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Copper tubing on pressure control switch (C) Daniel Friedman Well Water Pump Noise Diagnostic FAQs

Questions & Answers about water pump noises

  • POST a QUESTION or COMMENT about diagnosing problems with the water pump or pump controls that show up as sounds of humming, clicking, banging, rattling, hissing, etc.

Well water pump noise & sound diagnostic FAQs:

This article provides answers to frequently-asked questions about how to diagnose noise problems with the water pump or pump controls such as clicking at the control switch, humming or rattling at the water or well pump, or banging or hissing sounds associated with water or well pump operation.

This article series gives diagnosis & repair advice for well or water pumps, controls, tanks, water pressure, water flow, water quantity.

InspectAPedia tolerates no conflicts of interest. We have no relationship with advertisers, products, or services discussed at this website.

- Daniel Friedman, Publisher/Editor/Author - See WHO ARE WE?

Water Pump & Pump Control Noise FAQs

Photograph of a water pump pressure control switch with the cover on These questions and answers about noisy water pumps, noisy well pumps, or noisy pump control switches or water tanks were posted originally

at WATER PUMP NOISE DIAGNOSIS - be sure to see the diagnosis and repair suggestiosn there.

If your pump noise is coming from the pressure control switch, like the gray Square-D pressurtrol switch shown here,


On 2020-10-25 - by (mod) -


For a more-complete answer please see WATER PUMP NOISE DIAGNOSIS for table listing causes & cures

I suspect your pump is short-cycling on and off;

That's explained at WATER PUMP SHORT CYCLING - home

On 2020-10-25 by john

the submersible motor control box on my well is continualy clicking what would be the cause

On 2020-09-25 - by (mod) -


In the ARTICLE INDEX you will find our article on WELL PUMP SHORT CYCLING CAUSES

On 2020-09-25 by Beckers33

What causes a loud humming noise from the well pump that goes off every 20-30 seconds and what can I do to fix it?

On 2020-08-08 by Mary

I'm Mary I wrote the last comment about noise coming from my well. Also wanted to add, I know nothing about wells.

On 2020-08-08 by Anonymous

Theres a seeping type noise coming from my well outside in front yard. It sounds like water is spraying. Apparently my little boy said he heard that noise several days ago. Today, also the water pressure is getting low. I'm just leaning about any of this, I just replaced my washer machine today as I pull up with it, I here this noise. Lord Help me!

On 2020-04-24 by Deb G

My pressure switch keeps clicking off and on. Bad switch?

On 2020-02-04 - by (mod) -

From just your text I'm unsure, Arminda,

but if you had to add air to a water tank that uses an internal bladder then probably the bladder itself is leaky and either that gets replaced or the entire tank and bladder get replaced.

The buzzing might be the leak.

On 2020-01-31 by Arminda

My bladder lost it pressure and I had to put air in back to the psi it said after doing so I turned on my well pump and there was no flow and a buzzing noise.

Is it my pressure switch control or is it my impeller or do I need to buy a brand new pump?

On 2020-01-22 by (mod) - well pump quickly cycling onb and off - leak in well piping?

No-bladder type water pressure tank (C) Jeff Jeff

I suspect that there's either a leak in well piping or a failed foot valve or check valve .

If the tank were waterlogged you'd also get short cycling but the pump wouldn't continue to run indefinitely unless you have water running in the building or a leak on the well side.

More details: see the diagnostic and repair advice

at WELL PIPING FOOT VALVES if you are not familiar with these devices

and also for diagnosing a pump that turns on and off too rapidly see the advice


and also for a pump that never stops, see the diagnostics and repair advice


On 2020-01-22 by Jeff

My water pressure is totally fine. But about a week ago my well pump tank started to make a clicking noise after a sound that sounded like building pressure. Watching the pressure gauge on the tank it looks like it starts in the 30s and rises into the 60s where it will top out, click, and then head back down into the 30s.

