On this page at RECOMMENDED ARTICLES we provide links to the key starting places to find procedures for well construction: how to drill a well or how to dig a "hand dug" well.
Immediately below we include some well construction details to avoid polluted well water.
Proper well construction and continued maintenance are keys to the safety of your water supply.
Your state water-well contractor licensing agency, local health department, or local water system professional can provide information on well construction.
Photo above: The well [well casing head, which in a modern well should be protruding above ground] should be located so rainwater flows away from it. Rainwater can pick up harmful bacteria and chemicals on the land's surface. If this water pools near your well, it can seep into it, potentially causing health problems.
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- Daniel Friedman, Publisher/Editor/Author - See WHO ARE WE?
Here we show first, three types of well locations and how surface water drains.
A second illustration (below) lists the distances from the well to guard against possible sources of pollution.
[Click to enlarge any image]
Don't assume that if your well is drilled in a spot with good surface drainage away from the casing top (the "good" example at left n the illustration .
Proper drainage at the surface helps assure that contaminated water won't leak into the well from below ground.
But that's not the whole story.
Underground features such as buried sloping rock can still direct contaminated water into a well below ground, particularly if there are leaks in the casing or if the contaminated water is reaching the aquifer that feeds the well.
To keep your well safe, you must be sure possible sources of contamination are not close by.
Experts suggest the well separation distances [shown in the illustration above] as a minimum for protection - farther is better.
See details of the recommended water well distances from just about every imaginable possible source of well contamination, found at
The graphic [at left] shows a good example of an animal-proof cap or seal and the casing of a well.
Protect your own well area from contaminants.
Many homeowners tend to forget the value of good maintenance until problems reach crisis levels. That can be expensive.
You should test your well water for basic contaminants. If none are found, you may begin to increase the frequency of well water testing from annual to a bit less often.
But if contaminants are found you'll need to find and fix the source of contamination if possible, and if not, then you'll need to add well water treatment such as a disinfection system.
It's better to maintain your well, find problems early, and correct them to protect your well's performance.
Keep up-to-date records of well installation and repairs plus pumping and water tests.
Such records can help spot changes and possible problems with your water system.
If you have problems, ask a local expert to check your well construction and maintenance records. He or she can see if your system is okay or needs work.
Also see FLOOD CONTAMINATED WELL RESTORE & PROTECT where we discuss the importance of protecting a well from polluted groundwater, of protecting groundwater from accidental pollution through open wells, and also how to return a well to operation and use after area flooding.
Water-well drillers and pump-well installers are listed in your local phone directory.
The contractor should be bonded and insured. Make certain your ground water contractor is registered or licensed in your state, if required.
If your state does not have a licensing/registration program contact the National Ground Water Association. or the Well Drillers Association - listed below/.They have a voluntary certification program for contractors. (In fact, some states use the Association's exams as their test for licensing.)
BSPs already published (board-approval date noted in parentheses)
Watch out: while the NWGA documents below are free to members they are remarkably expensive for non members - every one of the NWGA articles below is priced at $150.00 U.S. for non-members! As a no-cost alternative, live links we provide below are to free articles and PDF downloads from other expert sources - Ed.
See WATER TESTS for CONTAMINANTS - home as well as the water contaminant topics below.
There is no cost for mailing or faxing the list to you.
This text describes types of activities in your area that can create threats to your water supply. It also describes problems to look for and offers maintenance suggestions.
Initial Source: EPA 816-K-02-003 January 2002. Edits, content addition, & web page design
Editing and expansion for clarity have been done by InspectApedia.com.
Continue reading at SIX STEPS to WELL WATER SAFETY or select a topic from the closely-related articles below, or see the complete ARTICLE INDEX.
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