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Foam insulation in plumbing pipe chase (C) D Friedman Eric Galow Plumbing Noise Type Checklist

List of Plumbing Sounds & Their Causes

Checklist to diagnose causes of plumbing noises sorted by type of sound:

We describe plumbing system & equipment noises alphabetically ordered from banging to whistling.

Use this list to track down the sources of plumbing system noises by starting with the kind of sound you hear.

This article series provides a plumbing noise diagnosis checklist useful for plumbing system noise control, starting with a list of sources of plumbing system noises in buildings: water supply piping noise, drain pipe noise, plumbing fixture noises, water main pipe noise, well pump and piping noises, and water heater noises.

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Checklist of Plumbing System Sounds in Buildings

Photograph of a house with missing plumbing vents

Note: separately at PLUMBING SYSTEM NOISE DIAGNOSIS & CURE you will find a complete catalog of sources of noises in buildings that are traced to plumbing systems and equipment: controls, drain or supply pipes, faucets, fixtures, switches, and equipment such as sump pumps, septic pumps or water pumps.

Watch out: to avoid damage or in rare cases unsafe conditions, some of these sounds require prompt action, such as a water pump that won't shut off.

Turn off such equipment right away. Urgent action is also needed to stop building flooding of sewage backup or to shut down other equipment that may be unsafe.

These noise groups are ordered alphabetically. Also use your browser's FIND function (Ctrl-F or CMD-F) to search for your own noise keywords in this article.

Banging, Clanging, Hammering Plumbing Noises

Buzzing or Vibration Noises in Pipes

Details about all sources of buzzing noises in buildings are


Clanging Noises in Heating Systems or Water Supply Systems

Possible causes of clanging noises include:

Clanking & Rumbling Noises at the Water Heater

Clicking Snapping Noises in Plumbing Systems

Clunk or Thunk sounds in Plumbing Systems

Crashing Whooshing Noises at Toilets

Dripping Sounds from Plumbing 

Gurgling Plumbing System Noises

Photograph of a plumbing vent blocked by a visiting frog

Hissing, Whistling, Whining Noise in Plumbing Systems

Check for water running somewhere inside or outside the building.

Check for air or water leaking out of a pressure tank, boiler, or steam boiler, steam piping, or steam radiator (normal if at the steam vent).

For other sources of hissing noises in buildings.


Honking plumbing system noises

If your plumbing system sometimes sounds like Canada Geese are rummaging around in your attic or flying in a circle over your home, the honking noise, also called "fog horn sounds" or wailing water pipes may be caused by vibration of an internal valve part, even something as simple as a loose faucet washer or a worn toilet tank fill valve.

Listen carefully to track the noise to its source, or simply try shutting off the water supply to building appliances (dishwasher, clothes washer, whirlpool bath, toilets, etc.) until you notice that one (it's often just one) of these is causing that oboe noise.

That's the valve or part to repair or replace.

Mysterious plumbing sounds

Hard-to-describe plumbing sounds may be coming from a remote point in the building but transmitted by metal piping or conduit.

Try turning off equipment and then water controls, one by one when the sound is present.



Screaming Shrieking noises in plumbing


Whirring electric motor noises

Whistling Shrieking Noises in Plumbing Systems

Pump Noise Diagnosis: Clicks, Hums, Rattles, Bangs & Screams from Water & Well Pumps

Water pump noises and their discussion about finding the cause and cure have moved to their own page





Reader Comments, Questions & Answers About The Article Above

Below you will find questions and answers previously posted on this page at its page bottom reader comment box.


On 2022-03-15 by Inspectapedia Com Moderator - Hard to identify source of ticking sound in wall tied to running hot water


Is there a pressure regulator that may be cycling ?

On 2022-03-15 by Dean

Confirmed there is a vent pipe running up the wall where the noise is. There is a drain plug on the outside wall of the kitchen where the vent line runs. the supply lines are all PEX type hoses ... not copper pipe.

The noise is almost rhythmic when it happens and only occurs when the hot water is running... not cold.

also, no changes have been made with the kitchen plumbing in over a year. New faucet assembly about a year ago. New dishwasher about 3 years ago. No visible signs of leaks under the sink at any drain piping or water supply lines.

On 2022-03-14 by Inspectapedia Com Moderator - Ticking sounds traced to plumbing piping


Ticking sounds traced to plumbing piping suggest to me either a drip somewhere (a leak) or thermal expansion/contraction.

If the sound is new, I ask: "What's changed?"