It seems like it isn't able to come to a stable state. It clicks every 30 seconds or so nonstop. Can someone help me diagnose the issue so I can fix it?

Thank you

On 2019-12-28 1 by (mod) - surging water pressure cause & cure

Surging well water pressure usually means that the pump is short cycling - see SHORT CYCLING WELL PUMP in the ARTICLE INDEX found on this page.

A common cause is a waterlogged pressure tank.

It sounds as if you have a submersible pump (in the well); so at the control all you'd hear is clicking of the pump relay switch(es).

IF the relay clicks and the pump doesn't run we figure there is one of these issues

- defective pump relay control

- open wire in the circuit

- seized well pump

- no water in the well

On 2019-12-25 by steve

water pressure surging, replaced tank, pressure switch and no water, replaced 1/2 HP control box, no water, replaced deep well pump, water ran for 10 mins and cut off, control box clicking but pump not running. what am I missing?

On 2019-12-05 by (mod) -


In the ARTICLE INDEX given above find out article on water pump short cycling. If your pump is turning onto frequently it may simply be that the pressure tank has lost its air charge

On 2019-12-05 by (mod) -

If the sound is knew I would be looking for a problem such as a failing motor, air in the water line, or a loose and vibrating component - even a mounting bolt

On 2019-12-05 by Wiiliam

What would cause a loud humming from the basement water pump that last about 30 seconds -pitch changes in the 30 seconds, as it gets louder?

Should that basement water pump turn right on after each toilet flush?

On 2018-12-23 by Jay

My control modal is making a repeated clicking noise any thoughts.

On 2018-12-17 by (mod) -

Watch out: leave power OFF to the equipment involved -you are risking a fire or injury - turn power off immediately.

It sounds a if there is a dead short in your wiring and that you need help from a licensed electrician.

On 2018-12-16 by Anonymous

My control box is smoking and the last one exploded

On 2018-11-29 by Barb

About 10 to 20 seconds before well pump shuts off, it starts making a growling noise. It gets loud in those last seconds it is running.. Starts fine and sounds normal when it starts and runs for a bit.

On 2018-07-13 by (mod) -

Clicking like that probably means the pressure tank is waterlogged and the pump is short-cycling.

Search this website using the search box above. for WATER PUMP SHORT CYCLING to see the diagnosis and cure.

On 2018-07-10 by Woody corrected

Sorry for the typos below. Here is the corrected text:

(within the last minute) Woody said:

I just bought a home. The well is under the basement floor. Near the well’s pump tank is also perhaps a "chlorination pump?" next to a tube that goes into a bucket in which I am to fill with one part chlorine to 4 parts water or more for the filtering system. )

I peridocically change the filters.) This pump used to make a click click click noise, then be quiet most of the time or so it seemed but now it makes the click click noise most of the time - sometimes stopping for about 19 seconds then continuing. Is there a way to silence the noise? An isolation item?

Also there is a small pump near the main "heat pump" of the house - well the main HVAC system which is propane-run but goes thru the ducts of the house as forced hot air. Sometimes leaks occur when this small "pump" next to the "main heat pump" is unplugged...

and now even when it is not unplugged. Any suggestions about what is happening at these two problems at the chlorination pump and at the side of the house heat pump? And how to fix them?

On 2016-06-16 by Bianca Dee - Humming pump suggests the motor was burning up,

That's what I thought. I don't think he has much experience in home water supplies.

On 2016-06-16 by (mod) - rebuild a Sta-Rite HMSF-FL1, 1 1/2 hp.

Irrigation systems are rather different than home water supply systems.
Usually an irrigation system takes water at a rate so great that once the pump turns on it never stops until the irrigation system is shut off; in that case a tiny tank makes no difference.

Home water supply systems are different. Unless your pump is one designed to work without using a pressure tank at all, for a home water supply system you want a pressure tank that provides an equivalent 15-30 gallon draw down (or bigger) - otherwise you tend to burn up the pump and/or its control by rapid cycling on and off.

