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Photograph of a burning-up and possibly dangerous oil-fired heating boilerHeating Boiler Troubleshooting FAQs

Q&A on How to Recognize & Diagnose Heating Boiler Problems

Questions & answers about recognizing heating boiler defects & operating problems to start troubleshooting,

This article series explains how to recognize & diagnose problems with residential heating boilers, including loss of heat, heating boiler noises, leaks, odors, or smoke, and high heating costs.

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- Daniel Friedman, Publisher/Editor/Author - See WHO ARE WE?

FAQs on How To Recognize Heating System Defects

Backpressure Burn at an oil burner (C) Daniel FriedmanThese questions & answers about our complete list of heating boiler operating defects were posted originally

at BOILER OPERATING PROBLEMS - be sure to check out that defect catalog.



Question: Boiler failure - cause & cure, replacement done without a permit: what do I do now?

Hello I have a question regarding a recent replacement boiler installation in my sons house just across the Delaware river in PA.

Being a person that is big on my insistence on getting quality installation both with the code compliance and overall professional workmanship of an install, there are a few concerns I have on this one that perhaps you can give me your opinion on.

1) Boiler failed: - cracked heat exchanger

The fact that the boiler failed due to crack in the heat exchanger in the middle of January it had to be replaced immediately.

The the plumber was one that I used a few times which I was happy with the results. The install required a few modification in the electrical, gas piping and to the exhaust piping to the unit (SlantFin Victory II cast iron HE boiler).

2) Boiler replacement work done without proper plumbing permits:

However after inquiring about the permits for the job the plumber initially response was him asking my son will be living in the house for the next 10-20 years. To me, that sounded like he was looking to get around the permitting procurement which he was successful since he filed no permits. Your opinion and suggestion to remedy. Anonymous by private email 2022/09/07

Moderator reply:

A new boiler failed from heat exchanger crack? Unusual; I'd want to understand why that failure occurred and exactly where the crack was found, and whether the heat exchanger was covered by warranty.

E.g. improper venting, or adjustment can cause overheating?

If work was done without permits, and provided that your local authorities (we don't know your country and city) require a pemit for a boiler replacement, and you want that base covered, I think you'll find - as I usually do - that if you call the building department and ask for an inspection and are willing to pay any now-late permit fees, the building inspector will be so thrilled that you want to do what's right that s/he is likely to be helpful and cooperative - keep me posted.

Could a cracked boiler heat exchanger affect our potable hot water supply?

I have had many issues with my heating system. It is a newer Weil Mclean gas fired system with a Superstor indirect fired water heater.

My question is odd, but I am wondering if it is possible for the heat exchanger inside the water tank to have cracked, and for it to let the water from our heating system into our potable hot water.

I have a known leak somewhere in the system, and I have searched all over the house, and under it, but I can find no signs of a leak.

Also, I have seen at least once, when filling a tub for my kids, that there is a slight blue tint to the water. It appears to be the same color as the water that I can get out of the system. Any help is appreciated. On 2014-02-03 by Douglas -

by (mod) -


Interesting question. If the heat exchanger coil (containing boiler water) inside the indirect-fired water heater (Superstor) tank (containing domestic hot water) should crack or spring a leak, because house water pressure (inside the Superstor) is typically higher (20-60 psi) than water pressure inside the boiler when the boiler is between heating cycles and is cool (around 12 psi) we might see house water leaking INTO the boiler, raising its cold pressure, and ultimately spilling out at the relief valve when the boiler heats up.

I suppose it's possible for anti-freeze or chemically-treated boiler water to leak in the opposite direction - into the Superstor, but it'd be odd. We'd have to have a time when home water system pressures were lower than heating boiler pressure.

Other things (copper, corrosion) can make water look bluish. Why not take a water sample to a local test lab or to your health department? Meanwhile if you're worried about contamination certainly it'd be smart not to use the water for cooking or anything else. (I know this is easy to say and hard to do )

by Douglas

Dan thank you.

Pressure was my unknown variable, and I was afraid of a couple of things you mentioned. I will run some tests at some point to start eliminating zones to see if I can get a better read on the leak. Also, I will submit my water for a test to ensure it is safe.

This has been a long battle, and it is not over yet. We do have corrosion in our heating system, as we have found it inside all of the pumps.

We also know about restricted flow through the boiler itself. I have had three plumbers, a distributors rep, and even the manufacturers rep come out and give their input on the situation.

I know I am looking at a bare minimum of replacing the internal components of the boiler itself, and several more check valves and pumps. I am hoping that the tank itself is not an issue.

