS-21-521 bowl, WS-28-591 tank - or -
  WS-20-528 (insulated tank): WS-21-528 bowl, WS-28-522 tank -

Geberit toilet installed in Campo San Murizio, Venice (C) Daniel Friedman at

Canterbury one piece toilet from Eljer (C) Daniel Friedman

Above: a Glacier Bay low profile toilet.

Grohe toilet, Torcello Venice (C) Daniel Friedman at

Grohe toilet, Torcello Venice (C) Daniel Friedman at



Ideal Standard toilet brand, New Zealand, UK, and other countries, (C) Daniel Friedman at

Ideal Standard toilet & bidet in Genoa, Italy (C) Daniel Friedman at ... Ideal Standard toilet & bidet in Genoa, Italy (C) Daniel Friedman at

The second Ideal Standard toilet, shown below, is installed in Dorsoduro, Venice, Italy

Idea Standard toilet installed in Venice-694-Dorsoduro-DJFss.jpg Venice (C) Daniel Friedman at


Elastic Valve Toilet by Mike at

Above: a J.A. Vogel flush toilet, provided by Mike, described further at ANTIQUE FLUSH TOILETS


Kohler toilet brand indicator (C) Daniel Friedman at

Below: a Kohler toilet identifying stamp found inside the toilet tank or cistern of a toilet installed in Memphis, Tennessee.

Kohler toilet identifying stamp inside the toilet tank (C) Daniel Friedman at

Below: another Kohler date stamp inside the tank of the same toilet.

Kohler toilet identification date stramp (C) Daniel Friedman at

Kohler Toilet Models & Part Numbers

Brazn EL (one piece toilet), Model/Part No: K-22378
Electric Flush: EIR Ingtelligent / EL ADA, Model/Part No. K-77795
Electric Flush: Karing 2.0 Intelligent Toilet, Model/Part No. K77780
Electric Flush, Veil Intelligent Toilet, EL ADA (one piece toilet), Model/Part No. K-5401
  Kohler's "Electric / Intelligent toilets use an electric flush valve and an electric seat)
Highline Classic EL Model/Part Nos: K-5299: 5297 bowl, 5307 tank
Highline Flair EL Model/Part Nos: K-5298: 5297 bowl, 5308 tank
Reach EL (one piece toilet), Model/Part No. K-3983
Reach Up (one piece toilet) Model/Part No. K-23188
San Raphael Pressure Lite EL ADA, (one piece toilet), Model/Part Nos: K-3597 (uses Sloan Flushmate controls)
Veil EL (one piece toilet), Model/Part No: K-1381
Wellworth Pressure Lite EL, Model/Part Nos: K-3531: 4303 bowl, 4484 tank (uses Sloan Flushmate controls)




Mansfield Mainline toilet identifying stamp logo brand (C) Daniel Friedman at

Above: a Mansfield toilet, Mainline brand or logo stamping on a toilet installed in Roanoke, Virginia.

Below: a Mansfield toilet identirfying stamp found inside the toilet tank of a toilet installed in Roanoke, Virginia.

Mansfield toilet identifying stamp inside the toilet tank (C) Daniel Friedman at

Morovan Toilet - UK Brand (C) ... Morovan Toilet - UK Brand (C)

McSkimming toilet brand mark (C) Daniel Friedman

Morvan toilets sold in UK & Malaysia - at

Mode Foster toiletdistributed by Victoria Plum LTD in the UK cited * discussed at

Below: The Morvan ceramics logo appears on the top of some Morvan toilet cisterns, near the flush control buttons.

Morvan toilet logo helps identify this UK toilet brand (C) DF


Low profile toilet, possibly Norris Industries Brand (C) D Friedman &  L K



Pozzi Ginori toilet, Installed in Venice, Italy (C) Daniel Friedmanat ... Pozzi Ginori toilet, Installed in Venice, Italy (C) Daniel Friedmanat


Universal Rundle toilet (C) Daniel Friedman ... Universal Rundle toilet (C) Daniel Friedman


S-brand toilet (C)

Shanks patent toilet (C)

Shires New Reverso toilet logo - UK toilet identification (C) Daniel Friedman at

Sloan toilet & urinal identification logo cited & discussed at

Above; Sloan waterfree urinal logo.