On 2022-03-14 by Dean

Water supply is ground fed from the street. City water. No pump. No visible signs of leaks anywhere.

There MAY be a vent pipe running up the wall from the kitchen to the roof. I'll need to climb into the attic to verify. Thanks for your response.

On 2022-03-11 by Inspectapedia Com Moderator - when run kitchen water we heare tapping or ticking type sound coming from the wall of the upstairs bedroom


That's odd, I agree.

HOw is water delivered to the kitchen? Do pipes arrive from above? Is there a pump running?

Is there a plumbing vent pipe running through the area where you hear the noise?

Are there any signs of leaks: stains in ceilings or walls?

On 2022-03-10 by Dean

With the dishwasher or the kitchen faucet (or both at the same time) , we hear a tapping or ticking type sound coming from the wall of the upstairs bedroom. The bedroom is located above the kitchen. The sound is only present in the corner of the room at the wall where the sink and dishwasher are installed downstairs.

Any Ideas? Thanks in advance.

On 2022-03-07 by Inspectapedia Com Moderator - Have a professional use a power snake to investigate slow flowing drains and sewer smell

@susette Dunlop,

It's worth having a professional drain cleaning company run a power snake through your drains. Often an experienced operator can tell by the feel whether there's actual collapsed pipe or other damage.

It might also be worth sending a sewer line camera through the main drain after the drain has been cleared. You can check for cracked or broken sewer lines.

On 2022-03-07 by susette Dunlop

We have a 15 year old house connected to public sewer system. We have been experiencing intermittent "slow" toliets in 3 of our most used bathrooms that I attributed to too much of the wrong type of toliet paper (too thick) and after waiting awhile you can usually flush it again and all goes down.

However about 7 days ago I noticed a sewage smell in the hall that is next to the 1st floor bath and the open stairs to the finished basement. It got stronger and spread into a wider area and then we realized that the HVAC system was spreading it all over the first floor. Yhe sewage smell is definitely strongest in the back utility room in the basement - nearest the first wall as you walk into that room.

We just paid $2000 to have some sewer pipe replaced but when tjhey opened it up, it was clean - so that was a waste of money. So I don;t know if I should have roto-rooter come to check things out (not sure what diagnostic tools, processes they have) or pay to have American Leak Detection come (minimum of$775 for two guys to do diagnostic tests (smoke, pressure, cameras)to see where a leak is occuring.

Or should i climb the roof to see if our sewer vent(s) some how got clogged.

Lastly, I will say that after shortly after pouring a higher strength vinegar down the toliet on 1st floor where odor started, after a Not so complete flush the remaining small amount of water suddenly went WHOOSH!, and the contents were sucked out rapidly (much like a power assisted toliet).

I was startled but soon told myself that maybe it "cleared out" a semi clog and maybe our odor issue would be gone. No. Odor still here although not as strong as the worst days, we definitely still have an issue. help. plz.

On 2021-07-13 by Inspectapedia Com Moderator - Water heater is leaking


That sounds like a leak from the bottom of your water heater.

It would make sense to turn the heater off and to turn off water entering the heater.

You may still hear the sound for a while but if it slows and eventually stops you have made an emergency solution to the problem.

If it's not a burst pipe or bad connection and it's actually the heater, then the heater will need to be replaced.

Don't leave it on because it could be unsafe.

On 2021-07-13 by Anonymous

My hot water heatere sounds like water is rushing through it and now its running under the house, whats wrong?

On 2021-05-12 by Inspectapedia Com Moderator - Whining sound when faucet is turned off

@Randy Hiatt,

Perhaps turning up building "pressure" changes the flow rate and thus is producing a whistling noise, (or whining sound) that's a velocity problem.

See WATER SUPPLY PIPE WHISTLE NOISE for suggested diagnostic steps and possible cure details.

On 2021-05-11 by Randy Hiatt

When the water is turned off (any faucet) I get a whining sound that last for 20-30 seconds. If I turn up the pressure on my PRV the whining happens again for about the same time. I have replaced the PRV and it didn't solve the problem. My pressure is set to about 60.

On 2021-04-28 by Inspectapedia Com Moderator - sound of water draining - is our sink installed improperly?


I agree that that's baffling. We need to see what appliance is producing water that's being sent into your drain, common example would be a dishwasher in its rinse cycle.

