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Copper tubing on pressure control switch (C) Daniel Friedman Pump Noise Causes & Cures

Track down & fix noises at water & well pumps

Checklist to diagnose causes of well or water pump noises & sounds.

Use this list to track down the sources of noises at or around pumps. Some of these are normal noises while others mean trouble, and some may also indicate unsafe conditions.

This article series provides a plumbing noise diagnosis checklist useful for plumbing system noise control, starting with a list of sources of plumbing system noises in buildings: water supply piping noise, drain pipe noise, plumbing fixture noises, water main pipe noise, well pump and piping noises, and water heater noises.

InspectAPedia tolerates no conflicts of interest. We have no relationship with advertisers, products, or services discussed at this website.

- Daniel Friedman, Publisher/Editor/Author - See WHO ARE WE?

Pump Noise Diagnosis: Clicks, Hums, Rattles, Bangs & Screams from Water & Well Pumps

Photograph of a water pump pressure control switch with the cover onWater pump noises:

at water pumps or well pumps. Water pumps can be quite noisy, depending on the pump type and model, and the pump location.

If the well pump is a submersible unit located inside the well, normally the only noise you'll observe in the building is the clicking of the pump control relay(s) that turn the pump on or off, and possibly a modest sound of water entering the water pressure tank or building piping.

If your pump noise is coming from the pressure control switch and not the pump itself,


Secure moounting on rubber pads cuts most normal water pump noise transmission (C) Daniel Friedman at  showing a Grundfos Scala2 pump

Photograph of a drilled well casing



Reader Comments, Questions & Answers About The Article Above

Below you will find questions and answers previously posted on this page at its page bottom reader comment box.


On 2024-01-15 by InspectApedia Publisher - the house pipes all vibrate with the well pump


I don't think it's the tank type itself that's the problem.

More likely it's pipe routing and pipe supports that are the problem. If the new piping mounts or support transfer pump vibration to building framing or floors, try adding noise isolating pipe support connectors or hangers.

On 2024-01-15 by Rich

We replaced a pressure tank that had separate input and output with one that only has one port. Now the house pipes all vibrate with the well pump.

Any ideas on how to reduce the noise? Do I need to go back to a two connection tank?

On 2023-12-08 by InspectApedia Publisher - rapid continuous clunking sound coming from the water heater area when the well is asleep


A first guess is that there is scale formation in your water heater causing that noise - check out our diagnostics at


or see


Or if it's a gas fired water heater, for safety also check out


and let me know if those work for you


On 2023-12-08 by Mike

I have a 1 1/2 HP variable speed submersible pump sitting at 60' in a 100' deep well that was installed in 2016 in a new residence.

We are getting a rapid continuous clunking sound coming from the water heater area when the well is asleep. This is intermittent and started about a year ago.

The sound will last for 5-20 seconds at a time and resonates throughout the house and with the area around the water heater being the loudest.

For some reason it seems worse during the colder months and generally in the morning hours. The water heater is in our mechanical room along with a small pressure tank and the well control panel.

We also have a hot water recerc system installed in the house since our master bath is 70+ feet away from the water heater. Any idea what would be causing this?

On 2023-06-29 by InspectApedia Publisher - new sympathetic vibration in the copper piping

@Richard L Gregor,

"New" makes me a little concerned that there's a problem developing, but we don't know the source:

- running out or water can change the pump noise and vibration level as it pumps some air

- a failing motor, motor bearing, or impeller can cause vibration and noise to increase

- loose or missing pipe or pump supports can transmit vibrations that previously were dampened.

Details are above on this page.

I'd check at the pump and follow the pipes and step through the suggestions in the article above. Please do that and let me know how that works out.

On 2023-06-29 by Richard L Gregor

There is a new sympathetic vibration in the copper piping when my shallow well water pump runs.....

On 2023-06-23 by InspectApedia Publisher - Replaced the tank and the pump, but it is excessively loud


If there's air discharge at your plumbing fixtures then there's an air leak or low water in the well, which can not only make a pump noisy, it can damage it.

About the frequency with which the pump runs, check the air pre-charge in your pressure tank.

