Questions & answers about diagnosing problems with water pressure:
These FAQs help diagnose the reason that a water pump or well pump won't start, won't stop, or cycles on and off too often.
This article series provides a series of 3 tables giving step by step checklist for diagnosing water pressure, water pump, and water well problems. We give diagnostic and repair procedures for both municipal water supply problems and well water supply problems.
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These questions & answers about how to figure out why a water pump won't start running, won't stop running, or runs switching on and off too often were posted originally
at WATER PRESSURE TABLE 1: PUMP WON'T RUN, WON'T STOP, or CYCLES - so you will want to be sure to review that advice,
The horsepower is not the whole story of a well pump; if the pump lift height is too high the pump's output in GPM will be reduced. But if the pump can't even get above 10 psi I suspect one of the problems listed in the table in the article above, such as low voltage or a well piping leak.
On 2016-09-22 0 by Rock
I put a 1/2 up pump in and my pump only will get 10psi but will build up if I turn the valve off after the pump,in the house my cold water will come out but not hot water.the blabber tank has no pressure and has 6 elbows in a 1ft distance. Does anyone have any ideas what could be wrong,?
I'm thinking about doing all new plumbing....I'm new to the well and pumps
On 2016-08-19 by (mod)
Sounds good, keep me posted.
On 2016-08-18 by Norbert re: air in the water hose
Sorry for being late.
That air must have been in the hose - it's away now.
As for the switch: I have not the slightest clue about how that switch could not stay in place as it has no »intelligence« of it's own, of course. I checked it electrically and all readings were OK. Still: With the new switch the whole thing works as supposed to, with the old it did not.
I admit: For the time being I will leave everything in place until late fall when I have to prepare it for winter.
Thanks for your input – much appreciated!
On 2016-08-11 by (mod) re: replacing a pressure control switch won't cause air in the water piping
About replacing the pressure control switch: I'm unclear how that would cause air in the water supply;
Perhaps there was a leak in the water connections around the switch-mount? Usually those fittings are under positive pressure but maybe there's a different situation we haven't considered.
Impeller looks ok.
Cavitation: you usually can hear the pump making a horrible noise and you'll see - if you've got a clear water filter or clear piping anywhere - a lot of air coming out of the pump as well as a reduced pump output.
When I've had the air problem I've started at the pump and worked towards the well, tightening every fitting to see if that reduced the bubbles. If it does, even if it doesn't fully stop the problem I figure I've found the bad connection and I remake-it using new fittings or doubling hose clamps, etc.
You should remember to inspect the pump itself for cracks or damage or a leaky gasket. YOu can lube O-rings usually Si grease is ok.
On 2016-08-10 by Norbert
Hi, Dan,
in the meantime I inspected the possible other chink: the control unit. Turned out that the switch (that would not stay in place) was done. Replaced it - everything works like it should.
Thank you very much for your valuable time. Best – Norbert
Thank you, Dan. Before I set the pump to work again I opened it to inspect the impeller - looked fine to me, spinned as supposed to, and re-assembled fine, so I guess the impeller is out. How could I check for cavitation? And:
Does the fact that I get the proper amount of water not speak agains that?
Is there any way I could check for an air leak? Of course I put teflon tape where it belongs. Should I apply any o-ring grease (or lubricant) at the filter and/or at the connection suction hose/filter?
On 2016-08-09 by (mod) re: small amounts of air won't stop the pump
A couple of air bubbles shouldn't prevent a pump from working but more bubbles suggests either an air leak or that the pump is cavitating rather than pulling water. Its impeller could be damaged.
On 2016-08-09 by Norbert
I have a pump that did not run for years (but does now). It has a run-dry protection and a filter before it.
The entrance to the suction hose is, in my opinion, a little too close to the bottom of the cistern (which is full), but works nevertheless.
I primed the pump, then let it run for a while (for a moment during that procedure I saw dirty water running through the filter, but the pump continued to run). Pressure built up to the auto-shut-off-point, and I get water running at the installed faucet.
