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Top flush flush valve toilet Glacie Bay (C) Daniel Friedman Toilet Manufacturers Directory FAQs
Q&A about finding the manufacturer of a toilet or bidet

Q&A on where to buy a toilet or toilet parts: find our toilet manufacturers list.

This article series provides a list of toilet brands, manufacturers,and sources useful for identifying toilets or buying toilets or toilet part

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- Daniel Friedman, Publisher/Editor/Author - See WHO ARE WE?

Toilet Brands List, Manufacturers, Contact Information for all Toilet Brands

These questions and answers about finding the manufacturer of a toilet or brand for parts, manuals, suppplies, were posted originally

at TOILET MANUFACTURERS & SOURCES - be sure to check that directory.


Article Contents


Identify Toilet Manufacturer

Which toilet brand has the logo of a lion/dragon?

Hello, I've been trying to remember a toilet brand which has the logo of a lion/dragon (like you might see on a coat of arms) and the brand name sounds like a rich persons name (rockafeller, Pendleton, Rothschild, or something like that). Any ideas?

Sorry if this seems banal but I've been racking my brain and scouring the internet and haven't had any luck. 2024-08-11 by Riley Robinette


@Riley Robinette,

I will be glad to do some research to see what I can find.

You might want, meanwhile, to take a look through the master list of toilet brands and logo images at our home page for this topic


That's where I'm going to start my search as well.

Follow up:

@InspectApedia Publisher, Thanks! There's a public bathroom an hour away that has the toilet brand that I'm thinking of, next time I head out there I'll post an update unless you find out first. I checked the manufactures page but didn't find what I was looking for.


@Riley Robinette,

That's great. Take at least two photos, one a sharp close up of the logo and two a photo of the whole toilet.

In addition to those, if it's easy for you to do so, lift the tank lid and look inside of the lid itself for any numbers or text and photograph those.

It goes without saying but I'm saying it anyway, take care not to drop and break the lid.

Then look inside the tank on its inner walls for numbers or text and photograph those as well.

Sinclair toilets

Update on mystery toilet!

I posted here a little bit ago about a brand of toilets that I was having trouble remembering the brand name of. That name is Sinclair (it came to me last night), I'm not sure how I could forget such a weighty name like that but oh well, I've only ever seen the brand in one building in my entire 26 years of living in this city. I wish I could provide more information about the toilets but I have not been to that building in a while, I'm having trouble finding info about them online but I'm sure you are a wiz (ha!) at this.

The only thing that made Sinclair as a name stick in my mind in the first place was that I thought it was funny that a manufacturer would put a surname on something you pee on, it seems like a bad decision. 2025-01-02 by riley



Thanks so much for the update.

It would be very helpful if you could give me the country where you remember Sinclair toilets being installed or manufacturing, and by identifying which city you mean when you say "this city".

For example, in the UK we have Sinclairs Ceramics ( who have a very long history but that may not be your Sinclair toilet's country.

Toilet brand which begins with the letter "V"

I am trying to find the name of a toilet brand which begins with the letter "V." Please help me.

Thanks. 2020-12-22 by Lynn


Sure, Lynn

In the Recommended Articles above and also at the "Continue Reading" link above we show


Look under "V" in that article.


WC toilet logo manufacturer?

Can anyone identify this toilet manufacturer? 2024-02-23 by Melanie

WC logo on toilet (C)



Thank you for the question and photo, that's a toilet brand logo that I haven't seen.

It may help us research looking for the company if you can tell me the country where this toilet is located and if possible the age of the building or of the toilet installation.

Follow up:

@InspectApedia Publisher,
I am in southeast U.S. I have no idea of the age of the toilet, but it's in great condition. I purchased this 100 year old home 5 years ago, but I know this bathroom was a later addition. I need a new flapper, but the universal 2 and 3 inch models are not compatible.

WC logo on toilet (C)



This has been a great challenge, so thanks. The difficulty in tracking down the manufacturer of "WC" brand toilets is that the two initials, WC, themselves mean "water closet" - a synonym for "toilet" in most English speaking countries. So searching by text doesn't work. I did a reverse image search for the WC logo on your toilet but Google didn't find any instances of it.