On 2021-04-27 by Apollo2019

Our kitchen sink is backwards from how I think it should be hooked up. The large sink is on the left and has the main drain. The smaller sink on the right has the disposal and dishwasher which connects to the main drain. All of a sudden we've begun to hear water draining into the main drain.

We use the smaller sink when we run the facet. It occurs sometime hours after we've run the facet. The drain is clear as we don't have any water backing up in either sink at anytime.

What could be causing this to happen? If we need to locate anything not located under the sink please indicate where would we find it.

On 2021-04-12 by Inspectapedia Com Moderator - Tracking down cause of humming noise



has a more-extensive list of things to check.

And you might try the page top EXPERTS DIRECTORY - there are some home or environmental inspectors who have equipment and who are experienced in tracking down sources of noises.

On 2021-04-12 by Peter

We have a persistent humming / vibration type noise within our house. It sounds mechanical and can occasionally stop. A plumber has suggested that it is pipes but we can turn off all house services (electricity at the mains board, water at the street meter, tank storage LPG heating) and it doesn't stop.

The water company says it isn't them!! It is most apparent from late evening throughout the night but it is almost inaudible outside so we have no idea of the source. Any suggestions please and/or can you recommend a company that can come and experience this and hopefully track the source??

On 2021-04-10 by Inspectapedia Com Moderator - Finding the cause of whistling noise in water supply

@Pam, typically the water pipe whistling noise issue is a combination of velocity of water in the pipes and oddities of pipe diameters, routings, bends, surface conditions;

See WATER SUPPLY PIPE WHISTLE NOISE for diagnosis and cure details.

On 2021-04-10 by Pam

Shower “whistles” a loud annoying high pitch shrill sound, sometimes, when commode is flushed in nearby bathroom. We bled the pipes thinking it was air in the lines, still does it. Help!

On 2021-03-29 - by (mod) -

@Tio Esh, without more work tracing the noise you hear to its source or a better characterization of its nature I can't tell for sure but it's possible that you were hearing the noise of a pump running.

On 2021-03-28 by Tio Esh

When I flush The toilet and when I use The sink in the same bathroom, I hear A rhythmic sound in the walls or under the house. Does not occur if using kitchen sink. Checked basement and can’t find signs of any leaking. What is causing this weird sound?

On 2021-03-10 by Anonymous

not freezing anymore. It was cold and rainy for a good amount of time. Recently it’s been warming up and no rain for about a week. I had assumed it was precipitation from the roof but after multiple no-rain day, we were surprised to hear it come back.

On 2021-03-10 - by (mod) - we hear a drip noise behind the toilet


Are you in a freezing climate? You might be hearing frost melting and dripping in the vent pipe.

On 2021-03-10 by Katie

We have a well and septic system. We’ll often hear a drip behind the toilet- it sounds like it’s in the wall. It’ll be random and inconsistent. We’ll hear it taper off then go away completely.

On 2021-02-12 by (mod) - loud sound like a cork popping or the slamming of a bin lid outside


You are asking an important safety question but not one that I can, with any confidence, diagnose from a brief text message.

It is at least possible that you are hearing a sound that indicates an unsafe condition, such as methane gas explosions.

Of course you might be hearing a sound traced to thermal movement of materials in cold or changing temperatures, or of course again, to something else.

Since the noise is coming from what we think is a sewer line, give your city or town or county sewer authority a call, describe what you hear, and ask if they'll consider a safety inspection.

Keep us posted - as what you're told may help other readers.

On 2021-02-12 by Jackie

There seems to be a loud sound like a cork popping or the slamming of a bin lid outside .i think its comming from either the manhole cover or drains inbetween our house and next doors.this has been happening now for about 6 weeks i probably hear it about 6 times usually during the day .someone else hear it and said it sounded like a firework and said it was comming from tne side of our house.Is tbis dangerous i dont know what to do

On 2021-01-10 by (mod) - bathroom sink sounds like it’s draining into toilet.


Follow the drain piping; look for a partly-blocked drain that has standing water into which sink drainage is spilling.

On 2021-01-10 by Anonymous

When running bathroom sink tap it sounds like it’s draining into toilet.

On 2020-09-18 by (mod) - when I flush the toilet the water coming in is louder AND at the end of the flush there is a sighing sound and then it finishes.

I suspect your plumbing system water pressure has increased - and you're using a power-flush toilet.

On 2020-09-18 by Mary Dittner

Hi. Just recently when I flush the toilet the water coming in is louder AND at the end of the flush there is a sighing sound and then it finishes.

