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Photograph of  a modern oil-fired heating boilerQ&A: Oil Burner Won't Run

Oil burner no-start diagnostic FAQs #3

  • POST a QUESTION or COMMENT about oil burner inspection, diagnosis, & repair, troubleshooting procedure, how to get the oil burner running again, best order of diagnostic steps.

Q&A on why an oil burner won't start or won't keep running: set #3.

These oil burners are used on heating boilers, furnaces, water heaters and some other heating appliances.

This article series escribes how to recognize common oil-fired heating appliance operating or safety defects, and how to save money on home heating costs

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Oil Burner Won't Run: Diagnostic Steps - what to check in what order

Clogged oil burner nozzle (C) MikeThis article series explains the inspection, diagnosis, & repair of oil burners used in heating appliances such as hot water boilers, steam boilers, & water heaters.

These questions about troubleshooting oil burners were posted originally

at OIL BURNER WONT RUN - you definitely want to review the diagnostic suggestions given there.

If your heat is not working properly, and the problem does not seem to be the oil burner itself,

see NO HEAT - BOILER - hot water or steam heat

or see NO HEAT - FURNACE - forced warm air heat

On 2019-12-27 by (mod) - aquastat settings if you are not using the tankless coil on a boiler


at AQUASTAT HI LO DIFF SETTINGS we explain the optimum settings;

In that article be sure to read also the section titled "Do You Want to Disable the LO and DIFF settings on a Boiler that Does Not Use a Tankless Coil for Domestic Hot Water?"


On 2019-12-27 by Anonymous

i am not using my water heating element.what settings do i use on my aquastat?

On 2019-12-12 by (mod) -

Apologies that I can't give an instant answer; we need to start with identifying the control, then we can find the manual and follow their instructions.

But it's possible that your system simply has to cool down as well as be re-filled with water before the control can be re-set.

On 2019-12-12 by Nick

My oil burning furnace water level was low so it did an automatic shut off. Now a red light is flashing indicating a lockout. It will not come out of lockout mode. Ive tried holding the reset button but it doesn’t kick on. The light just stays flashing. I’ve also tried shutting all power to the machine waited and tried the steps to reset it again but nothing happens. Does anyone know what to do to get it to start up? It’s a 3 year old machine and has a becket set up.

On 2019-11-30 by (mod) -


Forgive me but I don't know what a used oil tote is nor do I know what type of burner and heater you're attempting to operate. In any case it's would seem that you need to clean the fuel container, fuel lines, oil pump or fuel unit, and nozzle assembly and then the system will be re-primed with usable fuel. When I say you I mean your service technician was this is not something a homeowner can do.

On 2019-11-30 1 by anna

used antifreeze accidentally got put in the used oil tote. Now the burner will not work. Any ideas?

On 2019-11-09 by (mod) -


There is of course a procedure to use the air bleeder screw to purge air from the oil burner and piping near the burner - for safety you ought to have your heating service tech go through that for you.

You might have air in the piping or oil filter canister and fuel unit IF you ran the oil tank dry and then got a new oil delivery.

Otherwise the danger is that there is an air leak in the oil piping; in that case even if you purge the air the problem will recur, and worse, sucking air into the oil piping while the burner is running will ultimately lead to poor oil burner start-ups and possibly a puffback explosion. So if that's the case your tech will

1. observe that there's an air leak in piping by monitoring the vacuum level on the oil supply side

2. find and fix the leak by observation (wet spots on the line or simply checking and tightening fittings)

3. clean and adjust the oil burner if needed

On 2019-11-09 by Anonymous

we have a oil burning heater that won,t fire up because we think there is air in the lines

On 2019-10-24 by (mod) -


In order to get a grip on the question of why your oil burner won't run my best advice is to step through a diagnostic items given above on this very page. Take a look at those and let me know what you find and don't hesitate to ask follow-up questions and we'll take it from there

On 2019-10-23 by Louis

Why my bill my boiler doesn't want to do anything at all the light goes on and it says standby but that's all it does and then yesterday the box restarted and acting like it wants to start but it didn't start at all and he has a brand new thermostat I don't know what's wrong with it

On 2019-09-28 by (mod) -

Re-posting via Translate

Pump burner, the thrust is less in the direction of combustion, more in the direction of return, what should I set on the pump? Please help


Bakri I don't have a clear understanding of the problem, but I am guessing you are saying that your oil burner fuel pump is not providing proper pressure and are asking what pressure to set.

