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Sylvania electrical panel door latch bearing the Sylvania name (C)  roseSylvania Electrical Panels & Breakers

Electrical panels that do not use the Zinsco™ breaker design

  • POST a QUESTION or COMMENT about the identification of Zinsco, Sylvania-Zinsco, and Kearney Electrical Panels - Zinsco-look alike Electrical Panels and Circuit Breakers

Sylvania, non-Zinsco circuit breaker & electrical panel identification guide:

Here we provide text, labels, and equipment photographs used to help identify Sylvania electrical panels and circuit breakers. These electrical panels do not use the Zinsco or GTE-Sylvania-Zinsco electrical panel bus and breaker design.

Page top: SYLVANIA appears on the electrical panel cover door latch about which a reader inquires below.

InspectAPedia tolerates no conflicts of interest. We have no relationship with advertisers, products, or services discussed at this website.

- Daniel Friedman, Publisher/Editor/Author - See WHO ARE WE?

Sylvania Electrical Panels that are NOT a Zinsco design

GTE Sylvania Zinsco breaker (C) J Weissman D Friedman

Note: photo shown above of a recent GTE Sylvania Zinsco circuit breaker burn up was provided courtesy of Jeff Weissman who reports its occurrence in a GTE-Sylvania electrical panel.

This circuit breaker may have been installed in a GTE-Sylvania electrical panel that did not use the Zinsco-design circuit breakers and/or may be of a different brand or manufacture.

Reader Question: is this Sylvania panel a GTE-Zinsco model?

Enclosed [above] is a pic of my Electrical Box but does not show that it’s a GTE Zinsco which are having to be replaced.

Sylvania electrical panel data label (C) rose

Can you tell me by the pictures [shown here] if mine is a ZINSCO™ electrical box that is unsafe? - anonymous by private email 2018/05/02

Sylvania electrical panel circuit breakers (C) Rose

Reply: probably not, here's how to know for certain

Could you please send me a photo of the electrical box entirely from its outside front, and a photo showing a close up of the circuit breakers themselves. Don't remove the cover that is don't expose the panel interior because you could get shocked.

BTW the panel label identifies this as a Sylvania SB12(20-24C) 125A electrical panel. The list of permitted circuit breakers given on the limited part of the label that we have does not include the Zinsco -Sylvania circuit breaker line.

I want to see the color and appearance of the circuit breakers.

... [after photos were received]


Your label does not include those terms and all of your circuit breakers are black. Your photos were not sharp enough for us to read the breaker labeling or text.

Open the electrical panel, remove the panel face, pull one representative circuit breaker, and compare the side of that breaker as well as the electrical panel bus-bars to which the breaker connects to those in this photo.

Watch out: do NOT try to open up your panel nor to remove circuit breakers yourself. There is live voltage in the panel interior - you could be shocked or killed. Never insert any tool nor your fingers into the interior of an electrical panel. Electrical panel interior access should be by a licensed and trained electrician.

What a True Zinsco-Sylvania Circuit Breaker & Panel Bus Looks Like

Below: The photo shows a classic Zinsco-Sylvania circuit breaker design.

Sylvania Zinsco electrical panel  (C) P V

Or without pulling a breaker, see this view in the electrical panel:

Below: The photo shows another classic Zinsco-Sylvania circuit breaker design.

Sylvania electrical panel identification sticker = Zinsco Design (C) InspectApedia LC

Or see circuit breaker labels matching those in the article above on this page.

IF the bus and breaker in your panel match these - a vertical or thin on-edge strip bus and those deep slot connectors in the circuit breaker,

THEN you have the poor-performing breakers that we describe.

IF NOT (which I think is the case for your panel) you have a different panel design for which we don't have the same failure rate data nor reports.

Examples of Sylvania Electrical Panels, Bus, Breakers that are Not the Zinsco-Design

Below: a Sylvania Electric panel circuit breaker with a stab-clip buss connection that is different from the Sylvania-Zinsco circuit breaker designs discussed above on this page. This Sylvania electrical panel, NOT a Zinsco design, was found in a home in Arizona.

Sylvania electric circuit breaker (C) InspectApedia Matt Fey ... Sylvania Electric main panel label SMB20 series (C) InspectApedia Matt Fey

[Click to enlarge any image]

Also you find the Sylvania electrical panel label showing the Sylvania Electric catalog numbers SMB20 (20-40)S Mod. 1 and SMB20(20-40)F Mod 1 rainproof type 3R electrical panel enclosure.

