Electrical Panel Age:
How to determine the age of a residential electrical service panel by noting information on its data tag and serial number (if present).
We give load center age decoders for various popular electrical panels and load centers including Square D and GE and we refer to additional articles that can help determine the age of an electrical panel by noting clues giving the age of the building and its electrical wiring or other components.
This article series includes links to other methods to determine the age of a building or this equipment and it explains how to estimate the electrical service size, ampacity rating, (or "electrical power" or "service amps") at a building by visual examination of the electrical service panel, main switch, and other details.
In this article series we describe how to recognize different vintages, ages, types of electrical panels and how to find the components that define the ampacity rating of the service equipment.
InspectAPedia tolerates no conflicts of interest. We have no relationship with advertisers, products, or services discussed at this website.
- Daniel Friedman, Publisher/Editor/Author - See WHO ARE WE?
We look for an electrical panel brand, model & data tag (usually paper) or embossed rating (on fuse pull outs) on the panel itself which often includes the amperage
rating of the panel.
Watch out: opening or removing the cover from an electrical panel is dangerous: do not touch wires or components inside of an electrical panel or load center without proper training and protective measures. You could be shocked or killed.
For example, home inspectors or electrical inspectors who touch electrical wires or move them in order to better read the data tag are performing a dangerous act.
This information is usually present in newer panels on a panel side, or on the panel cover.
This data tag or one of multiple tags usually found inside the electrical panel door or cover but sometimes also found inside the electrical panel enclosure itself, perhaps on the interior surface of a the load center or panel side typically provides several categories of information including
The electrical panel serial number or load center serial number, if present, can usually be decoded to indicate the month and year of manufacture of the electrical panel, using a panel age decoding scheme that varies by manufacturer.
Below are some panel or load center age decoders and guides for popular electrical panel brands.
Contact us (page top or bottom CONTACT link) if you can provide additional electric panel age examples, photos, or age-decoders.
When we cannot directly decode a product's serial number into its date of manufacture and thus its age, all is not lost.
We can use surrounding contextual information to put a time window around the product to make a reasonable guess at its age.
So tell us / and note for yourself:
Tell me the age of this Amalgamated Electricsal Corp. Panel
Can anyone tell me the age of this electrical panel by Amalgamated electrical Corp Ltd?
Thank you On 2020-07-14 by Lolly
Amalgamated Electric Corporation or AEC took its name from the "amalgamation" or co-joining of assets of three companies during the Great Depression when in 1929 the new corporation took up the assets of a Toronto machine tool company: W.H. Banfield & Sons Ltd. and two other firms.
In 1955 AEC was purchased by GE Limited (an English corporation) and its name changed to Canadian General Electric or CGE but, I think, AEC continued to produce electrical equipment under the AEC brand.
Watch out: in 1982 AEC's assets and production were sold to Federal Pioneer of Canada, maker of the FP panel brand whose hazards we discuss
FP, originally Pioneer Electric Limited formed in Manitoba in 1946 became FPE-Pioneer Electric Limited effective in 1964, re-naming to Federal Pioneer Limited in 1972 and incorporated in Canada in 1978; In 1990 Federal Pioneer was purchased by Schneider Canada Inc.
I'd need to see a photo of the panel bus an breaker details to know which version of panel is yours, but if you're not an electrician, for safety you should leave that task to an electrician as pulling the cover can, in the worst case, result in fire, shock, injury, or death.
But do pursue the question of whether this panel includes the unsafe FPE / FP Stab-Lok breaker design.
See also See FPE STAB-LOK HISTORY where we include FP / Federal Pioneer / Federal NoArk historical dates.
Shown here, a Bryant Electric Co. panelboard label. When this panelboard, installed in a U.S. home built in 1956 and bearing issue No. 9186. It is likely that this is original equipment, dating the panel to the mid 1950s, but we lack sufficient contextual data from our reader to know that for certain.
The last possible date for panels labeled as Bryant Electric Co., Bridgeport, Conn., USA is probably 1988.
Bryant Electric Co. was a Bridgeport CT company. Bryant Electric was founded in that city by Waldo Calvin Bryant in 1888 where the company of Waldo and seven employees produced electrical components including, according to Wikipedia, the first "push-pull electric switch".
Bryant Electric was sold to Westinghouse Electric in 1901 but the company continued to operate under the Bryant name and brand as a Westinghouse subsidiary.
In 1912 Bryant Electric was billed as the world's largest producer of "wiring devices". It appears (the history of Bryant Electric is incomplete) that the company continued to operate under the Bryant name and continued to grow into the 1940s or later.
By 1946 the company had grown from its original seven to over 1,600 employees, still operating in Bridgeport Connecticut.
The company's operations in Bridgeport ended when Westinghouse closed the Bryant Electric Plant in 1988, moving its production to non-unionized factories in North Carolina, Puerto Rico, and the Dominican Republic.