On 2016-06-16 by Bianca Dee

The well man said that the tank is the right size, they put that size on all the pumps. His main industry is irrigation. Do they use that small of a tank for irrigation? He said he would return the next day and put on a bigger tank, but he will not even return my calls now.

The pump is a Sta-Rite HMSF-FL1, 1 1/2 hp. Do you know if it can be economically rebuilt? A new one costs around $1000.

I figure if I could get it rebuilt and get a bigger tank, then I would be OK for a while. Then I could take the original installer to small claims court for the cost of the rebuild and instillation of the new tank. I'll let you know what happens in this ongoing saga of "the tank that was too small"

On 2016-06-05 by (mod) -

Let's hope suing is not necessary - inevitably that's a time consuming, expensive, and worst, aggravating epoch for everyone. Do keep me posted.

On 2016-06-04 by Bianca Dee

Thank you. This was exactly what I thought. The pump cycles twice when you flush the toilet. It was a used motor, but he did give me a warranty on all parts for a year (in writing).

I am going to hold him to it, or have someone else do the work and take the original well man to court. I don't want to, but he gave me the warranty.
Thanks again.

On 2016-06-03 by (mod) - Humming pump suggests the motor was burning up,

Humming pump suggests the motor was burning up, perhaps from "over use" or there could be a failed motor start-capacitor.

But if your pump was cycling on and off "too much" (or as your installer says, blaming you the victim, "over use") I suspect the original installation was improper.

If a too-small "pressure tank" is installed the pump will cycle on and off rapidly, shortening its life.

A hot water heater expansion tank is normally very small and is absolutely not intended for use as a pressure tank used with a water pump. I can't imagine what the installer was thinking but it's very doubtful that she or he was correct.

A clue: if when you were running water, say to fill a bath tub, take a shower, or do laundry, if the pump was turning on and off several times a minute or more, it's likely to be due to the tank you described.

Un fortunately we're headed for an argument with the installer who is going to be reluctant to admit he did a bad job. In my opinion he should return, install a properly sized water pressure tank, and if the pump or its control were damaged, those should be replaced.

The cost to you should be no more than the difference in parts cost between the original tank he installed and the proper tank that should have been installed.

On 2016-06-03 by BiancaDee

I had a well man put in a used pump for the well at a mobile home I just bought. The tank was all rusty and he removed it but replaced it with a hot water heater expansion tank. For the first month and a half, it ran like a champ. I do not over use water (I am the only one living here) and a couple of weeks ago, the pump started making loud sounds.

Then, at one point, it was pumping water and it stopped but still made loud humming sound. I called the well man and he said I was over using the pump.

Now, when I use the pump and it cycles more than a couple of times (which it does frequently during showers, etc.) it gets real loud then stops pumping water and hums.

I unplug it and leave it sit for a while and it will start pumping again. Also, the at the beginning of the cycle, the pump sometimes hums, then you can hear the pump start pumping. Any ideas? The pump tank, the humming, the freezing?

On 2015-12-23 by (mod) - Clicking tapping noise is being heard from our water pump


Assuming the pump ts running and that you are sure there are no loose parts, I suspect debris in or damage to the impeller.

If water pressure falls when pump is off and no water is being run, look for a leak in the check valve

On 2015-12-22 by Betty

Clicking tapping noise is being heard from our water pump?

Question: well pump noise - noisy well pump or horrible sounds coming from the water pump

The pump keeps running & making a loud noise - Ron 7/10/12


Ron, some well pumps are just noisy to begin with, depending on the motor and bearing quality (and cost) of the pump itself. But if your pump has changed in the volume or type of noise it is making here are some common sources of that sound:


Question: well pump is very loud on my sprinkler system

I have a well pump that provides water for my inground sprinkling system (there is no tank).