Conventional oil burner fuel units or pumps have a pressure adjustment screw.

Standard from the factory is usually 100 psi but some oil burners include a label telling you what pressure should be used - it could be higher.

Watch out: unless you have proper training to work on oil burners you probably cannot set the pump your self - trying to do so is unsafe.

Technical details of pump settings and adjustments are at


Translating into Indonesian:


Bakri Saya tidak memiliki pemahaman yang jelas tentang masalah ini, tetapi saya kira Anda mengatakan bahwa pompa bahan bakar pembakar minyak Anda tidak memberikan tekanan yang tepat dan menanyakan tekanan apa yang harus diatur.

Unit atau pompa bahan bakar burner minyak konvensional memiliki sekrup penyetel tekanan.

Standar dari pabrik biasanya 100 psi tetapi beberapa pembakar minyak menyertakan label yang memberi tahu Anda tekanan apa yang harus digunakan - bisa lebih tinggi.

Hati-hati: kecuali Anda memiliki pelatihan yang tepat untuk bekerja pada pembakar minyak, Anda mungkin tidak dapat mengatur pompa sendiri - mencoba melakukannya tidak aman.

Rincian teknis pengaturan dan penyesuaian pompa ada di


On 2019-09-25 by bakri

Pumpa buner daya dorong nya kurang ke arah pembakaran lebih bayak ke arah pengembalian ,apakah yg harus saya setel di bagian pumpa itu? Mohon bantu an nya ya

On 2019-03-28 by (mod) - will an overheating furnace damage the fan limit control


Yes but ...

That sounds backwards to me in that it would more-likely be a defective or improperly-adjusted fan limit control that would lead a furnace to overheat

Watch out: overheating a furnace can crack the heat exchanger and thus risk leaking dangerous or even fatal flue gases into building air.

If you think that happened to your furnace have it inspected / tested for safety - by an expert technician.

On 2019-03-20 by M. Bustin

IS it possible for a fan limit control unit on an oil fired forced air furnace to malfunction if furnace got overheated?

On 2019-03-19 by (mod) -

Try the diagnostic steps in th he article above and let us know what questions remain.

On 2019-03-19 by Anonymous

boiler onely 2 yersold

if reset it will go no wiht no prablem

boiler go off willnot go bak on

On 2019-02-19 by (mod) - pump, is now bound up and won't turn on only makes buzzing sound

That doesn't sound good and I'm not sure what's wrong. If the pump was working perfectly well before you change the filter scream I wonder if perhaps a piece of debris that's gotten into the moving parts inside the pump during that change up process.

Check the coupling. Then remove the pump from the oil burner and confirmed that the shaft is Frozen.

On 2019-02-18 by Jon

While replacing filter inside pump, is now bound up and won't turn on only makes buzzing sound

On 2019-02-10 by (mod) - things to check when the oil burner won't run


Starting at the top of OIL BURNER WONT RUN we give a flow chart sort of series of things to check when the oil burner won't run. Please be sure you've checked those suggestions as it's my most-complete diagnostic list.

Leave the fuel unit in place - don't try removing it.

1. Check that there is oil in the tank - double check that the gauge is really working as sometimes a float gauge will stick.