Starting at


we provide several articles giving step by step procedures to diagnose and correct a missing or improper air charge in the tank.

Also read


and let me know if one of those fixes your noisy pump.

On 2023-06-23 by Pat

Newly installed ridgid 3/4 ho pump from HD.

Replaced the tank and the pump, but it is excessively loud. It doesn’t bang, screech or anything like that, just a loud motor sound, slighly high pitched

Sounds like water kinda bouncing all around..

Based on reading all of this it might be a restriction of the water being sucked in, or maybe air in the line?

Every flush of the toilet makes the pump turn on and it’s so loud you can’t hear anything else in the house if the door is open.

It’s a shallow well, above ground pump, 20 gal pressure tank .

I’ll try to bleed any air left in there but I’m not sure that’s the problem as I did that when installed

On 2023-01-09 by InspectApedia Publisher - very loud thump/vibration at the pressure tank when the pressure switch goes on


That sounds like the noises whose cause and clear we describe at


please take a look at that page and let me know if that helps you or if you have more questions.

Also, look, first, for piping that needs to be secured - the sudden surge of pressure when the pump turns on may be causing that movement that can lead to a leak.

On 2023-01-09 by Scott

I have a submersible well at my home. It is the original well pump, installed 1996. I have replaced the pressure tank twice. The pressure switch is a 30/50. Empty pressure on the pressure tank is 26 psi.

Recently, there is a VERY loud THUMP/VIBRATION at the pressure tank when the pressure switch goes ON. It rattles the entire house. I can even hear it from outside the house.

There is no sound while the pump is running or going off. Water pressure seems fine. Should I be looking at the old pump, or the pressure tank/pressure switch/check valve, etc.? Thank you for your expert opinion!

On 2022-09-03 by InspectApedia-911 (mod) - Water tank motor is loud while taking a shower

@george miner,

I can't say if this is ok or not from just your text.

If the noise is from the motor itself there's clearly a problem that needs attention and that could even be unsafe.

If the noise is not the motor but is a banging sound, the problem could be WATER HAMMER -


On 2022-09-03 by george miner

Water tank motor is loud while taking a shower,etc. The noise quits when usage of the water ends. Is this cause for alarm ? This tank is about 2-3 years old.

On 2022-06-01 by InspectApedia-911 (mod) - well pump (submersible type) that starts up squealing/screaming


If water is coming out of the air vent on your pressure tank then the tank is waterlogged which will in turn caused short cycling and ultimately can damage the water pump itself.

If your tank is a type that uses an internal bladder and water came out of the air valve then the bladder has burst and needs to be replaced.

On 2022-06-01 by Will

I have encountered a well pump (submersible type) that starts up squealing/screaming then just as the pressure switch clicks off the squealing stops at 40psi. Open the water valve and at 20psi the squealing noise starts and doesn't stop un till you shut the faucet and build up pressure to 40psi.

Is my pump bad or is my tank air vent broken?

Last week I started it up after 6 years of non use. On initial start up there was a sream of water that came out of the air vent on the tank.

Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance

On 2022-05-24 by InspectApedia-911 (mod) - mechanical sounding vibration where the line enters our house


Is your pump a submersible this located in the well?

You may be hearing vibrations transmitted from a failing pump right through the piping system.

On 2022-05-24 by Justin

We’re hearing a mechanical sounding vibration where the line enters our house. Touching the pipe you can feel it. It happens every 15-30 minutes or so. Starts as a lower frequency then gets higher just before stopping. Each time is only about 20 seconds or so. Any input is appreciated. Thank you.

On 2022-03-14 Inspectapedia Com Moderator - water gauge makes loud electrical noises


Well the noise won't truly be electrical since a water pressure gauge has no electrical connections whatsoever.

But you may be hearing buzzing or hissing or similar noises if the nearby pressure control switch is arcing or failing. If the pressure control switch contacts are burned or bouncing or cycling improperly (replace the control) that could cause erratic pump behaviour that in turn would also show up as noises and as a jiggling pressure gauge needle.

A pressure gauge needle may also vibrate or oscillate and the gauge act oddly if it's pressure inlet port, a small opening on the gauge base, is silt or debris clogged- so you might start by relieving pressure from the system and simply installing a new gage.