The remains of Bryant Electric were sold to Hubbell Inc., in 1991 and the Bryant Electric Bridgeport factory was demolished in 1996.
Bryant circuit breakers (Westinghouse) may be identified by product labeling, such as shown on the blue-toggle-switched tandem BR1515 circuit breaker in these illustration (as sold by Amazon in June 2021)
As is found on several other circuit breaker manufacturers, the toggle switches on the breakers may be black, blue (15A by convention) or red (20A by convention) shown above as a quartet of four of these circuit breakers as listed for sale at an online vendor, s-selectricalsupply.com in June 2021.
Watch out: double check your specific circuit breaker model before relying on any circuit breaker substitution chart, as breaker models and features vary substantially within individual breaker brands.
Shown below: the bus-connector found at the under-side of a Bryant BD2020 - Westinghouse Tandem 20A circuit breaker.
More-recent Bryant molded case circuit breakers such as the BR250 are thermal-magnetic type units that can fit in Bryant, Eaton, Cutler Hamme, and Westinghouse Brands using the BR-series breaker.
The photo below, courtesy of Wikipedia cited below, shows the bryant Electric Co. workers in 1894.
FPE electrical equipment has been sold in North America from the late 1940's to the present if we include the continued sale of Federal Pioneer brand panels in Canada and "replacement" FPE type circuit breakers by some independent suppliers.
Watch out:
These panels, including their currently-sold versions and replacement breakers do not meet the safety and performance of most electrical panels sold under most other brands. See FPE Stab-Lok® : FIRES WAITING TO HAPPEN
FPE STAB-LOK HISTORY - History of Federal Pacific Electric Stab-Lok® ® Electrical Panels & CIrcuit Breakers - 1950 to present
FPE - FEDERAL PACIFIC STAB-LOK ELECTRIC PANELS discusses these latent safety hazards in homes and provides a very detailed history of this product
On 2019-01-26 - by (mod) -
Sarah, unless you find evidence of an earlier electrical panel the Federal Electric panel to which the label in your photo was attached is probably original.
See details
and also see
for a detailed listing of historic dates involving FP FE and FPE - all the same product
Watch out: as you will read in that article series, your Federal Electric panel is unsafe, unreliable, may not trip off breakers in response to an overcurrent, and should be replaced.
On 2019-01-26 by Sara
Can anyone help me figure out the age of this Federal Electric breaker box? I am trying to retrace the history of my 1940 home and figure out when the AC 240v outlets were installed. I've attached a photo. Thank you for any help you can offer.
IMAGE LOST by older version of Clark Van Oyen’s useful Comments code - now fixed. Please re-post the image if you can. Sorry. Mod.
GE Electrical panel age determination:
IF your U.S.-made electrical panel data tags include a GE serial number (as do GE appliances), made up of two letters followed by six numeric digits, then you can translate a GE serial number to month and year of manufacture using the following procedure followed by GE based on a twelve-year cycle.
The GE data tag shown here is for a refrigerator, not an electrical panel.
The ZR in the serial number decodes to December, 2008.
GE serial number: first alphabetic character = month of manufacture, in this order:
A - January, D - February, F - March,
G - April, H - May, L - June, M - July,
R - August, S - September, T - October,
V - November, Z - December
GE serial number: second alphabetic character = year of manufacture, in the order shown in the table below
GE Electrical Panel Year of Manufacture |
2nd Alphabetic Character | Year |
G | 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016 |
H | 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017 |
L | 1982, 1994, 2006 2018 |
M | 1983, 1995, 2007 2019 |
R | 1984, 1996, 2008 2020 |
S | 1985, 1997, 2009 2021 |
T | 1986, 1998, 2010 |
V | 1987, 1999, 2011 |
Z | 1988, 2000, 2012 |
A | 1989, 2001, 2013 |
D | 1990, 2002, 2014 |
I am hoping to learn the age and model of this GE panel. I am guessing the serial number is the number on the lower left of the label. Thank you! - KG 2021/05/14
@KG, is this the original panel? How old is the building?
I am not sure if it's the original panel. The house was built in 1974. Not sure if it'll help, but I am attaching a photo of the inside, which is missing the dead front.
1974 is a reasonable guess for that panel age. The label tells us that this is a 125A rated main electrical panel.
Watch out: missing deadfront panel covers risks fire and shock or even death: anyone might open that outer electrical panel cover, especially as the panel is located outdoors adjacent to the electrical meter. Touching a live connection inside would shock and might kill that person.
Some of the panel specifications are still legible on the door label but unfortunately the model number has been lost.
Photo: General Electric GE circuit breaker switches in a 1936 home, compliments of Raleigh home inspector Steve Smallman. Mr. Smallman's contact information is atReferences or Citations .
Below: Stab-Lok Federal NoArk circuit breakers in a 1960s GE electrical panel.
Shown here: a General Electric Federal NoArk 100A electrical panel, probably consistent with the 1964 GE - FPE citation
On 2020-06-22 by Sherill
What is the age of my GE electric panel?
