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Photograph of a Drager hand pump used to measure carbon dioxide levels in the environment.Sources of Methane gas, LP gas, natural gas uses

Methane Gas Sources, detection, hazards in & around buildings

This article describes possible sources of methane gas that may be found in or around buildings including methane gas coming from a water well, from a septic system or plumbing drain problem, from gas leaks, or other sources.

We discuss different methane gas sources in buildings and how each contributes methane gas, what the problem is, and how to find and fix that methane gas leak source. We link to in-depth articles about the testing, detection, hazards, and correction of methane gas and sewer gas hazards and their sources in buildings.

InspectAPedia tolerates no conflicts of interest. We have no relationship with advertisers, products, or services discussed at this website.

- Daniel Friedman, Publisher/Editor/Author - See WHO ARE WE?

Sources of Methane gas, LP gas, natural gas uses, sources, detection, hazards in & around buildings

Natural Gas & LP Gas fuels used in buildings or about Methane Gas (CH4) production from sewers, septic systems, or other sources in or around buildings

Watch out: we warn in all sewer or septic gas odor articles that because sewer gas contains methane gas (CH4) there is a risk of an explosion hazard or even fatal asphyxiation. Sewer gases also probably contain hydrogen sulfide gas (H2S) In addition some writers opine that there are possible health hazards from sewer gas exposure, such as a bacterial infection of the sinuses (which can occur due to any sinus irritation).

Depending on the sewer gas source and other factors such as humidity and building and weather conditions, mold spores may also be present in sewer gases


Question: what are the possible sources of methane gas in or around buildings?

I'm researching the possible sources of methane gas that might explain gas odors or leaks in or around buildings. Can you list the uses, properties, occurrence of and hazards of natural gas, LP gas, and methane gas that might be found in buildings. Can you refer me to LP, natural gas and methane gas information at InspectAPedia? - Anon.

Reply: Methane gas is widely used as a fuel in buildings and occurs in septic & sewer systems, in some wells, and in thawing permafrost

Sure. At InspectAPedia ou can find information on any of the gas topic names you list by using the search box found at the top or bottom of any InspectAPedia web page. It is worth noting that in addition to the widespread use of methane fuels as LP (liquid petroleum) gas or "bottled gas" and as piped in natural gas in buildings, there are a number of natural or manmade sources of methane gas (CH4) that might be detected in or around buildings, including the biological production of methane by methanogens in septic and sewer systems and the occurrence of methane gas in soils, water wells, and even in lakes, and streams.

And in December 2011 the New York Times reported on significant levels of methane gas escaping from thawing permafrost.[1]

Here are some direct referrals to articles discussing LP, natural gas, methane gas uses & sources & hazards at buildings:

Reader Question: help tracing methane gas in a home

8/19/14 Meredith said:

We need help tracing a methane situation in our home. Starting in April we noticed a periodic strange smell in our son's bedroom. After much trial and error, we got an inspector to come and do an air test. Methane level was found to be 3.8ppm, not explosive but higher than usual for indoor air. Now we can't figure out where the methane is coming from!

-Our gas system was pressure-tested, no leak.

-Neighbor who shares our wall (it is a townhouse) pressure-tested her system, no leak.

-Gas lines do not even run in the walls of the room.

-Smell is limited to that one room, nowhere else in the house, and not above or below that room.

-No plumbing near the room, therefore don't suspect sewer gas.

-Smell has a 'mercaptan' odor similar to, but not exactly the same, as the odor added to natural gas

-Smell is there only at certain times of day! Strongest in the afternoon (which happens to be when that room is warmest as the sun hits in the afternoon, but that may be a coincidence), nonexistent in morning, variable at night time.

-Air was also tested for VOCs, came back negative.

Reply: track down the odor source in case it's not methane: visual inspection, possible odor sources


Depending on just what testing was done, perhaps we should not be over-confident that we've really correctly identified the gas that makes the odor that you cite. Indeed most people are pretty good at spotting a mercaptan odor and indeed that's added to gas supplies for safety reasons.