2. CHeck that the oil filter is not clogged or plugged and

3. Check that the oil line valve(s) (maybe at the tank and at the burner are open)

If you open the little air bleeder atop most oil filter cartridges AND if your oil tank is above ground, probably oil will come out of that hole (burner is OFF at this point)

4. See details about bleeding air and checking out the oil burner pump at OIL BURNER FUEL UNIT

On 2019-02-10 by Jamil

Beckett oil burner won't light-No oil comes out when attempted to prime. from below or the copper tube that connects to the nozzle. I tried to take the fuel pump out by removing the two screws, but it would not budge.

I tried tapping it with a hammer, pulling with all my strength, but it won't come out. Blower motor works, but still no oil. it is a two line system Suntec A2VA 7116 pump. Any one know why pump won't come out, There are only two screws to remove it right?

On 2019-01-24 by (mod) -

Bruce Ruffini

There is no yes or not answer to your question about when the transformer should send current to the electrodes and make an ignition spark.

There are two types of oil burner ignition systems:

Continuous ignition: the transformer and electrodes continue to spark all during the burner-on cycle (this is the most common set-up among residential oil burners)

Intermittent ignition: the transformer and electrodes operate to get the oil burner flame established then shut off until the next burner-on cycle.

So the answer is ... it depends on your oil burner brand and model.

On 2019-01-24 by (mod) - Tapping the control to get the burner to run

Tapping the control to get the burner to run could be something as simple as a loose or corroded electrical connection.

Other common causes of a burner to fail to run are in the flowchart above on this page.

The most-popular quick and dirty things a service tech will do with little preliminary analysis are

- swap in a new cad cell eye and wire

- change the nozzle and re-set the electrodes

- check the transformer / igniter and replace it if spark is weak

- confirm fuel flow, changing oil filter cartridge and fuel unit screen inside the oil pump

On 2019-01-24 by Bill

I have a Beckett RWB burner with a Sid Harvey R75-39R control. The control is 10 years plus in age. Burner started locking out for no apparent reason several weeks ago. Pushing the reset button fires up the burner and it cycles correctly for a few hours and starts the routine again. Sometimes I need to tap the control to start the flame after the reset button is pushed.

I bought a Beckett Genisys 7505 control to replace the faulty one. Wiring diagram showed my setup. Run power to the control. Connect the motor and igniter to the output of the control, and tie all the white wires together like the old control. Didn't work. Held reset button till both lights flashed. Burner did not run. Reinstalled old Sid Harvey control and burner fired up. What am I missing?

On 2019-01-24 by (mod) - Burner started locking out for no apparent reason

Tapping the control to get the burner to run could be something as simple as a loose or corroded electrical connection.

Other common causes of a burner to fail to run are in the flowchart at OIL BURNER WONT RUN

The most-popular quick and dirty things a service tech will do with little preliminary analysis are

- swap in a new cad cell eye and wire

- change the nozzle and re-set the electrodes

- check the transformer / igniter and replace it if spark is weak

- confirm fuel flow, changing oil filter cartridge and fuel unit screen inside the oil pump

On 2019-01-24 by Bill

I have a Beckett RWB burner with a Sid Harvey R75-39R control. The control is 10 years plus in age.

Burner started locking out for no apparent reason several weeks ago. Pushing the reset button fires up the burner and it cycles correctly for a few hours and starts the routine again.

Sometimes I need to tap the control to start the flame after the reset button is pushed. I bought a Beckett Genisys 7505 control to replace the faulty one. Wiring diagram showed my setup. Run power to the control.

Connect the motor and igniter to the output of the control, and tie all the white wires together like the old control. Didn't work. Held reset button till both lights flashed. Burner did not run. Reinstalled old Sid Harvey control and burner fired up. What am I missing?

On 2019-01-23 by (mod) is oil burner ignition always on or not?

There is no yes or not answer to your question about when the transformer should send current to the electrodes and make an ignition spark.