Let's do that first and then let me know how that works for you.

Post a photo showing the gauge and its location and we may be able to comment further.

On 2022-03-14 by Leo

My water gauge makes loud electrical noises when it goes back up to the correct psi. Needle also rattles a lot when doing so.
What can be the issue?

On 2022-01-22 by Inspectapedia Com Moderator

@manila Kochanski,

It's difficult from a simple text to know what the noise is that you hear since one person's pounding is another person's clanging, for example.

Have you looked at the list of noises and suggestions described above on this page to try and narrow down what's occurring?

You might also want to look at:


Please let us know if you have additional questions.

On 2022-01-22 by manila Kochanski

when using/running the water something in the house is making a noise like pounding or earthquake noise- we do have a well- not sure if it in the water lines or if it could be our well.

On 2021-11-14 by Inspectapedia Com Moderator (mod) - how to stop continuous noise from a water pressure booster pump

Secure moounting on rubber pads cuts most normal water pump noise transmission (C) Daniel Friedman at  showing a Grundfos Scala2 pump How to reduce transmission of pump noise into the building

In our photo you'll see the Scala-2 water pressure pump that we installed at a home in Guanajuato.

The pump was installed on a rooftop that can itself act as an enormous speaker diaphragm to transmit even modest or normal pump noises into the building.

We used sections of thick rubber padding between the pump feet and the concrete block that was itself then cemented to the roof surface to eliminate any noise due to vibration between the concrete block and the roof surface.

The result was a reduction in pump noise by about 90%.

Watch out: n addition to using a pump noise transmission reducing mount, be sure that the pump is not running dry, and that it's not damaged. Worn bearings for example or abnormal voltages or even debris in a pump impeller can cause the pump to make abnormally loud noises.

And if your water pump really is running literally continuously, that's not normal and you need to find the cause such as a leak in piping, water left turned on, or an improperly-adjusted pump control.

BE SURE to see WATER PUMP NOISE DIAGNOSIS - [the article above on this page]

For details about the Scala 2 pump and its performance, repairs, manuals


On 2021-11-14 by How to

How to ease the continuous noise of a water pressure booster, if it is an automatic one

How to stop the continuous noise

This Q&A were posted originally


On 2021-11-11 by Inspectapedia Com Moderator (mod)


Thank you.

We've worked hard on this material for decades, so are really grateful when a reader finds it useful and trustworthy.

We also welcome your photos, questions, criticism or suggestions.

On 2021-11-11 by Eric

@Inspectapedia Com Moderator,
Thank you so much. This is helpful.

On 2021-11-11 by Inspectapedia Com Moderator (mod) - pump vibration noise complaint


If this noise and vibration complaint is a new one for an older bit of equipment that has been operating for some time then I suspect that there is a failing motor or motor mount or a pump is having difficulty priming itself.

On 2021-11-11 by Eric

the water pump for the building-- 6th stories- has been humming, and vibrating the floor: humming starts suddenly, and as it goes on it decreases, and lasts for 30 to 50 seconds; then there is no humming for 2 to 3 minutes, over and over.
Please advise.
Thank you.

On 2021-08-11 by (mod) - clicking noise from submersible well pump control


In the recommended articles above you'll want to review the diagnostics (given by live links to)




On 2021-08-11 by stan

clicking noise in submersible pump control box

On 2021-05-07 y danjoefriedman (mod) - bad vibration noise from water pressure tank


Check the air pre-charged in the water pressure tank and then check for debris or soil or silt blocking the pressure control switch and pressure gauge

On 2021-05-06 by Julie

Bad vibration noise coming from our pressure tank and the pressure gauge bounces wildly when we turn on our outside water hydrants.

They are 3/4" lines. The water exits the hydrants at a slow, glug, glug rate. No problems at all using any amount of water within the house.

Of course they are 1/2" lines. A little backstory that probably has nothing to do with it but about 3 or 4 days before this started happening we had a major water leak in the house and the water had to be off for many hours.

