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Clogged galvanized steel piping (C) Carson Dunlop AssociatesBad Water Pressure Diagnostic FAQs

Q&A about weak or lost water pressure #3

Water pressure problem diagnostic FAQs set 3:

This set of well pump & bad water pressure diagnosis & repair questions or water pressure FAQs help to diagnose poor water pressure or total loss of water pressure.

This article series explains how and why to distinguish among intermittent water pressure loss, total water pressure loss, and poor water pressure or flow in a building. We give diagnostic and repair procedures for both municipal water supply problems and well water supply problems.

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- Daniel Friedman, Publisher/Editor/Author - See WHO ARE WE?

Bad Water Pressure or No Water Flow FAQs

One Line Jet Pump (C) Daniel FriedmanThese questions & answers on troubleshooting water pressure and flow problems were posted originally

at WATER PRESSURE LOSS DIAGNOSIS & REPAIR - home - where we list each cause of water pressure problems and link to detailed diagnosis and repair steps for each of those.

If you have no water pressure at all, see NO WATER PRESSURE

On 2016-08-07 by (mod) - changing the water pressure gauge won't change the water pressure nor pump operation

Unfortunately, changing the gauge won't affect how the pump works.

Changing a bad switch will fix a no-water problem IF the switch wasn't turning on the pump when it should.

But here the pump turns on, you see 60 psi, then at the CUT OFF pressure the pump turns off as it should, then you lose pressure.

To me this sounds like a bad foot valve, check valve, or a leak in well piping, conspiring to also cause loss of prime.

On 2016-08-07 by John

I have a residential well pump system and everything was working fine then without any notice, the system lost all pressure to the point where no water comes out. I changed the pressure gauge and switch thinking that would solve the problem but it did is what is happening....the pressure switch comes on and turn on the pump....

.the pressure gauge fill up to 60 psi and the the pressure switch turns off the pump, once the pump turns off all the pressure comes out of the gauge. Once the psi falls below 30 psi the pressure switch comes on 1 time put the pressure never gets over 30 psi before the pressure drops to zero.

The only time the pressure gauge gets back to 60 psi is when i turn off the power to the system and turn it back on. The pressure on the bladder is at 28 psi. So do know what the problem.

On 2016-07-31 by (mod) - cause of sticking points in well pump control

Loose wire, short circuit, damaged or burned contact points, corrosion lost power in one side of the electrical panel

I would replace the pressure control switch.

On 2016-07-31 6 by Anonymous

my points on my well one side is working the other is not.what would cause that

On 2016-07-21 15:07:59.622722 by (mod) -


Just a guess, but it's pretty common to run in to this when we add a more powerful pump to an existing, low-flow-rate well. The amount of water available to your pump is not the 85 ft. well - but the combination of the actual depth of water inside the well that the pump can reach (since water doesn't come to the top of the ground nor the pump reach the very bottom of the well, PLUS the well flow rate - at which water runs into the well while you're taking water out.

An older slower-pumping pump may not have exceeded the flow rate, while the newer one does.
Also FYI the flow rate is not a constant number - it often diminishes over pumping time as you exhaust the water in the rock immediately around the well.

SO, you are probably running the well dry. Ask your installer about adding a pump protection switch and/or a well tailpiece that will at least protect from running the pump dry - which will ruin it.

Search InspectApedia for these article names to read details: WELL WATER QUANTITY, WELL STATIC HEAD, WELL FLOW RATE, HOW to INCREASE WELL WATER QUANTITY

On 2016-07-21 13:50:10.852732 by Lwquin

Just put down a new well pump. When we changed pumps, we increased it from 1/2 horse to 1 horse because it is 85 ft. deep.( recommend by the well man ). We have had this well over 10 yrs. never had great pressure but always had water. Now our water runs for about 1 hour then looses pressure, down to a trickle. My tank seems to be holding pressure at 40/60. What is going on?

On 2016-06-22 20:23:17.591573 by (mod) -

Look for clogs in the system starting by pulling off those sink faucet aerators

On 2016-06-22 17:14:06.634467 by Mike

I have a well system with bladder tank. Recently experience low pressure at faucets. Pump runs and gauges shows normal where do I start.

On 2016-05-30 22:25:57.568188 by (mod) -

2 psi below the cut-in pressure. You can find that by running water and watching the gauge to see the psi when the pump turns on.

On 2016-05-30 22:12:33.271423 by

I have a deep well pump,I lost some pressure and i don't know what the presure.low kick on and high pressure.kick off my tank has a valve to add air pressure what should that be? The pump runs more than noormal,and the pressure fluxuates.