But often odors are chemically complex, and many gas detectors and even some lab procedures may focus on methane and detect it and name it when in fact what's present is a more complex substance.

That's why your visual inspection and careful thinking make sense.

At ODORS GASES SMELLS, DIAGNOSIS & CURE we describe steps that might help you pinpoint the odor source, including keeping an odor log.

From your note my first guess would be a plastic building material such as siding, window, or window screen that off-gasses when heated by the sun.

Reader follow-up: Would the VOC test have detected any building materials offgassing?

Would the VOC test have detected any building materials offgassing? That test came back normal. But I see what you mean-- the methane could be a red herring, but the 3.8ppm level seemed usual to the inspector.

We had thought about the offgassing possibility before we got back the methane test.

The materials in the room are exactly the same as the materials in the other (non-smelling) bedroom which is right next door to it, shares a common wall, and also has the identical sun exposure. The house is brick, no siding.

We patch-tested the window and drywall (as per your recommendation), nothing. We've cut drywall open in several places and can't tell even which part of the room the smell is coming from-- it really fills the space.

We've removed all of the furniture, the cellular blind, the rug, etc. Checked outlets and light fixtures.

Obviously there is an explanation, but we are stymied. Who else can we call? The person we had out does specifically environmental testing. Is there another kind of specialist we can call in for help who might be familiar with solving these kinds of mysteries?

Reply: typical in-home VOC testing does not cover all gas or odor sources, may not include methane, and may not be sufficiently diagnostic

"VOC" is short for Volatile Organic Compound (such as mold odors). In buildings VOCs are emitted by building materials or contaminants such as a mold odor (Mold VOCs or MVOCs) from moldy carpets.

Methane is not a off-gassed by a building material

In the atmosphere in general we see about 2.2 ppm of methane (CH4).

Methane is a colourless gas. At low concentrations it is odourless, but it has a sweet smell at high concentrations. At mixtures more than about 5-15% in air, it is explosive.

It has a lifetime of around ten years because it is only very gradually destroyed by other chemicals in air. Methane is one of a group of chemicals known as the volatile organic compounds (VOCs). It is produced both naturally and from man's activities.
- SEPA cited below.

Depending on the methane source and exactly where and how your consultant measured, the methane results would vary.

For example, since it's lighter than air, with no mixing fans running in a room, if methane were present I'd expect it to be at higher concentrations near the ceiling.

[Propane on the other hand is heavier than air - this is why we place propane gas detectors low in a room and methane gas detectors high]. While we're on it, CO (carbon monoxide) is also slightly lighter than air and will generally mix in air throughout a room.]

If the test was methane specific then there is a methane source - but keep in mind that there are plenty of common sources of methane including organic garbage and human flatulence.

Methane (CH4), which is a specific VOC and a GHG [GreenHouse Gas] naturally present in air, is often considered apart from the other VOCs, which are referred to as NMVOCs (non-methane volatile organic compounds). - CITEPA cited below.

Methane Gas Action Level

The EPA, in studying methane levels in homes near landfills defined this action level:

Methane: > 1.25% volume in air (12,500 ppm). The LEL for methane is 5% and 25% of the LEL is 1.25% - that's how EPA got that number. - "Lower Darby Creek Area - Clearvierw Landfill Site, Final Indoor Ambient Air Monitoring and Assessment Plan, April 2010, U.S. EPA, Tetra Tech EM, Inc., TDD No. #43-028-10-01-001

A "VOC" test, depending on how it is conducted, can be sensitive to a wide range of volatile organic compounds but I don't rule out other gases or smells not included in such a test.

While VOCs are chemicals that contain hydrogen H and carbon C and that evaporate easily, Methane, though it is a greenhouse gas, is not properly a VOC. Or as more-commonly stated,

Definition of VOC

Any chemical compound based on carbon chains or rings (and also containing hydrogen) with a vapour pressure greater than 2mm of mercury (0.27 kPa) at 25 deg C, excluding methane. Also excluded from "VOCs" are CO, CO2, carbonic acid and carbonate salts. - USEPA, AP-42 1996

Keep in mind that not everything that you smell is a "VOC".

