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AEROBIC Septic Systems: Calcium Hypochlorite for Disinfections In Onsite Aerobic Waste Treatment Septic Systems

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What is the proper disinfectant to use in Aerobic Septic Systems?

Use of proper and approved septic effluent disinfectants (Calcium Hypochlorite) is required for aerobic septic systems. What problems ensue if we use the wrong type of disinfectant in an aerobic septic treatment system? This article, contributed by a company which produces aerobic septic system disinfectants, describes the issue and identifies the proper aerobic septic system disinfectant to be used.

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Use Calcium Hypochlorite for Disinfections In Onsite Aerobic Waste Treatment Septic Systems

Norweco LF4600 chlorine tablet feeder for aerobic septic system effluent disinfection - at cited in this article is contact info for NorwecoA common concern of owners of onsite aerobic waste treatment septic systems is why they should not use pool chlorine tablets for their systems instead of the proper chemical, calcium hypochlorite. There are three primary reasons pool chlorine tablets should not be used for this purpose - legal requirements, safety issues, and environmental issues.

Under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) it is unlawful for anyone to use a registered pesticide (includes chlorine tablets) in a manner that is inconsistent with its labeling. For septic systems, enforcement of the law is primarily left with the states.

The Norweco Bio-Dynamic® dry chemical feeder or tablet feeder LF 4600 shown here is used with aerobic septic systems and is discussed separately


where we include contact information Norweco.

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In Texas and some other states enforcement is passed on to the counties.

For onsite aerobic septic systems, use only calcium hypochlorite tablets that have been certified by the EPA for this use. In EPA regulated areas, if the container is not labeled as such, it cannot be used for this purpose.

In Texas, the use of swimming pool chlorine in aerobic septic systems carries a fine of about $500 for the first offence, and the fine increases for subsequent violations.

Use of Swimming Pool Chlorine Tablets in Aerobic Septic Systems

Besides legal, there are safety issues that need to be considered. Swimming pools tablets, such as Trichlor (trichloroisocyanuric acid or trichloro-s-triazinetrione), are designed for immersion in water. In an aerobic septic system feeder, the tablets are primarily above the water line. Under this condition the tablets will release nitrogen chloride, an explosive gas.

Under no circumstance should you allow Trichlor to come in contact with calcium hypochlorite or bleach. These chemicals react violently with each other. If you have been using Trichlor, completely remove the tablets from the chlorine feeder.

Next, using water, rinse the Trichlor residue completely from the feeder section of the waste treatment system. Only after doing so is it safe to fill the feeder with calcium hypochlorite tablets that are approved for use in domestic wastewater systems.

Never operate your system without the proper chlorine tablets such as the ClorMor brand of 2 5/8 inch chlorine tablets approved for use in onsite aerobic waste treatment septic systems.

If you have been using swimming pool tablets for a period of time, you have probably noticed a browning or dying of grass and other plants in the area where the sprinkler system sprays it.

The chlorine in pool tablets is stabilized so it doesn't readily breakdown by sunlight as does the chlorine in calcium hypochlorite that is approved for aerobic waste treatment systems. Over an extended period of time, the applications of stabilized chlorine will not only kill the vegetation, but it can kill the beneficial bacterium that is natural to the soil.

Proper aerobic septic system maintenance

Proper maintenance and care of your septic system is essential to keep the system working properly. If you need additional information, you can contact the manufacturer of your aerobic septic system, your local permitting authority, or you may contact the original author of this article.

Readers of this page should also

see AEROBIC SEPTIC DISINFECTANTS - Pool Chlorine for Septic Effluent Discharged from Aerobic Septic Systems.

See aerobic septic system designs, manuals suppliers



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AEROBIC SEPTIC DISINFECTANTS - Calcium Hypochlorite at - online encyclopedia of building & environmental inspection, testing, diagnosis, repair, & problem prevention advice.

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bluez · June 14, 2017

Built a new cesspit , foul smell entering house despite a vent pipe being installed. What can i use as a disinfectant

danjoefriedman (mod) · July 21, 2016

Monty this article series gives general advice about aerobic system instllation, inspection, and maintenance. But there are usually specific instructions from the aerobic system designer/manufacturer. Your installer must provide you with that information.

Monty · July 20, 2016

I just had a new aerobic system installed today. Is there a basic manual online? Where can I purchase calcium hypochlorite?

danjoefriedman (mod) · June 14, 2016


I'm not enthusiastic about dumping garbage and wastewater into a garage, that seems like a smell or even methane gas hazard disaster waiting to happen, and something unlikely to be approved by a contemporary building code inspector. If your home needs to use a drywell to dispose of graywater it needs to be properly constructed outdoors not inside the structure.

Dumping food waste into the drywell converts it from a graywater disposal system to something closer to a blackwater or sewage system: food waste is organic debris - you're going to have smell problems.

Treating the odor with a chemical is not a smart idea. Even if you could temporarily deodorize the pit odors will return; the chemicals are likely to impede any healthy bacterial operation in the pit and make matters worse, hastening its clogging and failure, and in some cases such additives are illegal.

Search for SEPTIC DRYWELLS to read details

Search for SEPTIC TREATMENTS & ADDITIVES to read about those products

Also take a look at DON'T FLUSH INTO SEPTICS to read about my advice above in more detail

Bill Fogal · June 14, 2016

drain in kitchen goes to shale pit in garage. Added garbage disposal to kitchen . how smell coming up in garage floor drain the went to shale drain also. piped kitchen drain the septic system, but getting smell from floor drain. what do I use to kill smell??

Anonymous · Jan 19, 2016

What is the required dosage for calcium hypochlorite for a sewage plant that has 30-35 persons


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