The pump is VERY loud and it seems like the pressure has been gradually decreasing over the past few years. Is there any regular maintenance I could/should do on it? - Bill 7/11/12


Bill, check for the pump noise problems I've described


I'd add that running a water pump with no pressure tank makes the pump work harder and may lead to shorter pump life.

Question: Shallow well pump keeps shutting off

My shallow well pump shuts off after 15 seconds. Looks like no water is getting to the tank. When the pump shuts down the water flow stops.
I disassembled the pressure switch, cleaned contacts and diaphragm and made sure the hose for the sensor was clear of debris.
Same problem.

Next I removed the tank and let the pump run for a few minutes. It didn't get overly hot and kept on pumping.
So it looks like the tank diaphragm is stuck.

My question is - Could it still be a defective pressure switch or is it definitely the tank?
Thanks - Mike 7/13/12

In reference to my (the) last comment.
I connected the tank to a garden hose from my house water supply and the tank filled up!
So it's either the pump or the pressure switch.


Mike regarding your good steps in well pump diagnosis,

"I connected the tank to a garden hose from my house water supply and the tank filled up!
So it's either the pump or the pressure switch." earlier you said "When the pump shuts down the water flow stops.

Which to me indicates that the pressure tank had no charge - it could have been waterlogged and thus full, so no water would enter, but if it had zero air, it would not function to push water into the house when the pump was not running.

Check the pressure tank - and its air charge.

Water Pump Control Noises

Question: humming & clicking pump pressure control box

18 July 2015 Allen said:

Today my pump control box started making constant loud humming and clicking noises. I removed the pump control box and brought it to my local plumbing supplier. He connected it to his system, ran water for a minute or so and it performed accordingly.

We repeated this process a couple of times without fail. I brought it home, reconnected it and the previous issues were still present.

The water pressure tank appears to be fine. It is not waterlogged, has no apparent leaks and has not lost any air. Any suggestions as to what could be causing these symptoms?


Check the supply voltage level and the amps / current draw of your pump; the problem can be low water in the well, damaged pump, low voltage, damaged wiring

Allen said:
Thanks for your prompt reply. After checking the voltage, the main and start windings are within specs. I did however receive a reading suggesting the motor is grounded. Could a damaged wire in the well casing be causing the symptoms?


Watch out: Allen if the pump or a control is humming I'd shut it off as I suspect a short or seized motor.

Question: after replacing pump and pressure tank the pump switch keeps clicking

relay switch on water pressure device clicking when water is being used why and what is the fix please. - Anon 9/30/12

i replace my pump and pressure tank. but when i turn on my water. i here the pressure switch go click click click non stop when i turn on water - Jerry 11/16/12



Watch out: If the clicking pressure switch is switching the pump on and off very rapidly, say every second, TURN THE PUMP CIRCUIT OFF immediately to avoid damaging the equipment. Then check for a clogged water filter, a water valve that should be open is closed, or a waterlogged preside tank


It is normal for the relay switch to "click" on and off when you are running water continuously. It's a sound that folks don't notice if the swithc is right next to a (noisy) well pump, but when the well pump is submersible (located in the well) the pressure control switch click may be about all you hear.

If the pump control relay clicking sound is rapid -


If the click occurs say once every 30 seconds, that's normal. It's the pump switching on and off as pressure falls and rises.

Question: pump or control noises

(Sept 30, 2014) their is a loud bang noise under my house when my pump kicks off said:

their is a loud bang noise under my house when my pump kicks off sometimes when a have not used the water

(Oct 1, 2014) Anonymous said:

Has humming noise in pump part

(Oct 1, 2014) Donnie Bouknight said:

humming in pump and water spurts in side house


See the diagnosis & repair advice at WATER PUMP PRESSURE SWITCH NOISES - what causes humming or clicking noises at a building water pressure control switch: diagnosis, warnings, advice

Question: pump or control noises

(Sept 30, 2014) their is a loud bang noise under my house when my pump kicks off said:

their is a loud bang noise under my house when my pump kicks off sometimes when a have not used the water