Toilet low flush indication (C) Daniel Friedman

Above: Standard toilet & urinal logo.

Below: An identifying stamp inside the tank of a Standard brand toilet.

Standard toilet tank date stamp (C) Daniel Friedman at

Below a Standard Ejecto toilet logo

Antique toilet: vintage Crane Santon toilet sold by Period Bath Supply co - cited at InspectApedia ... Antique toilet: vintage Crane Santon toilet sold by Period Bath Supply co - cited at InspectApedia

Stilo toilet, Guanajuato Mexico (C) Daniel Friedman at ... Stilo toilet, Guanajuato Mexico (C) Daniel Friedman at


Toto Aquia back flush wall hung dual flush toilet -

Above: Toto Aquia® wall-hung dual-flush toilet. Below, a typical Toto toilet identifying logo.

Toto toilet identification logo (C) Daniel Friedman at

Japanese bottom-washing toilet from Toto at adapted from Wikipedia

Above: A Toilet Washlet washing jet toilet by Toto ( - Wikipedia)

Toto Toilet Models (2023)

ADA, wall-mount, special bowl, ADA poss., Model/Part Nos: CT449CFG bowl, WT174M in-wall carrier

AP, wall-hung, in-wall tank, Model/Part Nos:CST446CEMGN: CT446CE(G)N(T40) bowl; ST446EMN(A) tank / CWT4263046CMF**: CT426CF** bowl with WT172M or WT173M* in wall tank / CWT4263056CMF**:CT426CF** bowl with WT172M or WT173M* in wall tank / CWT426CMF**: tank

Aquia IV Arc 1G EL ADA, Model/Part Nos: MS448124CUMF(G)(A): CT446CUF(G)T40 bowl, ST448UM(A) tank

Aquia IV Cube, 1G EL ADA, Model/Part Nos: MS436124CUMF(G): CT446CUF(G)T40 bowl, ST436UM(A) tank
Aquia IV Cube, EL ADA, Model/Part Nos: MS436124CEMF(G): CT446CUF(G)T40 bowl, ST436EM(A)(R) tank

Aquia IV EL (one-piece), Model/Part Nos: CST646CEMF / CST646CUMF
Aquia IV EL ADA, Model/Part Nos: CST446CEMFGN CT446CEFGN(T40) bowl; ST446EMN(A) tank

Aquia IV UH EL ADA, Model/Part Nos: CST446CEMF(G)(T40): CT446CUF(G)T40 bowl, ST446EM tank
Aquia IV RH EL, Model/Part Nos: CST446CEM(G): CT446CU(G)T40 bowl, ST446EM tank

Arc EL ADA Model/Part Nos: MW448****CEMF**: CT446CUF** bowl; ST448EMA tank = MS448124CEMF*

Carlyle II 1G EL ADA, Model/Part Nos: CST614CUFG / MS614114CUFG

Connelly EL ADA, Model/Part Nos: Model/Part Nos: MS494124CEMF**: CT494CEF** bowl, ST494M* tank (ALSO MS494234CEMF**, MW4943044CEMF**, and MW4943054CEMF**)

Drake EL, Model/Part Nos: CST746CEMF: CT746CUF bowl, ST746EM(A) tank / MS746124CUM / MW7463046CUM, MW7463056CUM, MW7463084CUM / MS746124CEM** / MS746124CUM**

Drake EL ADA, Model/Part Nos: CST746CEMF.10: CT746CUF.10 bowl, ST746EM tank / CST746CEMF: CT746CUF bowl, ST746EM tank / MS746124CUMF / MW7463046CUMF, MW7463056CUMF, MW7463084CUMF(G) / CT746CU**T40 bowl, ST746EMD tank / CT746CU**T40.10 bowl, ST746EMD tank / MS746124CEMF** / MS746124CUMF** / MW7463046CUMF** / MW7463056CUMF**

Drake II IG EL, Model/Part Nos: CST454CUFG: C454CUFG bowl, ST453U tank
Drake II IG - RF ADA, Model/Part Nos: CST453CUF(G): C453CUF(G) bowl, ST453U tank