The pressure falls accordingly, but the pump does not re-start when the pressure drops below the cut-in point. If I hold the lever in »On« position the pump works OK to the cut-out point and stops, but the switch would not stay in place.
I checked the nonreturn valve and the small filter at the suction hose input end, and both are OK. I removed the filter and put a temporary hose into an open barrel filled with water - the pump sucked OK, but it does that with the filter installed, too.
I am after the reason the lever would not stay in the »On« position by itself. I suspect the connection input hose/filter not to be airtight (when the pump starts, I see bubbles in the filter for a while, then they vanish), but how could I prove that?
Besides: I disassembled the filter and cleaned it OK, but seemingly I cannot re-assemble it tight, as some water drops from the coupling nut that holds the glas jar (with the filter in it) to the part that has the disjunction from water-in to water-out (and is connected to the suction hose on one side and the pump on the other) –
I checked the O-ring for being clean and intact and in place, but still... Any ideas? It's about four inches in diameter.
Thanx a lot for any input!
On 2016-08-04 by (mod) re: look for an old snifter valve and chck for short cycling pump
I would look for an old snifter valve system (search InspectApedia for SNIFTER VALVE to read details) that's not working properly;
And I'd search for SHORT CYCLING WELL PUMP to read about the causes of that problem; You certainly want the paperwork for your pump; if the installer won't provide it or cant because he used it to wrap his lunch, go to the manufacturer with the pump brand and model; look at both the installation specifications and also the rated flow rate for your pumping depth; compare that with your usage rate.
On 2016-08-03 by Phil Grubbs
I replaced my submersible well pump 10-15. Two things are happening. First, I get surges like air is in the system, most notable after they system comes on. Second, my pump cycles on for 40 seconds and off for 40 seconds when pumping to zones with four sprinkler heads set at 2 gpm each.
I have one zone with 5 heads set at 2 gpm and its cycle is 60 seconds on and 40 seconds off. I have two zones k--with spray heads and they come on and after a couple of minutes it sounds like water is running back into the well. My installer didn't give me any paperwork with my pump, so I don't know for sure what I have, he told me it was a 1 hp motor.
The first time I called him on my problem he told me it was my tank and he replaced it. NO change. I called him and told him the problem continued.
He came when I wasn't at home and texted me that it had been fixed. Again, no change. I'm calling again is week to ask for paperwork so I will know what I have and ask a third time that the problem be fixed. Any thoughts on the likely source of my problems?
On 2016-07-29 by (mod) re: why does my kitchen have no water?
A shutoff valve that's closed, a pipe that's blocked, or crud inside the faucet strainer.
Less likely, a pipe that has burst open so that all water is pouring out somewhere else.
If you are located in a freezing climate I'd add: a frozen pipe.
On 2016-07-29 11:54:14.248171 by Marilou Elles
I have no water pressure only in my kitchen- what could be the cause?
On 2016-07-15 by (mod) re: signs the pump wasn't primed successfully
I'm not sure that you've properly primed the pump; Search InspectApedia for HOW TO PRIME THE PUMP to see two detailed procedures for doing so.
On 2016-07-14 19:35:53.933938 by Burrell
I have a two line deep well 1 Hp pump motor went bad I replaced it now it will not build up pressure. I put the city water on the pump outlet but it shows no pressure; it runs but will not build up pressure I take the pressure gage out to prime it but it is full of water, it has 25 lbs on the tank bladder How can I test it?
On 2016-07-12 by Anonymous
anyone want to help me with a well problem?
On 2016-07-11 by (mod) re: pump runs longer than it used-to
Not from your description, Anonymous. Perhaps you've simply corrected a tank that previously held less air.
On 2016-07-11 by Anonymous
I have a double pipe deep well jet pump that sits on an old sears water tank.recently changed pressure switch &air volume control on the end of the tank.set @25psi on & about 50 psi off. doesnt seem to have any problem reaching cut off pressure might run a little bit longer than it used to get there .any ideas?