There is a pre-1950 date code system, a 1950-1955 date code system, and a 1956 and later date code system.
Example: for a Square D product containing the date code HA065 and estimated (perhaps based on building age) as between 1950 and 1955, the date code translates into Month, Year and Operator Number as H = August, A = 1953 and Operator No. 065.
All of these decode alphabetic and numeric date codes providing detail for later electrical panels that adds to day, month, year of electrical load center manufacture also the operator number and shift.
The Square D Safety Switch label shown above provides an example of this date code system, where H25W0652 decodes to Month, Day of Month, Year, Operator Number & Shift according to a table given in this PDF file.
However as you'll read below, for older Square-D electrical panels, both fuse panels and circuit breaker panels this decoder may not be sufficient.
Also see these publications from Square D
Hello, my engineering team stumbled across this panel during a facilities assessment for the city.
The serial number does not seem to match any format used by Square D that I could find. Any information about the possible age of this panel would be greatly appreciated.
- 2021/07/01 Sam
[Click to enlarge any image]
Nice "antique" Square-D panel.
You may not have noticed our SQUARE-D PANEL AGE inspectapedia.com/electric/Electrical-Panel-Age.php#SquareD notes above on this page
Your Dallas TX-made Square D panel looks similar to the 1940's era equipment we discuss here. The data tag serial number C 480498 hints at a possible production year of 1948.
I'd be less embarrassed if I knew the age of the building where this panel was observed.
The earliest we can place Square D equipment that would "Texas" on the panel data tag would be Square D's operations that began in Houston Texas in 1929; so a Square D Dallas Texas data tag is sure to be after that date.
If your panel includes residential-type circuit breakers that look as old as the panel and if they are marked with a Square D logo that dates them at the earliest to 1935 when Square D began manufacturing their own residential circuit breakers.
Other Square D equipment boundary dates:
1951 - Square D first circuit breaker panelboard
1955 - Square DO QO-type 3/4" wide circuit breakers produced
(Do post more photos showing us the breakers and if the panel is opened, the bus design).
Please also see on this same page
and post a follow-up comment with that information to help us see what else we can say about the panel in your photo.
For other readers who may be looking at Square D data tags in older electrical panels, in addition to the company's original Detroit Michigan factory, and Texas (mentioned above), Square D also had manufacturing facilities in
North Carolina
South Carolina
Thanks for asking.
Hi, trying to determine the age of this old Square D panel. Not sure if the panelboard number identifies the age or not? Any assistance is greatly appreciated. - 2021/06/11
By general appearance that panel looks like something from the early 1930s to late 1940s.
It could be newer but in any event, it's not likely to be much older because we didn't see wide use of thermal magnetic circuit breakers (first patented in 1924 and named on your panel's data tag) until the mid to late 1920s.
Square D electrical panels have a long history in the U.S. dating from 1902, and the company's first use of the Square-enclosed "D" logo dates from about 1917.
When we cannot directly decode a product's serial number into its date of manufacture and thus its age, all is not lost.
We use ELECTRICAL PANEL AGE GUESS BY BUILDING CONTEXT information that is outlined for you at that link.
More history of the Square D Electrical Panel company
The history of thermal-magnetic type of circuit breaker design, not unique to Square D nor its current host owner Schneider Electric, helps set some boundary dates o the age of electrical equipment.
First let's explain how a thermal-magnetic circuit breaker works.
Circuit breakers are designed to turn off the electrical circuit in response to over-current in order to avoid a fire.
Thermal-magnetic circuit breakers have two trip-mechanisms:
Excess current draw on an electrical circuit occurs when some condition causes more current to be drawn than is safe for the circuit wires to carry. If we exceed the circuit's design current capacity then the circuit wire overheats. That high temperature can cause damage ranging from deterioration of the electrical wire insulation to an actual building fire if the wire ignites nearby combustible material.
For example a 15-Amp rated electrical circuit, normally wired using #14 copper wire is rated to carry a maximum continuous current load of 15-amps. If you connect two 10-amp-drawing electric devices (for example two large electric heaters each drawing 10-Amps) when they are both on at once the circuit is overloaded and would be unsafe.
Just how unsafe and how quickly the circuit is overheated and unsafe depends on the total current load, wiring materials, surrounding building materials, and other conditions. But we can offer two simplified hazard examples:
There is a short circuit that immediately draws very high electrical current in fractions of a second. This type of fault is detected, and the breaker is turned off, by its magnetic element with out delay.
The circuit is overloaded by just a bit, say 16 Amps of current drawn by devices connected to it. This condition causes the wire to get more and more hot over a longer period of time. This type of fault is detected, and the breaker is turned off after a longer period of time as a bimetallic strip in the breaker deforms with heat, acts as a spring, and trips the breaker OFF.