On 2020-08-06 - by (mod) - Just a rushing wind constant sound in the drain,

I would check for a leak such as a running toilet I turning off fixtures one by one. If that makes no difference I would try installing an elbow on top of the vent outside facing away from the window to see if that affects the sound..

On 2020-08-06 by TIMOTHY LIDDLE

Question: I have one sink in my house that has a constant sound of rushing wind. No water running. Sink operates fine. No noises caused by water running.

Just a rushing wind constant sound in the drain, when off. No other drain in the house has this, including the other sink in the same room. This sound just started (just noticed) 2-weeks ago. This is 24/7 sound. It can be silenced (muffled) by closing the drain plug stopper.

On 2020-07-14 - by (mod) -

I'm going to give this more thought.

Meanwhile you might consider buying a mechanic's stethoscope to see if you can pinpoint The Sound Source

On 2020-07-13 by Anonymous

No, my house does not use a water pump and I tried closing both the main supply valve a little and the one controlling the watering system as well. Didn't seem to help...

On 2020-07-13 - by (mod) - Whining sounds after toilet is flushed

I can't say whether that noise is due to water velocity in piping, and obstruction somewhere in a valve, or a pump noise. I'm not sure that your home uses of water pump. You could try an experiment by slightly closing a supply valve to change the water velocity. Let me know what happens.

On 2020-07-13 by Jim

Whining sounds after toilet is flushed -same sound but louder and longer when sprinkler system starts. Only on one side of the house-other toilet does not make any noise. Sprinkler system is on the same side as the main water system.
Thank You!

On 2020-03-04 by Anonymous

Check for a toilet that's leaking at the flush valve. A slow leak can cause occasional re-fills that you might hear.

On 2020-03-03 by Elaine - soft sigh sound after flushing toilet

Yes, it sounds like a soft sigh (at least mine does). I've heard it after flushing the toilet, but now it seems to just happen spontaneously in the middle of the night with no one using any plumbing. Just a brief sigh, which sounded like the heat coming on -- but it wasn't.

On 2020-01-2 - by (mod) - swooshing drain noise sound: can it be fixed?


Most things on buildings can be fixed, the devil is in the details of

- diagnosing the problem so as to fix successfully

Is this a toilet flushing, a flush valve that leaks, something else using water?

If the water use is normal and there's no ongoing leakage then you may need to get access to the noisy drain line and add sound insulation.

On 2020-01-26 by Kathy

We moved into a new house on a flat lot. At regular intervals we can hear what sounds like water swooshing all around the main floor then it stops with a very loud thump. Now when the thump stops we can hear water run on. The intervals are getting closer together .

Can this be fixed? It’s embarassing and we have never heard these noises on any other house. Please help

On 2020-01-08 - by (mod) - sounds like air is flowing through my bathroom sink?

Andrea that sounds odd to me, too.

1. Take a look under the sink: is there a drain trap - a "U" shaped or "P" shaped bend in the drain line right under the sink? If so then there is a drain trap (which is required by code).

2. If there is a drain trap it would normally be filled with water after the sink has been used. (This prevents leaks of sewer gas back up the drain system and into the home).

3. Does the trap gurgle or make noise if you flush a nearby toilet ? If so you may be losing the water trap in the sink and that in turn would tell us that the building vent piping is either blocked or improperly installed.

4. If a drain line is not trapped or the trap is dry you might hear air noises, e.g. from wind blowing over the vent or from other fixtures draining and sucking air in through your dry sink trap.

On 2020-01-08 by Andrea

Why does it sound like air is flowing through my bathroom sink? It is draining just fine, but it almost sounds like there is a constant fan on or like a vent on. There is not a gurgling sound. It just sounds like air is flowing through it.

On 2019-12-27 - by (mod) - pinging/ticking from pipes as they expand and contract

Vlad please post just once - we already have thousands of reader questions to answer.

On 2019-12-27 by Vlad

I have lived in this one family house for 10 years, with 3 separate hot water baseboard heat zones, in winter I have always heard pinging/ticking from pipes as they expand and contract. This winter is the first time I am hearing this new bang/noise/shudder/tremble from water heating pipes.

These 1-2 loud bangs are followed by a tremble that reverberates throughout the house perimeter. I can hear these bangs about a second before I hear the sound of what sounds like a valve being closed, and then all goes quiet again until heat is called for again.

It seems like at least 2 zones are experiencing these bangs, one zone being much louder than the other. I have drained all zones to be air free. What else should I look at? Thanks for the help. Vlad.


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