On 2016-05-30 21:37:49.387090 by (mod) -


Indeed leaky water mains can waste an enormous amount of water, undermine streets, roads, sidewalks, and possibly reduce water supply or pressure into homes. You don't identify the community but it sounds as if funding is needed for more extensive water main replacement.

On 2016-05-28 08:08:43.842271 by Sakiusa Matai

I have been noticing that the water mains buried below the roads are constantly leaking and water breaking through the road surface and in some cases, it has been in the same location over and over again. Repairs are done where the road is dug down to approximately 2 meters, pipe replaced and after a week the same happens.
Can someone help?

On 2016-05-19 11:47:56.711620 by Jennifer in Georgia

We have to wait for the water to come out of the faucet and then it doesnt last very long. Once we have water we have pressure and then it dies off til there is no water at all again and we have to wait for the water to come back. Help?

On 2016-04-30 19:17:39.826061 by (mod) -

Sounds as if you are exceeding the flow rate of the well and the pump protection switch is shutting off the unit.

On 2016-04-30 14:45:23.788768 by Jeff in Ocala

Water to house is fine. If I run two hoses outside the pump will lose power or prime and just stop, almost as though power is cut. Turn spigots off wait a couple minutes pressure switch comes back on and builds pressure. Help?

On 2016-04-30 11:47:40.040322 by Chris

Last night when the lightning struck are water pressure went down I called the water company and they said they are working on it with everybody not just my house what could the problem be

On 2016-04-30 01:22:01.803385 by Peter

When I water the lawn I turn on the sprinkler, it performs fine, then in a short period of time (minutes) the pressure starts dropping and decreases until the sprinkler is hardly covering any area. It will finally reach its minimum and perform at that level for the duration of watering. Faucets in the house barely dribble when this occurs. Pressure returns to normal shortly after turning the sprinkler off.

On 2016-04-15 14:33:27.559247 by (mod) -

Charles: it is possible that the flow rate into your well has diminished, though usually that happens gradually over time rather than in a single event. The fact that the pump can pump up to pressure makes me think the pump itself is ok.

If your pump system has a low-water or low-flow circuit or device that protects the pump (search for PUMP PROTECTION SWITCH) the device may be turning off the pump to protect it from the damage that will occur if the pump runs "dry"

On 2016-04-15 11:16:17.960194 by Charles Watson

I have a borehole. Last night my water stopped flowing. I switched off the pump and drained whatever water was left in the tank. The pressure was sitting at 1 bar. After 10 minutes I switched the pump back on and water rushed back into the tank and the pressure went to 4,5bar. As water flowed and the pressure dropped to 3,1bar the pump came on automatically. Then after 20 minutes and a few pump cycles for some reason the water stopped. I repeated the procedure above and the water came back again and everything followed the same pattern. I have repeated this pattern 6 times now. What do I do

On 2016-03-19 20:45:27.593164 by (mod) -


I suspect an inadequate repair, remaining leaks not found and fixed, or debris clogging in the line, OR a pump damaged by running dry.

On 2016-03-18 23:58:28.824755 by (mod) -

Mrs. Chut: try removing the sink faucet strainer; if pressure is good, clean or replace the strainer.

On 2016-03-18 20:30:57.986139 by Darryl

Have over 1000 feet of water line to get to my house. Line was broke halfway to house after repairs were made water pressure has been low

On 2016-03-18 05:47:48.703350 by mrs.chuttoo

I m staying ground floor, and the pump is fixed just behind my kitchn. the pressure of the water is ok in all the points except in the kitchen sink

On 2016-03-03 18:09:04.692002 by (mod) -

From your note I suspect a water hammer problem though other pressure surges can also open the relief valve (in addition to over temperature of course)

On 2016-03-03 18:05:40.127344 by Nick Wellenstein

Its the water heater pressure relief valve that blows. It did it on the old water heater as well.
how do I know if the leak is the fitting or the pressure tank? It drips from the connection.

On 2016-03-03 17:51:31.648529 by (mod) -


In addition to a leaky pressure tank that needs repair (if it's a fitting) or replacement (if the leak is in the tank itself or if its bladder has failed), do you think your well may be suffering a low flow rate?

What pressure relief is blowing? At the water tank? If so check for water hammer (search for WATER HAMMER) and watch the pressure gauge to confirm that your pump is not delivering over pressure (that is unsafe).

On 2016-03-01 19:25:23.741128 by Nick Wellenstein

water goes off and doesnt come back on right away even when pressure tank seems to have water in it. there is a steady leak from the bottom of the pressure tank where the pump is connected. could this leak be causing my system to run dry? also my pressure relief valve keeps blowing on the water heater for a minute at a time every day.

On 2016-02-10 14:18:59.821591 by (mod) -

Problems may be no water in the supply tank, a pipe leak, a damaged pump, low voltage, a defective check valve, a slipping belt, or a full overhead tank.