Using a bimetallic strip to provide slower breaker trip-off at lower over-currents is useful to avoid nuisance tripping of the circuit breaker, for example as otherwise might happen during brief overcurrents as an electric motor starts.
The earliest records of thermal-magnetic breakers date in the U.S. from the 1920s.
One of the earliest examples of this design is in an 1879 design (and possibly U.S. patent) by Thomas Edison, using fuses rather than the more complex electro-mechanical parts found in later circuit breakers. In Britain Edison registered his patent in 1881. See also our discussion of Edison and Swan devices at
The combination of thermal-magnetic devices in a circuit breaker is credited to y an electrical engineer, Hugo Stotz who sold his design to Brown, Boveri Cie who in turn patented his invention in 1924.
Trying to understand the load on this panel. It’s an old Square D switch and fuse cabinet. See image…The information is worn and illegible. - Tony, 2021/05/29
I may not understand what you're actually asking but the load on an electric panel would be expressed in amps or current which would in turn be determined by whatever the panel is powering.
If you're asking about the AMPS rating of the Square D panel, that would be determined by the data on the panel and when that's legible, what's left for you is to go by the main breaker or fuse size and wiring sizes.
Yes, that is essentially my question. The four round fuses can be seen in the image below, there are two 20 Amp and two 30 Amp fuses. Should the answer then be that this cabinet is rated for 100 amps?
More likely that's a 30 - 60 Amp panel - the pull-out fuse block fuses are ONE of the determinants of the panel ampacity.
The correct determinants (as a panel might be over-fused) are discussed at at one of the Recommended Articles at the end of this page
Please take a look at ELECTRIC PANEL AMPACITY
for a more-complete explanation than I should try to re-create here .
Watch out: check those fuse ratings against the wire sizes; some of those circuits may be over-fused: a fire hazard.
Zinsco electrical equipment was sold in the U.S. from 1935 to 1984.
Details are now found
Watch out: Zinsco brand panels, including their currently-sold versions and replacement breakers do not meet the safety and performance of most electrical panels sold under most other brands.
Below you will find questions and answers previously posted on this page at its page bottom reader comment box.
On 2023-06-26 by JOSE BURGUILLOS - Edad de este panel board Square D Numero CB7065-2
Por favor facha panel board square d company detroit michigan panel nro. Cb7065-2
For other readers, Jose asked:
Please face panel board square d company detroit michigan panel no. Cb7065-2
And we replied:
I’m glad you gave the number on your panel as I am unable to read any of the numbers in your photo.
More about decoding the age of a Square D panel can be found above on this page in the section titled:
Square D Electrical Panel Age Decoder
There you will find the link to
SQUARE D ELECTRIC PANEL AGE DECODER [PDF] Date Code System for Square D Class 110 electrical panels
Since I don’t know the age of your building, I can’t say which of the methods would work for you. As I read them, depending on your building’s age, your number would decode as follows:
Pre 1950 - March 1929
1950-55 - March 1954
1956 or later - March 1972 or 1993
Take a look and see what you think.
On 2023-06-26 by InspectApedia DF (mod)
Me alegro de que haya dado el número en su panel ya que no puedo leer ninguno de los números en su foto.
Puede encontrar más información sobre cómo descifrar la edad de un panel Square D arriba en esta página en la sección titulada:
Decodificador de edad del panel eléctrico Square D
Allí encontrará el enlace a
DECODIFICADOR DE EDAD DE PANELES ELÉCTRICOS SQUARE D [PDF] Sistema de código de fecha para paneles eléctricos Square D Clase 110
Como no sé la edad de su edificio, no puedo decir cuál de los métodos funcionaría para usted. Mientras los leo, dependiendo de la edad de su edificio, su número se decodificaría de la siguiente manera:
Antes de 1950 - marzo de 1929
1950-55 - marzo de 1954
1956 o posterior - marzo de 1972 o 1993
Eche un vistazo y vea lo que piensa.
Importante y Cuidado: esa panel board esta peligroso.
Favor de leer
Federal Pacific Electric (FPE Stab-Lok® ®) era una marca de paneles eléctricos ampliamente distribuida en los Estados Unidos y bajo la marca Federal Pioneer, también en Canadá se sigue vendiendo un producto muy similar. Durante años, las anécdotas y los informes de campo sobre los peligros y defectos de FPE Stab-Lok® ® se han discutido en conferencias profesionales y ocasionalmente en los medios de comunicación.
Se han reportado informes de campo de retiros del mercado, fabricación y etiquetado deficientes e incluso fraudulentos, incendios domésticos y lesiones atribuidas a este producto. Las pruebas independientes confirman que los interruptores automáticos Stab-Lok® ® de FPE no se disparan, a veces hasta en un 70-80 por ciento de las veces. No hemos encontrado datos que indiquen que los interruptores automáticos de otros fabricantes fallan en algún lugar cercano a esta alta tasa
Con 3000 interruptores tipo FPE probados hasta la fecha (2018), la certeza estadística de las conclusiones extraídas de los datos es muy alta. Estos interruptores tienen una tasa significativamente alta de fallas para funcionar de manera segura.
por otros
Warning: this FPE electrical panel is unsafe and should be replaced. That's more important than its age.