On 2016-07-11 by (mod) re: let the well recover
The well needs time to recover;
A tired submersible pump may express its fatigue as a damaged impeller or an internal or external leak (as would a leak in well piping) that would result in a reduced ability to reach the cut-off pressure. Air in the water, IF originating in the well, suggests water below the water intake of the pump or perhaps (though operating a bit differently) a leak in well piping. A leak in piping or a worn impeller wouldn't come and go intermittently.
On 2016-07-11 by Anonymous
if I were running the well dry why can I just throttle the hose valve back just a bit & start building pressure again? been here 22 yrs and haven't replaced the motor and or pump. just wondering if they could be getting a little tired?
On 2016-07-11 by (mod) re: living with a well with a low flow rate
low flow rate well can meet low flow rate demand.
Or , yes, its something else. Unlike other electronic seers, we don't claim infallability.
On 2016-07-11 by Anonymous
why then do I never run out of water in normal household use? been here 22 years & never had it do that out of hose.wondered if the pump and or motor could be the issue?never have changed either
On 2016-07-10 23:08:24.758951 by (mod)
Sounds as if you are exhausting water in the well.
On 2016-07-10 by Anonymous
run hose into pool for awhile then lose pressure to a point of air being seen . have deep well jet pump. shut off hose and builds normal pressure. could this be the motor starting to get weak?
On 2016-06-30 by (mod)
I'd follow the Recommended reading link WATER PRESSURE TABLE 2: PUMP RUNS, WEAK or NO WATER PRESSURE as that seems to be your situation.
On 2016-06-30 by Anonymous
Sso what do you think that I should check first? I do have a whole house filters on the line so I think that the problem is somewhere before this filter???
On 2016-06-30 by (mod) pressure drops to a trickle - pump is in the lake
Typically this is not a pressure problem but a clogged pipe or small diameter pipe problem.
On 2016-06-30 by Dick Lally
My water pressure drops to a trickle in the sink when the toilet is flushed. Pressure set (SquareD Pumptrol) 60/40psi. Pump is submersible version 1/2hp in my lake. Working fine for many years now. Lost as to what to do. Thank you all
On 2016-06-19 by (mod) re: good water pressure except in the kitchen
1. pull off the faucet strainer and check flow again at that fixture; you may just need to clean the strainer.
2. follow the water piping from the point at which the kitchen water pipes split off and go only to the kitchen; a blockage can be somewhere in that route.
3. compare hot and cold pressure as that's diagnostic.
On 2016-06-19 by Chris
My water pressure is good everywhere, except for the kitchen. What should I check to fix this problem?
On 2016-06-17 by (mod) re: why does my hose lose pressure?
Kinked hose,
Clogged sprayer
Lost water pressure from any of many causes: search InspectApedia for NO WATER PRESSURE and also check the diagnostic suggestions in the table in the article above.
On 2016-06-17 by Jennifer
My hose has started to lose pressure. I went to water the flowers with my sprayer and it hardly has any water pressure. What could cause this?
On 2016-05-14 by (mod) re: customer's water pressure drops close to zero when the washer starts - could this be a pressure relief valve probelm?
Geoff: if the customer is on well water or a booster pump system I suspect the pressure switch is not cutting in when it should;
On municipal water? Check for clogged piping or a mis-set pressure regulator valve.
On 2016-05-14 Geoff Seastrand
Got a customer whose pressure drops to almost 0 when washing machine starts filling. Could this be a prv issue? Kinked pex line maybe? Meter issue?
On 2016-05-11 by (mod) re: make an independent pressure check on water system if the main water pressure gauge looks odd
I would make an independent gauge check on water pressure at the tank, connecting my test gauge to the tank drain. Your tank's gauge could be sticking.
