Aerobic septic system maintenance and cleaning procedures: maintenance Guide for Fine bubble aeration septic systems.
This ATU system article series provides designs and products for aerobic septic treatment units (ATUs) for onsite waste disposal, also called fine bubble aeration systems.
We address aerobic septic system design, features, inspection, repair, and maintenance. Product sources are also listed.
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AEROBIC Septic System Maintenance Procedures & Products
Maintenance of Aerobic Septic Systems - How to Care for An ATU
You can reduce problems with your ATU and extend the system life by performing basic maintenance. Also see ATU Suppliers.
[Click to enlarge any image]
Homeowners can reduce the operating cost of any septic system by conserving water use.
An aerobic system retrofit may
also extend the life of a drainfield - but be sure to read the caveats described in the next section on using an ATU
to extend drainfield life.
Disinfection of septic effluent: use the proper disinfection tablets and use them on the schedule
recommended by your system designer.
Disinfectants are discussed just above. Typically the disinfection\
tablets are added to the system through a PVC pipe that extends above ground level and which has
a removable cap. Depending on the design of your system, several tablets may be placed into a
tube located inside this pipe.
Don't put in more tablets than the instructions say, since
doing so may cause them to break down prematurely and thus not to be dispensed at
the proper rate - you'll actually end up wasting tablets and money.
Check the condition of your aerobic septic system disinfection tablets monthly.
Proper Tablets Use only the proper type of aerobic or aeration septic system disinfection tablets
in order to avoid contaminating the environment (the system may discharge insufficiently treated septic effluent and thus
pathogens into the soil and groundwater) and to avoid violation of federal law.
Aerobic Treatment Unit Pumps Inspect the aerobic aeration pump monthly when you're checking the disinfectant
tablets. If the pump motor is making a strange noise (or worse, has stopped working) you need repair service promptly.
If your aerobic system uses a timer for pump control, make sure that device is working and has power before attacking
a pump that's "not working".
Protect from Insect Damage In some areas (such as parts of Texas) insects can damage the aerator system and void your warranty.
Dulworth Septic Systems in Texas recommends putting ant poison around the aerator compartment.
Protect from Vehicle Damage Do not drive over the septic system nor any of its components - you may damage or destroy the
system. Keep grass mowed to avoid blocking or jamming components or interfering with evaporation from the absorption system.
Aerobic Treatment Maintenance Contracts Use and maintain an aerobic treatment unit maintenance service if you are not able to reliably and properly care for your system.
Studies (West Virginia) demonstrated that a high failure rate for aerobic treatment systems was due to lack of proper maintenance.
Watch out: Check the safety of the septic system access covers: to prevent someone, adult or child, from falling into the septic tank, the covers of all of the tank's access ports must be securely fixed such that they cannot be opened by children.
At SEPTIC TANK ACCIDENT REPORTS we report decades of very serious events where septic system covers have not been secure. Adelaide Hills Council, Australia
Using an Aerobic System to Extend the Life of a Drainfield
An aerobic system might be retrofitted
to a conventional septic system in an attempt to extend the life of a conventional drainfield. Also, adding aeration or oxygen to a
septic system may boost aerobic bacterial action in the biomat, improving the drainfield function.
But it's not quite that simple.
We would look closely at any proposals
to make this "improvement" to a conventional septic system. One reader wrote that their installer wanted to simply install an aerator
in the original one-compartment septic tank.
Our opinion was that unless a settlement chamber or tank outlet filter were installed the
result of aeration and agitation in the primary single-chamber septic tank would be to push suspended solids out into the drain field where it would
be clogged quite rapidly.
While there are a number of interesting pre-packaged advanced wastewater treatment systems on the market, a web search
(in 2005 and again in 2006) does not turn up much on installation, operating, or repair costs.
The manufacturers argue that
each site is unique so installation costs vary. OPINION: we suspect that as with any costly but necessary product, some vendors just don't
want to give the bad news up front.
When we collect more explicit septic system failure and maintenance cost data we will post it at this website.
Aerobic Treatment Unit ATU Maintenance Tasks & Schedule Chart
Below we quote an adapted version of Clearstream Wastewater System Inc.s List of Aerobic Treatment Unit ATU Maintenance Requirements & Schedule, rearranged to list items in order of frequency.
Clearstream & Other Aerobic Septic System ATU Maintenance Schedule, Tasks, & Costs [1]
or as recommended by the manufacturer's service manual [3]
Check surge control weir
Every 6 months
Varies by state.
Florida:$200./yr maintenance + $50./yr permit
Texas: $200 - $600./ year
Free from the manufacturer for the first two years of operation [2].
Clean aerator filters
Every 6 months to 2 years
In our OPINION, new ATU owners should first perform maintenance on the earliest recommended schedule.
Depending on observations made at that time and provided that system usage level does not change, you may be able to extend out the service interval to longer periods.