See the additional Research and More Reading suggestions below.

Research on Methane Gas Sources in or at Buildings




Reader Comments, Questions & Answers About The Article Above

Below you will find questions and answers previously posted on this page at its page bottom reader comment box.


On 2018-08-12 by Anonymous (no email)

Any chance you can connect me with the Melissa discussed here?

We are having the same off gassing problem in my daughters room and it is making us really nervous.


Sorry, Anon but no. Melissa chose to remain otherwise anonymous and did not share contact information.

However the article above suggests places to look by giving a series of more-detailed methane gas source diagnosis and repair articles.

The fact that you find the odor in only one room of your home is a helpful diagnostic. You can proceed then to relate that location to possible sources such as nearby plumbing, a dead animal in a wall, a spill, or some other odor source (it may not actually be methane).

To be clear, "Off-gassing" , the phrase you used, describes odors emitted by a substance or material, such as formaldehyde off-gassing from chipboard cabinets or some flooring products. You will not find methane off-gassing from a building product. Take a look again at the list of sources.

Understanding what a gas or odor *might* be and what it could *not* be can help track down the source.

At ODORS GASES SMELLS, DIAGNOSIS & CURE we describe steps that might help you pinpoint the odor source, including keeping an odor log. From your note my first guess would be a plastic building material such as siding, window, or window screen that off-gasses when heated by the sun.

Question: can an electric water heater produce methane gas?

Hello, I was reading your website about possible odors associated with systems in the home. Is it possible for an electric water heater to produce a methane gas? I have recently verified readings from a hot water line that had methane readings in the flammable ranges. Any input or information would be appreciated. Thanks, R.T.

Reply: an electric water heater does not naturally produce methane gas but there can be other methane gas sources in a building water supply and other odor sources in a water heater or in water supply

[OK so this is not a frequenly-asked-question about methane gas in buildings but it is a particularly interesting one that involves important safety hazards and an actual field report of a methane-gas in water-related building fire.- Ed.]

A competent onsite inspection by an expert usually finds additional clues that help accurately diagnose a problem with the water heater or with gas piping in the building, but none of these ought to involve methane induced into the water heater tank interior from the appliance or its fuel piping. And simply heating water does not innately produce methane gas.

An electric, or oil fired water heater does not produce methane gas (CH4). A gas fired water heater indeed uses a fuel gas that includes methane plus an odorant. However a gas-fired water heater might leak LP or natural gas into the air but as there is no under-water gas piping at a conventional water heater I'm doubtful that the fuel gas would be likely to leak directly into the water supply or hot water tank from the heater itself or its gas piping.

Watch out: in some public and private well water supplies methane gas from mining, natural gas drilling and removal from the earth, or other sources may result in high levels of methane gas entering well water.

How to distinguish between naturally occurring methane gas odors and LP or natural gas odors

It might be helpful to note that you can and should distinguish between LP gas or natural gas (perhaps by odors) and methane from more natural sources because LP and natural gas fuels contain an odorant additive with a distinctive smell (mercaptan).

Methane is a common ingredient in sewer gases, and it might also be found in some soils and even wells into which it may enter from either natural or manmade sources.

And there have been reports of methane entering the water supply from those sources, especially in areas where there has been mining, or more recently, gas exploration and drilling that disturbs soils and rock formations.

Watch out: If you do have methane gas in your water supply it could be dangerous, presenting a possible explosion hazard. But if methane is in your water supply, it ought to be present in both hot and cold water, though due to the temperature differences it might be more obvious in one than the other.

The gas test instrument described at GAS DETECTION INSTRUMENTS may help you track down gas odors.

You may also to take a look at METHANE & SEWER GAS HAZARDS

Properly identify the odor or gas you are observing

Are you sure you are smelling methane and not some other odor. For example a water heater with a bad sacrificial anode or a water heater whose tank and water contain certain (naturally occurring) bacteria can produce a sulphur smell.