There are two types of oil burner ignition systems:

Continuous ignition: the transformer and electrodes continue to spark all during the burner-on cycle (this is the most common set-up among residential oil burners)

Intermittent ignition: the transformer and electrodes operate to get the oil burner flame established then shut off until the next burner-on cycle.

So the answer is ... it depends on your oil burner brand and model.

On 2019-01-23 by Bruce Ruffini

Should the transformer send continuous spark to the gun or should it shut down after the flame ignites? Thank you for your help in advance.

On 2019-01-21 03:43:00.238312 by Walk

Hello, i have a oil burner, Beckett model... i have recently noticed a clicking sound when I went downstairs to inspect what the noise could be and I took the door off of the actual unit I can see the Flame turning on and flicking off with a click within the system.

what could this problem be I have checked the air filter but that is all.

It continues to happen and it has gotten more frequent should I turn the whole system down it supposed to be 5 degrees tonight I do you have a repairman coming out tomorrow weather permitting. Im nervous somthing could go wrong in the middle.of the night or cause more damage to the unit

On 2019-01-20 by BOATNIC - oil burner makes random mis-fire sneezes

yes , a random sneeze /misfire for a 1/2 second than continues to run like normal !

On 2019-01-20 by (mod) -

I'm assuming by misfire you mean that the burner is running alone and then it suddenly stops and restarts itself with a sneezed.

I generally aim my diagnostic thoughts into

electrical or ignition, such as a loose or corroded electrical connection or a failing electrode insulator or failing transformer or igniter.


a fuel problem - clogs at the filter or strainer or nozzle

On 2019-01-19 by BOATNIC

thanks, good call , and i did, all good, anything else ?

On 2019-01-19 by (mod) - Beckett AFG burner sneezes


I would look first for a corroded or loose electrical connection in the primary control circuit

On 2019-01-18 by BOATNIC

Have a beckett model afg oil fired boiler (weil mclain pwg04) in service 5 years , have a random miss fire problem (sneeze) , runs fine other wise, filter is clean, nozzle new, all setting same from factor , this problem started after the boiler fire chamber was cleaned 10/17 , a processional service company could fix it , maybe you can help ?

On 2019-01-10 by ray

riello 40 kerosene burner works when out of heat exchanger box but goes out when placed inside heat exchanger box even with the top lid off

On 2019-01-09 by (mod) -

Close what furnace door, William?

Do you mean an inspection door on the furnace itself (suggesting a bad door safety interlock switch) or do you mean the door to a small utility room in which the furnace is located (suggesting maybe the system lacks combustion air)

On 2019-01-09 by William Curfman

My Beckett AF15 oil burner starts with good flame but when I close the furnace door to check the thermostat it trips itself off( red relay button).

On 2018-12-31 by (mod) -

List of sound a lot as if there's a problem with the fan motor itself or the fan controller. In that scenario the oil burner will ignite but the system will reach the high temperature limit quickly because the fan isn't running to pull air through the heat exchanger.

Checked first for the easy things like a loose wire or connection running the fan and if you can't get your fan motor to run it's time to call for repair.

On 2018-12-31 by Matt M.

Hello, Thanks for your time, I appreciate you answering all the questions that people post on here. You have been very helpful to many people. My oil burner furnace has recently began starting up, running for less than a minute, and then shutting back down.

This occurs every 10 minutes or so. When this happens, the fan motor does not operate, only the burner itself. If I attempt to turn the fan to "On" at the thermostat, it does not turn on, but if I turn the fan on at the furnace (old style furnace with fan On/Ventilate switch) the fan operates without hesitation.

I removed the thermostat from the wall, and jumped the R and G wires trying to induce the fan to come on, but it did not work. Oddly enough, the furnace does operate normally occasionally.

Any thoughts? Control at the furnace? Again, I greatly appreciate your help.