On 2016-05-11 by John
I have a 1 year old system. Recently, I had a low water problem. I checked the tank pressure ( following protocol), it was 29psi, my cut in was at 40. I raised tank pressure (protocol) I still have a problem. Noticed that when draining out water to get guage down to zero, guage will drop to zero suddenly, when it gets below 40 psi. The other symptom is that as the water pressure dwindles closer to 40 psi, the pressure gets really low. As soon as the pump turns on, the water pressure at the outlet, shoots right up.
On 2016-04-04 by (mod) re: if the pressure tank is waterlogged
If the pressure tank is waterlogged then the pressure will fall off quickly to the point where the pump should turn on.
Also, watch the pressure gauge at your pressure tank and pump controls. It may be that the switch is not kicking in when it should - it may need cleaning or replacement.
On 2016-04-04 by Ryan B
We just moved into a house with a well system two weeks ago (my first experience with a well system), and I am trying to troubleshoot a low pressure issue.
The water pressure at first seemed to be OK if maybe a little weak in the second story bathroom. I initially attributed this to the simply being a difference between well and municipal systems, and something I needed to get used to.
However, over the last week the pressure has been getting progressively worse. It always initially comes out with decent pressure, but then rapidly (within 30 seconds) dies off to a trickle for both the hot and cold water.
There isn't enough pressure to run either the first or second floor showers.
The pressure gauge on the tank is reading anywhere from about 42-62 PSI. I have watched the pressure switch cut-on at 42, and it seems to run normally and bring the pressure back up to 62 psi. I don't know how long this should take though? From cut-on to cut-out takes maybe 1-2 minutes max.
We have an iron filter and a water softener in the system as well.
But I put both systems on bypass temporarily to determine if they were contributing to the issue, and there does not appear to be any difference with the water pressure when they are bypassed.
I also noticed this morning that the pressure tank is very light and easy to move. It doesn't feel like there is much, if anything in the tank. However, there must be water in the tank if I am getting water to flow (weak as it is) without the pump on correct?
I am not sure how accurate of a measurement the Iron filter or water softener meters provide,
but when I am running the faucet on the washtub in the basement wide open, or any of the faucets upstairs, the iron filter and water softener meters typically read only 0.5-0.8 gpm.
After reading many articles on this site, it seems most likely to me that there is a problem with my pressure tank. What can I do to verify the pressure tank is the problem and determine specifically what the issue is? Or is there likely some other cause entirely?
On 2016-04-02 by (mod) re: we have too much water pressure
If your system uses a pump and well, repair, adjust, or replace the pressure control switch.
If your water system is from a municipal supply source, repair or adjust the pressure regulator usually found close to the point at which the water main enters your building.
On 2016-04-02 by sandy gala
To much water pressure
On 2016-03-05 by (mod) re: running a tub faucet can reduce pressure in the kitchen
Yes Lora.
On 2016-03-04 by Lora
Can a high flow tub faucet cause lower pressure in kitchen sink while running?
On 2016-02-11 by (mod) re: air in the pressure tank won't usually keep a well pump motor from running
No, the presence or absence of air in the pressure tank won't itself keep a pump motor from running. However if the tank was waterlogged and thus caused the pump to short cycle, a pump protection switch may have tripped and may require manual reset.
On 2016-02-11 by Anonymous
i have a fairly new water pump in my home it just wont start could this be a case where the air vale is that it needs more air
On 2016-01-25 by Eric
Well system about 1 year old all worked fine until recently but now -
without using water rapidly looses 3 lb pressure about every 30 minutes.
Is the check valve going bad?
On 2016-01-24 by (mod) re: what to check if the pump won't shut off
in the WATER PRESSURE PROBLEM DIAGNOSIS TABLE check out the suggestions in the section titled Water Pump Keeps Running or Won't Shut Off
On 2016-01-23 by dan
pump kicks on at 30 psi takes 30 minutes for it to reach 50 psi
On 2016-01-10 by Anonymous
I have a new wortek water pump. The pump is connected via a flexible hose (ex a washing machine)from a 500 litre JOJO tank. The water flows in spurts, from a trickle to a torrent every 20 seconds or so. The flexible hose jumps in time with the full flow.