I can tell you from the flush volumes given, that it's a modern toilet. Happily that means that any part that you need to repair or replace can be bought from any plumbing supplier in a generic form that ought to work perfectly well .

We'll keep your WC toilet logo image and this discussion on this page, will look further, but perhaps also we may hear from another reader who knows its producer.

Follow up:

@InspectApedia Publisher,
Thank you so much for your efforts! I'm at least consoled that I'm not the only one who's "stumped". I've been searching Google and Google Lens for days!



Since your toilet was probably installed by a local plumber who uses a nearby supplier, check both of those sources too.

Keep me posted.


Trademark match on ProFlo Toilets, used by Ferguson Enterprises

Can you tell me the brand name for this toilet. I'm trying to get a replacement flush valve. 2023-08-21 by Jacob P Abeytia

toilet logo ProFlo Toilets by Ferguson Enterprises (C)


@Jacob P Abeytia,

Sure: at TOILET MANUFACTURERS & SOURCES you'll find that image (as it's ours) along with this text in reply to a reader's question:

On 2020-08-10 - by (mod) - Ferguson Enterprises or similar brand found on toilets


That toilet logo or trademark matches, found on ProFlo Toilets, is used by Ferguson Enterprises, as I illustrate here. Your toilet logo or brand includes an SA that may also provide identification or identify a standards organization, but I could not find a match.


Did Kohler make K of K U.S.A. commercial fixtures?

Did Kohler make K of K U.S.A. commercial fixtures? Why is there nothing on the web search to indicate this? 2022-09-15 by Russ



Thank you for the helpful question about Kohler's commercial plumbing line.

Yes, Kohler has a broad line of commercial bathroom plumbing fixtures and controls such as Kohler
Flushometers (52)
Commercial Toilets (150)
Commercial Seats (17)
Urinals (43)
Commercial Faucets (153)
Sinks (88)
Service Sink Faucets (18)
Institutional Faucets (9)
Service Sinks (15)
Soap Dispensers & Soap (9)
Industrial Showers (4)
Commercial Shower Receptors (4)
Baths or Whirlpools (55)
Commercial Fittings (16)
Here is the company's current commercial bathroom fixture site:

I found a few K of K Kohler plumbing fixtures but that appears to be simply a model line. If you have other information let me know and we'll research that further.


Can't find who made the Aqua brand toilet - need parts

I have a single piece toilet that has AQUA logo or name on top lid. Can’t find this brand anywhere, need to replace the fill valve. 2021-09-24 by Mike

Aqua toilet (C) Mike

Reply: Aqua logo toilet


I didn't find the manufacturer of Aqua brand toilets, either and will continue looking, but, here's good news about parts for your Aqua toilet:

Luckily the fill valve is a standard part, not brand specific. Take the old one to your plumbing supplier.

What brand toilet has W 03 8221 10 8 - need parts

what brand toilet has W 03 8221 10 8 or 3 402 FE 2 15 82 i need new tank insides it runs slightly and won't shut off. 2021-08-09 by sherry

Reply: standard toilet repair kit


You will find that a standard toilet repair kit will fit nearly every toilet made. You won't often need the brand.

Who makes Avenue toilets?

Who makes Avenue toilets? 2021-05-28 by Elizabeth



see Avenue Toilet information at TOILET MANUFACTURERS & SOURCES listed alphabetically.

How to identify model # of a 1964 Eljer toilet

Trying to identify model # of a 1964 Eljer toilet. Only imprint in the tank is 2020 LJ, with the bottom of the L crossing the middle of the J. Doesn't match any Eljer model numbers I can find. Trying to find parts...looks like the "Hygeian" model. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. 2021-02-21 by Ed

Reply: Eljer didn't stamp their model numbers in their tanks that early on

@Ed, Eljer didn't stamp their model numbers in their tanks that early on. They stamped all sorts of other stuff including patent numbers, but not their 7-digit model numbers, unfortunately. You kind of have to go with the outer looks and compare the inner parts to see if you have a match.

Fortunately, unless they have weird-looking parts, standard fill and flush valves will (usually) work. Source: 14 years at a plumbing supply house.


What toilet models that start with 9?

999 said

why aint there to toilets that start with 9? 2021-02-18 by 999

Reply: no toilet manufacturer whose name starts with 999


There are no toilet manufacturers whose name starts with 999.