Break up clarifier scum
Every 6 months to 2 years
Clean aeration diffuser
Pump sludge from aeration tank
Every 2 - 5 years
$250.+./ per pumpout;
Some readers report pumpout required every 6-months.
Australia government recommends tank pumpout every 4 years or more often depending on the permit's specifications.
Pump sludge from trash trap
Every 2 - 5 years
$535. ?
Reported by FL reader to clear clogs & system backup
Repair or replace aerator
Every 2 - 10 years
$350. - $750. + labor, depending on pump model & components
Additional aerobic septic system steps & costs
Check, replenish, install disinfectant tablets or chemical
Aerobic Septic Systems Installation, Operation, & Maintenance Manuals
[1] Clearstream ATU website, retrieved 3/21/2013, original source: . The company includes this important ATU maintenance notice:
[2] For the first two years form the date of purchase, your local installer, from whom you purchased your Clearstream System, will inspect your system on a routine basis for operational problems.
Service on Clearstream electrical and mechanical components will be performed at no charge, if such components are found to be defective. After the termination of the guaranteed service period, your local installer will make available a service policy for a nominal fee.
[3] Costs for ATU maintenance tasks are gleaned from reader email and a survey of septic maintenance company websites performed through September 2015.
CLEARSTREAM AEROBIC SEPTIC SYSTEM OWNERS MANUAL [PDF] Models 500NS - 1500N Owners Manual, Parts List, Flow Diagram, Installation Instructions, Design Drawings, Specifications, Service Policy, Warranty, Clearstream Systems, retrieved 2018/03/13, original source:
NESC, AEROBIC TREATMENT UNITS: An Alternative Septic System [PDF]. Pipelines, Vol. 16 No. 3 2005, NESC, West Virginia University, retrieved 2018/03/13, original source:
Excerpt: Aerobic systems treat wastewater
using natural processes that
require oxygen. Bacteria that
thrive in oxygen-rich environments
break down and digest the
wastewater inside the aerobic
treatment unit as they are suspended
in the liquid.
Oklahoma DEQ, AEROBIC SEWAGE TREATMENT SYSTEM MANUAL [PDF], Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 1677 Oklahoma City, OK 73101-1677 USA Tel:(405) retrieved 2018/03/13, original source:
Common Reader Question: Yellow air pump warning light on for aerobic septic system.
(May 30, 2015) Jay Rennie said:
Yellow air pump warning light on for aerobic septic system. The pump is pumping air.
How do you check/clean (unclog) the diffuser aeration line and diffuser? (3 tank system, with above ground aeration pump)
Moderator reply: response to aerobic system alarm lights or sounds
The yellow light on your aerobic septic system control means that there is a problem with the aeration system - just as you suspect.
A red light on the aerobic septic system is a high-water alarm that's critical since it means that either an outlet is blocked or an effluent pump is failing, leading to a sewage backup.
You may also hear an audible alarm on your aerobic controlbox, usually a shrieking whistle or a buzz.
Details of just what to do to fix the problem causing the aerobic septic alarm to sound are found
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[2] Clearstream Wastewater Systems, Inc. , 4899 US Hwy 69 South, Lumberton, Texas 77657, Tel: 800-586-3656, Website: Quoting the company's warranty retrieved 3/21/2013: The Clearstream System has a two-year limited warranty against defects in material and workmanship from the date of purchase. The system and/or its components will be repaired or replaced with new or rebuilt equals to the original equipment, if all installation, operation and maintenance instructions of the manufacturer have been adhered to.
[3] "Maintenance of aerobic wastewater systems", Wastewater Management, Public Health SA System, 1st Floor, Citi Centre Building, 11 Hindmarsh Sq., Adelaide SA 5000, PO BOx 6, Adelaide SA 5000, Email:, Web: health-index.htm [copy on file as Aerobic_Septic_Maintenance-Australia.pdf]
"International Private Sewage Disposal Code," 1995, BOCA-708-799-2300, ICBO-310-699-0541, SBCCI 205-591-1853, available from those code associations.
"Manual of Policy, Procedures, and Guidelines for Onsite Sewage Systems," Ontario Reg. 374/81, Part VII of the Environmental
Protection Act (Canada), ISBN 0-7743-7303-2, Ministry of the Environment,135 St. Clair Ave. West, Toronto Ontario M4V 1P5 Canada $24. CDN.
Manual of Septic Tank Practice, US Public Health Service's 1959.
In addition to citations & references found in this article, see the research citations given at the end of the related articles found at our suggested
Carson, Dunlop & Associates Ltd., 120 Carlton Street Suite 407, Toronto ON M5A 4K2. Tel: (416) 964-9415 1-800-268-7070 Email: Alan Carson is a past president of ASHI, the American Society of Home Inspectors.
Carson Dunlop Associates provides extensive home inspection education and report writing material. In gratitude we provide links to tsome Carson Dunlop Associates products and services.