This is a 120/240 VAC rainproof type 3R panel enclosure.

Sylvania electrical panel, outdoors, Arizona (C) InspectApedia

Photographs above & below provided courtesy of professional home inspectors - Anonymous.

Sylvania electrical panel that is not a Zinsco bus nor circuit breaker design (C) D G

Above: a 1984 Sylvania Electrical panel in a Florida home. Details marked by yellow arrows indicate that is not a Zinsco-design electrical panel, bus, nor breaker.



Reader Comments, Questions & Answers About The Article Above

Below you will find questions and answers previously posted on this page at its page bottom reader comment box.


On 2023-05-03 by InspectApedia Editor - Connecticut Electric replacement breakers performed the same as UBI circuit breakers

@Frank Smalarz,

Connecticut Electric replacement breakers performed the same - as you'll read in Aronstein's test report in this article series. Sorry, I should have made that clear.

However I agree with you that copper bus bars would be a substantial performance improvement. IF the bars were solid copper. I think you'll read that Aronstein found that insertion of Zinsco-style breakers onto a copper PLATED bus bar scratches right through the plating to expose the aluminum base material and to invite arcing and overheating - the performance wasn't what one would have hoped.

I appreciate the wish to avoid a panel replacement and you can be sure that if we had independent, unbiased information supporting replacement breakers and parts we'd sure be happy to share that information.® is an independent publisher of building, environmental, and forensic inspection, diagnosis, and repair information provided to the public at no cost.

In order to absolutely assure our readers that we write and report without bias, we do not sell any products or services, nor do we have any business or financial relationships with any manufacturer or service provider discussed at our website.

On 2023-05-03 by Frank Smalarz

@InspectApedia Editor , Hello, the response I received was relative to UBI circuit breakers tested in 2017. I'm asking about Connecticut Electric breakers, but more importantly their replacement copper buss bars.

From what I've read about the Zinsco failures is that it's primarily attributed to the aluminum buss bars which are softer than copper and result in scratching/gouging and resulting poor contact.

On 2023-05-01 by InspectApedia Editor - high failure rates for FPE and Zinsco replacement breakers, too

@Frank Smalarz,

I would replace the panel.

The "replacement breakers" that you ask about were tested independently (see Aronstein's reports) and had about the same failure rate as the original equipment. That's proven the case for several brands with high failure rates such as FPE and Zinsco. Example: see

ZINSCO CIRCUIT BREAKER TEST REPORT - testing on UBI replacement circuit breakers sold for Zinsco electrical panels

and see

UBI FPE CIRCUIT BREAKER TEST RESULTS - also not recommended, fail at similar rate as FPE original equipment

On 2023-05-01 by Frank Smalarz

@InspectApedia Editor , Thanks for your response.
Are the Connecticut Electric breakers and buss bars an adequate replacement for the Zinsco hardware? Is the source of the problem the aluminum buss bars of Zinsco or do the breaker contacts have some particular design problem?

Are the Cutler Hammer retrofit kits a safe alternative?

Do you know what the difference is between the Sylvania MTMB10 panels and the SMB/SB panels that seem to predominate as being a problem?

On 2023-04-28 by InspectApedia Editor - multicolored toggle switches look like the troubled design

@Frank Smalarz,

Most-likely, from their multicolored toggle switches, we can say yeah those look like the troubled design.

For an absolutely-certain check it's easy enough to have an electrician or experienced contractor open the panel enough to look at the circuit breaker side and bus connection design: the Zinsco design is unique and unmistakable - with those deep slots in the breaker body - here's an example photo from the article above

Watch out: do NOT try to open up your panel or remove circuit breakers yourself. There is live voltage in the panel interior - you could be shocked or killed.

Sylvania Zinsco panel (C) DJF

On 2023-04-28 1 by Frank Smalarz

Hello, I'm trying to determine if the power panel on my home is one of the problematic ZINSCO designs. Attached are images of the breakers and the label. The panel(s) were installed in a condominium type complex built in 1980 to 1984
Thank you

Connecticut Electric panel (C) InspectApedia.como Frank ... Connecticut Electric panel (C) InspectApedia.como Frank

On 2023-04-11 by InspectApedia Publisher


Take a look at the Sylvania electric panel identification guide above on this page.