Ultimately, I need to start by finding the leaks that are allowing fresh hard water to constantly enter the system, which is by our estimation, what is causing the corrosion.

Once the leaks are fixed, I can start replacing the individual components.

I think I need to wait though, as it is winter in the North East, and using one zone at a time to find the leak, and try and heat the house at the same time is not going to work.

It is a large house, with 5 zones, 3 baseboard heat, and 2 radiant.

Anyway, back to the drawing board, but thank you for your in-depth response, and thank you to Inspect[a]pedia, as having a sounding board for questions is a huge benefit.

by (mod) - Isolate equipment and piping to find the problem

Thanks for the feedback, Douglas - what you learn will surely help other readers.

As a general approach to finding a leak in plumbing & heating systems it is sometimes helpful to try to isolate equipment and piping by a combination of closing valves and watching pressure gauges.

Typically the circulator used on hot water heating systems, including the circulator that is used to move water through the heat exchanger of an indirect-fired water heater tank like your Superstor include isolation valves (to permit servicing the circulator itself). Beyond simply turning off the zone, try closing it entirely, temporarily, then watching pressure in both the boiler and inside the water heater for a change.

Oh, and please be careful about our website name - it's got an A in the middle.

Unfortunately there is a copycat publisher who uses the "o" in that place to get a free ride on our readers and traffic. It's a copyright violation but not one worth pursuing. ... just sayin'



Question: running water noise in heating baseboards

(Jan 8, 2015) Anonymous said:
I have baseboard hot water heating system. There are 3 zones. When any zone starts up you can hear the water running through the system. Is this normal?


If the water is noisy in the hot water heating piping I suspect the system has excessive air that is not being automagically bled out by air bleeders that we usually install at the boiler, at radiators, at baseboard zones.


Question: burning smells from heating boiler: suspect burn-off of oil coatings?

(Jan 15, 2015) MLizbeth said:

Hi, We've got a boiler mainly for hot water heating. (House is heated with wood stove.) Four days ago, out of the blue, the electric switch box on the front of the boiler started smelling like paint or like heated-up electric components.

My plumbing/heating man first said it had just overheated (from turning it on more often to run water through baseboards during this cold snap, so water wouldn't freeze in pipes).

But he checked it out at my insistence, and replaced the switch - he said it was, after all, damaged. But there is still a smell when the boiler goes on, i.e. it gets heated up. (He also bled out air that he said was in the pipes. Could be totally unrelated.)

Smell dissipates until next time boiler kicks on. This all happened literally out of nowhere. I hate to bother him yet again with more phone calls but this smell shouldn't be the norm. What do you think?


Burning smells are not normal and should be fixed, including the cause not just the damaged part. For example backpressure in a combustion chamber can overheat nearby components.

Just be sure you distinguish between left-over odors from a prior problem and new smells.


(Jan 21, 2015) MLizbeth said:

Thanks for the good ideas. I had my heating/plumbing man check it out again, and he was surprised to find that the toggle switch was cracked inside.

He replaced it. I wasn't surprised; I knew something had to be different. But it hasn't solved the smell, which is kind of petroleum-ish, a little like paint, not really a burning occurring anyway. (He and his assistant checked everything immensely thoroughly, which was reassuring.)

The smell comes only from the toggle switch box on the front. I am thinking to have him simply replace that. Though there is no problem per se, to have that smell when it has never been there before should not be the case. Thank you again.



Indeed if the switch was overheating or arcing other components in the switch box may be burned; open, examine, replace. Use the email at our CONTACT link found at page top or bottom to send me some photos for further comment if you can.

(Jan 23, 2015) MLizbeth said:
Well, my plumbing/heating man along with his assistant were here, opened it, looked at it plus basically every last aspect of the system, checked out EVERYthing in my basement. Very kind and helpful! Everything was fine.

The one thing he mentioned that resonated with me was that components inside are given a light coating of oil, even the electrical wires inside.

That could have overheated before the (cracked) toggle switch was replaced. I also spoke with my own oil company who helped me out with information and it looks like that is the solution to the mystery.

My husband has already called him, and he'll be replacing the whole switchbox and wiring.

If I can get a photo that shows anything at all I will, but as of a couple days ago, visually, it was "picture perfect" and nothing to see other than what it should be. It appears that that oil coating just heated up.

Strange the littlest things that can occur (that I a layperson would never have known of prior)! I appreciate the vast repository of information you have placed here for home owners to access, to become knowledgeable about their home systems. Thank you!