The hydrants supply was fine between when the water was restored and the vibration started a few days later. Submersible pump about 150 yards from the house.

On 2021-04-19 by (mod)

@What is ...

Take a look at the live link for


Found at the end of the article above and you will see more General noise diagnosis and Source identification suggestions including the use of a noise log to keep track of what's running in the building at different times in order to correlate that with a noise that you are hearing

On 2021-04-19 What is this noise?

For the last 3 months, there has been a strange noise audible throughout my apartment building. It is a mechanical noise and it sounds like a grinding, rotating fan or gear. It is intermittent, lasting about 1 minute at a time, occurring at all hours of the day and night. 24/7.

It sounds distant, but is inaudible from outside the building. I can hear it throughout my apartment and in the hallways of the first floor. A resident on the 3rd floor has reported hearing it as well. When I put my ear to the walls, i can hear it more clearly.

I suspect it's some sort of pump (water pump? a sump pump?) but that's about as far as I can get. I've lived here three years, this is brand new.

On 2021-03-22 by David

Thanks for everything

On 2021-03-22 - by (mod) - diagnose a noisy water line check valve

@David, Frustrating I understand;

It's pretty easy to diagnose a noisy check valve by replacing it, though in the case you describe that means pulling the pump.

I don't have a specific brand or model to recommend. Any of the long-established major pump companies should be fine.

Goulds, Wayne, Hallmark, Red Lion, Little Giant, Franklin Electric, are long-established brands

IMO the pump life killer is short-cycling

On 2021-03-21 by David

We've but 2 companies here and neither are interested in diagnosing the issue, I've tried. One came out to correct an electrical issue as well as the "Bang". He left wires hanging in the garage with only electrical tape around them and blamed the "bang" on the CSV. The other charged me 225.00 to fix an electrical connection at the well casing.

A repair that lasted 3 months. Now I do this kind of work, slowly and methodically. I'm going to get someone to pull the pump. I'll replace the pump using Schd 120 1-1/4" PVC, SS couplings along with new wiring, torque arrestor and cable guards.

Would you have a recommendation on a pump brand as well as any brand to avoid? The original pump installed was a 3.0hp. Because of cost we dropped it to a 1.5hp which coupled with the CSV seems to do fine as far as water supply. Should I stick with this HP?

I'd mentioned the pump running that early morning for about 30 minutes straight. Because of the time and darkness and my inability to find a leak I shut off the supply to the house at the manifold so it would finish filling the tank and then shut off.

My wife turned it back on about 8:00 that morning and there's been no issues since. I've had flappers seat oddly once in a blue mood causing it to drain to the bowl but correct itself on the next flush so I'm gonna say that was it.

On 2021-03-20 - by (mod) -

@David, it MIGHT be possible to send a well inspection camera down the well to look for pipe leaks, casing damage etc.
and an experienced tech can measure current draw and infer what the pump is doing.

If the pump is running for "no reason" there's a problem: a leak or a running toilet + pump unable to recover fast-enough.

On 2021-03-20 by David

I woke at 3 something this morning listening to the pump vibrations. Normally it will run approx. 3.5 minutes. After a 1/2 hour of non stop running I got up and went outside checking all the spigots, around the pump, walked the route where the service runs and saw nor felt any signs of water.

Doesn't mean there isn't but I found nothing. As for checking in the drop pipe, I'm no plumber or well guy by any stretch but wouldn't I have to pull the pump out to be able to check the drop pipe for leaks or am I missing something here?

Please do not get me wrong here. I sincerely appreciate that you have hung on with me over the day on this. I am at my wits end. I spend far too much time trying to figure out what is going on here.

On 2021-03-20 - by (mod) -


and maybe first, if you can, check for a leak in well piping anywhere in its route, including in the well.

On 2021-03-20 by David

Pull the pump. Got it!

PVC at the well is 2' out of the ground and the PVC where it come up through the foundation is maybe 3' and is clamped with an insulated clamp. I know of no where else, except the manifold where it's clamped well, that there would be any piping inadequately secured.

On 2021-03-20 - by (mod) -


The BANG! at well stop is surely water hammer in a check valve;

The vibration? Could we be seeing an effect of water velocity in inadequately-secured pipes?