And post some photos here,

On 2023-04-11 by mike

@ray moshiri,

I may have one, need to look . my name +

On 2023-03-05 by InspectApedia Editor - Sylvania model 390-205-09 missing part of panel door

@ray moshiri,

In addition to the death by electrocution hazard of leaving the cover off of an electric meter box as you show and comment, there are more subtle hazards that come from leaving the electrical wiring exposed to the weather, to water, to short circuiting.

For an old Sylvania electric meter box and panel combination such as shown in your photo, I think. you'll have trouble finding an original equipment manufacturer OEM part that fits exactly.

Start by asking your local electrical inspector if she or he will approve and consider safe a custom-fabricated cover made by a local metal working shop to whom your electrician gives measurements.

But the bottom line is that this is an obsolete meter and panel that in fact should in my OPINION be replaced with a new electric meter base and most-likely a completely separate main switch and electrical panel, the latter, perhaps, indoors.

On 2023-03-05 by ray moshiri

I have a Sylvania model 390-205-09 which is a main circuit breaker but the door panel adjacent to it where the meter by DWP was installed, the bottom cover is missing and it is 7.5 inches in length to 17.5 inches. height. Where do I buy that door panel because the wires are exposed and dangerous if touched accidentally?

Sylvania model 390-205-09 (C) Ray

On 2022-12-12 by InspectApedia (Editor) - Sylvania SLB20 electrical panel cause for concern?

@Tom Brown,

On zooming in for a closer look the photo is a bit blurry, but I don't see the characteristic deep slots that appear in the sides of Zinsco circuit breakers.

Compare the photo above - excerpted from this article.

On 2022-12-12 by Tom Brown

I have a client with a Sylvania SLB20 electrical panel. I opened the panel and I don't see any burn marks near the breakers or wires. I don't see any Zinsco labels on the panel or breakers. Wondering if this panel or breakers are the ones that could be fire hazard, would like your opinion. Thanks.

Sylvania SLB20 electrical panel (C) Tom ... Sylvania SLB20 electrical panel (C) Tom

On 2022-07-06 by InspectApedia-911 (mod) - Zinsco circuit breakers should be replaced


Thank you for the good photos. Yes that's the Zinsco circuit breaker design that is unsafe. I would replace the entire panel.
A report that the breakers are good and tight has no meaning with respect to the safety hazard of us circuit breaker that doesn't trip or catches fire.

You could leave the panel and agree to make an allowance to a buyer however that may slow your sale process as some buyers will find that their mortgage company won't issue a mortgage or their home insurance company won't issue a fire policy until the panel is replaced.

On 2022-07-06 by Jim

I'm sending an image of the side of a breaker that goes in my electrical panel. Is it of the Zinsco design? Like I mentioned before the technician said all breakers were good and tight and that everything was good. We're trying to sell our house and hope to not have to upgrade the electrical panel

... Zinsco circuit breaker (C) Jim

On 2022-07-06 by InspectApedia-911 (mod)


No, definitely not. Only panels that use the zinsco circuit breaker design are the ones that need to be replaced.

That's easy to identify by simply looking at the panel bus or looking at the side of one of the circuit breakers.

On 2022-07-05 by Jim

Do all GTE Sylvania Zinsco Electrical Panels need to be replaced? Ours is 44 years old and we've never had a problem with it. Had a licensed electrician check it out. The technicians said it was in good shape. All breakers are tight and none felt hot and all wires are in good shape

On 2022-07-05 by InspectApedia (mod)


Yes. Please see that model listed in the table titled: GTE Sylvania Zinsco Electric Panel Models & Circuit Breakers



Watch out: do NOT try to open up your panel nor to remove circuit breakers yourself. There is live voltage in the panel interior - you could be shocked or killed. Never insert any tool nor your fingers into the interior of an electrical panel.

Electrical panel interior access should be by a licensed and trained electrician.

Please let us know if you have additional questions.

On 2022-07-05 by Jim

Is the GTE SYLVANIA MLB 20 (15 - 30 ) of the Zinsco design.

On 2022-04-28 by Inspectapedia Com Moderator - Sylvania 200AMP meter socket


Curious that part of the electric panel label was torn away, so the model number isn't there.

You wouldn't expect to be able to connect more than two individual hundred amp breakers, each controlling one leg of the circuit and giving a total of available amperage of 200.

On 2022-04-28 by Anonymous

@Inspectapedia House was built 1980 so panel is from that year. It is located in CA 94062.