However there are toilet-products with that number, such as

ISC Envirotex 2-Ply Toilet Tissue, White. Brand: Industrial Soap; Manufacturer: Envirotex. MFG Number: IS-999;

Who manufactures toilet number: 9516604716

What manufacture company, can I talk tO about a toilet 9516604716. 2020-04-06 by Linda Granillo

Reply: identify toilet brand and model


Unfortunately with just a toilet model number 9516604716 and no other information at all, I'm unable to identify your toilet brand and model.

In fact I suspect that the number you gave, 9516604716, is not a toilet model number nor toilet brand identification but instead may be a date of manufacture: 1995, day 166, serial no 04716 - but that's just a guess.

How to identify a toilet brand and model

Take a look inside the toilet tank on the tank sides, and inside the toilet tank lid, and also on the toilet base near the seat hinges,
then tell us

the country, city and age of home where the toilet is installed


attach photos (one image per comment) of any additional markings such as in the spots I suggested.


Question: Madden Two-Piece Round Siphonic Toilet

(Aug 23, 2015) Alonzo said:
Which company manufactures the Madden Two-Piece Round Siphonic Toilet?


Signature Hardware


Question: Aqua Source toilet manufacturer

(Jan 16, 2016) mike171 said:
who makes aqua source toilets?


Aqua Source toilets are a Lowes Building Supply Store "store brand" manufactured for Lowes under contract.


DuoMat in Greece manufacturer?

Hi, Would like to know which company made the combined toilet and bidet about 15 years ago DuoMat in Greece (I think that is the name, not in that home at the moment) is on the seat but I can not find any information in my research. Thanks . 2017-10-18 by Elaine

Reply: Manufacturers of combined toilet and bidet include several companies


Manufacturers of combined toilet and bidet include several companies:

  • American Standard AT200 smart toilet/bidet combination
  • Bio Bidet USPA IB835 Integrated Toilet System integrated bidet toilet combination - and other suppliers
  • Kohler USA - various products including the Karing™ One-Piece Skirted Toilet with Integrated Bidet and the Kohler Novita Bidet BH90 seat,
  • ONEDROUS: The Royal Line Integrated Toilet & Bidet, Royal Line Co., PO BOX 1313, Seaford, NY 11783 USA Tel: 800-516-7450 Email:
  • OVE Decors Smart 1-piece 1.28 GPF Elongated Toilet and Bidet with Seat in White
  • Royal-Fresh Bidet add-on bidet attachment for standard toilets (lower cost)
  • Superior Bidets
  • Toto: TOTO Neorest 700H Dual Flush Toilet and Washlet and at least four other toilet/bidet combination models

I did not find your DuoMat bidet/toilet combination as a product made or used in Greece, though there is the Duomatic composting toilet, a Greek product: L&T Duomatic -kompostikäymälä described at COMPOSTING TOILETS

Follow up:

Thank you! I will try and find out more information on the Duomatic company. I am impressed how you managed to find out what you did so quickly, I have been searching for days. Once more thank you.


Linda toilets

I have a biscuit colored toilet marked " 1989 " and " 0 LINDA bl " inside the tank. I need to find out who is the manufacturer and possibly the model number? Please help. 2017-09-14 by Trisha



The "Linda" toilet brand is an Ideal Standard toilet, or properly named

Ideal Standard Linda Close-Coupled Toilet

Linda toilets were sold in the U.K. including in the 1980's as your toilet date indicates.

I was absolutely dismayed to see that replacement toilet seats for the Ideal Standard Linda toilet can cost over £100 to £200 in the U.K.

Keep in mind that many toilet parts can be replaced with standard issue equipment and do not need to be manufacturer specific. There are also toilet seats at a much lower price that have adjustable hinges to fit various toilet models.

The contact information for Ideal Standard has been added to TOILET MANUFACTURERS & SOURCES.



Fix or Replace Toilet or Parts

How do I tighten a Mirabelle toilet seat

I have a Mirabelle toilet. The seat is loose. Can anyone tell me how to tighten. Can't locate a place to tighten the cover...thanks. 2025-03-02 by mike



The toilet seat hinge bolts vary a bit by manufacturer - post a photo showing the top and bottom of your hinge and I can be more specific. Otherwise we are not sure just which toilet seat is installed on your Mirabelle toilet.