On 2018-12-19 by (mod) -

That sounds as if you need service or repair to the burner - that is, if the room thermostat has not been satisfied - temperature in the room is still below the SET temperature on the thermostat, and the furnace blower runs but the furnace gas or oil burner does not run - you need a repair.

On 2018-12-19 by Anonymous

My furnace runs good for a few hours and then blows cold air

On 2018-12-12 by John

I have a Williamson 02-691. It runs and burns fine for 3 minutes and shuts off. a few minutes later it hums like a stuck motor that wont turn.
After a while it do it all over again.

Months ago it would flash and die. I found a pinched thermocouple wire that was shorting. Fixed that and all worked until now. Thanks, John

On 2018-12-09 1 by (mod) -

Great news, thank you for taking the time to follow up as it will help other readers.

On 2018-12-07 by (mod) -


Sure, to keep your heat going while you wait for repair, it's fine to press the reset button PROVIDED that the oil burner started and ran for 5-10 minutes or longer after doing so.

But your system is going to fail hard, probably soon. So you should call for repair.

On 2018-12-06 by ron

furance will run for a day or two and then it wont start.i can reset and it will run for a day or two'

On 2018-12-06 by (mod) - OK to reset the burner again if it has run for long enough


Sure, to keep your heat going while you wait for repair, it's fine to press the reset button PROVIDED that the oil burner started and ran for 5-10 minutes or longer after doing so.

That's because when the heat runs long enough to shut off by the thermostat rather than by the safety control, you're much less likely to be leaving so much unburned oil in the combustion chamber that you get a PUFFBACK EXPLOSION (find that article in the ARTICLE INDEX for this page).

Watch out: what you don't want to do is to keep pressing the reset button if the burner won't keep runniing for a sufficient time - that's dangerous.

But your system is going to fail hard, probably soon. So you should call for repair.

On 2018-12-06 by ron - furance will run for a day or two and then it wont start.

furance will run for a day or two and then it wont start.

i can reset and it will run for a day or two'

On 2018-12-04 by Tel - replacement motor capacitor fixed the problem

The replacement capacitor arrived today and as soon as I had fitted it the motor immediately kicked in correctly.

Thanks for your suggestions.

Help with capacitors

On 2018-12-03 by (mod) - mostly I just hear buzzing

If we can assume that you've waited long enough for any thermal or other reset switches to cool off and you have them reset the safety controls on an oil burner, then

If power is delivered to an electric motor in the motor doesn't run that's not an issue with a safety control that is monitoring the quality of the flame.

More likely it's a failing motor or motor capacitor, or a bad electrical connection.

If the motor hums but won't start that's either a seized motor (it's shot) or a bad start/run capacitor.

On 2018-12-02 by Tel

Thanks for the reply. It is the motor which is not running, at least it was running intermittently but after I tried the multi-meter capacitor test I can't get it to run at all. I don't think that fuel is getting to the burner when it doesn't run.

A soon as I press the reset button I can tell if the burner is going to light because I can hear the motor running, or not.

Mostly there is just buzzing. After several attempts it will eventually kick in, at least that was the case before the capacitor test.

The test on the capacitor showed it to be open, assuming I did the test correctly

The needle on the analogue meter didn't move.

It was set to resistance and I tested that it was working by shorting the 2 probes to create a closed circuit so the needle went to the top.

Could I have performed this incorrectly? If not, it is looking like the problem is the capacitor, I am just confused by it previously being intermittent.


Continue reading at OIL BURNER WONT RUN - topic home, or select a topic from the closely-related articles below, or see the complete ARTICLE INDEX.

If the oil burner starts but does not run properly see these diagnostic articles

AUDELS OIL BURNER GUIDE, INSTALLING, SERVICING, REPAIRING - an online PDF of a complete oil heat service text book (albeit an old one)

Suggested citation for this web page

OIL BURNER WON'T RUN FAQs-4 at - online encyclopedia of building & environmental inspection, testing, diagnosis, repair, & problem prevention advice.

Or see this


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