On 2015-12-19 by (mod) re: water pressure drops down and then recovers suddenly
Sounds like a bad pressure control or perhaps mud-clogged nipple to which the control is mounted
On 2015-12-17 by Cindy
I have the same problem add Johnny, intermittent loss of water pressure. Especially noticeable after flushing toilet. Water pressure can be normal at the sink, them flash the toilet and pressie at sink drops to 1/4 of normal. A few mins later it is back to normal. Holding tank checks out fine. We have replaced the check valve and the well pump and problem is the same.
On 2015-12-13 by (mod) re: water pressure varies over 1-30 seconds
If you mean that water pressure varies constantly - say every 1 to 30 seconds, search for PUMP SHORT CYCLING to read the diagnosis and cure
If you mean that you completely lose all water flow for a time, search for "WATER PRESSURE COMES AND GOES" to read the diagnosis and cure
Let me know if after seeing those articles you have further questions
On 2015-12-13 by Johnny Randle
When my water is running or my toilets have been flushed,the water pressure comes and goes. The level in the bowls are replaced,but the pressure comes and goes.
On 2015-11-26 by (mod) re: hoyno cycles ok but only a trickle of water comes out of our faucets
Look for a blockage at the pressure tank outlet or valves or house water main valve
And you checked and cleaned the faucet strainers, right?
On 2015-11-24 by Greg
1HP pump sitting on pressure tank; tank set at 28psi air; pump cuts in at 28#, cuts off at 50# - new foot valves, (2) with 1 1/4 pipe running to bottom of two 55 gal drums - 3/4" to 7/8" discharge line, ending at 1/2" pex to faucets - Problem: the pump cycles fine, but only at steady trickle of water from both hot and cold faucets - Solution...?
On 2015-10-26 by Lynn
New 3/4hp pump (shallow), new 89 gal diaphragm tank, new switch 30/50, new foot valve.
Lift on pump is max 25'. Actual lift required is very close to this.
Pump runs, delivers water but doesn't fill the pressure tank. If tank pressure is reduced to 18 (20/40), tank takes on water but never fills to capacity to trigger pump shut off.
Stumped. Could a pump just not have the guts to push the water into the tank? (shallow well 25' lift 3/4hp pump). **NOTE** the 89 gal tank is new. The previous tank was 20 gal and this same pump would fill, not beyond 30 psi and shut off. (someone tinkered with the forbidden switch screw).
Welcome any ideas.
On 2015-10-20 by murrillheath
My submersable pump does not seem to put enough water to pressure tank after changing pressure switch and re-pressuring air in ballast.
Now no water pressure but little. tank does not feel full.
On 2015-10-17 by (mod) re: signs of a poor flow rate well and an overheating pump motor
This sounds as if your well may have a poor flow rate. An overheating pump motor or pump motor damage can indeed happen if the pump is left running dry.
More suggestions are found by searching inspectApedia for poor water pressure diagnosis
On 2015-10-17 by april
continued... I've cut the breaker off to prevent damage to Pump if that wasn't the least keep in mind two to three times a year for about the past 7 to 8 years I have to replace the point and/or compacitor Inbox.
not sure if that's relevant or not. also there is no water pressure when I have cut the pump back on in the past week now twice I've done it. and no water throughout the whole house except for bathtuband even that is a little more than I sprinkle it takes 6 to 8 hours to fill the tub
needing some advice please I'm having the same problem almost exactly as I had two years ago. the problem starts with water pressure or how much water comes out I guess, like for instance when I take a bath the water will only go if I'm standing up probablya foot deep and then the pressure will start slacking off until the water doesn't run anymore.