Dual-Max EL ADA, wall-mount, Model/Part Nos: CWT437MF(G)-3 (also CWT437117MF(G)-3): CT437F(G) bowl, WT153M in-wall tank / CWT437MF(G)-4 (also CWT437117MF(G)-4): CT437F(G) bowl, WT154M in-wall tank

EL (wall-mount, ADA poss.) Model/Part Nos: CCT447CFG bowl, WT174M in-wall carrier


EP, wall-hung, in-wall tank, Model/Part Nos: CWT428CMF*: CT428CF** bowl, WT172M or WT173M tank

G400 EL, Model/Part Nos: MS920CEMF(G): CT920CEMF(G) bowl, SN920M top

IN-WALL FLUSH TANK TOILETS - Toto DuoFit In Wall Tank System Back Flush Toilets


Maris EL ADA, Model/Part Nos: CST484CEMF(G): CT484CEF(G) bowl, ST484M tank

MH Wall-Hung, water tank concealed in wall, Model/Part Nos: CWT437117MF**: CT437F* bowl with WT172M in-wall tank

Neorest 500H EL, Model/Part Nos: MS952CUM(G): CT952CUM(G) bowl, SN952M top
Neorest 550H EL, Model/Part Nos: MS982CUM(G): CT982CUM(G) bowl, SN982M tank

Neorest 700H, Model/Part Nos: MS992CUMF: CT992CUMFG bowl, SN992M tank
Neorest 750H, Model/Part Nos: MS993CUMFX: CT993CUMFX bowl, SN993MX tank

Neorest AC RF Wall-Mount, ADA poss. Model/Part Nos: CWT996CEMFX: CT996CEMFX bowl, WT174M tank (in-wall)
Neorest EW RF Wall-Mount, ADA poss. Model/Part Nos: CWT994CEMFG: CT994CEMFG bowl, WT174M tank (in-wall)

Neorest AH EL Model/Part Nos: MS989CUMFG: CT989CUMFG bowl, SN989 washlet
Neorest RH EL Model/Part Nos: MS988CUMFG: CT989CUMFG bowl, SN988M washlet

Nexus EL ADA, Model/Part Nos: CST642CUF (one-piece); MS642124CUF, MS642234CUF, MW6423046CUF, MW6423046CUFG, MW6423056CUF / MS442124CUF* (ALSO MS442234CUF*, MW4423046CUF**, MW4423056CUF**)

Promenade II EL ADA, Model/Part Nos: CST404CUF(G): C404CUF(G) bowl, ST403U tank / MS814224CUF(G) = CST814CUF(G))(one-piece toilet)

Ultramax II EL ADA (1-piece), Model/Part Nos: CST604CUF(G),

Ultramax (1-piece) Washlet EL ADA, Model/Part Nos: CST856CEMF**T40 / MS856124CEMF*, MS856234CEMF*, MW8563046CEM**, MW8563056CEM**, MS856124CEM*, CST856234CEM**T40 / CST856CUMF**T40

Vespin II 1G EL ADA, Model/Part Nos: CST474CUF: CT474CUFG bowl, ST453U tank

Wall-mount, ADA poss., tank concealed in wall, Model/Part Nos: CWT449049CMFG: CT449CFGT60 bowl, WT173MA tank / CWT449249CMFG: and in-wall carrier) CT449CFG bowl, WT172M tank

Washlet G450 EL, Model/Part Nos: MS922CUMFG: CT922CUMFG bowl, SN922M washlet / MS922CUMFG: CT922CUMFG bowl, SN922M washlet

Below: a Trenton Pottery Toilet.

Trenton Potteries Welling Toilet - Bellemeade Jr., described by cited & discussed at as well



Universal Rundle toilet installed in Hudson NY (C) Daniel Friedman at


Universal Rundle toilet installed in Hudson NY (C) Daniel Friedman at



Watts anti-sweat valve for toilets - cited at

Welling Toilet (Trenton Potteries Co.) for sale at eBay in 2022 - cited & discussed at

Shires New Reverso UK toilet, Brinstone Farm Herefordshire UK (C) Daniel Friedman

Zoeller Qwik Jon(C) combines a toilet and grinder pump that can support additional fixtures - at


Research on Replacement Toilets & Toilet Seats or Loo Parts & Toilet Seat Bolt Spread & Bowl Shape

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