(Oct 1, 2014) Anonymous said:

Has humming noise in pump part

(Oct 1, 2014) Donnie Bouknight said:

humming in pump and water spurts in side house


See the diagnosis & repair advice at WATER PUMP PRESSURE SWITCH NOISES - what causes humming or clicking noises at a building water pressure control switch: diagnosis, warnings, advice

Question: horrible humming noise at submersible pump control

Recently, we had a power surge and we believe that killed the submersible pump, (horrible humming noise when we threw the switch) so we replaced the pump (went from 1/2hp to a 3/4 hp). Every since then, when we turn our outside hose on, after about a minute we lose water pressure and it trickles out.

We then replaced the water bladder, (a larger tank) still the same problem, and then we replaced the pressure control switch. ....still the same issue. I don't want to have to pull the pump back out if I don't have to. (that and i have no idea what i can check on the pump).

I ahve a 40/60 pressure switch, I drained the tank and put 38psi in the top of the tank and filled it back up. overall I have no water pressure issues on any other faucet in the house (sure I would like stronger pressure but it's tolerable) only the water hose.

when that goes down the rest of the house stays down until the bladder can get back up to pressure.

It's definitely an unusually dry season but our well is 200 ft deep, and you hit water at just 15 ft. so I don't think it's a issue of the water level but again I know nothing at the moment.. - Chris 7/9/12


Chris in addition to the diagnostics at WATER PUMP PRESSURE SWITCH NOISES for poor water pressure, see the article titled WATER PRESSURE PROBLEM DIAGNOSIS TABLE found near the end of this article in the links section for a table summarizing things to check.

Sometimes when we install a more powerful water pump onto an existing well the new pump takes water out of the well faster than the well can recover - and you run out of water; that could be happening here.

The static head in a 200 ft deep well with water 15 ft below the surface is 185 ft. 185 x 1.5 is what, 280 gallons of water - not so much that you couldn't run out if the well recovery rate is slow.

Reader comment:

the water pressure is fine for about 5 -10 gals of water, if that. (so Im assuming that isn't putting a dent in that 280gals) I went down later and checked the timing on the pump and pressure control switch, and when it goes.

The control switch kicks on right at 40psi, it holds for about 5/10 seconds at 40psi, (this is all within 30 seconds to a minute)and then it quickly plummets to 10-15 psi on the gauge, and it stays there till I turn off the hose. At that point it will slowly fill back up to 60 psi in about 5-10 mins.

After reading that Chart I'm leaning towards maybe I need to change the breaker? could the pump not be getting enough power (due to one of the breakers being bad) and that's why the psi is so low even when the pump is on? - Chris

Question: humming water pressure pump control switch

My water Pump Pressure Switch seems to be emitting a low hum all of the time It sounds sort of like you hear around electrical transformers. This is a new thing for the unit. My electric bill has also been high and my water pressure is intermittently low.

I can make the hum stop by pressing on the plate that's connected to the springs. It sparks when I do this. Yikes! I suspect that the switch is stuck in the on position. What do you all think? Thanks! - James 11/27/12


James, the pressure control switch might click on and off, but humming?

First - make sure that the sound is coming from the switch itself and not from nearby water piping or from a nearby pump. Well pumps are not silent, and pump noise can be transmitted via water piping.

Second - if you are convinced it's the switch, if tightening the electrical connections at the switch doesn't fix it (do this with power OFF) I would replace it promptly. The pump relay is an electromagnetic switch. If it is humming and vibrating it is probably failing and you're about to have

Watch out: I wouldn't keep pressing on the relay. There's live 120V or 240V in that switch - touching exposed wires or connectors is asking for a potentially fatal shock. Keep me posted, what we learn will help other readers.

Question: well pump won't run - humming noise may mean a seized pump motor or control relay

26 July 2015 Joseph said:
I have a shallow well pump for irrigation. Was running perfect yesterday, and now all of a sudden will not run. When plugged in, makes a humming noise and trips off (in about 4 sec). It almost sounds like a small puff of air blowing when it kicks off.