Please read
Federal Pacific Electric (FPE Stab-Lok® ®) was a widely-distributed electrical panel brand throughout the United States and under the Federal Pioneer brand, also in Canada very similar product continues to be sold. For years, anecdotes and field reports about FPE Stab-Lok® ® hazards and defects have been discussed at professional conferences and occasionally in the media.
Field reports of recalls, poor and even fraudulent manufacturing & labeling, house fires,and injuries have been reported attributed to this product. Independent testing confirms that FPE Stab-Lok® ® circuit breakers fail to trip, at times as much as 70-80 percent of the time. We have found no data indicating that circuit breakers from other manufacturers fail at anywhere near this high rate
With 3,000 FPE type breakers tested to date (2018) the statistical certainty of conclusions drawn from the data is very high. These breakers have a significantly high rate of failure to perform safely.
On 2023-06-23 by Barbara Van Gundy - What can you tell me about this HomeLIne Load Center panel label?
On 2023-06-23 by InspectApedia Publisher - Square D electrical panel label
@Barbara Van Gundy,
Thanks for the Square D electrical panel label photo.
From the label alone I can't give the year of manufacture with confidence.
But you might call Square-D and give them that catalog number ??OM612L100RB Series 1 Load Center, rainproof, type 3R Enclosure, 100A main, 1 phase, 3 wire service, and note the numbers at lower right on the label [73] 4070-202-04
At the very least the company (Schneider Electric) can tell you the first year that that product was sold.
Square D gives one telephone number for Tech Support: 888-778-2733
Or this chat page se.com/us/en/work/support/
On 2023-06-19 by Dud hines - Need inside cover for a 1974 electrical panel
I need that 1974 inside cover for that breaker panel how can I get it 125A
On 2023-06-19 by InspectApedia Publisher
@Dud hines,
I'd identify the electrical panel brand and then contact the manufacturer. There are also a few suppliers of panel replacement parts that can work in a retrofit such as Eaton Cutler Hammer.
Before spending much on a 1974 electrical panel you might look at its condition and size as a candidate for replacement.
On 2023-06-16 by Chad.G - Identify this electrical panel - see the yellow and orange UL label B462183
Hello, I am trying to identify this electrical box for me to be able to determine the max bus load hopping it’s a 125AMP not a 100amp .
No label of course because of its age .
On 2023-06-18 by InspectApedia Publisher - just from the UL label we can't give the electrical panel's ampacity
Sorry but just from the UL label we can't say a thing about the electrical panel's ampacity.
For detailed help in figuring out the answer to your question, see ELECTRIC PANEL AMPACITY
And let me know how successful that is - or post more photos and questions there.
On 2023-05-24 by Fostina Andrews - What year is UL Electrical Panel Label Issue P2753?
Is a year associated with Underwriters Laboratories Electric Circuit Box Listed Issue number P2753, please?
On 2023-05-24 by InspectApedia DF (mod) - contextual clues can sometimes help us make a reasonable guess at the age of the panel
@Fostina Andrews,
It would be helpful if you can find a serial number on the electrical panel 's product label.
Take a photo all of the labels you can find and post them here and we can research your panel further. (One photo per comment but as many comments as you want.)
In researching information about an electrical panel ,we'd really benefit if you can tell us manufacturer, model number, or serial number, as well as
Where is the building where the panel is installed: country/city?
What is the building age?
Barring any additional information from labels, tags, or imprints on the panel itself, please take a look at the section above on this page
These contextual clues can sometimes help us make a reasonable guess at the age of the panel.No not directly - see this explanation of
UL MARKS FOR NORTH AMERICA [PDF] Underwriters Laboratories, original source: marks [dot] ul [dot] com/about/ul-listing-and-classification-marks/appearance-and-significance/marks-for-north-america/
copy at
On 2023-03-28 by john Betka - GE FH 483858 enclosed outdoor panelboard, where Can I find detail info on this panel,
GE FH 483858 enclosed outdoor panelboard, where Can I find detail info on this panel, ABB and GE no help
On 2023-03-28 by InspectApedia Editor - look at internal labels giving specifications to learn about GE electrical panel
@john Betka,
You are asking about the tall narrow panel adjacent to your electrical meter - let me know if I've misunderstood.
Each GE electrical panel, at least from the factory, includes internal labels giving specifications for the panel such as its intended wiring arrangement, its rated ampacity load, voltage allowed (usually 240VAC), and often a serial number and other details.
An electrical panel cover that is hinged and that can be opened without exposing electrical wiring and connections is intended to be able to be opened safely by the consumer.
Photo all of the labels you can find and post them here and we can research your panel further.
In researching information about an electrical panel we really benefit if you tell us more than just a photo or model number;
Where is the building where the panel is installed: country/city?
