39 Steps sequence in the operation of hydronic heating systems
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How does a heating boiler work - what are the steps in its operating sequence?
This article describes how a hot water heating system (hydronic heat) actually works, step by step, to heat a building.
An understanding of the sequence of steps in the operation of a heating system, from the moment that a thermostat calls for heat until the moment that the thermostat stops calling for heat, can help us diagnose and fix many heating system problems.
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How Heating Boilers Work & are Diagnosed: Heating Boiler Inspection by Sequence of Operation
An understanding of the sequence of steps in the operation of a heating system, from the moment that a thermostat calls for heat until the moment that the thermostat stops calling for heat can help us diagnose and fix many heating system problems.
Here we describe each step in the operation of a forced hot water heating boiler in response to a call for heat from the thermostat, and we guide you as an inspector or repair technician, by looking at each component in the boiler system.
First: How to Inspect A Heating System
Examine the accessible parts of the heating system. Let your eye travel from component to component in the sequence of operation.
How a Heating System Works - 39 Steps in the Operation of a Heating System
What follows is a detailed, step by step description of how a heating boiler works. We name each heating system component and what it does, in the order that heating system components operate during the heating cycle.
Items shown in [brackets] are ones which may not be present on some heating systems. We include links to technical articles that explain the operation of various heating system components and parts.
The following steps in a heating boiler operating sequence are discussed as part of a complete heating system inspection procedure for hydronic or hot water heat beginning
each is controlled by an individual thermostat; the zone valve opens
or If no zone valves are installed
each thermostat controls and turns-on one (or more) hot water circulators.
In response to the thermostat (or zone valve end switch,) the hot water circulator starts,
except in Canada where circulators may be set up to run continuously and where the thermostat directly turns on the boiler itself.
Note: the heating water circulator is usually located on cooler return-side of the distribution piping loop where the returning heating water re-enters the boiler.
This is a cooler location that gives the circulator and its motor a longer life.
are indicated on the Temperature/Pressure gauge and should show an increase in the boiler water, not to exceed normal operating limits (200 deg F or less and less than 30 psi)
heading towards the heat-radiating devices in the occupied building space, passing by the ...
Air scoop, air separator, air purger
(not always present; this component removes air in the hot water heat piping to stop hot water heating system noise and to avoid air-bound heating baseboards or radiators)
(mounted on top of the air scoop, a brass fitting with a Schrader valve which permits any air in the boiler or piping in this area to escape.
This component is not always present; these are often leaky or sealed off). Air purge valves, manual or automatic, may also be located at other spots on piping, baseboards, or hot water radiators themselves.
(normally the manual valve for water supply to boiler is "on", the automatic valve is closed unless the boiler pressure drops below 12-15 psi. This valve is often also a backflow preventer.)
This device might add water to the boiler as needed.
(if waterlogged, this tank will cause hot water dumping at the relief valve). This device absorbs the initial pressure increase in the system - preventing unnecessary spillage at the pressure-relief valve.
If you don't see an expansion tank check: is there an old expansion tank in the attic?
If so, the boiler system may have no relief valve and may rely on this attic tank and an overflow pipe which itself may flow outside or to a building drain.
Modern systems, which have a smaller expansion tank right at the boiler, will also include a relief valve on (best) or close to the heating boiler itself and won't rely on a remote attic expansion tank.
passing through more distribution piping as it returns to heating boiler, flowing past
A Zone service drain
(drain valves installed on each heating zone piping, usually at or close to the boiler) and also past any flow balancing valves - if present - usually installed right at the zone drains to continue through the
Circulator pump
(if it's not a convection system or "gravity hot water heating system" used on older houses) and then the
If the fuel is heating oil, the oil continues past one or more Fire-o-Matic safety valves (for oil fuel) (this valve contains fusible link to shut off fuel in case of a fire) through the oil pump unit,
and through an oil filter canister,
if the fuel is LP gas or natural gas ,fuel is metered through the gas regulator,
If the fuel is heating oil, oil is sent at high pressure (100 to 120 psi) heating oil to burner nozzle for spray atomization into fire chamber (are the combustion chamber and chamber liner ok?)