See SULPHUR & SEWER GAS SMELL SOURCES for details. And for a review of odors occurring in the water supply to a building


We would much appreciate hearing any comments, critique, suggestions, or further questions that you may have after you've taken a look at that article. We are dedicated to making our information as accurate, complete, useful, and unbiased as possible: we very much welcome critique, questions, or content suggestions for our web articles. Working together and exchanging information makes us better informed than any individual can be working alone.

Please keep me posted on how things progress, and send along photos of yoru gas equipment if you have some, or any tests or reports you obtain if you can. Such added details can help us understand what's happening and often permit some useful further comment. What we both learn may help me help someone else.

More about water heaters and water heater odors is found at WATER HEATERS

and ELECTRIC WATER HEATERS and for checking the water heater sacrificial anode

also see Water Heater Anode & Dip Tube Check.

Also see ODORS GASES SMELLS, DIAGNOSIS & CURE for help in tracking down odor sources in buildings.

Follow-up discussion: details of detection of methane gas in an electric water heater

Thank you for the response. I should add that I am a firefighter and ran into this after a copper water line caused a flash fire in a room while the occupant was cutting the water line with a sawzall.

Any other ideas. Thanks - Ryan

Discussion: methane gas inside a water heater tank?

Your comment " I then traced this line to the water heater and found readings around 6000ppm." is the most critically diagnostic, I agree.

I'm looking for explanations of how we might get methane out of a water heater when methane is not in the water supply itself. (Earlier I warned about other gas production due to a corroding sacrificial anode or perhaps due to bacterial contamination). It might be possible to obtain methane by a biological process (methanogens, or the process of methanogenesis produce methane gas by the breakdown of organic materials) but I have not yet found a source that cites the types of bacteria that might be present in a water heater as a source of methaneogenesis. The Wikipedia entry on Methane clathrate is also interesting but seems even more remote.

Some comments questions might help sort things out - in no particular order except how I've thought of them:

Here are some avenues of further exploration of the question of how methane gas appeared in this building's water supply but only at one water heater, an electric unit

Noting the Wikipedia entry on methane hydrate ( the article notes that thermal recovery of methane is peformed using hot water (or steam) (in a natural gas well); Methane hydrate is decomposed by the hot water to form methane gas mixed in with hot water. But I can't see how methane hydrate would be formed inside of a hot water tank.

Working from the temporary assumption that your instrument really focuses specifically on CH4 and was not confused by anything else in the water heater (such as more likely hydrogen sulfide), I find this themochemistry lecture interesting. At ( the author gives a chemical reaction for the heat formation of methane C(s, graphite) + 2 H2(gas) = CH4(gas) - note the presence of that H2?

Until we talk with a chemist this is all very speculative, but I'm thinking along the lines of an older water heater with a bacterial H2S(hydrogen sulfide) or electrochemical (deteriorating sacrificial anode) source of hydrogen sulfude that somehow led to a reaction producing methane.

For example there may be organic contaminants in a water heater or water supply, or the presence of sulphur of sulfates in the water heater tank; Anerobic bacteria or possibly archaea methanogens found in a water heater tank may play a role in converting sulfates or H2S (hydrogen sulfide or sulfates in the water heater tank may be from a bacterial source or from deterioration of the the sacrificial anode) into various components including methane. we cannot be at all confident of this without more research.

I also wanted to read but from my location I can't load that page

Comments or suggestions from other readers are invited to help sort out this question: how and why would methane gas appear just in a single electric water heater at a building?

Methane Gas in Well Water - Evidence of possibly unsafe methane gas & gas drilling chemicals in water wells

In December 2011 the U.S. EPA reported on a study of the Pavillion gas fields in Wyoming that at least in some areas of natural gas drilling experts have found compelling evidence of the seepage of natural gas (as well as chemicals used in natural gas drilling and fracking procedures) into drinking water wells. Quoting from the New York Times:

The study, which was prompted by complaints from local residents about the smell and taste of their water, stressed that local conditions were unusual at the site, called the Pavillion field, in that the gas wells were far shallower than in many other drilling areas around the country. The shallow depth means that natural gas itself can seep upward naturally through the rock, and perhaps into aquifers.