1980 California Sylvania 200AMP continuous meter socket (C) Mats ... 1980 California Sylvania 200AMP continuous meter socket (C) Mats

On 2022-04-27 by Inspectapedia Com Moderator


I don't know for a fact all of my assumption its 100-amp just as you described. If you can find a sticker that has a product number or model number it might be possible to research the panel further.

Can you tell me the age and location of the building?

On 2022-04-27 by Mats

I have a Sylvania 200AMP continuous meter socket. From the Meter the 200AMP will go to a Generac ATS (Automatic Transfer Switch) and then comes back into to this panel where it is split into 2X100A to drive the 2 main panels in the house.

I am now planning to add Solar it will connect via an Enphase IQ System Controller 2 that will replace the spot of the ATS.

Does anyone know the busbar rating for this bus bar (it only handles the split of the 200A into 2x100A as you can see from the photo.

1980 California Sylvania 200AMP continuous meter socket (C) Mats

Question: we were told that ALL Sylvania Electrical Panels are Unsafe & Must Be Replaced

Sylvania electrical panel, not Zinsco (C) Thiberville We have a Sylvania electrical panel in a home. And we were told all Sylvania were unsafe. Can you please tell us if ours is safe or should it be replaced? - Anonymous by private email 2022/04/28

Moderator reply: Really?

Thanks for the question, Anon.

No one with an ounce of experience or sense would nor could pronounce your electrical panel "safe" based simply on seeing photos of its exterior and its label.  Not if by "safe" we mean - "are there unsafe or questionable conditions in the electrical panel?"

[Click to enlarge any image]

That requires removing the panel cover to expose the breakers, wiring, wire connections where an experienced inspector looks for a laundry-list of problems like leaks, corrosion, overheating, improper wiring, wrong wire size, wrong breaker size, mechanical damage, and other snafus. 

I realize you were probably not thinking of how an old inspector might approach a panel and you just are asking "are all Sylvania Electrical Panels Unsafe" and "do all Sylvania electrical panels need to be replaced?" - based only on the brand name itself - Sylvania.

My answer to that is no.

Indeed there was a line of Sylvania-Zinsco electrical panels that used a particular bus design that accepted Zinsco circuit breakers. The "bus" is the metal bar to which the circuit breakers connect and through which the breakers receive electrical power. Those panels are unsafe and should be replaced.

Those unsafe Sylvania-Zinsco electrical panels are described, illustrated and identified in a series of articles beginning at


It is trivially easy for a professional home inspector or licensed electrician to open the electrical panel, remove the cover, and examine the circuit breakers to identify that Zinsco design.

But there were plenty of other models of Sylvania electrical equipment including electrical panels that had not one iota of "Zinsco" design or components in their make-up.

From external appearance and panel label information yours is not a Sylvania-Zinsco panel, but your electrician should confirm that (as I just have a pair of tiny photos) by checking the panel interior details as I describe herein. (OPM? Guilty! - see below.)

Sylvania Brand Electrical Panel Label Details (Non-Zinsco)

Sylvania electrical panel, not Zinsco (C) Thiberville Sylvania Electrical Panel Catalog Nos. SB20(20-40)C (Indoor) Mod. 1 / SB20(20-40)CG (Indoor Mod.1.) 200A, 120/240VAC

Use GTE Sylvania Circuit Breakers Type A, C and HAGF. Fodr Special duty use Bryant TType BRWH (Water Heater) , Type BRSN (Switched Neutral) and for switching duty, Bryant Type BR marked SWD.

None of the circuit breakers listed on the panel label is a ZInsco-type circuit breaker.

An examination of the electrical panel bus design and breakers quickly identifies the presence of absence of Zinsco-type breakers.

Watch out: Now while one of those "other Non-Zinsco Sylvania" panels might be unsafe or need replacement for other reasons, such as the potpourri of unsafe conditions I listed earlier, and while some of those too may need replacement, that's independent of the Zinsco breaker hazard.

You said "...  we were told all Sylvania [Electrical Panels] were unsafe. "

You don't identify just who said that, nor that person's expertise. I would be very grateful if you'd ask that person why they gave you that advice, and if they have facts, data, articles, studies, or other expert sources that support the claim that "all Sylvania Electrical Panels are unsafe and need to be replaced"  I would be very grateful to receive that information. 

I suspect we're seeing a case of the OPM problem: somebody is going to spend a lot of YOUR MONEY to make THEMSELVES "SAFE" - safe, that is, from a possible future complaint by you that they didn't warn you about something. 