Question: boiler won't ignite - thermostat troubles

Bryan Jaicks said:
I have a gas boiler for a multi-zone hot water heating system in my big old house. It seems the boiler suddenly will not ignite when a thermostat calls it, and the boiler temp will go down to almost room temp, along with the pressure that goes down from a normal 20-30 to 10psi.

I can remedy the situation by making sure at least one thermostat is "kicked in", and then turning off and turning on the red service switch. Some times it takes a few tries, but eventually i hear the aquastat relay fire, and a ll the flames come on,

Whats wrong here? is it the aquastat relay?


Bryan, check out the diagnostics at


and also check for a thermostat wiring problem at


Question: water leaking at boiler top

(Nov 11, 2015) Anonymous said:
leaking water on top in 35036106 model


Dry everything off, wipe clean, then inspect with care to see exactly where the leak source originates. I can't guess nor advise from an open ended question; It's like saying A is bigger than something or other. What's A and what's something or other. ?

If you have no heat and need help diagnosing the cause,

see HEATING LOSS DIAGNOSIS-BOILERS - forced hot water heating baseboard, radiators, convectors, radiant heat

or HEATING LOSS DIAGNOSIS-FURNACES - forced warm air heat

The photograph at page top shows a heating boiler which is burning through it's steel outer jacket - this condition is a potential fire hazard and requires immediate inspection and repair.

There is probably a combustion gas leak at this heater. Contact us to suggest text changes and additions and, if you wish, to receive online listing and credit for that contribution.

If you don't know whether your heat is provided by a furnace (hot air) or boiler (hot water)


On 2017-11-01 by (mod) - 400,000 Btu steam boiler. It keeps kicking out on low water.


It sounds as if the water feeder on your steam boiler does need service or repair.

depending on the type of water feeder involved, it may be that yours has not gotten the frequent cleaning or flush out that some theaters require.

OR the condensate return line is clogged and slow in returning water to the boiler - look for flooding after water has been added.

On 2017-11-01 by Jim Wanko

I have a 400,000 Btu steam boiler. It keeps kicking out on low water. It has a self feeder in the water line. If the boiler is low should it not energize the feeder to fill? Should the unit need to have water added more than one time a day if not leaking somewhere?

On 2017-04-28 by (mod) - boiler cannot change from low to high combustion during auto mode.


Perhaps if you give me the boiler manufacturer brand, model, serial number, I can give a specific answer; most residential boilers do not have different firing modes.

On 2017-04-28 by Wildon

My boiler cannot change from low to high combustion during auto mode. What is the problem here

On 2017-02-25 by (mod) -

Sorry I can't make out what's happening from your e-text. Broiler? Oven cooker?

On 2017-02-25 by Joy

I had a bathroom replaced new pipes etc.... Now the broiler is giving off a substantial amount of heat is that the sign of a leak?

On 2017-01-08 by (mod) - If the boiler and its heating piping are leaking, the heating system may have become air-bound


If the boiler and its heating piping are leaking, the heating system may have become air-bound. Search for AIRBOUND HEATING SYSTEMS to read details.

If the ONLY leak is at the mouth of the boiler drain, a temporary fix is to install a plastic or brass hose cap over the valve mouth. But if the system is airbound you'll need to bleed out air.

On 2017-01-08 by Stewart

Gas boiler has very slow leak out of lowest red faucet. Heat is not coming thru to first level of home BUT the pipe from the boiler is very hot anyway?

On 2013-02-27 by peter moore

my condensing boiler makes a winding noise only when my heating
is on but not when my hot water is on what is the problem thank you

On 2013-02-19 by Bill Marston

Mid-atlantic urban rowhouse 1960s HW radiator heating system. Sudden onset of vibration shaking almost grinding noise in one-half of radiators in 3 story house. Water pressure seems OK AFAIK. Radiators still producing (some, same?) heat as before.

B&G circulating pump & main HW distr pipes all vibrating as well. **apparently fresh metal shavings or grindings or scrapings, small like less than a mm, cover the smaller end of that pump.

I worried that perhaps pump had lost lubrication(?) and was grinding itself to death, so I followed metallic electr feed from the pump up to a switch - I turned off the switch, stopping the pump and of course the flow, I guess. HELP.

Pump is the ONLY new component of this system, which is the same as it was when we bought this early-1800s house 30+ years ago. It was installed when a street gas leak brought inspectors to everyone's basement, and our was shut down for a code compliance failure of some kind... about 2005(?) and have no record of HVAC mechanic who did that upgrade work. WHO should I call? Just anybody?