What is the building age?
If you can't remove a panel cover without removing screws OR if bare electrical wire ends or connection terminals are exposed, watch out: touching anything in such a panel is likely to shock or even kill you. Don't do that.
About the GE FH electrical panel in your photo:
IF GE used the "FH" in the panel model name as is a modern standard, "FH" tells us that this panel has a high electrical circuit interrupt (trip) rating.
Example of breaker trip ratings:
FC high interrupting circuit breakers are 65k rated
FH high-interrupting breakers are 25k rated,
FI or IF high interrupting circuit breakers are the highest, rated at 200k.I should have explained that in addition to a reference to "FH" circuit breakers that include models designated as "high interrupting", FH breakers simply describes a "Flange Handle" circuit breaker design.
An FH or Flange Handle breaker simply refers to the breaker's operating mechanism: what sort of handle is used to operate or turn the breaker on and off.
Below we include a chart of types of circuit breaker operating mechanisms that includes FH or Flange Handle circuit breakers.
- excerpted from ABB's Catalog of SACE Tmax XT UL/CSA Low voltage molded case circuit-breakers UL489 and CSA C22.2 Standards [PDF] - copy at
As you can read in this GE document from 1924 and that includes a description of the GE FH 203 breaker, FH rated circuit breakers have been around for a long time.
On 2023-03-10 by Kurtis - What's the Ampacity of this Walker Brand Combi Breaker-Fuse Electrical Panel?
Came across this on a job yesterday. Not sure if we can set EQ on the property due to this and the large amperage our stuff uses
On 2023-03-11 by InspectApedia Editor - Walker electric fuse panel door cover label
Our view is a bit limited, but a look at the Walker electric fuse panel door cover label shows that this is a 60A fuse panel. It also looks as if some fuse pull-outs are missing.
I don't know what you mean by "set EQ on the property" - and would be grateful for an explanation.
On 2023-02-07 by Theodore Kazmar
My main electrical panel has not name that I can see. It does have a small sticker that states: Class CTL, Service B, 211842. I would like to know what amperage this panel is.
On 2023-02-07 by InspectApedia Publisher
@Theodore Kazmar,
Please help us try to help you by posting (one image per comment) photos of any data tags or stickers on your electrical panel as well as of the panel and its circuit breakers themselves.
On 2023-01-12 by Steve - GE Meter Socket Load Center - can't find more information
I have a GE meter socket load center - the main breaker is in a separate compartment above the meter, the mains feed in from a panel under the meter, and in the panel to the right of the meter is all the breakers. The house was built in the early 1970s but I can't find any information on the panel. The decal says
Cat. No.
Surface Type/TM2020MU Mod. 2
Semi-Flush Type/TM2020MUF Mod. 2
And at the bottom it says NP245914-28 but I can't figure out what any of this might mean. I'm looking to install a generator inlet, but I'm assuming since the main breaker is separate from the rest of the breakers it would make an interlock impossible.
Probably would have to be a full panel replacement since PG&E won't let us use a GenerLink,
On 2023-01-12 by InspectApedia Publisher - General Electric load center panel
Usually an auxiliary or backup generator interlock kit handles just some of the subordinate circuits in the breaker panel, not the main switch. But honestly we have so little data about your wiring that I must acknowledge that mine is a very general remark.On 2023-01-12 by Steve
@InspectApedia Publisher, Thanks - yes this is the one and only main panel. We don't have any subpanel or critical load panel so any generator would require disabling a few breakers.
Funny enough though, in the instructional video for PG&E's generlink-like device (Backup Power Transfer Meter) they demo it on the exact same panel that I have. I feel like that might be the best solution if I can get my hands on one but you have to be in a high fire risk area currently to receive one.
On 2023-01-12 by InspectApedia Publisher
The main breaker has to be there and has to be readily and quickly accessible in any case - as you might want to read about "the Rule of Six"On 2023-01-12 by Steve
@InspectApedia Publisher, Thanks - I appreciate the replies and the wealth of information that this site provides
On 2022-12-08 by Ramon - What's the Max Bus Amperage Rating for this main service panel?
Was wondering if someone could help identify the Max Bus Amperage rating for this MSP. I searched all over the internet and was unable to find the manual for it.
House built in 1963, unsure if it's the original panel. - San Jose Ca
On 2022-12-08 by InspectApedia (Editor)
Let's look at each of the panel labels.
On 2022-12-06 by Janet - Bryant electrical panel in a 1977 mobile home: how old is the panel?
We live in yucca Valley California and our mobile home was built in 1977. We have a Bryant electrical panel board and we've been trying to determine it's age as we need to add a 15 amp one pole circuit breaker and we're trying to find the correct one that will work.
It's hard to read the number at the bottom it looks like it's a B-489 is that close enough to determine age of panel board and could you help with that?