Below I will include a sketch showing the Mirabelle toilet seat attachment parts and installation procedure.

And you should download this copy of the MIRABELLE TOILET INSTALLATION MANUAL [PDF]

as although it's provided by Ferguson, we could not find it at that company's current website. (Other online vendors may offer this and other Mirabelle toilet instructions).

Mirabelle toilets also sport their own website: which I can't yet recommend as that page is simply an auto-forward page to Signature Hardware, leaving me lost in a web that never got to your toilet.

On this and most other contemporary toilet seats there is usually a snap off or snap-up plastic cover over the toilet seat bolts at the left and right ends of the seat hinge, accessed from above. Newer toilet seat hinge bolts use a plastic nut under the toilet back into which the hinge bolt can be tightened from above, often using a flat bladed screwdriver. The newer hinge bolt nuts include a plastic arm that will prevent the nut itself from rotating so that all of the tightening operation can be done from above.

Older toilet seat hinge bolts use a nut below that does not have that rotation-limiting arm; those may need to be held in place while turning the hinge bolt screw from above.

Much older toilet seat hinges used metal bolts - in that case,
Watch out: over-tightening the toilet seat hinge bolt can break the toilet base, leading to having to replace the whole toilet!

Mirabelle toilets are listed as distributed/sold by Ferguson (Ferguson contact information is found at TOILET MANUFACTURERS & SOURCES) but I was disappointed to land at the current Ferguson website and find that though they included Mirabelle toilets in their listing they showed NO Mirabelle toilets nor toilet parts.
The manufacturer's OEM toilet seat for Mirabelle was typically the MIRTSSC202WH - Slow Close Toilet Seat, White


Looked at the flush scores to finally make up mind on toilet replacement choice

I recently replaced my old toilet with a Kohler toilets. I had to look at the GPF and the MaP flush score to finally make up my mind.
Those 2 criteria is pretty important when choosing. I like the 1.6 GPF, since I want to ensure nothing left behind, but saw lots of Kohler or TOTO toilets offer their featured technology to flush good at a 1.28 GPF rate. Anyways, I deep dove the internet for resources of toilets and liked the Kohler main site and www [dot] toiletable [dot] com to show me a list of features like the MaP score and GPF.

Hope this helps, btw, I chose the Kohler Cimarron as my replacement. 2023-08-08 by Katie Russo


@Katie Russo,

Thank you for your input on selecting a toilet. Your experience and information will help other readers as well.


Looking for a Pegasus toilet

Looking for a Pegasus toilet. Bought one 12 years ago and have never had a single problem. Would like to replace 2 nd bathroom with same kind. 2022-01-29 by

Pegasus toilet (C)  fmajzer



Pegasus toilets were and are a store brand, eg. made for and sold by Home Depot, Walmarts, and other suppliers.

Often made by Glacier Bay (another HD brand) Glacier Bay Faucets and sanitaryware, 2455 Paces Ferry Road NW, .Atlanta, Ga. 30339-4024, Tel: 800-220-3036.

Other numbers we have for Pegasus:

Pegasus: 1-888-328-2383

Pegasus Warranty. 1-877-580-5682 / 1-888-328-2383

But START with your local Home Depot store who still sells a variety of toilets, faucets etc under the Pegasus brand, including the Victorian Two-piece toilet we show here -admittedly that's nothing like your toilet but you'll find similar to yours at your local building supplier including Home Depot.

You might also look at Glacier Bay toilets - in the same vernacular and quite possibly made in the same plant.


Question: sources for an 18" high toilet, rim to floor

Mar 9, 2016) Jamie said:
Does anyone make/have a white toilet that the rim is 18" from finished floor -this does not include the seat


Yes Jamie, there are plenty of 18-inch (45.7 cm) high toilets, made by

American Standard Toilet 2403813..20 or the American Standard toilet 221CB.004 Colony 1.6 GPF Two-Piece

Danze toilets

Kohler, e.g. K 3989 Highline Dual Flush and the Kohler 3987

Toto toilets


Question: parts for Karam Seera toilet?