On 2013-01-13 by alex morrison - combi-boiler has stopped working and its flashing with a IE 19 error

my combi-boiler has stopped working and its flashing with a IE 19 error and there is no pressure on the gauge any ideas

On 2013-01-01 by Anonymous

relief valve is leaking

On 2012-11-09 by (mod) -

Look for a defective or misadjusted water feed valve, or a bypass valve left open. Also check for leaks.

On 2012-11-09 by (mod) - signs of an air - bound heating system

Walter see our articles on methods to diagnose and repair an air bound heating system. Also look for a valve or zone valve stuck shut.

On 2012-11-09 by mario

Why does it keep filling the water fill tube

On 2012-10-13 by james d

you turnn it on and it works reaches temature an swiches off when it trys to restart it trips ie the orange reset button is on ,you could press it ten times and it will trip straight away but realy strange is let it cool for 15/20 min it will fire up no problem and work grand

On 2012-03-11 by (mod) - Triangle Tube water heater failure

Annette, you asked the question below at our page titled "Hot Water Heater Selection, Inspection, Diagnosis, & Repair Guide" - search our website to find that page and see our detailed answer.

Also you may want to take a look at Triangle Water Heater's own troubleshooting guide. If you can't find it by searhing their website for those terms "SERVICE TECHNICIAN’S TROUBLE SHOOTING GUIDE
FOR THE TRIANGLE TUBE INDIRECT FIRED WATER HEATER" then let me know and we'll dig up a [copy on file as /plumbing/Triangle_Tube_Troubleshooting dot pdf ]

On 2012-03-09 by Annette

I woke up one morning to foamy and smelly hot water. I called my heating and a/c guy and he told me my TT TR45 was releasing antifreeze into my hot water.

The HWH was only 9 yrs old and still under warranty but the company wanted the unit back to check what happened (they would not admit their product was faulty). My plumber was sure the HWH was the problem and we replaced with a new Triangle Tube model (they no longer make TR45....wonder why...) since we were sure it would be covered under warranty.

Now, Triangle Tube said the chamber had collapsed and it was not their product's fault but ours!! They said the outside pressure (from the boiler) made the chamber collapse

. I'm so mad at them!! We did NOTHING new or different to make the pressure change! I wouldn't even know what to do to make the pressure change!
I was wondering if anyone here knows what could have made this happen that Triangle Tube is trying to cover up. Please help!
Thank you in advance!

On 2011-12-03 by David

When i put the heat on an grinding noises comes from the boiler and adiators.

Question: how to prevent the heat exchanger from overheating

(June 29, 2014) Anonymous said:
How I can prevent the heat exchanger from getting too hot and smelling like hot metal burning. Goodman heat exchanger and coil made of aluminized steel. How can we prevent the coil and heat exchanger from getting too hot.



Since you mention Goodman I am guessing you're asking about a heating furnace, not a hot water heating boiler (which is the subject of the article above).

If the heat exchanger on a warm air heating system is overheating then the fan limit switch is not working and the system is unsafe - and needs expert diagnosis and repair.

Check first for a common mistake such as a dirty air filter and reduced air flow through the system.

Details begin at FURNACES, HEATING

Question: howling residential gas boiler

(Jan 4, 2015) Jackson said:
I have a residential gas boiler heating system that is not just whining, it's howling. It actually sounds like there are three or more howls going on at the same time and the noise is even throughout the house. The circulation pump appears to be running fine and the heat exchange is not cracked/broken. Any suggestions?



Start right at the boiler: if the noise is at or in the boiler I'd shut if off immediately as it may be unsafe.

If the nose is coming from piping check for a failing circulator pump motor.


also at HOWLING HVAC sounds from air conditioners, air handlers, blower fans, heat pumps, furnaces, duct systems & their motors

we include additional examples of howling sounds traced to heating or cooling equipment.

(Jan 6, 2015) Anonymous said:
Thanks DJF, here is an update.

Inspected the boiler again and decided to drain the water out to check how dirty it might be but it came out clear. Can't see any reason that it would howl. Put it together and howling has stopped. ?


I can only guess - which is mere arm-waving: that sometimes draining a system will move a bit of debris or dirt, changing an orifice through which water was running. I'd still be looking at circulators; also see if there's a correlation between howling at the boiler (other than you with laughter at this advice) and temperature or boiler on or off time or boiler pressure.

Other howl points might be check valves, zone valves, even air bleeders or piping elbows.




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