On 2022-12-06 by InspectApedia (Editor) - Bryant electrical panel model number
We've described
That's as close as we can get to decoding a Bryant electrical panel model number.
If there is no evidence that the Bryant panel in your home replaced an earlier electrical panel, then it's likely to be original and thus dates from 1977.
On 2022-09-13 by Anonymous by private email (mod) - Looking for electrical panel date
Anonymous asked (by private email)
Hoping to find out panel date.
On 2022-09-13 by InspectApedia-911 (mod) - GE panel date info is on this page
@Anonymous by private email,
Sure: above on this page at GE GENERAL ELECTRIC PANEL AGE
we answer the question of how to tell the age of your GE Panel - you'll see that all you need is the panel serial number. On your GE electrical panel I think that's the number at lower left
On 2022-09-08 by A Carrillo - I cannot identify ampacity, or manufacturer, for this electric panel.
I cannot identify ampacity, or manufacturer, for this panel. I need this info for a solar installation. Please help! I'll follow up with more pics
inside and outside
On 2022-09-08 by InspectApedia-911 (mod) - how do I identify ampacity?
I can't make out what's the ampacity of that lower double pole breaker; the upper one is 70A.
As the panel's ampacity is really limited by the smallest capacity of all of its components, for this case I'd look for the size of that feeder wire pair coming off of the electric meter.
and determining the panel ampacity is explained at
Then to look at wire sizes to get Amps, see
Watch out: do not touch anything or put tools into the panel - those live wire ends can kill you in a flash.
On 2022-08-11 by James - what can you tell me about this electrical panel?
Hi can you tell me anything about my panel?
On 2022-09-08 by InspectApedia-911 (mod) - replace unsafe rusty electrical panel and breakers
@ Lee, photo is too blurry to see much, but
Watch out: that white deposit over many of the circuit breakers and what looks like rust in the panel bottom tell me that this panel has been wet - its circuit breakers may not trip when they should - so the panel is unsafe and needs replacement.
On 2022-06-25 by Lee - Need deadfront cover for 1980s electrical panel
Missing deadfront panel cover: can you point me to a website to buy a deadfront cover? The house was built in 1980, and I moved in a few years ago, but never realized it was missing until my solar installer pointed it out.
On 2022-06-25 by InspectApedia (Editor) (mod) - missing Crouse Hinds panel cover
I've see Crouse Hinds electrical panel covers for sale on eBay and also some Square D or Eaton Cutler Hammer Covers may fit. Take some careful measurements to compare with products being offered.On 2022-06-26 by Lee
@InspectApedia (Editor), Will look into it, many thanks for the prompt response!
On 2022-06-23 by Amber - How do I figure out the age of my electrical panel?
Hello, I am looking to get help on how I would figure out the age of my panel.
On 2022-06-23 by InspectApedia-911 (mod)
I think that's a GE or ITE or PowerMark brand panel but you might be able to find a logo on it and some other data tax that would be helpful. Then take a look at the top of this page where we give instructions on best ways to guess at your electrical panel's age. You'll also see a link specifically for GE panels.On 2022-06-23 by Amber - PowerMark MB2412, 125A 120/240V ACCA CG.
@InspectApedia-911, Thanks! One tag says PowerMark MB2412, 125A 120/240V ACCA CG.
I have read some of the above information however I am not seeing any 8 digit serial number, the only stickers on it are the ones visible in the pic.
On 2022-06-23 by InspectApedia-911 (mod) - GE PowerMark electrical panel Identification
OK so that label confirms that this is a GE PowerMark electrical panel.
Among my suggestions given at the top of this page, and suitable when we don't have more data on a specific electrical panel's age nor patent numbers or others that we can decode, is
ELECTRICAL PANEL AGE from CONTEXT CLUES - answer these questions to permit a reasonable guess at electrical panel age
and also we provide more details at
Please take a look and let me know where that suggests to you for the age of your own GE Powermark electrical panel and that MB412 and other character strings.On 2022-06-23 by Amber
On 2022-05-22 by Larry W D - Help with wiring diagram for an older Square D electrical panel
I have an old or oldish Square D Main Panel cannot find little info on wiring or box . I found a piece of paper still sticking to inside of frame that had - catalog number cqo - 8 rb series l1 on it , no diagrams or anything else . here is a pic . Any help with wiring diagrams would be appreciated . Just curious
On 2022-05-22 by InspectApedia-911 (mod) - old Square D main panel wiring
@Larry W D,
With the apology that I'm inspecting through a pinhole so I have to say all of this is just a guess, it looks as if your 60 amp Square D panel is being fed from the meter up into that bottom 60 amp double pole circuit breaker.Above it is a 50 amp breaker that could be powering for example an old electric range circuit. It's of course likely to be considered obsolete if it is the main electrical service for a modern home.
On 2022-02-05 by Ryan - What is the age of this GE Power Mark electrical panel?