If the fuel is LP or natural gas, fuel flows into the gas burner assembly
Fuel is ignited
If the fuel is heating oil ,the oil burner Ignition Transformer (on oil burner systems) makes high voltage which is sent as a spark to ignite oil
(tar ooze at transformer means the unit is failing, maybe from backpressure and overheating) (or on gas fired equipment, the pilot light (or electrical igniter) permits a gas valve to open and a gas burner ignites)
For LP or Natural Gas systems, the gas valve has opened and either the gas fuel is ignited by the standing pilot light or it is ignited by a spark generated by an igniter mechanism.
Oil burner's air intake blower unit sends combustion air into the fire chamber...
the gas burner air intake or power burner blower feeds air to the gas flame.
(Is there adequate combustion air? how about when the boiler room door is closed?)
Heating fuel begins to burn
Oil (or LP or natural gas) begins to burn (watch out for rough noisy or smoky start or stumbling noisy poor shut-down of the burner, smoke, soot, odor, noise mean improper system operation)
Safety controls such as a cad cell on oil burners or a thermocouple flame sensor on gas burners assure successful combustion and will shut down the system if the burner is not operating properly.
Hot combustion gases from burning heating fuel (oil for oil burners or LP or natural gas for gas burners)
pass through tubes (in steel boilers)
or between sections (in cast iron boilers), heating that metal,
thus sending heat back into the heating water through the heat exchanger. (Soot acts as insulation, slows heat transfer, increases temperatures in the flue, and increases heating costs -- was the boiler cleaned recently?)
Hot combustion gases are collected
at top of boiler and sent out through exhaust flue (metal pipe connecting the boiler to the chimney) ...
Combustion gas exhaust draft is regulated
Where the barometric damper (on oil burners - a draft regulator located on the flue pipe usually just above or close to the boiler OR on gas burners a draft hood located on the gas flue vent connector just above the boiler)
up to the "HI" limit as the burner continues to operate.
(Thinking of the HIGH limit, this is a good time to take a look for a pressure relief valve and look for defects there: leaking, corroded, not piped to floor, reduced diameter piping.)
mounted inside the boiler water monitors temperature there and informs
Primary Control when the "HI" limit is reached, causing the control to turn off the burner (is there a noisy, rough, stumbling sloppy burner shut down? If so, service is needed).
(Circulator is continuing to run all during the time that the wall thermostat calls for heat)
The oil Burner (or gas burner) will either stop, or even if the call for heat continues, the burner will turn OFF if HI limit is reached inside the boiler.
If a LOW WATER CUTOFF CONTROL is installed, the boiler will be shut down if water drops to an unsafe level.
Compare Operation of Heating Boilers in Canada and the U.S.
Continuous vs. Intermittent Hot Water Circulation
On a typical oil fired heating boiler in the U.S., the wall thermostat is controlling the hot water circulator, turning it on or off. It is
the temperature of the water circulating through the system (sensed at the primary control on the heating boiler) that actually turns the
oil burner on or off to reheat the water.
That's why the wall thermostat is not an "accelerator" and that's why, if the thermostat has been
set to 60 °F., and the room temperature is at 60 °F., and we want to warm up to 68 deg.F., we just need to set the wall thermostat
up to 68 deg.F.
Setting the thermostat higher than that will not warm the room faster.
On a typical oil fired heating boiler in Canada, where temperatures are cooler for more of the year, the circulator pump may be wired to run
continuously all during the heating season, whenever power is turned on at the boiler. On these systems, the wall thermostat turns the oil
burner on or off directly in response to room temperature.
This design tends to produce more even temperatures in the home, and it has an advantage which should
be considered by anyone who owns an older home where drafts or poor insulation mean that there is a high risk of freezing heating pipes (freezing
can occur in a heating distribution pipe, baseboard, or radiator when heat temperatures are set low and some corner or elbow or location of piping
is exposed to very low temperatures).
