How & why do Zinsco breakers or electrical panels fail?
Here we describe & provide photographs of the apparent failure mechanism involved with Zinsco and GTE-Sylvania-Zinsco electrical panels and circuit breakers. We include field photographs of Zinsco equipment failures from a variety of sources.
This article series discusses the electrical, fire, and shock hazards associated with Zinsco electrical components, circuit breakers, electrical panels, including certain Sylvania electrical panels and breakers which are in fact of the same product design and origin.
Our page top photo of a burned Zinsco main circuit breaker and burned greased Zinsco electrical panel bus was provided by Washington state electrician J. P. Simmons
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- Daniel Friedman, Publisher/Editor/Author - See WHO ARE WE?
Our photo (left, courtesy of J. P. Simmons) shows the typical Zinsco or Zinsco-Sylvania electrical panel main bus damage from arcing.
At OK to USE ZINSCOS? we report on a different viewpoint from a vendor who continues to market this equipment and feels that at its price point in the market this product is reasonable to use, and who opines that when Zinsco equipment fails (burn ups, failures to trip) it is because it was "over-used" at too-demanding an amperage draw. Our view is that it is just under that condition that a circuit breaker should trip off.
I am a homeowner with a GTE-Sylvania (Zinsco) electrical panel that has
served me well enough for 30 years. I now have two breakers that do not
supply electricity to the circuit anymore.
There are plenty of replacement UBI breakers at my local Ace Hardware, but I cannot get the failed breakers out of the panel.
I could replace the aluminum buss bars with copper plated ones (I think), but you have encouraged me to get the whole panel replaced instead. - Anonymous by private email 2018/02/101
Photo: a replacement UBI circuit breaker showing burn marks and overheating.
Anon: I would replace the electrical panel, just as you've decided to do.
While we'd have been thrilled to find new replacement circuit breakers that eliminated the poor performance of several electrical panel and circuit breaker brands that have performed poorly (and thus in our opinion are UNSAFE) there are compelling arguments to eschew replacing breakers for replacing the entire panel. These include:
I got the Zinsco panel replaced.
The new panel had to be installed in a different place... previous owner had build a room addition around the old one, so there was no longer 3 ft of clearance in front of it.
The Zinsco panel had been full, so we upgraded to a 200 amp panel, from 125 amp--this increased the cost by less than 10%, which I considered to be trivial. We had to upgrade the grounding.
My electric contractor emptied the old panels and used the housings as junction boxes, to connect the wires leading to the new panel.
We gave the contractor the contents of the Zinsco panel, and the new $60 UBI breaker I had bought and could not install. I hope these do him more good than harm. I have ordered a cover plate to fill the socket where the electric meter used to be.
The new panel is by Siemens. I don't expect to have to replace a breaker for 30 years, and I don't expect to live that long. If we need additional circuits, we can add them. I think the house is safer now, and when it comes time to sell, there will be one less thing to fix. - Anonymous by private email 2018/04/12
Below you will find questions and answers previously posted on this page at its page bottom reader comment box.
I have a panel that a loose wire and it got hot and needs some Zinsco electrical panel parts; are they available?
If you need more information you can call me at ... - Anonymous by private email 2020/05/12
You have an unsafe Zinsco electrical panel. It should be replaced, not "fixed".
See details our article series beginning at ZINSCO SYLVANIA ELECTRICAL PANELS and don't hesitate to ask if any of that is unclear.
On 2020-10-23 - by (mod) -
On 2020-10-23 by don dragoo
about how much will it cost to fix or replace one of the true slyvania boxes?
On 2019-06-06 - by (mod) -
I want to add that I don't understand what that meter lock is doing around one of the toggle switches. It certainly isn't effectively locking the breaker in any position but it could make it unsafe by interfering with smooth operation in the event of an overcurrent. If you know who put that on there we are to ask them what they thought they were doing.
On 2019-06-06 - by (mod) -
Yes, Christian, that's a Zinsco circuit breaker in your photo. One can just see the top of the characteristic slots in the breaker side.
If you can look around and safely take some sharp photos of all of the labels you can find on the panel and Breakers those Sharp Images would be very useful. Take great care not to touch any electrical connector or component because you could be shocked or killed.
On 2019-06-06 by Christian Kohler
I wonder if my main panel for our duplex is a Zinsco panel. I know the sub-panel in my unit is the problematic Zinsco, but I'm not sure about the main. It was constructed in 1979. And does has a Sylvania label on it.
IMAGE LOST by older version of Clark Van Oyen’s Comments Box code - now fixed. Please re-post the image if you can. Sorry. Mod.
On 2018-11-10 - by (mod) -
Excellent nice Sharp Photo thank you will be sure to keep it with the article serious. If you want to be credited by actual identity let me know by comment or by private email thanks
On 2018-11-10 by Jake
Melty breaker goodness from a 1981 Sylvania. Feel free to use.
IMAGE LOST by older version of Clark Van Oyen’s Comments Box code - now fixed. Please re-post the image if you can. Sorry. Mod.
On 2016-04-16 - by (mod) -
Shirley, in the live links above at CONTINUE READING you'll find several articles with photos that help Identify a Zinsco - Sylvania panel by the unique breaker colors, markings, appearance, and in addition if your electrician removes a breaker or there are extra breakers not plugged-into the panel the breaker side view is unique as you'll see in the photos.
See these articles whose live links are given on this page
On 2016-04-16 by Leigh Shirley
My contact email address is
On 2016-04-16 Leigh Shirley
How can I tell if I have a Zinsco panel? My main panel has no label or manufacturer on it. My sub panel has a Sylvania label, but does not say it is of the Zinsco division. Did Sylvania make only Zinsco?
On 2015-11-23 by (mod) - Electrician's see stuff like your GTE Sylvania Kearney Zinsco failure photos on a weekly bases
We would much welcome photos from electricians seeing the failures we describe at
A problem in prompting some manufacturers or authorities to address some safety hazards is that so few field failures are ever reported through any mechanism. An electrician busy earning a living tosses the old failed device and installs a new one and moves-on. A homeowner may be afraid of stigmatizing her home in case of re-sale. Experts I've asked estimate just a very few % of electrical failures are ever reported anywhere. That makes field reports very valuable.
You or others are welcome to use our page bottom CONTACT link to send us failure reports and photos. Contributors can remain anonymous or be named and linked-to as they prefer.
On 2015-11-23 by Tom Walsh
Electrician's see stuff like your photos on a weekly bases
from most manufacturers
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