See OTHER PEOPLE's MONEY - why some contractors or consultants or other spend your money to protect themselves - from you.

Question: examine the electrical panel interior bus and breaker design for a quick and easy identification of "Zinsco" type

Richard ONeal

Is the Sylvania electrical panel model SL12(12-24)C one of the panels considered a fire hazard because of the GTE or Zinsco design

Moderator reply:

I"m not sure, Richard; can you attach a photo of the panel's circuit breakers?

Also if your electrician or inspector opens the panel to show its bus design we can say for sure if it's a Zinsco- the circuit breaker-to-bus bar connectors and the bus bars themselves are very distinctive - on-edge metal bars.

Watch out: if you're not trained in safe electrical procedures don't try removing the panel cover - you could be shocked or killed.

On 2020-09-22 by (mod) - Sylvania BC 40200 using QBH circuit breakers

Sylvania BC 40200 electrical panel ID data tag (C) JackJack,

I did not find an interlock for your Sylvania Electric model.

However as I suggested, an electrician ought to be able to install a sub-panel off this one that can handle other brands and provide an appropriate transfer switch - an "either-or" type safety switch.

On 2020-09-21 by jack

I have a panel similar to that described by sharon in this section of the site. It is definitely sylvania, uses QBH circuit breakers. Is there an interlock kit for this? I haven't found one --again similar to Sharon's situation.

On 2020-05-17 - by (mod) -


Try taking a look at the circuit breakers - for colors such as shown above.

Or ask your electrician to remove the panel cover and examine the panel bus and breaker connectors - as explained in the Zinsco article series.

Also post photo(s) (one per comment) of the panel front, labels, markings, and we can comment further.

On 2020-05-17 by Gary

Is this a Zinco design panel? S5X12(8-16)C

On 2020-03-14 by (mod) - Sylvania ML12(12-24)CG Panel is a Zinsco type

Looks like it to me - note the characteristic Zinsco type circuit breakers by color and appearance..

On 2020-03-14 by Ryan


I have the model "ML12(12-24)CG", images attached. Does this model affected? Thanks!


On 2020-02-27 - by (mod) -


As long as your electrical panel is not the GTE Sylvania zinsco design there are plenty of vendors still selling ZTE compatible circuit breakers. Just stop by your local electrical supplier.

On 2020-02-27 by jack

what circuit breaker do I use to replace a GFCI Sylvania breaker?

On 2020-01-22 by (mod) - detailed photo & taking measurements to try to replace the bus assembly of a Sylvania Electric Panel

Sylvania electric panel details of labeling, measurement, replacement pargs (C) SharonSharon

I'll look around too but I'm afraid we may not find an interlock add-on for some older panels like this Sylvania Electric model.

However I think an electrician ought to be able to install a sub-panel off this one that can handle other brands and provide an appropriate transfer switch - an "either-or" type safety switch.

You might also want to see our article series starting



Apologies, but Van Oyen's comments box just allows us to post 1 image per comment - as you figured-out.

Our conversation and more detail is now


I found at least one vendor who sells Interlock Kits for GTE-Sylvania panels and others who claim that they have hundreds of models available and simply want to see measurements and a photo of your electrical panel cover.

GenInterlock.com2227 US Highway 1 Box 124 North Brunswick, NJ 08902 732-339-4191 Website:

Sylvania electric panel details of labeling, measurement, replacement pargs (C) SharonPanel interlock kits for Bryant, Challenger, Crouse-Hinds, Cutler Hammer, Eaton, GE General Electric, Gould, GTE-Sylvania, ITE, Murray, Siemens, Square-D, Thomas & Betts *T&B), and Westinghouse.

So I suspect you can find one of the companies who can provide the interlock kit for your older Sylvania panel.

Best wishes, thanks for asking about this, and do let me know if you have success.

On 2020-01-21 by Sharon - 200A Sylvania electrical panel in a Toronto, Ontario home

Eaton currently manufactures c/b for this panel, they are bolt-on, and the "new" type is QBH. but searching Eaton panels hasnt show one similar.