(Aug 20, 2016) Gill said:
Where can I buy a washer for a Karam Seera toilet?



If the washer dimensions are not standard and thus can't be matched at your local hardware store, you will probably be able to obtain special parts from the manufacturer, Karam Ceramics, in this case in Pakistan or if you are in another country, by contacting the company's distributor in your country.
Karam Ceramics
BC-6, Block-5, Scheme-5, Kekasahn, Clifton Karachi.
Tel: 35865561-4


Replacement for toilet seat with 6-inch bolt spread

Have a one piece toilet with 6 inch bolt spread on seat. Can not find a model or manufacturer anywhere in the tank or lid. Can not find a replacement toilet seat anywhere except very expensive European sites. 2018-11-25 by Ben


There are some toilet seats sold as universal that have an adjustable or sliding hinge to support a very wide range of both centers. That's what you want.


Other Toilet Brand Q&A

Toilet seat with 10-inch bolt spread (C) CATypical toilet bowl dimensions

Is there a standard or average rim size width height and depth (edge of rim to edge of interior bowl)? 2018-02-20 by James



There are several "typical" toilet base rim diameters and shapes that are "close enough" that replacement toilet seat manufacturers are able to sell just a few sizes that work on almost every toilet.

A seat might simply overlap the front of the ceramic bowl a bit more or less.

Two toilet bowl general shapes

Round or "compact" toilets

Extended-elongated toilets

Typical toilet bowl dimensions

  • 14 to 14 1/2" in width, rarely up to 16 1/2" in width

and in length

  • a compact toilet bowl is typically 16" or 17" in length
  • an elongated toilet bowl is typically 18" or 19" in length

Watch out: make toilet length measurements the same way as is done by toilet manufacturers and toilet seat manufacturers:

measure the toilet length

- from the center of the hole through which the toilet seat hinge pin or bolt is inserted

- to the front edge of the toilet bowl at the longest point

The distance between the toilet seat hinge bolts is typically one of two sizes: 5 1/2" or about 7 1/2".

Some toilet seats are manufactured with a sliding hinge bolt so that the seat will fit on any bolt spacing. Use one of those if your toilet base is an old or odd dimension.

Below is an illustration of how and where to measure toilet base size to select the proper seat size. I'm using an elongated toilet seat or base as an example.

Where to take measurements for fitting a toilet seat to the toilet bowl length (C)


Where are the most significant toilet manufacturers' plants are in the US?

Hi there,

A question about the industry: does anyone know where the most significant toilet manufacturers' plants are in the US? I'm wondering if there are any in the midwest. 2024-11-09 by Bo



Sure, you'll see an extensive list of toilet manufacturers at TOILET MANUFACTURERS & SOURCES. Just take a quick scan through them and their addresses. For example it even a moment flip through on my cell phone shows addresses in the Midwest.


Looking for review of the Stalnaker Toilet

what are the reviews on a stalnaker mfg toilet. 2020-02-22 by colin moreton

Reply: Stalnaker toilets are produced by Signature Hardware


Stalnaker toilets are produced by Signature Hardware and are widely sold online and from plumbing suppliers. I haven't seen a useful quality, durability review; It is worth noting that the Stalnaker toilet line includes ADA-compliant models.


C.E.O. brand porcelain tub date stamp 1976 (C) LisaC.E.O. porcelain tub date stamp

I am looking for information on an older tub manufacturer. I am need of some porcelain tub repair. I found the following information on the toilet lid. C. E. CO., JAN 26 1965, and CL 400. I have not found anything on a company called C. E., it appears that the date is the date manufactured, and the color might be CL 400. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. 2019-06-18 by Lisa


If I have a patent for a new toilet design

If I have a patent for a new toilet design, are there any porcelain or ceramic toilet manufacturers in the U.S. that will manufacture my toilet under my label. I would rather not go to China. Could you advise me? Thanking you in advance. 2018-01-19 by Ron Fischer



Possibly, though you'll have to contact the manufacturers directly with that proposition.

Watch out: for some products a manufacturer will buy a design simply to keep it off of the market.

Follow up:

I am very aware of that possibility. Should you think of one that comes to mind later, please let me know. Already have interested MFG but not in U.S. Thanks for getting back to me.




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