the water wont cut back on or start to flow again until the pressure gains back up I guess.and then when this happened two years agothe water continue with this problem for about a month or so and then there was no water at all. I replace the pump itself and the water came back fine.
but now less than a year later which is today I'm running into the same problem. I've cut the breaker to the pump
On 2015-10-08 by Anonymous
Sounds as if the tank bladder has burst and the tank is waterlogged
On 2015-09-30 by bud
water is coming out of value at the top of the tank when you try and put air in
On 2015-09-08 by (mod) re: what to do when the pump won't shut off
On 2015-09-08 by Melissa
The switch turns on the pump and the tank seems to recover ok until it gets almost to the shut off then it just keeps running. It will eventually shut off but takes a very long time. It used to recover fairly quick and would make a loud noise when it stopped. Now it's quiet but seems to take forever to reach the cut out pressure. Do i have a problem or is it just a normal change in my well?
On 2015-08-31 by (mod) re: could the water softener be causing water pump problems?
Normally there is only one pressure switch; however some submersible pumps of higher hosepower use a second heavy duty relay; the pressure switch turns on the heavy duty pump relay that will be in a separate electrical box
Check pressure and flow on either side of the water softener; try putting the softener in BYPASS mode: if that makes a difference then you've spotted the blockage.
Or listen at the pump and switch control: if the pressure falls below the cut-in and the pump switch is not turning on the pump then the switch is defective or its sensor port or pressure-communicating tube debris clogged.
On 2015-08-31 by Horace
We had a new tank installed 3 years ago and then a new switch outside the tank put in 6 months ago when water pressure was becoming erratic. The water pressure is erratic again - even more than before. It runs fine then gets very low and after a minute or so comes back fine.
The gauge by the water tank indicates the pump kicks in at about 48 psi and runs to about 68psi and then shuts off.
The outdoor faucets do not seem to be affected. Could it be the water softener? The well/pump people charge $125 to just come out so I'd like to see if I really need them or not.
Thank you.
In your response to Sonia you stated it may be a clogged pressure switch. Would this be the one outside the water tank or are there others to check out? Water softener? Water heater?
On 2015-08-19 by (mod) re: should the pump run whenever we open a faucet or flush a toilet or randomly between ?
The answer depends on the pump type. Most pressure booster pumps work with a pressure tank - that keeps the pump from cycling on and off rapidly - a source of damage. If your pump is cycling on and off every few seconds either there is a pressure control that has failed or the pressure tank is waterlogged.
On 2015-08-19 by crystal
we just bought a large home that has a whole house water booster pump that increases our water pressure. should this run every time we run a faucet, flush toilet, or randomly in between?
On 2015-08-12 by william
pump comes on takes a very long time to turn off,I replaced pressure tank (old tank had bladder leak ) 80 gal. tank , set tank air press at 28 psi. also replaced pressure switch set on pressure 31 psi & off pressure at 52 psi. well is 150 feet deep, pump is at 100 feet deep. pump is 230 volts & 10 gal. per minute rated
the static water level is 30 feet with 46 feet draw down. it,s been like that for 12 years.
it seems as if the pump may be hampered. could this pump run on 110 volts ? I,am on solar power but have never had a problem with the power
On 2015-08-08 by (mod) re: plastic junk in the wate rpiping
Plastic pieces in the water supply may be coming from a damaged pump impeller or from a disintegrating dip tube in a water heater tank.
Repair costs vary tremendously depending on where the problem is. Even pulling a well pump has widely ranging costs depending on depth of well and ease of access to it.
Let's get the problem diagnosed before guessing at costs.
On 2015-08-08 by Anonymous
Plastic pieces and junk is causing pressure to be low within the coated valves and solinoids
Suspect pump -buried in well -is the pump 100ft down? What is casing the coating which prevents valves,etc. To function? From some part of the pump? What is approximae cost to repair?
On 2015-08-03 by Anonymous
We have good water pressure in some rooms but this week, just the hot water, in our kitchen sink and the pressure from our actually outside spicket for the hose as barely any pressure? any ideas?