There is 4 1/4" between the bottom of the double-throw main 200amp, and the top of the 1st row of service breakers.


and the bottom right double breaker 60amp that will be leaving to a separate panel

and a general pic of the various breakers (HATE how no one has labelled the circuits, we've figured most of them out, but not all)

Sylvania electric panel details of labeling, measurement, replacement pargs (C) Sharon

Sylvania electric panel 200A main switch (C) Sharon

and the main breaker

can't figure out how to send multiple images, so this is of the label on the panel

Sylvania electric panel details of labeling, measurement, replacement pargs (C) Sharon ... Sylvania electric panel details of labeling, measurement, replacement pargs (C) Sharon

On 2020-01-21 by Sharon

we recently bought a home with a Sylvania panel. We're in Ontario Canada, house was built sometime between very late 70's and very early 80's (no firm documentation).

Its a 200amp panel, we are trying to find an interlock to install a generator plug outside for emergency power.

Currently there is a double breaker 60amp on the bottom left, we plan on getting that moved to a "pony panel" as its the power that goes out to the barn electrical panel, and that would free up the space for a double breaker 30amp for the generator plug.

But we still need to find an interlock for the panel. we tried search Sylvania, and Cutler, and Westinghouse, but none of the panels look anything like ours.

Pretty confident its not one of the Zinsco panels, so not looking to replace the panel. Any ideas one what is the proper interlock to install on the panel?

On 2019-12-16 by (mod) - How can I determine if my sylvania 390 250 09 main panel is 100 amp or 125 amp?


See the electric panel ampacity determination steps given at


And don't hesitate to ask follow-up questions as needed.

On 2019-12-16 by Garth

How can I determine if my sylvania 390 250 09 main panel is 100 amp or 125 amp?

On 2019-12-10 by (mod) -


Your electrical panel is a Sylvania Electrical panel model, Catalog No. SB15(20-30)C (Indoor) Mod.1 150A Max.

So we know that the panel was rated to provide a maximum of 150 Amp 240VAC electrical service (though your service ampacity could be less). The panel label also gives some restrictions on number and types of circuit breakers that could be installed.

Beyond that, you asked "... tell me about this breaker panel..." - if you have a specific question we could perhaps be more helpful. Else I can but guess that you're asking if this is one of the problematic Zinsco-Sylvania panel models.

This panel is no longer manufactured new, though we do see some vendors selling new old stock.

[Click to enlarge any image].

Most-likely this is not one of the problem Zinsco-Sylvania panels, but

1. It would be helpful if you'd also post a photo of the circuit breakers in your panel. Then we can look for the characteristic red or blue toggle switched breakers that are one of the indicators of Zinsco-Sylvania versions (that are unsafe).

2. It would be helpful to know the city where the building sporting this electrical panel is located and

3. to know the age of the building or home (and whether or not this is probably the original electrical pane).


GTE Sylvania Zinsco panel labels: Typical GTE-Sylvania-Zinsco label that includes the words GTE SYLVANIA and ZINSCO

GTE Sylvania Zinsco breaker toggle colors: Black , aqua, red, and blue circuit breaker toggle switches.

On 2019-12-10 by Anthony

Can anyone tell me about this breaker panel? [Shown above]

I can't seem to find it online.

On 2019-10-16 by (mod) - which way is the "OFF" position on this Sylvania electrical panel?


Switches in positions 9-10 that is a 240V double pole breaker looks to be in the OFF position. Try pushing it towards the panel center strip.

Sometimes if a breaker has tripped it needs to be switched fully to OFF before it can be re-set to ON.

So if you're having trouble switch the breaker fully to OFF (away from the center of this Sylvania electrical panel) then switch the toggle handle towards the panel center or ON as shown in our edit of your photo - below,.

It is certainly NOT a stupid question - lots of people run into confusion about which is the "ON" Position for circuit breakers as I'll detail here:

Switches in positions 9-10 that is a 240V double pole breaker looks to be in the OFF position. Try pushing it towards the panel center strip.

Sometimes if a breaker has tripped it needs to be switched fully to OFF before it can be re-set to ON.

So if you're having trouble switch the breaker fully to OFF (away from the center of this Sylvania electrical panel) then switch the toggle handle towards the panel center or ON as shown in our edit of your photo - below.

Thank you for asking.

On 2019-10-16 by Elderberry

This is a stupid question I know, but yesterday I had an extension cord running from my garage outside to weld.

I lost power and noticed that electric outlet in the garage no longer worked, thinking that I tripped a circuit I went into the basement where the main circuit breaker is and flipped all the switches on and off again.

Then I realised the source of my problem was a blown fuse in the garage.

I changed that and the electric outlet in the garage started working again.

Now my water heater and drier doesn't seem to be working.

My question is are all the switches in the circuit box in the correct position? I can't tell.