On 2016-02-10 12:10:54.844366 by kutub i motorwala

I extract water from u/g tank to overhead tank.My pump does not suck water with full pressure.pump-set is a belt operated pump. pump + motor. What could be the problem

On 2016-01-26 23:11:43.945544 by Tennille

New house up a hill..had a water pressure pump installed...worked good for a month..Then one morning no water...Pump valve broke and burnt it out.. Our water comes from the local water system...Live out in the country so water lines were put in... No water lines broke or froze...So now I got a cast iron shallow well jet pump 1 hp 21 gpm and a 20 gallon wel...Got water in the house now after a week but water is dirty and no hot water

On 2016-01-19 01:42:30.147248 by (mod) -

I suspect a clog in the control head or less likely need for media replacement

On 2016-01-18 21:34:38.835594 by Robert Gilmartin

The water preasure is good when the conditioner is bypassed.When the unit is working or connected the preasure reduces.

On 2016-01-01 07:14:36.691409 by (mod) -

As you have cold water flow rhe pRoblem is most likely at the water heater not the pump. Search for NO HOT WATER to read about diagnosis a d repair. Keep me posted.

On 2016-01-01 06:00:59.304538 by Sally

This morning we noticed that our hot water downstairs wasn't running as usual. The cold water is running well upstairs but no hot water upstairs. My husband hasn't been keeping the pump house warm with a heat lamp like he has in the past. Not too long ago we lost water pressure down ad upstairs but were able to remedy the uroblem by adding air to the pressure tank. Now what?

On 2015-11-14 00:26:56.550464 by (mod) -

Holy cow. No water .. sounds like a failed pump or control, perhaps caused by short cycling caused a waterlogged water tank. But the last comment on water entry is something ekse, a leaky well pipe or surface runoff following wiring. The risk is death from electric shock.

On 2015-11-14 00:15:51.436087 by Mr J

Hello, my well pump was replaced a 2 years ago. In recent months air has been coming through anytime a faucet is on for a few minutes, then it will revert back to water. Just 2 days ago I had no water. I shut breaker off/on water came through but pump stopped at 20lbs(much lower than usual). Once that water is used pump does not go back on. I turn breaker off/on many times, nothing. Again after a period of time turn off/on get the exact same event as above(20lbs). Now water started coming through the hole in wall where wiring is. I had to shut the breaker to stop the flow, yet the pump did not turn on. Pressure had already dropped to zero in house before water came through wall. Should I dig up the line from house to well before calling someone? Thanks

On 2015-11-10 18:30:26.656531 by (mod) -

Thanks, we agree. A quick diagnostic is to remove the cartridge and check water flow before installing a new filter. Readers should also check other obvious clog points such as faucet strainers.

On 2015-11-10 18:28:22.949306 by Michael T Robinson

Whole house water filters can cause low water pressure. if it gets too much sediment, it can lower water pressure.
This can happen even if you have just changed your water filter. For example, a line break can fill the water with sediment, which when it hits the filter clogs it immediately.
This happened to me. If you have low water pressure and a whole-house water filter, check the filter and see if it looks brown. If so, replace the water filter and check the pressure at faucets.

On 2015-10-04 13:38:10.355441 by Anonymous

Help! our well water pressure is very low, hot water is coming out of our cold water spickets and water hose!

On 2015-09-21 22:44:27.129266 by (mod) -

Sounds as if either the pump control is not working or the well is out of water.

On 2015-09-21 22:13:43.680892 by Renee

Washing is being used then you flush the toilet. Then you go to the kitchen to make water to wash dishes. Then someone goes to use the toilet about 10 minutes later. Now you have no water coming into the home. Why?

On 2015-09-15 04:41:54.025387 by Dyan

I also wanted to mention, that when the filter is flushed, the water flow and pressure increase back to "normal" (which is still somewhat poor), but during peak usage, it runs down again. Flushing the filter seems to help temporarily. Is this a yield problem, or sediment issue, or both? Our Builder wants to try setting the pump level higher to avoid stirring up sediment, but I'm concerned about getting enough water at drought times. We live in Virginia, and this has been a pretty dry summer, although we've had good rain the past few weeks. Unfortunately our county does not insist on a minimum well flow rate to pass a house for inspection.

On 2015-09-15 04:34:19.404216 by Dyan

We have a new house built in June. Well was drilled in early June. The well yield rate is 3 gal per minute. We have a family of 9, and sometimes 11 when my parents stay with us. We use HE appliances (washer, dishwasher,etc), and do not water the lawn. We have a lot of sediment in the water (looks clear, but can be seen in coffee maker and small well filter needs flushed every few days or so). Problems we've encountered include very low water flow and pressure at times, especially during high usage (I.e., over a four hour period, hand washing dishes, two kids took showers, and another one showered in one bath while I bathed baby in another). The outside well hand pump generally has good flow, but when usage is high, it sputters and for decreases. At the house, even during normal times, pressure is low. Hose spigots are so low, we don't try to water the lawn. Well is over 350 feet deep. Any suggestions? Thanks!