If heating pipes freeze, the result is loss of heat even if the boiler and circulator try to turn on,
which in turn means there is risk of burst piping, water damage, mold contamination, or other costly problems. By forcing the water in the heating
system to circulate continuously, the risk of this freeze-up is greatly reduced.
Or see BOILER OPERATING STEPS FAQs - questions and answers about the operating steps in hydronic or hot water heating systems & boilers, posted originally at this page.
BOILER OPERATING STEPS at InspectApedia.com - online encyclopedia of building & environmental inspection, testing, diagnosis, repair, & problem prevention advice.
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Citations & References
In addition to any citations in the article above, a full list is available on request.
Domestic and Commercial Oil Burners, Charles H. Burkhardt, McGraw Hill Book Company, New York 3rd Ed 1969.
National Fuel Gas Code (Z223.1) $16.00 and National Fuel Gas Code Handbook (Z223.2) $47.00 American Gas Association (A.G.A.), 1515 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, VA 22209 also available from National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269. Fundamentals of Gas Appliance Venting and Ventilation, 1985, American Gas Association Laboratories, Engineering Services Department. American Gas Association, 1515 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, VA 22209. Catalog #XHO585. Reprinted 1989.
The Steam Book, 1984, Training and Education Department, Fluid Handling Division, ITT [probably out of print, possibly available from several home inspection supply companies] Fuel Oil and Oil Heat Magazine, October 1990, offers an update,
Principles of Steam Heating, $13.25 includes postage. Fuel oil & Oil Heat Magazine, 389 Passaic Ave., Fairfield, NJ 07004.
The Lost Art of Steam Heating, Dan Holohan, 516-579-3046 FAX
Principles of Steam Heating, Dan Holohan, technical editor of Fuel Oil and Oil Heat magazine, 389 Passaic Ave., Fairfield, NJ 07004 ($12.+1.25 postage/handling).
"Residential Hydronic (circulating hot water) Heating Systems", Instructional Technologies Institute, Inc., 145 "D" Grassy Plain St., Bethel, CT 06801 800/227-1663 [home inspection training material] 1987
"Warm Air Heating Systems". Instructional Technologies Institute, Inc., 145 "D" Grassy Plain St., Bethel, CT 06801 800/227-1663 [home inspection training material] 1987
Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning Volume I, Heating Fundamentals,
Boilers, Boiler Conversions, James E. Brumbaugh, ISBN 0-672-23389-4 (v. 1) Volume II, Oil, Gas, and Coal Burners, Controls, Ducts, Piping, Valves, James E. Brumbaugh, ISBN 0-672-23390-7 (v. 2) Volume III, Radiant Heating, Water Heaters, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, Heat Pumps, Air Cleaners, James E. Brumbaugh, ISBN 0-672-23383-5 (v. 3) or ISBN 0-672-23380-0 (set) Special Sales Director, Macmillan Publishing Co., 866 Third Ave., New York, NY 10022. Macmillan Publishing Co., NY
Installation Guide for Residential Hydronic Heating Systems
Installation Guide #200, The Hydronics Institute, 35 Russo Place, Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922
The ABC's of Retention Head Oil Burners, National Association of Oil Heat Service Managers, TM 115, National Old Timers' Association of the Energy Industry, PO Box 168, Mineola, NY 11501. (Excellent tips on spotting problems on oil-fired heating equipment. Booklet.)
In addition to citations & references found in this article, see the research citations given at the end of the related articles found at our suggested
Carson, Dunlop & Associates Ltd., 120 Carlton Street Suite 407, Toronto ON M5A 4K2. Tel: (416) 964-9415 1-800-268-7070 Email: info@carsondunlop.com. Alan Carson is a past president of ASHI, the American Society of Home Inspectors.
Carson Dunlop Associates provides extensive home inspection education and report writing material. In gratitude we provide links to tsome Carson Dunlop Associates products and services.