On 2015-08-02 by (mod) re: types of debris that clog the pump pressure control switch
Let's distinguish between weak water flow rate, low water pressure when the pump stops at the end of the on-cycle, and weak flow at just some locations. IF water flow rate is strong in some places and weak in others then the problem is a clog or valve, not a pump or tank issue.
Iron and debris can clog a pressure switch sensor and cause erratic behavior, but that'd affect all water pressure.
On 2015-08-02 by Sonja
We have a private well and for about a year now we are experiencing intermittent water pressure problems.
The company that installed the water softener has been out twice this year to work on this issue to no avail. We have spent about $400 trying to get this figured out. The first time they came out, the pressure tank needed air and he reset the psi.
Everything seemed to work fine, but we started having the problem again so we called the same company out and they replaced a couple of burned out electrical parts and again things worked OK. We back washed the filter about twice a week, our water is full of iron, now sometimes we have to back wash the filter system more than twice a day.
What seems very odd to me is that there appears to be plenty of water at the site of the pressure tank to the hose that is attached, but when it comes to the back yard sprinkler which is connected at the pump house and the rate of flow into the house, there is sometimes very little pressure.
We don't know if we need a new well drilled, a new pressure tank, the right adjustments, a new hot water tank or what?
We keep reading and researching and talking to people but have not come up with the appropriate resolution to our issue. I am afraid to run the washing machine as we have already burned up one washer due to low water pressure. Sometimes we have to run around in the shower to get wet it seems also due to low water pressure and other times things are great. I am not sure where to go from here! Any thoughts or ideas on this issue?
Oh yes, the ground around the well was very open when we moved into this house about 9 years ago, now it is filled in with dirt and rocks thanks in part to the moles that are in abundant supply around here. We also live on wetlands and the water table has always been very high out here. I am at a total loss right now! HELP PLEASE! Thank so much for your thoughts and ideas. Sonja B.
On 2015-08-01 by (mod) re: left garden hose running, now we have a short cycling pressure pump
I speculate that when you ran water for a long time you drew down water level in the well far enough that you pulled dirt or sediment into the water piping system. That crud can clog the pressure sensor port on the pressure control switch, causing it to misbehave.
Provided your well has had 24 hours to recover if you are still having the problem you describe, replace the pressure control switch and also check that its mounting tube or tube conducting pressure from the water system to the switch base is also not debris clogged.
On 2015-07-31 22:16:49.854372 by Anonymous
I have a 180ft deep well built in 2005. Everything has run fine until now. I screwed up and left the garden hose running full blast for around 12 hours. The next day I'm having this problem. The pressure switch turns on at 40 psi and turns off at 60psi.
The pump runs for about 10 seconds shuts off for about a minute and then comes on for another 10 seconds and repeats this until the pressure switch kicks it of at 60psi.
It has been doing this for about a week now. When taking a shower it runs until there is no pressure and the water flow ceases.
It will come on again and run at good pressure while the pump is on for the 10 seconds then dissipate for a minute matching the cycling of the pump. It is a submersible pump with a pressure switch, and capacitor and relay next to the pressure tank. I have tested the pressure on the pressure tank and it is fine.
Do I have a problem with the relay switch in the control box? I'm at a loss. Thank you in advance for any help.
On 2015-07-17 by (mod) re: will a leak at the bladder tank affect the 40 psi pressure?
A leak in the bladder itself will ultimately send water into the air space of the pressure tank, increasing the effective pre-charge pressure until it's above the cut-in pressure.
A leak elsewhere that removes water from the pressure tank will mean that the pump will cycle on intermittently.
Other than those conditions, in a normally-operating system with a 20/40 cut-in cut-out pressrue switch, the pressure may sit a few psi below 40 just after the pump shuts off; that's common and not a problem if the pressure at that point is not creeping up or down over time.