On 2015-09-09 13:41:20.300439 by Anonymous

is it normal to have no water on the 2nd floor of the house if all the fixtures on the basement and the first level are on simutansly?

On 2015-08-15 15:13:57.222849 by (mod) -

Indeed it sounds as if the well prime is being lost - Also you may have a bad check valve or foot valve down at that tail piece that leaks, thus you are losing prime.

Search InspectApedia for "PRIME THE WELL USING A GARDEN HOSE" for an option that might help get you going.

I assume you mean that water is 36 feet from the top of the well - so it does not sound like a dry-well problem.

I also think you are referring to a "packer" well system - the term "pucker well" is not one I know about.

On 2015-08-15 06:49:23.636786 by itchyboi2014

i just drilled a 160 feet deep well. but after installing everything jet motor and piping, there is no water coming out from the well. i carefully check and recheck everything but no luck to bring water them the well. here is the details:

jet motor : SAER 1hp
type : single pipe pucker system
well deep: 160 FEET
water lever : 36 feet
well casing : 2 inch ( 60 feet)
pucker lever : 50 feet ( 1. 3/4 pipe)
tail pipe : 50 feet ( 1 inch pipe) + check valve on the tip

after priming and when i turn on the motor, the pressure is 40psi, but when i open the out put pipe, the pressure suddenly drop and no water coming out from the motor. i replaced the pucker 2 times but no luck to bring out water from my well.

please could any one help me or give me an idea how to fix it... i would really appreciate.
e-mail me if possible:

On 2015-08-11 17:59:00.936411 by (mod) -


A valve that is partly closed

A valve that was installed using too much solder - solder flowed into and blocked the valve or pipe

A valve whose design restricts water flow

Crud in the piping caused during the valve installation has clogged a sink strainer

On 2015-08-11 10:53:31.202084 by Anonymous

A shut off valve was installed under the sink and now the water pressure is very low. What would cause this?

On 2015-07-02 17:53:16.758080 by (mod) -


This sounds like a bad check valve at the pump or between the pressure tank and the source water tank.

On 2015-07-02 17:52:39.709830 by (mod) -


Be sure that the water pressure tank has a proper air pre-charge and that water is able to enter the tank. (If the tank does not get heavy when the pump runs no water is entering it).

On 2015-07-02 17:51:46.378150 by (mod) -

R James

You should be able to install a pressure tank and booster pump right in your loft. The installer needs to know how to perform both plumbing and electrical wiring tasks.

On 2015-07-02 17:21:22.147030 by Pat

I put in a new pressure tank and pump and was pumping from a large tank. Everything looked good for a day but now after the pump builds pressure it slowly runs back into the tank and then the pump turns back on (every minute or so) How come it used to hold pressure but now keeps backflowing into the tank?

On 2015-06-19 04:44:24.433280 by william

after replacing pressure switch and pressure tank that was bad submersible pump still short cycling

On 2015-06-18 18:35:36.494850 by RJames

I am on the top [fourth ] floor of a small block of flats.I have my own water tank in the loft.

The mains water is 0.4 of a bar - a local plumber says the area norm is 4 bars. There is no form of booster or pump after the mains enters the building at basement level. Is this a big job for the freeholder to do - I seem to get fobbed off with the comment that it is 'illegal' to put a pump on a mains water pipe. This seems ludicrous to me as many properties like apartment blocks and hotels are much larger and they can't all have this problem! Any comments?

On 2015-06-11 13:03:55.460890 by Anonymous

What would cause this?---- I have a well,a submersible pump,I have enough water supply for normal in home use. But when I keep water on for cerlong period of time.water stops completly.(filling my pool) I turn pump off ,wait awhile and water comes back.

On 2015-06-08 21:51:50.886180 by (mod) -

Sounds as if your water pressure is remaining low, perhaps because of low water flow into the well and a pump that can't get enough water to reach the cutoff pressure. Other causes are in the article and table given above.

On 2015-06-07 19:35:58.691500 by Anonymousii

I have well water coming out of my outside faucets in the yard but I have no water I've the house the pump sometimes runs and won't shut off and other times it doesn't run at all our electric bill is astinomical please help me!Thank you

On 2015-06-05 14:30:47.015910 by Anonymous

when you have well water,and there is no water should you shut everything from the power panel? like the hot water heater,and the well pump?

On 2015-05-26 13:56:10.495010 by terry wayne



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