On 2021-03-20 by David

Then there's really nothing to do except for maybe replacing the pump, Makes no sense to pay to pull the pump out and not change the pump. I've no idea what brand the pump is. Thanks

On 2021-03-20 - by (mod) - surge check valves for water pumps

For industrial applications, but not for your residential applications, a surge check valve like the DeZurik APCO Surge Check valve can be used -

Excerpting from the company's website:

The Surge Check Valve is designed for installation to the inlet of the existing Air/Vacuum Valve on the line. It consists of a body, seat, flow-disc and compression spring. The surge check unit will operate on the inter-phase between the kinetic energy and relative velocity flows of air and water.

After air passes through and water rushes into the surge check, the disc starts to close, reducing the rate of flow of water into the air valve by means of throttling orifices in the disc to prevent water hammer in the air valves.

The surge check orifices are adjustable for regulation in the field to suit operating conditions. - source: DeZurik, original source

On 2021-03-20 by David

Sorry, do it every time. The old well cap was NOT in good shape. Teach me to proof read

Thanks for the reply. The drop pipe is Galv and I installed a new cap back when I plumbed in the CSV. The other cap was in good condition. I'm confident the pump isn't going anywhere. That darn vibration though...

It's hard to believe that buried PVC could transmit that distance but at 3:30 this morning I placed my hand on the manifold while it was running I felt it sure as it was dark out. Only when the pump shuts off do I get this bang.

Tis the same that was there before the pump was replaced and when I still had the big tank and the 2nd check valve.

Cary Austin was certain the CSV and the removal of the check valve at the tank would solve the problem. Unfortunately not. The guy who replaced the pump, 1.5hp, says it's the CSV but he hates them so I expected that. There's no one around here interested in taking a look at it.

Too much bother I guess or maybe it's just a lack of interest. I'm thinking of using a 1-1/4" x 18" SS flex pipe where the SS steel connects to the PVC at the well head. I'm more concerned about the bang than the vibration.

On 2021-03-20 - by (mod) - pump vibration noises transmitted from well into building?


It is unusual to find vibration transmitted from a submersible pump all the way through 100 ft. of well line and into a building, but as you prove, it's apparently possible.

Before trying to deaden the vibration by using vibration -isolating pipe mounts and before muffling banging pipe noises, we want to be confident that we have an accurate diagnosis of the cause of those sounds.

For example a water pump that is moving or twisting at each start-up or shut-down and that isn't properly-secured is headed for a costly failure when it rips itself off of well piping and drops to the bottom of the well, or when its twisting damages well casing or rips open well pipes in the well.

And significant vibration from a water pump sounds to me like a failing bearing.

For your case I would replace that questionable check valve (that can be a sound of water hammer), and I would consider pulling the pump or doing some in-place tests such as current draw to see if there's a hit of a failing pump.

We discuss plumbing banging noises and water hammer causes and cures at WATER HAMMER NOISE DIAGNOSE & CURE

For other readers: David's "CSV Valve" refers to a Cycle Stop Valve - intended to prevent well pump from short-cycling. See details at SHORT CYCLE STOP VALVE

On 2021-03-20 by David

I have a submersible well pump, down 200', with one check valve at the pump. I am using a CSV valve at the well casing with the tank, manifold, controller and switch inside the garage.

The manifold is mounted to the garage wall as is the controller. There is a run of about 100' of PVC from the casing to the manifold. I have a vibration issue and a bang issue.

While the pump runs we can hear the steady vibration in the adjacent room. I can feel the vibration at the manifold and not at the controller. It's annoying because the adjacent room is the master bedroom. We also have a hammer only when the pump shuts off.

The pump is a just over 3 years old now. Six months after the new pump was put in I installed the CSV and removed a 2nd check valve that was located at the original tank thinking this 2nd valve was causing the hammer but it continues to this day.

I think the only was to stop the vibration is to use anti-vibrations mounts for the manifold. I believe the hammer is due to the pump mounted check valve, possibly bad from the start. What is your opinion on this, if you would please? Thank you.