I replaced the capacitor, no problem there. I can turn the shaft - with no problem from back of motor with screwdriver. What else can I trouble shoot without having to disconnect entire system or call in a professional?



In the diagnostic table at WATER PUMP DIAGNOSTIC TABLE check out the section titled

Things to Check if the Well Pump Will Not Start

Humming sounds like a seized motor. The fact that you can turn the shaft argues against that so we might have instead a seized switch or control.

Watch out: If the motor is drawing high current (amps) that's a good reason to leave it shut off to avoid further damage and to reduce the risk of a fire or electrical shock.

Question: hissing noise at the water pump

(June 13, 2015) George said:
Regarding the hissing noise referred to by Tara, I experience this running a simple booster pump with pressure vessel on a spring supply where there is insufficient drop.

My pump cycles every 5 minutes with no demand which seems a little odd but seems to cause no harm.

The only explanation I have managed to come up with for the hissing is that there is air in the supply side which is pumped with the water into the pressure vessel where it gradually bubbles out from the water?


Diagnosis of hissing at water pumps depends on where the hissing is occurring.
Excess air in a bladderless pressure tank may be released by the air volume control valve on systems that use an in-well snifter valve to keep air in the pressure tank.

Search for SNIFTER VALVE to read details.

Question: running water sound in pipes but no fixtures are running

(June 15, 2015) scott said:
I can hear water running through the pipes but see no leaks or water dripping from any faucet or toilet. The pump cycles every 12 minutes. I have experienced leaks in the pipe from the pump to pressure tank and could clearly hear the water leaking from the pipe and falling back into the well.



If you hear water running, water is running. Sometimes a subtle leak such as a running toilet is not obvious without close inspection. One way to narrow down the culprit is to begin selectively shutting off water supply to various areas of the building.

Try shutting off water into the building: if the noise stops then water is probably running somewhere that you've not located.

If the problem is a leaky foot valve or well piping, with water to the house shut off if pressure drops you've probably guessed that that's the probelm.

Also search InspectApedia for AIR DISCHARGE at FIXTURES


Water Pipe Noises: Banging Clanging Pipes when Well Pump Stops

Will the pressure pump damage the washing machine, water heater etc? in a one story house?

Is it true that Preasure pumps fitted in a house with one floor only spoils the washing machine,water heater etc and presure pumps should not be used for such one floored house. - K Sriram

14 Feb 2015 Doug said:
When checking or adding pressure to bladder style tank should the pressure be set a few pounds below the set on pressure (40-60) switch (38) or should it be set at the higher level around (58) ?

Seems to be a water hammer effect as pump shuts off at (58)



K Sriram

I cannot undertand any reason why a well water pump would damage plumbing in a one story house in some way related to the house height.

The pressure operating range - 20-40 psi or 30-50 psi is within the normal operating range of plumbing fixtures and appliances. In other words, No not in any way I can see. Maybe there is some condition someone knows about that we've never come across??

Watch out: other water pressure variations such as that caused by water hammer can indeed damage appliances, piping, controls, valves, etc.


Doug, in addition to looking into and addressing the water hammer noise, you want to see


Water Tank Noises: Boom, Clank, or High Pitched Sound, Groaning, or Hissing



Water Heater Tank Noises



Continue reading at WATER PUMP NOISE DIAGNOSIS for table listing causes & cures for well pump or water pressure problems, or select a topic from the closely-related articles below, or see the complete ARTICLE INDEX .

Or see WATER PUMP PRESSURE SWITCH NOISE FAQs - more Q&A about pressure control switch noises, clicking, ticking, humming

Or see these

Water or Well Pump Noise Articles

Suggested citation for this web page

WATER PUMP NOISE FAQs at - online encyclopedia of building & environmental inspection, testing, diagnosis, repair, & problem prevention advice.

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