But the suite of chemicals found in two test wells drilled at the site, the report said, could not be explained entirely by natural processes. The agency’s analysis of samples taken from deep monitoring wells in the aquifer indicated the presence of synthetic chemicals, like glycols and alcohols consistent with gas production and hydraulic fracturing fluids, benzene concentrations well above standards in the Federal Safe Drinking Water Act standards, and high methane levels. [4]

And from the US EPA "methane in drinking water wells" study itself, the agency found gas production chemicals well above [the "bad" or "undersirable" direction] Safe Drinking Water Act standards:

Two Deep Water Monitoring wells: EPA’s analysis of samples taken from the Agency’s deep monitoring wells in the aquifer indicates detection of synthetic chemicals, like glycols and alcohols consistent with gas production and hydraulic fracturing fluids, benzene concentrations well above Safe Drinking Water Act standards and high methane levels. Given the area’s complex geology and the proximity of drinking water wells to ground water contamination, EPA is concerned about the movement of contaminants within the aquifer and the safety of drinking water wells over time.

Findings in the Private and Public Drinking Water Wells: EPA also updated its sampling of Pavillion area drinking water wells. Chemicals detected in the most recent samples are consistent with those identified in earlier EPA samples and include methane, other petroleum hydrocarbons and other chemical compounds. The presence of these compounds is consistent with migration from areas of gas production.

Detections in drinking water wells are generally below established health and safety standards. In the fall of 2010, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry reviewed EPA’s data and recommended that affected well owners take several precautionary steps, including using alternate sources of water for drinking and cooking, and ventilation when showering. Those recommendations remain in place and Encana has been funding the provision of alternate water supplies. - U.S. EPA [5]

Question: distance from electric substation to wastewater treatment plant

(Mar 4, 2013) carlos w said:

Is there a minimum distance to keep from an electric substation when building a wastewater treatment plant?


Don't know Carlos, I'm looking for a standard. Meanwhile check with our local electric utility and building department.

Question: tracking down an odd methane gas source

Meredith said:

We need help tracing a methane situation in our home. Starting in April we noticed a periodic strange smell in our son's bedroom. After much trial and error, we got an inspector to come and do an air test. Methane level was found to be 3.8ppm, not explosive but higher than usual for indoor air. Now we can't figure out where the methane is coming from!

-Our gas system was pressure-tested, no leak.

-Neighbor who shares our wall (it is a townhouse) pressure-tested her system, no leak.

-Gas lines do not even run in the walls of the room.

-Smell is limited to that one room, nowhere else in the house, and not above or below that room.

-No plumbing near the room, therefore don't suspect sewer gas.

-Smell has a 'mercaptan' odor similar to, but not exactly the same, as the odor added to natural gas

-Smell is there only at certain times of day! Strongest in the afternoon (which happens to be when that room is warmest as the sun hits in the afternoon, but that may be a coincidence), nonexistent in morning, variable at night time.

-Air was also tested for VOCs, came back negative.



Depending on just what testing was done, perhaps we should not be over-confident that we've really correctly identified the gas that makes the odor that you cite. Indeed most people are pretty good at spotting a mercaptan odor and indeed that's added to gas supplies for safety reasons.

But often odors are chemically complex, and many gas detectors and even some lab procedures may focus on methane and detect it and name it when in fact what's present is a more complex substance.

That's why your visual inspection and careful thinking make sense.


we describe steps that might help you pinpoint the odor source, including keeping an odor log. From your note my first guess would be a plastic building material such as siding, window, or window screen that off-gasses when heated by the sun.


Continue reading  at GAS DETECTION INSTRUMENTS or select a topic from the closely-related articles below, or see the complete ARTICLE INDEX.

Or see




ODORS GASES SMELLS, DIAGNOSIS & CURE we describe steps that might help you pinpoint the odor source, including keeping an odor log.





Suggested citation for this web page

METHANE GAS SOURCES at - online encyclopedia of building & environmental inspection, testing, diagnosis, repair, & problem prevention advice.

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