On 2019-07-06 by (mod) -


and thanks for the question

On 2019-07-06 by Anne

When was it determined that the Sylvania-Zinco electric panel were unsafe? I know they were installed in places in the 1980"s

On 2019-02-06 by (mod) -


I agree that the breakers in your photo do not look like and almost certainly are NOT Zinsco (or Zinsco-Sylvania) circuit breakers. They don't have the characteristic deep narrow slot that you see in other Zinsco photos including one just below your own posting.

The identification of the problematic Zinsco breaker design can be difficult if the inspector can't see inside the panel (inspection standards generally expect the inspector to remove the cover and inspect the interior as long as he feels safe doing so) - since Zinsco design breakers were installed in panels bearing the names




That's why one needs to look at more-technical details.

I'd also like to see

- a photo of the whole panel

- photos of the panel labels or markings

- to know the age of the home

I don't want to generate a fight with your home inspector but it appears to me the inspector is mistaken.

Perhaps you could ask the inspector to provide any documentation that asserts that Sylvania Electric Panels that are NOT Zinsco design are an unusual hazard that justifies their replacement.

Take care: Neither you nor I want to be roped into providing any guarantee, warranty, safety promises about your home - me in particular as I don't know a thing about your home - since in the future, heaven forbid, when ANYTHING goes wrong that could be the subject of a future dispute.

Finally, a home inspector has not one iota of authority to *require* a home seller to do anything, including replacement of electrical panels.
However a home inspector is obligated to point out life safety hazards (as well as other property conditions) that she or he observed - something that would protect everyone involved.

Nevertheless I will much appreciate any information your buyer's home inspector can provide that helps us understand the basis for her or his recommendation that the panel needs replacement.

You're welcome to print this page along with our conversation to share with the other parties involved.

Respectfully Daniel Friedman, Editor.

On 2019-02-06 by Alberto Correa

I am trying to sell a property in Tampa, FL, but buyer home inspector require me to replace the Sylvania Electric Panel "because is dangerous". I was checking your information and look like the panel is not a Zinsco one but I will like a lot more comfortable if you can help me to confirm this. I have attached some pictures of the panel. Thanks in advance!

Alberto Correa (

IMAGE LOST by older version of Clark Van Oyen’s useful Comments code - now fixed. Please re-post the image if you can. Sorry. Mod.

On 2018-12-05 by (mod) -


Doesn't look like it -

The unequivocal details would be Zinsco appearing in a label
this breaker and bus design (as shown in the article above)

IMAGE LOST by older version of Clark Van Oyen’s useful Comments code - now fixed. Please re-post the image if you can. Sorry. Mod.

On 2018-12-05 by guge17

Second image

IMAGE LOST by older version of Clark Van Oyen’s useful Comments code - now fixed. Please re-post the image if you can. Sorry. Mod.

On 2018-12-05 by guge17

Is this a zinsco design.

IMAGE LOST by older version of Clark Van Oyen’s useful Comments code - now fixed. Please re-post the image if you can. Sorry. Mod.

On 2018-12-05 by Greg g

Trying to identify if my box is a zinsco design.

IMAGE LOST by older version of Clark Van Oyen’s useful Comments code - now fixed. Please re-post the image if you can. Sorry. Mod.

On 2018-10-01 by (mod) -

From the toggle colors of the circuit breakers it looks as if it's a Zinsco design. Above on this page are other clues that can be seen if your electrician removes the panel cover: a quick look for the unique Zinsco bus design.

On 2018-10-01 by Fred McGiven

I have a 125A Sylvania electrical subpanel in my house. See attached image. It was installed when my house was new in 1981 or 1982. I am the original buyer of the house so I know the panel is the original installed unit. A small white label with dark blue writing identifies it as GTE Sylvania 390-205-09.

A large label on the door shows Cat No: ML12(12-24)CG (Indoor) - Mod 2. Do any panels from this time frame have the "Zinsco breaker/panel" problem?

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Doug Jackson · July 22, 2024

I have the GTE-Sylvania panel 390-205-09 with the multi colored breakers. I have had 1 electrician say this is OK and another say all Sylvania panels need to be replaced. This has been in since the late 70s. Can you tell if this is an OK panel? Where can I direct and electrician to look on the web to confirm this is OK and not been recalled?

Anonymous · July 22, 2024

@Doug Jackson, email is

InspectApedia Publisher (mod) · July 23, 2024

@Doug Jackson,

Those colored breaker toggles sure look like the problem Zinsco design, but unfortunately your photo is too small and blurry for me to see the actual busbar connections in the panel.