On 2021-02-03 - by (mod) -

Possibly Heather but I would not rush to decide on the noise source before we have done some investigating. In the ARTICLE INDEX you'll see some starting points for tracking down building noises including a NOISE LOG that might be helpful.

On 2021-02-03 by Heather

I am in a block of 29 flats and there is a constant noise which I can only describe as a ‘whooshing - followed by low beating’. This happens every 5 minutes and is heard equally on ground floor as top floor! Could it be pump related?

On 2020-10-28 - by (mod) -


When the pump keeps running every 5 seconds I suspect that the water pressure tank has lost its air charge, and also
either there's water running in the building
there is a leak in piping somewhere.




for diagnosis and repair procedures

On 2020-10-28 by Mike

Pump is making a noise going on and off every 5 seconds. The tank was empty earlier, would this have been the cause of the problem.

On 2020-10-27 1 - by (mod) -


See the diagnostic and repair advice at WATER PUMP WONT STOP RUNNING

On 2020-10-27 by lorraine

well pump constantly running, does not shut off

On 2020-09-03 - by (mod) -

Sounds like we need an air inlet vent on the well casing top.

On 2020-08-29 by Bill

200 foot well with Submersible Pump. When pump runs, loud water turbulence sounds emit rom opening in electrical conduit pipe inside house (i.e where conduit goes into pump controll box). Evidently this is a result of water in the conduit and tight seal of well cap.

Pump apparently creates a vacuum inside the well which in turn sucks on the air in the conduit disturbing water in the conduit. Is anyone familiar with this and any suggestions on how to fix.

On 2020-08-22 by Laine

My water pump sounds very loud every time the water is in use

On 2020-08-16 by Leonard

I just had a new well pump and drive/controller installed.
When water turns on there is moaning sound as the pump kicks in. Lasts about 15 seconds.

I can hear the pump whirling away, reverberating throughout our small house. When that finishes the moaning sound repeats a second time. Before the pump finally comes to rest.

That moaning sound has Shane’s pits has it speeds up and slows down. Like An RPM type sons. Previous 3 phase pump was perfectly quiet. The new one is a single phase.
Any thoughts greatly appreciated.

On 2020-07-24 - by (mod) -


Try turning off water into the house.

If the running water noise stops the we know a plumbing fixture is running or there is a supply pipe leak.

On 2020-07-24 by harold

I have a drilled well and I can hear water running in the pipe

On 2020-06-14 - by (mod) -


If you're sure that the pump is not partly air-bound I'd give the manufacturer a call; could be a bad impeller assembly or bearing. Track it now while it's still under warranty.

On 2020-06-13 by skip

have a new 1,5 hp everbilt irrigation pump when we started it up it makes a sound like something is loose inside the motor it does pump water but always makes a loud sounds like something clanging inside any help ?

On 2020-06-11 by CC

Screeching noise from pressure valve or tank when pump shuts off,

On 2020-06-07 - by (mod) -

Do let me know what happens. If the problem is a water pipe noise due to flow, often a small change in flow rate will stop it.

On 2020-06-07 by Anonymous

Thanks! It is an exiting problem, but with a new baby and the associated lack of sleep, it has become increasingly annoying for my wife and as a result, for me, too. I'll try adjusting the control valve. Thanks again.

On 2020-06-06 - by (mod) -


Sure you could attempt to isolate vibration and Noise by installing a flexible fitting however if this is a new problem I'm concerned that what's actually happening is a developing failure in the pump itself. If you're pretty confident that's not the case you could also experiment by slightly closing the control valve between pump or water supply and house to see if slightly changing the flow rate stops the water pipe noise.

On 2020-06-04 by mcdev

We have a well that pumps to a holding/storage tank about 40' from the house. Within the tank is a second pump and adjacent to the tank is a pressure tank. When the second/booster pump goes off to raise the pressure, it causes a very loud vibration on the 1" copper line coming into the house.

What is the best way to stop this? The pipe is isolated from the joists via hangers, but it isn't enough. Can I cut a flex fitting into the 1" copper line at the tank/pump location - which is fully exposed to the sun and elements - before it goes underground to the house? Is there a better solution? Thanks!