On 2015-07-12 by Richard
Will the leak in the discharge of the bladder tank affect the 40psi pressure?
Is this a reason why the psi is lower than 40 psi? Pls help anyone. Thanks
On 2015-07-12 by Anonymous
Will the leaks in the piping affect the pressure? The pressure is below 40psi we suppose.
On 2015-07-12 by Anonymous
We a bladder tank that is suppose to give us 40 psi. But sad to say it did not give what we expect.
It is because due to leak at the discharge of the bladder Tank. Someone pls help me. Thanks, Richard G.
On 2015-06-18 by (mod) re: sprinkler system won't work after winterizing
I would start by tracing the piping and finding all of the shutoff valves. If a drain valve has been left closed that could be it. If a pipe has burst I'd think we'd be able to observe that.
On 2015-06-17 by Alice 1st Time Homeower
Every year we have out tract homes sprinkler system blown out for the winter,winterizing it. My home is under 10 years old. One year one of my outside faucets in spring would not work after winterizing. Then the other faucet a couple of years later would not work after winterizing.
Now I do not have any yard faucets but the sprinkler system works fine. Also my faucets are connected to my house. So they are not independent free standing in the soil. What has went wrong with the blow outs? What did they forget to do to cause this? How can I get pressure in my pipes to the faucets again?
On 2015-06-12 by (mod) re: no water pressure and control switch full of mud
Pressure switch full of mud - presuming you don't actually mean the electrical components but rather the pressure sensing port - means that mud is clogging the switch pressure sensor. If your water well source has changed to begin delivering muddy water and did not before I'd be looking for a cracked or damaged well casing, a well piping leak, or perhaps an actual change in the water table. If the well is still usable you may need a sediment filter.
On 2015-06-11 by HELPPP
So the night before last out of the blue we had ZERO water pressure!! none at all!! no running water in the house!! before that everything was fine!! we took off the old pressure control switch and it was full of mud and stuff. we replaced it with a new switch and we are now getting 20psi.
Our pressure has always been at 40 not 20.
We ran water and the pressure went down to like 17-18 and once we stop running water it goes back up to 20 but that's as far as it goes. we can hear the pump outside continually running but nothing is changing pressure wise. We turned off our well pump and our hot water heater because we didn't want anything to become damaged. What should we do in a case like this? What could be causing this to happen?
On 2015-06-05 by Wade
I'm on a private well that includes a pressure tank and switch for 40 psi cut in and 60 psi cut out. I recently noticed that the pump was running constantly, so I reduce both the cut-in and cut-out pressures until the pump stopped running, at which time the pressure was 42 psi (with a new pressure switch, so fairly sure it's reasonably accurate).
So, it appears that the pump can no longer pump up to the original 60 psi cut-out pressure. It there anything that might be done to the pump to increase the pressure it can pump at, or is a new pump the only way to accomplish this?
On 2015-05-31 by Paul Roland
we have a well that we use to pump our water to use for the yard and garden. The pump gets real hot and shuts off and then loses its prime sometimes. What could be our problem?
On 2015-05-19 by (mod) re: hot but no cold water after replacing a pump
So we know it's not a pump problem - or you'd have no water pressure, hot or cold. Look for a closed valve or blocked valve in the cold piping system
On 2015-05-19 by john forsythre
I replaced a jet well pump ..I started pump .opened faucets to get air out of lines...I get good pressure for hot water ,but I get no cold water at all
On 2015-05-18 by (mod) re: pump motor keeps burning out
If your pump keeps burning out I would check for low voltage in the electrical supply or a motor and pump not properly matched to the application. Also check for sound wiring - no shorts or leaks.
On 2015-04-24 by Atif Aslam
my submersible pump have 5hp motor,hole depth 150 ft , total head 250 feet,problem is my submersible pupm burn out many times, we check all electric supplies, breakers, cable all set but after working one weeks or later my pump burnout again and again, kindly help me what is this problem.
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