I would like to know the age of my electrical panel. The only visible sticker with numbers has the model number. There are no stickers left on the removable panel. If you can’t read it in the picture, the sticker above the main breaker says Power Mark.
It has a GE symbol with the letters CGE under it. It also says MB 3212, 125A, 120/240V, and a small AC over CA. The house was built in Saskatchewan, Canada in 1954. Any help would be great, thanks!
On 2022-02-05 by Inspectapedia Com Moderator (mod)
That electrical panel is certainly newer than the 1950s when your home was built, perhaps dating from the 1980s or later. It would be helpful if you would look for a serial number on the panel label.
For at least some GE electrical panels you can decode the serial number to read the panel manufacture date.
GE electrical panel serial numbers
are in the formaldehyde
MY indicate month, year
On 2022-02-05 by Inspectapedia Com Moderator (mod)
VU = 1961, WV = 1962,
XW = 1963, YX = 1964,
AY = 1965, BZ = 1966,
CA = 1967, DB = 1968
Newer panels
A = 2013, 2001, 1989, 1977, 1944
B = 1945
C = 1946
D = 2014, 2002, 1990, 1978, 1947
E = 1969, 1948
F = 2015, 2003, 1991, 1979, 1949
G = 2016, 2004, 1992, 1980, 1950
H = 2017, 2005, 1993, 1981, 1951
J = 1952
K = 1953
L = 2018, 2006, 1994, 1982, 1970, 1954
M = 2019, 2007, 1995, 1983, 1971, 1955
N = 1972, 1956
P = 1973, 1957
R = 2020, 2008, 1996, 1984, 1972, 1958
S = 2021, 2009, 1997, 1984, 1973, 1959
T = 2010, 1998, 1986, 1974, 1960
V = 2011, 1999, 1987, 1975
Z = 2012, 2000, 1988, 1976On 2022-02-05 by Ryan
@Inspectapedia Com Moderator, Where would I look for the panel label? Thanks!
On 2022-02-06 by Inspectapedia Com Moderator (mod)
Usually on the inside of the door. Keep in mind that you can sometimes date components in your home also from surrounding Clues and contextual data such as records of Remodeling and Repair or dates on service tags or dates on components attached to the main society. The other day that you can give that will often let us break at the age of something are patent numbers
Is this a 125A 1970s electrical panel?
We're working on adding a battery to our solar and the installer asked what size our main panel is. We think our service is 125A and has been since the house was built in the early 70s.
The main breaker is 100A, but the only label left on the box is the one attached, but aside from the second word of the company seeming to be "Laboratories" I can't make much from it.
I think I've figured out that the label is the UL approval label, which might or might not be of any help. I've attached an image of the whole box, but don't see any branding on it. Thanks for any thoughts! - On 2021-08-20 by David Cardinal -
Reply by inspectapedia.com.moderator - how to find ampacity level
@David Cardinal,
I see that main breaker that determines the maximum that the mains can switch on or off in Amps, but I can't read the amperage markings on the toggle. Take a closer look.
where we explain how to find the service ampacity level.Followup by David Cardinal
@inspectapedia.com.moderator, I should have said. The rating on the main breaker is 100A, but as you mention wasn't obvious from the photo. -- David
1963? GE Load Center electrical panel age
What is the age of this GE Load Center, Type TX2020, Serial NP245770-11?
Installed in a single family house built in 1963. A lot of the electrical cables running into the panel are not Romex, but some sort of NM flat sheathed cable labelled Hatflex, the 14-2 cables are in blue colored sheath, bare ground appears to be 16 gauge instead of 14. Sheath is made from some sort of rubberized braided fabric.
Metal junction boxes attached to studs for receptacles have no hole for a grounding screw.
Ground wires are wrapped around the cable clamp screws and spliced by a wire nut located just outside of the junction box. I don't know if this complied with code when it was done.
Obviously does not comply now. On 2021-07-15 by Ben -
Reply by inspectapedia.com.moderator - contextual clues can help in determining age
I cannot say for certain but from the general appearance of the label and your description it's likely that this is the original electrical panel in the home.
More advice on guessing the panel age is in the page above.
In particular see on this same page
Loss of power in a trailer home
My daughter lives in a house trailer we upgraded the outlets to GFCI in the bathrooms and kitchen area. At random times she loses power to half of her house. No breakers are tripped and no resets need pushed on the GFCI. Confused. - On 2020-04-20 by Tony -
Reply by (mod) - random times she loses power to half of her house
I suspect a loose connection possibly at one of the wiring plugs connecting the left and right halves of the house. Or perhaps a wiring error. Unfortunately I can't diagnose this by e text, you need an on-site electrician.
@InspectApedia Publisher, Thanks - I appreciate the replies and the wealth of information that this site provides - On 2023-01-12 by Steve
Great write ups and photos. The only thing I would have added are approx date of the equipment and when the inspection was done. - On 2019-09-05 - by (mod) - Reader comment by private email:
Alan Bown
Certified IAEI Electrical Inspector
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