However it's easy to identify the problem Zinsco-Sylvania breakers by the deep notch in the breaker side where it clips over the bus, and in the panel you'll see two on-edge thin busbars.

See the photos above and the text for identifying Zinsco-Sylvania breakers and panels: those SHOULD be replaced.

For other Sylvania panels NOT of the Zinsco design, the panel might need to be replaced if it is damaged.

Frank Smalarz · May 7, 2023

I'm unable to find a test report by Aronstein of the Connecticut Electric buss bars, that I was directed to by an InspectApedia Editor. Can you please provide a link to this report?

Thank you

InspectApedia Editor (mod) · May 7, 2023

@Frank Smalarz,

Sure. An easy way to find a topic of interest on our website is to use the on-page search box found at the top and bottom of every page. By searching for Connecticut Electric Aronstein (and after the Google generated ad links), we find:


InspectApedia Publisher (mod) · May 8, 2023

@Frank Smalarz,

keep in mind that's not a test of the "bus bars" it's a breaker test and can help you understand why just replacing the bus bars wont' be a reliable fix.

Frank Smalarz · May 10, 2023

@InspectApedia Editor , I'm still unable to find any test report by Aronstein, or anyone else, for Connecticut Electric replacement Zinsco buss bars or circuit breakers. The link provided is for testing of FPE Stab-Lok panels and breakers!

Frank Smalarz · May 10, 2023

@InspectApedia Publisher, I was told by an InspectApedia editor: "Connecticut Electric replacement breakers performed the same - as you'll read in Aronstein's test report in this article series. Sorry, I should have made that clear.

However I agree with you that copper bus bars would be a substantial performance improvement. IF the bars were solid copper. I think you'll read that Aronstein found that insertion of Zinsco-style breakers onto a copper PLATED bus bar scratches right through the plating to expose the aluminum base material and to invite arcing and overheating - the performance wasn't what one would have hoped. ". However, I've been unable , after several requests, to find any test data from Aronstein, or anyone else, of the Connecticut Electric replacement Zinsco buss bars or circuit breakers.

InspectApedia Editor (mod) · May 10, 2023

@Frank Smalarz,

In the link we sent you to Aronstein's report, you'll find that it refers to results for UBI/Connecticut Electric in these 4 locations:

PREFACE to the November 10, 2017 Update




These breakers also have a high defect rate as found in his testing results.

InspectApedia Publisher (mod) · May 10, 2023

@Frank Smalarz,

Best bet: reading the independent, expert reports we've cited - and perhaps it will help if you understand that, as Aronstein and others point out, Connecticut Electric produces breakers under the name UBI.

Frank Smalarz · May 11, 2023

@InspectApedia Editor , Connecticut Electric makes a number of replacement breakers including UBI/FPE Stab-Lok breakers. The quotes ARE NOT the breakers that I'm trying to obtain information on. I'm searching for information on Connecticut Electric replacements for Zinsco breakers and busbars which were reported by InspectApedia, as I quoted above, that insertion of Zinsco typr circuit breakers onto copper plated busbars "scratches right through the plating to expose the aluminum base material and to invite arcing and overheating".

Frank Smalarz · May 11, 2023

@InspectApedia Editor , The UBI/Connecticut circuit breakers referred to are Stab-Lok breakers, NOT replacement Zinsco type breakers and busbars. There is no information in the quoted report supporting the InspectApedia claim that insertion of Zinsco breakers onto copper plated busbars causes "scratches right through the plating to expose the aluminum base material and to invite arcing and overheating".

InspectApedia DF (mod) · May 19, 2023

@Frank Smalarz,

I don't think that anyone has done a separate test of Connecticut Electric busbars for Zinsco panels, nor do we have information about the composition of that product.

The first place to look would be with the company itself. You'll be helping us out as well as many other readers if you ask C.E. for any test reports or results and tell us how and with what the company responds.

InspectApedia DF (mod) · May 19, 2023

@Frank Smalarz,

Solid copper bus bars might perform better, indeed, but since the bus bar isn't the only failure path for Zinsco I'm unclear why we're discussing this. Are you someone with a conflict of interest?

As building and electrical and home inspectors commonly put it - "Any Zinsco panel is a top-notch candidate for replacement, just like any FPE panel is - they both have their own well-documented problems."


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