On 2020-05-11 - by (mod) -

Sounds like a bad bearing

On 2020-05-11 by Anonymous

It's the booster pump.

On 2020-05-10 - by (mod) -

We need to start by identifying the noise source. Is it the water pump, water tank. Or water piping?

On 2020-05-10 by Bob Taylor

Recently we've noticed that after the booster pump goes off a high pitched, alarm-like noise starts and lasts about 2". We still get water to the house. The pump doesn't feel hot.
Any ideas what might be causing it?

On 2020-03-18 - by (mod) - describe the well pump noise to narrow down the source & cause


Describing the noise can help diagnose its cause:

e.g. - Air bubbling or running water sounds

vs - whining, buzzing, shrieking (bad bearing or bad control relay)

As the pump noise is new I'd be looking for a problem at the pump itself such as a failing bearing.

On 2020-03-18 by R. G.

1, my water pump makes a loud noise, why?

2, My water pump noise most of the time. never stop and keep running with noise. why?

what's wrong? the meter is keeping running so fast high bill even never use hot water and heating bc vacant. Is there any expert who can help?

On 2020-03-16 by Gary B - noisy water heater pump

I have a hot water heater dedicated to heat the floor in my sun room. The pump is mounted on top of the water heater.

This season it is so noisy that it can be heard throughout the house.

On 2020-02-17 - by (mod) - well pump humming noise near pressure tanks - whistle hum howling pipes


I am *making this up* which is a way of underscoring having to guess with very little information, but it's possible you're hearing a water pipe noise that occurs at specific combinations of pressure and flow rate through pipes.

Often you can test and even stop the noise by slightly closing (or opening if it's not already fully open) the main water valve between the water equipment (tank and pump) and the rest of the building. Try that and let me know.


On 2020-02-17 by Dave

As pressure builds from submesable well pump a loud humming noise comes from near 2 bladder tanks then fades as pressure to finish.

Also if I am in the bathroom running sink water and humming starts if I flush the toilet the humming immediately stops. Its almost like pressure is being released from toilet flush which stops the loud hum

On 2020-02-03 - by (mod) - water pump is choking and pipes bang


Try the Search Box above and find our article on WATER HAMMER NOISE
and let me know if that helps you out.

On 2020-02-02 by Anonymous

Why is my pump clonking when the hot water goes off

On 2020-01-04 - by (mod) - water pipe noise when pump stops


If the pipe noise you are hearing is water draining back into the sump pit then adding a check valve at the sump Outlet me solve the problem

On 2019-12-30 by Tom

My sump pump drains to outside 4” perforated pie. Every time the pump stops, i hear 10-15 seconds of noise throughout the pipes. Very noticable and is stating to bother tenants. What can i do to eliminate this problem?

On 2019-12-16 by Jan

For the last couple of weeks I have noticed a new problem with my well system.

When I turn the faucet on in the morning there is sometimes a hesitation in water delivery followed by a bang that rattles pipes and water flows. I am assuming the thump is my pump kicking on. I have drained the bladder tank and assured there is proper pressure.

My submersible pump is new...installed this spring. Don't want to burn up my brand new pump but also don't want to fix things that aren't broken.

On 2019-05-14 - by (mod) - Will a well pump come on if the pressure is on 0 ?

Well forgive me for having to give a more-complicated answer than just yes or no.


IF your pump has lost prime - and thus is at zero water pressure, then yes the motor might run, but if the pump is an above ground unit (not down in the well where it'd be under-water) then the pump motor will run but no water will delivered - and the pump motor, left running, will ultimately be damaged.

Some water pumps include a pump protection switch or even just a simple lever at the pressure control switch that turns the pump OFF if prime is lost - re-prime the pump, turn it on, and figure that you'll probably have to do more work to determine where's the leak that made the system lose prime. But you'll have water.


On the other hand, IF the problem is that the pressure control switch is clogged or damaged it won't turn the pump on even at zero pressure - the pressure control is a little fellow, often in a gray box, who turns the pump on and off in response to a drop in water pressure

On 2019-05-13 by Marianne

Will a well pump come on if the pressure is on 0


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